MG 485 Module 1 In-Depth Questions - Check Your Knowledge & Assignment Questions

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SWOT Analysis

Contractor companies might determine which client projects to pursue by performing a quick _______. a. financial analysis b. SWOT analysis c. scoring model d. business case

1950s and 1960s

During these decades, techniques for planning and controlling schedules and costs were developed, primarily on huge aerospace and construction projects, and project management emerged as a formal discipline. a. 1880s and 1890s b. 1930s and 1940s c. 1950s and 1960s d. 1980s and 1990s

Aerospace and construction

Project management emerged as a formal discipline to be studied and practiced in the 1950s and 1960s, primarily in which types of projects/industries? a. Aerospace and construction b. Telecommunications c. Information technology d. Healthcare

Background —answers the question "Who?"

Typical project charter elements, paired with the questions that they answer, are listed below. Which of these is NOT correct? a. Background —answers the question "Who?" b. Resources—answers the question "How Much?" c. Scope overview—answers the question "What?" d. Milestone schedule—answers the question "When?"

Assumptions and constraints

Which of the information below would NOT be part of a milestone schedule? a. Stakeholder judge b. Assumptions and constraints c. Completion date d. Acceptance criteria

Scope management

Which of the ten knowledge areas in the PMBOK Guide 6e is defined as the "processes to ensure that the project includes all the work required, and only the work required?" a. Quality management b. Resource management c. Risk management d. Scope management

Value following a plan over response to change

Which of these is NOT one of the four core values of Agile set forth in the Agile Manifesto, published in 2001? a. Value customer collaboration more than negotiation. b. Value following a plan over response to change. c. Value individuals more than processes. d. Value working software more than documentation.

Provide a detailed blueprint to guide project execution.

Which of these is NOT one of the four purposes of a project charter? a. Help the project manager, sponsor, and team members develop a common understanding. b. Authorize the project manager to proceed. c. Quickly screen out obviously poor projects. d. Provide a detailed blueprint to guide project execution.

Portfolio management

The goal of _____________ is to achieve the maximum benefit toward the strategic goals of the company. a. program management b. portfolio management c. subproject management d. project management

Team charter

The project charter is a good tool for leaders to share a project vision and objectives and begin to create an environment that encourages team members to work collaboratively. Team roles and methods may be enumerated in a project charter or in an associated __________. a. mission statement b. stakeholder list c. resources needed estimate d. team charter


The project charter is formally presented to the ________ for approval. a. sponsor b. project management office (PMO) c. steering/leadership team d. project manager


The project charter reflects a common understanding and collaboration between the ________ and the project manager. a. team b. sponsor c. functional manager d. project management office (PMO)

Minimum acceptable result

The ratification of the project charter requires negotiation between the project manager and project sponsor. The textbook outlines a six-step process to serve as a guide to charter ratification. In step number two, the project manager is advised to understand the ________ from the negotiation. a. benefit/cost ratio (BCR) b. mandatory criteria c. minimum acceptable result d. payback period

Project life cycle

The series of predictable stages that a project goes through from its initiation to its closure are referred to as the ____________. a. project processes b. project schedule c. project life cycle d. project management plan


The term _________ is a broad label that describes the people and groups who can impact a project or might be impacted by either the work or the results of the project. a. business owners b. executive management c. stakeholders d. customers

Ability of the team to get started with project execution based on the details in the charter

A project charter helps everyone involved in the upcoming project to develop a common understanding of what the project entails. Once everyone has a common understanding of clear project goals, several additional benefits occur. Which of these would NOT be a benefit of creating a project charter? a. Advancement of teamwork b. Development of agreement, trust, and commitment among the sponsor, project manager, and team c. Decreased likelihood that the sponsor will change the original agreement unilaterally d. Ability of the team to get started with project execution based on the details in the charter

Agreement entered into freely by both parties

A project charter should be thought of as being similar to a contract. Which of these is one of the characteristics of a contract that would apply to a charter as well? a. Agreement entered into freely by both parties b. Can be changed arbitrarily by either party c. Provides something of value for one of the parties d. Once it is signed it cannot be changed

Improvement will be tracked

According to Tri-Health's decision matrix, there are a number of project conditions under which no project charter would be required. Other situations require either a mini charter or a full project charter. Under which of the conditions below would a mini charter be appropriate? a. No technology changes b. Improvement will be tracked c. Little complexity d. Involvement of 2-3 people for solution

The net present value of the project

After a scoring model has been used to select projects, key decision makers will prioritize them by determining which projects will be assigned resources and a start date. Which of these issues would NOT be a consideration for prioritizing projects? a. The final weighted score for the project b. The urgency of each project c. The net present value of the project d. The cost of delaying the expected benefit of the project


An organization's ______ is/are a one-sentence statement describing the clear and inspirational long-term, desired change or direction resulting from an organization or program's work. a. mission b. strategic analysis c. vision d. beliefs

Ribbon bar

As with other Microsoft Office applications, the ___________ along the top of the interface contains the controls (or access to controls) used to develop and manipulate your project data. a. File Tab b. Task Tab c. Ribbon Bar d. Format Tab


Executive management at Orion Enterprises was evaluating a number of projects to add to the company's portfolio. They began the process by assessing the larger environment in which the projects would be conducted. This included political, social, market, and environmental factors. Which of the PMBOK 7e domains was represented by these activities? a. Planning b. Uncertainty c. Stakeholders d. Development Approach

Payback period (PP)

Financial models are used as screening devices to qualify projects or even just to offer perspective; qualified projects then go through a selection process using a scoring model. Which of these financial models calculates how many years would be required to recover the initial project investment? a. Net present value (NPV) b. Internal rate of return (IRR) c. Benefit-cost ratio (BCR) d. Payback period (PP)


For a traditional project, milestones or major achievement stages are articulated in the project charter. However, Agile projects describe product releases, and the entire project is executed in ______. a. sprints b. milestones c. phases d. timebox


Organizations that use Agile methods often use ________ showing the functionality that will be developed in each release to consider upcoming work. a. portfolios b. programs c. projects and subprojects d. roadmaps

Detailed plans

Programs are distinct from projects and portfolios, viewed from a number of perspectives including scope, change, plan, monitor, success, and manage. Which of the answers below is NOT a characteristic of a program? a. Larger scope b. Detailed plans c. Significant benefits d. Detailed component plan


Several of the PMBOK 7e domains impact project selection. The PMBOK 7e takes an explicitly wide-frame view of the value projects provide not just to the project team and customers but also to the performing organization as a whole. Which of the domains below demonstrates this view? a. Team b. Development Approach c. Planning d. Stakeholders

Development Approach and Life Cycle Performance Domain

The PMBOK Guide 7e introduces eight performance domains, groups of critical, related, even overlapping activities needed on all projects. In which of the performance domains would the project manager and team do the work to choose whether the project will be conducted using a predictive, hybrid, or adaptive methodology? a. Stakeholder Performance Domain b. Development Approach and Life Cycle Performance Domain c. Planning Performance Domain d. Delivery Performance Domain

Embrace adaptability and resiliency

The Standard for Project Management ANSI/PMI 99-001-2021 describes the twelve principles that provide general guidance for behavior on projects. Which of the principles listed below is characterized by the team's use of change control, short feedback loops, continuous learning, transparent and engaged planning, and testing of ideas and approaches? a. Demonstrate leadership behaviors by creating a desired environment and leading with vision. b. Build quality into process and deliverables using conformance to acceptance criteria and fitness for use. c. Embrace adaptability and resiliency. d. Focus on value as understood by a successful outcome, solution to a need, or satisfaction of a business case.

Gantt Chart

The __________ is a commonly used tool to represent a project schedule. Project tasks are inputted into the table on the left-hand side of the view. Horizontal bars populate the right side to graphically represent each task against a calendar along the top of the view. a. Timeline b. Gantt Chart c. Zoom Slider d. Milestone Schedule


The charter should indicate the development approach to be taken. The development approach will largely depend on the project type and uncertainty associated with requirements. Which of these is NOT an example of a development approach? a. Hybrid b. Adaptive c. Roadmap d. Predictive

Scope overview and business case

The first draft of which two sections of the charter should be provided by the sponsor or leadership team? a. Milestone schedule with acceptance criteria b. Scope overview and business case c. Resources needed instructions d. Signatures and commitment instructions

Chartering question: When will it be done? Agile approach: defined set of schedule milestones

There are similarities and differences between the chartering process in an Agile environment versus a traditional plan-driven environment. Four typical questions answered in a project charter are shown below, along with the corresponding Agile approach to that chartering question. One of these answers is incorrect, as it does not reflect an Agile project approach. Pick the incorrect answer. a. Chartering question: Why do the project? Agile approach: vision statement b. Chartering question: How will outputs be judged? Agile approach: definition of done c. Chartering question: What is included? Agile approach: product roadmap d. Chartering question: When will it be done? Agile approach: defined set of schedule milestones

Functional managers

These individuals are department or division heads, and they are sometimes called resource managers. They are responsible for the ongoing business of the organization. a. Functional managers b. Facilitators Sponsors d. Project management office (PMO)

Product backlog

This Agile term used in project selection and prioritization represents a wish-list of things that may be created by the project team. a. Product backlog b. Product roadmap c. Product vision d. Epic

Requires large team of multiple departments for improvement

Tri-Health has developed both full and mini charters for large and small projects. Under which of the conditions below would they recommend that a full project charter be completed? a. Moderate impact on customer b. Approval by immediate supervisor c. Requires large team of multiple departments for improvement d. Moderate complexity; affects care delivery

Source selection

When preparing a project proposal, the contractor should understand the project's _______ criteria. a. financial b. source selection c. technical d. operational

doing Agile

When the values and principles of Agile influence a leader's thoughts and beliefs they are "being Agile." When they use the tools and metrics that spring from these values and principles, they are _____________.

Scrum master

Which of the managerial roles below would NOT be found in a traditional plan-driven project? a. Project manager b. Facilitator c. Functional manager d. Scrum master

Operating the assembly line in a factory on a day-to-day basis

Which of the situations described below would NOT lead to the creation of a new project? a. Customer request for an enhancement to a product b. Replacing obsolete physical facility c. Operating the assembly line in a factory on a day-to-day basis d. New law that requires regulatory compliance

Project managers have all of the power and authority for getting the project done.

Which of these does NOT describe the work of a project? a. Projects are temporary and unique. b. Project managers need certain "soft" and "hard" skills to be effective. c. Projects go through predictable stages referred to as a life cycle. d. Project managers have all of the power and authority for getting the project done.


Which of these is NOT one of the five project management process groups defined by the Project Management Institute in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge® (PMBOK Guide 6e)? a. Executing b. Managing c. Initiating d. Monitoring and Controlling

Project management plan

While the term project charter is a widely used standard, some organizations use other names. Which of the below would NOT be an alternative name for a project charter? a. Project preplanning form b. Project submission form c. Project request d. Project management plan


With the strategic analysis, mission, and vision in place, strategic objectives to achieve the mission and vision are developed. Organizations that embrace the triple bottom line in their guiding values will have objectives promoting each one of them, and projects that are selected will contribute toward each. Which of these is NOT part of an organization's triple bottom line? a. Profit b. People c. Processes d. Planet

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