MGMT 340 - EXAM 2 - CHAP 7

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3) The ________ element of motivation describes how hard a person tries. A) intelligence B) experience C) direction D) intensity E) persistence

Answer: D Explanation: D) Intensity describes how hard a person tries. This is the element most of us focus on when we talk about motivation.

25) Which of following needs, as detailed by Maslow's hierarchy of needs, best corresponds to McClelland's need for affiliation? A) safety B) social C) esteem D) self-actualization E) physiological

Answer: B Explanation: B) The need for affiliation is highly similar to the social needs in Maslow's theory. According to Maslow, social needs include the need for affection, belongingness, acceptance, and friendship. In McClelland's theory, the need for affiliation is the desire for friendly and close interpersonal relationships.

37) The ________ theory is also known as the social cognitive theory or the social learning theory. A) two-factor B) self-determination C) goal-setting D) self-efficacy E) reinforcement

Answer: D Explanation: D) The self-efficacy theory is also known as the social cognitive theory or the social learning theory.

71) According to the expectancy theory, the performance-reward relationship is the degree to which ________. A) the individual believes performing at a particular level will lead to desired outcomes B) organizational rewards satisfy an individual's personal goals or needs C) organizational rewards are perceived as attractive by the individual D) the individual believes that exerting a given amount of effort will lead to performance E) organization rewards correspond with the individual's level of effort

Answer: A Explanation: A) According to expectancy theory, the performance-reward relationship indicates the degree to which the individual believes performing at a particular level will lead to the attainment of a desired outcome.

28) Self-determination theory proposes that in addition to being driven by a need for autonomy, people seek ways to achieve ________. A) competence and positive connections B) high rewards C) recognition and status D) career growth E) power and control

Answer: A Explanation: A) Self-determination theory proposes that in addition to being driven by a need for autonomy, people seek ways to achieve competence and positive connections to others.

10) Which of the following needs in Maslow's hierarchy refers to the drive to become what one is capable of becoming? A) social B) self-actualization C) physiological D) esteem E) safety

Answer: B Explanation: B) Self-actualization refers to the drive to become what we are capable of becoming. It includes growth, achieving our potential, and self-fulfillment.

39) According to Albert Bandura, the most important source of increasing self-efficacy is ________. A) arousal B) vicarious modeling C) verbal persuasion D) enactive mastery E) cognitive learning

Answer: D Explanation: D) According to Bandura, the most important source of increasing self-efficacy is enactive mastery, that is, gaining relevant experience with the task or job. If you've been able to do the job successfully in the past, then you're more confident you'll be able to do it in the future.

20) McClelland's theory is based on which of the following needs? A) stability, growth, and security B) achievement, power, and affiliation C) self-actualization, stability, and safety D) hygiene, control, and security E) control, status, and self-actualization

Answer: B Explanation: B) McClelland's theory of needs states that the need for achievement (nAch), the need for power (nPow), and the need for affiliation (nAff) help explain motivation.

18) According to the two-factor theory proposed by Herzberg, which of the following is considered a hygiene factor? A) promotional opportunities B) quality of supervision C) achievement D) recognition E) responsibility

Answer: B Explanation: B) According to the two-factor theory, conditions such as quality of supervision, pay, company policies, physical working conditions, relationships with others, and job security are considered hygiene factors or extrinsic factors.

45) The best way for a manager to use verbal persuasion is through the ________, a form of self-fulfilling prophecy in which believing something can make it true. A) confirmation bias B) Pygmalion effect C) anchoring bias D) framing effect E) Electra complex

Answer: B Explanation: B) The best way for a manager to use verbal persuasion is through the Pygmalion effect, or the Galatea effect. The Pygmalion effect is a form of self-fulfilling prophecy in which believing something can make it true.

38) ________ refers to an individual's belief that he or she is capable of performing a task. A) Emotional contagion B) Affect intensity C) Self-efficacy D) Self-determination E) Reinforcement

Answer: C Explanation: C) Self-efficacy is an individual's belief that he or she is capable of performing a task. The higher your self-efficacy, the more confidence you have in your ability to succeed.

4) Which level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs deals with satisfying one's hunger, thirst, and other bodily needs? A) safety B) physiological C) social D) esteem E) psychological

Answer: B Explanation: B) Maslow hypothesized that within every human being there exists a hierarchy of five needs. The lowest, most basic needs are physiological. They include hunger, thirst, shelter, sex, and other bodily needs.

47) The proponents of reinforcement theory view behavior as ________. A) the result of a cognitive process B) environmentally caused C) a reflection of the inner state of the individual D) a function of one's power need E) a product of heredity

Answer: B Explanation: B) Reinforcement theory takes a behavioristic approach, arguing that reinforcement conditions behavior. Reinforcement theorists see behavior as environmentally caused.

8) According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which of the following is a lower-order need? A) social B) safety C) esteem D) self-actualization E) recognition

Answer: B Explanation: B) Maslow separated the five needs into higher and lower orders. Physiological and safety needs were lower-order needs, and social, esteem, and self-actualization were higher-order needs.

9) If we consider Maslow's hierarchy of needs in the context of Japan, Greece, and Mexico, where uncertainty-avoidance characteristics are strong, then ________ needs would be on top of the hierarchy. A) self-actualization B) security C) social D) esteem E) growth

Answer: B Explanation: B) If we consider Maslow's needs hierarchy in the context of Japan, Greece, and Mexico, where uncertainty-avoidance characteristics are strong, security needs would be on top of the hierarchy.

33) According to goal-setting theory, goals are more likely to have a stronger impact on performance when ________. A) goals have long time frames for completion B) tasks are complex rather than simple C) tasks are novel rather than well learned D) goals are easy rather than difficult E) tasks are independent rather than interdependent

Answer: E Explanation: E) Goal commitment is most likely to occur when goals are made public, when the individual has an internal locus of control, and when the goals are self-set rather than assigned. Goals themselves seem to affect performance more strongly when tasks are simple rather than complex, well learned rather than novel, and independent rather than interdependent. On interdependent tasks, group goals are preferable.

58) Self-inside, one of the four referent comparisons in the equity theory, refers to ________. A) an employee's experiences in a different position inside the employee's current organization B) an employee's experiences in a different position outside the employee's current organization C) another individual or group of individuals inside the employee's organization D) an employee's experiences in a similar position outside the employee's current organization E) another individual or group of individuals outside the employee's organization

Answer: A Explanation: A) The referent comparison of self-inside refers to an employee's experiences in a different position inside the employee's current organization.

72) Mark is an excellent technical writer. He has never missed a deadline and all his projects are of superior quality. He now wants to telecommute two days a week, so that he can spend more time with his family. He feels that he has proven his reliability. However, his boss is unable to comply with his request and gives him a substantial raise instead. According to the expectancy theory, Mark's disappointment demonstrates a breakdown in the ________ relationship. A) performance-reward B) effort-performance C) rewards-personal goals D) effort-satisfaction E) performance-achievement

Answer: C Explanation: C) According to expectancy theory, the rewards-personal goals relationship indicates the degree to which organizational rewards satisfy an individual's personal goals or needs and the attractiveness of those potential rewards for the individual.

57) According to the equity theory, there are four referent comparisons. The referent comparison known as other-inside refers to ________. A) an employee's experiences in a different position inside the employee's current organization B) an employee's experiences in a different position outside the employee's current organization C) another individual or group of individuals inside the employee's organization D) an employee's experiences in a similar position outside the employee's current organization E) another individual or group of individuals outside the employee's organization

Answer: C Explanation: C) The referent comparison of other-inside refers to another individual or group of individuals inside the employee's organization.

51) The concept of operant conditioning is a part of the broader concept of ________, which argues that behavior follows stimuli in a relatively unthinking manner. A) equity theory B) expectancy theory C) cognitive behavioral therapy D) behaviorism E) humanism

Answer: D Explanation: D) The concept of operant conditioning was part of B. F. Skinner's broader concept of behaviorism, which argues that behavior follows stimuli in a relatively unthinking manner. Skinner's form of radical behaviorism rejects feelings, thoughts, and other states of mind as causes of behavior. In short, people learn to associate stimulus and response, but their conscious awareness of this association is irrelevant.

35) MBO provides individual employees with ________. A) personal performance objectives B) greater work supervision C) predefined targets D) generalized feedback E) clear-cut growth paths

Answer: A Explanation: A) As lower-unit managers jointly participate in setting their own goals, MBO works from the bottom up as well as from the top down. The result is a hierarchy that links objectives at one level to those at the next. And for the individual employee, MBO provides specific personal performance objectives.

15) Which of the following theories proposes the idea of a dual continuum? A) Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory B) self-determination theory C) two-factor theory D) cognitive evaluation theory E) McClelland's theory of needs

Answer: C Explanation: C) Frederick Herzberg postulated the two-factor theory and proposed a dual continuum: The opposite of "satisfaction" is "no satisfaction," and the opposite of "dissatisfaction" is "no dissatisfaction."

42) With reference to the four sources of self-efficacy as proposed by Albert Bandura, verbal persuasion involves becoming more confident ________. A) because you have gained relevant experience with the particular task or job B) because you see someone else doing the particular task or job C) because someone convinces you that you have the skills necessary to be successful D) because you are rewarded for performing a similar task well E) because you get energized or "psyched up" to perform the particular task or job

Answer: C Explanation: C) Verbal persuasion involves becoming more confident because someone convinces you that you have the skills necessary to be successful. Motivational speakers use this tactic a lot.

74) If a manager incorrectly assumes that all employees want the same thing, then according to the expectancy theory, it is most likely to result in a weak ________ relationship. A) performance-achievement B) effort-performance C) performance-reward D) rewards-personal goals E) effort-satisfaction

Answer: D Explanation: D) According to the expectancy theory, the rewards-personal goals relationship indicates the degree to which organizational rewards satisfy an individual's personal goals or needs and the attractiveness of those potential rewards for the individual. So if a manager incorrectly assumes that all employees want the same thing, then according to the expectancy theory, it is most likely to result in a weak rewards-personal goals relationship.

36) Unlike in the case of goal-setting theory, MBO strongly advocates ________. A) self-generated feedback B) explicit time periods C) participatively set goals D) independent tasks E) specific performance objectives

Answer: C Explanation: C) Many elements in MBO programs match propositions of goal-setting theory. The only area of possible disagreement between MBO and goal-setting theory is participation: MBO strongly advocates it, whereas goal-setting theory demonstrates that managers' assigned goals are usually just as effective.

44) The Pygmalion effect is also called the ________ effect. A) halo B) self-concordance C) Galatea D) self-determination E) pseudocertainty

Answer: C Explanation: C) The Pygmalion effect is also called the Galatea effect.

41) One of the sources of self-efficacy is ________, becoming more confident because you see someone else doing the task. A) arousal B) enactive mastery C) visualization D) vicarious modeling E) verbal persuasion

Answer: D Explanation: D) One of the sources of self-efficacy is vicarious modeling—becoming more confident because you see someone else doing the task.

65) Edith believes that the methods for determining salary hikes and bonuses in her company are extremely unfair. In this case, Edith perceives a lack of ________ justice. A) interpersonal B) distributive C) associative D) procedural E) interactional

Answer: D Explanation: D) Procedural justice refers to the perceived fairness of the process used to determine the distribution of rewards.

40) Which of the following sources of increasing self-efficacy involves gaining relevant experience with a particular task or job? A) verbal persuasion B) enactive mastery C) vicarious modeling D) arousal E) cognitive learning

Answer: B Explanation: B) Enactive mastery involves gaining relevant experience with the task or job.

13) If Alberta is a categorized as a Theory X manager, which of the following behaviors is she most likely to exhibit? A) She will empower her subordinates. B) She will trust her employees to use their discretion in most matters. C) She will strictly control all the details of any project she is managing. D) She will delegate authority extensively to junior managers. E) She will let her employees choose their own goals.

Answer: C Explanation: C) According to Theory X, managers believe employees inherently dislike work and must therefore be directed or even coerced into performing it. Per Theory X, a manager would not trust employees and would feel inclined to control all aspects of their work.

31) The investment of an employee's physical, cognitive, and emotional energies into job performance is called ________. A) vicarious modeling B) self-determination C) job engagement D) management by objectives E) job analysis

Answer: C Explanation: C) Job engagement refers to the investment of an employee's physical, cognitive, and emotional energies into job performance.

64) Jackie thinks that she is paid a lot less than other employees in her division and feels extremely resentful. She starts taking long breaks and generally wastes time. Her actions resulted from a perceived lack of ________ justice. A) interactional B) interpersonal C) procedural D) distributive E) associative

Answer: D Explanation: D) Equity theory focuses on distributive justice, the employee's perceived fairness of the amount and allocation of rewards among individuals.

24) Which of the following statements is true according to McClelland's theory of needs? A) People with a high achievement need prefer tasks that have a high level of risk. B) People with a high achievement need are interested in motivating others to do well. C) People with a high need for power and affiliation often make good managers in large firms. D) People with a high achievement need experience great satisfaction from success that comes by luck. E) People with a high need for power and a low need for affiliation often make the best managers.

Answer: E Explanation: E) Needs for affiliation and power tend to be closely related to managerial success. The best managers are high in their need for power and low in their need for affiliation. In fact, a high power motive may be a requirement for managerial effectiveness.

46) A(n) ________ is any consequence immediately following a response that increases the probability that the behavior will be repeated. A) conclusion B) reinforcer C) goal D) objective E) referent

Answer: B Explanation: B) Behavior is controlled by reinforcers—any consequences that, when immediately following responses, increase the probability that the behavior will be repeated.

17) Which of the following is a motivational factor according to Herzberg's two-factor theory? A) quality of supervision B) recognition C) pay D) relationships with others E) company policies

Answer: B Explanation: B) Herzberg characterized conditions such as quality of supervision, pay, company policies, physical working conditions, relationships with others, and job security as hygiene factors. When they're adequate, people will not be dissatisfied; neither will they be satisfied. If we want to motivate people on their jobs, Herzberg suggested emphasizing factors associated with the work itself or with outcomes directly derived from it, such as promotional opportunities, personal growth opportunities, recognition, responsibility, and achievement.

2) The ________ dimension of motivation measures how long a person can maintain effort. A) direction B) persistence C) intensity D) knowledge E) experience

Answer: B Explanation: B) Motivation has a persistence dimension. This measures how long a person can maintain effort. Motivated individuals stay with a task long enough to achieve their goal.

11) Why is Maslow's theory criticized? A) The concept of self-actualization was unfounded. B) There is little evidence that needs are structured or operate in the way it describes. C) The esteem need is a more powerful motivator than self-actualization. D) Its terminology tends to alienate those to whom it is applied. E) It does not adequately describe how an organization can satisfy higher-order needs.

Answer: B Explanation: B) Research does not validate Maslow's theory. Maslow provided no empirical substantiation, and several studies that sought to validate it found no support for it. There is little evidence that need structures are organized as Maslow proposed, that unsatisfied needs motivate, or that a satisfied need activates movement to a new need level.

27) Which of the following statements is true regarding the cognitive evaluation theory? A) People need extrinsic rewards in order to be motivated. B) Extrinsic rewards tend to reduce intrinsic interest in a task. C) Intrinsic rewards are almost as effective as extrinsic rewards. D) Externally imposed standards of work largely improve intrinsic motivation. E) Extrinsic rewards, including verbal praise, significantly decrease intrinsic motivation.

Answer: B Explanation: B) The cognitive evaluation theory hypothesizes that extrinsic rewards will reduce intrinsic interest in a task.

30) The concept of ________ considers how strongly people's reasons for pursuing goals are consistent with their interests and core values. A) self-serving bias B) self-fulfilling prophecy C) self-concordance D) self-actualization E) self-efficacy

Answer: C Explanation: C) A recent outgrowth of self-determination theory is self-concordance, which considers how strongly people's reasons for pursuing goals are consistent with their interests and core values. If individuals pursue goals because of an intrinsic interest, they are more likely to attain their goals and are happy even if they do not.

12) According to Douglas McGregor's Theory Y, a manager assumes that employees ________. A) need to be directed B) prefer to be controlled C) learn to accept responsibility D) need to be micromanaged E) attempt to avoid work

Answer: C Explanation: C) According to Theory Y, managers assume employees can view work as being as natural as rest or play, and therefore the average person can learn to accept, and even seek, responsibility.

53) According to social learning theory, which of the following processes demonstrates whether an individual is capable of performing the modeled activities? A) attentional process B) retention process C) motor reproduction process D) reinforcement process E) motivation process

Answer: C Explanation: C) After a person has seen a new behavior by observing a model, watching must be converted to doing. The motor reproduction process demonstrates that the individual can perform the modeled activities.

56) Karen graduated from college four years ago and has been working at Betaphy Inc. ever since. She has consistently received good performance evaluations for the quality of her work. She recently found out that her company hired a fresh college graduate with no experience at a salary higher than hers. Which of the following theories will Karen most likely use to evaluate this situation? A) reinforcement B) goal setting C) equity D) expectancy E) operant conditioning

Answer: C Explanation: C) Equity theory states that individuals make comparisons to referent others (compare their job inputs and outcomes with those of others and then respond to eliminate any inequities.) In this situation, because Karen is comparing income, it is likely that she will use equity theory.

19) According to Herzberg, when ________ are adequate, people won't be dissatisfied, but they will also not be satisfied. A) achievement needs B) affiliation needs C) motivational factors D) power needs E) hygiene factors

Answer: E Explanation: E) Herzberg suggested that the opposite of "satisfaction" is "no satisfaction," and the opposite of "dissatisfaction" is "no dissatisfaction." Removing dissatisfying characteristics from a job does not necessarily make the job satisfying. When hygiene factors are adequate, people will not be dissatisfied; neither will they be satisfied.

14) The ________ theory is also called motivation-hygiene theory. A) hierarchy of needs B) goal-setting C) self-determination D) cognitive evaluation E) two-factor

Answer: E Explanation: E) Psychologist Frederick Herzberg proposed the two-factor theory—also called motivation-hygiene theory.

70) Oscar is looking for a new job. He used to be the company's top sales representative and was eagerly expecting to be promoted. However, one of the regional manager's friends was promoted to district manager instead. According to the expectancy theory, Oscar's dissatisfaction with his current job stems from a breakdown in the ________ relationship. A) performance-reward B) effort-performance C) reward-personal goal D) satisfaction-effort E) personal goal-self actualization

Answer: A Explanation: A) The performance-reward relationship explains the degree to which the individual believes performing at a particular level will lead to the attainment of a desired outcome.

60) Jim is a salaried employee whose job is to develop content for online web sites. He discovers that he is paid substantially more than his colleagues even though their jobs and levels of performance are very similar. According to the equity theory, what impact is this discovery most likely to have on his behavior and performance? A) He will reduce the amount of work that he does on a daily basis. B) He will compare his earnings to those of another group of employees. C) He will increase his productivity and/or the overall quality of his work. D) He will seek a position within the company commensurate with his pay. E) He will begin to look for a position outside of the company.

Answer: C Explanation: C) When people see themselves as overrewarded, it creates guilt. According to equity theory, in order to reinstate a sense of equity, Jim will change his inputs (exert more if overpaid). He will increase his productivity and/or the overall quality of his work.

59) Other-outside is a referent comparison that refers to ________. A) an employee's experiences in a similar position outside the employee's current organization B) another individual or group of individuals inside the employee's organization C) an employee's experiences in a different position inside the employee's current organization D) another individual or group of individuals outside the employee's organization E) an employee's experiences in a different position outside the employee's current organization

Answer: D Explanation: D) The referent comparison of other-outside refers to another individual or group of individuals outside the employee's organization.

16) According to the two-factor theory, ________. A) there exists a hierarchy of needs within every human being, and as each need is satisfied, the next one becomes dominant B) most employees inherently dislike work and must therefore be directed or even coerced into performing it C) employees view work as being as natural as rest or play, and therefore learn to accept, and even seek, responsibility D) the aspects that lead to job satisfaction are separate and distinct from those that lead to job dissatisfaction E) achievement, power, and affiliation are three important needs that help explain motivation

Answer: D Explanation: D) The two-factor theory proposes that the factors that lead to job satisfaction are separate and distinct from those that lead to job dissatisfaction.

50) Helen, a high school teacher, wants her students to actively participate more in class. She has decided to use reinforcement theory to get the required results. Which of the following methods is she most likely to use? A) She is going to call on students who never participate. B) She is going to yell at students, telling them that they are not making good grades. C) She is going to ask the students that always participate to allow the others to have a chance. D) She is going to model what active participation should look like at the beginning of class. E) She is going to give students an extra mark each time that they contribute.

Answer: E Explanation: E) Helen is most likely going to use operant conditioning in which she gives participating students additional marks. With this practice she is motivating the students by conditioning them to expect a reward each time they demonstrate a specific behavior (speaking up in class).

23) Erika wants to become the head of the HR department. Although the role comes with a generous salary hike and will put her in charge of several subordinates, she is mainly pursuing this position because she believes she can do the job better than anyone else and wants people to know this. According to McClelland's theory of needs, which of the following needs is Erika primarily driven by in this case? A) the need for stability B) the need for achievement C) the need for security D) the need for affiliation E) the need for power

Answer: B Explanation: B) Need for achievement (nAch) is the drive to excel, to achieve in relation to a set of standards. Erika is demonstrating the need to achieve.

48) ________ argues that people learn to behave to get something they want or to avoid something they don't want. A) Theory Y B) Theory X C) Social cognitive theory D) Operant conditioning theory E) McClelland's theory of needs

Answer: D Explanation: D) Operant conditioning theory argues that people learn to behave to get something they want or to avoid something they don't want. Unlike reflexive or unlearned behavior, operant behavior is influenced by the reinforcement or lack of reinforcement brought about by its consequences.

32) Which of the following statements is true regarding goal-setting theory? A) Goal commitment is more likely when individuals have an external locus of control. B) Externally generated feedback is more powerful than self-generated feedback. C) Generalized goals produce a higher level of output than specific goals. D) People do better when they get feedback on how well they are progressing toward their goals. E) Assigned goals generate greater goal commitment in low rather than high power-distance cultures.

Answer: D Explanation: D) People do better when they get feedback on how well they are progressing toward their goals because it helps identify discrepancies between what they have done and what they want to do. Self-generated feedback—with which employees are able to monitor their own progress—is more powerful than externally generated feedback.

1) ________ is defined as the processes that account for an individual's intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal. A) Leadership B) Management C) Learning D) Emotional labor E) Motivation

Answer: E Explanation: E) Motivation is defined as the processes that account for an individual's intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal.

52) What is the limitation of reinforcement theory in explaining changes in behavior? A) It does not adequately describe the original behavior. B) It places too much emphasis on feelings and attitudes. C) Most behavior is, in fact, environmentally caused. D) It ignores the effect of rewards and punishments on behavior. E) It does not recognize the effect of cognitive variables.

Answer: E Explanation: E) In its pure form, reinforcement theory ignores feelings, attitudes, expectations, and other cognitive variables known to affect behavior.

You manage a department of five employees. You have identified that Joe has a high need for achievement, Mary has a high need for power, and Tim has a high need for affiliation. Sarah scored high on the need for power and low on the need for affiliation. Doug scored low on both need for power and need for affiliation. 21) Which of these five employees is most likely to be suitable for a new assignment that involves a high degree of personal responsibility and feedback? A) Joe B) Mary C) Tim D) Sarah E) Doug 22) Which of these five employees is most suitable for handling your responsibilities when you are on a vacation? A) Joe B) Mary C) Tim D) Sarah E) Doug

Answer: A Explanation: A) Need for achievement (nAch) is the drive to excel, to achieve in relation to a set of standards. As Joe has a high need for achievement, he would enjoy a challenging assignment with a high degree of personal responsibility and feedback. Answer: D Explanation: D) The best managers are high in their need for power and low in their need for affiliation. Sarah has a high need for power and a low need for affiliation.

Megan graduated from college three years ago and has been working at Sterba Inc. ever since. A conscientious employee, she has consistently received good performance evaluations. She recently found out that a younger colleague, who was just recruited to her team, is drawing a higher salary than she is for doing the same type of work. 61) Following this discovery, Megan starts coming to work late and her productivity begins to suffer. Which of the following is most similar to the scenario mentioned above based on the equity theory? A) Dawn starts coming to work early and stays late once she learns that the mid-term review is around the corner. B) Greg believes he works harder than any of the other members in his department as they often leave the office before him. C) Lisa starts working longer hours after learning that her co-workers earn less than she does for the same work. D) Myrtle produces a higher number of units to compensate for the lower quality of her output. E) Beth submits her resignation after she was passed over for promotion for the second time. 62) Based on the equity theory, which of the following, if true, would strengthen the argument that Megan is trying to gain a sense of equity by distorting her perception of herself? A) She thinks that her colleague is paid more because she is an Ivy League graduate. B) She believes that she is less capable than her colleague. C) She assumes that her colleague received a higher package due to changes in industry standards. D) She believes that her salary is not commensurate with her skills and experience. 63) Based on the equity theory, which of the following, if true, would strengthen the argument that Megan is trying to gain a sense of equity by changing her inputs? A) She asks her boss for a raise, citing her years of experience with the company. B) She claims that extrinsic rewards make work seem like a chore and less enjoyable. C) She accepts additional responsibilities but fails to carry them out effectively. D) She takes long breaks from work and shirks her responsibilities. E) She constantly interrupts her colleague, refusing to let her get any work done. E) She believes that she is doing a lot better career-wise compared to the people with whom she graduated.

Answer: C Explanation: C) Based on equity theory, employees who perceive inequity can change their inputs, i.e., exert less effort if they are underpaid, or exert more effort if they are overpaid. In the scenario, Megan is underpaid compared to her younger colleague and hence changes her inputs by slacking off at work. This situation is best mirrored by Lisa, who works longer hours (changes inputs) after realizing that she is overpaid compared to her colleagues. Dawn's behavior does not relate to the concept of equity. Greg's behavior represents a distorted perception of self. In Myrtle's situation, she is attempting to change outcomes and not her inputs. Beth chooses to deal with the perceived inequity by leaving the field. Answer: B Explanation: B) Based on equity theory, employees who perceive inequity can distort their perceptions of themselves—"I used to think I worked at a moderate pace, but now I realize I work a lot harder than everyone else." If Megan believes that she is less capable than her colleague, then this would imply that she has distorted her perception of herself. If she thinks that her colleague is paid more because she is an Ivy League graduate, then she is distorting her perception of her colleague. This would also be true if she assumes that her colleague received a higher package due to changes in industry standards. If Megan believes that her salary is not commensurate with her skills and experience, then this neither strengthens nor weakens the argument—it only implies that she is experiencing a sense of inequity. If she believes that she is doing a lot better career-wise compared to the people with whom she graduated, then this would mean she is choosing a different referent. Answer: D Explanation: D) Based on equity theory, employees who perceive inequity can change their inputs, i.e., exert less effort if they are underpaid, or exert more effort if they are overpaid. If Megan takes long breaks from work and shirks her responsibilities, then this would mean that she is trying to gain a sense of equity by reducing her inputs. If she asks her boss for a raise by citing her years of experience with the company, then this would mean that she is trying to gain a sense of equity by changing her outcomes. If she constantly interrupts her colleague and refuses to let her get any work done, then this would mean that she is trying to reduce her colleague's inputs. If she claims that extrinsic rewards make work seem like a chore and less enjoyable, then this would imply that she is distorting her perception of herself. The argument is neither strengthened nor weakened by the fact that she accepts additional responsibilities but fails to carry them out effectively.

54) George is trying to teach his two-year old son to gently caress their cat. George softly strokes the animal and every time his son does the same, he rewards him with kind words like "good job!" The child is very attentive during the process and claps his hands when his father praises him. However, as soon as George leaves, the boy lunges for the cat and grabs it by the tail. Which process of social-learning theory is failing? A) attentional processes B) justification processes C) retention processes D) motor reproduction processes E) reinforcement processes

Answer: C Explanation: C) Four processes determine a model's influence on an individual: attentional processes, retention processes, motor reproduction processes, and reinforcement processes. The child is paying attention, reproducing the behavior, and receiving reinforcement. The learning process is breaking down at the retention process in which the individual is supposed to remember the model's action after the model is no longer readily available. The child seems to immediately forget when his father leaves.

The church you go to every Sunday is made up of people who have very different lifestyles and are at different stages in their life. Joanna is a 23-year-old, single parent who works for minimum wage and shifts from motel to motel for accommodation. Josephine is a single, 45-year-old woman who earns a decent salary and has few interests and friends outside her office. Jonathan is 60 years old, extremely wealthy, has a loving family, and enjoys his work. You have decided to apply Maslow's hierarchy of needs to determine what motivates each of these individuals. 5) Which of the following needs would most likely motivate Joanna? A) social B) esteem C) physiological D) self-actualization E) safety 6) Which of the following needs would most likely motivate Josephine? A) social B) esteem C) physiological D) self-actualization E) safety 7) Which of the following needs would most motivate Jonathan? A) social B) esteem C) physiological D) self-actualization E) safety

Answer: C Explanation: C) Joanna first needs to satisfy her basic physiological needs, which include hunger, thirst, shelter, sex, and other bodily needs. Answer: A Explanation: A) According to Maslow, because Josephine is single and has little social interaction, she would strive to satisfy her social needs, which include affection, belongingness, acceptance, and friendship. Answer: D Explanation: D) According to Maslow, because Jonathan has satisfied all the previous needs in Maslow's hierarchy, he would be seeking self-actualization.

69) Logan is an employee who processes health insurance forms. Initially he was criticized by his supervisor for sloppy work, but thereafter he improved considerably. Now he consistently processes his forms without errors and even does more than his fair share of work. However, Logan's supervisor has not responded to the extra effort he has put in, giving him no praise or monetary benefits. This leads Logan to believe that his supervisor is biased against him. According to the expectancy theory, in this situation, there is a problem in the ________ relationship. A) rewards-personal goals B) performance-awareness C) performance-reward D) performance-objectives E) performance-achievement

Answer: C Explanation: C) The performance-reward relationship is the degree to which the individual believes performing at a particular level will lead to the attainment of a desired outcome. Employees sometimes, rightly or wrongly, perceive the boss doesn't like them. As a result, they expect a poor appraisal, regardless of effort.

29) Rachel's parents used to pay her an allowance every week to feed the cats and to do a few other chores around the house. However, once her mother lost her job, her parents stopped giving her an allowance. Although Rachel quit making her bed every morning, she still continued to feed the cats. Which of the following best explains why Rachel continues to feed the cats? A) Without the extrinsic reward, the task itself is eliminated. B) With the extrinsic reward, the execution of the task relies on internal motivation. C) Without the intrinsic reward, the execution of the task relies on external motivation. D) Without the extrinsic reward, the execution of the task relies on internal motivation. E) With the intrinsic reward, the execution of the task relies on external motivation.

Answer: D Explanation: D) By eliminating the extrinsic reward (the allowance), the explanation for Rachel's behavior (continuing to feed the cats) shifts from an external motivation to an internal motivation. Rachel must enjoy or feel some other internal desire to continue feeding the cats.

49) To get the best results while using reinforcement theory, rewards should be ________. A) small and given only once B) large and given at irregular intervals C) given prior to the desired behavior response D) given immediately following the desired behavior E) presented publicly with a large number of witnesses

Answer: D Explanation: D) People will most likely engage in desired behaviors if they are positively reinforced for doing so. Rewards are most effective if they immediately follow the desired response; and that behavior that is not rewarded, or is punished, is less likely to be repeated.

66) Which of the following types of justice relates most strongly to job satisfaction, employee trust, withdrawal from the organization, job performance, and citizenship behaviors? A) associative justice B) interactional justice C) distributive justice D) procedural justice E) integrative justice

Answer: D Explanation: D) Procedural justice relates most strongly to job satisfaction, employee trust, withdrawal from the organization, job performance, and citizenship behaviors.

26) Which of the following theories proposes that people prefer to feel they have control over their actions, so anything that makes a previously enjoyed task feel more like an obligation than a freely chosen activity will undermine motivation? A) self-serving theory B) motivation-hygiene theory C) two-factor theory D) self-determination theory E) goal setting theory

Answer: D Explanation: D) Self-determination theory proposes that people prefer to feel they have control over their actions, so anything that makes a previously enjoyed task feel more like an obligation than a freely chosen activity will undermine motivation.

43) Which of the following ways of increasing self-efficacy is generally used by motivational speakers? A) arousal B) enactive mastery C) focused training D) vicarious modeling E) verbal persuasion

Answer: E Explanation: E) Verbal persuasion involves becoming more confident because someone convinces you that you have the skills necessary to be successful. Motivational speakers use this tactic a lot.

34) MBO emphasizes goals that are ________. A) tangible, verifiable, and measurable B) achievable, controllable, and profitable C) inspirational, verifiable, and creative D) tangible, rewarding, and assigned E) profitable, attainable, and self-set

Answer: A Explanation: A) Management by objectives (MBO) emphasizes participatively set goals that are tangible, verifiable, and measurable.

55) In equity theory, individuals assess the ________. A) cost-benefit ratio B) efficiency-effectiveness trade-off C) quantity-quality trade-off D) outcome-input ratio E) quality of outcome

Answer: D Explanation: D) Equity theory states that individuals compare their job inputs and outcomes with those of others and then respond to eliminate any inequities. Employees perceive what they get from a job situation (salary levels, raises, recognition) in relationship to what they put into it (effort, experience, education, competence) and then compare their outcome-input ratio with that of relevant others.

73) With reference to the expectancy theory, which of the following examples indicates a weak rewards-personal goals relationship? A) An employee lacks the skills required to reach the desired performance level. B) An organization's appraisal system assesses nonperformance factors such as creativity and initiative. C) An organization rewards its employees based on factors such as seniority and skill level. D) An employee believes that his manager does not like him and hence expects a poor appraisal. E) An employee works hard in order to be relocated to the Paris office but instead is transferred to Beijing.

Answer: E Explanation: E) According to expectancy theory, the rewards-personal goals relationship indicates the degree to which organizational rewards satisfy an individual's personal goals or needs and the attractiveness of those potential rewards for the individual. If an employee puts in extra effort to be relocated to the Paris office but instead is transferred to Beijing, then it indicates a weak rewards-personal goals relationship.

68) Which of the following theories discusses three relationships: effort-performance relationship, performance-reward relationship, and rewards-personal goals relationship? A) goal-setting theory B) self-efficacy theory C) equity theory D) expectancy theory E) self-determination theory

Answer: D Explanation: D) The expectancy theory discusses three relationships: effort-performance relationship, performance-reward relationship, and rewards-personal goals relationship.

67) Why do people who perceive themselves as victims of interactional injustice often blame their immediate supervisor rather than the organization at large? A) Interpersonal justice or injustice is intimately tied to the conveyer of the information. B) Interactional injustice usually occurs during face-to-face encounters. C) When people are not treated with respect, they tend to retaliate against those closest at hand. D) Interactional injustice is in the eyes of those who perceive they are disrespected. E) Interactional injustice is most often the result of the impersonal policies of the organization.

Answer: A Explanation: A) Interpersonal justice describes an individual's perception of the degree to which she is treated with dignity, concern, and respect. When people are treated in an unjust manner (at least in their own eyes), they retaliate (for example, badmouthing a supervisor). Because people intimately connect interactional justice or injustice to the conveyer of the information, we would expect perceptions of injustice to be more closely related to the supervisor.

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