Module 8: Early Adulthood (Part 1)

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After the first book about males' dreams, Levinson interviewed women and published the book, "The seasons of a woman's life." Levinson reported similar patterns with men and females' apirations, but while men call their hopes/desires "the dream", women called thier what? What does this mean? Why did the call it this?

"split dream" What?: An image of the future in both work and family life and a concern with the timing and coordination of the two. Why?: Women are often torn between caring for their families and advancing their careers outside of the home.

Daniel Levinson published a book entitled, "The Seasons of a Man's Life" According to Levinson, young adults have an image of the future that motivates them is called ?

"the dream"

Risky sexual behavior puts individuals at increased risk for what?

(STDs) and (HIV)

How are the majority of infertility cases treated?

1 Fertility drugs (to increase ovulation) 2. Surgery (to repair the reproductive organs or remove scar tissue from the reproductive tract)

What are some of the reasons why couples delay childbearing?

1. College Education (book emphasizes women) 2. Financial stability

Why do some young adults use drugs and alcohol?

1. Coping Mechanism - As a way of coping with stress from family, personal relationships, or concerns over being on one's own. 2. Peer Pressure - Others "use" because they have friends who use and in the early 20s, there is still a good deal of pressure to conform.

What are the stages of William Perry's theory of cognitive development in early adulthood?

1. Dualism 2. Multiplicity 3. Relativism

What are the stages of Daniel Levinson's Theory of Development in Adulthood?

1. Early adult transition (17-22) 2. Entering the adult world (22-28) 3. Age 30 transition (28-33) 4. Settling down (33 to 40) 5. Midlife transition (40-45) 6. Entering middle adulthood (45-50)

What are the 5 key features that makes emerging adulthood distinctive?

1. Identity exploration, 2. Instability 3. Self-focus 4. Feeling in-between adolescence and adulthood 5. A sense of broad possibilities for the future

Who are the types of people who are more likely to use artificial insemination?

1. Single women (most often) 2. Lesbian couples 3. Women in a heterosexual relationship who has an infertile male partner 4. Women in a heterosexual relationship who's make partner has a physical impairment which prevents intercourse.

The leading causes of death for both age groups 15-24 and 25-34 in the U.S. are (what 3 things?) What (2 other things) follow as the fourth and fifth top causes of death among young adults?

1. Unintentional injury 2. Suicide 3. Homicide 1. Cancer 2. Heart disease

Define: Endometriosis

A condition in which the layer of tissue that normally covers the inside of the uterus, grows outside of it.

Define: Dualism

A thinking that is absolute, black and white, right and wrong type of thinking

Define: Multiplicity

A thinking that recognizes that some problems are solvable and some answers are not yet known

Define: Relativism

A thinking that understands the importance of the specific context of knowledge (it's all relative to other factors)

Your neighbor Niles is an average American male in his early twenties. From early adulthood research you have been learning about, what accurate information could you share with him? A. His eating and exercise habits now affect his health risks in midlife. B. As his body starts to slow down, there is nothing he can do about it. C. His weight will probably stay exactly the same through middle adulthood. D. He will reach his physiological peak in about 15 years.

A. His eating and exercise habits now affect his health risks in midlife.

Havighurst describes some of the developmental tasks of young adults, which one is this describing? Trying to establish oneself as an independent person with a life of one's own.

Achieving autonomy

Havighurst describes some of the developmental tasks of young adults, which one is this describing? Making marital or relationship adjustments and learning to parent.

Adjusting/Learning to be a wife and mother

What stages of Daniel Levinson's Theory of Development in Adulthood is the following? Reevaluating those choices and perhaps making modifications or changing one's attitude toward love and work

Age 30 transition (28-33)

What plays a role in over half of all student sexual assaults?

Alcohol Alcohol is involved nearly 90% of the time in acquaintance rape (when the perpetrator knows the victim). Over 40% of sexual assaults involve alcohol use by the victim and almost 70% involve alcohol use by the perpetrator.

But as the realization of "the dream" moves closer, it may or may not measure up to its image. If it does, then ? If it does not, then ?

All is well The image must be replaced or modified. And so plans are made, efforts follow, and plans are reevaluated. (This creating and recreating characterizes Levinson's theory)

Define: Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

An infection of the upper part of the female reproductive system, namely the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries, and inside of the pelvis

Define: Zygote intrafallopian tube transfer (ZIFT)

An infertility treatment procedure which involves fertilizing an egg (getting sperm from the male and ova from the female) outside of the woman's body and the implanted the fertilized egg (or zygote) in the fallopian tube to allow the zygote to naturally travel down the fallopian tube and embed in the lining of the uterus naturally.

Define: Gamete intrafallopian tube transfer (GIFT)

An infertility treatment procedure which involves implanting both sperm and ova into the fallopian tube and fertilization is allowed to occur naturally.

Why can drugs lead to dangerous behavior? What are some examples that come from doing drugs?

Because they impair judgment, reduce inhibitions, and alter mood Reckless driving, violent altercations, and forced sexual encounters

Havighurst describes some of the developmental tasks of young adults, which one is this describing? Learning how to manage a household with children.

Becoming a parent and rearing children

Havighurst describes some of the developmental tasks of young adults, which one is this describing? Young adults may, for the first time, become involved with various groups in the community. They may begin voting or volunteering to be part of civic organizations (scouts, church groups, etc.). This is especially true for those who participate in organizations as parents.

Becoming part of a group or community

According to Havighurst (1972), one of the key developmental tasks of early adulthood is: A. Becoming separate from community and civic groups B. Becoming more reliant on one's parents C. Achieving autonomy D. Becoming less emotionally stable

C. Achieving autonomy

Some have proposed that adults may develop an advanced way of thinking called dialectical thinking. What characterizes dialectical thinking? A. Idealistic thinking of formal operations B. Recognizing that authoirity figures have all the answers C. Considering opposing ideas, bringing them together, and forming a new idea D. Dualistic, either/or thinking

C. Considering opposing ideas, bringing them together, and forming a new idea

We learned about sexual responsiveness and reproduction in early adulthood in the United States today. It is true that: A. Infertility is never caused by male factors, only female factors. B. Males and females tend to peak in sexual responsiveness at the same age. C. Many couples seeking infertility treatments pay most of the cost themselves. D. Males tend to peak in sexual responsiveness around age 30.

C. Many couples seeking infertility trewatments pay most of the cost themselves.

Recent data on educational attainment in early adulthood show that: A. Only 25% of Amerians who are 25 and older have completed high school or higher level of education. B. There are no racial differences in percentages of Amercin youth attending graduating college today. C. More than half of 18-24 years old graduating high school in 2017 enrolled in college in 2017. D. More young males than females in the US today attend college and graduate school.

C. More than half of 18-24 years old graduating high school in 2017 enrolled in college in 2017. A would be correct if it said: 90%

Based on what we have learned from research on the relationship between education and work, which one of the following statements is true? A. Most graduating college seniors do not think they have the skills to succeed at work, while most employers believe that college students have all the necessary skills for the workplace. B. Most questionnaires that help young adults identify career choices are based on intelligence and competencies. C. On average, Americans 25 and older who have bachelors degrees or higher level degrees earn more money than their peers who do not have the same level of education. D. Employers are not interested in whether or not prospective employees coming out of college have effective oral and written communication skills.

C. On average, Americans 25 and older who have bachelors degrees or higher level degrees earn more money than their peers who do not have the same level of education.

According to Erikson's psychosocial theory of development, the developmental crisis faced in early adulthood is: A. identity vs. confusion B. gernerativity vs. stagnation C. intimacy vs. isolation D. industry vs. inferiority

C. intimacy vs. isolation

__________ is the most commonly diagnosed STI in young women.


What places are notorious for binge drinking?

College campuses

Which one of the following statements about Levinson's theory of adulthood is true? A. Levinson's original research only included women. B. The men in Levinson's research tended to form two split or competing dreams in early adulthood. C. Once adults formed their dreams, their dreams can never be changed. D. Adults alternate between periods of transition and periods of stability.

D. Adults alternate between periods of transition and periods of stability. A is only male B. taling about females C. they can be changed

While young adults are generally healthy, they are also at risk for certain negative outcomes. Research shows that young adults: A. Have more doctor office visits than any other age group. B. Have the lowest rates of alcohol and substance abuse compared to other age groups. C. Are most likely to die from heart disease than any other cause. D. Are particularly at risk of violence causes of death.

D. Are particularly at risk of violence causes of death.

Compared to adolescents' formal operational thought, adults' postformal operational thought tends to: A. Be more rigid and absolute B. Be more idealistic (imaginary world) C. Take fewer factors into consideration D. Be based more on practical experience

D. Be based more on practical experience

Arnett's "emerging adulthood" stage was proposed to describe A. The reduced number of years it takes many individuals to take on adult roles in out society. B. The transition from early adulthood to middle adulthood. C. The transition to adolescence D. The transition from adolescence to early adulthood

D. The transition from adolescence to early adulthood.

Havighurst describes some of the developmental tasks of young adults, which one is this describing? Becoming more stable emotionally which is considered a sign of maturing.

Developing emotional stability

Being able to bring together important aspects of 2 opposing viewpoints or positions, synthesize them, and come up with new ideas. What is this an example of?

Dialectical thought

This thought is considered to be one of the most advanced aspects of postformal thinking. What is it?

Dialectical thought

What stages of William Perry's theory of cognitive development in early adulthood is the following? "My tutor doesn't know what is right and wrong but others do."


What stages of William Perry's theory of cognitive development in early adulthood is the following? "The tutor knows what is right and wrong."


What stages of William Perry's theory of cognitive development in early adulthood is the following? The authorities know.


What stages of William Perry's theory of cognitive development in early adulthood is the following? The true authorities are right, the others are frauds.


(Early/Middle/Late) adulthood seems to be a particularly risky time for violent deaths (rates vary by gender, race, and ethnicity).


What stages of Daniel Levinson's Theory of Development in Adulthood is the following? Leaving home, leaving family; making first choices about career and education

Early adult transition (17-22)

What does Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) mean?

Economically developed countries (i.e. the United States)

What is the most common cause of infertility for men?

Either the lack of sperm production OR low sperm production

What is this an example of ? That a new life stage has arisen between adolescence and young adulthood.

Emerging adulthood

What stages of Daniel Levinson's Theory of Development in Adulthood is the following? Committing to new choices made and placing one's energies into these commitments

Entering middle adulthood (45-50)

What stages of Daniel Levinson's Theory of Development in Adulthood is the following? Committing to an occupation, defining goals, finding intimate relationships

Entering the adult world (22-28)

Havighurst describes some of the developmental tasks of young adults, which one is this describing? Deciding on and pursuing a career or at least an initial career direction and pursuing an education.

Establishing a career

Havighurst describes some of the developmental tasks of young adults, which one is this describing? Learning how to budget and keep a home maintained.

Establishing a residence and learning how to manage a household

Havighurst describes some of the developmental tasks of young adults, which one is this describing? More firmly establishing likes, dislikes, preferences, and philosophies.

Establishing identity

(T/F): According to Erikson, one must know their identity because it is essential for intimate relationships.

False; he said if we have at least some sense of identity, then it is enough for intimate relationships

(T/F): The rural and urban poor makes up for less than the majority of the population.

False; more than

(T/F): In our 20s, intimacy needs may not be met in friendships only with partners.

False; they may be met with frienships rather than partners (marraige or cohabitation)

(T/F): Older people are the most likely to be unaware of their HIV infection, with half not knowing they have the virus.

False; young people

Why do couples partake in IVF? What are the female reasons and what are the male reasons?

Female: blocked or deformed fallopian tubes Male: very low sperm count

What sex is more likely to gradute from college?


Havighurst describes some of the developmental tasks of young adults, which one is this describing? Forming first close, long-term relationships.

Finding intimacy

What does the theory of "Emerging Adulthood" say?

Life stage extending from approximately ages 18 to 25, during which the foundation of an adult life is gradually constructed in love and work. Primary features include identity explorations, instability, focus on self-development, feeling incompletely adult, and a broad sense of possibilities.

What is one of the "major" causes of PID? What is another "less major" cause of PID?

Major Chlamydia Less major: Gonorrhea

What stages of Daniel Levinson's Theory of Development in Adulthood is the following? Reevaluating previous commitments; making dramatic changes if necessary; giving expression to previously ignored talents or aspirations; feeling more of a sense of urgency about life and its meaning

Midlife transition (40-45)

What is the most common (99%) of artificial reproductive procedures? What are the less common fertility treatment procedures?

More Common: - IVF Less Common: - GIFT - ZIFT

What stages of William Perry's theory of cognitive development in early adulthood is the following? "Different tutors think different things."


What stages of William Perry's theory of cognitive development in early adulthood is the following? "My tutors don't know, but somebody out there is trying to find out."


What stages of William Perry's theory of cognitive development in early adulthood is the following? "There is an answer that the tutors want and we have to find it."


What stages of William Perry's theory of cognitive development in early adulthood is the following? Authorities don't want the right answers. They want us to think in a certain way.


What stages of William Perry's theory of cognitive development in early adulthood is the following? Everyone has the right to their own opinion.


What stages of William Perry's theory of cognitive development in early adulthood is the following? There are some uncertainties and the authorities are working on them to find the truth.


What is one of the most common causes of infertility for women? What are other common causes? How/why does this occur?

Ovulation disorder Blocked fallopian tubes Due to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) or endometriosis.

______________ thought is often described as more flexible, logical, willing to accept moral and intellectual complexities, and dialectical than previous stages in development.


What stages of William Perry's theory of cognitive development in early adulthood is the following? "For this particular topic I think that...." "For these topics I think that...."


What stages of William Perry's theory of cognitive development in early adulthood is the following? "I know what I believe in and what I think is valid, others may think differently and I'm prepared to reconsider my views."


What stages of William Perry's theory of cognitive development in early adulthood is the following? "There are no right and wrong answers, it depends on the situation, but some answers might be better than others."


What stages of William Perry's theory of cognitive development in early adulthood is the following? "What is important is not what the tutor thinks but what I think."


What stages of William Perry's theory of cognitive development in early adulthood is the following? Believe own values, respect others, be ready to learn.


What stages of William Perry's theory of cognitive development in early adulthood is the following? Everything is relative but not equally valid.


What stages of William Perry's theory of cognitive development in early adulthood is the following? First commitment/Several Commitments


What stages of William Perry's theory of cognitive development in early adulthood is the following? You have to make your own decisions.


What does the IVF procedure involve?

Removing eggs from the female and fertilizing the eggs with the man's sperm outside of the woman's body. Then, the fertilized egg is re-inserted in the woman's uterus.

What stages of Daniel Levinson's Theory of Development in Adulthood is the following? Reinvesting in work and family commitments; becoming involved in the community

Settling down (33 to 40)

What fertility treatment do gay men couples use to have babies? How does it work? What fertility treatment do lesbian couples use to have babies?

Surrogates - One or both of the men would provide the sperm and choose a carrier. The chosen woman may be the source of the egg and uterus OR the woman could be a third party that carries the created embryo. Reciprocal IVF - Using IVF, eggs are removed from one female to be used to make an embryo that the other female will carry in pregnancy.

Define: Dialectical thought

The ability to reason from multiple perspectives and synthesize various viewpoints in order to come up with new ideas. (Moving beyond the relativistic or contextual thinking)

Define: Artificial insemination (AI)

The introduction of sperm into a female's cervix or uterine cavity for the purpose of achieving a pregnancy without having sex.

For young people in developing countries, non-emerging adulthood exists only for the who? What is their class? These people (may/may not) even have an adolescence because they enter adult-like work at an early age and also begin marriage and parenthood relatively early.

The less wealtheir people The rural and urban poor may not

For young people in developing countries, emerging adulthood exists only for the people of what income status? What is their class?

The wealthier segment of society mainly the urban middle class

Define: Postformal thought

Thought that is practical, realistic and more individualistic, but also characterized by understanding the complexities of various perspectives.

(T/F): Colleges and universities need to promote global awareness, critical thinking skills, the ability to communicate, moral reasoning, and responsibility in their students so they can be better workers in the workplace. This includes workers having skills in: listening, reading, writing, speaking, global awareness, critical thinking, civility, and computer literacy. These skills will enhance success in the workplace.


(T/F): Delaying childbearing until the late 20s or early 30s has become more common in the United States.


(T/F): However, as globalization proceeds, and economic development along with it, the proportion of young people who experience emerging adulthood will increase as the middle class expands. By the end of the 21st century, emerging adulthood is likely to be normative worldwide.


(T/F): In fact, 2/3 of children starting primary school now will be employed in jobs in the future that currently do not exist. Therefore, students cannot learn every single skill or fact that they may need to know, but they can learn how to learn, think, research, and communicate well so that they are prepared to continually learn new things and adapt effectively in their careers and lives since the economy, technology, and global markets will continue to evolve.


(T/F): Most American college students today are enrolling in business or other pre-professional programs and to be effective and successful workers and leaders, they would benefit from the communication, teamwork, and critical thinking skills, as well as the content knowledge, gained from liberal arts education.


(T/F): There needs to be a closer alignment between the goals of educators and the demands of the economy.


(T/F): Whether or not "emerging adulthood" is considered to be a distinct developmental stage, it can be a useful concept in discussing developmental patterns in early adulthood in our culture today.


What are things that experts recommend for young adults to do to facilitate good health?

Weighing self often Learning to cook Reducing sugar intake Developing an active lifestyle Eating vegetables Practicing portion control Establishing an exercise routine Finding a job you love

(Men's/Women's) time and attention will often shift, resulting in delays in career dreams.


(Women/Men) often find that they become more sexually responsive throughout their 20s and 30s and may peak in the late 30s or early 40s. This is likely due to greater self-confidence and reduced inhibitions about sexuality.


What age group has some of the highest rates of alcohol and substance abuse?

Youths transitioning into adulthood

Some of the changes we associate with aging can be prevented or turned around if we?

adopt healthier lifestyles (i.e. lean body mass index, moderate alcohol intake, a smoke-free lifestyle, a healthy diet, and regular physical activity)

Rates of violent death are influenced by substance abuse, which peaks during what time in one's life?

during early adulthood

AAdolescents tend to think in dichotomies or absolute terms; ideas are true or false; good or bad; right or wrong and there is no middle ground. However with (what?), the young adult comes to recognize that there is some right and some wrong in each position.

education and experience

Friendships between (male/females) are more likely to focus on sharing weaknesses, emotions, or problems. (Male/Females) talk about difficulties they are having in other relationships and express their sadness, frustrations, and joys.


Even though the average earnings vary by gender, race, and geographical location in the US, people with a (lower/higher) education will make more money.


Drug and alcohol use (decrease/increase) the risk of sexually transmitted infections why?

increase Because people are more likely to engage in risky sexual behavior when under the influence.

A dream is perfect and retains that perfection as long as?

it remains in the future

Medical research shows that American men and women with moderate weight gain from early to middle adulthood have significantly increased risks of (minor/major) chronic disease and mortality


As a person approaches their late 30s, chances are they (make/don't make) decisions out of necessity or because of prior experience and are (more/less) influenced by what others think.

make; less

Friendships between (male/females) are more likely to involve sharing information, providing solutions, or focusing on activities rather than discussing problems or emotions. (Male/Females) tend to discuss opinions or factual information or spend time together in an activity of mutual interest.


For (women/men), sexual responsiveness tends to peak in the late teens and early 20s and begin to slowly decline in the late 20s and into the 30s although they may continue to be sexually active throughout adulthood. Over time, they may require more intense stimulation in order to become aroused.


Sexual arousal can easily occur in response to physical stimulation or fantasizing for (men/women) at their respective peak of sexual responsiveness.


Traditionally, by working outside the home, (men/women) were seen as taking care of their families. However, for (men/women), working outside the home and taking care of their families were perceived as separate and competing for their time and attention.

men; women

As individuals move through emerging adulthood, they are more likely to engage in (monogamous/non-monogamous) sexual relationships and practice (safe/unsafe) sex.

monogamous; safe

Similar to Piaget's formal operational thinking in adolescence, Perry's explanation as to why there is a change in thinking in early adulthood is caused by?

one's education and experiences

The shift from idealistic dreams to more realistic experiences might remind us of the cognitive development progression from formal thought process to a _________________ thought process in adulthood.


Since 1940, there has been a significant (rise/drop) in educational attainment for adults over age 25.


Early decisions in life may be driven more by what?

the expectations of others

One is more likely to partake in risk sexual behavior (i.e. having sex with someone who has had multiple partners, having anal sex without the use of a condom, having multiple partners, or having sex with someone whose history is unknown) when they are?

under the influence

STDs are especially common among who?

young people.

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