MGMT Exam 3 Chap 11&12

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b. Human resource management

19. _____ can be best defined as the process of finding, developing, and keeping the right people to form a qualified work force. a. Functional resource planning b. Human resource management c. Work force forecasting d. Employee recruiting e. Human resource implementation

b. The intent of these laws is to make factors such as gender, race, or age irrelevant in employment decisions.

20. Which of the following statements about federal employment laws is true? a. This body of law has not changed during the last two decades. b. The intent of these laws is to make factors such as gender, race, or age irrelevant in employment decisions. c. These laws prohibit the use of gender, race, and age as the basis for employment decisions under all circumstances. d. All federal laws are administered by the Department of Labor. e. They do not deal with training and development activities.

b. Hispanic Americans

22. The fastest-growing population group in the United States is _____. a. Vietnamese Americans b. Hispanic Americans c. African Americans d. Asian Americans e. Chinese Americans

a. Disparate treatment

22. _____ is intentional discrimination that occurs when people are purposefully not given the same hiring, promotion, or membership opportunities because of their race, sex, age, ethnic group, national origin, or religious beliefs. a. Disparate treatment b. Dysfunctional turnover c. The four-fifths rule d. Deliberate negative reinforcement e. Inequitable discrimination

c. Diversity

23. _____ is a term that describes a situation in organizations when there is a variety of demographic, cultural, and personal differences among the people who work there and the customers who do business there. a. Cultural advantage b. Affirmative differentiation c. Diversity d. Cultural proaction e. Acculturation

b. diversity

24. A modem factory in the U.S has 1,200 workers who speak 20 different languages. This factory illustrates _____ a. acculturation b. diversity c. affirmative action d. cultural organization e. organizational plurality

b. affirmative action

26. The purposeful steps taken by an organization to create employment opportunities for minorities and women is called _____. a. discretionary diversity b. affirmative action c. organizational plurality d. cultural proaction e. acculturation

b. Adverse impact

26. _____ is unintentional discrimination that occurs when members of a particular race, sex, or ethnic group are unintentionally harmed or disadvantaged because they are hired, promoted, or trained (or any other employment decision) at substantially lower rates than others. a. Disparate treatment b. Adverse impact c. Bona fide discrimination d. Unsolicited discrimination e. Demographic discrimination

c. adverse impact

27. 20 men and 20 women applied for the role of ​delivery person for a restaurant. Out of all the applicants, 12 men and five women were hired for the job because the job required the applicants to be very good at riding scooters. The number of men employed were much more than the number of women employed. However, it was not an intentional discrimination but a part of the job requirement. In this context, _____ has occurred. a. ​disparate treatment b. ​leniency error c. adverse impact d. minority oppression e. ​quid pro quo sexual harassment

b. diversity has a broader focus, while affirmative action does not

27. A key difference between affirmative action and diversity is that _____. a. diversity requires a wider span of management, while affirmative action does not b. diversity has a broader focus, while affirmative action does not c. diversity is legally mandated in all private companies, while affirmative action does not d. affirmative action has a narrower span of management, while diversity does not e. affirmative action does not alter organizational structures, while diversity does

b. 80 percent rule

28. A violation of the _____ used by the courts and federal agencies to determine whether there is evidence of adverse impact occurs when the members of a particular race, sex, or ethnic group are unintentionally harmed or disadvantaged because they are hired, promoted, or trained (or any other employment decision) at substantially lower rates than others. a. two-fifths rule b. 80 percent rule c. dysfunctional turnover rule d. disparate treatment rule e. dominant minority rule

d. sexual harassment

29. If a CEO opens a nationwide sales force meeting with a crude sexually explicit joke, it would be an example of a(n) _____. a. unwelcome sexual advance b. adverse impact discrimination c. demographic discrimination d. sexual harassment e. disparate treatment

a. quid pro quo and hostile work environment

30. From a legal perspective, the two kinds of sexual harassment are _____. a. quid pro quo and hostile work environment b. hostile work environment and dominant minority c. adverse impact and role playing d. quid pro quo and criminal background e. adverse impact and disparate treatment

c. Creating a diversity program

30. Which of the following actions can a medium-sized manufacturing company take if it wants to create a positive work environment; where every employee does his or her best work and individual differences are respected and not just ignored? a. Eliminating organizational plurality b. Using internal loci of control c. Creating a diversity program d. Narrowing the span of management e. Downsizing

b. Quid pro quo sexual harassment

31. _____ is the form of sexual harassment in which employment outcomes such as hiring, promotion, or simply keeping one's job depend on whether an individual submits to sexual harassment. a. Bona fide sexual harassment b. Quid pro quo sexual harassment c. Adverse impact sexual harassment d. Disparate gender treatment e. Hostile work environment sexual harassment

b. hostile work environment

32. Former female employees of a national real estate brokerage firm claimed that they were subjected to lewd remarks, unwanted groping, and sexual propositions by male co-workers. According to their attorney, "The firm created a frat-house culture and then failed to do anything about it." Their suit claims the women were victims of _____. a. disparate treatment b. hostile work environment c. minority domination d. quid pro quo sexual harassment e. adverse treatment

b. Turnover costs

32. _____ typically amount to more than 90 percent of employees' salaries. a. Contribution margins b. Turnover costs c. Product obsolescence d. Training costs e. Employee pilferage

a. job analysis

33. A _____ is a purposeful, systematic process for collecting information on the important work-related aspects of a job. a. job analysis b. job appraisal c. job specification d. job validation e. job description

d. Companies lose, on average, two-thirds of the discrimination cases brought against them.

33. How do companies typically fare when they are accused of discrimination and must go to court to defend themselves? a. Potential employees cannot accuse a company of discrimination, but concerned employees can file a lawsuit on their behalf. b. The money spent by companies for discrimination cases is very negligible. c. Companies usually lose in local courts and win in appeals court. d. Companies lose, on average, two-thirds of the discrimination cases brought against them. e. Companies typically cannot justify the discrimination from a monetary standpoint.

b. Diversity helps companies attract and retain talented employees.

34. Which of the following statements explains why diversity makes good business sense? a. Diversity increases an organization's retained earnings. b. Diversity helps companies attract and retain talented employees. c. Diversity makes individuals whole by returning them to the condition or place they would have been had it not been for discrimination. d. Diversity allows a company to act with economic responsibility. e. Diversity eliminates glass ceilings.

b. job descriptions and job specifications

35. Two of the most important results of a job analysis are _____. a. recruiting guidelines and selection boundaries b. job descriptions and job specifications c. rater training and selection validation d. employee-needs assessment and performance appraisal evaluation e. employee-needs assessment and job mapping

b. typically unchangeable

37. With surface-level diversity, differences are immediately observable, easy to measure, and _____. a. inconsistent b. typically unchangeable c. culturally specific d. irrelevant to work behavior e. time-activated

c. Job specifications, job analyses, and job descriptions

37. _____ help companies meet the legal requirement that their human resource decisions be job related. a. Job analyses, task evaluations, and employee-needs assessment b. Job descriptions, external environments, and employee mapping c. Job specifications, job analyses, and job descriptions d. Job analyses, task specializations, and external environments e. Internal environments, external environments, and job descriptions

c. conduct a job analysis

38. Before beginning to recruit job applicants, organizations must _____. a. advertise for job candidates b. promote the existing employees c. conduct a job analysis d. introduce new product lines e. organize internal job posting

b. Gender

38. ​Which of the following is an example of surface-level diversity? a. ​Personality differences b. Gender c. Attitude d. ​Beliefs e. Values

e. job related

39. In order to be considered _____, recruitment, selection, training, performance appraisals, and employee separations must be valid and be directly related to the important aspects of the job, as identified by a careful job analysis. a. employee related b. reliable c. concrete d. competitive e. job related

c. Job posting

40. Which of the following is an internal recruiting method? a. Advertising b. Job fairs c. Job posting d. Internet job sites e. Walk-ins

d. Deep-level diversity

40. _____ consists of differences such as personality and attitudes that are learned only through extended interaction with others and are communicated through verbal and nonverbal behaviors. a. Organizational plurality b. Behavioral diversity c. Surface-level diversity d. Deep-level diversity e. Ego-driven heterogeneity

a. Advertising

41. Which of the following is an external recruiting method? a. Advertising b. Career paths c. Job posting d. Needs-assessment implementations e. Validation

b. ​Physical capabilities, gender, race/ethnicity, and age

41. ​What are the four dimensions of surface-level diversity that many managers use to form initial impressions which can sometimes lead to discrimination? a. ​Gender, personality, age, and values b. ​Physical capabilities, gender, race/ethnicity, and age c. ​Values, attitudes, personality, and gender d. ​Race/ethnicity, age, personality, and beliefs e. ​Gender, physical capabilities, age, and attitudes

b. The Internet allows companies to quickly reach large numbers of people.

42. Which of the following statements about Internet recruiting is true? a. Internet recruiting costs are considerably higher than traditional external recruiting methods. b. The Internet allows companies to quickly reach large numbers of people. c. An organization will only receive applications from qualified people. d. There are no drawbacks to Internet recruiting. e. In the last decade, the biggest change in external recruiting has been the decreased use of the Internet.

d. Attitudes

42. ​Which of the following is an example of deep-level diversity? a. ​Age b. ​Gender c. ​Race d. ​Attitudes e. Physical capabilities

a. Social integration

44. _____ is the degree to which group members are psychologically attracted to working with each other to accomplish a common objective. a. Social integration b. Norm cohesiveness c. Social cohesiveness d. Integrative focus e. Social attraction

e. application forms and résumés

45. The first selection device that most job applicants encounter when they seek a job are _____. a. Internet sites and trade shows b. recruitment centers and Internet sites c. interviews and job application letters d. help wanted ads e. application forms and résumés

b. social integration

46. A team of men and women of different ethnic backgrounds, age, and physical capabilities work for a TV show which involves decorating gardens in a very short time frame. The team worked in co-ordination to come up with new decorative ideas for each episode. This is an example of _____. a. discrimination heterogeneity b. social integration c. diversity pairing d. acculturation e. an integrative locus of control

b. Background checks

46. _____ are procedures used to verify the truthfulness and accuracy of information that applicants provide about themselves and to uncover negative, job-related information not provided by applicants. a. Integrity checks b. Background checks c. Recruitment evaluation procedures d. Biographical data assessments e. Validation tests

e. ​background check

47. Due to an increase in the amount of employment turnover in a company, the company decided to be very thorough with gathering accurate information about the job applicants. They decided to uncover all job-related information not provided by the applicants in order to hire only those employees who do not have an inconsistent employment history. In this context, the company has decided to perform a _____. a. ​job evaluation b. ​360-degree feedback c. ​needs assessment d. ​performance appraisal e. ​background check

d. The employment history of the applicant

48. Which of the following is a topic that can be asked during a job interview? a. The maiden name of a female applicant b. How many children an applicant has c. Whether the applicant has any arrest records d. The employment history of the applicant e. Whether the applicant has any physical disability

e. are likely to show better judgment

49. A true statement about older workers is that they _____. a. tend to perform less effectively compared to younger workers b. are more likely to quit, be late, or be absent than younger workers c. typically demonstrate poor judgment d. care less about the quality of their output than younger workers e. are likely to show better judgment

d. ​What are your hobbies and interests?

49. Identify the question that can be asked during a job interview. a. Do you plan to have any children in the near future? b. Are you overweight? c. Have you ever filed a lawsuit against a previous employers? d. ​What are your hobbies and interests? e. What religious belief do you follow?

c. ensure that younger and older workers interact with each other

50. To help companies reduce age discrimination, their managers can _____. a. recognize that age discrimination is not a very widespread problem b. hire workers under 40 c. ensure that younger and older workers interact with each other d. give additional training to younger workers compared to older workers e. create more glass ceilings

c. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?

50. Which of the following questions is deemed acceptable for employers to ask applicants during the selection process? a. Are you a United States citizen? b. Have you ever filed a lawsuit against an employer? c. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? d. Do you smoke or use tobacco products? e. Do you have children?

a. Defamation lawsuits

51. Which of the following is a legal problem employers may encounter in seeking, providing, or using employment references as part of the selection process? a. Defamation lawsuits b. Adverse impact lawsuits c. Product liability lawsuits d. Accusations of disparate discrimination e. Accusations of reciprocity

d. aptitude test

53. All job applicants for a position in an interior design company were given 10 swatches of fabrics of different colors and textures, 30 different paint chips, and 6 different floor treatments. They were then told to select the best fabric, paint, and floor treatment for an office. This selection test can be best categorized as a(n) _____. a. biodata test b. cognitive ability test c. environmental sensitivity test d. aptitude test e. personality test

e. glass ceiling

53. The _____ is a barrier that prevents women and minorities from advancing to the top jobs in an organization. a. organizational roadblock b. diversity bottleneck c. missing key d. missing rung e. glass ceiling

c. ethnic, racial, and gender discrimination

54. The glass ceiling is most closely associated with _____. a. cultural diversity b. frequent rewards for achievements c. ethnic, racial, and gender discrimination d. broad spans of management, decentralization, and flat organizational structures e. narrow spans of management and long chains of command

b. Cognitive ability tests

54. Which of the following types of tests accurately predicts job performance in almost all kinds of jobs? a. Specific ability tests b. Cognitive ability tests c. Personality tests d. Achievement tests e. Work sample tests

a. Although progress is being made, sex discrimination continues to operate via the glass ceiling at higher levels in organizations.

56. ​Which of the following statements is true regarding discrimination based on sex? a. Although progress is being made, sex discrimination continues to operate via the glass ceiling at higher levels in organizations. b. ​Sex discrimination is the sole reason for the slow rate at which women have been promoted to middle and upper levels of management and corporate boards. c. ​Women's career and job choices are often driven by the search for higher pay and advancement and not by jobs or careers that give them a greater sense of accomplishment and control. d. ​Women are less likely than men to prioritize family over work in their careers. e. Discrimination is considered the least significant factor behind the lack of women at top levels of management.

b. Racial or ethnic discrimination in the workplace

57. Which of the following might account for the disparities between the percentages of African, Hispanic, and Asian Americans among the general population and their smaller representation in management positions? a. Federal Trade Commission regulations b. Racial or ethnic discrimination in the workplace c. Watchdog advocacy groups d. Congressional lobbying e. Affirmative action programs

b. People with disabilities have better safety records.

59. Which of the following statements about disabilities is true? a. Disparities between those with and without disabilities is because of how well people with disabilities can do their jobs. b. People with disabilities have better safety records. c. Accommodations for disabilities are quite expensive. d. Individuals with sensory disabilities generally have the lowest employment rate. e. Individuals with self-care disabilities generally have the highest employment rate.

e. Having rigid work schedules

60. Which of the following actions should a company NOT perform to make sure that people with disabilities have the same opportunities as everyone else? a. Providing reasonable workplace accommodations b. Providing assistive technology c. Actively recruiting qualified workers with disabilities d. Providing employees with training to address incorrect stereotypes e. Having rigid work schedules

a. disposition

63. An individual's _____ refers to his or her tendency to respond to situations and events in a predetermined manner. a. disposition b. personality c. motivation d. locus of control e. extraversion

e. Performance appraisals are used for making administrative decisions.

64. Which of the following statements about performance appraisals is true? a. Most employees and managers like the performance appraisal process. b. Performance appraisals are primarily used as a basis for determining who needs further training. c. They should not be used for decisions based on performance ratings. d. Performance appraisals should not be used for evaluating human resource programs. e. Performance appraisals are used for making administrative decisions.

b. Personality

64. _____ is the relatively stable set of behaviors, attitudes, and emotions displayed over time that makes people different from each other. a. Disposition b. Personality c. Motivation d. Self-concept e. Cognitive activity

b. active, assertive, sociable, talkative, and energized by others

65. Extraversion is the degree to which someone is_____. a. organized, hardworking, responsible, and achievement-oriented b. active, assertive, sociable, talkative, and energized by others c. broadminded, and open to new ideas, things, and experiences d. cooperative, flexible, good-natured, tolerant, and trusting e. spontaneous, witty, understanding, and accommodating

d. Output of an employee

67. Which of the following factors is considered while conducting an objective performance measure? a. Economic background of an employee b. Autocratic personality of an employee c. Cognitive ability of an employee d. Output of an employee e. Behavior of an employee

a. Behavioral observation scale

68. Which of the following is an example of a subjective performance measure? a. Behavioral observation scale b. Sales quota c. Production rate d. Revenue e. Customer complaint rate

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