MGT1101 L&DM: Chapter 4 - Power and Influence

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Miner's Sentence Completion Scale (MSCS)

- a projective test used to measure motivation to manage of a person - predicts leadership success in hierarchical in bureaucratic organizations


- capacity to produce effects on others - potential to influence others

McClelland and Boyatzis

- found the need for power to be positively related to success for nontechnical managers at AT&T - reported that the need for power was unrelated to the success of technical managers at AT&T

socialized power

- implies a more emotionally mature expression of the motive - is exercised in the service of higher goals to others or organizations and often involves self-sacrifice toward those ends - It often involves an empowering, rather than an autocratic, style of management and leadership


- refers to the actual change - change in a target's attitudes, beliefs, values, or behaviors as a result of influence tactics

coercive power

- the opposite of reward power, is the potential to influence others through the administration of negative sanctions or the removal of positive events - it is the ability to control others through the fear of punishment or the loss of valued outcomes

Michael Dell

-Founder and CEO of Dell

leader's personality

Another way of looking at the relationship between power and leadership involves focusing on the individual ___________

personalized power

Individuals who have a high need for __________________ are relatively selfish, impulsive, uninhibited, and lacking in self-control. These individuals exercise power for their own needs, not for the good of the group or the organization


Miner described motivation to manage in _______ composites.

rational tactics

People tend to use _____________ (the exchange and rational appeals) when parties are relatively equal in power, when resistance is not anticipated, and when the benefits are organizational as well as personal

hard tactics

People typically use ___________ (that is, legitimizing or pressure tactics) when an influencer has the upper hand, when they anticipate resistance, or when the other person's behavior violates important norms.

soft tactics

People typically use _____________ (such as ingratiation) when they are at a disadvantage, when they expect resistance, or when they will personally benefit if the attempt is successful.

need for power

People vary in their motivation to influence or control others. McClelland called this the ____________

Football or American Football

a game about power


concluded that although some need for power was necessary for leadership potential, successful leaders also have the ability to inhibit their manifestation of this need

personal appeals

doing a favor out of friendship


found that the need for power was positively related to managers' performance ratings and promotion rates

French and Raven

identified five sources, or bases, of power by which an individual can potentially influence others

social skill

influence tactics can be thought of as a _______________


influencing a target through an exchange of favors

pressure tactics

influencing a target with the use of threats or persistent reminders


is both the title of the cited poem that provided inspiration to Nelson Mandela during his 27-year imprisonment for fighting apartheid and also became the title of the 2009 Clint Eastwood movie

legitimizing tactics

making a request based on their position or authority


occurs when agents ask targets to participate in planning an activity


occurs when an agent attempts to get you in a good mood before making a request

rational persuasion

occurs when an agent uses logical arguments or factual evidence to influence others

influence tactics

one's behavior designed to change another person's attitudes, beliefs, values, or behaviors

reward power

potential to influence others due to one's control over desired resources

expert power

power of knowledge

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

projective test requiring examinees to tell a story in response to ambiguous pictures

referent power

refers to the potential influence one has due to the strength of the relationship between the leader and the followers


reported that small groups of ROTC students were more likely to successfully solve a subarctic survival situation if their leader had a strong need for power

Pecking order

status differential between members of a group

power distance

the degree to which less powerful members of an organization accept and expect an unequal distribution of power

legitimate power

the power a person receives as a result of his or her position in the formal hierarchy of an organization

Magee and Galinsky

they did not only have presented a comprehensive review of the nature of power in hierarchical settings but also have noted that the acquisition and application of power induce transformation of individual psychological processes, with the result being manifested by actions to further increase power

McClelland and associates

used Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) to assess the need for power

coalition tactics

when agents seek the aid or support of others to influence the target

inspirational appeals

when they make a request or proposal designed to arouse enthusiasm or emotions in targets

Influence Behavior Questionnaire (IBQ)

is designed to assess nine types of influence tactics, and its scales give us a convenient overview of various methods of influencing others

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