MGT Exam 1 - Part 2: Management Theory

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Contemporary perspective: The ________ viewpoint - regards the organization as ______ of interrelated parts that operate together to achieve a common purpose

quality management

Contemporary perspective: The ________ ________ viewpoint - three approaches


Contemporary perspective: The ________ viewpoint - emphasizes that managers approach should vary according to the individual and environmental situation


Historical perspective: ________ viewpoint (1911-1947) - emphasis on ways to manage work more efficiently


Historical perspective: ________ viewpoint (1913-1950s) - emphasis on importance of understanding human behavior and motivating and encouraging employees toward achievement


Historical perspective: ________ viewpoint (1940s-1950s) - applies __________ techniques for management


A _________ organization is an organization that actively creates, acquires, and transfers knowledge within itself and is able to modify its behavior to reflect new knowledge


A _________ system has little interaction with its environment; that is, it receives very little feedback from the outside. The classical management viewpoint often considered an organization a closed system. So does the management science perspective, which simplifies organizations for purposes of analysis. However, any organization that ignores feedback from the environment opens itself up to possibly spectacular failures.


An ________ system continually interacts with its environment. Today nearly all organizations are, at least to some degree, ______ systems. _______ systems have the potential of producing synergy. Synergy (the idea that two or more forces combined create an effect that is greater than the sum of their individual effects)


Douglas McGregor and Theory X versus Theory Y Theory Y represents the outlook of human relations proponents—an optimistic, positive view of workers. In this view, workers are considered to be capable of accepting responsibility, self-direction, and self-control and of being imaginative and creative.


Douglas McGregor and Theory X versus Theory Y Theory ___ represents a pessimistic, negative view of workers. In this view, workers are considered to be irresponsible, to be resistant to change, to lack ambition, to hate work, and to want to be led rather than to lead.


Joseph M. ________ Another pioneer with Deming in Japan's quality revolution was Joseph M. ______, who defined quality as "fitness for use." By this he meant that a product or service should satisfy a customer's real needs. Thus, the best way to focus a company's efforts, he suggested, was to concentrate on the real needs of customers.


Management __________ focuses on using mathematics to aid in problem solving and decision making. Sometimes management science is called operations research.


The _______ viewpoint regards the organization as a system of interrelated parts.

scientific administrative

The classical viewpoint, which emphasized finding ways to manage work more efficiently, had two branches —_________ and _____________— each of which is identified with particular pioneering theorists. In general, classical management assumes that people are rational


The four components of TQM Get every employee __________. -To build teamwork, trust, and mutual respect, TQM companies see that every employee is involved in the continuous improvement process. This requires that workers must be trained and empowered to find and solve problems.


The four components of TQM Listen to and learn from customers and ____________. - TQM companies pay attention to their customers, the people who use their products or services. In addition, employees within the companies listen and learn from other employees, those outside their own work areas.


The four components of TQM Make continuous __________ a priority. - TQM companies are never satisfied. They make small, incremental improvements an everyday priority in all areas of the organization. By improving everything a little bit of the time all the time, the company can achieve long-term quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.


The four components of TQM Use accurate standards to identify and eliminate ___________. - TQM organizations are always alert to how competitors do things better, then try to improve on them—a process known as benchmarking. Using these standards, they apply statistical measurements to their own processes to identify problems.


Two Overarching Perspectives about Management: 1. __________ perspective (1911-1950s) includes three viewpoints—classical, behavioral, and quantitative.


Two Overarching Perspectives about Management: 2. __________ perspective (1960s-present) also includes three viewpoints—systems, contingency, and quality-management.


W.Edwards ___________ Desperate to rebuild its war-devastated economy, Japan eagerly received mathematician W. Edwards ___________'s lectures on "good management." He believed that quality stemmed from "constancy of purpose"—steady focus onPage 62 an organization's mission—along with statistical measurement and reduction of variations in production processes. He also thought that managers should stress teamwork, be helpful rather than simply give orders, and make employees feel comfortable about asking questions.


_______ proposed his famous hierarchy of human needs: physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization.

human relations

________ __________ movement—which proposed that better _________ ________ could increase worker productivity— biggest contributors were Abraham Maslow and Douglas McGregor.


_________ (last name) was the first to identify the major functions of management—planning, organizing, leading, and controlling, as well as coordinating—the first four of which you'll recognize as the functions providing the framework for this and most other management books.


_________ = a set of interrelated parts that operate together to achieve a common purpose. Even though a it may not work very well—as in the inefficient way the Italian government collects taxes, for example—it is nevertheless still one.

total quality

_________ _________ management (TQM) is a comprehensive approach—led by top management and supported throughout the organization—dedicated to continuous quality improvement, training, and customer satisfaction.


_________ management focuses on managing the production and delivery of an organization's products or services more effectively. Operations management is concerned with work scheduling, production planning, facilities location and design, and optimum inventory levels. Why this is important: Through the rational management of resources and distribution of goods and services, it helps ensure that business operations are efficient and effective.


_________ management, the application to management of quantitative techniques, such as statistics and computer simulations. Two branches of __________ management are management science and operations management.


__________ science relies on scientific research for developing theories about human behavior that can be used to provide practical tools for managers. The disciplines of behavioral science include psychology, sociology, anthropology, and economics.


__________ viewpoint: emphasized the importance of understanding human behavior and of motivating employees toward achievement. - developed over three phases: (1) early behaviorism, (2) the human relations movement, and (3) behavioral science.


___________-based management means translating principles based on best evidence into organizational practice, bringing rationality to the decision-making process.


____________ = the idea that two or more forces combined create an effect that is greater than the sum of their individual effects (as when a guitarist, drummer, and bassist combine to play a better version of a song than any of them would playing alone. Or a copywriter, art director, and photographer combine to create a magazine ad, each representing various influences from the environment.)


____________ Management emphasized the scientific study of work methods to improve the productivity of individual workers


____________ viewpoint emphasizes that a manager's approach should vary according to the individual and the environmental situation.


quality __________ focuses on the performance of workers, urging employees to strive for "zero defects." -has been less successful because often employees have no control over the design of the work process.

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