MGT 3003 Pt2

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Motivating With Reinforcement: Make sure employees know what behavior is expected and reinforced Select appropriate rewards Select the appropriate reinforcement and schedule. Do not reward mediocre Look for the positive and give praise regularly rather than focusing on the negative and criticizing. Do things for your employees instead of to them

Giving a person a compliment to open a conversation is known as ingratiation. Bonuses, profit-sharing, and stock options are all examples of pay for performance. giving praise model: 1. Tell the person exactly what was done correctly 2.Tell the person why the behavior is important. 3.Stop for a moment of silence. 4. Encourage repeat performance.

control systems process are (1) set objectives and standards, (2) measure performance, (3) compare performance to standards, and (4) correct or reinforce.

1. For standards to be complete, they must cover five major areas. Standards measure performance levels in the areas of quantity, quality, time, cost, and behavior. Incomplete standards usually lead to negative results, as employees will attempt to game/play the system.

2. Critical success factors (CSFs) are the limited number of areas in which satisfactory results will ensure successful performance, achieving the objective/standard. 3.After determining what, when, and how frequently to measure, you must assess performance, so set times to check in and monitor progress by following up by comparing the actual results to the objective or standard in order to know if you are on schedule to achieve (or have achieved) the objective/standard.

4.correct or reinforce (1) analyze why the standard was not met, (2) use the information to develop preliminary control, and (3) give feedback to the preliminary control so as to take the corrective action necessary to meet the objective/standard next time.

The management audit analyzes the organization's planning, organizing, leading, and controlling functions to look for improvements. The analysis focuses on the past, present, and future.

A budget is a planned quantitative allocation of resources for specific activities. Steps in the Master Budgeting Process: (1) revenue and expenditure operating budgets, (2) capital expenditures budget, and (3) financial budgets and statement.

EXAMPLES OF: Selectivity- Kara, don't you realize that your opinion is not as logical as mine. So we should do the task my way Frame of Reference- Hank, I know you're a good worker, but I can't give you the assignment again. You should understand that I have to be fair to everyone in the department Stereotyping- Bonita is an emotional women, so she will not make a good supervisor Expectations- I usually know what Conroy is going to say at meetings. He is so predictable

Attitudes are positive or negative evaluations of people, things, and situations. Job satisfaction is a person's attitude toward the job. citizenship behavior—employee efforts that go above and beyond the call of duty.

Perception is the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting environmental information. Perception simply refers to a person's subjective interpretation of reality.

Attribution is the process of determining the reason for someone's behavior and whether that behavior is situational or intentional. Situational behavior is either accidental or out of the control of the individual, whereas intentional behavior is done on purpose.

performance formula: performance=ability×motivation×resources key to success is to figure out what you like to do (motivation), what you are good at doing (ability), and what resources you need to achieve your goals

Class of Motivation Theories: Content Motivation Theories are Hierarchy of needs theory, ERG theory, Two-factory theory, Self-determination theory (SDT), and Acquired needs theory Process motivation theories: Equity theory, Goal-setting theory, Expectancy theory Reinforcement Theory: (types) positive, avoidance, punishment, and extinction

The sale of bonds and stock doesn't affect the income statement, but it affects the balance sheet and cash flow statements. If the company sells bonds, it must pay back the bond holders plus the rate of interest specified. If the company sells stock, it never has to pay back the stockholders because they become part owners of the company.

Coaching is the process of giving motivational feedback to maintain and improve performance. Step 1. Describe current performance. Using specific examples, describe the current behavior tha t needs to be changed, focusing on improving, not on wrong behavior. Step 2. Describe desired performance. Step 3. Get a commitment to the change. When dealing with an ability issue, it is not necessary to get employees to verbally commit to the change if they seem willing to make it.

There are two primary sources of power—position and personal power. Position power is derived from top management and is delegated down the chain of command through hierarchical leadership with formal authority to make decisions Personal power is derived from followers, based on an individual's behavior and relationships. Empowerment means giving employees the power to think, solve problems, and make decisions to improve products and processes.

Coercive power- threats and/or punishment to influence compliance. Out of fear of negative outcomes, employees often do as their boss requests, and narcissists tend to use coercive power to get what they want. Connection power- user's relationship with influential people.126 You rely on the use of contacts or friends who can influence the person you are dealing with.

Preliminary Control (Inputs) Preliminary control is designed to anticipate and prevent possible problems. To be successful, we need to anticipate and prevent problems rather than solving problems after they occur. feedforward control.

Concurrent Control (Transformation Process) Concurrent control is action taken to ensure that standards are met as inputs are transformed into outputs. It is more economical to reject faulty input parts than to wait and find out the finished output does not work properly.

A conflict exists whenever people are in disagreement and opposition. You are in conflict when someone does something that bothers you The psychological contract is composed of the implicit expectations of each party. You have a set of expectations about what you will contribute to the relationship and organization and what it will provide to you.

Conflict arises when the psychological contract is broken, which happens for two primary reasons: (1) We fail to make explicit our own expectations and fail to inquire into the expectations of others. (2) We assume others have the same expectations that we hold. As long as people meet our expectations, everything is fine; when they don't meet our expectations, we are in conflict.

Normative leadership model is a time-driven or development-driven decision tree used in selecting one of five leadership styles based on seven questions/variables to maximize a decision in a given situation. Situational Leadership® model is used to select one of four leadership styles that matches the employees' maturity level in a given situation. Substitutes for leadership are characteristics of the task, of subordinates, or of the organization that replace the need for a leader.

Contemporary Leadership Theories attempt to determine how effective leaders interact with, inspire, and support followers. Leader-member exchange develops positive relationships with each individual. Strategic leaders develop and implement effective strategic plans. Visionary leaders create an image of the organization in the future that provides direction for setting goals and developing strategic plans. Charismatic leaders inspire loyalty, enthusiasm, and high levels of performance. Transformational leaders bring about continuous learning, innovation, and change.

Management by walking around (MBWA) has three major activities: listening, teaching, and facilitating. By listening, you find out what's getting in the way or slowing employees down; by teaching, you coach to improve when needed; and by facilitating, you remove the stumbling blocks preventing employees from improving performance.

Counseling: management counseling is the process of giving employees feedback so they realize that a problem is affecting their job performance and referring employees with problems to the employee assistance program. employee assistance program (EAP) has a staff of people who help employees get professional assistance in solving their problems.

The grapevine is the informal flow of information in any direction throughout an organization. It is informal communication because it is not official or sanctioned by management. The information is often called rumors and gossip.

Data are unorganized facts and figures, whereas information is data converted into a form that helps people make decisions and do their jobs. With fake news and incorrect data and information, you need to appraise the legitimacy of information sources. Useful information has three qualities: Timely—current and available when you need it Relevant—suited to the situation, accurate, complete but concise Understandable—easy to comprehend

Advising responses provide evaluation, personal opinion, direction, or instructions and are often confrontational; it is helpful in solving problems. Advising tends to close or limit discussion or direct the flow of communication away from the sender to the receiver."You need my directions to do a good job, since you lack experience"

Diverting responses switch the focus of the communication to a new message—in other words, they change the subject. Like advising, diverting tends to redirect, close, or limit the flow of communication."You've reminded me of a manager I once had who...."

Learn the organizational culture and find out what it takes to succeed in your job and to advance, and don't be afraid to ask. Learn the power players—your boss. Find out who those people are in your organization, and find opportunities to get to know them using political behavior. Impress your boss with performance power by ensuring that you generate a perception of competence by doing a good job. Don't surprise your boss if you are having a work problem

Don't gossip Be a team player, and don't be a ball hog and take credit for everything. Stay tuned in to the grapevine to find out what is going on. Resolve conflicts. Following the preceding guidelines can help you avoid a political fight. Admit mistakes and apologize

Motivating Employees with Goal-Setting Theory: Don't set easy goals because most employees will just do the minimum. Don't simply tell employees to do their best because they most likely will not perform well and will use the excuse that they did their best when they really didn't. For goals to be motivational, they must be difficult but achievable. Write down your objectives and plans and don't multitask between them.

Expectancy theory is based on Victor Vroom's formula: motivation = expectancy × instrumentality × valence. The expectancy theory proposes that employees are motivated when they believe they can accomplish a task and the rewards for doing so are worth the effort.

reinforcement theory proposes that the consequences of their behavior will motivate employees to behave in predetermined ways. It's about teaching and learning behavior, and it is also called operant conditioning and is used to shape behavior. Avoidance reinforcement is also called negative reinforcement. Like positive reinforcement, avoidance reinforcement is used to encourage continued desirable behavior the reinforcement occurs because the behavior prevents a negative consequence

Extinction (like punishment) is applied in an attempt to reduce or eliminate a behavior. Unlike punishment, however, which is the active application of a negative consequence, extinction involves withholding reinforcement when an undesirable behavior occurs.

Ghiselli identified the following six traits, in order of importance, as being significant traits for effective leadership: (1) supervisory ability—getting the job done through others (basically, the ability to perform the four functions of management you are studying in this course), (2) need for occupational achievement, (3) intelligence, (4) decisiveness, (5) self-assurance, and (6) initiative.

Extroverts do tend to seek and get leadership positions, but that doesn't mean that introverts are not good leaders. Related to ethics and values is spirituality. People are looking for meaning in life and at work. Organizations are offering programs to help employees and managers find this meaning. Some organizations are offering programs that focus on helping employees understand more about their values, spiritual principles, and sense of purpose.

Reports are used to convey information, evaluation, analysis, and/or recommendations to management or colleagues. Bulletin board and blog notices usually supplement other forms of communication. Posters (or signs) are commonly used as reminders of important information, such as a mission statement or safety instructions. Newsletters are used to convey general information to all employees.

FIVE STEPS OF SENDING A FACE-TO-FACE MESSAGE: -develop rapport -state your communication objective -transmit your message -check the receivers understanding -get a commitment and follow up

Rework Control (Outputs) Rework control is action taken to fix an output. Rework is necessary when preliminary and concurrent controls have failed. Damage Control (Customer/Stakeholder Satisfaction) Damage control is action taken to minimize negative impacts on customers/stakeholders due to faulty outputs.

Feedback (Continuous Improvement) The only way to continually increase customer satisfaction is to use feedback from employees, customers, and other stakeholders to continually improve the products and services.

Recall that technology is the process used to transform inputs into outputs. So technology affects the way your firm operates.34 Technology leads to better and faster products and processes. In capital-intensive operations, machines do most of the work. In labor-intensive operations, human resources do most of the work. Organizations that use individual process operations tend to be labor intensive. Education and consulting, as well as personal services such as haircutting, auto repair, accounting, and legal services, tend to be very labor intensive.

Four Criteria for Classifying Operations Systems: Tangibility of Products Level of Customer Involvement Operations Flexibility Resources and Technology Management

ERG theory proposes that employees are motivated by three needs: existence, relatedness, and growth. Clayton Alderfer reorganized Maslow's hierarchy of five types of needs into three needs: existence (physiological and safety needs), relatedness (social), and growth (esteem and self-actualization).

Frederick Herzberg classified two sets of needs that he called factors. The two-factor theory proposes that employees are motivated by motivators rather than by maintenance factors. Maintenance factors are also called extrinsic motivators, because the motivation comes from outside the job. Motivators are called intrinsic motivators because the motivation comes from the work itself.

Personality is a combination of behavioral, mental, and emotional traits that define an individual. Our personality is a primary influence on our thoughts, self-esteem, self-confidence, and how we behave.

Here are some of the single traits that make up one's personality. Three we already discussed are optimism, risk propensity, and entrepreneurial types... -Locus of control -Machiavellianism and Narcissists

When top-level management creates a vision and makes decisions or creates policies and procedures, these are often communicated down the chain of command to employees.29 Downward communication occurs when your boss tells you what to do and how to do it. The delegation process occurs via downward communication. When you send a message to your bosses, you are using upward communication. Upward communication is vital, as it gives employees participation in management decisions and improving performance. To help facilitate upward communication, many organizations have adopted an open-door policy

Horizontal communication is the flow of information between colleagues and peers. It is formal communication, but it does not follow the chain of command; instead, it is multidirectional. Horizontal communication is needed to coordinate within a department, among team members, and among different departments, so you will be working horizontally

A major global issue now is the race to 5G (fifth-generation mobile wireless services) technology. The Dark Side of the Internet and Cell Phones: -Harms Work-Life Balance -Time Waster -Personal Work on the Job -Poor Decisons -Cyberscams -Harm to families and children

Identity theft and cybersecurity risks by computer hackers are a growing concern as businesses face the major challenge of managing information security.63 Cybercrime accelerated during the pandemic.

Reward power is based on the user's ability to influence others by providing something of value to them. Legitimate power is based on the user's position power in the organization. Legitimacy is generalized assumptions of desirability or appropriateness of behavior. Referent power is based on the user's personal source of power relationships with others Information power is based on others' need for data. Information is the new source of power. Expert power is based on the user's

Increasing Power: coercive- need to have a management job with formal authority connection power- network w people who have power referent power- develop interpersonal skills information power- know that is going on in organization expert power- participate in training

Continuous process operations (CPOs) produce outputs that are not in discrete units, such as National Grid electricity and Exxon and Shell gas sold at a service station. Repetitive process operations (RPOs) produce outputs in an assembly line structure, having each unit follow the same path, such as Subaru automobiles. Batch process operations (BPOs) produce different outputs with the same resources, such as a Maytag stove being used to cook and bake all kinds of different products and Johnson CPA providing a variety of accounting services.

Individual process operations (IPOs) produce outputs to customer specifications, just as Thompson Graphic Design does. Project process operations (PPOs) have low volume and high variety.

motivation is the willingness to achieve organizational objectives or to pitching in to get something done whenever necessary.22 Many firms are using the term employee engagement when referring to motivation. Through the motivation process, employees go from need to motive to behavior to consequence to satisfaction or dissatisfaction

Initiation of effort refers to how much effort to exert Direction of effort refers to where to put effort Persistence of effort refers to how long effort will be forthcoming

Information technology (IT) refers to the technology (hardware, operating systems, and software) used to store, process, and distribute useful data and information. The internet is a global collection of computer networks linked together to exchange data and information, and the World Wide Web (WWW) is a segment of the internet in which information is presented in the form of Web pages.

IoT (Internet of things) is an ecosystem of all types of devices connected through the internet that is creating job opportunities.46 Electronic commerce (e-commerce) consists of the buying and selling of products and services over electronic systems, typically the internet. Figure 13.2 illustrates the various types of e-commerce.

Transactional leaders make social exchanges to get the job done. Leadership Challenge provides the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership.® Authentic leaders develop open, honest, trusting relationships. Servant leaders help others by placing their needs ahead of self.

Leadership trait theorists attempt to determine a list of distinctive characteristics that account for leadership effectiveness. Edwin Ghiselli conducted probably the most widely publicized trait study.

Locus of control is a trait that lies on a continuum between believing control over one's destiny is external and believing it is internal. Externalizers believe they have no control over their fate and that their behavior has little to do with their performance. Internalizers believe they control their fate and that their behavior has a direct effect on their performance.

Machiavellianism is a trait based on the belief that the ends can justify the means and power should be used to reach desired ends. High Machs play the self-interest role, and their unethical behavior often hurts others and the organization. People with this trait are also called narcissists, a type characterized by grandiose self-views, impulsiveness, reduced empathy, beliefs that one deserves special treatment, and they want power over others to get what they want.

Vroom's Formula: Expectancy refers to people's perception of their ability (probability) to accomplish an objective. Instrumentality refers to the perception of the relationship between performance and the outcome/reward that will actually be gained. Valence refers to the value a person places on the outcome.

Motivating Employees With Expectancy Theory: Clearly define objectives and the performance needed to achieve them. Agree on what's expected. Link performance to consequences. High performers should be rewarded more than low performers. Be sure rewards have value to employees. Get to know employees as individuals. Make sure employees believe you will do what you say you will.

Mindfulness is about paying attention when communicating, and venting only makes us unhappy.

NINE BARRIERS TO COMMUNICATION: Perception Information Overload Channel Selection Noise Trust and credibility Poor Listening Emotions Filtering Language/Culture

negotiation process has three, possibly four, steps: plan, negotiate, possibly postpone, and finally come to an agreement or no agreement. Planning: research other party, set objectives, try to develop options and trades, anticipate questions/objections and prepare answers

Negotiating: develop rapport and focus on obstacles not the person, let other party make first offer, listen and question, dont give in too quick and ask for something in return. Postponing: if you do not see process, postpone. if the other party is postponing you can create urgency Agreement: put things in writing, after the deal is reached, stop selling it. Change the subject to a personal one and/or leave

Stress Management Techniques: Time management—Just do it! Relaxation. Sleep. Nutrition. Exercise. Positive thinking. Support network—ask for help. Cut back on smartphone checking.

One major cultural difference that affects motivation in businesses is that between individualistic and collective societies. Individualistic societies tend to value individual accomplishment. Collective societies tend to value group accomplishment and loyalty.

customer involvement refers to the amount of input from customers, which determines whether operations are make to stock, assemble to order, or make to order. Make-to-stock operations produce products with a standardized common design and price in anticipation of demand. Assemble-to-order operations produce a standard product with some customized features. Make-to-order operations are carried out only after an order has been received from a specific customer.

Operations flexibility refers to the amount of variety in the products an operation produces, which determines whether the products are produced continuously, repetitively, in batches, or individually. Flexibility is based on product volume (how many units of one product are produced) and variety (how many different products the operation produces). The trend is toward more flexible manufacturing to allow customization.

Organizational behavior is the study of actions that affect performance in the workplace. The goals of OB theorists are to understand, explain, predict, and influence behavior to improve performance.

Organizational Behavior is the study of actions that affect performance in the workplace.

Stress is the body's reaction to environmental demands. Burnout is a constant lack of interest and motivation to perform one's job, resulting in exhaustion, cynicism, and feeling of helplessness With no or low stress, we tend to just take it easy and waste time, and performance is lower, which is dysfunctional. An optimal level of stress, like performance pressure of a deadline, is functional because it helps improve performance. Good stress is also called eustress.

Personality type. The Type A personality is characterized as fast moving, hard driving, time conscious, competitive, impatient, and preoccupied with work. The Type B personality is the opposite of Type A.

Content motivation theories focus on identifying and understanding employees' needs. The hierarchy of needs theory proposes that employees are motivated by five levels of needs: physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization. Abraham Maslow developed this theory in the 1940s.

Physiological needs. Physiological needs are people's basic needs for air, water, food, shelter, sex, and relief from or avoidance of pain. Safety needs. Once they satisfy their physiological needs, people are concerned with safety and security. Social needs. After establishing safety, people look for love, friendship, acceptance, and affection. Esteem needs. After they meet their social needs, people focus on acquiring status, self-respect, recognition for accomplishments, and a feeling of self-confidence and prestige. Self-actualization needs. The highest-level need is to develop one's full potential. To do so, people seek growth, achievement, and advancement.

Equity theory proposes that employees are motivated when their perceived inputs equal outputs. (Adams) Goal-setting theory proposes that achievable but difficult goals motivate employees. (Locke) Expectancy theory proposes that employees are motivated when they believe they can accomplish a task and the rewards for doing so are worth the effort. (Vroom)

Positive reinforcement is offering attractive consequences (rewards) for desirable performance to encourage the continuation of that behavior. Avoidance reinforcement is threatening to provide negative consequences for poor performance to encourage desirable behavior. Punishment is providing an undesirable consequence (punishment) for an undesirable behavior to prevent the behavior. Extinction is the withholding of reinforcement for a particular behavior.

Perks help, but the real key to motivation is interpersonal relationships; employees are more engaged where relationships thrive. And this is especially true of younger workers, as there is generational diversity in what motivates employees.

Power and politics are also about influencing. So, leaders Influence others' thoughts, feelings, and behavior. But effective leadership is not about manipulating people to do things they don't want to do.

Probing responses ask the speaker to give more information about some aspect of the message. Probing can be useful when you need to get a better understanding of the situation."What do I do to cause you to say this?" Reassuring responses are given to reduce the intensity of the emotions and give confidence associated with the message. Essentially you're saying, "Don't worry; everything will be OK"

Reflecting responses paraphrase the message and communicate understanding and acceptance to the sender. When reflecting, be sure not to use the sender's exact words, or the person may feel you are mimicking. Reflecting in your own words often leads to the most effective communication

Performance power is based on expert power. This currency is gained by doing a great job. Every time you deliver on an assignment, you generate performance currency. Performance alone is not enough. At this point, your relationship currency becomes more important.

Relationship power is based on referent power. We also have personal currency we can use to help others.

Organizational culture. Cultures that are like Type As are more stressful. Organizational change. Changes can be stressful, especially if they are discontinuous. Management behavior. The manager (poor and abusive bosses) is often a cause of stress put on employees. Type of work. Some types of work are more stressful than others. Interpersonal relations. Conflicts among coworkers can be very stressful. Coworkers who are addicted to work, called workaholics, can also put stress on you.136

Procrastination and perfectionism. Intentionally delaying getting the task done despite foreseeable negative future consequences is procrastination leading to paralysis that causes more stress. Time pressure. Smartphones.

The message-receiving process includes listening, analyzing, and checking understanding. Step 1: Listening: Pay attention. Avoid distractions. Stay tuned in (mentally paraphrase). Don't assume and interrupt. Watch nonverbal behaviour. Ask questions. Take notes (when appropriate). Convey understanding. Step 2: Analyzing: Think. Wait to evaluate until after listening. Step 3: Checking Understanding: Paraphrase. Watch nonverbal behaviour.

RESPONSE STYLES: Reflecting Probing Diverting Advising Reassuring

three types of political behavior—networking, reciprocity, and coalitions—and how to develop political skills. Networking is the process of developing relationships with the objectives of socializing, succeeding at your current job, and career advancement.

Reciprocity involves the mutual exchange of favors and privileges to accomplish objectives. Managers, employees, colleagues form relationships that have mutual obligation and reciprocity.Reciprocity relationships are based on trust and cooperation.

INFORMATIVE SYSTEMS: Transaction processing systems (TPSs) are used to handle routine and recurring business matters. Organizations use TPSs to record accounting transactions, such as accounts receivable and payable and payroll. Management information systems (MISs) transform data into the information employees need to do their work. The information provided by an MIS is commonly used for making routine decisions. Decision support systems (DSSs) use managers' insights in an interactive computer-based process to assist in making nonroutine decisions.S

SOCIAL MEDIA: Social media (SM) are interactive technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, and interests to develop social and professional contacts through virtual communities and networks

4 STEPS IN INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION PROCESS: STEP 1: The sender encodes the message and selects the transmission channel. The sender of the message is the person who initiates the communication. The message is the information and meaning communicated. Encoding is the sender's process of putting the message into a form that the receiver will understand. communication channel—the means or medium by which a message is transmitted; the three primary channels are oral, nonverbal, and written.

STEP 2: The sender transmits the message. STEP 3: The receiver decodes the message and decides if feedback is needed. The person receiving the message decodes it. Decoding is the receiver's process of translating a message into a meaningful form. STEP 4: Feedback: A response or a new message may be transmitted. After the receiver decodes the message, they may give feedback to the sender, or the sender may request feedback to ensure mutual understanding of the message.

Self-esteem is about your overall view of yourself. t is influenced by our past experience and our thoughts of self-confidence and self-doubt.

Self-confidence is about believing you can do a specific task; it is also called self-efficacy. It is an "I can do this" attitude and is typically believed to be a quality of leadership.

Hierarchy of needs theory proposes that employees are motivated by five levels of needs: physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization. (Maslow) ERG theory proposes that employees are motivated by three needs: existence, relatedness, and growth. (Alderfer) Two-factory theory proposes that employees are motivated by motivators (higher-level needs) rather than by maintenance factors (lower-level needs). (Herzberg)

Self-determination theory (SDT) proposes that supporting employee autonomy, competence, and relatedness needs foster motivation. Acquired needs theory proposes that employees are motivated by their need for achievement, power, and affiliation. (McClelland)

Optimism helps to overcome self-doubt; it is the opposite of pessimism. Optimistic people believe things will go well, and they tend to generally have less stress, are happier and more confident, and have higher levels of performance than pessimistic people. Optimism is based on positive thinking, and research supports that it increases performance.

Self-talk: our ability to make comments, set reminders, and give ourselves advice Thoughts: our views that affect our behavior, self-confidence, and self-esteem Self-Confidence: positive beliefs such as trusting in your ability to complete a specific task Self-esteem: your overall view of yourself as a person

Basic leadership styles include autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire. Two-dimensional leadership styles are four possible leadership styles that are based on the dimensions of job structure and employee consideration. Leadership Grid® identifies the ideal leadership style as incorporating a high concern for both production and people.

Situational Leadership Theories attempt to determine the appropriate leadership styles for particular situations using models. Contingency leadership model is used to determine if leadership style is task or relationship oriented and if the situation matches the style. Leadership continuum model is used to determine which of seven styles of leadership, on a continuum from autocratic (boss centered) to participative (employee centered), is best for a given situation. Path-goal model is used to determine employee objectives and to clarify how to achieve them using one of four leadership styles.

Authentic leaders develop open, honest, trusting relationships. Servant leaders focus on helping others accomplish goals and complete tasks.

Stereotyping. Male leadership stereotype traits have been widely acknowledged as global barriers to women advancing in leadership—the glass ceiling (Chapter 3). As we know, U.S. women are underrepresented in top leadership positions as they represent almost half of the labor force but only hold around 25% of senior-level executive and managerial positions.

Contemporary leadership theories attempt to determine how effective leaders interact with, inspire, and support followers. LMX's dyadic relationships occur between leaders and each of their followers, as opposed to general traits or behaviors of leaders. LMX effective leader-member exchange (LMX) leaders create positive relationships with each individual.

Strategic leaders develop and implement effective strategic plans. Visionary leaders create an image of the organization in the future that provides direction for setting goals and developing strategic plans. Charismatic leaders inspire loyalty, enthusiasm, and high levels of performance. Their confident, dynamic personal traits and behavior enable them to develop strong relationships with followers they may not even know personally, giving them strong influence over followers' behavior and performance.

path-goal model is used to determine employee objectives and to clarify how to achieve them using one of four leadership styles. The model focuses on how leaders influence employees' perceptions of their goals and the paths they follow toward goal attainment. the path-goal model uses situational factors to determine the leadership style that affects goal achievement through performance and satisfaction.

Subordinate situational factors are (1) authoritarianism (the degree to which employees defer to leaders and want to be told what to do and how to do the job), (2) locus of control (Chapter 10), and (3) ability (the extent of employees' ability to perform tasks to achieve goals).

Situational Leadership® model is used to select one of four leadership styles that matches the employees' maturity level in a given situation. Their model identifies four leadership styles, expanding the Ohio State model

Substitutes for leadership are characteristics of the task, of subordinates, or of the organization that replace the need for a leader.

Presentations are common in the workplace today, and few skills are more important, or more feared. Nonverbal communication consists of messages sent without words. It includes the setting of the communication (physical surroundings) and body language.

Texting is fast, but it's hard to make a personal connection. Email is not your to-do list, it's other people's to-do list telling you what to do. Memos are commonly used to send intraorganizational messages. Letters are commonly used to communicate with people outside of the organization.

Disciplining: Discipline is corrective action to get employees to meet standards and standing plans. The major objective of discipline is to change behavior. Secondary objectives may be to (1) let employees know that action will be taken when standing plans or performance requirements are not met and (2) maintain authority, when challenged, using coercive power.

The Discipline Model: Step 1. Refer to past feedback. Begin the interview by refreshing the employee's memory. Step 2. Ask why the undesired behavior was used. Step 3. Give the discipline. Step 4. Get a commitment to change and develop a plan. Step 5. Summarize and state the follow-up.

The Leadership Challenge® was developed by James M. Kouzes and Barry Posner. FIVE PRACTICES: - Model the Way. Leaders clearly state goals and how to accomplish them. - Inspire a Shared Vision. Leaders envision the future and create an ideal and unique image of what the organization can become. -Challenge the Process. Leaders experiment and take risks to create innovative ways to improve the organization, and they accept mistakes and failures along the way. -Enable Others to Act. Leaders use an inclusive, participatory style developing collaboration and building teams. -Encourage the Heart. Leaders motivate continuous improvements and recognize the contributions that individuals make.

The LPI®: Leadership Practices Inventory® This is an assessment tool for individuals and organizations. It measures the frequency you engage in exemplary leadership behaviors, and it also helps you build positive relationships and achieve your objectives. The assessment identifies exactly where you are a strong leader, and areas to improve upon.

Structuring—the extent to which the leader takes charge to plan, organize, lead, and control as the employee performs the task. This dimension focuses on getting the job done. Consideration—the extent to which the leader communicates to develop trust, friendship, support, and respect. This dimension focuses on developing relationships with employees.

The Leadership Grid® identifies the ideal leadership style as incorporating a high concern for both production and people.

The acquired needs theory proposes that employees are motivated by their needs for achievement, power, and affiliation. It is also called learned needs and three-needs theory. Need for Achievement Need for Power Need for Affiliation

The acquired needs theory proposes that employees are motivated by their needs for achievement, power, and affiliation. It is also called learned needs and three-needs theory. Equity theory proposes that employees are motivated when their perceived inputs equal outputs. Notice that the definition says employees compare their perceived (not actual) inputs to outputs.

The operating budgets include the revenue and expense budgets. You must first complete financial forecasting—determine how much money you have or will have before you can plan how you are going to spend it. A revenue budget is a forecast of total income for the year. An expense budget is a forecast of total operating spending for the year.

The capital expenditures budget includes all planned major asset investments. The difference between the budget, also called a pro forma statement, and actual statements is that actual statements report past results, while the budget or pro forma statement projects future results. The three primary financial statements are the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement.

The income statement presents revenue and expenses and the profit or loss for the stated time period. The income statement primarily covers one year. The balance sheet presents the assets and liabilities and owners' equity. Assets are owned by the organization; liabilities are debts owed to others

The cash flow statement presents the cash receipts and payments for the stated period.

FIVE COMPONENTS OF INFORMATION NETWORK: Headquarters Facility, Suppliers, Remote Facilities/Telecommuters, Customers and Databases

The communication process takes place between a sender who encodes a message and transmits it through a channel and a receiver who decodes it and may give feedback.

Functional conflict exists when disagreement and opposition support the achievement of organizational objectives. Conflict of ideas generally leads to changes that improve performance—functional conflict.

The five styles—passive, aggressive, and assertive behavior, and win-lose combinations

Platforms serve as intermediaries between two or more parties to transact business. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a type of computer science concerned with building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. Algorithms are used to solve problems and make decisions. They perform calculation, data processing, automated reasoning, and other tasks and functions to aid decision making

The idea behind cloud computing is that companies store data and software on the internet, then access it and run it all over the Web from their office computers, which thereby don't need as much storage space or as much expensive software. The trend toward wireless communication continues, as people globally are becoming increasingly mobile. E-commerce is also called mobile commerce (m-commerce), as wireless devices are being used to conduct business.

What is the difference between manufacturing and service operations? Manufacturing operations are used to transform inputs into tangible products, whereas service operations are used to transform inputs into intangible products. What is the function concerned with transforming resource inputs into product outputs called? operations

The tangibility of products refers to whether the products are tangible, intangible, or mixed. Manufactured goods, such as Chrysler automobiles and Dell computers, are tangible products. Services, such as Cost Cutters haircuts, Belmont Dry Cleaning, and Ryan Legal advice, are intangible products. Mixed products are made up of both tangible and intangible products. Major appliance retail local stores like Salemi Appliance and Family Appliance (and national Best Buy electronics with its Geek Squad) not only sell appliances but also offer extended warranties and service what they sell.

COVID Ceiling. The pandemic has had a negative effect on helping women advance called the COVID ceiling. Why? Because some women stayed at home to care for their children while schools were closed, and working from home blocks women from important office politics Leadership Equality, Not Equity. Research supports and the American public believe that men and women are equally capable of leading,156 including leading across industries.

There are two major types, or levels, of communication: organizational and interpersonal. Organizations cannot exist without communication.19 Communication is the process of transmitting information and meaning Vertical communication is the flow of information both downward and upward through the organizational chain of command. It is also called formal communication because information that flows this way is recognized as officially sanctioned information.

Trusting relationships are beneficial to employees and their organizations.40 Recall that happiness and success in our personal and professional lives are based on our relationships.41 Good relationships are based on mutual trust. Unfortunately, only 7% of workers strongly agree that they trust managers to look out for their best interest, which leads to high turnover.

Trait Theory attempts to determine a list of distinctive characteristics that account for leadership effectiveness. Trait theory leadership style is based on the leader's personal traits and characteristics. Behavioral Leadership Theories attempt to determine distinctive styles used by effective leaders. Leadership style is the combination of traits, skills, and behaviors managers use in interacting with employees.

Transformational leadership brings about continuous learning, innovation, and change. Transformational leaders are good at overcoming resistance to change. Transformational leaders make their followers feel like a vital part of the firm and understand how their jobs fit with the vision or understand how to make the vision become a reality.

Transactional leadership is a leadership style based on social exchange. The exchange involves the principle that "you do this work for me and I'll give this reward to you, and I'll punish you if you don't."

Behavioral leadership theorists attempt to determine distinctive styles used by effective leaders. Leadership style is the combination of traits, skills, and behaviors managers use in interacting with employees. Note that behavioral theorists focus on the leaders' behaviors.

Two-dimensional leadership styles are four possible leadership styles that are based on the dimensions of job structure and employee consideration.

Channels are used to convey information and meaning.121 Media richness refers to the amount of information and meaning conveyed through a channel. FACE TO FACE- It is the appropriate channel for delegating tasks, coaching, disciplining, and developing and maintaining good interpersonal relations. But if you can't meet in person, video-chat (MS Teams, Skype, Zoom) or call them. Telephone conversations are the appropriate channel for quick exchanges of information and for checking up on something.

Voice mail is most commonly used to leave messages for people who are unable to answer the phone and sometimes in place of written messages. Meetings are common today. The most common type of meeting is the brief, informal get-together of a manager with two or more employees. Meetings are appropriate for coordinating employee activities, delegating a task to a group, and resolving employee conflicts.

With a continuous schedule of reinforcement, each and every desired behavior is reinforced. Examples of this approach include the use of a machine with an automatic counter that lets the employee know, at any given moment, exactly how many units have been produced

With intermittent reinforcement schedules, reinforcement is given based on the passage of time or amount of output. Fixed-interval schedule. Consequences follow a behavior after a set time Variable-interval schedule. Consequences follow a behavior after different times Fixed-ratio schedule. Consequences follow a specific number of behaviors Variable-ratio schedule. Consequences follow a different number of behaviors

Here is another approach focusing more on managing day-to-day operations using the control systems process.18 (1) Think = The manager has clear expectations. (2) Talk = The manager discusses expectations with employees. (3) Coach = The manager checks in periodically to reinforce or redirect as needed (we will teach you how to coach later in this chapter). (4) Assess = The manager conducts formal evaluations

control frequency: constant, periodic, and occasional. Constant Controls: self-control, clan control, standing plans, machine monitoring Periodic Controls: Regular meetings and reports, budgets, audits Occasional Controls: Observation, Exception Principle, Special Reports, Project Controls

Big 5 Personality Dimensions- personality profile, also called the Five-Factor Model and is abbreviated to OCEAN (openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism)

extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness to experience

General Recommendations of Equity Theory: Managers should be aware that equity is based on perception, which may not be correct. Rewards should be equitable. Employees producing at the same level should be given equal rewards. High performance should be rewarded, but employees must understand the inputs needed to attain certain outputs.

goal-setting theory proposes that achievable but difficult goals motivate employees. Or as Latham puts it, higher specific goals lead to higher levels of performance.

A coalition is a network of alliances that help achieve an objective. Reciprocity is used to achieve ongoing objectives, whereas coalitions are developed for achieving a specific objective.

larger organizations tend to be more political, and the higher the level of management, the more important politics becomes.

contingency leadership model is used to determine if leadership style is task or relationship oriented and if the situation matches the style. Situational favorableness refers to the degree to which a situation enables you to exert influence over followers. Leader-Follower Relations—Is the relationship good or poor? Task Structure—Is the task structured (repetitive/routine) or unstructured (not repetitive)? Position Power—Do you have position power?

leadership continuum model is used to determine which of seven styles of leadership, on a continuum from autocratic (boss centered) to participative (employee centered), is best for a given situation. Before selecting one of the seven leadership styles, the leader must consider the following three variables: theleader's preferred style, thefollowers' preferred style for the leader, andthe situation.

Environmental situational factors are (1) task structure (repetitiveness in the job), (2) formal authority (leader's power), and (3) work group (the extent to which coworkers contribute to job satisfaction).

leadership styles: Directive. The leader provides high structure. Directive leadership is appropriate when subordinates want authoritarian leadership and have low ability. Supportive. The leader provides high consideration. Supportive leadership is appropriate when subordinates do not want authoritarian leadership and have high ability. Participative. The leader includes employee input when making decisions. Participative leadership is appropriate when subordinates want to be involved and have high ability. Achievement-oriented. The leader sets difficult but achievable goals, expects subordinates to perform at their highest level, and rewards them for doing so. In essence, the leader provides both high structure and high consideration.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

most complex personality classification method is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. The MBTI model of personality identifies your personality preferences. It is based on your four preferences (or inclinations) for certain ways of thinking and behaving.

Self-doubt is our negative thoughts; it holds us back more than our ability and resources.

our thoughts cause our behavior and performance and affect our self-confidence and self-esteem. The problem often is how we think about our problems; it is also important to realize that complaining is unproductive.

Pygmalion effect is the theory that managers' attitudes toward and expectations and treatment of employees largely determine their performance. Abusive supervision is subordinates' perceptions of sustained hostile verbal and nonverbal behavior.

power is the ability to influence others' behavior. Politics is the process of gaining and using power. Power and politics are often viewed negatively because some people abuse them using unethical behavior. But power and politics in and of themselves are neither good nor bad; it's how they are used.

(1, 1) The leader with an impoverished management style has low concern for both production and people. (9, 1) The leader with an authority-compliance management style has a high concern for production and a low concern for people. (1, 9) The leader with a country club management style has a high concern for people and a low concern for production. (5, 5) The leader with a middle-of-the-road management style has balanced, medium concern for both production and people. (9, 9) The leader with a team management style has a high concern for both production and people. This leader strives for maximum performance and employee satisfaction.

situational approaches to leadership attempt to determine appropriate leadership styles for particular situations. contingency

FALSE: Creative accounting approaches that do not adhere to the U.S. GAAP, such as creating new and confusing made-up metrics, is considered illegal. FALSE: Companies can use the Internet and social media to market their products without fear of customer complaints and bad press.

there are four primary functional areas—marketing, finance, human resources, and operations. Operations is the function concerned with transforming resource inputs into product outputs. A product is a good, a service, or a combination of the two.

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