MIS 2201 Final

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48. What is a URL? What is HTML?

Uniform resource locator (URL) it is the website address. HTML- hyper text mark up language, language used in order to write the source code for web pages.

17. Using formulas in Excel; how to enter formulas

Use the = then what you want the cells to do. Alternate way is (C8+C9+C10). Copy formula by using black arrow and dragging to next cell (This is called Relative Reference).

Using formulas in Excel; how to enter formulas

Use the = then what you want the cells to do. Alternate way is (C8+C9+C10). Copy formula by using black arrow and dragging to next cell (This is called Relative Reference).

24. Logical IF functions

Using this if the requirements exist then the equation will take place (IF=A1>60 "Pass", "Fail").

21. What is Data or Business Analytics?

Using tools to go over the history of the company to predict the future of it, Data science is at synonym of DA, Comes from many disciplines, math, Cs, Engineering, and others. Business Intelligence is about converting data into info then the info into knowledge and giving it to the right people, so they can make an informed decision. An example is data warehouse (ETL Process is about extracting, transforming, and loading/distributing)

Explain how one should respond to security threats and practice safe computing

Using up to date antivirus software only installing what you need

44. What is a VPN?

Virtual Private Network, Encrypted messages sent over network, Can connect to networks that you need to be in a specific place to download something, you use a public network not private but in a secured manner

4. Understand how companies like Amazon.com and Dell.com use IT to create competitive advantage

When the company has high financial earnings and out performs its peers, the advantage can be copied, this happens because the companies use strategic positioning types. Each company must try to achieve sustainable competitive advantage- The company keeps innovating and using the types. The companies use SWOT analysis

8. The Long Tail Principle

When the company provides large variety for its customers, and the company will not limit their customers by shelf space

7. Components of Windows 8/10 interface, e.g. Start, Task Bar, etc.

Windows has many of the same components as past, home menu, start bar, but now they have added cortonia to the mix to help with searching for things.

26. Using conditional formatting to highlight values

You can apply a color to a specific type of cell and carry that throughout the other cells with data in it.

19. Matching computer specifications to processing requirements (desktop, mainframe, laptop, tablet computers)

You can do this by changing such things as your resolution of your computer to match the specs needed.

35. Why us outline view?

You can easily jump between headings and styles to see the differneces in each document. Easily see the styles across long docs, whenwver you are working with master doc and sub docs- to manage very long docs with many authors.

31. Why use section break? What is the difference with column break?:

You can use section break to move typing onto a new page from where it is now, column break moves the text to a new column but on the same page that it is already on. Clipboard allows you to see what you have copied before you paste it.

How do you interact with a server? FTP

You interact with a server by transferring data and files through FTP which stands for File transfer protocol

15. How do you interact with a server? FTP

You interact with a server by transferring data and files through FTP which stands for File transfer protocol.


a client server network created by hackers who gain control over several computers; this is hidden from the victims, who continue to use their devices

17. What differentiates a client computer from a server computer? Why can't your laptop be used as a server computer?

a server is a connection point for several clients, that will handle their requests. A client is software that (usually) connects to the server to perform actions. The client provides a user interface that allows users to carry out actions.

DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service)

attacks designed to flood a legitimate website or internet router with so much traffic that it can no longer function.

10. Explain the structure of the database table (byte

column-row)- Hierarchy of data- Bytes or Characters (8 Bites), Columns or Fields (student name), Record or Rows (Student Record, all the small data like grades), Table or File (Everything before it is stored in the file). Data Redundancy- This is what happens when your store the data that could be in a database but you put it in Microsoft excel (Data Integrity, Program/Data Dependency). Entity- The things you identified that you want to keep track of. ER Diagram- (Entity Relationship Diagram, A graphical model to find the main entities and how to connect them together). Crows feet- is used to represent the cardinality (represents the number of links between entities). Many to Many Relationship (each student can enroll in many classes and classes can have many students). Once you read the ERD, you must read it from both sides. If you have one theme use spreadsheets. To add a relationship in Microsoft access you need to use the foreign key (used to create a relationship between two tables), you need to put the foreign key or secondary in the many spot. You can have multiple primary keys in one column. To connect them in access you need to create an Intermediary table (the columns of it will be the primary keys for the student and advisor, this is a form of normalization). If you have a One to Many relationships put the secondary key in the many spot. One to One Relationship (Each order must have one invoice and vice versa) Cardinality (The min and max number of links you want to establish between entities).

How does CSS work?

describes how elements will be displayed on the screen

3. What strategies do companies deploy to become competitive (increase barriers of entry, cost leadership, product differentiation, lock in buyers and customers, switching cost). Focus on IT and information system related examples.

Once you have used the five forces you come up with strategies or strategic positioning- Performing different activities than rivals, or the same activities in different ways. Ex. Cost leadership (selling computers cheaper than others), differentiation (Make-to-order-when the customer specifies what you need for your computer), Innovation (New idea, Service, Product), Growth (Making improvements or new additions to company to grow market share), Alliance (Joining with other companies or groups to gain power).

25. What is Market Basket Analysis?

One of the most interesting features used by Amazon, It's the people who also bought this product looked at or bought these too.

24. What is OLAP?

Online Analytical Processing (reporting tools used in DA, gives up to date data that allows to look at trends and create forecasts


Operate equipment, make backups, provide help to users, fix bugs, optimize for speed and security, revise as necessary to meet business needs.

25. What happened in 2006 that opened Windows software to work on Mac hardware?:

PC Virtualization, Boot Camp: between Apple and Microsoft, worked together to resolve issues with IOS and Windows, Apple started to use Intel CPUs in 2006

34. What is the difference between line and paragraph spacing?

Paragraph spacing is the spacing that is before and after each paragraph . Line spacing is in between lines.

36. Understand how businesses use the systems development life cycle (SDLC). Understand the differences between all the phases - define the system (planning), determining requirements (analysis), design system components (design), create and test components (implementation), maintain and enhance the system (maintenance)

Planning (Project Development Plan), Analysis (Systems Requirement Report), Design (Application Specification), Implementation (Working System), Maintenance (Decommission or Replacement).


Purchase or contract for hardware/software, create application, test applications (Unit, System, Integration), Finalize documentation, Train users, Convert data, initiate new system.

4. What is Malware

Refers to any computer program designed to surreptitiously enter a digital device

Characteristics of information (accuracy, relevance, timely, worth the cost, just sufficient, etc.)

Relevant to context, to subject. Worth its cost, just sufficient. Information has five actors- Hardware, Software, Data, Procedures, People. H and S are on the computer side, while P and P are on the human side, Data is the bridge between the two sets.

2. Components of Michael Porter's five forces competitive strategy model

Rivalry among existing competitors, bargaining power of sellers, bargaining power of buyers, threat of new entrants, substitution or alternatives in the market.

38. Explain how scrum can overcome the problems of the SDLC

Scrum has a set list of requirements that are placed in the product backlog, inside the scrums are sprints that are in different releases, inside the sprints are the prioritized list

20. Working with ranges in Excel

Search min or max then you need to highlight the data you have to give you the range

2. Kinds of businesses that are not possible without IT and who were their founders (Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Alibaba, Uber, Airbnb, eBay, Amazon, etc.)

Sergey Brin and Larry Page are Googles Founders.

Why do you need a server to publish webpages

So you can have the resources that are needed to keep it running

28. Source code vs. object (machine) code:

Source Code is written by programmers and not understood by the machine. Object code is the specific code for the machine, Compilers and interpreters convert the source to object code.


Study the current system, determine system requirments, write requriments reports, of the prototype is not a fully functioning system because it is designed to show a feature (interface) that may be used in the final design.

32. What is the Difference between Style, Template, and Theme?:

Style works with the font size and type, has many special presets that you can change your text too. Theme is a combination of using different fonts and colors. Template is what a new blank file is used on start up

22. Different categories of software:

System Software, Development, Application

42. What does the HTTP protocol do? - Hypertext transfer protocol, Prosocial a set of rules that govern the communication between computer devices over the internet. The most common protocol used is

TCP/IP (transmission control protocol/ Internet protocol). We use HTTP to establish the web browser and the web server

Laying out HTML pages and the <DIV> tags

The Div tags just separate where paragraphs and other text goes

18. What is the Internet of Things (IoT)? How can the IoT and other technological forces like smart devices disrupt traditional businesses?

The Internet of things is the network of devices such as vehicles, and home appliances that contain electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and connectivity which allows these things to connect, interact and exchange data, it allows for easier communication between devices.

49. What is the cloud? Why is the cloud architecture preferred to in house hosting? What do we mean by pooled resources?

The cloud is a service that makes getting data easily to computers, The architecture is shown as a triangle on top is SaaS ( servers as a service), then PaaS ( Platform as a Service), and on the bottom IaaS (Infestructure as a service). Examples of SaaS is Mindtap tools and G- Suite(google docs, slides), a disadvantage is limited storage (may ask you to upgrade). PaaS is used by software developers (They use it because they can be provided with OS, Application tools, Development tools. The developers do not need to worry about compatibility issues). IaaS companies can rent serves to host there platforms on, they do not need an instance in there company (AWS is an example of a host amazon) this is called server virtualization. This is ued by Systems Administrator. Pooled Resources- is when the instances are used by different companies, many companies share the same physical resources.

6. Goals of the Windows 10 interface design

The goals are to make accessibility stream less and easy.

22. What are the main categories of Data Analytics?

The main categories are Descriptive (About using descriptive statistics to show what is actually happening now in the company, the mean is an example also min and max, Standard deviation), Predictive (Forecast what would happen in the future based on the historical data from the company, what will happen?, Why will it happen?, examples of this are data mining , text mining etc.), Prescriptive ( Finding the best ways to do things based on the data).

1. Job opportunities as an MIS professional (nature of work), and describe typical job titles in the MIS field

The most common title for an MIS grad is systems analyst


A method for confirming users' identities

9. What is a database? Definition?

A set of integrated and interrelated records or files,

3. Strong Password vs week password

A strong password is difficult to hack, the are usually eight characters in length and include one or more uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Weak passwords include words from the dictionary, doubled words (passpass), default passwords (password), dates ore telephone numbers

23. What is Big Data? Characteristics of Big Data?

A term for a collection of data sets so large and complex that it becomes difficult to process using on-hand database management tools or traditional data processing applications, the 4 V's (Volume, Velocity (how quickly is data generated), Variety (data exists in many formats like structured and unstructured), Veracity (Accuracy of data).

32. Explain why systems development projects often fails and why it is so challenging?

About 72% of projects fail in some way, there are many ways for the system to fail during development

10. How does HTML work? Simple tags in HTML and what they mean (HTML, Body, paragraph, headings, hyperlinks, image

All the tags start with <, paragraph is just <p></p>, headings is <h></h>, with hyperlinks you need to start with an anchor <a then href= "the link"> , then you need to put in what words you would use for the link</a>. Image is almost the same you start with <img src="image">.


An attack that sends an email or displays a Web announcement that falsely claims to be from a legitimate enterprise in an attempt to trick the user into surrendering private information

1. What is MIS? Define an Information System and describe its components, Define IT and give examples. How they are related?

An information system (sometimes called Management Information Systems or MIS) collects, stores, and processes data to provide useful, accurate, and timely information, typically within the context of an organization. The scope of an information system includes computers, networks, and data, plus people, products, policies, and procedures

6. Components of the value chain

Answered in Q5

7. What is the difference between primary and support activities in the value chain; examples of primary and support activities.

Answered in Q5

27. What is AI? Categories of AI?

Artificial Intelligence (Machine learning is an offshoot of AI, Algorithms are created so the machine learns from the data it collects

10. Part of the computer (CPU, motherboard, removable circuit boards, cards, USB drives, etc.)

CPU handles the computers processing, Motherboard contains most electronic components, Main Memory (RAM) works as a bridge between storage devices and CPU it also has a restriction on size RAM is volatile meaning if power is lost things not saved will be lost.

12. Basic computer architecture

CPU, primary memory, secondary memory, cache, RAM, bus, 32-bit vs. 64-bit, expansion ports etc.- See question 10, cache is hardware or software used to store something usually temporary in a computing environment. The bigger the bit the better the CPU can handle information.

22. Absolute and relative addressing - Relative is about applying the same formula in relative to the different columns, Absolute is putting dollar sign to fix on of the cells to be in every equation. Mixed Reference

Changing column with a fixed row or vice versa $H9

30. Difference between character, paragraph, sectional document level of formatting?

Character is like changing the specific words in a doc, an example is changing the font color of specific words. Paragraph is changing the paragraphs in a doc, an example is changing the line spacing in a paragraph.

39. Different switching methods and how they work (circuit switching and packet switching)

Circuit Switching-Message is communicated in its entirety from computer to computer, Packet Switching- Message is divided into packets of bytes and transmitted via several nodes.

24. Why can't certain software work on certain hardware? Mac software on Windows operating system?:

Compatibility Issues, The instructions for the software is not able to communicate with hardware parts(input, output, CPU, storage)

3. Name of the first electronic airline reservation system.:

Computerized Reservation System (CRS)

35. Customer Relationship Management

Connects business with its customers.

34. Supply Chain Management

Connects business with its suppliers

15. Binary to decimal translation and vice versa

D to B you divide by 2 B to D is using a 2 then what place the number is in is the exponent 2 is to don't use zeros


Data that has been encrypted.

23. Different types of apps. Popular business apps? Office productivity software:

Desktop Publishing, Banking Apps, Facebook, Billing Databases, Calendars, Spreadsheets

43. What does the DNS do?

Domain name system, it does the matching between the domain name and its corresponding IP address, it is just like the phone directory.

41. Major internet and network protocols and how they are used for communications. Ethernet, Bluetooth, WIFI, DSL, Cable.

Ethernet is safer and better connection uses IEEE 802.3 standards (regular wife is 802.11 standard), modem and multiplexer both explained above. Hub- used inside the network( extends a wired connection by adding more ports), Switch- Sends signals to individual nodes rather than broadcasting to all of them. Bridge- Connects two similar networks. Repeater- Extends the range of a network by restoring signals to maximum strength and transmitting them. Wireless access point (WAP)- Allows wireless devices to connect to a wired network. Bluetooth is the shortage coverage distance (up to 400m)

33. How can you tell what template you are using?

File to options to display to find out what your template is.

1. What is Competitive advantage?

Financial performance that consistently outperforms industry averages.

26. Examples of famous open source operating system software running on mainframes and mid range computers (Unix, Linux):

Firefox, Gimp, WordPress, Asterix, BSD, GPL, Android

12. What are the components of a database application system?

Forms, Reports, Queries, Application, Programs (all Microsoft access objects)

26. Examples on applications areas of Data analytics (Risk Management, Fraud detection, operations and Logistics, Airline Safety problems)

Fraud Detection (Using DA tools banks can determine where the card was used and how much it was used based on prior purchases

4. What does Moore's Law state?:

The number of transistors on integrated circuits doubles every 18 months.


The process of converting a ciphertext into plaintext.


The process of giving someone permission to the system

46. Private and public IP addresses. Who controls the IP addresses and how are they distributed?

ICANN(Internet Coropration for Assigned Names and Numbers) controls IP addresses. Each computer must have unique IP address, IPV4 uses 32-bit addresses while IPV6 uses 128 bits for each address. Private IP addresses- are assigned by network administrator inside company. You need to use the public to connect to the internet while the private one is used inside the company.


Identifiy potential solutions (Do nothing, Develop new information system, buy off the shelf, outsource) , evaluate solutions and select the best one, select hardware and software, develop application specs, obtain approval


Identify project team (Scrum master, Coders, System analyst, Designers, Testers). Justify the project (Why you have selected this project over another). Choose development methodology (want to use waterfall or agile), develop a schedule ( Identify the scope of your project) WBS (Work Breakdown Structure, used to decompose the scope), Produce a project development plan

31. Why develop systems?

There are 3 main reasons. 1. Respond to a problem, 2. Exploit an opportunity (Regulations and de-regulations), 3. Respond to government directives (Implement online health records systems).

45. What is a computer network and how many kinds are there? How does an Intranet differ from the Internet?

There are three types, Personal Area Network (PAN), Local Area Network(LAN), Wide area network(WAN)

14. How do database applications make databases more useful?

They allow for easy use and keep things clean, Forms (Allow you to enter multiple things on one scree, you don't need to search around for where to put all the info individually.

13. What is a database management system (DBMS)?

They are responsible doing the management and manipulation on the database, make sure you don't violate the constraints set on the database. ? - An example is MYSQL (an open sours DBMS). The four operations are Read, Insert, Modify, Delete Data

2. Generally, what is the goal of the information system in an organization?

To Make a profit, usually the companies mission statement.


Transforms a message or data file in such a way that its contents are hidden from unauthorized readers


Is a computer program that seems to perform one function while actually doing something else, most are not designed to replicate themselves

Social Engineering

Is a deceptive practice that exploits human psychology by inducing victims to interact with a digital device in a way that is not in their best interest


Is a self-replicating, self-distributing program designed to carry out unauthorized activity on victims device

5. What is the value chain? Use the value chain to analyze how companies they use information systems to stay competitive (e.g. research online about Dell's value chain strategies)

Is a set of two parts the Primary Activities( Inbound logistics- acquiring goods and services from suppliers, Operations- Activities need for the actual production of the product, Outbound Logistics- Includes distribution and activities in order to fulfil shipments to customers, Marketing and Sales- Applying different marketing strategies to sell the product, Service- reaching out to customer after sale( customer support)) (Data analytics and collaborative Filtering, DA is used by many companies like Walmart they use it to find what the most common bought products are in places and during times of weather and the year, CF is used by companies like Netflix they recommend shows based on users preferences) and The Supporting Activities( Are used to support primary activities)- Includes Procurement( this is having a team responsible for making contracts with suppliers and other companies), Research and Development( having a team to develop new products and research them(Cad this is computer aided design, Mad is manufacturing aided design tools)), Supply Chain development( creating a supply chain to suppliers so that they can provide the company with resources). CRM (Customer Relationship Management).

33. Enterprise Resource Planning

Is software that helps a company to control all the facets of its self (HR, IT, Management, R&D, etc.).

5. What are some of the implications of Moore's Law?

It affects price and performance.

What is a style sheet?

It is a template consisting of font and layout settings to give a standardized look to a document

Why is HTML so popular as a means of writing webpages

It is a very easy source code to use, does not take much background to use

38. Communication signals and how they are digitized and transported¬

It is done through the Modem, modulation (the process between sender and modem), converts digital signals to analog signal (coverts so the signals can be transferred along the wires to your ISP) ISP are known as internet gateway (internet is also known as network of the networks need iSP to enter). Demodulation- is the convergent process from analog back to digital. Multiplexing is combing many inputs into new output

36. What is used to figure out the network speed?

It is measured in bits/second. On computer it is listed as network bandwith

27. What does open source mean? What are examples of "hidden costs" of open source software?:

It means the open source software can be changed and redistributed by anyone and it is free almost all the time to the public, the hidden costs are matinence and support, and the cost of learning.

47. Describe the three tier network

It uses client to application server to data server to stream data, It is useful because you can make changes to the application without changing the data stored on the server. Advantage of using serves is to process clients requests, you don't need servers to process Microsoft word files (done on your own computer by CPU).

11. What is metadata? What is a primary key and what is its role?

Its data that defines data (Data type defines the columns), A column or attribute that uniquely identifies all the records in the table.

37. Different kinds of communication media and their speeds (capacity)

LAN (intranet) 1Km rang, DSL/ADSL, Mobile Broadband (need to have subscription stop version etc.), Satellite, Dial-up Connection (need modem and telephone line, very slow, can't make a call and be connected to internet). You need to have telecommunication media (Twisted-pair wire, coaxial, optic fiber

14. Peripherals, different types of storage devices (magnetic, optical, solid state drives), display devices (LCD)

Magnetic is data stored on a magnetic medium. Optical is any type of storage that is written an read by a laser. Solid state is non-violate that revise info from circuits. LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) is used in notebook and other smaller computers.

16. Why are image and audio files so large?

Monitor uses pixels and each pixel can contain a lot of data each needs to be transferred. Audio is in anlog signals and you need to measure the heights of each which get vmoved it decimal number and translated on the computer.

29. What is the difference between native and web applications (thin clients)? What are the advantages and disadvantages of web applications?: Native is what is on the local disk drive, Web apps are found on the web. Client requests things from the computer, thin client

Native is what is on the local disk drive, Web apps are found on the web. Client requests things from the computer, thin client is defined in terms of storage and processing power (thin clients don't have either, they have web browsers to communicate with the server.

16. Data types allowed in Excel

Numbers etc.

11. How the computer works (operating system, memory swapping). How do computers represent information? How does the monitor represent information?

OS is like Mac or IOS that the computer runs on. Memory swapping is when all needed apps get swapped to the main memory for use, all unneeded apps get swapped to secondary memory, first come first serve for apps

13. How each of the computer component specifications are described (Megahertz vs. megabytes, Gigahertz vs. gigabytes, terabytes)

hertz is always 1000 bytes


is a set of self-replicating program instructions that surreptitiously attaches itself to a legitimate executable file on a hosts device


is an undocumented method of accessing a digital device


locks a device and then requests payment for an unlocking code; commonly exploits find my iPhone option

RATs (Remote Access Trojan)

malware that arrives in a trojan disguised as a legitimate software; sets up a secret communication link with the hacker

online intrusion

takes place when an unauthorized person gains access to a digital device by using an Internet connection and exploiting vulnerabilities in hardware or software

8. Best ways of launching programs, getting to the desktop, and closing programs

the best way is by using the home menu where you can search for apps and get back home easily


the css has an internal set of rules it needs to follow


the css must refer to a external .css file

28. Using Charts in Excel; Modifying chart elements

the range is the numbers you have, highlight data and click bottom right for quick charts, or go to insert charts. On left side of task bar, you can insert new things into the chart

9. How to search in Windows 10; Search criteria and file selection.

use the file explorer you can search by file name or type also by extension ex. .exe.

18. How to create page breaks in Excel

when you insert a page break between two cells a black line will appear to show you where a new page will start when it is printed off

How to create page breaks in Excel

when you insert a page break between two cells a black line will appear to show you where a new page will start when it is printed off

39. What are the principles of agile development methodologies

you use it when you are unsure of the set of processes, You can have a piece of running code that you are developing from the first iteration while you are developing it

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