MG62 Exam 3 (chapters 6, 7, 8, & 9)

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Which of the following factors influence whether the advantages or disadvantages of a diverse team are likely to emerge?

All of the choices are correct

When creating a document for shared distribution, it is better not to number the pages.


Traditions, routines, and predictability are favored by people with ____.

high uncertainty avoidance

Our assumptions about authority relations influence ____.

whether we can create effective boss-direct report relationships Correct! all of the choices are correct whether we feel we can trust ourselves whether we believe we can trust authority figures

The National Transportation Safety Board concluded that up to _____% of all plane crashes are caused by dysfunctional obedience to authority.


Implicit norms are generally dysfunctional.


Based on this chapter on teams in the textbook, which of the following does not help a team achieve synergy?


Trust in distributed teams is based, in part, on having work policies and processes that increase the predictability of work.


A clear, engaging team purpose can be a problem, as well as an advantage. The best example of this is _____.

a team that works solely on their department's goals, to the exclusion of helping other departments achieve their goals

Cognitive complexity enables leaders to _____.

adjust their leadership style to fit the situation

People from cultures that promote an independent view of the self are more likely to appreciate being singled out for praise.


People who are energizers in organizations tend to be higher performers


People with high multicultural competence tend to be high in cognitive complexity


Self-awareness can lessen your chances of blindly conforming to authority and going against your conscience.


Team members who feel psychologically safe in their teams are likely to take more risks.


In the Milgram experiments, approximately what percentage of the experiment subjects continued to "shock the learner" up to the maximum 450 volts?

approximately 65%

Diverse teams are more likely to have an advantage over relatively homogeneous teams when ______________.

both choices are correct

The textbook says that having "clear boundaries" is a characteristic of teams. "Clear boundaries" refers to _____________.

both choices are correct

Effective mentors help their proteges by providing ______.

both choices are correct instrumental and psychosocial

All of the following are boundary-spanning roles except _____.


We would be likely to get a situational cue from _____.

our prior knowledge of the social context, such as political agendas

Achievement-based cultures are likely to encourage more _____.


Which of the following is not a trend that benefits from the increased use of virtual teams?

Shift from knowledge work to production work

Implicit team norms can be dysfunctional because _____.

even when dysfunctional, implicit team norms are not discussed and thus the team cannot assess the impact of these norms on team effectiveness

According to the textbook, culture-specific skills for effective multicultural managers include all but one of the following. Which one?

Use an individualistic orientation

"Report talk" is associated with _____.

exhibiting knowledge

All of the following are advantages of having a diverse team except _____.

diverse teams don't have to spend as much time on team process issues

`The "diversity dilemma" is best defined as _____.

diversity may bring a broader set of skills to the group, and may also increase dysfunctional social dynamics

When tasks are designed with skill variety, task identity, and task significance, team members are more likely to _____.

experience their job as meaningful

According to Jane Dutton and Emily Heaphy, high quality connections can only be developed when people have spent a lot of time together.


Amit believes that his manager should be called by his formal title and that the chain of command should be carefully followed when he has a problem. Amit's beliefs reflect a low power distance orientation.


An effective multicultural manager needs culture-general skills, but not culture-specific skills.


Anat says to her employees, "I say what I mean, and I mean what I say." This statement reflects a high context orientation toward communication.


Boundary spanners tend to have less successful careers because they don't prioritize the internal needs of their teams.


Implicit norms are generally dysfunctional.


People from cultures that promote an ascriptive view of success believe that status is achieved primarily through personal achievements.


The "equalization phenomenon" refers to the equal effectiveness of co-located and distributed teams.


The five stages of team development are telling, coaching, participating, delegating, and allocating.


The way someone is sitting at a meeting is an example of a situational cue.


Static cues refer to _____.

fixed markers such as documents and seating arrangements

In which of the following cultures would professors be most likely to wear a suit to teach a class?


Team members who have the following characteristics are more likely to perform well in diverse teams.

openness to experience

According to the similarity-attraction theory ________________.

people who share the same social categories tend to see each other as more similar and their interactions with each other as easier people categorize themselves and others into social categories Correct! both of the choices are correct

The stage of group development likely to be characterized by high energy, pride, and confidence is _____.


People with a "monochronic" time orientation _____.

prefer to do one thing at a time

The tendency for societies and organizations to promote beliefs about who (e.g., people from particular identity groups) has the "right stuff" to succeed in particular organization roles is an example of _____.

structural barriers

Boundary spanners ____.

both choices are correct

"Reindeer games" refer to _____.

social activities that are not obviously work related but that provide opportunities to network, become visible, and gain other benefits

According to the textbook, leaders of high-performing teams spend a great deal of time creating a context in which team members can do their best work rather than directly intervening with the team


Anat works in the research and development department of a pharmaceutical company. She needs to meet with people from the marketing department often. She believes that an important goal of these meetings is to build relationships across departments, and she spends the early part of her meetings getting to know the different people who are attending the meetings. Based on this information, Anat is demonstrating "rapport talk".


Diversity among team members affects the variety of cognitive resources and behavioral styles team members may bring to the team.


Groups engaged in groupthink tend to develop illusions of unanimity.


High performing teams are both internally focused and externally connected.


Organizations that promote an "integration and learning" approach to diversity are more likely to be successful at leveraging diversity than organizations that promote an "access and legitimacy" approach.


People with high multicultural competence tend to be high in cognitive complexity.


Process gains refers to the benefits of team synergy.


Self-awareness can lessen your chances of blindly conforming to authority and going against your conscience.


Team members who feel psychologically safe in their teams are likely to take more risks.


The statement "doing gender" refers to the belief that demographic categories are, in part, socially created rather than natural distinctions.


To be effective, it's critical for team leaders to know when to intervene in the team and when to stay out of the team's way.


People at lower, middle, and upper levels of the hierarchy all have sources of power.


In which of the following cultures would professors be most likely to wear a suit to teach a class?


A virtual team is also called a _____.

distributed team

Which of the following professional schools in the U.S. have the lowest proportion of women as students?


Face-to-face meetings are more appropriate for which of the following situations?

All of the choices are correct When the team has had significant turnover First meetings The goal of the meeting is persuasion

People who are most likely to develop multicultural competence have which of the following qualities?

Curiosity Openness Empathy Correct! All of the choices are correct

Which of the following factors influence whether the advantages or disadvantages of a diverse team are likely to emerge?

Differential impact of diversity on team members Relevance of diversity to the task Correct! All of the choices are correct Relevance of diversity to team members

According to a survey done by the Gallup Organization, employees who believe their organizations inspire and enable them to do their best work are more likely to answer "yes" to which of the following statements?

Do I know what is expected of me at work?

A "high need for cognition" refers to having a tendency to participate in and enjoy experiences that require using stereotypes in problem solving.


According to Jane Dutton and Emily Heaphy, high quality connections can only be developed when people have spent a lot of time together.


An effective team member generally sacrifices his or her own goals for the sake of the team.


As long as a team has effective task processes, the team will be able to continue to produce high-quality products, regardless of relationship processes.


In their studies of compassionate organizations, researchers found that customization (attention unique needs of individuals) isn't relevant to help employees in need.


The four types of gatekeeping roles designed to manage boundaries between the group and its external environment are driver, analytic, amiable, and expressive.


The way someone is sitting at a meeting is an example of a situational cue.


When creating a document for shared distribution, it is better not to number the pages.


In the Situational Leadership model, Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard advise managers to focus on three criteria. Which of the following is not one of those criteria?

Level in hierarchy

Antonio believes that the most productive way to achieve a goal is to move forward step-by-step in a linear, sequential fashion. This suggests Antonio has which of the following orientations toward time?


Research on distributed teams suggests that they differ from co-located teams. Which of the following is not one of those differences?

More likely to be diverse

Team members who have the following characteristics are more likely to perform well in diverse teams.

Openness to experience

Which of the following goals would be a good example of a "SMART" goal?

Reduce scrap rates in manufacturing by 20% by the end of the third quarter

Which stage of team development are team members most likely to resist the leader?


According to the textbook, which of the following is not among the problems that result from stereotyping?

They are all among the problems that result from stereotyping.

"Reindeer games" may be illegal under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.


A powerful team purpose creates a sense of urgency.


A psychologically safe environment in team tends to increase innovation.


Anat works in the research and development department of a pharmaceutical company. She needs to meet with people from the marketing department often. She believes that an important goal of these meetings is to build relationships across departments, and she spends the early part of her meetings getting to know the different people who are attending the meetings. Based on this information, Anat is demonstrating "rapport talk".


Cultures promote the belief that "a rule is a rule" and should be applied to all people regardless of situations would be considered universalistic.


Diversity among team members affects the variety of cognitive resources and behavioral styles team members may bring to the team.


Mentors can provide both instrumental and psychosocial support.


Organizations that promote an "integration and learning" approach to diversity are more likely to be successful at leveraging diversity than organizations that promote an "access and legitimacy" approach.


You are meeting your new boss, Dr. Kim, for first time. You notice that Dr. Kim tends to interrupt you when you're speaking, and you interpret this to mean that Dr. Kim is not receptive to what you are saying. Dr. Kim's habit of interrupting you when you speak is an example of _____.

a dynamic cue

A culture in which inequalities are minimized and employees are empowered and encouraged to make decisions would be described as _____.

a low power-distance culture

The main point of the Situational Leadership model is _____.

a manager needs to modify his/her style to fit the characteristics of the situation

A powerful team purpose _____.

all of the choices are correct

According to researcher Blake Ashforth, abrasive bosses are characterized by _____.

all of the choices are correct

According to the text, we have difficulty in managing in-group/out-group relationships because _____.

all of the choices are correct

According to your text, as a protege, you should do all of the following except _____.

all of the choices are correct

Categorizing our social world into groups gives us _____.

all of the choices are correct

Diverse teams have an advantage over homogeneous teams when _____.

all of the choices are correct

Diversity among team members affects _____.

all of the choices are correct

Excessive in-group identification and cohesion can lead to_____.

all of the choices are correct

Our assumptions about authority relations influence ____.

all of the choices are correct

People are drawn toward energizers because _____.

all of the choices are correct

People who are willing and able to understand other people's needs and adapt their behavior in response tend to _____.

all of the choices are correct

The potential disadvantages of having a diverse team include _____.

all of the choices are correct

To manage your relationship with your boss effectively, you should _____.

all of the choices are correct

According to Jane Dutton and Emily Heaphy, high quality relationships are characterized by _______.

all of the choices are correct more engagement at work and better performance adaptiveness and resilience both parties feeling emotionally connected, energized, and appreciated

According to researcher Blake Ashforth, abrasive bosses are characterized by _____.

all of the choices are correct public criticism of direct reports distrust of direct reports cold and impersonal interactions

Diverse teams have an advantage over homogeneous teams when _____.

all of the choices are correct team members have time to learn to work together productively diversity is relevant to the team's task diversity among members is well managed

You have just joined a new team at work. After the first few weeks, you notice that everyone on the team gets together for lunch on Thursdays. No one says anything about it - it just seems to happen. As a result, you assume that "this is how we do things around here" and make sure you are always free to have lunch with the group on Thursdays. This is an example of _____.

an implicit norm

A "hot desk" is a term that refers to _____.

an office space shared by many people who spend little time at the office

Which of the following is not stage of team development?


In general, effective networks _____.

are diverse

You are familiar with the Denison Leadership Development Model, and so far, it has been working well for you. To date, you have communicated a clear vision to your employees, and given them clear policies and norms. According to Denison, what else do you need to do in order to be an effective manager?

both encouraging involvement and promoting adaptability ae correct

According to the similarity-attraction theory ________________.

both of the choices are correct

If we believe we cannot depend on authority figures to take care of us and that we can only count on ourselves, our orientation toward authority is likely to be _____.


You have just been given supervisory responsibility for a department of highly educated scientists, many of who have been working successfully at their jobs for twenty years or more. They're working on a type of project that they're comfortable with and have excelled at their work several times in the past. According to the Situational Leadership Model, what management style should you use with these employees?


According to the textbook, stereotyping _____.

ends to be one dimensional - it involves overemphasizing a person's membership in one cultural-identity group and underemphasizing other factors that also shape that person's worldview and behaviors involves the assumption that characteristics thought to be common in a cultural group apply to every member narrows our perspective and behavior Correct! all of the choices are correct

The best way to manage a diverse group of employees is to _____.

enhance your personal multicultural competence and model appropriate behavior

Brendan is a gay male who has just been assigned to a new position on a market research team. Because he is unsure how news of his sexual orientation might be received, he decides to try and �pass� as straight. According to Claire, Beattie, and MacLean, Brendan might expect to experience which of the following as a result of his decision?

greater stress

The term that describes the tendency of groups to want to maintain cohesiveness at the cost of critical thinking is _____.


Researchers Marcial Losada and Emily Heaphy found that the highest performing teams in their research ____.

had about a 6:1 ratio of positive to negative statements among team members

People who are willing and able to understand other people's needs and adapt their behavior in response tend to _____.

have more mentors receive higher salaries get promoted more Correct! all of the choices are correct

In ______ context cultures, the surrounding social context is seen as sending important signals that enhance communication.


In a _____ culture, directness is likely to be sacrificed for harmony.

high context

According to this textbook, the idea that we try to influence other people's judgments of us to get what we want is captured by the term______.

impression management

Researchers Bill Kahn and Kathy Kram explain that there are three types of authority relations that play out at work. Which of the following is not one of the types of authority?


Cultures that focus on obtaining truth through scientific methods use _________________ reasoning.


Antonio believes that the most productive way to achieve a goal is to move forward step-by-step in a linear, sequential fashion. This suggests Antonio has which of the following orientations toward time?


According to the textbook, the most important lesson effective leaders learn is that their most important job is to _____.

manage the context in which the team works rather than directly intervene in the team's work

According to researcher Stacy Blake-Beard who studies mentoring across identity groups, _____.

mentors and proteges should look below surface differences and identify "deep level" similarities such as values, attitudes, knowledge and skills

A powerful team purpose _____.

motivates team members to persist when they face hurdles Correct! all of the choices are correct reduces the risk that the team will waste time on activities that don't matter engages employees because it helps them find meaning in their work

According to researchers Richard Hackman and Greg Oldham, a well designed task has all of the following except _____.

personality based feedback

The social skills teams develop to create a productive work climate are called _____.

relationship processes

Lee walks into a meeting and notices the places where people are seated. Lee is paying attention to a _____.

static cue

Which stage of team development are team members most likely to resist the leader?


"SMART" goals refer to all of the following except _____.


Diverse teams are more likely to have an advantage over relatively homogeneous teams when ______________.

team members have time to learn how to work together productively Correct! both choices are correct when diversity among team members is well managed

According to research Deborah Ancona and her colleagues, ____.

teams that are both internally focused and externally connected tend to achieve the highest performance ratings

When an employee is unwilling and unable to do a task independently, which style should be used?


According to the textbook, people at the lower levels of the hierarchy have power from _____.

their ability to support or resist

According to researcher Lawrence Hirschfield ______.

there is as much genetic variation within racial groups as between them

High-performing work teams are like sports teams because _____.

they need frequent, disciplined, practice

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