Module 4 windows 10
Most users fond settings between ____ to be the most convenient option for how long the computer sits idle before the screen saver starts
3 and 10 minuets
The format for us which is _____
A slash followed by a letter or number
Your user ___ includes appearance settings such as you're start screen background and color
Which keyboard shortcut can you use to switch between open applications
The ________control panel category allows you to apply a screensaver
Appearance and personalization
Shortcut icons on the desktop include a small ____so you can distinguish them from regular icons.
The current color is set to ____ by default, which makes window borders and the taskbar use colors as specified in the current theme
The ____ Control panel category allows you to change the format for numbers
Clocks language and region
You can display the____ icon on the desktop to provide easy access to your drives in devices.
The ____ contains specialized tools you use to change the way Windows looks and behaves
Control panel
User name doesn't appear what keys do u press
Ctr alt delete
Press___ to paste files to the start menu
The _____ control panel category allows you to change computer settings for a hearing impaired user
Ease of access
A button appears on the start menu for each window open on the desktop
A lock screen is a display that lets you touch areas of the screen to interact with software
By default, windows 10 is set to shut down after 15 to 30 minutes of idle time
Except for folders in the pictures library, the default folder view is large icons view.
Removing a tile from the start screen removes the app from your computer
Right clicking the sleep command displays a short cut menu
Shutting the computer down does automatically save your work.
The display control panel category allows you to customize the taskbar
The drag method for creating shortcuts works for documents, applications, drives, and devices
The program control panel category allows you to keep windows up to date
The workspace control provides access to Commence you can perform in a window and organizes it by task into tabs and groups
When you point to the edge of a window, the pointer changes to the maximize pointer.
When you unpin an item, windows removes the tile from the start screen and from the computer
You can create a shortcut by holding down the left mouse button, dragging the icon to a new location, releasing the mouse button, and then clicking create shortcuts here on the shortcut menu.
You can pin folders located on the hard drive or on removable media to start screen
You cannot delete a shortcut icon without affecting the original document in some way
You triple click an object to start the item associated with it
The ___ Control panel category allows you to change the settings for your printer
Hardware and sound
To access a desktop application running in the _______, can you click it's button on the taskbar.
Inactive window
The _____section of the taskbar displays program buttons for desktop applications currently running
_______ allows it to work on more than one task at a time and to switch quickly between projects.
Having the______icon on the desktop gives you access to the window that lists the shared computers and other devices on your network.
The _____control panel category allows you to set up a Home group to share files
Network and internet
The_____section of the taskbar contains the Internet explorer and FileExplorer icons by default
Pinned items
When you add a shortcut to the start screen, you are___ a time to the start screen
At higher______, Items appear sharper and smaller on your display
A program that causes a minor to go blank or to display an animated design after a specified amount of idle time is a_____.
Screen saver
The______settings allow you to take advantage of security settings to prevent unauthorized people from accessing your files.
Screen saver
You can create a shortcut on the desktop by right clicking an icon, pointing to ______, and then clicking in desktop (create shortcut)
Send to
You can display any picture saved on your computer as your desktop background by right clicking the picture and then clicking_____.
Set as background
To specify which action you want to shut down command to take, you included a ____after the command name
The ______ control panel category allows you to schedule maintenance checks
System and security
A shortcut icon for a document works much the same way as the document Icon does in a folder window
All of the Control panel tools provide access to dialog boxes that let you select or change the properties of an object.
Click the open triangle next to a folder to display its sub folders
If you want to learn how to exit a program, you can search the help pages button to find the right topic.
You can double click a windows tile bar to maximize the window
You can rename a shortcut icon the same way you rename a folder
You can make a live tile by right clicking the tile and then click in the_____ button on the Apps Bar
Turn live tile on
He can click the _____ button arrows and then click large icons or small icons, for example, to list each tool in alphabetical order in the control panel.
View by
You can click the _____ button arrows and then click large icons are small icons, for example, toto list each tool in alphabetical order in the control panel
View by
The ____ category of apps makes the computer easier for blind people to use
Windows ease of access