Midterm: Introduction to Government

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Give the dollar amount of the projected budget deficit or surplus for fiscal year 2020. Be sure to indicate whether the amount is a deficit or surplus

$1.1 trillion deficit

Identify the estimated GDP of the United States in fiscal year 2020 and give the dollar amount.

$22.4 trillion

Give the amount of the gross federal debt projected for fiscal year 2020. This figure represents the total national debt held by the federal government.

$24.1 trillion

Give the amount of total receipts (income) projected to be received by the federal government in fiscal year 2020

$3.6 trillion

Give the total dollar amount of outlays (expenditures) budgeted for fiscal year 2020

$4.7 trillion

Give the amount of the total (net) interest expense that is budgeted to be paid on the national debt in fiscal year 2020

$479 billion

The "Reserved Powers" clause refers to the

10th Amendment

The state of Florida currently has _______ U.S. Senators


Members of the House of Representatives serve _______ terms of office.


A U.S. senator who was elected in 2014 will be up for re-election in


A U.S. senator elected in 2018 will be up for re-election in


The total number of votes that are cast in the Electoral College is __________.


Explain what the term fiscal year means, why it is used, and how it differs from a calendar year in terms of financial recordkeeping.

A fiscal year is a 12-month period over which businesses and organizations budget their spending and report their financial status. A fiscal year does not always coincide with the calendar year. It can be any 12-month period. Not using the actual calendar year allows many organizations to do their financial planning and reporting at a time that is most convenient for them based on the seasonality of their business or organizational activity.

A member of Congress who introduces a bill is called

A sponser

The function of a subcommittee can be best described as

An area of further specialization within the committee structure

Match each of the articles of the Constitution identified below to the corresponding functions of government they define. You must get all three selections correct in order to earn any points for the question.

Article I B. Establishes the legislative branch Article II C. Establishes the executive branch Article III A. Establishes the judicial branch

As a check against the substantial power of the president to kill a bill by vetoing it, the constitution gives Congress the ability to override a presidential veto and have a bill become law over the objection of the president by

Congress voting in favor of it by a two-thirds majority

Who tends to be suspicious of government power, believing more government action and more government programs generally lead to increased waste and inefficiency?


Who tends to believe in keeping taxes low, even on rich corporations and wealthy citizens, believing low taxes are needed in order to encourage private sector investment and to spur economic growth?


A person who lives in an area represented by an elected member of government is called that member's


Which of the tactics listed below are used by interest groups to influence government?

Contacting government officials directly to present their views Inspiring letter-writing campaigns Making financial contributions to election campaigns

identify the top four sources of federal government receipts (revenue) in 2020 and their associated dollar amounts. Select the correct top four sources and their associated amounts from the list below. You can make four selections. It does not matter in which order you make the selections. You must get all four selections correct in order to get any points for this question.

Corporation income taxes = $255 billion Social Security payroll taxes = $949 billion Medicare payroll taxes = $289 billion Individual income taxes = $1.8 trillion

All of the following are examples of matters of public concern that might be addressed by public policy EXCEPT

Deciding the price that buyers should pay for iPhones

identify the four federal agencies or programs that will receive the most "discretionary" funds in the fiscal year 2020 federal budget. Identify each agency or program along with the dollar amount that is budgeted for 2020

Defense = $718.3 billion Veterans Affairs = $93.1 billion Education = $62.0 billion Health & Human Services = $89.6 billion

The chairperson of every committee in the current House of Representatives is a


In U.S. politics, liberals are usually associated with the _________ party, while conservatives are usually associated with the _________ party.

Democratic; Republican

Each seat in the House of Representatives represents a single ________ within a state.


A government that is an oligarchy can also accurately be described as a representative democracy.


Article I of the constitution creates the executive branch headed by the president.


If a candidate in an election receives a plurality of the popular vote, it means they received over 50% of the total votes cast.


Interest groups are similar to political parties in that they work to get their members elected to government offices.


Lobbyists are among the most powerful members of a political party.


One of the most important functions of a constitution is to guarantee economic equality to all of its citizens.


President Barack Obama after leaving office is now considered the incumbent president.


President Trump is currently considered a "lame duck" president.


Republicans are also known as Progressives.


Standing committees in Congress are temporary, set up only for special purposes.


The U.S. form of government established by the Constitution is a pure democracy just like the democracy begun in Ancient Greece.


The first stage of the required two-stage process to amend the constitution is for the proposed change to be ratified by three-quarters of the states.


The main purpose of private sector activity is for the benefit of the public good.


The most powerful person in the U.S. Senate is the Speaker.


Identify the three basic principles of the Constitution.

Federalism Separation of powers A system of checks and balances

Explain what GDP stands for and how it is a measure of a nation's economic activity. Briefly describe how the GDP of a country is determined. Don't give me the mathematical formula. I'm just looking for a summary explanation.

GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product and refers to the market value of all final goods and services produced in a country in a given period. It is used to measure the size of nation's economy and when compared with the GDP of other nations can be used as a measure of a country's standard of living.

The length of time a bill can be debated on the floor is limited in the ________, but unlimited in the _________.

House, Senate

Related to question #7 about government receipts, identify which source of federal revenue represents the largest portion of federal budget receipts in fiscal year 2020 and calculate the percentage that it represents of the overall total amount of receipts. Choose the correct answer from the answer choices below

Individual income taxes, 50%

A political party's general values and policy objectives are communicated through

Its party platform

The current Minority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives is

Kevin McCarthy

Who tends to support a more secular role for government, believing individual religious values should not determine government policy?


The most powerful leadership position in the U.S. Senate is the __________, and that position is currently held by ___________.

Majority Leader; Mitch McConnell

The process of changing or revising a bill in congressional committees is called

Mark up

Congress's enumerated powers consist of all of the following EXCEPT

Pardon those convicted of federal crimes

The U.S. Vice President is given a unique role in Congress by the Constitution, because the holder of that office also serves as the official

Presiding Officer of the U.S. Senate

Political parties organize ___________ elections to determine who will represent their party in the general election.


Businesses operating in the free market economy seeking to earn profits, and anyone who works for those businesses, are part of the

Private Sector

An intentional course of action followed by government in dealing with some problem or matter of public concern refers to which of the following?

Public Policy

In the second stage of the process to amend the constitution, the 50 states vote on whether to __________ the proposed change.


If there is a 50-50 tie vote in the Senate on a bill in the current Congress, which party is ultimately going to prevail?


Match each of the types of elections below to its appropriate description.

Referendum C. Legislative body submits a proposed law to voters for approval Recall A. Voters determine whether incumbent can remain in office Initiative B. Citizens propose that a law be passed and submit it to voters for approval


Representative democracy

identify both of Florida's U.S. Senators and their parties from the list below.

Republican Rick Scott Republican Marco Rubio

Which of the following statements is correct?

Rule of law means all individuals and institutions of a society are subject to the laws of the country regardless of their power or status

Identify the largest "mandatory" federal expenditure budgeted for fiscal year 2020 and its budgeted dollar amount.

Social Security, $1.1 trillion

The most powerful position in the U.S. House of Representatives is the _______, and that position is currently held by _________.

Speaker, Nancy Pelosi

The "Enumerated Powers" of Article I of the constitution

Specify the lawmaking power of the congress

Match each of the committee types below to its associated function.

Standing Committee D. A committee to which bills are referred Joint Committee C. A committee comprised of Senate and House members Conference Committee B. A committee to reconcile differences between House and Senate bills Select Committee A. A committee set up for a one-time project or task

Bipartisanship means

That Republicans and Democrats are working together cooperatively

The new U.S. Constitution in 1787 created a nation with a federal system of government. Under the previous Articles of Confederation, the United States had been a confederation-style government, which means:

The national government was inferior in power to the states

The lower chamber of the U.S. Congress is also called

The peoples chamber

The 4th Amendment to the constitution deals with

The right of Americans to be protected against unreasonable searches of their private property or person

A public sector employee is anyone who works for the government.


A third party is any political party that is not the Republican party or Democratic party.


Business organizations that seek to make a profit are part of the private sector of the economy.


Each representative in the U.S. House of Representatives represents approximately the same number of people.


Ending a filibuster in the U.S. Senate really just means ending the debate of bill so a vote can take place.


If the United States was a unitary state instead of a federal state, there would be no division of power between the national government and the 50 state governments.


The Articles of Confederation, which established the form of U.S. government that existed before the current constitution was written in 1787, created a confederate state that made the national (federal) government supreme over the state governments.


The current federal minimum wage law that requires employers to pay most workers at least $7.25 per hour is an example of government intervention in the economy.


After the process of congressional apportionment every 10 years when states do their redistricting, each of the districts created within the states represents

a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives

The House of Representatives has [a] members, or seats, and the Senate has [b] members.

a: 435 b: 100

The number of votes required to successfully pass a motion to invoke cloture and cut off unlimited debate (ending a filibuster) in the Senate is [a]

a: 60

The term "socialism" refers to

an economy that is controlled and operated by the government for the benefit and "equality" of all of society

A lobbyist is someone who represents

an interest group

The number of representatives assigned to each of the 50 states in the House of Representatives is determined by a process called


In a free market economic system, prices for goods and services are generally determined by

business competition and supply and demand factors

Another way to describe a free market economic system is


in the Constitution's system of checks and balances, the judiciary can check the power of Congress by its authority to

declare a law passed as unconstitutional

A politician who makes statements, or uses rhetoric, that is intended to appeal to people's fears and emotions instead of their reason in order to gain their political support is called a


There are 535 members of the U.S. House of Representatives.


A system of government in which power is divided between the national government and state governments, like in the current United States, is known as


A vote on a bill in the Senate can be prevented by a tactic known as a


Purposely creating legislative or congressional districts so that one party has an electoral advantage over another is called


A Senate filibuster

is the act of engaging in unlimited debate on a bill

A constitution is a document that establishes the structure, functions, and ________ of government.


The term "capital," as it relates to capitalism, refers to

money and other assets used to make financial investments for profit

Federal grant programs are programs that

provide federal financial assistance for specific purposes


rules by the many

The purpose of primary elections is to

select candidates who will represent their party in the general election

People who belong to the same political party

share a similar ideology about the proper role of government

Democratic countries that blend socialist and free market economic policies to achieve greater economic security for all of their citizens are called

social democracies

If a committee of Congress conducts an investigation, it has the legal authority to force someone to appear before the committee and testify under sworn oath as a witness using its ________________, and if the person refuses they can be held in Contempt of Congress and potentially jailed.

subpoena power

A bipartisan bill is one that is

supported by members of both parties

The Constitution and the laws of the national government of the United States have ultimate authority over the states and their actions because of the _______ clause.


In a presidential election, if no candidate wins a majority of the electoral votes in the Electoral College, then the election is decide by

the House of Representatives

In the current House of Representatives, the minority party is

the Republican Party

States have the authority to pass certain laws without interference from the federal government because of the powers given to them by

the Tenth Amendment and its reserve powers clause

Federal grant programs allow the national government to influence the actions of states in areas of authority reserved to the states, such as education, through

the allocation of federal funds

The most powerful person on a congressional committee is

the chairperson

The constituency of U.S. senators is

the entire population of a state

The stipulation in the First Amendment that prohibits the government from recognizing an official religion is known as

the establishment clause

The enumerated powers of Article I, section 8 describe the constitutional powers given to

the legislative branch

The 2nd Amendment deals with

the right of Americans to arm themselves

If two different versions of a bill get passed in the House and Senate, then the bills must go ___________ to work out the differences and establish a uniform version of the bill before it can go to the president for consideration.

to a conference committee

While the United States and few other countries have federal systems of government, most countries in the world have ________ systems.


The U.S. Senate is also known as the

upper house

In the Constitution's system of checks and balances, the president can check the power of Congress by

vetoing a law passed by Congress

Spending items in bills that are "earmarked" for special projects in the states or districts of certain members of Congress are referred to as "pork," which is disliked by many because these types of spending items are considered to be

wasteful government spending

if a state awards all of its electoral votes to the presidential candidate who wins a plurality of the popular vote in that state, this method of electoral vote allocation is called


The powers (authority) specifically given to Congress in Article I of the constitution are called the

Enumerated powers

in the process of how a bill becomes a law, the procedures followed by the House and Senate chambers are very similar, but one of the major differences is that when a bill moves out of committee to the floor to be considered by the entire chamber, in the House of Representatives the bill must first go to the

Rules committee

The winner of the presidential election is the candidate who receives at least _________ of the total electoral votes cast by the states in the Electoral College.


Florida has ________ votes in the Electoral College for president.


Congress is considered a bicameral body because it contains ______ chambers known as _________.

2; the House of Representatives and the Senate

Identify the three countries with the second, third, and fourth highest GDPs after the United States along with the correct amounts of their GDPs.

2nd is China at $14.2 trillion; 3rd is Japan at $5.2 trillion; 4th is Germany at $4.1 trillion

Calculate the percentage of the total budget outlay represented by the combined outlays of Social Security and Medicare for fiscal year 2020


The part of the 14th Amendment that was used as the basis of the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision to legalize same-sex marriages nationwide was its guarantee of

equal protection of the laws

The main goal of an interest group is to

influence public policy

Which statement below best illustrates the principle of separation of powers?

one branch of government makes the laws, another branch implements and enforces the laws

During every 2-year congressional election cycle, _________ of U.S. senators are up for election.


In 48 of the 50 states, the presidential candidate who receives a _________ of the popular vote from the citizens of that state on the day of the general election is awarded _________ of that state's electoral votes in the Electoral College.

plurality; all

Which of the following is NOT a basic freedom stipulated in the First Amendment?


Amending the constitution is a two-stage process. The first stage is _______, and the second stage is ________.

proposal, ratification

The state of Florida currently has ____ seats in the U.S. House of Representatives representing each of the congressional districts in the state.


Designate the correct order of the steps below in the process of how a bill becomes a law, assigning #1 to the step that occurs FIRST in the process and #8 to the step that occurs LAST. All of the steps must be arranged in the exact order in which they occur.

1. The idea for a bill is proposed 2. The bill is introduced in a house of Congress 3. The bill is referred to a committee and subcommittee where hearings are held, the bill is marked up, and voted on 4. The bill is debated on the floor of the chamber 5. The full chamber votes on the bill 6. The bill is sent to the Conference Committee to work out differences with similar bill passed in other chamber 7. The bill is sent to the president to be signed or vetoed 8. The bill becomes law against the president's wishes through the congressional override procedure

Determine whether you generally agree or disagree with the following statement: A command economy can be described as the opposite of a free market economy.


Indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: In reality, pure free market economic systems don't exist anywhere because all governments intervene in the marketplace by regulating business activity to some extent.


Who tends to favor greater government action and supports more government programs, believing they are necessary in order to ensure equal economic and social opportunities are available to all citizens.


Who tends to favor more regulation of businesses, for example, raising the federal minimum wage rate in order to raise the living standard of low-wage workers?


Who tends to favor more restrictions on gun ownership, believing easy access to guns puts citizens in greater danger?


The official name for "pork" that gets added to legislative bills is


Governing legitimacy is best earned when most of the citizens of a country don't trust the policies and actions of their government.


If a candidate receives a plurality of the vote, then it means they received at least 50% of the total vote


In a government that is a true republic, governing decisions and public policy are made directly by the people.


A key characteristic of authoritarian-style governments is a strong press and news media that is free to question and/or criticize the actions of the government without fear of punishment.


A prime characteristic of authoritarian-style governments is that their citizens are able to openly criticize their government when they disagree with its actions or policies without fear of the government taking action against them.


ALL bills are considered FIRST in the House of Representatives before moving to the Senate for consideration.


Because every state has two senators, the U.S. Congress is called a bicameral body.


Because the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights guarantees Americans the right of free speech, the government has not placed any limitations on what Americans are allowed to say or express


Congress has the constitutional authority to pass laws, but no laws are legally valid until citizens get a chance to vote on them and approve of the laws passed by Congress.


In the process of how a bill becomes a law, a bill is voted on by ALL of the members of the chamber before it is debated.


Interest groups and political parties have the same goal, which is to win elections and make public policy.


Liberals generally believe that if the government over-regulates businesses it will hurt business profitability and lead to a weaker overall economy and reduce employment opportunities, while conservatives generally believe that more regulation of businesses is necessary in order to restrain the power of business and to improve conditions for workers, consumers, and the environment.


Like each member of the U.S. House of Representatives, each member of the U.S. Senate represents approximately the same number of people


Not many Americans identify themselves as political independents; nearly all strongly identify as either a Republican or a Democrat


One of the reserved powers given to the states by the constitution is the authority to establish which religions can be legally practiced in each of the states.


Palm Beach State College, since it is operated by state government, funded by citizens' tax dollars, and open to all members of society, is an example of a private sector institution.


Someone who works as a server in a local area restaurant works in the public sector of the economy.


Standing committees exist in the House of Representatives but not in the Senate.


The "Supremacy Clause" of Article VI in the constitution specifies that laws passed by state governments are supreme over federal laws.


The 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which gives states "reserve" powers, allows states to ignore federal laws if they want to.


The House of Representatives and the Senate represent two different branches of the U.S. government.


The most recent midterm election year was in 2018, and the next midterm election year will be in 2020.


The process of apportionment is used to determine the number of senators that each state is entitled to in Congress.


The process of becoming a legal U.S. citizen, which is called naturalization, is determined separately by each of the 50 states.


The right to bear arms is a right given to citizens by the First Amendment to constitution.


When considering bills and other matters, congressional committees never allow members of the public to attend any committee meetings.


When someone puts investment capital at risk in the private sector to start a business, their main purpose is not to make a profit, but instead to create jobs for others.


When voting in the general election, if you are registered as a Republican, you cannot cast your vote for a Democratic candidate.


if you live in a closed primary state and you are registered as an independent with no party affiliation, then you can choose to vote in either the Republican or Democratic primary election, but not both.


in the current Senate, all committees and subcommittees are dominated by Democrats.


Identify the 2020 fiscal year period of the federal government from the answer choices given below.

It begins on October 1, 2019 and ends on September 30, 2020

In the House of Representatives, if 197 out of 199 Republicans vote in favor of a bill, and 22 out of 235 Democrats vote in favor of it, will the bill pass or fail?


the vehicle through which interest groups raise and spend money to influence the political process and elections is

Political Actions Committees

When legislative bills are being negotiated in Congress, if additional money is included in a bill to pay for a specific project in an individual legislator's district or state in order to get their vote in favor of a bill, this is what is often described as _______________________

Pork barrel politics, wasteful spending

Mach each of the identified powers below with their appropriate classification within the federal system

Power to declare and conduct war C. National power Power to make and enforce laws B. Concurrent power Power to set times, places, and manner of elections A. State power

Another term used to describe a country when discussing global politics is a


In the current House of Representatives, if every Republican votes in favor of passing a bill, but every Democrat votes against it, then that bill will fail.


In general, public sector organizations do not seek to make a profit on the services they provide, even though they may charge a fee to cover their operating expenses.


In politics the term "state" refers mainly to the governing body of a country or national territory, but it can also refer to a regional or local political territory, for example, the "State of California."


Codes and statutes are other names for laws.


Congress and the legislative branch of the federal government are the same thing.


Indicate whether you believe the following statement is generally true or false: Strong supporters of the free market argue that too much government intervention and regulation reduces business competition and profitability, raises prices for consumers, and leads to less job creation, while strong supporters of government intervention and regulation argue that greater government action is necessary in order to increase public safety, protect consumers from dishonest business practices, improve the environment, and to establish greater fairness for workers.


Under the U.S. constitution, the three branches are considered co-equal branches of government.


Whichever party has a majority in each of the houses of Congress, that party will control EVERY committee in that chamber


While capitalism has its critics because of the "greed" factor, many believe the profit motive, as capitalism's driving force, produces many positive results for society, including high levels of personal achievement, efficiency, innovation, quality, as well as the opportunity for individuals to achieve great wealth and success.


it takes winning only a majority of the total 538 votes cast in the Electoral College for a candidate to win the presidential election.


In the House of Representatives, states are apportioned a number of seats based on a formula that ranks the 50 states according to the size of their populations. The actual population of each state is determined by

a census conducted every 10 years

The type of government called a republic is

a form of democracy in which citizens elect representatives to govern on their behalf

The number of presidential Electors assigned to each state in the Electoral College is equal to

its total number of senators and representatives serving in Congress

The political party that has the most members in a chamber of Congress is called the _______ party.


The reason that marijuana laws, abortion laws, and marriage laws, among others, can vary from state-to-state is because the reserve powers of the 10th Amendment allow states to

make their own laws regulating the public health, safety, and morals of their citizens if those laws don't conflict with federal authority

The process of changing, amending, or adding items to a bill in committee is called


The formal vehicle through which public policy is made and the affairs of state are conducted is

the government

After each U.S. Census is taken to determine the number of people who live in each state, then states must perform a process called _________ to establish a number of fixed areas of representation containing approximately equal population sizes based on their apportioned number in the House of Representatives.



rule by one


rule by the few

"Battleground States" in presidential elections are

states where the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates both have a chance of winning the popular vote in that state

Congress's implied powers, which are not specifically enumerated in Article I of the constitution, are derived from

the "necessary and proper" clause of Article I section 8

Someone who is born in the United States is granted automatic U.S. citizenship regardless of their parents' citizenship status because of

the 14th Amendment of the constitution

When votes are cast in the Electoral College for president they are cast by Electors who cast their votes according to

the result of the popular vote in their state

The individual rights guaranteed by the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments include all of the following EXCEPT:

the right to bear arms

If the president vetoes a bill passed by Congress, then Congress can override the veto with a _______ vote in _______ and the bill will become law against the president's wishes.

two-thirds majority; both houses of Congress

The most common way to amend the Constitution requires a ______ majority vote in both houses of Congress and a vote of support by ______ of the states.

two-thirds; three-quarters

A "demagogue" is a politician who

wins the support of voters by appealing to their emotions and fears and by making unrealistic promises

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