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A product or service that is valuable but is not rare, has what is called Competitive Parity.


The opportunity to contribute to organizational decisions is one of critera to measure workplace engagement.


Why do leaders need to exert power?

In order to influence other to achieve goals

Group decision making is the most effective way to create decisions that have: the broadest perspectives; deepest understanding; and ultimately, the greatest amount of commitment.


Increasing an individual's' ability to control organizational outcomes and manage the duties of their position is called empowerment.


Involving individuals in strategic decision making, dialogue, and implementation of the organization is called engagement.


Job enrichment entails restructuring the job including level of supervision and/or higher amounts of responsibility.


When managers begin to consider the decision on whether to assemble employees into groups or teams, the focal point of the decision must be whether or not the work requires members to be interdependent and rely on each other.


A(n) ________ is something that is necessary for continued health and well being. A(n) ________ is something that we will enjoy, yet can live without.

Need Want

Job rotation involves a systematic process to change task assignments for individuals to work different jobs.


Please match the statement to the correct term from the training selection: Coaching E-learning Lectures

A One-on-One Demonstration A Programming Training An Oral Lesson

________ is a leader.


Decisions cannot mold the character and performance of an organziation.


According to the Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory, forces in the manager and forces in the subordinate are the only two factors we should consider when deciding what is the best way to lead the situation.

False. Forces in the situation is also a factor which should be considered.

________ explains how a leader can effectively operate in one situation but less effectively in others. It was the first leadership theory to offer this explanation.

Fiedler's Contingency Model

Most people begin their management career as a __________ manager.

First Line

Mark feels excited because he was offered the promotion. According to Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory, what kind of factor is a promotion?


______________ can be responsible for advertising campaigns.


Which of the below is not one of the ways managers must ensure punishment is administered in order to reduce the potential for backlash. (Select two)

Subjectively Personally

Wrongful discharge is a legal way that allows employees to sue their former employers if they feel they were fired for reasons other than work performance.


The key to effective Administrative Management is when the organization has:

a hierarchical structure

Select the word which is not an environment in which you might be asked to make a decision.


Operational plans dictate how tactical plans are turned into the day-to-day actions needed to create the organization's products and services. These plans are typically created by

lower level managers

The Hersey-Blanchard Situational leadership theory proposes that the more _____ the follower is, the less task specific direction they need from the leader.


To help the new employee adapt to their environment, many organizations offer ________ services.


Managers must be _____ in picking employees so that they can match the most qualified employee with the job.


Traditional interviews are % predictive of future work related behavior.


______ refers to a person's capability to exhibit certain behaviors that lead to a predetermined result.


The behavioral interview is a little more challenging to respond to because the interviewer can:

Ask probing questions

A manager has decided to have a system that gives employees a competitive salary, a retirement plan and a flexible work schedule. The manager also wants to ensure that they are able to offer healthcare in order to be competitive with other companies. The manager is creating a _____ that is designed to retain employees.

Compensation System

"Are the people that we hire a good fit for the needs and the culture?" Is a question regarding "the right way."


A ___________ is a collection of people working towards a goal whose work is additive and not necessarily dependent on others.


Irving Janis coined the phrase _________ after studying mistakes made in American political policy - specifically the team whose decisions lead to the Bay of Pigs.


Which is not a basic level of decisions?

Individual Decisions

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs identified that people have five basic categories of needs. Select the need category shown below that is not in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs:


Mary Parket Follet believed that authority should be impacted by an employee's

Knowledge of the task

Which example is considered a monetary incentive?


Who decides the distribution of organizational resources?

Resource Allocator

Because every project and situation a leader faces is different, ______ is key to the success of a leader.


Nobel-Prize economist, Herbert Simon, refers to the less idealized and more realistic version of decision making as _____ decision making.


In Fiedler's theory, leaders _______ change their own styles so that they can lead well.


Jorge R. Canedo did which of the following? He...

followed his passion.

Effort = _______ + ______. Select two choices.

force persistence

Which of the following is NOT an individual decision?

goal setting

Avoid putting undue pressure, celebrate failures, and change up the environment are three elements which will help a manager in their effort to _______ ________.

harness creativity

There ________ leadership style(s) or leadership technique(s) that works best across all situations.

is not one

Match the steps of the Job Analysis process with the description which best describes them. 1) Collect information about the job 2)Highlight Critical Tasks 3) Rank most critical competencies

1) Most Time-Intensive portion; Provides solid understanding of actions taken during performance of a job 2) Prioritizing responsibilities from most to least important 3) Prioritizing which knowledge, skills, and abilities are most important for the job

The core of the DIET model is a management theory called:

Action Research

It is in the _____ stage that the team wraps things up by attending to some final completion tasks, tying up loose ends, reflecting on how and what was achieved, and then usually dissolving back to its original parts.


_________ leaders are known for being risk takers.


When a employee moves toward something, it's called force.


With shaping of behavior, you are connecting two or more targeted behaviors in a sequence.


Why is the second stage of group-team development called "storming"?

It allows people to work through conflict.

Brainstorming is a technique managers can implement to reduce the effects of groupthink.


The easiest solution, that usually isn't successful in the long run, is domination.


While leading his team in an effort to keep his team from being stuck on the same ideas they always come up with, Andy tells his team that they will celebrate all ideas, even when the idea ends up being a complete failure. Andy is doing his best to:

harness creativity

The "T" in the DIET model represents: (Select all that apply)

A cutting edge idea dealing with the continuance of the client relationship "Transfer"

All decisions need to be made to support a cohesive thread, which is the core set of strategic objectives created by CEO and their executive team. These objectives act like _________ for the organization.

A thread of DNA

Match the payment related term with the best description provided. Job Based Pay Based on how many responsibilities an employee has Skill Based Pay Based on abilities the employee has Pay for Performance

Based on how many responsibilities the employee has Based on abilities employee has Based on how employees work effects the company financially

_________ is not about how we think, it's about how environmental influences interact with our behaviors, how we respond to certain stimuli in the environment around us.


Match the appropriate definition to the type of test: 1) A questionnaire about hobbies, opinions, & family history. 2) A test that creates a simulated work environment. 3) A test to measure honesty. 4) A test to measure physical attributes.

Biodata Test Assessment Center Personality Test Ability Test

___________ is a way to graphically represent the focus of individual leaders.

Blake & Mouton's Managerial Grid

_______ rationality states that although humans have the capacity to be rational, we are severely limited by our inability to consider all the infinite variables in a complex decision.


Of the types of leaders listed below, which one is likely to break from the norm in order to achieve their organizational visions?

Charismatic leader

You are a manager leading a team through the group decision making process. You want to help instill commitment in the team members by involving them throughout the decision making process. You are seeking to gain:

Deeper Commitment to the Decision

Match the following statements with their corresponding part of the competitive advantage framework.

Delivering a product or service that is of real value to the customer - Valuable Delivering a product or service that is difficult to find - Rare Innovating products or services that are not easy to imitate or duplicate - Imitable Providing the product or service in a high quality fashion - Orginization

Which concept is involved in strategic decision making, dialogue and implementation of the organization?


Structured problems turn up on a routine basis; unstructured problems are not routine.


Match the organizational tool to the appropriate description.

A series of slides that tells an employee how make nightly deposits. - Procedure A sign that says "Employees Must Wash Hands Before Returning to Work". - Rule A series of steps that explains the organization's stance on harassment. - Policy

Match the organizational instance to its appropriate Path Goal Theory concept: A person who is confident in doing their job. How a follower responds to their leader's authority A leader seeks input on decision-making from their follower A leader who sets goals and offers rewards for reaching them

Ability Authoritarianism Participative Achievement Oriented

According to the author of The Servant As Leader, there are ten characteristics common to those who practice servant leadership. Choose the option below which is not one of the characteristics listed.

Ability to foresee suffering

Ensuring that decisions are coordinated at all levels of the organization is also known as:


Which show low self-efficacy? Choose a number. Believe task is beyond capability. Express doubt in success. Avoid challenging tasks. Quit in the face of adversity. Get bored and disinterested in task. Quickly lose confidence after failure.

All of the above

Which of the below is not a potential consequence if the wrong hiring decisions are made?

All of these options are potential consequences

Which definition best describes cognitive reasoning?

Analyzing complex information

Scott is leader in his company who chooses to primarily take a hands off approach and refrain from corrective actions and decision making. Scott follows the Laissez-faire method of transactional leadership. Leslie is a leader in her company who is very passionate and chooses to offer rewards which are specific to certain goals being met. Her followers are aware of these rewards and what they must do to receive them. Leslie follows the Contingent Rewards method of transactional leadership.

Answer 1:Laissez-faire Answer 2:Contingent Rewards

________ focus on the stimuli that occur before a behavior, acting to cause the desired or unwanted behavior


Zoe puts in a lot of extra hours on the job. This has helped her become proficient at the job and an asset to the company. Jenn, who holds a similar position in the company, is also good at her job and has a graduate degree. She does not work as many hours as Zoe, but gets paid more. Zoe did not know that Jenn made more money than her until last week. She was not pleased to learn of the news. When thinking about equity theory, what might we be able to assume about Zoe's behavior?

Any of the above are true.

What are the basic principles of brainstorming? Choose all that apply.

Anyone can pose a suggestion for consideration-no matter how far-fetched the idea may seem As suggestions continue, participants build off one another's suggestions. No suggestion can be challenged or criticized during the brainstorming

Which of the following statement is in regards to the right people for an organization?

Are the people we hire a good fit for our needs and culture?

Select the question below which would be a good question to ask in regards to "The Right Way". Base your answer on the sample questions posed in the text

Are they working in an environment that allows them to do their best work regardless of their race, religion, or gender?

Which question is correct with regard to "the right way" in HR strategy?

Are they working in an environment that allows them to do their best work?

Henri Fayol published his five functions and 14 principles of management. Fayol's five functions management are all except one:


_________________ is the principle way a leader for the future can motivate their followers.

Being concerned about them

Jerome is starting a new job where his compensation is comprised of the following aspects.

Benefits Answer Profit Sharing Skill Based Pay

Consider the following scenario, A restaurant manager is getting ready for their Saturday dinner service. They are a pizza place. She just purchased a new wood fired oven to make their food. She hopes that this will increase their business. Where on the spectrum would you classify the environment in which the manager made that decision?

Between Risky and Uncertain

The concept that tries to explain humans limited capacity for understanding decisions is:

Bounded Rationality

Consider the following scenario, In order to get the best ideas from her team, a manager decides to dedicate a portion of their weekly meeting to having them take turns reading customer comment cards. Each week a team member reads the cards and they list out potential recommendations on the whiteboard. This addition to the status meeting is what type of technique?


Darryl's branch of his company is at risk of being closed by corporate and he needs to come up with some good ways to either cut costs in their warehouse by at least 5%. In order to come up with these ideas, Darryl is asking his team to participate in an online ________ session where contributions will be shown anonymously to the other team members.


Which of the following is not a factor considered when making payment decisions?

Cafeteria Benefit Plans

Consider the following scenario, A manager has to decide which copier to purchase. They have to look at price, size, and connection features. When looking at the two copiers they are relatively the same price and size. One printer has a wired connection and the other has a wired connection + wireless capability. The manager chooses to go with the machine that has more connectivity. How would you classify the environment in which the manager made that decision?


Which of the following is not a Hygiene Factor according to Herzberg:

Challenging Work

Carlton stays in the office late three nights in a row to finish the monthly reports so that he is not tardy with submitting them for the second time this quarter. He knows that if he is late with the reports again, his boss Juliet will submit negative comments for his annual performance review. A poor performance review could lead to him being removed from the team he currently works on. In this situation, Juliet would best be described as having _______ power


____ trust has an intellectual basis. It emerges as a result of systematic evaluations of others' professional capabilities, and the likelihood that these individuals will perform well in their roles.


What is the first step for creating a Training and Development program?

Conducting a Needs Analysis

Which function of management requires monitoring progress towards organizational goals?


Theory X managers believe that in order to supervise effectively they need to ________ their employees, while Theory Y managers believe that you should provide ________ for them.

Control Encouragement

How can executing a Job Analysis directly help an organization? Select all which apply.

Create Job Descriptions Create Job Specifications

A manager that is in charge of handling customer complaints as they arise during the workday is filling the role of:

Disturbance Handler

Which question is correct with regard to "the right motivation" in HR strategy?

Do the processes in place motivate people to do the right things?

Select the question below which would be a good question to ask in regards to "The Right Way". Base your answer on the sample questions posed in the text

Do those working on the job have the critical information, skills, and tools to carry out their job effectively?

Please match the definition to the correct term: Basic physiological and material desires Socialization and friendship Self-improvement and development

Existence Relatedness Growth

If an employee for the organization does not feel that their work will result in any significant success, they will not be motivated to achieve or act in a successful manner. According to Vroom's theory, there is a gap in ____ , because there is no obvious link to get that employee to do the necessary work.


_____ organizational environments can be broken down into two segments: the micro-environment and the macro-environment.


A decision of a line inspector will not impact a company's success.


A monitor does not actively seek out information


According to research, tensions and credibility issues do not exist between human resources management functions and top management teams.


Administrative Management is different from Scientific Management because of its focus on the individual.


All decisions need to be made to support a cohesive thread, which is the core set of "Tactical Plans" created by CEO and their executive team.


David sometimes gives the managers who work below him in his company's corporate office Friday afternoons off. Although he typically has a reason for doing so, the managers don't seem to know why they sometime get the afternoon off and what they can do to increase the likelihood of this occurring. David is employing fixed reinforcement by providing Friday afternoons off.


Disparate treatment is when there are unintentional consequences from a workplace policy and adverse impact is more of an intentional type discrimination based on individual differences.


Employees must know the supportive steps necessary that help members bond intellectually, emotionally, and organizationally.


External forecasts and internal forecasts survey the outside labor markets.


If a business has all elements of VRIO with regard to their product or service, they have a temporary competitive advantage.


In most states, companies do not have the ability to terminate an employee at will.


It is helpful but not essential if managers assist members in handling interpersonal conflicts in a timely and effective manner.


Lower level managers do not make decisions which impact a company's success.


Managers are leading when they decide to pursue corrective action upon noticing lack of progress


Managers use the controlling function of management when they set an example that makes workers want to achieve organizational goals,


Mandatory Retirement Act is to protect that employees can get their pension when they want to retire.


Maslow's Hierarchy suggests that individuals are best served focusing on fulfilling more than one level of the hierarchy at a time.


Most of time, human resource professionals do not feel as if they are caught in the middle between company strategy and employee needs.


One of the most recent leadership theories assume that some people are born to be leaders. In past theories, people believed that leadership could be trained.


Persistence has a lot to do with force.


Social loafing is most likely to occur when people see their overall contribution to the collective team goal. This includes feeling like their contribution is important, or when they think that their efforts will be noticed by the other team members.


Subjective appraisals rely on quantifiable facts to judge the merits of an employee's performance.


Tactical Plans follow the S.M.A.R.T. (Simple, Measurable, Action-oriented, Relevant, Time-bound) format.


The US military has a top down hierarchical structure including leadership lines and communication channels. They probably do not have a lot of unstructured problems.


The lessor the level of competence specificity provided in the the statement, the more understandable, accessible, and predictable the competency will be with regards to its criterion.


The right things being worked on by the right people with the right motivation in the right way is not absolutely inimitable.


The situation in which you have a high degree of certainty is ideal, and these situations are quite common in a business.


When discussing equity theory, if we conclude that the scale of the relationship is balanced, we identify that there is inequity.


Punishment encompasses elements and conditions outside the individual that influences their thoughts, behaviors, and performances.

False. Environment encompasses elements and conditions outside the individual that influences their thoughts, behaviors, and performances.

Human Resource Planning begins with which activity?

Forecast employment needs

The key difference between an employee and a manager is

Formal Authority

According to the text, what are the five predictable stages of development?

Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, Adjourning

The principle of leadership states that there are three aspects of leadership. These are:

Future, Self, Situation

Match the position title to the management level of decision making which it best fits in.

General Manager-Strategic First Line Manager- Operational Department Head Manager- Tactical Board of Directors- Strategic

The Stage of Decision Making that involves brainstorming and researching best practices is:

Generate Solutions

Consider the following scenario, Mary is not a fan of the new marketing strategy. She thinks that the company should still use the phonebook ad in addition to the new digital strategy. However, when she is at the team meeting, she keeps this information to herself because the other group members all agreed that they did not need to keep the phonebook ad. This situation could be an example of:


_____ happens when a group prematurely comes into alignment to support an idea.


Who developed the three types of roles that managers fulfill?

Henry Mintzberg

Typically managers can enrich jobs and set goals for their employees. However, the employee should also have _____ in order for these activities to increase their motivation.

High Growth Needs

What are two important considerations when management decides whether to assemble the people into a group or team structure?

How do the people relate to the desired outcome? What is the task at hand?

Herzberg broke motivation in the workplace down into two factors. The first of these factors, called _____ factors, deals primarily with factors in the working environment that a person requires to avoid pain.


Derek Jeter was often referred to as one of the greatest leaders in sports while playing as the captain for the New York Yankees. He was a great leader by keeping in shape, consistently believing in himself and his teammates, ability to handle the pressure of playing in America's largest media market, and ability to make proper decisions in critical moments. Which of the leadership traits do we not specifically know that Derek possessed based on the above paragraph.


Consider the following scenario. Choose the best response. A supervisor is in charge of several employees at a fast food company. One of the employees is continually forgetting to add ketchup to the burgers. The supervisor noticed this pattern and brought the employee to his office. During the discussion he asked several questions about why he forgot the ketchup and what he was thinking while assembling the burgers. Turns out because the ketchup was placed on the holding rack below the table, he always seemed to forget that step. The supervisor encouraged the employee to place the ketchup on the table at the start of his shift from now on. The supervisor was helping the employee to become more:


_____ reinforcement means that the incentive is provided at different times after varying frequency of behaviors. These consequences are delivered after some number of behaviors, yet not after every behavior.


_______ recruiting occurs when a manager picks a suitable candidate for a position from the pool of existing employees in the company.


Match the property to the correct term: Inside the organization Global events Shareholders of the company

Internal environments Macro-environment Micro- environment

Being able to make decisions and grow our experience base in an organization may help us to develop ______ in the workplace.


Which one is not the correct approach and tool to make the right decisions?

Is the decision risky?

Which one is not the correct question and tool to make the right decisions?

Is the decision risky?

What is the basic idea of LMX theory?

It describes the impact of leaders' behaviors on the followers.

What is the purpose of collecting information during the job analysis?

It gives us a solid understanding of the different actions taken during the performance of a job.

According to the text, why is it a bad idea for recruiting managers to give an unrealistically positive view of the job to prospective candidates? Select all which apply.

It may cause high turnover They may attract employees who are the wrong fit It may lead to low employee satisfaction

Please match the description to the correct term: Change task assignments for individuals Adding tasks and responsibility to the job Restructuring the job including level of supervision

Job Rotation Job Enlargement Job Enrichment

Match the selection artifact to its appropriate term. A candidate fills out a document for a specific position. An Interview that asks about specific past events. A test to see if an employee is likely to steal. A test that asks about family history and opinions.

Job application Behavioral Interview Personality Test Biodata Test

When considering what it means to be a competent professional, we look at what is commonly referred to as KSAs. KSA stands for what?

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

Which sentence best describes Servant Leadership?

Leaders are servants of the organization first, servants of their followers second, and to their own needs third.

______ development is used to improve employees' capacity to collaborate across the organization in meaningful ways.


Select all answers which are applicable to the below statement. These are examples of drawbacks when recruiting externally.

Length of Recruitment Time Higher Cost than Internal Recruiting

Name one of the universally recognized negative leadership attributes. As always, spelling counts!


Jenn is a good employee who has very good experience and positive performance reviews. However, her recent performance has not been good. She missed all of the past team meetings in person and has only video-conferenced into two or three others. During an interview with her boss Jenn feels that the team is a mess. She also stated that someone was mugged in the parking lot during the day and that half of the lights were out in the parking lot with no camera surveillance system in place. Jenn also feels that the team is disorganized and dysfunctional. She feels that being on the team is limiting her development. According to Herzberg's Two Factor Theory, Using the lack of safety and personal growth as an example for Jenn's attitude about work, it is safe to say that she is likely experiencing:

Low Satisfaction/Low Commitment

Which attribute best describes high self-efficacy?

Maintaining confidence after failure

A _________ has a position of authority and uses that authority to ensure subordinates fulfill their job duties.


The root meaning of leadership refers closely with which term?


Kurt has been informed by his boss that he will be demoted if he doesn't meet his sales quota next quarter. Kurt meets his quota and his boss says he is no longer in danger of losing his job. This is an instance of ________.

Negative reinforcement

__________ plans dictate how the tactical plans are then turned into the day-to-day actions needed to create the organization's products and services.


Optimistic Attitude decision making processes are best when decisions need to be made quickly and the nature of the outcome doesn't require much rigorous debate. Pessimistic Attitude decision making processes are best when the quality of the eventual decision is more important than the amount of time it takes to reach a decision.

Optimistic Pessimistic

_______ Attitude decision making processes are best when decisions need to be made quickly and the nature of the outcome doesn't require much rigorous debate. _______ Attitude decision making processes are best when the quality of the eventual decision is more important than the amount of time it takes to reach a decision.

Optimistic Pessimistic

Which management function requires the coordination of resources needed to achieve organizational goals?


Andy is new to the office after being relocated from a different office location which closed. Everyone else in the office has been there a while. Michael, the supervisor, interacts some with Andy while at work but doesn't hold personal conversations with him. Michael does talk about those activities with most of the other employees who have been there longer. According to the Leader Member Exchange, the new employee is probably in the:


The quote: "if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail", warns against leaders

Overusing one way of doing things

What of the below is not a universally recognized positive leadership attribute?


A company is hiring an additional manager to an accounting department because the current manager is overwhelmed with responsibilities and cannot handle everything he is being asked to do. The managers will have an even amount of responsibilities. The company is taking the below facts into consideration when creating a compensation offer for the new manager. Select all terms which the company is taking into consideration. Other managers in the company make between $50,000-$72,000 The new employee has 12 years of work experience in accounting The new employee has a Masters degree in Accountancy The new employee is moving from out-of-town The new employee is making $5,000 more than the current manager who does not have a Masters degree

Pay Structure Skill Based Pay Individual Pay Levels

Why are people the most valuable asset to an organization? Select all that apply.

People are not easily replaced. Other assets can be replicated, but people cannot.

_________ is the time invested in staying on a task.


A(n) __________ test is to measure whether a candidate possesses qualities that are necessary for the job.


Theory X typically has a(n) ________ view of workers, while Theory Y has a(n) ________ view of them.

Pessimistic Optimistic

In __________ decision making processes, the priority is to weigh the satisfaction of individual members' opinions over the need for overall consensus.

Pessimistic Attitude

What does POLC stand for?

Plan, organize, lead, control

Henri Fayol created five functions of management, which are as follows: Planning Organizing Commanding Coordinating Controlling However, these original five functions have been revised since their initial creation. What are the new functions of management as revised from Fayol's original work?

Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling

_____ are a set of principles and values used as an aid to guide a manager's decisions, not necessarily dictate them. You Answered


An example of ________ reinforcement is: The annual Happy Customer Award is given to the employee who has the highest customer satisfaction score. Result: More employees working to satisfy customers.


Current research suggests certain relationships exist in Leader Member Exchange theory? Of the relationships listed below, select the ones that are present in LMX theory.

Positive social exchanges can have a positive impact on performance A strong LMX works in creative environments

The best way to prepare for a behavioral interview is by:

Preparing beforehand

A leader can _____ the decision-making criterion by giving them different levels of influence on the decision.


Which of the following is NOT a way in which companies can utilize competencies to increase competitiveness in the market?

Product development

Consider the following scenario, A manager of a clothing company has to hire a new staff person and is not sure where to start. When they are talking to the boss about the process they are referred to the company policy that each open position needs to be offered to current employees before the job offer goes out to the public. This situation is an example of a:

Programmed Decision

Match the definitions below: __________ is a negative consequence that follows an unsuccessful or poor performance. ___________ usually follows the successful accomplishment of a task. ___________ are the reinforcements for performance provided by the organization or other entities concerned with the perfomance.

Punishment Rewards Outcomes

The portion of the STAR Method that involves going over accomplishments and learnings is:


In the Stages of Decision Making discussion, this stage allows you the opportunity to list all of the suggested solutions in order of their ability to meet the demands of the decision criteria. This stage can often feel counter-intuitive because it does not use past experience or intuition.

Rank Solutions Against Selection Criterion

The process of attracting the right people is called Advertising . The process of ensuring the right people end up in the correct roles is called Recruitment .

Recruitment Selection

Employers have many ways which they can conduct background checks on potential employees. Select the option below which is one of those ways.


Which of these are steps the reading material suggests a new manager should take upon their arrival at a new company?

Reflect upon past mistakes in their past Meet with longstanding company employees to learn about the organization

According to Alderfer's ERG theory, an example of this need type at home is our relationships with family, friends, social or business networks. This need is also shown at work in our relationships with supervisors, co-workers, and employees.

Relatedness Needs

-motivated and -motivated leadership are the two leadership models described in Fiedler's model.

Relationship Task

Which terms below are types of approaches to measuring training evaluation? Choose all that apply.

Replication Application Student Assessment

Match the interview type to the description which best fits it: Behavioral Situational Structured Unstructured

Require interviewee to relate events from their past Require interviewee to describe how they might act Require interviewee to answer a standard set of questions in a consistent order Require interviewee to answer questions asked spontaneously based on the flow of the interview

What kind of performance appraisal measures the employees performance outcomes?


The performance appraisal process includes three different types of assessments a supervisor can use. Please choose the three different types of assessments:

Results Answer Traits Behavior

Zoe feels that there is special treatment being given when it comes to other team members getting raises. Zoe's performance may suffer because of the disparity in:


A ________ is a statement that explicitly states what a member of an organization can or cannot do related to a specific issue (i.e. smoking, eating, break times)


Jenn is a good employee who has very good experience and positive performance reviews. However, her recent performance has not been good. She missed all of the past team meetings in person and has only video-conferenced into two or three others. During an interview with her boss Jenn feels that the team is a mess. She also stated that someone was mugged in the parking lot during the day and that half of the lights were out in the parking lot with no camera surveillance system in place. Jenn also feels that the team is disorganized and dysfunctional. She feels that being on the team is limiting her development. According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Jenn's desire to avoid meetings and the action to be absent is acting on what need:


Consider the following scenario, A manager is in charge of scheduling at the restaurant. The restaurant is very busy and people are lining up at the counter to order. One of the staff members is running late but on their way. The manager has a meeting they need to prepare for in an hour. He decides to help behind the counter until the line dies down even if that means he will not be fully prepared for the meeting. In that moment the manager used:


Which following is not a stage in the decision-making process used to generate a decision?


According to Fayol, the principle that all communications that must follow the chain of command is called ______________.

Scalar Chain

___________ ___________ happens when a worker receives unwelcome sexual conduct or language that affects their ability to do their work.

Sexual harrasment

Reorganizations, layoffs, offshoring are interventions which tend to increase profits in the Short Run . This kind of satisficing often results in larger expenses and downturns in productivity in the Long Run .

Short Run Long Run

Reorganizations, layoffs, offshoring are interventions which tend to increase profits in the _______ . This kind of satisficing often results in larger expenses and downturns in productivity in the ______

Short Run, Long Run

Job specifications describe the ________, ______ and _______ needed to actually perform the critical tasks of the position. Choose all that apply.

Skills Knowledge Abilities

According to Max Weber and his Principles of Bureaucracy, Authority is exercised most effectively when positions are arranged hierarchically. Why is this?

So that there is a chain of command and each employee knows where their responsibilities lie.

There are four benefits that most organizations are required to offer: (for companies with more than 50 employees).

Social Security, Unemployment Insurance, Worker's Compensation, and Health Insurance

______ leaders organize work in order to achieve critical goals. They do this by structuring procedures, resources, and processes in a manner so they can get the job done.


A ___________ is comprised of multiple people whose work must be combined in order to achieve the collective goal.


There are five categories of leadership styles according to Blake and Mouton's Managerial Grid. Please match the correct term to the proper description as listed below: To motivate the team to reach its goals, a leader functions as the catalyst A leader does not put forth more effort than the lowest amount required to do their job. A leader values the needs of an individual or the need for performance equally important and creates a balance between them An environment created by a leader where each person is comfortable focusing on their own needs

Team management Impoverished management Middle of the road management Country club management

Which of the below is not a symptom of groupthink.

Tendency to rationalize evidence which supports the prevailing sentiment

Which position below is a good example of someone who falls under the nPow classification within McClelland's model.

The President of a Country

Please match the property to the correct term in regards to the Path Goal Theory: Directive Supportive Particpative Locus of Control

The leader directs followers to do the work The leader support followers instead of directing them The leader seeks input on decision making from the followers. The follower believes they influence what happens to them

Of the three needs addressed in his Acquired Needs Theory, McClelland thought "Need for Achievement" is the most important. Why? Correct!

There are positive benefits to the individual and community when someone thinks like a high nAch

A liaison links and coordinates groups both inside and outside the organization; they frequently work with individuals outside their units.


A single person makes an individual decision with limited input or permission needed from other parties.


A successful human resources strategy is designed to answer the questions of the right things, the right people, the right motivation, and the right way.


Another way to make environment in which groupthink is less powerful is to use the idea generation technique called Brainstorming.


Assess the following statement. If it is correct, answer that it is true. If it is incorrect, select which change to the statement would make it accurate. Demand forecasts take a look at the strategic objectives of an organization and try to anticipate the number and kinds of employees that might be needed.


Bounded rationality states that although humans have the capacity to be rational, we are severely limited by our ability to consider all the infinite variables in a complex decision.


Consider equity theory. If we conclude that the scale is balanced, we identify that there is equity; but if our analysis determines that the weight on the scale is not balanced, there is inequity.


Creativity, Brainstorming,Brainwriting, Debate, Devil Advocacy and Structured Debate are the ways to Maximize Group Decision Making Effectiveness.


Decisions need to be made to support a cohesive thread. That thread is referred to in this module as strategic objectives.


Demand and Supply forecasts can help companies to assess their human capital needs.


Downsizing and terminations belong to involuntary departures, and retirement is voluntary departures.


Effort is expended to achieve an intended performance level.


Employers want to ensure that employees are not just motivated by completing tasks of their work, but by the effect those tasks have on the company's success. One of the most common methods used to instill this kind of behavior is called pay for performance.


Every manager is an employee, but not all employees are managers


First line managers are those individuals who are responsible for short-term decisions.


In a group setting, employees might work side by side, but there is no direct reliance on the other members through function or support to achieve a broader goal.


In the tool for facilitating a healthy dialogue discussion and figure, it is important to separate facts from emotions and judgments.


Increased uncertainty leads to increased learning. Those going through uncertainty cannot be reliant on past resources of information to predict the future, they are more receptive to new information, thus allow people to learn faster.


Many beginning employees look at human resources as a role where they can help people.


One important ingredient for living your purpose is learning, a curiosity and desire to get better and better at doing what you love.


People are the most valuable asset in an organization because we cannot copy management practice.


Planning function of management seeks input from people throughout the organization in order to create a plan that will work for the organization as a whole.


Reinforcement Theory states that a behavior which is followed by pleasant or desirable result will continue and even increase in frequency.


Satisficing is picking the first solution that meets the basic requirements of the decision's needs.


Satisficing is picking the first solution that satisfies the basic requirements of the decision's needs.


Self-efficacy is a major predictor of how long a person will stick with their diet program, fitness program, or college program. It is one's belief in their ability to accomplish a specific task.


Tactical plans are the specific steps and actions needed to execute the Strategic Objectives of an organization.


The critical aspect for a manager to consider when deciding if a team or group model is appropriate is if the work requires members to be interdependent and rely on each other.


The first step in an effective monetary compensation strategy is completing a thorough analysis of the job level,


The higher the self-efficacy the more likely an individual is to demonstrate persistence and effort.


The premise of the classical conditioning theory states that organisms can learn a conditioned response to a new, neutral stimulus by pairing it with an unconditioned stimulus.


Time bound means that we need to establish a date to complete a job.


Top managers have to be goal-oriented and willing to deal with uncertain and competitive conditions.


Usually, non-programmed decision have more ambiguity.


We are making a decision that involves taking some risk. Decisions that include risk tend to move to the middle of the programmed and nonprogrammed decision spectrum.


When maximum effort is applied by all members, the creative solutions flow more freely, making more possible since everyone is actively working and thinking about the overall goal.


When we make non-programmed decisions, we need to use some complex tools, like satisficing and intuition.


While learning is most effective through performance accomplishments, we also learn through vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, and physiological states.


________ can be thought of in a number of different ways, but basically it comes down to how much confidence employees have in their coworkers.


A high level of _______ in a decision ensures that you will probably need to make a nonprogrammed type of decision.


What are the factors that could affect your decision making? Choose the best two responses.

Uncertainty and Rist

Match the components of the Leadership Framework to its appropriate definition. Leading the Self Leading the Situation Leading the Future

Understanding personal protective and growing as a leader Changing your style and being adaptable to problems. Leading people through complexity and change.

According to the text, all managers perform many of the same tasks and face many of the same challenges. Select the choice below which is not mentioned by the text as something all managers have in common.

Work Within a Limited Budget

Zoe puts in a lot of extra hours on the job. This has helped her become proficient at the job and an asset to the company. Jenn, who holds a similar position in the company, is also good at her job and has a graduate degree. She does not work as many hours as Zoe, but gets paid more. Zoe did not know that Jenn made more money than her until last week. She was not pleased to learn of the news. From the scenario, match the item to where it could best fits into equity theory:

Working Extra Hours Inputs Zoe & Jenn Work Relationship Referent Others Amount of Pay Outputs Hearing about someone making more money Compare & Adjust

Group Decision Making is the most effective way to create decision that have: X, Y, and Z Choose the best options for each letter.

X - Broader Perspectives Y - Deeper Understanding of the Problem Z - Deeper Commitment to the Decision

Do managers that work in different types of organizations perform the same tasks?

Yes, for the most part.

People are the most valuable ______ an organization has.


As we advance to positions of more authority in our careers, leaders will be required to lead with more __________.


Organizing, Supporting, Adapting, and Interacting. These are four of the competencies which can be broadened across __________.


Dr. Farnsworth is leading two groups who are working on a new strategy for their company to earn new business contracts. Knowing that the discussion could get heated and potentially one-sided, he pulled Philip aside prior to his group's meeting and asked him to begin question and critiquing the solutions produced by the group. Dr. Farnsworth is asking Philip to serve as a(n) devil's advocate Wanting to try a different method for the second group, Dr. Farnsworth assigns Rod and Amy to argue for the implementation of the group's idea, while asking Leela and John to argue against implementation. Dr. Farnsworth is setting up structured debate .

devil's advocate structured debate

A _____ responds to problems that require immediate attention.

disturbance handler

In the criminal justice system, certain offenses are considered especially heinous. To decide the guilt or innocence of these challenging defendants, a jury of the defendant's peers are used. If a jury has a couple members who know each other, share the same opinion on the defendant's guilt, and spend discussion times trying to get as many people on their side as possible while ignoring those who disagree, this jury is likely to fall prey to __________.


Which of the following way is NOT a way listed in in the text to combat the effects of groupthink?

harnessing collaboration

The following are _____ organizational environments Vision, mission, and goals. Organizational structure and culture. Employee relations. Compensation and performance standards.


Match the definitions of intrinsically and extrinsically motivation to the blanks in the statements below If you are _____ motivated, you find satisfaction in completing a task as itself. You are genuinely interested in the task and enjoy doing it. External pressure doesn't affect your desire to complete the task. If you are _____ motivated, you are motivated by external rewards, grades, compensation, and other factors outside of yourself.

intrinsically extrinsically

A tool that experienced managers use when they have to make decisions in a non programmed and high risk environment is_____. It is typically most effective when used by experienced managers.


Organizations that use a ____ based system pay based on the number of responsibilities their employees have.


Walter is a leader who is unsure of his team's readiness to do their jobs. Based on the Situational Leadership Theory, Walter is concerned with their __________.

job maturity

The _____ theories of motivation explain the dynamic of how individuals make decisions about their actions based on internal and external stimuli.


What is the kind of power that develops when leaders are liked?

referent power

The best decisions are often the ones that have been examined and challenged extensively. If groups don't extensively examine and challenge their decisions, their groupthink will lend itself to ________. This means they likely picked the first solution which satisfies the basic requirements of the decision's needs.


Employers who use a _____ based system to reward employees for acquiring new abilities or traits they can use in their current job. Lawyers use this kind of compensation system.


What are the elements to achieve SMART goals? Choose all that apply.

specific measurable

Liaisons tend to _________ the work of managers in various departments.


An organization is producing a product or service that is missing one of the elements from the VRIO framework, has a ________ .

temporary competitive advantage

If we want to achieve a successful human resources goal, what are the key points we need to think about? Check all that apply.

the right motivation the right way the right things the right people

What are the key points of human resources?

the right way the right things the right people the right motivation

The ladder suggests that we begin in a place of being unconsciously incompetent and we progress to a point of being __________.

unconsciously competent

When an employee moves toward something, it's called effort. When he or she moves away from something, it's called ____________.


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