MKT 444 Quizzes

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Another term for fixed-alternative questions is ____ questions. a. pivot b. concise c. closed d. open-ended response

c. closed

Which degree of causality means that the cause is necessary and sufficient to bring about the effect? a. contributory causality b. first-degree causality c. absolute causality d. conditional causality

c. absolute causality

A variable that can take on a range of values that correspond to some quantitative amount is called a: a. categorical variable b. classificatory variable c. continuous variable d. independent variable

c. continuous variable

Which term is sometimes used to refer to interviewers filling in responses for respondents that do not really exist? a. mere-measurement effect b. auspices bias c. curb-stoning d. sugging

c. curb-stoning

When AT&T hires a research agency to conduct research tailored to it's unique needs, this is called: a. syndicated research b. limited research c. custom research d. commercial research

c. custom research

All of the following are steps in the problem-definition process EXCEPT: a. determine relevant variables b. identify key problem(s) from symptoms c. develop dummy tables d. determine the unit of analysis

c. develop dummy tables

"Do you agree or disagree with the statement: The Federal Reserve Bank and the large U.S. banks are responsible for the high foreclosures on home mortgages" is an example of what type of question? a. open-ended response b. counterbalancing c. double-barreled d. counterbiasing

c. double-barreled

A statement such as: "If our new soft drink reaches a local market share of one percent after nine months of test marketing the product in St. Louis, we will launch the product nationally," is an example of a: a. problem definition b. situation analysis c. managerial action standard d. hypothesis

c. managerial action standard

People who are not contacted or who refuse to cooperate are called: a. random errors b. biased respondents c. nonrespondents d. sample selection errors

c. nonrespondents

Which of the following refers to a small-scale study in which the results are only preliminary and intended only to assist in design of a subsequent study? a. primary test b. preliminary study c. pretest d. focus group

c. pretest

When a researcher defines and develops a decision statement and the steps involved in translating it into more precise research terminology, he or she is involved in what process? a. hypotheses development b. research process c. problem definition d. research planning

c. problem definition

Which dimension of quality is being studied for a Honda lawnmower when customers are asked to rate its ability to start on the first or second try? a. aesthetic design b. serviceability c. reliability d. competence

c. reliability

Which of the following expresses the research objectives in terms of questions that can be addressed by research? a. dependent variable b. independent variable c. research question d. situation analysis

c. research question

Systematic error is divided into which two general categories? a. response bias and interview error b. primary error and secondary error c. respondent error and administrative error d. random sampling error and administrative error

c. respondent error and administrative error

All of the following are disadvantages of open-ended response questions EXCEPT: a. interviewer bias b. cost c. the information provided by responses is not useful to decision makers d. articulate individuals give a large share of the responses but they may not be representative of the entire population

c. the information provided by responses is not useful to decision makers

In research, anything that varies or changes from one instance to another is called a: a. category b. classification c. variable d. constant

c. variable

When "Out of sight, out of mind" was translated into a foreign language, and then was translated back into English by a language expert in that language to become: "Invisible things are insane," this was an example of: a. back translation b. the linguistic effect c. a loaded question d. a counterbiasing statement

a. back translation

An introductory statement or preamble to a potentially embarrassing question that reduces a respondent's reluctance to answer by suggesting that certain behavior is not unusual is called a: a. counterbiasing statement b. filter question c. lead-in statement d. split-ballot question

a. counterbiasing statement

Which of the following means that something has been examined against reality using data? a. empirical testing b. spurious association c. manipulation d. causality

a. empirical testing

Sharon is a marketing professor who received a grant from the National Marketing Association to study how employees make marketing decisions in cross-functional groups. Sharon's research is: a. funded marketing research b. applied marketing research c. dependent marketing research d. analytical marketing research

a. funded marketing research

Which of the following is the FIRST step of the problem definition process? a. identify key symptoms in the situation b. determine the relevant variables c. identify the problem d. determine the unit of analysis

a. identify key symptoms in the situation

When a respondent in a research study agrees to participate in the research study, this is known as: a. informed consent b. forecasting c. jamming d. a right to privacy

a. informed consent

A possible advantage of an outside research supplier over an in-house research department is that it may be possible for the outside supplier to conduct the project: a. more objectively b. at a lower cost c. faster d. all of the above

a. more objectively

Surveys are classified based on all of the following EXCEPT: a. number of questions b. method of communication c. degrees of structure and disguise in the questionnaire d. time frame in which the data are gathered

a. number of questions

Which of the following is NOT a problem a marketing research director typically faces? a. often does not have the tools available to conduct the research properly b. research is often seen as a hodgepodge of techniques available to answer individual, unrelated questions c. spends more time in meetings and managing than actually conducting research d. research management role often is not formally recognized

a. often does not have the tools available to conduct the research properly

All of the following are advantages of survey research EXCEPT: a. random b. efficient c. inexpensive d. accurate

a. random

Which of the following essentially answers the question, "What information is needed to address this situation?" a. research objectives b. independent variable c. dependent variable d. research design

a. research objectives

The people who answer survey questions are referred to as: a. respondents b. users c. clients d. researchers

a. respondents

When the data from an empirical study are consistent with a research hypothesis, we say that the hypothesis is: a. supported b. true c. conclusive d. rejected

a. supported

All of the following are stages in the total quality management process EXCEPT: a. testing and revising stage b. commitment and exploration stage c. benchmarking stage d. continuous quality improvement stage

a. testing and revising stage

Asking respondents to remember something without providing any clue is called: a. unaided recall b. cognitive retrieval c. recognition d. aided recall

a. unaided recall

Over the past two years, home values have been decreasing. This is an example of a(n): a. symptom b. descriptive hypothesis c. causal inference d. ambiguous situation

a. symptom

The rules for interpreting, categorizing, recording, and transferring the data to the data storage media are called: a. theories b. codes c. edits d. hypotheses

b. codes

All of the following are types of variables EXCEPT: a. dependent b. constant c. continuous d. categorical

b. constant

When a respondent tells an interviewer that his annual income last year was $50,000 (because he is embarrassed to admit that it was $25,000), this is an example of: a. nonresponse error b. deliberate falsification c. interviewer cheating d. auspices bias

b. deliberate falsification

In the statement: "Years of sales experience is an important predictor of dollar sales performance," what type of variable is "dollar sales performance"? a. categorical variable b. dependent variable c. independent variable d. classificatory variable

b. dependent variable

Evan has completed the fieldwork of collecting data, and now he is checking the data collection forms for omissions, legibility, and consistency in classification. What is Evan doing? a. analyzing the data b. editing the data c. coding the data d. reporting the results

b. editing the data

Which term reflects the degree to which one bases one's morality on moral standards? a. absolutism b. idealism c. conformism d. relativism

b. idealism

A live, real-time support feature that solves problems or answers questions respondents may encounter in completing the questionnaire is called a(n): a. intervention b. interactive help desk c. search engine d. interactive tabulation

b. interactive help desk

When a respondent tells the interviewer that he reads The Wall Street Journal on a daily basis so that he can impress the interviewer, this is an example of: a. auspices bias b. interviewer bias c. administrative bias d. acquiescence bias

b. interviewer bias

When an interviewer fails to write the respondent's answer to a question verbatim because the respondent talks faster than the interviewer can write, this is an example of: a. auspices bias b. interviewer error c. interviewer cheating d. acquiescence error

b. interviewer error

Researchers hired to visit McDonald's restaurants posing as customers are called: a. placebo shoppers b. mystery shoppers c. stealth shoppers d. undercover agents

b. mystery shoppers

A filter question used to determine which version of a second question that will be asked is called a(n): a. anchoring question b. pivot question c. funneling question d. piping question

b. pivot question

Caleb's job at a marketing research firm is to provide technical assistance with questionnaire design. Which of the following best describes Caleb's job title? a. forecast analyst b. research assistant c. director of marketing research d. research generalist

b. research assistant

Which of the following is a type of software that is placed on users' computers without consent or knowledge while using the Internet? a. stealth file b. spyware c. pop-ups d. COPPA

b. spyware

The most common way to generate primary data in marketing research is by means of: a. observation b. surveys c. focus groups d. experimentation

b. surveys

Which of the following occurs when respondents believe that past events happened more recently than they actually did? a. myopic remembering b. telescoping c. squishing d. zooming

b. telescoping

Which of the following is a business strategy that emphasizes market-driven quality as a top priority? a. benchmark management b. total quality management c. inside-out management d. outside-in management

b. total quality management

_____ is the process of developing and deciding among alternative ways of resolving a problem or choosing from among alternative opportunities. a. Marketing b. Decision making c. Marketing research d. Verification

b. Decision making

3-M Corporation puts together teams of employees from various functional areas such as engineering, production, finance, and marketing who share a common purpose, such as new-product development. These types of teams are referred to as: a. focus groups b. syndicated teams c. synergistic teams d. cross-functional teams

d. cross-functional teams

What type of research is being conducted to answer the question: "Would this target market be interested in this type of new product?" a. descriptive research b. causal research c. situation analysis research d. exploratory research

d. exploratory research

Carol was invited to participate in a research study along with ten other consumers to discuss their experiences using cleaning products. The group was asked to discuss their experiences and were encouraged to feed on each other's comments. What is this type of study called? a. literature review b. multivariate research c. pretest d. focus group interview

d. focus group interview

A statement such as: "If we increase price five percent, sales will likely drop eight percent or more," is an example of a: a. dependent variable b. problem definition c. research objective d. hypothesis

d. hypothesis

Clint and his fellow researchers are asking managers and line workers multiple what, where, who, when, why, and how questions to get a better understanding of their client's business decision-making situation. Asking these types of questions is representative of which type of technique? a. 80/20 techniques b. iceberg technique c. peeling techniques d. interrogative techniques

d. interrogative techniques

"In light of the current economic crisis, do you agree or disagree that the President of the United States is doing a good job of managing the economy?" is an example of what type of question? a. counterbalancing b. double-barreled c. order bias d. loaded

d. loaded

In a research study, a potential respondent who is not at home at either the first or second attempt to reach this person by phone is called a(n): a. sample bias b. random sampling error c. interviewee d. no contact

d. no contact

Many people believe that the collection and dissemination of their personal information without their knowledge or consent is a serious violation of their right to: a. tell the truth b. anonymity c. refuse to participate in a research study d. privacy

d. privacy

A questionnaire that collects information that is valid is said to be: a. accurate b. balanced c. counterbalanced d. relevant

a. accurate

Dichotomous or multiple-choice alternatives in fixed-alternative questions should not have overlap among categories, which means the categories should be: a. exhaustive b. positively worded c. balanced d. mutually exclusive

d. mutually exclusive

When a research company pulls a random sample of people from a phone book and that sample does not include people with unlisted numbers or who do not have landline telephone service, we say that the sample contains: a. social desirability error b. acquiescence bias c. auspices bias d. sample selection error

d. sample selection error

Which of the following is the most important question a researcher can ask when using a probing technique? a. What does _____ make you think of? b. How does that make you feel? c. Why do you think that is so? d. What has changed?

d. What has changed?

When a political candidate has staff workers phone registered voters of another party to ask a leading and negative question about his opposing candidate, this is a form of: a. a cross-functional team b. a research supplier c. advocacy research d. a push poll

d. a push poll

Which of the following are common ways of displaying questions on a computer screen? a. drop-down box b. check boxes c. open-ended boxes d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Which of the following is generally considered to be a public place in which unobtrusive observation is not a serious invasion of privacy? a. an airport check-in counter at Logan Airport in Boston b. the St. Louis Art Museum c. a Radio Shack retail store d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Which of the following should a marketing researcher do in order to infer causality? a. recognize the presence of alternative plausible explanations for the results b. establish a sequence of events c. measure the concomitant variation between the cause and the effect d. all of the above

d. all of the above

What type of variable is "gender"? a. continuous variable b. primary variable c. dependent variable d. categorical variable

d. categorical variable

One right a research participant has is that information involved in the research will not be shared with others, which is known as: a. passive research b. active research c. consent d. confidentiality

d. confidentiality

In which situation do symptoms exist, but are subtle and few, making problem identification difficult? a. problem-focused decision making and conditions of low ambiguity b. opportunity-oriented research and conditions of low ambiguity c. opportunity-oriented research and conditions of high ambiguity d. problem-focused decision making and conditions of high ambiguity

d. problem-focused decision making and conditions of high ambiguity

Which of the following can effectively serve as a link between management and the research specialist? a. research liaison b. research assistant c. marketing research director d. research generalist

d. research generalist

Which Internet questionnaire layout presents the entire questionnaire on one page? a. perpetual layout b. paging layout c. continuous layout d. scrolling layout

d. scrolling layout

All of the following are types of marketing research EXCEPT: a. exploratory b. descriptive c. causal d. selective

d. selective

When respondents think that recent events took place longer ago than they really did, this is called: a. telescoping b. faltering c. misredemption d. squishing

d. squishing

When an interviewer asks a respondent: "Why do you shop at Macy's department store?", this is an example of a(n) a. curb-stone question b. disguised question c. structured question d. unstructured question

d. unstructured question

Another term for the sponsoring client in research studies is the: a. subject b. researcher c. respondent d. user

d. user

All of the following are examples of an observation study EXCEPT: a. a mystery shopper pretending to be a customer in a McDonald's outlet b. a cable laid across the street that records the number of cars that pass a certain intersection c. scanning and recording bar codes of products purchased d. a consumer responding to a questionnaire about advertising

d. a consumer responding to a questionnaire about advertising

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