Module 8 (Lessons 22-26)

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_____________ conflict resolution is an opportunity for change, growth, and understanding. The essential quality in resolving a conflict is to shift from making judgments about other people and their statements to being curious. Instead of thinking, "Joe is a real fool. How can he expect anyone to buy that idea?" the __________ person thinks, "I wonder what Joe has in mind?" When you make the shift from judgment to curiosity, following through with an appropriate question, others are not likely to feel defensive. They may be flattered that you are interested in their ideas. When people do not feel defensive, they are more likely to consider new ideas and cooperate


When team members do not share relevant information, people may make decisions or take actions that others consider inappropriate or even harmful. Blame and questions about motives can result, creating discord among the team. Conflict due to a lack of information tends to be easier to solve because it is usually due to a misunderstanding of factual information. After clarification, team members generally can move forward without resentment. Lack of clarity about tasks, strategies, or goals can lead people to make assumptions that others do not share or agree with, which can result in conflict

Informational deficiencies

________ approaches focus on the issue to be solved and aim to find a resolution that meets everyone's needs. Success with this tactic requires the exchange of information, openness to alternatives, and a willingness to consider what is best for the group as a whole rather than for any particular individual. The first step in this process is to separate the substance from the people, so the focus is on the issues and not personalities. Take the time to learn the other party's perspective. Focus on the interests or needs that underlie the positions or demands. Generate options for mutual gain that creates added value. Finally, objectively evaluate each option


__________ conflict involves incompatibility in ways of life. This type of conflict includes the different preferences and ideologies that people may have as their principles. _________ conflict is challenging to resolve because the differences are belief-based and not fact-based. An international war in which each nation asserts its beliefs is an example


The VP understands that the managers will not be able to resolve their conflict during the staff meeting, so the VP invites the two managers to dinner the following evening at a restaurant of their choosing to further discuss the situation. How is the VP mitigating this conflict situation? a) Parting on good terms b) Identifying a neutral meeting location c) Clarifying perceptions d) Achieving individual and shared needs

b) Identifying a neutral meeting location (The VP is moving the discussion to a more neutral location, which is an important step in mitigating a conflict situation)

A customer is upset about having to wait for more than 30 minutes to get a food order in a restaurant. Once the food arrives, the customer enjoys the food and is appreciative of its high quality. When the customer finishes the meal, the customer complains to the manager about the long wait. The manager is aware of an issue that occurred in the kitchen caused by the urgent departure of the chef. How should the manager handle the situation to satisfy the customer? a) Disregard the complaint because there was a kitchen issue b) Listen attentively to the customer and offer a discount on the meal c) Clearly state that unexpected things occur so patience is needed d) Provide the details about why the meal was delayed

b) Listen attentively to the customer and offer a discount on the meal (When trying to resolve a conflict, it is very important to be engaged in active listening and to focus on the customer's concerns)

In which situation should a team use the distributive approach to conflict management? a) When contentious disagreements are avoided by all the team members b) When a third neutral party is involved in helping teams find common ground c) When the participants are willing to give in on low stake issues d) When the teams focus on the issue and work towards a common goal

c) When the participants are willing to give in on low stake issues (This is the situation in which the distributive approach to conflict management works)

Which conflict management style is expected when an individual averages high on both dimensions of the Thomas-Kilmann Index (TKI)? a) Accommodation b) Avoidance c) Competition d) Collaboration

d) Collaboration (Collaboration is the result of rating high in both assertiveness and cooperativeness)

According to Gutman (2004), behaviors that allow leaders to be effective at conflict management include the following 8 things

1. Be candid: Leaders cannot hesitate to put issues on the table to be discussed. 2. Be receptive: Leaders need to make sure that team members understand that it is ok for conflict to exist and that everyone's opinion will be discussed. 3. Depersonalize: Leaders must be able to remove personal feeling from the mix and view conflict as a team issue. 4. Learn to listen: Leaders must listen carefully and make sure that they provide feedback as well. 5. Be clear: Leaders need to make sure that all team members understand how decisions will be made to resolve the conflict. 6. Out-law triangulation: Leaders must prevent team members from "ganging-up" on others whom they may disagree with. 7. Be accountable: Leaders must make sure that they not only follow through on their actions but also hold others to their actions. 8. Recognize and reward: Leaders must be able to recognize successful conflict management and then reward it

Brazerman and Neal (1992) list seven of the many common decision-making biases that may interfere with the ability to discern your own best interests and therefore increase the likelihood of conflict. what are they

1. Irrational stubbornness can be illustrated by the desire to stick to the original plan even though it no longer seems to be the best plan. 2. Zero-sum thinking or fixed-pie bias is the interpretation of any gain made by another person as naturally leading to a loss at your expense. 3. Being unduly influenced by an anchoring number can be exemplified by a salesperson throwing out a ridiculously high amount to start with to make the original price seem low by comparison. 4. Framing bias is when the same option is presented in two different ways, and one option seems more appealing than the other. 5. Overreliance on first impressions or information that is easily obtained as opposed to waiting for more data or digging deeper can lead to poor decision-making. 6. Failing to consider that there is more than one person in the negotiation can lead to conflict. 7. Overconfidence that the result will favor you

________ conflict occurs when two different groups or teams within the same organization disagree. This disagreement may be a result of competition for resources, differences in goals or interests, or even threats to group identity. ________ conflict can be very destructive and escalate very quickly if not resolved effectively, ultimately leading to high costs for the organization. On the other hand, intergroup conflict can lead to remarkable progress toward a positive outcome for the organization if it is managed appropriately


__________ conflict occurs when two individuals have different goals or approaches in their relationship due to their personality, previous choices, and opinions. Compromise is necessary for managing this type of conflict and can eventually help lead to personal growth and the ability to develop stronger relationships with others. If an ______________ conflict is not addressed, it can become destructive to the point where a mediator may be needed


_____________ conflict occurs within an individual's mind and is a physiological type of conflict that can involve thoughts and emotions, desires, values, and principles. It can be challenging to resolve if the individuals have trouble interpreting their inner battles. It may lead to symptoms that can become physically apparent, such as anxiety, restlessness, or even depression


__________ approaches bring in a third party to facilitate a nonconfrontational, nonadversarial discussion to help the team reach a consensus about how to resolve the conflict. A third party from outside the organization brings no emotional ties or preconceived ideas to the conflict and, therefore, can help the team identify a broader set of solutions that would be satisfactory to all


The __________ approach is rated high on cooperation and low on assertiveness. Those with this conflict style have a greater concern for others and less for self. Here, they give into other's needs and demands and sacrifice their own needs. If chronically using this form of conflict management, others may take advantage of them. They sometimes experience negative health issues or psychological effects from always holding in their frustrations and tamping down their emotions. Conflict _________ may have difficulty sharing their ideas, feedback, and concerns out of concern that they might hurt someone's feelings. They have trouble delegating work to others as well. This mode can be useful, as it can yield an immediate solution to the issue, but may also reveal the leader as a someone who will accommodate anyone who causes conflict. Situations when this mode is useful include the following: when an individual realizes he or she is wrong and accepts a better solution, when the issue is more critical to the other person or party and complying can be seen as a kind gesture that may build social credits for future use, when damage may result if the leader continues to push his or her agenda, when a leader wants to allow the team to develop and learn from their own mistakes, and when harmony needs to be maintained to avoid trouble within the group. This mode should not be used when the outcome is critical to the success of the team and when safety is an absolute necessity to the resolution of the conflict. considered an unassertive style


In the ___________ approach, team members may choose to ignore all but the most contentious disagreements. While this can have short-term benefits and may be the best option when the team is under time pressure, it is the approach least likely to produce a sense of harmony among the group


The _________ response features ratings high in assertiveness and cooperation. In this mode, both individuals and teams win the conflict. The leader works with the team to ensure that the resolution chosen fulfills both parties' concerns. The ________ response will require much time and energy and many resources to identify the underlying needs of each party. _________ have trouble delegating and sharing decision-making with others. Strategies for this style would include gathering information, looking for other options, conversation, and agreeing to disagree. Users of this strategy focus their disputes on issues rather than personalities. After the _________, the final resolution is typically a solution to the conflict that would not have been produced by a single individual. Many leaders encourage ________ because not only can it lead to positive outcomes, but more importantly, it can result in a stronger team structure and creativity. Situations when this mode is useful include the following: the concerns of parties involved are too significant to be compromised, feelings that have been interfering with team dynamics must be identified and resolved, structure and commitment need to improve, ideas must be merged from individuals with different viewpoints on a situation, or the objective is to learn. This mode should be avoided in cases where time, energy, and resources are limited; a quick and important decision needs to be made, and the conflict itself is not worth the time and effort. considered an assertive style


_______________ is a frequent cause of conflict in organizations that have complex reporting structures and when tasks are highly interdependent. Each unit in an organization has different goals and metrics to measure its success. Frequently, these indicators for success are mutually incompatible. When some team members are either not contributing their share of effort or not performing at the expected level of quality, the impositions that result can create friction, which may be heightened when critical or highly visible tasks are involved

Role incompatibility

_______________ naturally leads to increased conflict. Managers are less likely to collaborate as they attempt to secure the necessary resources to meet their departmental needs. For example, if two people both rely on the action of a third person to meet identical deadlines, disagreements might arise over whose work should receive that person's attention first

Scarcity of resources

_________ conflicts deal with aspects of a team's work. For example, disputes can arise over questions about an individual's performance, differing views about the scope of a task or assignment, disparate definitions of acceptable quality, or the nature of a project goal. Other ______ conflicts involve how team members work together. These process conflicts often involve disagreements over the strategies, policies, and procedures the group should use to complete its tasks. ________ conflicts can affect performance for the better by removing barriers caused by different assumptions or misunderstandings about a team's tasks, strategy, or goals. Conflict can be constructive when it creates broader awareness about how team members are experiencing their work and thus leads to changes that improve members' productivity. Conflict can also lead to process improvements, such as when it reveals a deficiency in how the team communicates, which can then be corrected.


Which type of assertive style uses the forcing, or competing, strategy? a) People who do not want to upset others b) Those who want a quick agreement c) Those who do not want to take ownership of issues d) People who use an autocratic leadership style

d) People who use an autocratic leadership style (The people who employ this strategy want to get their way at all costs with little or no regard for others' needs)

A legal assistant, supporting multiple partners in a law firm, is asked by one of the partners to respond to a customer inquiry, but is unable to do so because of a tight project deadline for another partner in the firm. Now there is tension, resulting in several conflicts over work assignments. What is the origin of this conflict? a) Value differences b) Structural issues c) Role incompatibility d) Resource scarcity

d) Resource scarcity (The attorney's office appears to have a scarcity of resources as the assistant is expected to complete work assignments from more than one boss. This causes conflict as the assistant must prioritize the work without clear direction from leadership)

There are two employees in disagreement over a decision to be made. A director attempts to minimize the differences between the employees to reduce the emotional responses by each. Which conflict management technique is being used by the director? a) Yielding b) Integrating c) Avoiding d) Smoothing

d) Smoothing (The smoothing approach only reduces the differences among people who have conflicts. This is a tactic that is used in conflict management but is not part of conflict resolution)

In which situation would a leader use the competing strategy? a) When a leader wants the team to develop and learn from their own mistakes b) When the concerns of the parties involved are too significant and cannot be compromised c) When relationships are strained and retaliation may ensue d) When an immediate decision is needed and an outcome cannot be compromised

d) When an immediate decision is needed and an outcome cannot be compromised (Competing strategy is used when an immediate decision is needed)

Sometimes conflict is __________, which means that no matter who is in charge or how many personnel changes occur, the conflict will persist. _________ sources of conflict include unfair, unclear, or inefficient policies, procedures, organizational cultures, or ingrained practices. Overlapping job descriptions that create turf battles that are never resolved can lead to extended conflict. Organizations that encourage or fail to punish racism, sexism, harassment, bullying, or other negative workplace behavior engender conflict. Setting goals unrealistically high or malalignment between the needs of the organization and the individual leads to a sense of frustration, which can cause conflict


intellectual shortcuts that humans use to cut down on the complexity of thinking that is necessary to navigate in the world. You may recall that _______ can lead to errors in judgment as a result of these shortcuts


what are the three primary approaches to resolving team conflict?

integrative, distributive, and mediating

______ conflict traditionally stems from different standpoints, views, or goals. With this conflict, you understand each other but disagree. To resolve simple conflict, focus on issues, not on individual personality traits. With _______ conflict, you may feel misunderstood, rejected, or isolated. For example, you may want to dine at a restaurant that has a healthier menu option within your budget, and your friend wants to go to a pricey establishment with limited food options for you. Your friend's inability to recognize your need may upset you, but at its core the conflict may be just a simple misunderstanding that could be resolved by generating more restaurant options


The primary aim of conflict management is to promote the positive effects and reduce the adverse impact that disputes can have on team performance without necessarily fully resolving the conflict itself. Teams can use one of three primary tactics to manage conflict. what are they?

smoothing, yielding, and avoiding

List the 8 steps of the conflict resolution process

1. Create an effective atmosphere. 2. Clarify perceptions. 3. Focus on individual and shared needs. 4. Take a positive approach. 5. Generate options. 6. Develop a list of stepping stones to action. 7. Make mutual benefit agreements. 8. Part on good terms

Why is conflict so challenging for managers and leaders to manage? List the three common reasons

1. a lack of courage and a fear that the conflict may escalate, which could lead to blame, uncontrollable emotions, or allegations of bullying 2. a lack of confidence due to poor recruitment practices and a confusing HR policy 3. a lack of training and support

___________ conflict can occur between two individuals who are within the same group or team. Like interpersonal conflict, disagreements between team members typically are a result of incompatible personalities. Within an organization, conflict can be very beneficial if it leads to progress in accomplishing team objectives and goals. However, if an _________ conflict is not managed correctly, it can disrupt the harmony of the entire team and result in slowed productivity


Which conflict management style ranks high in assertiveness and cooperation? a) Collaborative b) Competing c) Accommodating d) Avoiding

a) Collaborative (The collaborative strategy is high in assertiveness and high in cooperation. In this strategy, both the individuals and the teams win the conflict)

An employee in a tutoring service is upset with the boss for scheduling a session on a date that the employee requested be held open for a family event. The manager was aware of the need to avoid that date, so the employee asks for a meeting to discuss the situation. Where should the meeting be held? a) In a quiet offsite location where it is possible to speak privately b) In a busy restaurant that has music and entertainment c) In the manager's office where it is possible to speak privately d) In any work area immediately available so the issue is handled rapidly

a) In a quiet offsite location where it is possible to speak privately

Which action should an effective leader take to resolve conflict within a team setting? a) Defer addressing the issue to a later time b) Discipline the involved parties c) Select the outcome for the parties involved d) Keep the parties involved from taking sides

d) Keep the parties involved from taking sides (When team members take sides against one another, it leads to an escalation in conflict. Effective leaders will prevent this from happening by outlawing triangulation)

what are the three main types of conflict?

simple pseudo ego

conflict can generally be categorized into what two categories?

substantive or issue-focused disputes and affective or people-focused conflicts

The Thomas-Kilmann Instrument (TKI) is based on two dimensions of behavior that help characterize the five different conflict-handling modes. The first dimension is ___(1)___, and this describes the extent to which a person will try to fulfill one's concerns. The second is ___(2)___, and this represents the extent to which a person will try to fulfill others' concerns

1. assertiveness 2. cooperativeness

An individual working in a university admissions office complained to the supervisor about one of the long-time employees not doing their share of the work. The supervisor investigated the situation and found no productivity or work-related problems. What type of conflict does this situation represent? a) Value b) Constructive c) Leadership d) Affective

d) Affective (This is a people-focused conflict that involves basic differences in perception or negative past experiences. For example, in this scenario the individual reporting problems with the long-time employee may have a grudge from some past dispute and merely wants to get settle a score. In this situation the manager should work to uncover the root cause of the conflict before attempting to resolve it)

_____ conflict occurs when the discussion moves from the issues to the inadequacies of the opposing party and can include personal attacks and character assassination. When this happens, it is best to shift this type of conflict to one of the other types of conflict. ______ conflict may raise one's blood pressure and pulse rates and spawn emotional outbursts and even physical violence. With ______ conflict, many times those involved may need to separate from the situation, even if for 10 minutes or a day. During this separation period, each person should identify what the triggers were, determine how the confrontation could be better handled, and develop possible solutions. When the discussion resumes, everyone should keep an open mind and focus on listening to the other person


what are the four sources of conflict?

personal differences, informational deficiencies, role incompatibility, and environmental stresses

The ________ approach attempts to minimize the differences among the people who conflict with each other. This strategy often focuses on reducing the emotional charge and intensity of how the people speak to each other by emphasizing their shared goals and commitments


The _________ approach describes the choice some team members make to give in when others disagree with them rather than engage in conflict. Conceding is more common when the stakes are perceived to be small or when the team member's emotional ties to the issue at hand are not particularly strong


what are some ways companies successfully kept interpersonal issues out of conflict? (5)

1. They worked with more, rather than less information. Objective, up-to-date data kept the focus on information, not people. Using the data to generate multiple different options allows for an integrative approach to conflict resolution and keeps the conversation on substantive topics while avoiding interpersonal conflicts 2. They shared commonly agreed-upon goals which allowed for a collaborative, not competitive environment. With a common goal, everyone is working toward the one best solution 3. They used humor when appropriate to decrease tension. Humor allows people to distance themselves emotionally from the conflict 4. They made sure the power structure in the organization stayed balanced. A balanced power structure will create a sense of fairness 5. They resolved issues but did not force consensus. Executives talked over a problem and tried to reach an agreement; if they reach a consensus, a decision has been made. If they cannot reach a consensus, the most senator leader decides with input from all. Research shows that most people are willing to accept outcomes that are not in their favor if they feel heard and feel the process was fair

________ conflict arises as a result of inherent differences among team members. While these personal conflicts emerge as people work together, they may have their roots in factors separate from the team's purpose and activities. ________ conflicts are often based on personality conflicts, differing communication styles, perceptions about a coworker's level of effort, or personal dislikes based on negative past experiences.1 These types of disputes can feel confrontational with emotions running high and feelings of moral indignation. Accusations of harm, a demand for justice, and feelings of resentment are typical markers of affective or people-focused conflicts. People-focused conflicts can threaten managerial effectiveness at work


_____________ approaches find ways to divide a fixed number of positive outcomes or resources in which one side comes out ahead of the other. Since team members have repeated interactions with each other and are committed to shared goals, the expectation of reciprocity can make this solution acceptable since those who do not get their way today may end up "winning" tomorrow. Other than long-term relationships in which people feel confident that they will get their way on other issues, ________ bargaining can be appropriate when time is short, the outcome is not crucial to either party, the relationship will not be harmed by the process and the deal leaves no value unclaimed. However, a ________ approach can encourage game-playing


_________ conflict occurs when each party tries to exert and maintain its maximum influence in the relationship and social setting. For one party to influence the other, one party must be stronger (in terms of influence) than the other. Imbalance of power may result in a power struggle that may end in winning, losing, or a deadlock with continuous tension between both parties


_______ conflict is a misunderstanding in communication due to miscommunication or incomplete information. Either one or both have failed to comprehend what the other was attempting to convey. Left unchecked, this type of communication may further feelings of frustration and misunderstanding

Pseudo conflict (pseudo, meaning "fake" or "false")

The ________ response features low assertiveness and low cooperativeness. The leader withdraws from the conflict, and therefore, no one wins. The concerns of both parties are neglected. Strategies of this style include denying, ignoring, and withdrawing. The leader may deal with the conflict in a passive attitude in hopes that the situation resolves itself. Managers who use this response are emotionally unprepared to cope with the stress from confrontations or have relationships that are not stable enough to withstand conflict. This response is seen as a lose-lose approach where both sides never manage or address what causes their conflict. Both may feel unfulfilled or ignored. Situations when this mode is useful include the following: when emotions are elevated, and everyone involved needs time to calm down so that productive discussions can take place; the issue is of low importance; the team is able to resolve the conflict without participation from leadership; there are more pressing matters that need to be addressed; and the benefit of avoiding the conflict outweighs the benefit of addressing it. This mode should not be used when the conflict needs to be resolved promptly and when the reason for ignoring the conflict is for the sake of ignoring the conflict. considered an unassertive style


Two people own and operate a family business but have historically failed to share a common vision for the company. One individual wants to expand the business into other areas while the other wants to focus on improving customer service. The business has suffered due to this ongoing conflict. Which action should the owners take to resolve this conflict? a) Identify which owner was responsible for past problems b) Hire attorneys to represent each owner's legal interests c) Address the issue and agree on how to move forward d) Focus on individual owner's needs and prioritize them

c) Address the issue and agree on how to move forward (Addressing the issue would be in the best interest of the business because it would help the owners adopt a positive approach to the problem)

Two employees are working on the same project and are involved in a serious argument about the matter. Their manager intervenes to address the conflict. How should further discussion about this issue be handled? a) In one of the professional's offices b) During the regular staff meeting c) At a later date d) As soon as possible

c) At a later date (It is always a good idea to postpone discussion of issues to a later time, when emotions are in control. If they are discussed immediately, it may lead to escalating the conflict)

Executive team members in a computer chip company have differing opinions on subjects ranging from solving quality control problems to changing supply sources. This type of conflict is encouraged as long as the interaction does not disrupt teamwork. Why does the company permit this situation to occur? a) Fewer process changes b) Less work force turnover c) Better management decisions d) Improved leadership skills

c) Better management decisions (Constructive conflict, such as that demonstrated in the scenario, benefits the company in many ways. By considering a wide range of opinions, the company's leaders are more likely to research and pick the best possible ideas for implementation)

A car dealership salesperson has heard rumors that the owner is planning to sell the company and brings up the topic during a team meeting. This information creates a conflict among the other team members since only one other person had heard the rumor. Two individuals express concern for their job security, and two others discount the rumor as false. Which conflict management strategy should be used in this situation? a) Engage salespeople in a discussion b) Identify mutual considerations c) Clarify factual information d) Allow salespeople to provide their feedback

c) Clarify factual information (This is a conflict due to misunderstanding or lack of information. Resolution requires factual information to be shared to reduce the conflict)

During a weekly staff meeting, the manager of the loading department complains that his department is not being staffed as well as the unloading department and this is the cause of their struggles. This elicits a response from the unloading department manager that he has the same staffing needs but has been able to get more from his employees. Which of the five basic conflict management strategies is the load manager demonstrating by this response? a) Collaborating b) Accommodating c) Competing d) Avoiding

c) Competing (Competing is where the behavior of an individual is high in assertiveness and low in cooperation)

Two nurses in an urgent care clinic disagree on the best way to obtain patients' answers to personal questions, and this disagreement has resulted in inconsistent data collection. One nurse is from a culture where it is important to avoid uncertainty, and the other nurse is from a culture that is more comfortable with trying new approaches. Which action should the leadership take to resolve this conflict? a) Require new skills training b) Reassign one of the nurses c) Encourage compromise of viewpoints d) Ignore the conflict

c) Encourage compromise of viewpoints (Resolving this type of interpersonal conflict is best handled with compromise between the individuals involved. It is unlikely either nurse will be able to completely change their cultural views. They should be able to come up with a compromise position that takes both of their views into consideration)

Changes to a production process in a manufacturing plant resulted in costs savings even though quality control suffered. A general supervisor blames the negative impact to quality control on the production manager and not on the process change itself. What form of bias is the general supervisor exhibiting? a) Intellectual short-cut b) Overreliance on first impressions c) Fundamental attribution error d) Zero-sum thinking

c) Fundamental attribution error (The supervisor committed a fundamental attribution error that involves over-stating any contribution to the costs savings and potentially wrongly assigning the cause of quality control problems. This form of bias often results in conflict)

A marketing director and financial officer in a retail firm disagree about the direction of the next sales campaign. The financial officer is concerned about the costs of the campaign. Instead of responding with specifics, the marketing director counters with blanket statements such as "you always..." and "you never..." when discussing the situation. What type of cognitive bias is being exhibited by the marketing director? a) First impression bias b) Overconfidence c) Irrational stubbornness d) Anchoring bias

c) Irrational stubbornness (The marketing director is exhibiting irrational stubbornness by sticking to the original plan without listening to the opinions of others. The conflict was increased by the marketing director's statements)

Which description accurately characterizes the smoothing approach to conflict management? a) It occurs when one party involved in the conflict concedes to the other party. b) The team members may choose to ignore all but the most heated disagreements. c) It attempts to reduce the differences among people involved in a conflict. d) The aim is to find a solution that satisfies everyone's need

c) It attempts to reduce the differences among people involved in a conflict (This approach to conflict management tries to minimize the differences among conflicting parties)

Two managers in a retail store have opposing views on how best to attract customers. Some of this conflict appears to be grounded in a difference in cultural values and individual egos. How should the store owner resolve this situation? a) Disregard the problem b) Open up the decision to additional employees c) Model effective ways to resolve concerns d) Allow the customers to have input

c) Model effective ways to resolve concerns (Leaders should model effective conflict resolution behaviors for their employees. The leaders can show employees how to turn disruptive conflict into constructive conflict. If the conflict greatly upsets teamwork among managers, then it may be necessary for leaders to bring in consultants to provide further conflict management training)

The __________ response features a moderate level of assertiveness and an average level of cooperation. It is often described as "giving up more than one would want" to allow for each to have his or her concerns partially fulfilled. Cooperation can be viewed as a situation where neither party wins nor loses or as an acceptable solution that is reached by either splitting the difference between the two positions, trading concerns, or seeking a middle ground. ________ can also lead to a less optimal outcome, because less effort is needed to use this mode. Situations when this mode is useful include the following: a temporary or quick decision to a complicated issue is required, the welfare of the organization will benefit from the compromise of both parties, both parties are of equal power and rank, other modes of conflict handling are not working, and the goals are only moderately important and not worth the time and effort to justify using a more collaborative method. This mode should be avoided when partial satisfaction of each party's concerns may lead to the propagation of the issue or when a leader recognizes that game playing is occurring


Teams may use ________ as a strategy for continuous improvement and learning. Recognizing the benefits of _______ and using them as part of the team's process can enhance team performance. ________ can uncover barriers to collaboration that changes in behavior can remove. It can also foster better decision-making because it makes team members consider the perspectives of others and even helps them see things in new and innovative ways


The ___________ response is a rating high on assertiveness and low on cooperation and is an attempt to satisfy one's own needs at the expense of another and to win at any cost. Strategies of this style would include controlling, arguing, outsmarting, and contending. Users of this strategy may use formal authority, physical threats, manipulation ploys, or disregard for the needs of others. For this reason, they may be seen as demanding, authoritarian, manipulative, or selfish. Taking a stance, when needed, may be warranted; however, if this is your standard conflict management style, others will feel they are being bullied. This strategy is seen as a win-lose approach to conflict, which can breed hostility and resentment. Situations when this mode can be useful may include the following: an immediate decision is needed, an outcome is critical and cannot be compromised, strong leadership needs to be demonstrated, unpopular actions are required, company or organizational welfare is at stake, or self-interests need to be protected. This mode should be avoided when: relationships are strained and retaliation is a possibility, the outcome is not very important to the leader, weakened support and commitment from followers is possible, and when the leader is not very knowledgeable of the situation. considered an assertive style

forcing or competing

According to Volkema and Bergman (2001), people's responses to conflict tend to fall into five categories. list them

forcing or competing, accommodating, avoiding, compromising, and collaborating

____________ or overestimating the cause for what we see and understand to be true to someone's personality, instead of situational factors, may also be a cause of conflict. For example, if your coworker is late for a meeting, you may assume that is because the coworker does not care about the work, is lazy, or is irresponsible, when the truth may be that the coworker has an illness, has family problems, or was the victim of an automobile accident on the way into work. Members of an out-group are more likely to be the recipients of these unfair biases

fundamental attribution error

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