Microsoft Word

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a Word feature that automatically inserts dates and other regularly used items


a black circle or other graphic symbol that appears before each paragraph in a bulleted list

find and replace dialog box

a dialog box used to find an instance of text, formatting, or graphics in a document and replace it with something else

bulleted list

a group of paragraphs in which each paragraph is preceded by a bullet

numbered list

a group of paragraphs in which each paragraph is preceded by a number, with the paragraphs numbered consecutively


a group of words that is many lines long, a single word, or even a blank line, in which case you see a paragraph mark alone on a single line


a part of a document that can have its own page orientation, margins, headers, footers, and so on


a print option that prints the text of the presentation as an outline

style guide

a set of rules that describe the preferred format and style for a certain type of writting


a table is a useful way to present information that is organized into categories


a temporary storage area on your computer that hold objects such as text or graphics until you need them

navigation pane

a window in Word used to search a document for specific items, with the results highlighted in yellow in the document

hanging indent

all the lines except the first line of the paragraph are indented from the left margin


also know as a "quick style", is a set of formatting options that you can apply by clicking its icon in the quick style gallery on the home tab


an alphabetical list of all the books, magazines, web sites, movies, and other works that you refer to in your research paper


an explanatory comment or reference that appears at the bottom of a page

paragraph border

an outline that appears around one or more paragraphs in a document

floating graphic

attached, or anchored, to a specific paragraph; wordart is considered this


automatically corrects common typing errors, such as typing "adn" for "and"


background color that you can apply to one or more paragraphs; also can be used in conjunction with a border for a more defined effect

spelling checker

checks your document against Word's built-in dictionary; a wavy red line appears under a misspelled word


controls the variety of fonts, colors, and other visual effects availiable as you format a document

cropping a graphic

cutting off part of the graphic

text wrap setting

dictates how text will wrap around it in its new location; ex: Square, Tight, Through, Top and Bottom, and Behind Text

clipboard task pane

displays the contents of the clipboard


formal references to the work of others; parenthetical reference

justified alignment

full lines of text are spaced between both the left and the right margins, and the text is not ragged; ex: text in newspaper columns

continuous section break

insert this at the end of the document if you want the column in a document to appear balanced on a page and of equal length

address block

inserts a merge field for the entire address with one click; this link is in the Mail Merge task pane


is a diagram or chart that illustrates concepts that would otherwise require several paragraphs of explanation

drop cap

is a large letter at the beginning of a paragraph; Word treats it like a graphic, which means you can click it to select it, and then resize it by dragging the handles

page number field

is an instruction that tells Word to insert a page number on each page, no matter how many pages you eventually add to the document

inline graphics

is located in a specific position in a specific lin of text in the document

desktop publishing

is the process of preparing commercial-quality printed material using a computer; ex: newsletter

left indent marker

is the square below the hanging indent marker


items listed in the bibliography

right indent marker

looks just like the hanging indent marker, except that it is located on the far right side of the horizontal ruler

hanging indent marker

looks like the bottom half of an hour glass

first line indent marker

looks like the top half of an hour glass

grammer checker

marks grammatical errors with a waxy green line

tab stop

often called a tab, is a location on the horizontal ruler where the insertion point moves when you press the tab key; 5 major types of tab stops are: Left, Center, Right, Decimal, and Bar

manual page break

one you insert at a specific location, whether the previous page is full or not


pre-formatted files that already contain formatting and generic text commonly used in a variety of professional documents such as a fax cover sheet or a report

paragraph spacing

refers to the space that appears directly above and below a paragraph

redo button

restores your original change; reverses the action of the undo button

undo button

reverses the last thing you did in a document


rounded edges to the individual letters

header row

row at the top containing the names of each field

clip art

simple drawings that are included as collections with many softward packages

paragraph-level formatting

some styles apply this because they are set up to format an entire paragraph, including changing the paragraph and line spacing

character-level formatting

some styles apply this because they are set up to format only a few characters or words (ex: formatting book title in italics)

text effects

special visual enhancements such as outlines, shading, shadows, and reflections that you can add to text to make it stand out


specially formatted, decorative text

center alignment

text is centered between the left and right margins and is ragged along both the left and right margins


text, date, or other information that is printed above the top page margin; blanked area at the top of the page where such information can be inserted


text, date, or other information that is printed below the bottom margin; blanked area at the bottom of the page where such information can be inserted

line spacing

the amount of space that appears between lines of text within a paragraph


the complete set of information about a particular client


the exterior color


the interior color

portrait orientation

the page orientation where the page is taller than it is wide; the default page orientation for Word documents because it is the most common

landscape orientation

the page orientation where the page is wider than it is tall

reference marker

the small, superscript number that Word inserts after you create a footnote


the text appears at the end of a section or at the end of a document

left alignment

the text is aligned along the left margin and is ragged along the right margin

right alignment

the text is aligned along the right margin and is ragged along the left margin


to copy a selected item to the clipboard, leaving the item in its original location


to format a heading with a higher level heading style; ex: by changing a second-level bullet into a first-level bullet or changing a first-level bulleted item into a slide title the item


to insert a copy of whatever is on the clipboard into the document; it gets inserted at the insertion point


to remove something from a document and place it on the clipboard

single spacing

1.0 setting that allows the least amount of space between lines


1/72 of an inch; paragraph spacing is measured in points

double spacing

2.0 setting that allows for twice the space of single spacing


used to describe text that has an uneven appearance on the left or right side (when aligning text)

section break

used to divide a document into sections and appears as a dotted line with the name


when using the navigation pane, to format a heading with a subordinate level heading style; ex: to change text from the heading 1 style to the heading 2 style


wordart is considered this and is something that you can maipulate independently of the text

contextual spelling error

words that are soelled correctly but used incorrectly ("you're" instead of "your") and are underlined with a wavy blue line; Word doesn't always catch these type of errors

drag and drop

you select the text you want to move, press and hold the mouse button while you drag the selected text to a new location, and then release the mouse button

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