mgmt test 3

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When is having high virtual presence important for a team?

when teams are geographically dispersed

Nora was just hired as a manager at a vegetable canning company. The majority of employees at this company have worked on an assembly line for years. She plans to motivate and satisfy the employees by adding new challenges to their work by increasing the skill variety and automony of the jobs. According to the job characteristics model, what does she need to consider that may affect whether the change in job characteristics will be motivational? Multiple Choice

whether employees have a desire for challenge and personal growthCorrect

The socialized beliefs about women in leadership roles has led to

women holding themselves back from seeking leadership positions.

Team effectiveness can be managed by taking into account team members' characteristics, ensuring they are all on the same page by creating _______, introducing experiences that strengthen bonds through _______, and a mix of individual and team-based rewards that provide incentives for ________.

a team charter; team building; cooperation and motivation

Complete the following sentence with the statement that best explains the expectancy theory of motivation: Expectancy theory focuses on

the mental calculus that takes place as people consider how much effort to exert on an activity.Correct

According to Herzberg, what is the relationship between satisfaction and dissatifaction?

Satisfaction and dissatisfaction are on two different continua.

Mia understands that it is important to strike a balance between cooperation and motivation in teams. One way she can accomplish this is through

hybrid team rewards.

Elie describes the physical surroundings of his workplace as pleasant. Maryam believes her company's policies are reasonable. According to Herzberg's Two-Factor theory, Elie's and Maryam's jobs have high levels of

hygiene factors.

When followers are motivated but lack ability, leaders should emphasize ______; when followers lack both motivation and ability, leaders should emphasize ______.

initiating structure; both initiating structure and consideration

Starcurrant Enterprises is trying to come up with a new logo. The Director of Marketing decides to host a contest via their social media outlets to get submissions from customers. This is an example of using social media to increase organizational


Mateo describes his job as involving high levels of responsibility. Aria describes her job as having plenty of opportunities for personal growth. According to Herzber's Two-Factor theory, Mateo's and Arias's jobs have high levels of


According to the full range of leadership theory, behaviors that focus on minimizing existing problems and addressing them as they pop up in order to maintain the status quo is characteristic of ______ behaviors.


Followers take part in leadership through the relationships they have with leaders, through impression management tactics, and through

the beliefs and assumptions they hold about effective leaders in general.

____ teams likely have low temporal stability.


The management at Best Tech Industries has interviewed several people to lead the company's global division. Which candidate possesses personal characteristics of leadership that would benefit Best Tech?

Although not always inclined to pursue a leadership position, Kishan demonstrates that he had the ability to gather, interpret, and synthesize knowledge in order to solve problems, he was very personable and energetic.Correct

Select the leader that is exhibiting the most effective form of transactional leadership.

Hannah needs each of her advertising executives to secure three new accounts by the end of the quarter. She provides them with a list of potential clients and tells them that the first one to reach the goal will receive a bonus.

Select the person who is influencing work outcomes through the use of coercive power.

Phil tells his employees that they cannot leave the office until they fill their job orders.

How do leaders practicing laissez-faire leadership tackle decision making?

They avoid making difficult decisions and prefer to not get involved.

Matt is a salesperson for a cloud data storage company. He has many small companies as clients, all with between 25 to 75 employees. He is trying to finalize a deal with a potential new client that has 15,000 employees but that also questions the quality of Matt's product/services. How rich should the media be that Matt uses to communicate with representatives from this company?

as rich as possibleCorrect

Elijah perceives that he is working much harder than everyone else on the sales team, but receiving no additional outcomes for his inputs. According to equity theory, what are some strategies Elijah may use to restore equity? Elijah could

ask his boss for a raise.

Tamir and Richard are trying to find a time to meet up for dinner. Tamir keeps saying that he has something scheduled during every time and day that Richard proposes. Richard is getting frustrated, so to be a better receiver of information he starts to use probing, which is the process of _______, to find out if any of Tamir's current plans are flexible.

asking questions

The degree to which you believe you can realistically achieve a goal is known as goal _______, while the gap between a goal and your standing as it relates to that goal is known as goal _______.

attainability; difficulty

The ability to articulate a clear and compelling vision of the future, establishing a sense of common purpose, instilling confidence in followers that they can meet expectations, and having the willingness to take risks in order to achieve successful outcomes are all effective characteristics of ______ leaders.


Ali is motivated in his new job as a manager. As a result, his attention and energy are directed toward specific activities, his level of attention and effort are high, and he directs his attention and energy continously for as long as it takes. Ali is demonstrating ______, _______, and _______ (in order).

direction; intensity; persistenceCorrect

External communication is the only type of formal communication that

does not follow a company hierarchy.

The Vice President of Human Resources of a company wants to ensure that the new policy about Department Managers working from home gets passed along to all Department Managers without causing a conflict. What type of communication would you recommend that the CEO use in this situation? Multiple Choice


Alderfer's ERG theory includes _____ needs, and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs includes ______ needs.

existence, relatedness, and growth; esteem, social, and self-actualizationCorrect

Having employees complete a formal complaint form that can be submitted directly to HR can eliminate the issue of _______ that can happen when an employee complains to their supervisor who then tells HR.


Louise and Phil disagree and are arguing back and forth about how they should present customer data to their board of directors. Which of the following ways can the two show each other empathy as they work toward making a decision?

finding time to discuss both ideas and why they each prefer their method

The sales managers at Teko Industries attend yearly meetings where they learn how to better manage their sales staff. This is an example of _____. If the sales managers researched new management techniques on their own, it would be an example of ______.

formal leadership training; self-help

Which of the following accurately lists the phases of team development in order from first to final?

forming, storming, norming, performing

Sofia's job lacks opportunities for personal growth, but the quality of her new supervisor and a few changes that were implemented to improve her working conditions will result in Sofia experiencing _______, according to Herzber's two-factor theory.

less dissatisfaction

Ian, Juan, Alysha, and Sofia are working together on a final class project. Juan and Sofia want to earn an A on the project. Ian and Alysha want to do the bare minimum, just enough to pass the class. The team is not aligned in terms of what they wish to accomplish. This team has ________ interdependence.

low goal

Victoria is a member of a technical services team. At the end of each year, Victoria's manager rates the performance of her and each individual worker. Her manager then allocates annual bonuses based on each team member's individual contributions toward the team. This is an example of ________ interdependence.

low outcome

The employees in Victor's department do not respect him as a leader. Their jobs are complex and Victor never seems to know what they are working on and has little authority to reward or punish people as needed. As a result, Victor's employees rarely socialize with him. Based on this information, it can be said that Victor has

low situational control.

Joey, the manager of a local restaurant, celebrates his employees when they receive a postive online review by bringing in lunch the following day. Joey is reinforcing his staff's desirable behaviors using which reinforement type?

positive reinforcement

Sheila and Mallory are having a conversation. Sheila tells Mallory, "I simply cannot understand why they won't give me a refund for the ticket when I told them the reason I can't go is because of a medical issue." Mallory then says, "You think they should give you a refund because of the reason." Which active listening habit is Mallory using?


Izzy, Robby, and Eli work at a bagel shop. Izzy takes the order, Robby fills the order, and Eli rings up the sale. The three of them interact with each other in order to communicate the customer's order so the process flows smothly and the customer is satisfied. This is an example of _______ interdependence.

high task

On the one hand, ________ increases the amount of time team members have to spend communicating, but on the other hand it gives members a chance to ________.

high task interdependence; share ideas and learn from one anotherCorrect

If the Director of Marketing speaks to the Director of Research & Development to get a head start on new products coming out in the next 6 months, this would be an example of _______ communication.


A team is defined as ______, while a group is defined as ____.

two or more people who work interdependently to achieve goals related to a common purpose; a set of individuals who are together or who share some common attribute

Carol runs into Harry at the supermarket and asks him how he and his family are doing. Harry responds that all is well, and then asks Carol how her family is doing. What is happening here?

two-way communication

One unintended consequence of goal setting is that goals may lead to

unethical behaviors.

Using a small set of defining team attributes to describe teams is

useful, because together they may be useful in describing every conceivable team.

One of the best strategies that managers can use in order to limit the negative impact of communicating through the grapevine is to focus on

using formal communication.

Doug tells Brendan how sad he is that his brother and sister-in-law cannot take time off of work to come to his law school graduation. In response, Brendan says, "I understand that you are sad about the situation, and that makes sense because having them there is important to you." Which active listening habit is Brendan using?


Lisa is running late for work so she calls her supervisor to let her know she will miss the first part of their team meeting. If the supervisor is empathic, how will she respond?

"Can you tell me why you are running late?"

Jaylyn wants to meet with a member of her team who has not been contributing as much as the other team members. What is an effective way to write that team member a message so they can meet about the issue? Multiple Cho

"Hi, I'd like to meet and discuss how I can help you contribute more to the team. Please schedule a meeting with me."Correct

The CEO of a company writes to Remington and asks him whether the quarterly report will be done before 5:00 PM that day. What is the most effective response Remington could send?

"Yes, it will be done before 5:00 PM."

Select the leader that exhibits behavior characteristic of an initiating structure.

Esther takes the time to set goals with her employees and come up with incentives that will help them reach their goals.

Which of the following scenarios depicts a worker with high responsibility for the outcomes of the work?

Randy, a guitar repair man at a small music store who feels personally accountable for the quality of his work

Jake works as a waitperson at a local restaurant. The lead waitperson, Joanie, will soon be leaving the restaurant to pursue a new career. Jake's manager feels Jake is ready to be the lead. He pairs Jake with Joanie so he can learn how to do the job. Jakes works alongside Joanie, while Joanie challenges him to take on the new role as lead, providing feedback to Jake throughout the process. This is an example of

a developmental experience.

Trevor trained his pet parrot to deliver paper notes from one side of the house to another. Consequently, the parrot is ______ in the communications process.

a medium

Ali works from home and feels isolated from his manager and co-workers. As a result, his performance is suffering. Ali most likely has a high need for which of McClelland's needs?


Research shows that an employee who is part of the ingroup, tend to

be more satisfied with their leaders.

Andrew is currently employed as an accountant for FruitNutBar Inc. and is not actively looking to switch jobs. One day, however, he sees an ad on social media that a competitor, FruitNutStick, is looking to hire accountants and decides he's open to considering this. This scenario describes how social media can

be used for recruitment of passive candidates.

Which type of of team would be most likely to have low skill differentiation?

behavioral team

According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, motivators are the job conditions that influence ______ and hygiene factors influence ______.

being highly satisfied to not being highly satisfied; being highly dissatisfied to not being highly dissatisfiedCorrect

Hakaru is the leader of the product development team at a small electronics company. He inspires his employees because he is always willing to engage in unconventional behavior and methods to come up with new product ideas. He expects his employees to do the same but has the confidence that they will be successful. Hakaru exhibits characteristics of an effective ______ leader


Darryl is an engineer in charge of a team tasked with streamlining the company's production process. Darryl knows the ins and outs of the system and is able to sort through the information to solve the problem. The team members trust Darryl's knowledge and like that he listens to their ideas. Although he can sometimes lose his temper, they like the fact that he takes charge of the situation. What two sources of leadership does Darryl exhibit?

cognitive intelligence and expert power

All of the members of Jana's team have a strong affinity for one another and for the team's goals. They also believe that the team can be effective in a given task. Jana's team members are experiencing ______ and _______, respectively.

cohesion; collective efficacy

Nora's team experiences high emotional bonds or _______. Unfortunately, team members have the tendency to promote conformity among group members and overconfidence in the team's capabilities, or the tendency for ________.

cohesion; groupthinkCorrect

The management at BiltRite Corporation adheres to the full range of leadership theory. The company is looking to hire a person to replace its chief financial officer, who is retiring. To select the most effective person for the job, BiltRite should seek a person who will

create challenges that can be addressed to propel the organization forward.

A leader that exhibits active behaviors will

create challenges that can be addressed to propel the organization forward.Correct

Theresa works with an international team of software engineers and is having trouble getting all of her team members to meet deadlines because they don't all interpret "we need to finish soon" the same way. The root of Theresa's frustration is likely a __________ barrier to communication.


A supervisor telling an employee, "You messed up this entire presentation," fits in the category of ______ communication, whereas the employee being told, "You did not create the right type of charts for this slide of the presentation," fits in the category of ______ communication.

defensive; nondefensive

Transactional leadership is most effective when

employees know what they need to do and are rewarded when they accomplish their tasks.

Brian sees Jackie sitting across the field from him at a football game. He gets up and waves to her, but Jackie does not see him because the sun is in her eyes. Brian ______ his message by waving, but Jackie was not able to ______ it due to the sun.

encoded; decode

Samantha invests all her energies into her work role. Joy wastes at least one full day per week surfing the internet. According to the statement above, Samantha is _______ and most likely displays ________.

engaged; high job performance

The HR team at Grander and Sons Inc. is putting together a new social media policy for their employees. The HR team knows that one major consideration around limiting communication on personal social media sites/accounts is

freedom of speech.Correct

In goal setting theory, _____ focuses on whether the goal has an unambiguous and clear focus, while _____ focuses on one's ability to access information regarding his or her performance related to a goal.

goal specificity; feedback

If a company was looking to hire a person to be a leader, the company would most likely select a person who

has high cognitive intelligence.

Employees at a chain restaurant are competing with other employees at another location for the company's "Best Store" award. The hostesses, wait staff, and kitchen staff all have the same idea of what they need to accomplish to be successful. This is an example of ________ interdependence.

high goal

You are assigned to a team for a course project. At the end of the semester, the team receives one final grade, and all members of the team will receive that same grade, regardless of their individual contributions. This is an example of _______ interdependence.

high outcome

Ariel is a member of a team with _______. Unfortunately some team members are not working as hard as others because they are taking advantage of the more conscientious team members by _______.

high outcome interdependence; slacking off

Al holds a position of authority at his firm. He is on good terms with all of his employees—they like Al and work well because he has given them clearly defined tasks that they are able to complete. Al can be described as a leader that exhibits

high situational control.

For a cross-functional team created to manage the postmerger integration between two companies that were once competitors, what would be the most important attribute for that team to be successful?

high skill differentiation

Leon is the president of a small physical therapy practice that is merging with another practice in the area. The employees at Leon's practice show concern about what sort of change may take place due to the merger. Leon reassures his employees, appealing to them on an emotional level and passionately telling them that though the future is uncertain, this decision is a smart move for both practices. As a result, the employees rally around Leon and strive to make the merger work. What transformational behavior does this situation exemplify?

idealized influence

Luis and Sebastian work on an assebly line in a vegetable canning factory. Luis works on the belt, inspecting the peas before they are canned. Sebastian works on the filler line, ensuring that the peas are filled appropriately into the cans. Luis and Sebastion do not need to interact to accomplish their work. This is an example of _______ interdependence.

low task

Dmitry has a vision that his company will increase its market share by 10 percent this year. To achieve this goal, Dmitry sets sales goals for his employees. In order to effectively lead his employees and attain his vision, Dmitry should

motivate all of his employees to reach their sales goals because it will help the company overall.

Matias performs well with challenging but attainable goals, while Carlos prefers to focus on influencing others. According to McClelland's Needs theory, Matias likely has a high level of _______ and Carlos has a high level of ________.

need for achievement; need for power

Sally, the sales manager, is always yelling at her sales staff for not meeting their individual quotas of selling two cars per week. Finally, Clarence has a great week and sells three cars. Instead of rewarding Clarence, Sally just withholds nagging comments. What type of reinforcement does this scenario represent?


Amber's colleague is giving her instructions on how to use the new copy machine, but Amber is having trouble understanding him because of his thick accent. This is an example of how _____ impacts communication.


Emma is able to direct her attention toward the activities she needs to complete at her new job. She also finds that her level of attention and effort are high, but only for a short time period which is not as long as it takes to get the job done. Which component of motivation is she lacking?


A "living wage" is the minimum income necessary for a worker to meet basic needs. Which element of Maslow's Hiearchy of needs is most relevant to the living wage discussion?

physiological needsCorrect

Although Zoe values the outcomes her new boss provides for good performance, she does not believe that her effort to perform the behaviors required since the company's reorganization will result in her ability to perform at a higher level. According to expectancy theory, Zoe is experiencing ______, but not _______.

positive valence; expectancy

One situation in which employees may use the grapevine to discuss organizational matters is when they percieve formal channels of communication as being too


Joy's work place is stressful. The manager is ofter overheard yelling at employees and calling them unseemly names for even minor mistakes. This type of abusive workplace most likely directly affects which of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?


Samantha decides to take the role of follower rather than leader for her team project. This is an important __________ for team members who may typcically dominate, because dominating members may have a negative impact on the climate of the team and team performance.

social role behavior

Maryam's team lacks motivation because members doubt that the team can actually be successful. This broad issue relates to

team attitudes.

Khaled and Maria work together to start a computer consulting business. Derek and Joanie take a yoga class together every Wednesday. Khaled and Maria are a ____, while Derek and Joanie are part of a _______.

team; group

Marie's team engages in behaviors that help the team accomplish its work, but that do not involve accomplishing the work itself. Ali's team knows what facts and information team members have acquired through their past experiences and training. Tobias' team members all share the same beliefs and feelings about the team, the team's tasks, and the team's members. What concepts are Marie's, Ali's, and Tobias' teams experiencing, respectively?

teamwork, team knowledge, team attitudes

Complete the following sentence with the statement that best explains the equity theory of motivation: Equity theory focuses on

the belief that people make social comparisons between their own and others' inputs into and outcomes from an activity.

Which of the following statements best summarizes the concept of cohesion, and which one best summarizes the concept of collective efficacy, respectively?

the emotional bonds that team members have toward each other and the team itself; a team attitude developed from past experiences or encouraging leadership that is characterized by a shared belief that the team can succeed at a particular task

According to the leader-member exchange theory, leaders' assumptions about people in the outgroup could result in

the waste of human potential.

Sami wants to convince her boss that she can work from home (telework) one day a week and still be as effective at her job. Which of the following media should she promise she will be able to utilize from home so that the boss feels the richness of their interactions on teleworking days will not be severly diminished?

video conferencing

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