MGMT 363 Chapter 5

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Daily Hassles

Minor day-to-day demands that interfere with work accomplishment.

Problem focused cognitive methods

Strategizing, self-motivating, changing priorities

Challenge Stressors

Stressors that tend to be appraised as opportunities for growth and achievement. - Trigger positive emotions such as pride and enthusiasm

Hindrance Stressors

Stressors that tend to be appraised as thwarting progress toward growth and achievement. - Trigger negative emotions such as anxiety and anger

Role Ambiguity

Students experience this when professors remain vague about particular course requirements or how grading is going to be performed. In such cases, the class becomes stressful because its not quite clear what it takes to get a good grade

Physiological Strains

1. Stressors can reduce the effectiveness of the of the bodies immune system, which makes it more difficult for the body to ward off illness infection. 2. Stressors can harm the body is cardiovascular system, cause the heart to race, increase blood pressure, and create coronary artery disease. 3. Stressors can cause problems in the body is muscular skeletal system. Headaches, tight shoulders, and back pain have all been linked to a variety of stressors. 4. Stressors cause gastrointestinal system problems. Symptoms of this type of strain include stomach aches, indigestion, diarrhea, and constipation.

Work-family Conflict

A form of role conflict in which the demands of a work role hinder the fulfillment of the demands in a family role (or vice versa). ○ Tends to be higher for employees who are strongly embedded in their work organizations and their communities

Behavioral Coping

A person who is confronted with a lot of time pressure at work might choose to cope by working faster.

Problem-focused Coping

A person who is confronted with a lot of time pressure at work might choose to cope by working faster.

Work-family Conflict

A salesperson experiencing the stress of marital conflict comes to work harboring emotional pain and negative feelings, which makes it difficult to interact with customers effectively.

Work Complexity

A successful marketing manager who is being groomed for an executive-level position may, be asked to manage a poorly performing production facility with poor labor relations in a country halfway around the world. Although these types of developmental experiences tend to be quite stressful, managers report that being stretched beyond their capacity is well worth the associated discomfort.

Transactional Theory of Stress

A theory that explains how stressful demands are perceived and appraised, as well as how people respond to the perceptions and appraisals.


After ___ % of all American expatriates return home early, and it has been estimated that each early return cost the host organization approximately $100,000.


Also known as working while sick, can cause productivity loss, poor health, exhaustion and workplace epidemics. The reductions and productivity that results from ______ are even larger than reductions in productivity that result from employee absenteeism

Behavioral Coping

An employee who has several daily hassles my cope by avoiding work, coming in late, leaving early, or even staying home.

Emotion-focused Coping

An employee who has several daily hassles my cope by avoiding work, coming in late, leaving early, or even staying home.

Emotion focused cognitive methods

Avoiding, distancing, and ignoring, looking for the positive in the negative, reappraising

Emotion-focused Coping

Behaviors and cognitions of an individual intended to help manage emotional reactions to stressful demands.

Problem-focused Coping

Behaviors and cognitions of an individual intended to manage the stressful situation itself.


Behaviors and thoughts used to manage stressful demands and the emotions associated with the stressful demands.

60, 90

Between ___ and __% of all doctor visits to be attributed to stress related causes

Role Conflict

Call center operators are expected to spend as little time as possible with the people on the other end of the line and be responsive to questions or concerns raised by the people they talk with. These are conflicting roles and they simply cannot meet both expectations


Challenge stressors are ____ correlated to job performance


Challenge stressors are ____ correlated to organizational commitment


Demands that cause the stress response

Behavioral Coping

Employees often cope with the stress of an international assignment by returning home from the assignment prematurely

Emotion-focused Coping

Employees who are confronted with daily hassles might try to convince themselves that the hassles are not that bad after all, perhaps by dwelling unless annoying aspects of the daily events.

Work-family Conflict

Employees who have to deal with lots of hindrances at work may have trouble switching off their frustration after they get home, and as a consequence, they may become irritable and impatient with family and friends

Emotion focused behavioral methods

Engaging in alternative activities, seeking support, venting anger

Primary Appraisal

Evaluation of whether a demand is stressful and, if it is, the implications of the stressor in terms of personal goals and well-being. "Is this stressful"

Negative Life Events

Events such as a divorce or death of a family member that tend to be appraised as a hindrance.

Positive Life Events

Events such as marriage or the birth of a child that tend to be appraised as a challenge. (Ex: graduating from school)

Daily Hassles

Having to deal with unnecessary paperwork, office equipment malfunctions, annoying interactions with abrasive coworkers, and useless communications. 40% of executives spend somewhere between a half-day and a full day each week on communications that are not useful or necessary.


High-pressure work deadlines increase the chance of heart attack within the next 24 hours by factor of ___


Hindrance stressors are ____ correlated to job performance


Hindrance stressors are _____ correlated to organizational commitment

Instrumental Support

If a person is overloaded with work, a coworker could provide instrumental support by taking over some of the work or offering suggestions about how to do the work more efficiently.

Benign Job Demands

Job demands that are not appraised as being stressful.

Tenured University professor

Least Stressful Job:

Minor violations of the law

Least Stressful Life Event:


Managers are ___% more likely than the average worker to describe their jobs as stressful.

Time Pressure

Mike is an architect at a top New York firm. His job involves overseeing multiple projects with tight deadlines, and as a result, he has to work at a hectic pace. Although Hones readily acknowledges that his job is stressful, he also believes that the outcome of having all the stress is satisfying. Jones is able to see the product of his labor over the Manhattan skyline, which makes him feel like he is part of something.

Role Overload

More common than role conflict and role ambiguity. The workload for executives and managers in investment banking, consulting, and law is so high that 80-hour workweeks are becoming the norm. People holding these jobs indicate that they would not be able to effectively complete most of the work that's required of them, even if they worked twice as many hours.

Death of a spouse

Most Stressful Life Event:

Enlisted military personnel

Most stressful Job:


Negative consequences of the stress response

Personal Development

Participation in activities outside of work that foster growth and learning. (Ex: participation in formal education programs, music lessons, sports-related training, hobby-related self-education, participation in local government, or volunteer work.)

Type A Behavior Pattern

People who tend to experience more stressors, appraise more demands as stressful, and be prone to experiencing more strains.

Behavioral Coping

Physical activities used to deal with a stressful situation.

Family Time Demands

The amount of time committed to fulfilling family responsibilities. (Ex: time spent involved in family pursuits such as traveling, attending social events and organized activities, hosting parties, and planning and making home improvements.)


The cost of providing healthcare people who experience high levels of stress appears to be about ___% higher than for those who experience lower levels of stress

Work Complexity

The degree to which job requirements tax or just exceed employee capabilities.


The emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion from coping with stressful demands on a continuing basis.

Emotional Support

The empathy and understanding that people receive from others that can be used to alleviate emotional distress from stressful demands.


The federal government's National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) states that up to___% of U.S. workers feel that their jobs are "very stressful" or "extremely stressful"

Instrumental Support

The help people receive from others that can be used to address a stressful demand directly.

Work Responsibility

The level of __________ for an air traffic controller, who may be accountable for the lives of tens of thousands of people every day is very high

Work Responsibility

The number and importance of the obligations that an employee has to others.


The psychological response to demands when there is something at stake for the individual, and where coping with these demands would tax or exceed the individual's capacity or resources.

Time Pressure

The sense that the amount of time allotted to do a job is not quite enough.

Emotional Support

The supervisor of the individual who is overloaded with work might provide emotional support by showing interest in the employee situation and appearing to be understanding and sympathetic.

Cognitive Coping

Thoughts used to deal with a stressful situation.

Psychological Strains, Behavioral Strains, Physiological strains

Types of Stress

Financial Uncertainty

Uncertainties with regard to the potential for loss of livelihood, savings, or the ability to pay expenses. (Highly relevant during recessions or economic downturns.)

Role Overload

When an employee has too many demands to work effectively.

Role Ambiguity

When an individual has a lack of direction and information about what needs to be done.

Role Conflict

When others have conflicting expectations of what an individual needs to do.

Secondary Appraisal

When people determine how to cope with the various stressors they face. "How can I cope"

Problem focused behavioral methods

Working harder, seeking assistance, acquiring additional resources


___% projected increases in these assignments the following year


____% of the companies reported an increase in the number of expatriate assignments over the previous year

Behavioral Strains

_____ are unhealthy behaviors such as grinding one's teeth at night, being overly critical and bossy, excessive smoking, compulsive gum chewing, overuse of alcohol, and compulsive eating.

Stress Audit

a type of a valuation that managers can begin by asking themselves questions about the nature of the jobs and their organization to estimate with her height stress levels may be a problem. 1. questions my involve the degree to which the organization is going through changes that would likely increase uncertainty about your voice. 2. Questions might center on the work itself. These questions to believe focus on the level and types of stretches experienced by the employees. 3. the category of questions kind of all the quality of relationships of me not only employees are also invoice in the organization. Here in important question to consider is whether organizational politics play a large role in administration decisions.

Cognitive Coping

employees who are confronted with daily hassles might try to convince themselves that the hassles are not that bad after all, perhaps by dwelling unless annoying aspects of the daily events.

Health and Wellness Programs

for example, almost 3/4 of the organizations and one survey reported having employee assistance program intended to help people with personal problems such as alcoholism or other addictions


gives employees the opportunity to take time off from work and engage in an alternate activity. Estimates indicate that approximately 11% of large companies offer paid ______ and about 1/3 offer unpaid _____.

Physiological Strains

occur in at least four systems of the human body:

Psychological Strains

result from stressors include depression, anxiety, anger, hostility, reduced self-confidence, irritability, and ability to think clearly, forgetfulness, lack of creativity, memory loss, and loss of sense of humor.

Cognitive Coping

the person who is confronted with an increase in time pressure might go by thinking about different ways of accomplishing the work more efficiently.

Problem-focused Coping

the person who is confronted with an increase in time pressure might go by thinking about different ways of accomplishing the work more efficiently.

Cognitive-Behavioral Techniques

these techniques attempt to help people praising cope with stressors in a more rational manner. The person might be trained to self talk, and how to prioritize demands, manage time, communicate needs, and seek support

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