Microbiology Bug Repository

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Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli

EAEC gram negative bacilli facultative anaerobe oxidase negative ferments glucose motile via peritrichous flagella normal flora causes PERSISTENT WATERY DIARRHEA (14 DAYS aggregative adherence fimbriae)

Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli

EIEC gram negative bacilli facultative anaerobe oxidase negative ferments glucose motile via peritrichous flagella normal flora causes DYSENTERIC DIARRHEA (Shigella-like invasin pInv) self limited disease

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli

EPEC gram negative bacilli facultative anaerobe oxidase negative ferments glucose motile via peritrichous flagella normal flora causes CHILDREN'S WATERY DIARRHEA (intimin-Bundle forming pili pedestal) self limited disease

Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli

ETEC gram negative bacilli facultative anaerobe oxidase negative ferments glucose motile via peritrichous flagella normal flora causes TRAVELER'S WATERY DIARRHEA (heat labile and heat stable enterotoxin) self limited disease

Streptococcus agalactiae

Gam positive cocci catalase negative beta hemolytic non-motile non-spore forming Group B strep normal vaginal flora cause neonatal meningitis (capsule)

Chlamydia psittaci

Gram negative rod NO PEPTIDOGLYCAN obligate intracellular pathogen anaerobic DIMORPHIC (ELEMENTARY AND RETICULATE BODIES) causes PARROT FEVER diagnose via MIF treat with azithromycin + doxycycline

Chlamydia pneumoniae

Gram negative rod NO PEPTIDOGLYCAN obligate intracellular pathogen anaerobic DIMORPHIC (ELEMENTARY AND RETICULATE BODIES) causes atypical pneumonia diagnose via serology (IgM) treat with azithromycin + tetracycline + levofloxacin

Chlamydia trachomatis

Gram negative rod NO PEPTIDOGLYCAN obligate intracellular pathogen anaerobic DIMORPHIC (ELEMENTARY AND RETICULATE BODIES) causes ocular trachoma (serovar A B Ba C), STI (serovar D-K), lymphogranuloma venereum (serovar L) diagnose via PCR or serology treat with azithromycin + doxycycline


Gram positive acid fast negative rods anaerobic normal flora cause head and neck infections with trauma diagnose clinically with SULFUR GRANULES treat with penicillin + abscess drainage

Streptococcus pyogenes

Gram positive cocci catalase negative beta hemolytic non-motile non-spore forming Group A step normal pharyngeal flora cause strep throat, SSTI, scarlet fever (exotoxin), acute rheumatic fever (TIIH), necrotizing fasciitis (streptolysin O)


Gram positive cocci catalase negative non-motile non-spore forming obligate anaerobe common co-infection

Enterococcus faecalis

Gram positive cocci catalase negative non-motile non-spore forming seen in nosocomial infections, commonly vancomycin resistant

Enterococcus faecium

Gram positive cocci catalase negative non-motile non-spore forming seen in nosocomial infections, commonly vancomycin resistant

Streptococcus anginosus

Gram positive cocci catalase negative non-motile non-spore forming viridians form tiny colonies cause brain abscesses

Streptococcus gallolyticus

Gram positive cocci catalase negative weakly alpha hemolytic non-motile non-spore forming seen in colon cancer

Streptococcus mitis

Gram positive cocci catalase negative weakly alpha hemolytic non-motile non-spore forming viridans seen in DENTAL INFECTIONS

Streptococcus mutans

Gram positive cocci catalase negative weakly alpha hemolytic non-motile non-spore forming viridans seen in DENTAL INFECTIONS

Listeria monocytogenes

Gram positive coccobacilli non-spore forming catalase positive motile temperature/aerotolerant causes listeriosis (listeriotoxin + PLC -> phagosomal escape) found in cold cuts

Streptococcus pneumoniae

Gram positive diplococci catalase negative alpha hemolytic non-motile non-spore forming normal respiratory flora cause pneumonia (capsule, sIgA protease)

Clostridium perfringens

Gram positive rod spore forming motile aerotolerant causes gas gangrene (phospholipase c and perfringenolysin) and gastroenteritis

Bacillus cereus

Gram positive rod spore forming motile facultative anaerobe not normal flora causes gastroenteritis (emetic or diarrheal) usually in fried rice

Clostridium botulinum

Gram positive rod spore forming motile obligate anaerobe causes botulism (BTX), flaccid paralysis and muscle weakness leading to respiratory failure

Clostridium tetani

Gram positive rod spore motile obligate anaerobe forming causes tetanus (TTX), muscle spasm and rigidity leading to respiratory failure

Mycoplasma pneumoniae

NONSTAINING pleomorphic aerobe causes ATYPICAL PNEUMONIA (P1 adhesins), superficial rash (cold agglutinin), hemolytic anemia diagnose via PCR treat with protein synthesis inhibitor

Mycoplasma hominis

NONSTAINING pleomorphic aerobe causes ATYPICAL PNEUMONIA (P1 adhesins), superficial rash (cold agglutinin), hemolytic anemia, STI (P1 adhesin) diagnose via PCR treat with protein synthesis inhibitor

Ureaplasma urealyticum

NONSTAINING pleomorphic aerobe causes ATYPICAL PNEUMONIA (P1 adhesins), superficial rash (cold agglutinin), hemolytic anemia, STI (P1 adhesin) diagnose via PCR treat with protein synthesis inhibitor

Mycoplasma genitalium

NONSTAINING pleomorphic aerobe causes GU infection (P1 adhesins) diagnose via PCR treat with protein synthesis inhibitor

Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli

STEC gram negative bacilli facultative anaerobe oxidase negative ferments glucose motile via peritrichous flagella normal flora causes HEMORRHAGIC COLITIS + HEMOLYTIC UREMIC SYNDROME (SLTI and SLTII) strain O157:H7

Paragominus westermani

CRAB-BORNE trematode infects LUNGS causes BROWN/RED SPUTUM diagnose via golden-brown eggs treat with triclabendazole

Ancylostoma braziliense

accidental human pathogen extra intestinal nematode causes SKIN TUNNELING and pumlonary infiltrates (LOFTIER'S SYNDROME) diagnose via clinical picture treat with albendazole

Mycobacterium avium

acid fast bacilli aerobic very slow growing (weeks) culture on Middlebrook normal environmental flora no person to person transmission causes pulmonary disease in immunocompromised patients (highest Mycobacterial infection in US AIDS - intracellular replication) Lady Windermere syndrome (cough suppression) diagnose via culture + acid fast treat with Macrolide + ethambutol + rifampin

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

acid fast positive bacilli aerobic slow growing (>7 days) culture on Middlebrook causes Tuberculosis (CR3 CR4 adhesion to alveolar macrophages with replication) leading to respiratory disease caseous necrosis and disseminated organ failure diagnose with PPD or Quantiferon treat with Isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol, pyrazinamide

Mycobacterium leprae

acid fast positive bacilli aerobic slow growing (>7 days) culture on armadillo/mouse foot pad causes Hansen's disease (Th1/Th2 overstimulation leading to inflammatory response and granuloma formation) two types Tuberculoid/pacibacillary not too bad Th1 Lepromatous/multibacillary bad Th2 diagnose via acid fast of lesions (multibacillary) or lepromin levels (pacibacillary) treat with Dapsone + rifampin

Dientamoeba fragilis

amoeboid trophozoite causes INTERMITTENT DIARRHEA (upper colon infection) diagnose via stool microscopy treat with doxycycline + iodoqiuinol + metronidazole

Taenia saginata

beef-borne cestode causes abdominal symptoms diagnose via proglottids in feces treat with praziquantel

Onchocerca volvulus

blackfly borne filariae nematode infects ocular tissue symbiont with WOLBACHIA causes RIVER BLINDNESS and TYPE III HYPERSENSITIVITY diagnose via microfilariae in skin snip at NIGHT treat with surgical removal or ivermectin + doxycycline

Loa loa

chrysopus borne filariae nematode infects lymphatics causes CALABAR SWELLING diagnose via microfilariae isolation in DAYTIME treat with diethylcarbamazine + steroid and surgical removal

Giardia lamblia

cyst-trophozoite SMILING protozoa aerotolerant replicates via binary fission lacks necessary organelles for self sufficiency causes FOUL WATERY DIARRHEA with MALABSORPTION (surface glycoproteins, sucking disk adhesion) diagnose via stool microscopy treat with metronidazole

Balantidium coli

cyst-trophozoite ciliate macro and micro nucleated causes COLONIC ULCERATION and BLOODY PURULENT DIARRHEA (proteolytic and cytolytic secretions, cytosome) diagnose via microscopy treat with tetracycline


cyst-trophozoite opportunistic parasite flagellated or amoeboid causes GRANULOMATOUS AMOEBOID ENCEPHALITIS in HEALTHY PEOPLE (amoebastome ingestion of neuronal cytoplasm) HIGHLY FATAL spread via FRESHWATER diagnose via CSF microscopy treat with miltefosine + amphotericin B + miconazole + rifampin


cyst-trophozoite opportunistic parasite flagellated or amoeboid causes GRANULOMATOUS AMOEBOID ENCEPHALITIS in IMMUNOCOMPROMISED (amoebastome ingestion of neuronal cytoplasm) HIGHLY FATAL spread via FRESHWATER diagnose via CSF microscopy treat with miltefosine + amphotericin B + miconazole + rifampin

Naegleria fowleri

cyst-trophozoite opportunistic parasite flagellated or amoeboid enters via CRIBRIFORM PLATE causes PRIMARY AMOEBOID ENCEPHALITIS (amoebastome ingestion of neuronal cytoplasm) HIGHLY FATAL spread via FRESHWATER diagnose via CSF microscopy treat with miltefosine + amphotericin B + miconazole + rifampin

Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense

extracellular flagellated/undulating parasite causes AFRICAN SLEEPING SICKNESS (densely packed variable surface glycoprotein - RAPID) spread via TSETSE FLY diagnose via blood smear or CSF microscopy treat with suramine + pentamidine

Trypanosoma brucei gambiense

extracellular flagellated/undulating parasite causes GAMBIAN SLEEPING SICKNESS (densely packed variable surface glycoprotein) spread via TSETSE FLY diagnose via blood smear or CSF microscopy treat with suramine + pentamidine


extremely large enveloped brick LdsDNA includes various (smallpox) and molluscum contagiosum (dome shaped lesions)


extremely large enveloped icosahedral LdsDNA includes HSV (alpha - genital and orofacial warts) VZV (alpha - chickenpox and shingles) CMV (beta - invasion of immune cells) EBV (gamma - mononucleosis) and KSV (gamma - Kaposi Sarcoma)

Diphyllobothrium latum

fish-borne cestode causes PERNICIOUS ANEMIA (B12 DEFICIENCY) diagnose via bile-stained eggs with knob treat with niclosamide and B12

Trichomonas vaginalis

flagellated trophozoite anaerobic replicates via binary fission causes VAGINITIS (lysosomal hydroxylases in GU epithelium) diagnose via discharge microscopy treat with metronidazole

Tropheryma whipplei

gram INDETERMINATE irregular rods causes WHIPPLE disease (lipodystrophy of GI tract -> weight loss and diarrhea) treat with trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole

Campylobacter fetus

gram negative SEAGULL SHAPED bacilli MICROAEROPHILE grows best at warm temp (42) motile via polar flagella UREASE positive ZOONOTIC transmission causes SYSTEMIC INFECTION (capsule-like S protein) treat with macrolide

Campylobacter jejuni

gram negative SEAGULL SHAPED bacilli MICROAEROPHILE grows best at warm temp (42) motile via polar flagella UREASE positive ZOONOTIC transmission causes acute enteritis with SEQUELAE (Guilliain-Barre, arthritis) - MOST COMMON CAUSE OF GASTROENTERITIS from undercooked POULTRY typically self limiting in GI

Proteus mirabilis

gram negative bacilli aerobe oxidase POSITIVE UREASE POSITIVE highly motile causes UTI (urease and motility)

Yersinia enterocolitica

gram negative bacilli facultative anaerobe NONMOTILE does not ferment grows well in cold causes ENTEROCOLITIS, PSEUDOAPPENDICITIS (Inv, YadA, type III secretion of Yops) self limiting disease

Yersinia pseudotuberculosis

gram negative bacilli facultative anaerobe NONMOTILE does not ferment grows well in cold causes TB-like symptoms (Inv, YadA, type III secretion of Yops) self limiting disease


gram negative bacilli facultative anaerobe oxidase negative NONMOTILE does not ferment lactose strict human pathogen (low threshold) causes DYSENTERIC BLOODY DIARRHEA (type III secretion of IpaA-D)

Salmonella typhi

gram negative bacilli facultative anaerobe oxidase negative does not ferment lactose strict human pathogen causes gastroenteritis septicemia and typhoid fever (type III secretion of salmonella pathogens leading to increased cAMP) risk factors include UNDERCOOKED POULTRY/DAIRY treat with ciprofloxacin

Extraintestinal Escherichia coli

gram negative bacilli facultative anaerobe oxidase negative ferments glucose motile via peritrichous flagella normal flora causes acute UTI (HlyA and adhesions) and NEONATAL MENINGITIS (K1 capsular antigen)

Enteroadherent Escherichia coli

gram negative bacilli facultative anaerobe oxidase negative ferments glucose motile via peritrichous flagella normal flora causes diarrhea (enteroadherent factor)

Salmonella paratyphi

gram negative bacilli facultative anaerobe oxidase negative motile via peritrichous does not ferment lactose strict human pathogen causes gastroenteritis septicemia and paratyphoid fever (type III secretion of salmonella pathogens leading to increased cAMP) risk factors include UNDERCOOKED POULTRY/DAIRY treat with ciprofloxacin - more or less a weaker type

Klebsiella pneumoniae

gram negative bacilli nonmotile lactose fermenter aerobe causes pneumonia with JELLY-LIKE SPUTUM often due to ALCOHOLIC aspiration treat with meropenem + fluoroquinolone + aminoglycoside - last resort colistin

HACEK group

gram negative coccobaccili causing endocarditis in children - Haemophilus, Aggregatibacter, Cardiobacterium, Eikenella, Kingella

Yersinia pestis

gram negative coccobaccili facultative anaerobe forms capsule (F1) forms biofilm causes PLAGUE (Type III secretion of YoP and LcrV, phospholipase D, plasminogen activating factor, LPS blocking TLR4) spread via FLEAS diagnose via clinical (bubae) culture and microscopy treat with gentamicin

Anaplasma phagocytophilum

gram negative coccobaccili obligate intracellular pathogen NO CELL WALL NO LPS causes HUMAN GRANULOCYTIC ANAPLASMOSIS (Type IV secretion and neutrophil hijacking) treat with tetracycline + rifampin

Ehrlichia muris eauclairensis

gram negative coccobaccili obligate intracellular pathogen NO CELL WALL NO LPS causes ehrlichia munis-like (neutrophil invasion) spread via TICKS diagnose via PCR or serology treat with tetracycline + rifampin

Ehrlichia ewingii

gram negative coccobaccili obligate intracellular pathogen NO CELL WALL NO LPS causes human ewingii ehrlichiosis (granulocyte/neutrophil invasion) spread via TICKS diagnose via PCR or serology treat with tetracycline + rifampin

Ehrlichia chaffeensis

gram negative coccobaccili obligate intracellular pathogen NO CELL WALL NO LPS causes human monocytic ehrlichiosis (monocyte invasion) spread via TICKS diagnose via PCR or serology treat with tetracycline + rifampin

Bordatella pertussis

gram negative coccobacilli aerobic transmission via aerosol causes WHOOPING COUGH (pertussis toxin [AB] increasing cAMP, adenylate cyclase/hemolysin) treat with preventative acellular vaccine (with boosters) and erythromycin in contacts

Haemophilus influenzae

gram negative coccobacilli facultative anaerobe causes meningitis, pneumonia, epiglottitis (serotype B) diagnose via CSF microscopy treat with non-beta-lactams, rifampin

Acinetobacter baumannii

gram negative coccobacilli non fermenting strict aerobe normal environmental flora causes opportunistic respiratory infection/UTI POST SURGERY, multi drug resistance is common

Brucella abortus

gram negative coccobacilli small non motile no capsule reticuloendothelial intracellular pathogen causes BRUCELLOSIS spread via CATTLE AND BISON diagnose via culture, serology, exposure treat with doxycycline + rifampin

Brucella canis

gram negative coccobacilli small non motile no capsule reticuloendothelial intracellular pathogen causes BRUCELLOSIS spread via DOGS FOXES COYOTES diagnose via culture, serology, exposure treat with doxycycline + rifampin

Brucella melitensis

gram negative coccobacilli small non motile no capsule reticuloendothelial intracellular pathogen causes BRUCELLOSIS spread via GOATS AND SHEEP diagnose via culture, serology, exposure treat with doxycycline + rifampin

Brucella suis

gram negative coccobacilli small non motile no capsule reticuloendothelial intracellular pathogen causes BRUCELLOSIS spread via SWINE REINDEER CARIBOU diagnose via culture, serology, exposure treat with doxycycline + rifampin

Francisella tularensis

gram negative coccobacilli small non motile strict aerobe requires CYSTEINE causes tularemia (LPS plus capsule) spread via RABBITS diagnose via serology (takes 2 WEEKS) treat with gentamicin

Vibrio parahemolyticus

gram negative curved bacilli facultative anaerobe OXIDASE POSITIVE HALOPHILE normal marine flora cause self-limiting gastroenteritis (Kangawa Hemolysin - heat stable) MOST COMMON SEAFOOD GASTROENTERITIS usually from RAW SHELLFISH

Vibrio cholerae

gram negative curved bacilli facultative anaerobe OXIDASE POSITIVE HALOPHILE normal marine flora causes CHOLERA (cholera toxin -> hyper secretion) - watery diarrhea commonly through SHELLFISH treat with electrolytes and fluids, if severe azithromycin

Vibrio vulfinicus

gram negative curved bacilli facultative anaerobe OXIDASE POSITIVE HALOPHILE normal marine flora causes WOUND INFECTION (collagenase, cytolysis, protease) usually caused by wound exposure to SALT WATER treat with minocycline/doxycycline plus cephalosporin

Neisseria gonorrheae

gram negative diplococci catalase positive oxidase positive aerobe grow on chocolate agar extensive genetic hypervariation causes STI (intraPMN replication with sIgA protease) and ophthalmia neonatorum (infantile pink eye) diagnose via culture with gram stain (G- diplococci in PMN) and metabolic profile (only glucose metabolism) treat with 500mg IM ceftriaxone single dose

Neisseria meningitides

gram negative diplococci catalase positive oxidase positive aerobe grow on chocolate agar ferments glucose and maltose causes bacterial meningitis (intraPMN replication with thick capsule - complement resistant) most common serotype is B does NOT contain PLASMIDS rapidly fatal if untreated diagnosed via clinical presentation BULGING FONTANELLE in infants, neck stiffness then CSF microscopy treat with ceftriaxone then penicillin prevent with VACCINE

Moraxella catarrhalis

gram negative diplococci oxidase positive aerobe does NOT ferment glucose sucrose maltose lactose causes OTITIS MEDIA in children penicillin resistant treat with non-beta lactams

Legionella pneumophila

gram negative facultative anaerobic intracellular coccobacilli motile via flagella spread via water droplets cause LEGIONNAIRE's disease flu-like with extrapulmonary symptoms treat with levofloxacin + azithromycin

Burkholderia cepacia

gram negative paired bacilli aerobic oxidase positive motile via polar flagella pigmented normal environmental flora causes bronchopneumonia in CF/CGD PATIENTS

Pseudomonas aeruginosa

gram negative paired bacilli aerobic oxidase positive motile via polar flagella pigmented normal environmental flora causes opportunistic NOSOCOMIAL pulmonary infection (exopolysaccharide slime layer and AB exotoxin with alpha 2 macroglobulin binding target) and FOLLICULITIS (HOT TUBS) treat with piperacillin + tazobactam

Bacteroides fragilis

gram negative pleiopmorphic bacilli obligate anaerobe MOST COMMON GI ORGANISM causes ENDOGENOUS infections such as gastroenteritis (heat-labile Zn metalloprotease) - watery diarrhea

Bartonella bacilliformis

gram negative pleomorphic aerobe facultative intracellular pathogen causes CARRION DISEASE (acute Oroya Fever - anemia; chronic Verruga peruana - hemangioedema) spread via SANDFLY diagnose via culture, PCR, clinical (miliary lesions) treat with ciprofloxacin + chloramphenicol

Bartonella henselae

gram negative pleomorphic aerobe facultative intracellular pathogen causes CAT SCRATCH DISEASE (endothelial inflammation) spread via CATS diagnose via clinical (cat exposure) confirm with serology treat with azithromycin + additional agents with hepatosplenic/neurologic involvement

Coxiella burnetii

gram negative pleomorphic obligate intracellular pathogen causes Q FEVER (LPS II, innate immunity subversion) spread via LIVESTOCK diagnose via serology (LPS serotype) treat with doxycycline

Bartonella quintana

gram negative rod aerobe facultative intracellular pathogen causes TRENCH FEVER (RBC/endothelial binding, LPS blocking TLR4) spread via LOUSE diagnosis is difficult treat with doxycycline + gentamicin

Rickettsia prowazekii

gram negative rod obligate intracellular pathogen weak LPS activity causes ENDEMIC TYPHUS FEVER (OmpA and endothelial bursting) spread via LICE diagnose via clinical (peripheral rash) and PCR treat with doxycycline

Rickettsia typhi

gram negative rod obligate intracellular pathogen weak LPS activity causes MURINE TYPHUS FEVER (OmpA and endothelial bursting) spread via FLEAS diagnose via clinical (peripheral rash) and PCR treat with doxycycline

Rickettsia akari

gram negative rod obligate intracellular pathogen weak LPS activity causes RICKETTSIAPOX (OmpA and actin hijacking) spread via MOUSE MITES diagnose via clinical (peripheral rash) and PCR treat with doxycycline

Rickettsia rickettsii

gram negative rod obligate intracellular pathogen weak LPS activity causes ROCKY MOUNTAIN SPOTTED FEVER (OmpA and actin hijacking) spread via TICKS diagnose via clinical (peripheral rash) and PCR treat with doxycycline

Orientia tsutsugamushi

gram negative rod obligate intracellular pathogen weak LPS activity causes SCRUB TYPHUS FEVER (OmpA and microtubule hijacking) spread via CHIGGERS diagnose via clinical (peripheral rash) and PCR treat with doxycycline

Rickettsia parkarii

gram negative rod obligate intracellular pathogen weak LPS activity causes SPOTTED FEVER RICKETTSIOSIS (OmpA and actin hijacking) spread via TICKS diagnose via clinical (peripheral rash) and PCR treat with doxycycline

Leptospira interrogans

gram negative spirochete QUESTION MARK SHAPED (?) highly motile (penetrates INTACT membranes) transmission via animal urine causes leptospirosis (flu-like with myalgia and jaundice) and Weil's disease (hemorrhagic leptospirosis) diagnose via culture (FLETCHER'S) treat with penicillin or doxycycline

Helicobacter pylori

gram negative thin spiral bacilli MICROAEROPHILE UREASE positive CORKSCREW motility normal GI flora human to human transmission causes GASTRIC ULCER and GI CANCER (type IV secretion of cagA and vacA, mucinase phospholipase) treat with macrolide/beta-lactam plus PPI/H2B

Borrelia recurrentis

gram negative thin spirochete highly motile causes LOUSE-BORNE relapsing fever outside of US

Borrelia hermsii

gram negative thin spirochete highly motile causes TICK-BORNE relapsing fever in Western US

Borrelia burgdorferi

gram negative thin spirochete highly motile has LINEAR CHROMOSOME causes Lyme disease (adhesion molecules) spread via TICKS diagnose via clinical findings (erythema migrans) or serology treat with tetracyclines

Treponema denticola

gram negative thin spirochete highly motile normal oral flora causes gingivitis

Treponema pallidum

gram negative thin spirochete microaerophile highly motile causes syphilis (STI, CHANCRE, MUCOCUTANEOUS RASH, NEUROSYPHILIS) diagnose via dark phase microscopy treat with single high dose of benzanthine penicillin G

Bacillus anthracis

gram positive bacillus FORMS SPORES causes ANTHRAX BIOTERROR (pOX1, pOX2, protective antigen, edema toxin, lethal toxin) spread via LIVESTOCK and BIOTERROR diagnose via culture and microscopy treat with ciprofloxacin + additional agent based on Sx

Corynebacterium diphtheria

gram positive club/v-shaped rod non spore forming non motile facultative anaerobe must culture on tellurite causes diphtheria (DTX) systemic inhibition of growth and protein synthesis

Staphylococcus epidermidis

gram positive cocci catalase positive coagulase negative non-motile non-spore forming normal skin flora cause catheter infections

Staphylococcus aureus

gram positive cocci catalase positive coagulase positive non-motile non-spore forming normal nasopharyngeal flora form golden colonies cause SSTI, TSS, scalded skin (exfoliative exotoxin)

Staphylococcus saprophyticus

gram positive cocci catalase postive coagulase negative non-motile non-spore forming cause UTI

Clostridium difficile

gram positive rod strict anaerobe spore forming normal flora "barnyard" smell often hospital acquired causes antibiotic associated diarrhea and pseudomembranous colitis (enterotoxin + cytotoxin targeting tight junctions), treat with metronidazole/vancomycin or fecal transplant


gram positive weakly acid fast positive bacilli strict aerobes oxidase positive SOD positive grow in BRANCHED formation form AERIAL HYPHAE on colonization causes bronchopulmonary and cutaneous disease (prevention of lysosomal fusion in phagocytosis) diagnose via Buffered Charcoal Yeast Extract Agar culture with AERIAL HYPHAE treat with trimethoprim + sulfa

Acylostoma duodenale

hook shaped intestinal nematode ingested as larva causes INTESTINAL DAMAGE leading to BLOOD LOSS and ANEMIA diagnose via NON-BILE STAINED eggs treat with albendazole

Necator americanus

hook shaped intestinal nematode ingested as larva causes INTESTINAL DAMAGE leading to BLOOD LOSS and ANEMIA diagnose via NON-BILE STAINED eggs treat with albendazole

Mycobacterium kansasii

irregular acid fast bacilli strict aerobe PHOTOCHROMOGEN (color shown in direct light) slow growing (more than 1 week) normal environmental flora causes TB like disease in immunocompromised in US MIDWEST

Mycobacterium marinum

irregular acid fast bacilli strict aerobe PHOTOCHROMOGEN (color shown in direct light) slow growing (more than 1 week) normal environmental flora causes localized skin infection in immunocompromised after handling FISH or SWIMMING

Mycobacterium fortuitum

irregular acid fast bacilli strict aerobe non-pigmented rapid growing (within 1 week) normal environmental flora rarely cause disease found in NAIL SALONS

Mycobacterium chelonae

irregular acid fast bacilli strict aerobe non-pigmented rapid growing (within 1 week) normal environmental flora rarely cause disease found in TATTOO INK

Mycobacterium abscessus

irregular acid fast bacilli strict aerobe non-pigmented rapid growing (within 1 week) normal environmental flora rarely cause disease result in widespread abscess formation


large enveloped helical +ssRNA includes common cold causing viruses and SARS (holy pandemic batman)


large enveloped helical -ssRNA includes influenza (fever, malaise, body aches) has extensive serotype variations seasonal to fall-spring


large enveloped helical -ssRNA includes mumps (edema of parotid gland) measles (body rash with Koplik spots) parainfluenza (croup - autumnal) and respiratory syncytial virus (bronchitis - winter)


large naked icosahedral LdsDNA causes phayingitis and URI

Ascaris lumbricoides

large tough flexible intestinal nematode MOST COMMON HELMINTH ingested as eggs causes BOWEL PERFORATION diagnose via bile stained KNOBBY-COATED eggs in stool treat with albendazole


medium enveloped helical -ssRNA includes ebola and Marburg (hemorrhagic fever) mosquito-borne


medium enveloped helical -ssRNA includes lyssavirus (rabies) transmitted via animal bite


medium enveloped helical segmented -ssRNA includes hantavirus (hemorrhagic fever - rodent-borne) and California encephalitis


medium enveloped icosahedral +ssRNA includes Rubella (rash, fever, arthritis) encephalitis (mosquito-borne)


medium enveloped icosahedral +ssRNA includes Yellow fever and Dengue fever (mosquito-borne hepatitis hemorrhage)


medium naked icosahedra CdsDNA incluses BK (neprhopathy) and JC (processive multifocal leukencephalopathy)


medium naked icosahedral CdsDNA includes HPV (genital warts, cervical carcinoma)

Brugia malayi

mosquito borne filariae nematode infects lymphatics causes ELEPHANTIASIS diagnose via microfilariae in blood at NIGHT treat with diethylcarbamazine

Wuchericia bancrofti

mosquito borne filariae nematode infects lymphatics causes ELEPHANTIASIS diagnose via microfilariae in blood at NIGHT treat with diethylcarbamazine

Echinococcus granulosus

nonhuman cestode native host is CANINE causes pressure injuries and TOXIC CYSTS (HYATID DISEASE) diagnose via NON-ASPIRATION treat with surgery and high dose mebendazole

Echinococcus multilocularis

nonhuman cestode native host is FELINE causes pressure injuries and TOXIC CYSTS (HYATID DISEASE) diagnose via NON-ASPIRATION treat with surgery and high dose mebendazole

Toxicara cati

nonhuman extra intestinal nematode host is CATS causes LARVAL MIGRANS (visceral, ocular, neural) diagnose via clinical picture treat with anftiinflammatory

Toxicara canis

nonhuman extra intestinal nematode host is DOGS causes LARVAL MIGRANS (visceral, ocular, neural) diagnose via clinical picture treat with anftiinflammatory

Baylisacaris procyonis

nonhuman extra intestinal nematode host is RACOON causes LARVAL MIGRANS (visceral, ocular, neural) diagnose via clinical picture treat with anftiinflammatory

Plasmodium knowlesi

obligate erythrocyte parasite has blood and liver (infectious) stages causes DAILY MALARIA FEVER CYCLE (hemoglobin degradation and erythrocytolysis) and migration to deeper tissues (PFMP-1) spread via mosquitoes diagnose via TRAVEL HISTORY blood smear (rings) and PCR treat with Quinolines

Plasmodium ovale

obligate erythrocyte parasite has blood and liver (infectious) stages causes TERTIAN MALARIA FEVER CYCLE (hemoglobin degradation and erythrocytolysis) and migration to deeper tissues (PFMP-1) can RELAPSE spread via mosquitoes diagnose via TRAVEL HISTORY blood smear (rings) and PCR treat with Quinolines

Plasmodium vivax

obligate erythrocyte parasite has blood and liver (infectious) stages causes TERTIAN MALARIA FEVER CYCLE (hemoglobin degradation and erythrocytolysis) and migration to deeper tissues (PFMP-1) can RELAPSE spread via mosquitoes diagnose via TRAVEL HISTORY blood smear (rings) and PCR treat with Quinolines

Plasmodium malariae

obligate erythrocyte parasite has blood and liver stages causes QUARTAN MALARIA FEVER CYCLE (hemoglobin degradation and erythrocytolysis) and migration to deeper tissues (PFMP-1) spread via mosquitoes diagnose via TRAVEL HISTORY blood smear (rings) and PCR treat with Quinolines

Plasmodium falciparum

obligate erythrocyte parasite has blood and liver stages causes TERTIAN MALARIA FEVER CYCLE (hemoglobin degradation and erythrocytolysis) and migration to deeper tissues (PFMP-1) spread via mosquitoes diagnose via TRAVEL HISTORY blood smear (MULTIPLE rings) and PCR treat with Quinolines


obligate intracellular singe cell FUNGI chitin spore wall polar filaments cause PERSISTENT DIARRHEA (tubular extrusion, spores) diagnose via stool microscopy treat with albendazole

Trichinella spiralis

pig-borne extra intestinal nematode infects MUSCLE TISSUE causes muscle aches and flu-like symptoms diagnose via muscle biopsy and exposure treat with supportive therapy and mebendazole

Enterobius vermicularis

pinworm intestinal nematode MOST COMMON US HELMINTH causes asymptomatic infection HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS diagnose via TAPE TEST treat with albendazole


piroplasmidia obligate erythrocyte pathogen causes INCONSISTENT FEVER and HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA (RBC invasion, persistence in blood, slow incubation) spread via ticks diagnose via blood smear (TETRAD AND MALTESE CROSS) and PCR treat with macrolide + atovaquone or quinine

Taenia solium

pork-borne cestode causes intestinal symptoms and CYSTICERCIASIS diagnose via clinical picture and proglottids in feces treat with niclosamide

Leishmania tropica

promastigote-amastogote obligate macrophage parasite kinetoplastid causes CUTANEOUS papule (reticuloendothelial invasion and cytolysis) spread via SANDFLY diagnose via microscopy treat with SELF LIMITING

Leishmania braziliensis

promastigote-amastogote obligate macrophage parasite kinetoplastid causes MUCOCUTANEOUS papule (reticuloendothelial invasion and cytolysis) spread via SANDFLY diagnose via microscopy treat with miltefosine

Leishmania donovani

promastigote-amastogote obligate macrophage parasite kinetoplastid causes VISCERAL papule (reticuloendothelial invasion and cytolysis) spread via SANDFLY diagnose via microscopy treat with miltefosine

Leishmania infantum

promastigote-amastogote obligate macrophage parasite kinetoplastid causes VISCERAL papule (reticuloendothelial invasion and cytolysis) spread via SANDFLY diagnose via microscopy treat with miltefosine

Schistosoma japonicum

sex differentiated obligate intracellular trematode spread via freshwater infects BLADDER causes local inflammation diagnose via SPHERICAL EGGS WITH SMALL SPINE treat with praziquantel

Schistosoma haematobium

sex differentiated obligate intracellular trematode spread via freshwater infects INTESTINES causes local inflammation diagnose via ELONGATED EGGS WITH POLAR SPINE treat with praziquantel

Schistosoma mansoni

sex differentiated obligate intracellular trematode spread via freshwater infects INTESTINES causes local inflammation diagnose via OVAL EGGS WITH LATERAL SPINE treat with praziquantel


small enveloped icosahedral +ssRNA includes HIV (cytolysis of CD4 T cells) and HTLV (T cell leukemia) integrate genome into host cell


small enveloped icosahedral CdsDNA includes hepatitis B


small enveloped pleomorphic -ssRNA appears sandy includes rodent-borne lymphocytic choriomeningitis and hemorrhagic/coaguolopathic fevers


small naked icosahedra +ssRNA (most common viral gastroenteritis) seasonal to winter


small naked icosahedral +LssDNA includes B19 (fifth disease - erythrocytolysis)


small naked icosahedral +ssRNA includes rhinoviruses (common cold) and enteroviruses (polio, Coxsackievirus, gastroenteritis) seasonal to early fall and late spring

Fasiolopsis buski

southeast asian snail-borne trematode causes DUODENAL ULCERS diagnose via golden BILE-STAINED eggs treat with praziquantel

Toxoplasma gondii

tachyzoite-bradyzoite obligate intracellular pathogen causes flu-like symptoms and ENCEPHALOMYELITIS (CNS dissemination with cytolysis and reinvasion) severe effects in INFANTS spread via CAT FECES diagnose via serology and heat CT treat with pyrimethamine or clindamycin + sulfadiazine


thick walled oocyst chorine resistant spore forming (oocyst) gliding motility causes self limiting WATERY DIARRHEA (brush border adhesion) spread via POOL WATER diagnose via stool microscopy ACID FAST treat with nitazoxamide


thick walled oocyst chorine resistant spore forming (trophozoite) gliding motility causes mild gastroenteritis (enterocyte invasion) spread via POOL WATER diagnose via stool microscopy ACID FAST AUTO FLUORESCENT treat with trimethoprim + sulfa


thick walled oocyst chorine resistant spore forming (trophozoite) gliding motility causes mild gastroenteritis (enterocyte invasion) spread via POOL WATER diagnose via stool microscopy ACID FAST AUTO FLUORESCENT treat with trimethoprim + sulfa

Fasciola hepatica

trematode infects LIVER ingested as cysts causes HEPATITIS HEPATOMEGALY HYPERPLASIA diagnose via operculated eggs treat with bithional

Opisthorchis sinensis

trematode infects LIVER ingested from fish causes mild hepatic infection diagnose via shouldered eggs with knobs treat with praziquantel

Entamoeba histolytica

tropical amoeboid cyst-trophozoite facultative anaerobe causes BLOODY DIARRHEA with FLASK SHAPED COLONIC LESIONS (galactose-inhibitable adhesin and epithelial cytotoxin) may spend beyond intestines to liver and lungs diagnose via stool microscopy and PCR treat with metronidazole then iodoquinol

Strongyloides stercoralis

tropical threadworm intestinal nematode causes MALABSORPTION and HYPERINFECTION SYNDROME diagnosis is difficult NO EGGS IN STOOL treat with ivermectin

Trypanosoma cruzei

trypomastigote-amastogote intracellular parasite causes CHAGOMA (cytolysis at bite leading to MEGA COLON MEGA ESOPHAGUS CARDOMEGALY) with chronic CNS involvement spread via REDUVIIG (trialtomine) BUG diagnose via blood microscopy or serology treat with Benznidazole + nifurtimox


very large naked icosahedral dsRNA includes orthoreovirus (watery diarrhea with vomiting) and retrovirus (watery diarrhea with vomiting) seasonal to fall-spring

Hymenolepis diminuta

very small cestode (dwarf) spread via MEALWORMS causes abdominal symptoms and anorexia diagnose via characteristic eggs in feces treat with praziquantel

Hymenolepis nana

very small cestode (dwarf) spread via MICE causes abdominal symptoms and anorexia diagnose via characteristic eggs in feces treat with praziquantel

trichuris trichuria

whip shaped intestinal nematode ingested as eggs infect intestines cause BLOODY DIARRHEA and RECTAL PROLAPSE diagnose via bile stained BARREL SHAPED EGGS treat with albendazole

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