MGMT 310 Organizational Behavior

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__________ is a general feeling of exhaustion that can develop when a person simultaneously experiences too much pressure to perform and too few sources of satisfaction. Euphoria None of the other answers is correct Burnout Hysteria Stress


Which of the following refers to the scenario when an organization concentrates resources in only a one or very few locations, or only a few individuals are authorized to make decisions about the use of resources? span of control formalization command-and-control centralization specialization


People experience ____ when they find themselves acting in a fashion that is incompatible with their attitudes Denial Stereotyping Cognitive Dissonance Halo effect consistency

Cognitive Dissonance

Which of these describes finding one's self acting in a fashion that is inconsistent with their attitudes and experiencing tension, and thereby to reduce this tension? Cognitive dissonance perceptual selectivity halo effect self-serving bias fundamental attribution error

Cognitive dissonance

Which change model argues that an organization is constantly developing and adapting to its environment, much like a living organism? Kotter's complex adaptive appreciative inquiry bureaucratic Lewin's

Complex adaptive

Which of these defines the extent to which you believe that the person being observed behaves in a similar fashion when confronted on other occasions with the same or similar situations Consensus Consistency Distinctiveness Self-serving bias Stereotyping


Which of the following is perhaps the most difficult kind of change for an organization? cultural incremental change structural change technological differentiation change


When Delorenz Associates' managers assume that Delorenz employees will change if they know they will otherwise face negative consequences, it suggests which approach to change? top-down deficit based abundance based appreciative mindset emergent

Deficit based

Which of the following argues that organizations exist as socially constructed systems in which people are constantly making sense of and enacting an organizational reality as they interact with others in a system? emergent approach abundance-based change appreciative mindset deficit-based change top-down change

Emergent approach

which of these describes the use of operant conditioning principle to shape your own behavior to conform to desired standards defined by superiors substitution coaching behavioral self-management extinction classical conditioning

Behavioral self-management

A primary reason for the failure of many behavioral modification programs is the failure to specify concreate behavioral ____ Values Golas Norms Morals Ethics


Which of the following model of change proposed the sequence of "Unfreeze, Move, Refreeze"? appreciative inquiry model Lewin's change model complex adaptive model Kotter's change model bureaucratic model

Lewin's change model

Which organizational structure is designed so that many employees have multiple lines of authority? geographic product flat matrix vertical


Horace Products has a highly vertical organizational structure that is designed to generate a high degree of standardization and control. Horace Products can be described to have which of these structures? differentiated transformational strategic organic mechanistic


According research, all these are stereotypes held toward older employees Except With more experience and are more likely to take calculated risks less creative more resistance to organizational change lower in physical capacity less capable of learning new techniques

More resistance to organizational Change

Which of the following is NOT a physical property of objects Intensity Size Contrast Motion Novelty


____ is the most obvious dynamic property Silence Brevity Motion Repetition Speech


Which of the following represents the changes in the overall formal relationships, or the architecture of relationships, within an organization? technological change structural change cultural change transformational change incremental change

Structural change

The typical physiological response to stressful events is believed to follow a fairly consistent pattern known as the ________ . acceptance cycle adjustment hypothesis resistance syndrome coping mechanism adaptation syndrome

adaptation syndrome

which of the these represents the final step in a behavior modification program? administer feedback and rewards evaluate results conduct a performance audit set specific behavioral goals establish behavioral criteria

administer feedback and rewards

Which of these occurs first in the general adaptation syndrome? adjustment resistance acceptance coping alarm


Role _______ is experienced when individuals have inadequate information concerning their roles. underload overload conflict reversal ambiguity


The feeling of inability to deal with anticipated harm is _______. anxiety indifference rejection alarm frustration


According to Thomas, which of these conflict handling modes is appropriate when you perceive no chance of satisfying your concerns? compromising accommodating collaborating avoiding competing


According to Thomas, which of these conflict handling modes is representative of unassertive and uncooperative characteristics? competing accommodating collaborating avoiding compromising


The need to ensure that one's behaviors are consistent with their attitudes toward the event to which of these? fundamental attribution error self-serving bias perceptual selectivity halo effect behavioral justification

behavioral justification

which of the following defines the process whereby a stimulus-response bond is developed between a conditioned stimulus and a conditioned response through the repeated linking of conditional stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus? Classical conditioning vicarious learning behavior modification avoidance learning operant conditioning

classical conditioning

in ____, the unconditioned stimulus, acting as a sort of reward, is administered during every trial. In contrast, in ____ the reward results only when individuals choose the correct response vicarious learning classical conditioning operant conditioning classical condition classical conditioning operant condition classical conditioning various learning operant condition vicarious learning

classical conditioning operant conditioning

When one person or group holds ideas or opinions that are inconsistent with those of others, ________ conflict can result. cognitive goal behavioral affective intrapersonal


Which of the following is an individual strategy for coping with work-related stress? cognitive perspective job redesign personnel selection and placement job rotation increased participation and personal control

cognitive perspective

According to Thomas, which of these conflict handling modes is appropriate when trying to find an integrative solution when both sets of concerns are too important to be compromised? accommodating competing avoiding compromising collaborating


According to Thomas, which of these conflict handling modes is representative of assertive and cooperative characteristics? accommodating compromising competing collaborating avoiding


According to Thomas, which of these conflict handling modes is appropriate when opponents with equal power are committed to mutually exclusive goals? collaborating competing compromising accommodating avoiding


According to Thomas, which is the second stage of the conflict process? outcome assessment conceptualization frustration behavior


Which stage of Thomas' conflict process is the problem-solving and strategy phase? None of the other answers is correct conceptualization formation frustration outcome behavior


The process by which individuals or groups react to other entities that have frustrated, or are about to frustrate, their plans, goals, beliefs, or activities is ________. attitude retaliation affectation conflict perseverance


Which of these represents a Type B personality characteristic? intense sense of urgency strong goal-directedness does one activity at a time highly competitive polyphasic behavior

does one activity at a time

which of the following is an internal state og disequilibrium; a felt need? reinforcement reward punishment habit drive


The type of strategy that wears down the dissatisfied employee while at the same time claiming that resolution strategies are open and available is which of the following? due process non-action character assassination non-action administrative action secrecy

due process nonaction

which of these represents the first step in a behavior modification program? administer feedback and rewards conduct a performance audit establish behavioral criteria set specific behavioral goals evaluate results

establish behavioral criteria

Which term describes beneficial stess? eustress hardiness enrichment There is no such thing as beneficial stress. grit


which of the following represents the first step in the perceptual selectivity process? Perception exposure retention and response attention interpretation


under which schedule of reinforcement, the reward is administered only upon the completion of a given number of desired responses? operant interval variable interval fixed interval variable ratio fixed ratio

fixed ratio

According to Thomas, which is the first stage of the conflict process? conceptualization outcome behavior frustration assessment


When one person or group desires a different outcome than others do, which type of conflict can occur? intrapersonal affective behavioral cognitive goal


which of the following refer to the experienced bond or connection between stimulus and response? punishment drive reward reinforcement habit


Which of these represents a collection of personality characteristics that involve one's ability to perceptually or behaviorally transform negative stressors into positive challenges? tolerance for ambiguity hardiness locus of control social support eustress


Response salience refers to focus on objects that relate to our ____ needs or wants unnecessary innate none of the other answers is correct immediate subconscious


Personal abilities, traits, and skills are examples of which of the following factors why organizations have conflict? individual differences status inconsistencies task interdependencies dependence on common resource pools jurisdictional ambiguities

individual differences

Individuals who are assigned a boundary-spanning role between two groups or departments are _________. protagonists integrators instigators negotiators disciples


_______ conflict is when two people disagree on some matter. Interorganizational Interpersonal Intrapersonal Intrinsic Intergroup


_______ conflict is conflict within one person. Intrapersonal Behavioral Intrinsic Affective Affective


____ refers to the extent to which a person is interested in and committed to assigned tasks organizational involvement job involvement job consistency organizational commitment job satisfaction

job involvement

Situations where it is unclear exactly where responsibility for something lies reflects which of the following factors why organizations have conflict? task interdependencies dependence on common resource pools status inconsistencies individual differences jurisdictional ambiguities

jurisdictional ambiguities

Which of the following is a personal influence factor on the job-related stress? locus of control role conflict role ambiguity role overload occupation

locus of control

Which of these describes a Type A personality characteristic? does one activity at a time moderate goal-directedness deliberate time orientation polyphasic behavior work is only one of many interests

moderate goal-directedness

which of the following measures the effects of reinforcement, or rewards, on desired behaviors? behavior modification classical conditioning operant conditioning vicarious learning avoidance learning

operant conditioning

Which of the following represents the label for a field that specializes in change management? organizational development organizational change organizational design complex adaptive systems level of organization

organizational development

According to Thomas, which is the final stage of the conflict process? assessment behavior frustration conceptualization outcome


which of these aims to identify discrepancies between what management sees as desired or acceptable behavior and actual behavior? reciprocal determinism behavioral dilemmas extinction positive reinforcement performance audit

performance audit

The extent to which an employee actually has control over factors affecting effective job performance is _______ control. situational qualitative personal task organizational


which of the following for behavioral change consists of presenting someone with an attractive outcome following a desired behavior? extinction punishment positive reinforcement symbolic coding avoidance learning

positive reinforcement

which of the following strategies for behavioral change consists of presenting someone with an attractive outcome following a desired behavior? positive reinforcement symbolic coding extinction negative reinforcement punishment

positive reinforcement

advocates of behavioral change strategies, such as skinner, argue that ____ combined with ____ is most suitable way to bring about desired behavior avoidance learning: punishment avoidance learning extinction punishment positive reinforcement positive reinforcement extinction extinction punishment

positive reinforcement extinction

_______ role overload consists of being taxed beyond one's skills, abilities, and knowledge. Measurable Qualitative Quantitative Task Objective


Having more work than can be done in a given time period is _______ . task complexity quantitative overload qualitative quandary behavioral befuddlement duty dilemma

quantitative overload

Which of these is NOT a defense mechanism? change in perception recognition, but refusal to change self-serving bias modification and distortion denial

recognition, but refusal to change

At which stage of the general adaptation syndrome does the body attempt to repair any damage and return to a condition of stability and equilibrium? alarm coping resistance exhaustion adjustment


____ is the tendency to recognize familiar objects more quickly than unfamiliar ones halo effect perceptual organization response disposition cognitive dissonance internal locus of control

response disposition

Which of the following is an organizational influence factor on the job-related stress? personal control type A personality rate of life change role ambiguity locus of control

role ambiguity

The simultaneous occurrence of two or more sets of pressures or expectation is which of the following? role uncertainty role overload role ambiguity role underload role conflict

role conflict

A way of spreading stress among employees and providing a respite from particularly stressful jobs is best accomplished through job ______. commitment rotation involvement design enrichment


which of these defines the tendency for individuals to attribute success on an event or projects to their own actions while attributing failure to others? fundamental attribution error perceptual selectivity halo effect stereotyping self-serving bias

self-serving bias

Which of the following is defined as the process of molding behavior through the reciprocal interaction of a person's cognition, behavior, and environment? Law of Effect avoidance learning behavior modification classical conditioning social learning theory

social learning theory

Which of these refers to the extent to which organization members feel their peers can be trusted, are interested in one another's welfare, respect one another, and have a genuine positive regard for one another? locus of control hardiness eustress social support tolerance for ambiguity

social support

_______ can be defined as a physical and emotional reaction to potentially threatening aspects of the environment. Hardiness Stress Grit Perception Attittude


people associate verbal or visual stimuli with the problem of ____ coding noticeable behavioral speech symbolic systematic


The more individuals or groups have to work together or collaborate to accomplish a goal, the greater the likelihood of conflict if different expectations or goals exist among entities. This reflects which of the following factors why organizations have conflict? status inconsistencies dependence on common resource pools task interdependencies individual differences jurisdictional ambiguities

task interdependencies

sara, a serivce manager at Auto Service, knows that on the average her performance is evaluated and rewarded about once a month, but she does not know when this event will occur. This is an example of which of the following schedule of reinforcement? variable interval fixed interval fixed ratio variable ratio operant interval

variable interval

When leaders assume that employees will change if they can be inspired to aim for greater degrees of excellence in their work, it represents which of these? appreciative mindset deficit -based change emergent approach top-down change abundance-based change

Abundance-based change

Which of the following represent a model specifically designed as an abundance-based, bottom-up, positive approach? Lewin's change model appreciative inquiry model complex adaptive model bureaucratic model Kotter's change model

Appreciative inquiry model

Which of these refers to small refinements in current organizational practices or routines that do not challenge, but rather build on or improve, existing aspects and practices within the organization? cultural change incremental change technological change differentiation change structural change

Incremental change

The _____ is emergent, meaning that it is formed through the common conversations and relationships that often naturally occur as people interact with one another in their day-to-day relationships. level of organization organizational structure organizational development informal organization organizational design

Informal organization

Which of these is referred to as the invisible network of interpersonal relationships that shape how people actually connect with one another to carry out their activities? organizational design None of the other answers is correct complex adaptive systems organizational development informal organization organizational structure

Informal organization

In ____, there is a saying that "the nail that sticks up gets hammered down" Germany Japan France England Bulgaria


____ represents a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experience Organizational Commitment Job Consistency Team Involvement Job Involvement Job Satisfaction

Job Satisfaction

Which of the following models of change proposed an eight-step sequence and relies on a centralized, top-down process for creating planned change? bureaucratic model appreciative inquiry model Kotter's change model Lewin's change model complex adaptive model

Kotter's change model

Dooble Inc. has a horizontal organizational structure with many individuals across the company empowered to make organizational decisions. Dooble can be described as having which of these structures? organic mechanistic strategic technological transactional


____ represents the relative strength of an individual's identification with and involvement in an organization Job consistency Job satisfaction Organizational involvement Job Involvement Organizational commitment

Organizational commitment

Which term describes a system for accomplishing and connecting activities that occur within a work organization ? organizational design organizational development complex adaptive systems organizational change organizational structure

Organizational structure

which of the following describes the process by which one screens, selects, organizes, and interprets stimuli to give them meaning? cognitive dissonance perception organizational commitment attitude personality


When people are presented with a situation that contradicts their long held beliefs and attitudes, ____ is especially pronounced attribution Perceptual Defense Self-serving bias selective perception stereotyping

Perceptual Defense

When meaning has been attached to an object, individuals are in a position to determine an appropriate response or reaction to it. This refers to which of the following? Perceptual Organization Self-serving bias halo effect Perceptual selectivity cognitive dissonance

Perceptual Organization

The process of improving performance incrementally is ____ reinforcement coaching shaping extinction substitution


The Process by which attributes are assigned to people solely on the basis of their class or category is ____ Perceptual defense Attribution Self-serving bias Selective perception Stereotyping


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the perceiver? Self-concept Cognitive Structure Subconscious Uncertainty Previous Experience with the Individual Response Salience

Subconscious Uncertainty

In the ____ phase of the organizational life cycle, the organization expands, and the hierarchy deepens, now with multiple levels of employees. Lower-level managers are given greater responsibility, and managers for significant areas of responsibility are identified. sustained success survival and early success renewal entrepreneurship decline

Sustained success

According to Thomas, which of these conflict handling modes is appropriate when building social credits for later issues? compromising accommodating avoiding collaborating competing


according to ____ law of effect, behavior that is rewarded is less likely to be reported, whereas behavior that is punished is unlikely to be reported Humboldt's Skinner's Thorndike's Hitler's Upjohn's


Which of these refers to significant shifts in an organizational system that may cause significant disruption to some underlying aspect of the organization, its processes, or structures? technological change cultural change incremental change transformational change differentiation change

Transformational change

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