Micro Week 17

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Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome

First cases of this disease were a cluster of patients in the Four Corners area of New Mexico in 1993

microbial antagonism

Normal biota performs the important role of _____ in the upper respiratory tract


"_____-water stool" is a symptom of Vibrio cholerae


(re: Shigella) Affects the entire GI tract, damages the mucosa and villi, and gives rise to bleeding and secretion of mucous

shiga toxin

(re: Shigella) Responsible for more serious damage to the intestine as well as systemic effects

nasal, salivary, MMR

*Mumps: signs and symptoms:* - _____ discharge, muscle pain, malaise - inflammation of the _____ glands producing gopher-like swelling of cheeks - prevented by the _____ vaccine

upper respiratory tract, 45, coughing

*Prevention and treatment of healthcare-associated pneumonia:* - Most causes are due to aspiration from the _____ - Elevation of patients' heads __ degrees helps reduce aspiration of secretions - Deep breathing and frequent _____

large intestine, endotoxin

*Shigella:* - invades the villus cells of the _____ - release of _____ causes fever


*T/F:* 1/3 of the world's population is infected with TB.


*T/F:* Gastritis and gastric ulcers result from stress and eating spicy food


*T/F:* Ground beef is more dangerous than steaks or other cuts of meat for the transmission of E. coli O157:H7.

True (ID50)

*T/F:* In order for disease to result, an individual has to ingest a high number of Salmonella


*T/F:* Organisms considered "normal biota" in the respiratory tract can cause serious disease


*T/F:* Sinusitis, otitis media, and pharyngitis can all be sequelae of the common cold


*T/F:* The vaccine against influenza provides lifelong protection


*T/F:* The vaccine against pertussis provides lifelong protection


*T/F:* There is an effective vaccine available for diphtheria


*T/F:* There is an effective vaccine available for the common cold


*T/F:* Yeasts such as Candida are considered part of the normal biota of mucosal surfaces of the upper respiratory tract


*T/F:* the accessory organs are free of microorganisms


*T/F:* the lower respiratory tract is sterile


*T/F:* the oral cavity is free of microorganisms

enterotoxigenic, enteroinvasive, enteropathogenic, enteroaggregative

*Types of E. coli:* -_____ E. coli: traveler's diarrhea, watery diarrhea, low-grade fever, nausea, and vomiting. - _____ E. coli: bacillary dysentery, blood and mucus in the stool, more common in developing countries. - _____ E. coli: profuse, watery diarrhea, with fever and vomiting, produce effacement of gut surfaces. - _____ E. coli: causes diarrhea in young patients and AIDS patients.


Aka "Swine flu" - not all patients had a fever, but many had gastrointestinal distress, or developed multiorgan system failure


A _____ gut microbiome is associated with health


A bacterium that occurs mainly in the intestine, especially a serotype causing food poisoning.

clostridium difficile

A gram-positive endospore-forming rod found as normal biota of the intestine


A pathogenic flagellated protozoan. signs and symptoms are diarrhea of long duration and abdominal pain


A protein found in secretory fluids and neutrophils that inhibits microbial growth via iron chelation.

hemolytic uremic syndrome

A severe hemolytic anemia that can cause kidney damage and failure; involved in shiga-toxin-producing E. coli

Hepatitis C virus

A silent epidemic: 4.1 million Americans infected

pneumonia, mortality

About 1% of hospitalized or institutionalized people develop _____. This has a 30-50% _____ rate


Agent previously only known to cause severe kidney damage and hemorrhagic fevers in other parts of the world


An acute bacterial infection that was the significant cause of morbidity and mortality for hundreds of years


Annual _____ seasons have the potential for turning deadly for many people very quickly

drift, shift

Antigenic _____ refers to minor changes in viral antigens and antigenic _____ is the result of gene swapping between different strains of the virus.

peptides, alveolar macrophages, IgA

Antimicrobial _____, _____ and _____ in the lungs are chemical defenses against invading pathogens

Staphylococcus aureus Exotoxin

Associated with custards, sauces, cream pastries, processed meats, chicken salad, or ham


Bile is _____ due to its high salt content

whooping cough

Bordetella pertussis causes _____


Buildup of fluid in the eustachian tubes

Myobacterium Avium Complex (MAC)

Causes a disseminated TB infection in patients with AIDs

Fusobacterium necrophorum

Causes potentially serious cases of pharyngitis in adolescents and young adults

dental caries

Cavities in the teeth; the most common infectious disease of human beings


Chronic diarrhea is diarrhea lasting longer than __ days


Chronic otitis media is an _____ infection


Schistosoma infect humans through life cycle __

vibrio cholerae

Comma-shaped rod with single polar flagellum; causative agent of cholera

Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis

Commonly referred to as "trench mouth" reflecting the poor dental health of soldiers in World War I

microbial antagonism

Competition between microbes


Dental caries are prevalant in __-__% of school-age children

tooth, bacteria

Dental caries results to the dissolution of the _____ surface due to the metabolic action of _____

loose stools

Diarrhea: defined as 3 or more _____ in a 24 hour period

Corynebacterium diphtheriae

Diptheria is caused by a non-endospore-forming, gram-positive bacteria called _____

pharynx, stomach, large intestine, anus

Eight main segments of the GI tract: mouth, _____, esophagus, _____, small intestine, _____, rectum, _____


Eosinophilia is a hallmark of _____ infection

nausea, vomiting, diarrhea

Food poisoning: _____ and _____ accompanied by _____, often companions that shared a meal suffer the same fate

salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, pancreas

Four accessory organs of the GI tract

A, B

Hepatitis __ is non enveloped and Hepatitis __ is enveloped

capsulatum, AIDs

Histoplasma _____ is aka Darling's disease or spelunker's disease, and its most serious forms occur in _____ patients


Hookworms infect humans through life cycle __


In _____ tuberculosis, the lymph nodes, kidneys, long bones, and other organs can become involved.

dormant, 60

In secondary tuberculosis, bacteria remain _____ in the lungs for weeks, months, or years. If untreated, it has a __% mortality rate


Inflammation of the gums; spaces or pockets develop between the tooth and gingiva


Inflammation of the pharynx causing pain and swelling


Inflammation of tissues around a tooth


Inflammatory condition of any of the four pairs of sinuses in the skull


Inflammatory condition of the lung in which fluid fills the alveoli

10, macrophages

It only takes __ bacteria to establish tuberculosis. These bacteria grow inside alveolar _____.

new, old, hookworm

Necator americanus (endemic to the _____ world) and Ancylostoma duodenale (endemic to the _____ world) are two types of _____


Normal gut biota has a _____ function


One of the enzymes found on the surface of the Influenza virus. Breaks down protective mucus coating of the respiratory tract and keeps viruses from sticking together


One of the enzymes found on the surface of the Influenza virus. Has agglutinating action on RBC, binding to host cell receptors of respiratory mucosa.

dysentery, blood

One of the main symptoms of shigella is _____, which is diarrhea containing _____

chinese liver flukes

Opsithorcis sinensis and Clonorchis sinensis are both known as _____


Patients requiring mechanical ventilation or who have tracheostomy tubes are more susceptible to _____-associated pneumonia.

Streptococcus pyogenes

Pharyngitis can be caused by the Gram-positive bacteria _____


Respiratory syncytial virus is most serious in _____ babies

lysozyme, lactoferrin

Saliva contains _____ and _____, which are both antibacterial


Sharp or burning pain emanating from the abdomen

Mantoux test

Shows evidence of delayed hypersensitivity after initial infection with TB

viruses, bacteria

Sinusitis is usually caused by _____ or _____, but sometimes fungi

Bacillus cereus exotoxin

Sporulating gram-positive bacterium that lives in the soil, the emetic form of which is frequently tied to fried rice that has been cooked and kept warm for long periods of time


Streptococcus _____ accounts for 40% of community-acquired pneumonia casest


TB is an infection of _____, due to inadequate nutrition, poor access to medical care, etc.


Taenia infects humans through life cycle __


Targets the cecum, appendix, colon, and rectum and causes amoebic dysentery


There are over _____ different kinds of viruses that cause the common cold


Transmission of TB occurs through fine droplets of respiratory _____ suspended in the air


Trichuris infect humans through life cycle __

mucociliary escalator, nasal hairs

Two anatomical methods for trapping bacteria in the respiratory tract are the _____ and _____

rifampin, isoniazid

Two drugs used to treat active tuberculosis

Ascaris lumbricoides

____ is giant intestinal roundworm that can be swept into the heart and arrive at capillaries in the lungs

IgA, IgG

_____ and _____ are protective antibodies found in the GI system


_____ are drugs that either kill or expel infesting helminths

Gastric (peptic) ulcers, Helicobacter pylori

_____ are lesions on the stomach or uppermost portion of the small intestine, caused by the bacteria _____

respiratory syncytial virus

_____ infects the respiratory tract and produces giant multinucleated cells


_____ is a disease transmitted by eating pork and sometimes other wildlife

Fasciola hepatica

_____ is a liver fluke common in sheep, cattle, goats, and other animals

tuberculosis, streptomycin

_____ is an ancient infectious disease. _____ has reduced rates significantly, but today it is a reemerging disease.

Enterobius vermicularis

_____ is pinworm, and is the most common worm disease of children in temperate zones

Diphyllobothrium latum

_____ is tapeworm, and can be transmitted in sushi and sashimi

Taenia solium

_____ is tapeworm, and is concentrated in areas where humans live in close proximity with pigs or eat undercooked pork


_____ is the bacterial genus that is the most common cause of bacterial diarrhea in the United States

Streptococcus pneumoniae

_____ is the bacterium responsible for 40% of all cases of community-acquired pneumonia.

Clostridium perfringens exotoxin

_____ is the causative agent of gas gangrene

Hepatitis, jaundice

_____ is the inflammatory disease of the liver that can cause _____


_____ is the most common viral cause of food-borne disease in the United States


_____ is the primary cause of morbidity and mortality resulting from diarrhea

Trichuris trichuria

_____ is whipworm, and the highest incidence is in the tropics and subtropics that have poor sanitation


_____ pneumophila is an opportunistic disease affecting elderly people; rarely seen in healthy children and adults

upper respiratory tract

_____: contains mouth, nose, pharynx, larynx

lower respiratory tract

_____: contains trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli

acute otitis media

_____: viral infections can cause inflammation and buildup of fluid in the eustachian tubes (middle ear)

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