MKTG 409 Exam 3 Practice Questions

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Which of the following is used to assess an organization's image among the public or to evaluate the effect of a specific public relations program?

a. Consumer jury b. Public relations audit <-- c. Communications audit d. Social audit e. Environmental monitoring

John is preparing to evaluate one of his sales representatives, Tessa. His evaluation of her performance for the prior year led to his conclusion that she often lacked key product information at sales presentations. At their upcoming session, he will most likely do which of the following?

a. Decrease the size of her territory b. Recommend that she attend a training program <-- c. Terminate her d. Ignore this problem given that her sales results were good e. Increase her sales quotas

_______ is an activity or material, or both, that acts as a direct inducement, offering added value or incentive for the product, to resellers, salespeople, or consumers

a. Publicity b. Personal selling c. Public relations d. Advertising e. Sales promotion <--

______ advertising supports organizational images, ideas, and political issues while ______ advertising touts the uses, features, and benefits of goods and services.

a. Publicity; pioneer b. Institutional; reminder c. Advocacy; product d. Institutional; product <-- e. Reminder; competitive

Which of the following is most likely to stimulate customer loyalty?

a. Samples b. Frequent-user incentives <-- c. Coupons d. Premiums e. Sweepstakes

A list of the exact magazines, newspapers, and television stations in which an advertisement will appear, along with the dates and times, is a(n)

a. advertising media appropriation. b. advertising plan. c. media plan. <-- d. media audit. e. media platform.

If during an advertising campaign a certain portion of advertising runs continuously, and then during specific periods additional advertising is used to intensify the level of communication, a(n) ____ media schedule is being used.

a. alternating b. pulsing <-- c. interval d. flighting e. continuous with emphasis

Personal selling goals include finding prospects, convincing prospects to buy, and

a. avoiding repeat transactions. b. being aware of competitors' sales activities. c. keeping customers satisfied. <-- d. seeking one-sale customers. e. monitoring new products being developed.

Jim is a salesperson for Axalta. His college degree is in engineering, with a minor in physical science. Jim is most likely a(n)

a. chemicals order taker. b. trade salesperson. c. missionary salesperson. d. technical salesperson. <-- e. support to the sales staff.

Developing a relationship on the first visit is becoming increasingly important in the _____________ stage of the personal selling process.

a. preapproach b. approach <-- c. overcoming objections d. making the presentation e. prospecting

Kevin Esposito, a salesperson for O'Malley Office Products, develops a list of potential customers and evaluates them on the basis of their ability, willingness, and authority to purchase copy machines. This process is called

a. prospecting. <-- b. preapproach. c. customer pre-approval. d. customer evaluation. e. customer search.

One of the biggest problems associated with ____ as an element of promotion is the high absolute dollar outlay often required.

a. public relations b. personal selling c. packaging d. advertising <-- e. sales promotion

During the decoding process, the

a. receiver attempts to convert signs or symbols into concepts and ideas. <-- b. intensity of the transmission becomes stronger. c. receiver filters noise from the feedback. d. source converts meaning into a series of signs or symbols that represent ideas or concepts. e. source attempts to convert signs or symbols into concepts and ideas.

Elias, a sales representative, is returning from a week on the road. One of his activities this week is to develop ____, which are designed to identify the customers called on and to present detailed information about interaction with those clients.

a. sales invoices b. recall files c. expense reports d. call reports <-- e. feedback notices

Which of the promotion methods is the most precise?

a. Advertising b. Publicity c. Personal selling <-- d. Public relations e. Sales promotion

Which of the following publicity-based public relations tool is most common?

a. Captioned photograph b. News release <-- c. Feature article d. Press conference e. Letters to the editor

ACME Corp. has a promotion strategy that involves promoting its widgets through personal selling and sales promotion to the wholesalers that handle its products. Which channel promotion policy is ACME using?

a. Category management b. Push policy <-- c. Pull policy d. Exclusive policy e. Tying policy

Which of the following is the most expensive sales promotion method?

a. Consumer contests b. Free samples <-- c. Coupons d. Point-of-purchase materials e. Premiums

Which of the following is appropriate for stimulating primary demand?

a. Personal selling b. Reinforcement promotion c. Viral marketing d. Comparative promotion e. New introductory promotion <--

Which of the following is the most widely used sales promotion technique?

a. Premiums b. Rebates c. Incentives d. Samples e. Coupons <--

Which of the following is NOT one of the criticisms of promotion cited in your text?

a. Promotion is deceptive b. Promotion fosters materialism c. Promotion increases prices d. Promotion creates needs e. Promotion lowers prices <--

Which personal selling process step may involve calling on customers without prior consent?

a. Prospecting b. Approach <-- c. Preapproach d. Overcoming objections e. Making the presentation

Which of the following is the most important with business-to-business transactions involving the purchase of expensive products?

a. Public relations b. Publicity c. Sales promotion d. Personal selling <-- e. Advertising

The most critical copy in an advertisement is the _______.

a. body copy b. signature c. subheadline d. layout e. headline <--

The Internet is viewed as a ____ medium because users determine which material they are going to view.

a. close b. pull <-- c. open d. push e. passive

ACME Corp. is running a sales promotion in which it offers to give retailers $1 for each case of widgets purchased during the promotion. This best describes _______.

a. dealer listing b. free merchandise c. dealer loader d. cooperative advertising e. buying allowance <--

Sales force objectives for the entire force are normally stated in terms of all of the following EXCEPT _____.

a. dollar sales volume b. unit sales volume c. sales territory <-- d. market share e. profit

ACME Corp. is using all digital media, including the Internet and mobile and interactive channels, to develop communication and exchanges with customers. This is best described as ______________.

a. electronic marketing b. digital retailing c. mobile marketing d. digital marketing <-- e. social networking

If promotion is used to successfully stimulate demand, the producer should be able to produce and market products in larger quantities and thus reduce per-unit production research and development, overhead, and marketing costs, which can result in _______.

a. higher prices b. lower prices <-- c. materialism d. greater need e. deceptive advertising

Urban Outfitters is coordinating promotion and other marketing efforts to ensure maximum informational and persuasive impact on customers. This is best described as _______.

a. intelligent marketing communications b. integrated marketing connection c. integrated marketing communications <-- d. intelligent promotion communications e. integrated business communications

One of the most significant privacy issues relates to marketers' use of _____________.

a. personal information <-- b. stolen credit card numbers c. intellectual property d. customer loyalty programs e. competitors' information

Relationship selling differs from traditional personal selling due to its adoption of a _____.

a. recovery behavior b. automation technology c. team approach d. short-term perspective e. long-term perspective <--

One of the most important benefits of e-marketing is the ability of marketers and customers to __________.

a. reduce costs b. save money c. use social media d. use apps e. share information <--

Digital advertising that matches the appearance and purpose of the content in which it is embedded is called _______.

a. reinforcement advertising b. product advertising c. competitive advertising d. native advertising <-- e. institutional advertising

To prevent unfavorable public relations or at least lessen its effect, the first thing a firm should do is _______.

a. scapegoat b. nothing at all because bad things just happen c. implement safety programs, inspections, training, and effective quality control procedures <-- d. send inconsistent brand messages and images e. apologize

Which of the following influences on the consumer buying decision process result from time, circumstances, and location?

a. situational <-- b. cultural c. psychological d. subcultural e. social

Some types of promotion—such as free samples, coupons, test drives, or limited free-use offers, contests, and games—are employed to _______.

a. stimulate demand b. identify prospects c. create awareness d. facilitate reseller support e. encourage product trial <--

The group of people at whom advertisements are aimed is called the _______.

a. target market b. target public c. target audience <-- d. market segment e. client public

Which of the following is one of the biggest mistakes a marketer can make when engaging in digital marketing?

a. to treat it like a traditional marketing channel <-- b. to treat it like a disruptive innovation c. to adopt an undifferentiated marketing strategy d. to fail to engage in social networks e. to use all social networks regardless of target markets

Any attempt to conduct dishonest activities online would be described as

a. transparency b. online fraud <-- c. credit card fraud d. piracy e. identity theft

Personal, informal exchanges of communication that customers share with one another about products, brands, and companies are best described as _______.

a. word-of-mouth communication <-- b. kinesic communication c. proxemic communication d. personal selling e. sales promotion

______ is a sum of money that a producer gives to a reseller for each unit the reseller buys after an initial promotional deal is over.

a. A buy-back allowance <-- b. Push money c. Cooperative advertising d. A buying allowance e. A merchandise allowance

You are a brand manager for a major retailer, and you just completed developing a series of advertisements with the help of your outside ad agency. You are excited about the ads and you are anxious to get the marketing vice president's opinion of the ads. Unfortunately, the vice president does not believe the ads will be effective. She wants you to do some type of effectiveness evaluation of the ads before the company spends a lot of money running them.Which of the following evaluation techniques should you use?

a. A consumer jury <-- b. An unaided recall test c. An aided recall test d. A recognition test e. Any type of post test

Which of the following is a broad set of communication efforts used to create and maintain favorable relationships between an organization and its customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, the media, educators, potential investors, government officials, and society in general?

a. Advertising b. Public relations <-- c. A press strategy d. Publicity e. Personal selling

_______ offers the potential benefits of cost efficiency, repetition, and adding product value, while _____ is one of its disadvantages.

a. Advertising; slow feedback <-- b. Sales promotion; slow feedback c. Advertising; media cost d. Public relations; uncontrollability e. Personal selling; cost

Which is the best example of noise that originates with the receiver in the communication process?

a. Because of poor printing, Nawar cannot read an advertisement in her local newspaper. b. Celine drives through a tunnel, and her radio signal becomes very weak. c. A mother fails to hear a new commercial for diapers because her new baby is crying. d. Aroon simply tunes out pop-up ads on the internet so that they don't even enter his awareness. <-- e. Emily has been studying English for two years and does not understand the symbolism being used in a commercial.

Which of the following is NOT a public relations tool?

a. Feature article b. Company magazine c. Annual report d. Product sample <-- e. News release

If a company's promotional budget is extremely limited, the firm is likely to rely on _______.

a. advertising b. kinesic promotion c. sales promotion d. public relations e. personal selling <

To boost sales, ACME Corp. launched a sales promotion effort that required individuals to compete for a free iPad by collecting stickers on the inside of packaging of ACME widgets. This best describes a _______.

a. rebate b. coupon c. consumer contest d. consumer game <-- e. sweepstakes

Hallmark is using a strategy of running advertisements for set periods of time, alternating with periods in which no ads run. This is best described as _______.

a. recall b. continuous c. layout d. pulsing e. flighting <--

The limit on the volume of information a communications channel can handle effectively is known as _______.

a. receiver b. noise c. feedback d. channel capacity <-- e. channel logistics

In the communication process, the _______ is the individual, group, or organization that decodes a coded message.

a. receiver <-- b. noise c. communications channel d. source e. feedback

Coupons have questionable success as an incentive for consumers to try a new brand or product for all of the following reasons except

a. Because so many manufacturers offer them, consumers have learned not to buy without some incentive, whether that pertains to a coupon, a rebate, or a refund. b. Brand loyalty among heavy coupon users has diminished. c. About three-fourths of coupons are redeemed by people already using the brand on the coupon. d. Many consumers will redeem coupons only for products they would buy anyway. e. Coupons reward current product users, win back former users, and encourage purchases in larger quantities. <--

Which of the following would most likely fall under the responsibility of an advertising agency?

a. Copywriting and artwork <-- b. Advertising appropriation c. Legal services d. Developing advertising objectives e. Public relations services

You and your marketing team are conducting a series of focus groups with potential customers of a new product your firm is launching next year. The purpose of these focus groups is to find out what potential customers consider most important in the selection and use of this new product.Which of the following steps in the advertising campaign development process are you performing with this activity?

a. Developing the media plan b. Determining the advertising appropriation c. Creating the advertising platform <-- d. Defining the advertising objectives e. Identifying and analyzing the target audience

Why should a benchmark statement be included in advertising objectives?

a. It gives an indication of how the advertising message is best presented. b. It is useful in determining whether retailers have increased their sales over the year. c. Without a reference point, it is difficult to determine to what degree objectives have been accomplished. <-- d. Objectives become more easily attainable when such a statement is included. e. Shareholders want to see where a company is in relation to competition.

Which of the following is the best example of the promotional objective of combating competitive promotional efforts?

a. Joe Boxer and Kmart collaborate to promote Joe Boxer's lines of clothing and housewares. b. After Ford promotes the towing capacity of its F-series trucks, Chrysler soon emphasizes the towing capacity of its Dodge trucks. <-- c. Hyundai offers 10-year/100,000-mile warranties on its vehicles in order to give customers confidence in its brand name and automotive offerings. d. Joy advertises that its dish soap has more suds than Dawn and other leading dish soaps. e. The Pork Council advertises pork as the "other white meat" and a healthier alternative to beef.

Slow feedback, high absolute-dollar outlay, and difficulty in measuring effects on sales are disadvantages of which promotion mix ingredient?

a. Public relations b. Advertising <-- c. Personal selling d. Sales management e. Sales promotion

Penny promotes pharmaceuticals to pharmacies and doctors' offices. She is best categorized as

a. a technical salesperson. b. an inside salesperson. c. a missionary salesperson. <-- d. a trade salesperson. e. support personnel.

A dealer loader is

a. a temporary price reduction to resellers for purchasing a certain quantity of merchandise. b. additional compensation to salespeople from the manufacturer to promote a line of goods. c. a gift to a retailer who purchases a specified quantity of merchandise. <-- d. an advertisement that promotes a product and identifies retailers who sell the product. e. an agreement in which a producer offers free merchandise to a retailer.

Recruiting and selection of salespeople should include enough steps to yield the information needed to make accurate selection decisions. However, the stages of the process should be sequenced so that the more expensive steps are

a. always completed before anything else. b. near the beginning. c. near the end. <-- d. never reached. e. paid by the prospects rather than the company.

The two major types of product advertising are

a. competitive and comparative. b. pioneer and competitive. <-- c. institutional and advocacy. d. advocacy and competitive. e. informative and comparative.

Rosalie is a sales consultant for Avon Cosmetics. This illustrates

a. primary demand stimulation. b. sales promotion. c. public relations. d. advertising. e. personal selling. <--

When Mini Cooper ran an advertising campaign featuring the slogan, "Texting and Driving Don't Mix," it was using

a. product advertising. b. public service awareness. c. public relations. d. competitive advertising. e. advocacy advertising. <--

Which of the following has become important due to the increasing fragmentation of television viewers who have ever-expanding viewing options and technology that can screen advertisements?

a. Public relations b. Sales promotion c. Advertising d. Product placement <-- e. Personal selling

Which of the following uses tools such as annual reports, brochures, event sponsorship, and sponsorship of socially responsible programs?

a. Public relations <- b. Proxemic communication c. Advertising d. Personal selling e. Sales promotion

Which of the following is a broad set of communication efforts used to create and maintain favorable relationships between an organization and its stakeholders?

a. Public relations <-- b. Sales promotion c. Advertising campaign d. Personal selling e. Advertising

ACME Corp. is evaluating the effectiveness of a recent campaign by showing selected consumers the actual advertisement and asking whether they recognize it. ACME is probably using which method to evaluate its campaign?

a. Recognition test <-- b. Consumer jury c. Pretest d. Aided recall test e. Unaided recall test

Maria receives a fixed salary plus a commission based on sales volume after she sells $20,000 worth of merchandise for her company. Which of the following best describes her compensation?

a. Salary benefits compensation plan b. Straight commission compensation plan c. Combination compensation plan <-- d. Salary plus compensation plan e. Straight salary compensation plan

When retailers go to great lengths to create physical settings that appeal to their target market and are conducive to making purchase decisions, they are attempting to shape which of the following influences on consumer buying behavior?

a. enduring b. psychological c. cultural d. situational <-- e. social

Whenever ACME Corp. introduces a new product, it sends out a single page with typewritten copy containing fewer than 300 words and describing a company event or product called a(n) _______ and a photograph with a brief description explaining its contents, called a(n) _______.

a. event sponsorship; captioned photograph b. press release; event sponsorship c. press release; captioned photograph <-- d. feature article; captioned photograph e. press release; TV commercial

Sales promotion can increase sales by providing _______.

a. extra purchasing incentives <-- b. a reduced price c. sales deterrents d. opportunities to win more products e. greater social media exposure

Josh, who has an engineering degree, gives practical assistance to ACME Corp.'s current customers, advising them on product characteristics and applications, system designs, and installation procedures. Josh is best described as a(n) _______.

a. missionary salesperson b. inside salesperson c. technical salesperson <-- d. support person e. trade salesperson

Word-of-mouth communication is most effective for _______ and _______.

a. new-to-market products; convenience products b. declining products; expensive products c. new-to-market products; expensive products <-- d. long-time products; expensive products e. new-to-market products; inexpensive products

Salespeople from ACME Corp. are searching for potential customers from company sales records, trade shows, commercial databases, newspaper announcements, public records, telephone directories, trade association directories, and many other sources. This is best described as _______.

a. prospecting <-- b. following up c. closing the sale d. approaching e. presenting

Which of the following can be stimulated by increasing the number of product uses and promoting them through advertising campaigns, as well as through price discounts, free samples, coupons, consumer contests and games, and sweepstakes?

a. Customer retention b. Primary demand c. Reseller support d. Cause-related marketing e. Selective demand <--

Carrie, who works in the marketing department at a consumer electronics firm, is part of a team assigned to develop an advertising campaign for the firm's newest electronic product. Carrie and her team have decided that they will take out advertisements in certain magazines that best reach their target market. Carrie will also advertise heavily on the firm's website and social media pages. Finally, they agree that they should take out 30-second television advertisements that will run for two weeks on a pulsing schedule. At what stage are Carrie and her team in the development of the advertising campaign?

a. Determining the advertising appropriation b. Developing the media plan <-- c. Creating the advertising platform d. Creating the advertising message e. Defining the advertising objectives

United Airlines began offering sales on flights to South America and Europe. It started promoting these lower-cost flights heavily on television and in print. Not to be outdone, Delta Airlines started offering its own sales at prices even lower than United Airlines. This refutes which of the following criticisms of promotion?

a. Promotion facilitates price competition. b. Promotion increases prices. <-- c. Promotion creates needs. d. Promotion loses money for businesses. e. Promotion is deceptive.

Staples' use of email to carry its advertising messages to its business customers is which component of the communication process?

a. Sharing of meaning b. Decoding process c. Noise minimization d. Communication channel <-- e. Encoding process

Which of the following target market characteristics are most important to consider before determining the promotion mix ingredients?

a. The cultural diversity and population size b. Existing levels of price consciousness c. Existing product adoption categories d. The market size, geographic distribution, and sociocultural and demographic characteristics <-- e. The age, sex, religion, and race characteristics

Which of the following is the best example of a well-stated sales objective?

a. The sales force should increase the market share in all markets by December 1. b. Each salesperson should increase his or her client group by 10%. c. Each salesperson should bring in $25,000 in new sales by November 15. <-- d. Companywide sales should increase by 25%. e. Each salesperson should increase the number of calls they make by 20%.

Which of the following is the most important attribute of a ratings website?

a. Viral marketing b. Credibility <-- c. Buzz marketing d. Utility e. Social connections

In order to show consumers how well its blenders work and to stimulate sales, Vitamix often sets up temporary booths in stores where they have someone using the blender in a variety of ways. This is an example of

a. a demonstration. <-- b. a premium. c. a free sample. d. point-of-purchase material. e. a merchandise allowance.

The State Farm Group includes several companies. Probably the most well-known company in the group is the State Farm Insurance company, the largest auto and home insurer in the United States. State Farm Insurance provides protection for approximately 78 million policies on auto, fire, life, and health services. It is also a leading insurer of homes and autos in Canada. Another company in the State Farm group is the State Farm Bank, which was opened in 2000, beginning State Farm's entry into the financial services field. However, the State Farm Bank is not a traditional bank, in that it has no branch offices and its services are provided through State Farm agents, a call center, the mail, and on the internet. It currently serves over 1.9 million bank accounts. Refer to Scenario 17.2. When deciding on its advertising allocation for the coming year, State Farm Insurance could choose to spend the same amount as Safe Auto, another auto insurance company, or it could allocate an amount that is 10% of last year's premiums. If State Farm uses the same amount as Safe Auto, this method of advertising appropriation is known as the ____ approach; if State Farm uses the amount based on last year's premiums, the method would be _____.

a. arbitrary; objective-and-task b. objective-and-task; percent-of-sales c. competition-matching; objective-and-task d. arbitrary; competition-matching e. competition-matching; percent-of-sales <--

Astrid is considering advertising her new restaurant on the radio to attract more customers. She knows that in order to attract listeners' attention on the radio, it will be important for her to

a. be both informal and conversational in tone. <-- b. use a high level of repetition. c. use a quick speaker to attract attention to the commercial. d. buy a really long time slot to get all the information in. e. say the restaurant's name and location three separate times.

Factors such as climate, seasons, and holidays tend to lead to the promotional objective of

a. combatting competitive promotional offers. b. encouraging product trial. c. reducing sales fluctuations. <-- d. facilitating reseller support. e. retaining loyal customers.

An ad for a multivitamin that claims, "We still bring you everything you need to get through your day in one vitamin," would most likely be considered ____ advertising.

a. competitive b. reinforcement c. comparative d. reminder <-- e. institutional

The difference between consumer sales promotion methods and trade sales promotion methods is

a. consumer and trade sales promotions aim at retailers, but only trade sales promotions aim at wholesalers. b. consumer sales promotions focus on getting consumers to buy their products, whereas trade sales promotions focus on getting wholesalers and retailers to carry the product and/or to market it more aggressively. <-- c. with consumer sales promotion, marketers try to persuade retailers to carry their products. d. trade sales promotions attempt to persuade people to buy at particular stores, whereas consumer sales promotions focus on persuading people to buy particular products.

Parker is a sales representative for Kashi. Each week he uploads his plans for visiting clients out in the field to a routing and scheduling decisions system. Parker knows that one of the primary goals of routing and scheduling decisions in personal selling is to

a. determine the sequence in which customers will be called on. b. minimize non-selling time. <-- c. use existing transportation facilities. d. determine duration of sales calls. e. provide salespeople with an opportunity to plan their own routes and schedules.

After the target audience for an advertising campaign has been identified and analyzed, marketers should then proceed by

a. determining the financial resources available. b. defining the advertising objectives. <-- c. creating an advertising message. d. creating the advertising platform. e. developing a media plan.

Forever 21, a clothing company, communicates to its target customers by advertising in magazines, offering clothing information on its website, creating a periodic online newsletter, and using Instagram and Twitter. These vehicles through which the coded message is transmitted from the source, Forever 21, to the receiver, the prospective customer, are called

a. encoders. b. fields of reference. c. relay channels. d. communication channels. <-- e. decoders.

To have some of its cereals highlighted in an advertisement mailed out by Kroger grocery stores, Kellogg agreed to pay a portion of Kroger's costs associated with the advertising mailer. Kellogg's payment is designed to

a. encourage product trial. b. retain loyal customers. c. facilitate reseller support. <-- d. identify prospects. e. reduce sales fluctuations.

The maker of Huggies diapers is developing a media plan that involves trying to expose its target audience to its new advertisement about ten times. This is advertising

a. exposure. b. repetition. c. reach. d. targeting. e. frequency. <--

A spokesperson for Quaker oats encourages television audiences to use its oats in the summer by using them to make healthy overnight oats, which are served cold. In this instance, Quaker is using promotion to

a. facilitate reseller support. b. stimulate primary demand. c. retain loyal customers. d. offset competitors' promotional efforts. e. reduce sales fluctuations. <--

Communication that builds and maintains favorable relationships by informing and persuading one or more audiences to view an organization more positively and to accept its product is the role of

a. feedback capacity. b. promotion. <-- c. channel capacity. d. marketing campaign. e. integrated marketing exchange

A common form of tactile communication in U.S. business activities is

a. hugging. b. handshaking. <-- c. head nodding. d. eye contact. e. kissing.

Anique presents an identification card at the supermarket checkout and has a microcomputer attached to her TV. Information from both of these is sent to a research facility. Anique is providing

a. individual consumer jury. b. family behavior recording. c. detailed market research. d. single-source data. <-- e. advertisement exposure data.

When a company promotes its position on a public issue, this is specifically referred to as ____ advertising.

a. institutional b. advocacy <-- c. issue d. product e. competitive

Scout is watching the six o'clock news as she prepares dinner. As commercial breaks come on, Scout's dinner preparation would be considered ____ in the communication process.

a. interference. b. noise. <-- c. feedback d. decoding blocker. e. field of experience

A major disadvantage of personal selling is that it

a. is not compatible with other promotional activities. b. is very expensive per contact. <-- c. cannot easily adjust the message to satisfy a customer's information needs. d. does not provide immediate feedback. e. is not remembered as well by customers as advertising messages are.

Inside salespersons generally focus on _______, whereas outside salespersons are more ______.

a. locating prospects and building goodwill; consultative b. team selling; relationship building c. taking orders and following up; consultative <-- d. locating prospects and building goodwill; supportive e. building relationships; supportive

TJMaxx, an off-price retailer featuring clothing and housewares, communicates in news story form about its organization and its efforts to support local children's hospitals. This information is transmitted through mass media at no charge and is therefore called

a. mass communications. b. news reporting. c. free advertising. d. publicity. <-- e. public relations.

Vanessa works as a salesperson and spends most of her time focusing on existing accounts, calling people to follow up on previous sales to see if they are interested in making an additional purchase. Vanessa's job function is best described as

a. order taking. b. missionary sales. c. new-business sales. d. trade sales. e. current-customer sales. <--

Advertising that aims to create a more favorable view of a company as a whole in the eyes of various stakeholders is called ____ advertising.

a. pioneer b. institutional <-- c. advocacy d. organizational e. product

To maximize promotional effectiveness, marketers must strive to

a. properly plan, implement, coordinate, and control communications. <-- b. obtain information about the marketing environment through their MIS. c. become directly involved rather than indirectly involved. d. realize the needs of their target market and try to meet them. e. use promotion during the growth stage of the product's life cycle.

Before contacting a prospect, a salesperson for an industrial cleaning equipment company analyzes information about the prospects' product needs, feelings about brands, and personal characteristics. This process is called

a. prospecting. b. presentation. c. preapproach. <-- d. follow-up. e. approaching the customer.

Firehouse Subs is conducting a contest in which customers are asked to name a new sub. The winner gets a free sub each day for one year and an appearance in one of the company's TV commercials. This contest illustrates Firehouse Sub's use of the ____ elements of the promotion mix.

a. sales promotion <-- b. personal selling c. packaging d. public relations e. advertising

The manufacturers of Laundry Whizz, a new laundry detergent, are developing their promotional plan for the first year. They know they want to use an integrated communications strategy and are considering the use of advertising through TV and magazines, coupons, public relations, sales promotion, and viral marketing. They are not sure when to use each of these methods, however, and have asked for your advice. Refer to Scenario 16.2. The makers of Laundry Whizz have decided to go to several different colleges and have a contest for the dirtiest shirt. While at the colleges, they will set up several washing machines near the campus bookstore, demonstrating the power of Laundry Whizz to get these dirty shirts clean. Each contestant in the dirtiest shirt contest will receive a coupon for a free bottle of Laundry Whizz. The winner of the contest will receive a $100 gift card for the college bookstore along with social media recognition. This method of promotion is an example of ____, and is used to stimulate ____ demand.

a. sales promotion; selective <-- b. product placement; selective c. product placement; primary d. sales promotion; primary e. viral advertising; primary

Malik works for F1 where his responsibilities include maintaining favorable relationships between the organization and its stakeholders. Malik is most likely employed in

a. sales. b. digital media marketing. c. public relations. <-- d. advertising. e. human resources.

Sales objectives can do all of the following except

a. serve as a standard for evaluating salesperson performance. b. give the sales force direction and purpose. c. let the sales force know what is expected of them. d. help to control the sales force. e. serve as a deterrent both to salespeople and their clients. <--

The three general types of media schedules are

a. short, medium, and long-term. b. flighting, continuous, and repetitive. c. pulsing, continuous, and flighting. <-- d. light, heavy, and alternating. e. pulsing, alternating, and continuous.

A new soft drink company took out a national advertisement announcing its new butterscotch-flavored soda. However, while people in one part of the country recognized they were talking about a soft drink, others believed it was an ice cream drink. Still, others use the term to refer to something mixed with alcoholic drinks. Therefore, there was much confusion about the term and what it means. The mistake here lies with the

a. source. <-- b. audience. c. channel of communication. d. noise. e. marketing channel.

The media planner's primary goal is to

a. spend as little as possible. b. reach everyone in the target market. c. achieve the appropriate message reach and frequency for the target audience while staying within budget. d. use as many media as possible. e. reach the largest number of people in the advertising target that the budget will allow. <--

Head nodding, winking, hand gestures, and arm motions are all forms of ____ communication.

a. tactile b. proxemic c. touching d. spacing e. kinesic <--

A salesperson finds and analyzes information about each prospect's specific product needs, current use of and feeling about brands, and personal characteristics during

a. the approach. b. the preapproach. <-- c. prospecting. d. overcoming objections. e. presentation preparation.

During the personal selling process, a salesperson, if possible, should handle objections when

a. the salesperson begins the sales presentation. b. they arise. <-- c. the customer appears to be unhappy or agitated. d. the salesperson begins the trial close. e. the sales presentation is approximately half completed.

For communication to occur, both the sender and receiver of information must

a. use the same media. b. minimize noise. c. share the same decoding process. d. have a common understanding of the meaning of symbols, words, and pictures used to transmit information. <-- e. use technology.

A salesperson will be better able to determine the prospect's specific needs by

a. waiting until after the sale to see how the client is enjoying the use of the product. b. making a very thorough and detailed sales presentation about the products and services being offered. c. listening carefully to questions and comments and watching reactions during the sales presentation. <-- d. using trial closings throughout the sales presentation. e. doing extensive research before the approach and making the sales presentation without adjustment.

Which of the following is NOT one of the developers of an advertising campaign?

a. A few people within the firm b. An accounting firm <-- c. An advertising agency d. A single individual e. The firm's advertising department

Which of the following is NOT one of the four elements of the promotion mix?

a. Advertising b. Public relations c. New introductory promotion <-- d. Sales promotion e. Personal selling

Which of the following is the percentage of consumers that clicked on a link of a site?

a. Click-through rate <-- b. Google analytics c. Real-time analytics d. Conversions e. Key performance indicator

Which of the following focuses on a product category rather than a specific brand?

a. Comparative advertising b. Competitive advertising c. Advocacy advertising d. Product advertising e. Pioneer advertising <--

Which of the following contrasts the promoted brand with one or more identified competing brands on the basis of one or more product characteristics?

a. Competitive advertising b. Pioneer advertising c. Product advertising d. Institutional advertising e. Comparative advertising <--

Which of the following trade sales promotion methods is best suited to high-volume, high-profit, easily handled products?

a. Dealer loader b. Buy-back allowance c. Cooperative advertising d. Scan-back allowance e. Merchandise allowance <--

Which of the following trade sales promotion methods is appropriate when personal selling is an important part of the marketing effort?

a. Dealer loader b. Merchandise allowance c. Push money <-- d. Buy-back allowance e. Free merchandise

Which of the following is used to assess an organization's image among the public or to evaluate the effect of a specific public relations program?

a. Environmental monitoring b. Public relations audit <-- c. Communications audit d. Environmental scanning e. Social audit

Which of the following support personnel or take orders, follow up on deliveries, and provide technical information?

a. Inside salespeople <-- b. Trade salespeople c. Technical salespeople d. Missionary salespeople e. Support personnel

Which of the following is NOT true about digital marketing as a new distribution channel?

a. It reduces costs throughout the marketing channel. b. It increases inefficiencies throughout the marketing channel. <-- c. It reduces inefficiencies throughout the marketing channel. d. It reduces redundancies throughout the marketing channel. e. It increases speed throughout the marketing channel.

Which of the following involves the salesperson joining with people from the firm's financial, engineering, and other functional areas?

a. Missionary selling b. Sales force management c. Relationship selling d. Traditional selling e. Team selling <--

Which of the following refers to the strategic process of distributing, promoting, and pricing products, and discovering the desires of customers using digital media and digital marketing?

a. Mobile marketing b. Social networking c. Digital marketing d. Digital retailing e. Electronic marketing <--

Which of the following is NOT a public relations tool?

a. News release b. Event sponsorship c. TV commercial <-- d. Executive speech e. Managed social media account

Which of the following appropriation techniques is most logical?

a. Objective-and-task approach <-- b. Percent-of-sales approach c. Status quo approach d. Arbitrary approach e. Competition-matching approach

During which step in the personal selling process is listening especially important?

a. Overcoming objectives b. Prospecting c. Approach d. Following up e. Making the presentation <--

Which of the following is NOT a factor affecting the routing and scheduling of sales calls?

a. Sales call frequency b. Number of customers in the territory c. Sales call duration d. Compensation method <-- e. Sales territory size and shape

Which of the following are likely to restock shelves, obtain more shelf space, set up displays, provide in-store demonstrations, and distribute samples to store customers?

a. Support personnel b. Technical salespeople c. Trade salespeople <-- d. Missionary salespeople e. Inside salespeople

Which of the following is NOT a way that consumers rationalize pirating software, games, and movies online?

a. They feel they just do not have the money to pay for what they want. b. They are excited by the thrill of getting away with it and the slim risk of consequences. c. They are influenced by friends and family who engage in piracy and swap digital content. d. They worry about getting arrested. <-- e. They think they are smarter than others.

Which of the following types is NOT an example of noise in the communication channel?

a. When a source uses an emoji that are understood by the receiver <-- b. When the Wi-Fi signal is slow and thus the internet connection is poor c. When a source uses words or an emoji that are unfamiliar to the receiver d. When broadcast television is interrupted due to breaking news e. When the source has laryngitis

A major goal of integrated marketing communications is to send a consistent message to _______.

a. customers <-- b. employees c. ad agencies d. managers e. shareholders

Toastie's restaurant is developing a frequent-user program that asks customers to input their phone number each time they order and then rewards them with free drinks or chips after they have spent $50 at the restaurant. This best illustrates the promotional objective of _______.

a. encourage product trial b. combat competitive promotional efforts c. reduce sales fluctuations d. retain loyal customers <-- e. identify prospects

At ACME Corp., managers are using a strategy of trying to get consumers to share the firm's message via a quirky online YouTube video in a way that spreads dramatically and quickly. This is best described as _______.

a. personal selling b. buzz marketing c. word-of-mouth communication d. viral marketing < e. sales promotion

When a product's target market consists of millions of customers, organizations tend to rely on _______ and _______.

a. personal selling; public relations b. advertising; sales promotion <-- c. advertising; public relations d. public relations; sales promotion e. advertising; personal selling

The "bricks-and-clicks" model involves maintaining _____________.

a. physical stores and an online shopping site <-- b. apps and blogs c. physical stores only d. online shopping sites only e. social network pages and blogs

Leonard is a salesperson for ACME Motors. He always tries to shake hands with potential new customers and to "seal the deal" when they sign a sales contract. In personal selling, handshaking is an example of _______.

a. sales communication b. kinesic communication c. pioneer communication d. tactile communication <-- e. proxemic communication

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