MGMT 310 Exam 11/6

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The change process

is a series of plans (such as for communication, measurement, and consolidation of changes) and approaches to implement a change effort

financial perspective

such as measuring cost of goods sold, and newer methods, such as activity-based costing, can give managers a perspective on how well the organization is reaching its strategic goals.

Kinesthetic learners are those who learn best by

taking notes

organizational structure

the broad pattern of organizational roles, relationships, and procedures that enables coordinated action among the members of a firm. Divisional and functional structures are two types of organizational structures that a firm may employ. A centralized organization is one in which decisions are made in a top-down, hierarchical fashion.

During a company's initiation stage,

the business is new, and HR practices are informal. The goal is to hire people who can be flexible about the kind of work they do and are comfortable with flexible job descriptions. Management is loose and information, salary, and benefits practices are quite basic.

during initiation stage

the business is new, and HR practices are informal. The goal is to hire people who can be flexible about the kind of work they do and are comfortable with flexible job descriptions. Management is loose and information, salary, and benefits practices are quite basic.

4 benefits of benchmarking:

1. Benchmarking can help companies analyze, adopt, and implement best practices. The purpose of benchmarking is to identify what is being done by the best companies in the business and use that information to improve internal corporate practices. 2. Benchmarking allows companies to review their internal processes in an unbiased fashion. Because companies get outside information during the benchmarking process, that information is less likely to be biased than information gained from internal sources. Outside organizations can provide fresh perspectives on problems and are not subject to the concerns within your company. 3. Benchmarking shows the solutions others have found for common problems. Benchmarking helps companies see what others are doing. Hopefully, your company can learn from someone with more experience in the area you are studying. 4. Benchmarking provides objective data and targets for improvement. Because the standards and targets developed during the benchmarking process come from outside companies, they are likely to be more objective than standards developed by your company alone.

Training programs are created using the following five steps in order

1. Create training goals based on company strategy. 2. Conduct a gap assessment comparing current skills to needed skills. 3. Design training courses and materials. 4. Train employees. 5. Determine whether employees use trained skills on the job.

Training programs are created using the following five steps in order:

1. Create training goals based on company strategy. 2. Conduct a gap assessment comparing current skills to needed skills. 3. Design training courses and materials. 4. Train employees. 5. Determine whether employees use trained skills on the job.

Situational Leadership Model II

1. Enthusiastic beginners have low competence and high commitment. They are excited to learn but don't know what to do. These employees need a directing leader: someone who can train them on the best way to do the job. 2. Disillusioned learners have high competence and low commitment. They have learned a bit about how to do the job but have encountered some roadblocks along the way and are a little discouraged. These employees need a coaching or guiding leader: someone who can offer not only direction but also support. 3. Capable but cautious performers have moderate to high competence but variable commitment. These are people who can do the job, but they need a manager who offers support to reassure them. 4. Self-reliant achievers have high competence and high commitment. Managers should delegate work to these employees—they can handle it on their own.

steps of benchmarking

1. Identify which processes to benchmark. 2. Determine which measures you will use in benchmarking, and collect information about them. 3. Find the companies that are best on each measure. 4. Get information about what each external company is doing and compare it to what your company is doing. 5. Create plans for improving your company's processes.

Benefits costs make up about

30% of total compensation costs, according to the U.S. Department of Labor Statistics.

Measure results

Because Butler Community College is counting the number of adult education students enrolled in the school, it is measuring results. Notice that the college is taking action to monitor behavior as opposed to just establishing what will be measured or setting goals for results.

Take corrective action

Because United responded to information in its control cycle, its managers were taking corrective action by asking employees to focus on customer service.

according to what do managers will be more or less effective in different situations (characterized based on leader-member relations, task structure, and positional power) based on their style of leadership.

Fiedlers contingency model

in the strategic integration stage of the organization

HR practices are fully integrated with the company's strategic planning and execution. HR does long-range planning with other senior executives and makes sure that training and development programs help the company reach its strategic goals.

During a company's functional growth stage

HR starts to become a little more formal, hiring people with specific skills to do specific jobs and creating basic training and development systems for the company. HR also starts to improve compensation and benefits programs, basing changes on business needs and changes in the company's work environment.

During a company's functional growth stage,

HR starts to become a little more formal, hiring people with specific skills to do specific jobs and creating basic training and development systems for the company. HR also starts to improve compensation and benefits programs, basing changes on business needs and changes in the company's work environment.

During the functional integration stage of the organization,

HR starts to implement longer-range plans and works to break down organizational silos. They do this by creating interdisciplinary training programs (for example, bringing sales and product design teams together for joint training) and by creating more formal HR planning. Planning includes thinking about the kinds of employees who will be needed by the company and where the company will go to get those employees. Succession planning is a specialized practice of identifying and developing good applicants for management positions that are not yet open.

During the controlled growth stage of the organization

HR systems and work become still more formal. There is more emphasis on controlling work. Performance appraisal and monitoring systems are created, jobs become well defined, and employees and managers set productivity goals and determine how to measure work outcomes.

During the controlled growth stage of the organization,

HR systems and work become still more formal. There is more emphasis on controlling work. Performance appraisal and monitoring systems are created, jobs become well defined, and employees and managers set productivity goals and determine how to measure work outcomes.

contingency leadership

If a manager is an excellent leader in one situation or with one group of employees, but an ineffective leader in another situation,

Which of the following statements is true of the 360-degree feedback method?

It provides a realistic view of an employee's skills, capabilities, and behaviors.

Alverno College in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, has an ability-based curriculum that is different from the programs at most liberal arts colleges. The curriculum is based on the

Model, or vision of change

stage 3: mature partnerships phase

This stage of the relationship is characterized by mutual trust and regard. Leader and follower work as partners to solve organizational problems, focusing together on how to achieve the organization's goals.

ISO 9000

To become certified by this organization, a company must present documentation of the steps it plans to take to create and improve the quality of its products and services and show how the company is consistently working toward implementing what is outlined in the documentation. For Clancy's store, this means it will need to show how it is following the sales standards identified in initial company meetings. Notice that ISO is not interested in how one company compares to another company. Instead, its only concern is whether the company is improving the quality of its own products and services.

The best way for Denise to reduce the amount she pays for benefits every month is to offer her employees:

a cafeteria plan

During the selection process,

a realistic job preview is done to inform the candidate of negative as well as positive aspects of the position.

According to leader-member exchange theory, for leadership to be fair and lead to higher performance, leaders and followers should progress through

a relationship life cycle The relationship life cycle is a concept marked by the stranger, acquaintance, and mature partnership phases. A leader interacts differently with different followers, and followers take on more responsibilities as leaders provide honest feedback. Therefore, all followers have the opportunity to eventually join the leader-member exchange (LMX) in-group.

Cause-effect relationships are a set of

a set of quantitative and qualitative measurements that are related and mutually reinforcing. They are products of a balanced scorecard, showing how performance measures can be linked with operations to accomplish the organization's strategic goals.

According to the traits-based theory of leadership,

all leaders share certain characteristics, including self-confidence and high levels of energy. The traits-based theory of leadership identifies a set of universal traits and skills that are relevant in all leadership situations. Traits associated with leadership include self-confidence, drive, high levels of energy, and a motivation to complete tasks.

charismatic leaders will NOT

always work for the best interest of their followers

severence pay is not involved when

an employee leaves a company

Which of the following factors call for a top-down, directive change process?

an urgent or crisis situation, low resistance to change, high employee dissatisfaction,

budget reviews

are a common management system that can be used to identify performance gaps in company productivity. Any time managers make predictions about an employee's work or the company's financial profitability, they can use those predictions to determine how effectively the company is operating. In some companies, these predictions are shared with all employees to help them see the goals they are expected to meet.

Disruptive technologies include

attributes that satisfy a small subset of the market and often do not initially appear to be very compelling or valuable.

Organizational change is only effective if it occurs at the

beliefs and values level—employees have to feel the need for change and trust that the change is important and necessary for it to occur. Formal change, such as changes to processes, procedures, and rules, is a path to change but not a guarantee that it will be successful.

When considering the best ways to train their employees to provide customer service, many companies attend seminars to learn how Disney works with its customers. These workshops are a form of

benchmarking, which helps other companies learn what one of the best companies in the customer service business does.

is an arrangement that allows employees to make their own choices about benefit options.

cafeteria plan

when companies have few resources, it is easiest for them to make

change seem urgent

Which of the following is typically the final stage in a selection process?

checking the references by a candidate

during layoffs management should

communicate to its other U.S. employees the business necessity for the layoffs and the benefits that downsized employees will receive.Supervisors should be coached on how to give their direct reports the news. It must give employees at least 60 days' notice.

Because United responded to information in its control cycle, its managers were taking

corrective action by asking employees to focus on customer service.

needs assessment

determines the training needs for an organization.

management-by-objectives review system is based on

developing goals with employees and then evaluating those employees based how well they accomplish their goals.

Because Jenny is giving her employees feedback on their personal characteristics and how those characteristics may help or hinder their career plans, she is giving them a

developmental review

a skill based pay system allows employees to

earn raises by improving their skills, even if they stay in same position. the system is more flexible than job based pay, which establishes a pay rate or range for each position.

1st stage: stranger phase

employees are expected to demonstrate their commitment to the company by following established rules. Leaders adopt a transactional style, offering rewards to employees who have done a good job.

With a skill-based pay system,

employees are rewarded for what they know how to do rather than what they actually do. This makes companies more flexible, because higher-paid employees can take on any one of a number of jobs. It also allows more opportunities for job growth, because employees are encouraged to learn new skills.

job sharing plan

employees share jobs with each employee working. ex: add part time staff to full time

when a company becomes unionized

employees will have formal methods for addressing their concerns about the company, wages and benefits will increase

variable work schedule

employees work longer hours on certain days of the week to make up for time taken off on other days of the week. This type of plan can be especially problematic because of state and federal overtime laws that mandate time-and-a-half after an employee works a certain number of hours.

Finally, in the strategic integration stage

f the organization, HR practices are fully integrated with the company's strategic planning and execution. HR does long-range planning with other senior executives and makes sure that training and development programs help the company reach its strategic goals.

As a result of interactions with unhappy customers, employees may

feel dissatisfaction with the status quo , leading them to desire organic change.

management by objectives is based on

goal setting and the most effective goals are quantitative (number based) rather than quantitative

when employees join a union employees will have increases

in wage and benefits will increase

Disruptive technologies

include attributes that satisfy a small subset of the market and often do not initially appear to be very compelling or valuable.

profitability ratios

include profit margin (net income/sales), gross margin (gross income/sales), and return on assets (net income/total assets). These ratios help management determine whether business activity is producing profits as effectively as desired. Sales and income figures are found on the income statement, and assets are found on the balance sheet.

job analysis

involves analyzing information about specific job tasks, so a more precise job description can be written, and the characteristics of the ideal candidate for the position can be identified.

job analysis

involves analyzing information about specific job tasks, so a more precise job description can be written, and the characteristics of the ideal candidate for the position can be identified. A needs assessment determines the training needs for an organization. Development is the process of helping employees improve their self-awareness and professional capabilities so as to reach their potential. During the selection process, a realistic job preview is done to inform the candidate of negative as well as positive aspects of the position.

Typically, the person who will be managing the work of the new employee

is given the final say in whether to hire a job applicant, because he or she will be working with that person on an ongoing basis. The other people listed in this question are likely to have input into the decision but not authority over the final decision.

the 360 degree feedback is most effective when

is most effective for training or development purposes but not for administrative purposes, such as assigning employee pay or promotions. One advantage of this system is that it is very effective at increasing leadership skills because of the wide range of information provided to participants. However, employees should evaluate their own skills because this will allow them to compare their perceptions of themselves to the way others see them.

Personality tests are best for

long term employees, but it is important to remember that the company must also be able to prove that test results are related to job performance

Planned change is driven by


is the process of managing employees by outlining a series of specific targets or milestones that they are expected to meet in a defined time period.

management by objectives

If Mateo does become a member of Billy's in-group, he enters the

mature partnership

The job analysis process

not should begin after a new employee

The process by which a company outsources a business activity to a contractor in a foreign country is called


Which of the following is the most common type of formal training in organizations?

on the job training

Transactional leaders create

order, maintain efficiency, and produce consistent results but do not tend to inspire breakthrough performance.

Soliciting employees' ideas facilitates

organic change, which emerges from individuals or teams as they innovate, solve problems, seek more effective ways to accomplish their work, react to environmental shifts, or interact with others in cross-functional positions

Companies that want to hire long-term employees tend to look for

people with specific characteristics rather than specific skills

When looking at thelearning and growth

perspective of the company's balanced scorecard, a manager noticed that sales personnel needed to receive training in content marketing.

calculeeze an accounting firm advertises a job opening for the position of financial advisor. The advertisement states that while candidates can expect monetary rewards based on performance in the firm, they would need to often work long hours. In this case, Calculeeze has

provided a realistic job preview

Because you are changing the formula for your floor cleaner in response to changes in U.S. laws, you are involved in a

reactive change. Reactive changes tend to be smaller, and they are typically developed at the top of the organization and sent down throughout the company. When developing such changes, it is important to have a clear plan for implementation, including deadlines and checkpoints. There is generally less need to involve all members of the organization in a plan for reactive change, as doing so would likely make the process go on for a longer period than necessary.

Survivor syndrome is a condition that occurs when certain employees- who survive a downsizing become narrow minded, self-absorbed, resentful,

risk- averse

craft unions

serve only certain types of workers.

industrial union

serves all of the workers in a particular industry, regardless of the jobs they do,

Denise could increase the flexibility of her workforce—and give her employees more opportunities to move into other jobs—by instituting a:

skill based pay system

Which of the following stages of growth of a company is characterized by functional integration?

stage IV

The mature partnership phase of the relationship life cycle is marked by

strong mutual trust, respect, and obligation. Leaders and followers know they can depend on each other, subordinates perform additional assignments, and leaders provide extra support.

stage 2 acquaintance phase

the employee and the leader make evaluations during the acquaintance phase. The leader is looking to see if the employee will rise to the challenge of his or her new responsibilities, and the follower is making a decision about whether the new responsibilities are reasonable. The follower also starts to think in terms of how to meet the organization's goals, rather than just looking for personal rewards.

Typically, the person who will be managing the work of the new employee is given

the final say in whether to hire a job applicant, because he or she will be working with that person on an ongoing basis. The other people listed in this question are likely to have input into the decision but not authority over the final decision.

what must be included in effective models or visions for change?

the model must be desirable to both employees and stakeholders, the model must be feasible and offer realistic opportunities for short term wins

benefits of firing an unhelpful employee

the person fired can search for a job thats a better fit with his abilities, rosie can hire a stronger performer, the company can pay a new employee less than what lucas earning. this is an example of involuntary turnover

development is

the process of helping employees improve their self-awareness and professional capabilities so as to reach their potential.

What leadership style do most managers exhibit when placed under conditions of extremely high stress?

they will revert to their preferred style

Disruptive technologies and transformative change can come from

top management or organically from lower-level employees.

A manager who offers an employee a promotion for a job well done is using

transactional leadership

Sirah is seeking to maintain efficiency and produce consistent results, all in an orderly fashion. This goal will be best achieved through

transactional leadership methods of setting goals and offering rewards and punishments for performance

To motivate longtime employees who are at or past retirement age to stay with the company so the organization does not lose their expertise and deep relationships with customers, Columbia Office Furniture structures its retirement savings plan to make larger contributions to these employees' accounts each year. This is an example of?

transactional leadership, n which a leader provides subordinates with something they want in exchange for their work. The flip side of this is that if employees do not meet expectations, they receive negative reinforcement ranging from criticism to termination. This company offers greater retirement benefits in exchange for longevity to motivate employees to perform in a predictably satisfactory manner.

Guided by a strong moral compass and a sense of duty, what types of leaders focus on the process of change and inspire through vision, trust, respect, and consideration.

transformational leaders use a certain set of behaviors to transform their organization and the individuals in it

f Sirah wanted her housekeepers to take pride in their work and go above and beyond the checklist to please clients, perhaps taking extra time to clean some houses, then she should use what to inspire them

transformational leadership

When employees raise problems at staff meetings, Jonna doesn't solve them. Instead, she asks the employees what approaches they would like to try. Her employees know they can suggest any possible solution, even one that implies criticism of Jonna's management. This is an example of

transformational leadership. Transformational leaders are charismatic and offer a vision, motivate employees by being trustworthy, give employees intellectual stimulation by respecting them enough to challenge them to solve problems, and give employees individual consideration. Jonna encourages employees to solve problems in an atmosphere of trust to inspire them to do more than they thought possible and put the organization above their self-interest.

Charismatic leaders may use their power for self-aggrandizement.. true or false


for a high task oriented style you should

turn work over to experts to achieve their own plan

progressive organizations view HR as

valuable resource that can be optimized

A balanced scorecard cannot be truly effective unless it is linked to

well-defined organizational strategies and goals. Once the organizational strategies are in place, it becomes much easier to identify the four categories of targets and measures and cascade them through the organization. The process needs to reach every member of the organization, but the scorecard itself is not linked directly to the number of people in the organization. Balanced scorecards should be used to manage performance, not merely to measure it, and while an information systems policy might be the outcome of an internal business process target or measure, the scorecard does not require such a policy in order to be effective.

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