module 5 Psychology ch 9, 10, 11, 12

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Research by Michael Lewis indicates that by ________ months of age, three- quarters of children tested touch their noses in the spot-of-rouge mirror test.


In which culture would a four-month-old infant show the strongest reactions to new sights, sounds, or smells?


Difficult, easy, and slow-to-warm-up temperaments were first described by

Chess and Thomas.

A large study of children and adolescents in the Netherlands found that the most evident dimensions characterizing these subjects were

agreeableness and neuroticism.

Anna trusts almost everyone and is generous and affectionate with her family and friends. Anna would score high in


Crockenberg found that insecure attachment between a mother and infant is most likely to occur under which of the following conditions?

an irritable infant and a low level of maternal social support.

According to Freud, two-year-old Calvin would be in which stage?


Gene is extremely neat and is constantly cleaning and organizing. Stacy is sloppy and disorganized. Freud would say that both are fixated at what stage?


All of the following temperaments/traits belong together EXCEPT


A significant weakness of learning theories is that they

are not really developmental and focus too much on external events.

Empirical explorations of Freud's or Erikson's theories are relatively rare, largely because both theories

are so general that specific tests are very difficult.

Roger is working on a project at home. However, his 4-year-old son seems to pester him the most when he is trying to solve a problem. Roger tries to ignore him, but usually gives in and stops what he is doing to pay attention to his son. Roger is actually

increasing his son's behavior with partial reinforcement.

Rothbart and Bates define "temperament" as

individual differences in emotional, motor, reactivity and self-regulation.

Fred is developing the abilities demanded by the society of which he will be a member. He is in Erikson's stage of

industry versus inferiority.

Wanda is beginning school. She is entering Erikson's stage of

industry vs. inferiority.

Janice takes her toys apart and gets upset when they can't be fixed. Erikson would place her in the stage of

initiative versus guilt.

Which stage in Erikson's theory corresponds to Freud's phallic stage?

initiative vs. guilt

According to Bandura, a high school student who says that he failed a class because he didn't study enough, rather than claim that the reason he failed was because the class was too difficult, is demonstrating a(n)

internal locus of control.

Nine-year-old Max has peer interactions almost exclusively with other boys. Max is in which psychoanalytic stage?


Observational learning or modeling involves

learning by watching someone else perform some action.

In a cross-cultural study of 4-month old infants, Kagan found that compared to Irish and Caucasian American infants, Chinese infants were

less irritable and less vocal.

Piaget and Freud both assumed that

life begins with no sense of separateness.

Although Piaget and Bandura agree on the impact that self-concept or self-scheme has once it develops, Piaget emphasizes ________ while Bandura emphasizes ________ as a causal factor.

internal processes; reinforcement and modeling

All of the following can positively modify basic physiological/temperamental responses of inhibited children EXCEPT

intrusive mothers.

All of the following are major dimensions referred to as the Big Five EXCEPT


Behavior that is reinforced on a partial schedule is ________ behavior that is consistently reinforced.

more resistant to extinction than

Which Big Five trait includes the qualities of anxious, self-pitying, tense, touchy, unstable, and worrying?


Lillith is usually tense and she worries about every small event in her life. She is high in the Big Five trait of


According to Piaget, the understanding of ________ is a critical element in the development of the subjective self.

object permanence

Alphonso describes himself as easy going and friendly; Maria describes herself as shy. According to James, they are both describing their

objective self.

When Angie describes herself as coordinated but very shy, she is defining her

objective self.

If you want your dog to continue fetching a stick once he has mastered the trick, you should reinforce him

on a partial reinforcement schedule.

Juanita is extremely creative, imaginative, and insightful indicating that when she grows up, she wil probably score high on the Big Five Traits of

openness and intellect.

Leroy is full of original ideas and is very imaginative. He is high in which of the Big Five personality traits?


The depth, complexity, and quality of a person's mental and experiential life is the Big Five trait of


The correct sequence of Freud's five psychosexual stages is

oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital.

Because parents tend to be inconsistent in their rewards to their children

partial reinforcement patterns are a major factor in the establishment of personality.

Biological theorists believe that

personality develops through some interaction between the child's temperamental tendencies and the child's environment.

Until recently, Oliver's peer interactions were almost exclusively with other boys. Now he is more interested in girls. Oliver is in which stage of psychosexual development?


According to Freud, the ego is the

planning and organizing part of the personality.

Of the following theories of personality, which is the most clearly developmental?


Gender refers to the

psychological aspects of femaleness and maleness.

The temperament dimensions of inhibition and anxiety

reflect a tendency to respond with fear or withdraw from new people, situations or objects.

In order to explain inconsistencies in children's behaviors in different situations, learning theorists search for differing ________ in the different settings.

reinforcement contingencies

Dr. McGee is working with infants. She puts a spot of rouge on a baby's nose and records the baby's reaction when she looks in a mirror. Dr. McGee is assessing the infant's


Bandura stated that the roots of ________ develop in the first year.


If Piaget's language is applied to Bandura's cognitive-developmental theory, the concept of one's own capacities, qualities, standards, and experiences would be called a(n)


Marianno has experienced repeated failures and ridicule during the toddler years. He will probably develop a sense of

shame and doubt.

Which of the following are the key dimensions of temperament proposed by Buss and Plomin?

sociability, activity level, emotionality

When Adrianne talks about her existence as a person separate from others, she is referring to her

subjective self.

Correlation between measures of behavioral inhibition in children and physiological measures, such as muscle tension, heart rate, dilation of the pupil of the eye, and the chemical composition of both urine and saliva indicate that

temperament is based on physiological responses.

According to Thomas and Chess, the concept of "goodness-of-fit" refers to

the fact that an environment which is appropriate for a child's temperament may be more important than the child's temperament itself.

Psychologists use the word "personality" to describe

the individual's enduring pattern of responses to and interactions with others and the environment.

Gender, size, a name, and qualities such as shyness are all properties of

the me-self.

All of the following are related to the term "sex" EXCEPT

the psychological aspects of maleness.

Ms. Cowan has a day care center, and this year she has one little girl who is very aggressive. No matter how much Ms. Cowan punishes her, the child continues to misbehave and seems to be increasing her aggressive actions. A behaviorist would say that

the punishment is actually a reinforcing form of attention.

Kagan believes that shy children have behavioral inhibitions because

their amygdala and hypothalamus have a low threshold for responding to uncertainty.

All of the following are strengths of the psychoanalytic theories EXCEPT

they stress the importance of reinforcement contingencies.

All of the following traits are characteristic of the oral stage EXCEPT


Which theorist is most closely associated with observational learning?


Who is the most influential theorist in the learning theory tradition?


Whose theory supports an integration of learning models and cognitive- developmental approaches?


Which of the following is characteristic of someone high in extraversion?


All of the following are characteristic of the Big Five trait of agreeableness EXCEPT


Murray is enthusiastic about whatever he does and talks to anyone he meets. He would score high on which dimension of personality?


The temperament dimension of activity level has been hypothesized as a precursor of which of the Big Five personality traits?


Kelvin is very sociable, enthusiastic, generous, and forgiving. As an adult, he will score high on

extraversion and agreeableness.

All of the following are propositions of the psychoanalytic approach EXCEPT

from reinforcement and modeling, children learn not only overt behavior but also ideas, expectations, internal standards, and self-concepts.

All of the following propositions are part of learning theory EXCEPT

genetic differences operate via variations in fundamental physiological processes.

Hetherington has found that, after divorce, children with difficult temperaments

have problems if the mother is depressed and lacks social support.

"Self-efficacy" refers to a child's belief in

his or her ability to accomplish tasks.

Research using the Buss and Plomin Temperament catagories indicates that the strongest correlation in temperament is found in

identical twins.

Which stage in Erikson's theory occurs at adolescence?

identity versus role confusion

Biological temperament theorists argue that ________ serves as a central mediating process; whereas social learning theorists argue that ________ acts as a central mediator.

inborn temperament; self-concept

There is an old adage: "Do what I say, not what I do." What do research results tell us about children's responses in a situation in which a parent says one thing but does another?

Children will imitate what the parent does.

In comparing Erikson and Freud, it would be most accurate to say that

Erikson places more emphasis on psychosocial crises.

Which theorist emphasized the symbiotic relationship between the mother and the young infant?


Dr. Bartinelli believes that cognitive skills develop to obtain gratification. Dr. Bartinelli is most in agreement with


Whose theory has been the basis for explanations of the sense of self that emphasize the child's knowledge of and thinking about himself?


According to Buss and Plomin, which of the following children will typically adapt to his or her environment?

Ramon, who is moderate in all temperamental areas

Of the following inhibited children, who is least likely to have physical arousal to challenges and persistent inhibition?

Sara, who is securely attached

Which of the following is considered a weakness of psychoanalytic theories?

They do not provide precise operational definitions of terms.

Erikson asserts that a child who has established a sense of basic trust has had

a major caregiver who was loving and responded predictably and reliably.

According to Erikson, parents who are consistently loving and who respond predictably and reliably to their infant are helping the infant to develop

a sense of basic trust.

Both Piaget and Bandura would agree that the child's self-concept

affects how the child performs and reacts to others.

During the first year of her life, Lara will develop a sense of herself as a(n)


Which of the following is an instinctual drive in Freud's theory?


A strength of biological theories of personality is that they

are strongly supported by empirical research.

According to Bandura, what a child learns from watching someone else depends on

attention, memory, physical ability, and motivation.

A basic proposition of psychoanalytic approaches to personality is that

behavior is governed by unconscious as well as conscious motives and processes.

Research by Jerome Kagan has focused primarily on which dimension of temperament?

behavioral inhibition

A strength of the learning theory approach to personality is that it

can explain either consistency or inconsistency in children's behavior.

All of the following are propositions on which the biological explanation of personality is based EXCEPT

children learn not only overt behavior but also ideas, expectations, internal standards, and self-concepts from reinforcement and modeling.

Dr. Montana is a radical behaviorist. He is most likely to believe that variations in behavior are caused by

classical and operant conditioning exclusively.

According to Erikson, the sequence of stages is most influenced by

common cultural demands.

Research by Oliver John has shown that delinquent boys were markedly lower than nondelinquent boys in which personality traits?

conscientiousness and agreeableness

Ricardo is an efficient, organized, thorough business executive. He would score high in


The extent and strength of a person's impulse control is the basic feature of the Big Five trait of


Research on inhibition such as that of Kagan has shown that

consistency is stronger among children with extreme initial temperaments.

Dr. O'Hara is a psychoanalytic theorist. When treating a client, he will place the most emphasis on the

crucial significance of the earliest stages of development.

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