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Leionardo Da Vinci

"The Renaissance Man."

Florentine sculptor, painter, and printmaker Antonio Pollaiuolo (ca. 1432-1498)

"first master to skin many human bodies in order to investigate the muscles and understand the nude in a more modern way." The artist's highly influential engraving of the Battle of Naked Men displays the figures of the nude warriors with nearly flayed musculature, seen in fierce action poses and from various angles, who is the artist?


-Dissonance -Emotion -Imagination-Exaggerated in ideal beauty -Sought instability -Asymmetrical, void in center, figures crowded near edge and cut off - Jewel and darker colors.


-Harmony -Reason -Reality -Realism based on observation -Sought equilibrium -Symmetrical, weighted in center -Natural light -Primary colors

High Renaissance 4 greatest painters/sculptors

-Leonardo Da Vinci -Michelangelo -Titian -Raphael

When did the Renaissance took place?

1420 to 1600 A.D.

High Renaissance

1494-1520 Principles: beauty, balance, order, harmony Popes became leading patrons Classicism prevails

Albrecht Duhrer

1500 Self-portrait at 28 Presented himself christ like Hand is "connecting to God" Great Piece of Turf (watercolor painting)

Early Mannerism

1520-1535. Known for Anti-classical or anti-renaissance style.

History of Mannerism

1520-1600. Started to counter Renaissance style and masters. Started in Florence and Rome. A link between classicism of the Renaissance and Baroque style.

Madonna with the long Neck

1535 Parmigianino

High Mannerism

1535-1580. A more intricate inward-looking and intellectual style designed to appeal to more sophisticated partons.

Annibale Carracci

1560-1609 Better known as Caravaggio. One of the best artists of all time, is best known for his highly realistic style of Baroque painting. Burried the artificial idiom of mannerism and revitalized large scale religious art in Rome and Naples.

Graphic Arts

15th Century Woodcuts Printing Press Engraving


15th Century Limbourg Brothers created innovative illuminators French Was a new depiction of space Famous Pieces: Les Tres Riches Heures and Mary of Burgandy

Printing Press

15th Century. German innovation made art easy and accessible.

One of the most iconoclastic and influential Old Masters,.........is revered for his naturalistic style of Baroque painting, a controversial alternative to the classicism of Annibale Carracci, as well as the preceding style of Mannerism

1601 Caravaggio

Catharina Van Hemessen

1628-1565 First Female portrait artist


1773, 1501, 1623, and 1430


A bridge between idealized style of Renaissance art and dramaic theatricality of the Baroque.

Printing Press

A machine that allowed for literacy (books, letter, etc..) Movable types were created in 1450. Woodcut was the first lettering/symbols used.

What was the Renaissance?

A period of rebirth in Europe

The Rococo movement was an art movement that emerged in France and spread throughout the world in the late 17th and early 18th century. The word is a derivative of the Frentch term Rocaille, which means.......

A rock and shell garden ornamentation


A style of painting, sculpture, and architecture that emerged in Rome and Florence. 1510-1520.

The Battle of Alexander at Issus

Albrecht Altdorfer Tablet susspended in the sky Displays Alexander the Great's victory over Darius.

The Great Piece of Turf

Albrecht Durer 1503 watercolor

All of the Above

Albrecht Durer- German equivalent of Raphael, Leonardo and Michelangelo. Best and well-known, technically able artists genius representation and creates innovative subject matter.

Which of the following characteristic of the impressionist art movement

All of the above

Naturalism (Early Renaissance)

Anatomists and artists used scientific tools to make their art more natural, or real life.

Prior to Renaissance

Anatomists were restricted to condemed cadavers. This was essentially to prolong suffering during execution.


Anatomy in Art: meaning "know thyself," the phrase was used to indicate to viewers that anatomy was a way to self-knowledge-psychological as well as physical. It was a reminder of the divine nature of the body as God's creation, and of human fragility.

What significant change in art occurred from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance?

Art had a religious focus in the Middle Ages which changed to nature and people in the Renaissance.


Artist drew through acid resistant coatings. Ink is then forced into the incisions and ran through a roller press along with the paper

Italian Renaissance

Artists and anatomists efforts to accurately depict the human body elevated anatomy to a higher form. Anatormy was viewed in a completely new way for the first time.

Flight into Egypt, is an example of........

Baroque Art

Jan Van Eyck

Best known woman artist of the Renaissance. Known for "Man in a Red Turban."

Medieval Images

Bodies do not reflct close observation from real life or an understanding of the inner workings of bodies.

The Garden of Earthly Delights

Bosch Chronologic from left to right Biblical narrative Eve presented to Adam symbolic figure between them representing original sin. Suggests sin Difficulty of depiction through crazy fantastical scenes.

Three Ages of the Woman and the Death

By; Hans Baldung Grien 1510

Impressionism, this style came in part, as a reaction to the invention of


ONe of the most iconoclastic and influential Old Master,.......


Still life painting of Baroque era. Artist is Famous female painter

Clara Peeters

Who paited Water lilies and japanese Bridge

Claude Monet

Leon Baptista Alberti and Filippo Brunelleschi 1413

Defined the mathmatical solution and laws of Linear Perspective.


Dissected dead bodies to explore the structures that lay beneath the skin.

France and Spain

Dominate European international political life in High Renaissance.


Early Mannerism (1520-1535) is known for its "anti-classical", or "anti-renaissance" style, which then developed into High Mannerism (1535-1580), a more intricate, inward-looking and intellectual style, designed to appeal to more sophisticated patrons.

Olympia a great painting of realism era. the artist is

Edouard Manet

France, England, and Spain

Emerge as powerful sovereign states in High Renaissance.

Jan Vermeer is one of the most known Baroque artist. The changes in this era are

Everythin is quite, moment in time, involving/close, real not idealized, effects of lights


Father of Modern Painting- Oil on canvas

Andreas Vesalius

Father of anatomy

Catharina Van Hemessen (15528-after 1565 she was......

First female portrait artist

Antonio Pollaiuolo

First master to skin human bodies in order to investigate and understand nude in a more modern way.

Hans Holbein

French ambassador 1533 Oil and Tempura on wood Replicates Van Eycks use of oil paints His still life has same meticulous care as the men, symbolic stuff signals conflict

Who was considered as the founder of Pointillism art movement

Georges Seurat

Three Ages of the Woman and the Death

Hans Balding Grien 1510 Presents three ages of a woman and death tied into the woman.


Harmony and beauty were refining the form of the figure within authentic backrounds. This was done through mathmatics the ancient Greeks saw as a foundation.


If Leonardo da Vinci's uncannily accurate studies of the human body had been published in his lifetime, they would have changed the course of science, says Alastair Sooke.

Limbourge Brothers

In France expanded the illusionistic capabilities of manuscripts.

"irregular pearl or stone'

In fine art, the term Baroque (derived from the Portuguese 'barocco' meanting, ......) describes a fairly complex idiom, originating in Rome, which flowered during the period c. 1590-172


In the 15th century they became the executioners. The opium was said to be the preferred method by prisoners


In the Middle Ages, there was very little interest in the human body, which was seen as only a temporary vessel for the soul. The body was seen as sinful, the cause of temptation.

Venetian Artist known as Father of Modern Painting

In the second largest city in Europe after Paris, was an important centre of Counter-Reformation Baroque art


Italian Renaissance artists became anatomists by necessity, as they attempted to refine a more lifelike, sculptural portrayal of the human figure.

Greyed rainbow, 1953, done by famous artist

Jackson Pollok

Man in a Red Turban

Jan Van Eyck 1433

Which two art forms had a ajor influence on impressionism

Japanese art and photography

Money Charger and his Wife

Massy 1514 Flemish painter Religious themes Attention to detail Painting is full of true naturalism; reading prayer book, yet destracted with coins. Pearls symbol of lust, snuffed out candle (reminder of death). Siggnificance: Suggests that earthly riches have distraced Christians from religious pursuits.


Medieval images of naked bodies reflected close observation from real life or an understanding of the inner workings of bodies.


Medieval images of naked bodies reflected close observation from real life or an understanding of the inner workings of bodies.

Three kinds of virtue of medieval scholasticism

Moral, Theological, and Intellectual


More artificial and less naturalistic, I.e. emotionalism, elongated human figures, strained poses, unusual effects of scale, lighting perspecive, etc....


More flexible than wood cut. 1450's Most were goldsmiths Martin Schongauer was the most skilled.

Durer's Melencolia

One large print of engravings Was first artist to fight for copy rights

After the idealism of the Renaissane (c. 1400-1530), and the slightly 'forced' nature of Mannerism (c. 1530-1600), Baroque art above all reflected the religious tensions of the age-notably the desire of the Catholic Church in Rome(as annunciated at the Council of Rent, 1545-63) to reassert itself in the ................... Tus it is almost synonymous with Catholic Counter-Reformation Art of the period.

One of the most influential Old Masters, revered for his naturalistic style of Baroque paintings.


Only performed on criminals of low birth and regarded as a great humility


Over time the autopsy was utilized in public health to determine the cause of death and later developed a role in forensics by the 1300's. The earliest dissections took place in the homes of the wealthy and became quite common by the 1400's. y the 15th century, some anatomists were employed directly as the executioner. The artists tried to portray man as beautiful and in doing so wanted to understand the human form completely and got involved with dissection.


Period of rebirth

Italian Renaissance Artists

Pioneered a consistent vocabulary of anatomical illistration.

A Sunday Afternoon on the island of la grande jatte is probably the most famous work by post impressionist Georges-Pierre Seurat. what is the name of the technique he used in this work, in which small, distict dost of paint are applied in patterns to create an image.


Renaissance-Scientific study of human body and nature


Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo

Renaissance saw revolution in may intellectual pursuits, as wall as social and political upheaval, it is perhaps best known for its artistic developments and the contributions of such polymaths as.......................who inspired the term, "Renaissance man."

Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo

Renaissance saw revolutions in many intellectual pursuits, as well as social and political upheaval, it is perhaps best known for its artistic developments and the contributions of such polymaths as......who inspired the term " Renaissance man."

Marquesa de Pompadour is a foamous art work done by Jean-Honore Fragonard. This painting represtents the era of......


High Renaissance

Rural to urban life Prices rose European population increased


Scientific naturalism allowed artists in the Early Renaissance to begin to demand that society think of them as more than just skilled manual laborers. They argued that their work-which was based on science and math- was a product of their intellect just as much as their hands. They wanted artists to have the same status as intellectuals and philosophers, unlike the medieval craftsmen that came before them.


Scientific naturalism allowed artists in the early renaissance to begin to demand that society think of them as more than just skilled manual laborers. They argued that their work-which was based on science and math-was a product of their intellect just as much as their hands. They wanted artists to have the same status as intellectuals and.................., unlike the medieval craftsmen that came before them.

Leionardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo

Set a new standard in their portrayals of the human figure.

During the end of Renaissance era, which country become dominant power and lead the art world?


High Renaissance

Symmetrical poses, Symbolism and embedded imagery


The Calling Of Saint Matthew 1599-1600


The Mannerist period lasted from 1400 to roughly 1500.

The enlightenment: European politics, philosopy, science and communications were radically reoriented during the course of the long 18th century also knon as......

The age of reason

Middle Ages

The body was seen as sinful, and the cause for temptation. The body was seen as a temporary vessel for the soul


The combined efforts of the artists and anatomists to accurately depict the human body elevated anatomy to a higher form. More specifically, the unique approach taken by the artists allowed anatomy to be viewed in a completely new way for the first time.

Johannes Gutenberg

The invention of the printing press in western Europe stands as one of the most important events in the history of human civilization. Though various printing processes had earlier appeared in Asia, it was the mechanical apparatus developed by....................

Who reacted against the limitatios of impressionism

The post impressionists

idealism, patriotism, and civic virtue

Thomas Jefferson, Monticello, Charlottesville, Virginia champions the neoclassism. which represents

Rococo, baroque, neoclassism

Three pictures (Q62-64)

Dominant for 60 years, Used red as warmth for first layer, 30-40 layers of glazes.


Used venetian colors: rich tones: burgundy, emerald green, golden yellow, rich blues.



Took place in the homes of the wealthy, and became common in the 1400's

The Neoclassicim was the reaction against Baroque and Rococo art.


The rise of neoclassical art was part of a general revival of interest in classical thought, which was of some importance in the American and French revolutions.



Used in a printing press. Blocks of wood cut into shapes of letters or symbols to use to write with.


Utilized by the 1300's by public health to determaine cause of death.

Some of the renowned post impressionist artists are

Van Gogh, Gauguin, Seurat


Venetian artist known as father of modern painting.

After the idealism of the renaissance and the lightly forced nature of Mannerism, Baroque are above all reflected the religious tensions of the age-notably the desire of the .............. Thus it is almost synonymous with Catholic Counter-Reformation Art fo the period.

Wake of the Protestant Reformation

Know thyself

Was used to indicate that anatomy was the way to self knowledge.

Andreas Vesailus

Who was the father of human anatomy?

Linear Perspective

arranging the figures and buildings in the landscape to create the illusion of depth. Allowed artists to portray a 3-D world on a 2-D surface.


figures caugh at the mid--motion

A characteristic of rococo art was that it dealt mainly with interior decoration and architecture. That includes

floors, walls, furniture, chinga, clothing, and jewelry


human body ate characterized by twisting and bending

advocated painting outside and capture the moment


In fine at, the term Baroque (derived from Portuguese 'barocco' meaning, ..........) describes a fairly complex idiom, originating in Rome, which flowered during the perod 1590-172

irregular pearl or stone

What was the most popular subject matter in impressionism


Michelangelo's David

large pre cut stone 1st commission in hometown Power for artist autonomy and freedom/patron and society.

promotes many ideas including conceptual and performance art


The art of Jean Baptiste Greuze is an example of


Art rendered at a very specific instant of movement in time, at tthat is ornate or fancy, and art is whch light is often theatrical is called

post impressionism

neoclassicism was originally a reaction against the previous generation of artists from the style of


Moderna rt begins with realism and end with abstract expressionism


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