MORS 113: Embalming Lecture Final Exam

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postmortem stain

aka "laking" Extravascular color change that occurs when heme, released by hemolysis of red blood cells, seeps through the vessel walls and into the body tissues. (caused by hemolysis)

Instant tissue fixation

aka Head freeze

Head freeze

aka Instant tissue fixation


aka STEL Legal limits established by OSHA to which workers can be exposed continuously for a short period of time without damage or injury exposures at the STEL should not be for more than 15 minutes and not repeated more than 4 times per work day.

instantaneous rigor mortis

aka cadaveric spasm; immediate stiffening of the muscles of the dead human body


aka contusion/ecchymosis; an injury caused by a blow without laceration


aka dropsy; abnormal accumulation of fluids in tissue or body cavities


aka icterus; yellowing of the body; excessive concentrations of bilirubin

goal of embalming is to convert soluble __ to insoluble __

albumins to albuminoids

What is the anatomical guide of the common carotid artery?

along the medial border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle

Describe the place of incision for the common carotid artery at the supraclavicular incision

along the superior border of the clavicle; most prefer the medial 1/3 of the clavicle bone thus exposing the vessel near its point of origin; fewer prefer the middle 1/3 because the incision is less visible

tiny air sacs of the lungs


water conditioner

an agent used to remove chemical constituents from municipal water supplies that could interfere with drainage and preservation.

electric spatula

an electrically heated blade which may be used to dry moist tissue, reduce swollen tissue, and restore contour

drainage forceps

an embalming instrument which allows the removal of blood from the body without using the conventional drain tube

What is a incorrectly dissected incision?

an incision that is three inches on the surface but only one inch at the deepest point

needle injector

an instrument used to impel specially designed metal pins (with wire attached to each pin) into bone. Normal use would be as mouth closures.

Define eversion and inversion

an outward or inward turning of the sole of the foot

gas gangrene

antemortem necrosis. caused by c. perfringens

the internal carotid extends and subdivides into the

anterior cerebral and middle cerebral

the "circle" of willis is technically formed by the

anterior cerebrals

right and left anterior cerebral are connected via

anterior communicating A

the plantar arch also receives blood from the

anterior tibial (hence the plantar arch receives the medial and lateral plantars from the posterior tibial as well as the anterior tibial A)

from dorsalis pedis vein the blood flows into the

anterior tibial vein

valve from left ventricle to aorta

aortic semilunar valve


apparatus that is connected to the water supply; when the water is turned on a suction is developed and is used to aspirate the contents of body cavities

gravity injector

apparatus used to inject arterial fluid during the vascular (arterial) phase of the embalming process; relies on gravity to create the pressure required to deliver the fluid (.434 pounds of pressure per one foot elevation)

Where is the center of embalming circulation?

arch of the aorta

What do you do with long hair when suturing the cranium?

tie the hair above and below the incision in a pony tail. Make a collection of small curved hair combs often used by elderly women. These combs can be place along the line of the incision to keep the average length hair out of the way. Superior method is to use spring loaded hair clips along incision line to keep hair out of the way.

Galea aponeurotica

tissue over top of cranium

basic embalming

arterial and cavity embalming

capacity of blood in vessels

arteries 5%, veins 10%, capillaries 85%

largest to smallest (arteries)

arteries, arterioles, capillaries

right lumbar

ascending colon, lower part of right kidney

What are the 5 types of muscle contractions

tonic, twitch, tetanic, isotonic, and isometric


top of skull; domelike superior portion removed during cranial autopsy

case analysis

total sum of those considerations given to the case at hand; begins before and during embalming


transparent part of eyeball that covers the iris and pupil; admits light

What is the worm stitch?

is the same as the single intradermal suture, except the stitches arc made parallel to the incision. It is easily waxed over if used on exposed areas of the body. It is used to turn under excess margins of the skin. It is the opposite of the draw stitch in regards to the exposed areas of the ligature.

What is the draw stitch?

is the same as the single intradermal suture, except this stitch penetrates completely through the skin. The draw stitch obtained its name because it draws the sides of the incision together.


transverse colon, jejunum, ileum,

the right and left internal jugular veins receive blood from the

transverse sinuses

the superior sagittal sinus connects with the straight sinus to form the paired

transverse sinuses

posterior boundary

lateral border of latissumus dorsi

anterior boundary

lateral border of pectoralis muscle

the pulmonary veins bring blood back to the heart and into the

left atrium

subdivisions of celiac artery

left gastric, hepatic, splenic

esophageal veins and pericardial veins empty into the

left innominate vein

superior phrenic veins empty into the

left innominate vein

the esophageal veins and the pericardial veins empty into the

left innominate vein

the superior phrenic veins empty into the

left innominate vein

left gonadal vein empty into the

left renal vein

the left suprarenal vein empties into the

left renal vein

third branch off of arch of aorta

left subclavian

short term exposure limit

level at which you can be continuously exposed for a short period of time without damage or injury; should not be for more than 15mins and should not occur more than 4 times per work day

anatomical guide of brachial

lies in the bicipital groove at the posterior margin of the medial border of the belly of the biceps brachii muscle

anatomical guide of radial

lies just lateral to the tendon of the flexor carpi radialis muscle and just medial to the tendon of the brachiaradialis muscle

anatomical guide of ulnar

lies just lateral to the tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle

Internal jugular

lies lateral and superficial to the common carotid artery

femoral vein

lies lateral to the femoral vein

Radial artery

lies lateral to the tendon of flexor carpi radialis muscle

Ulnar artery

lies lateral to the tendon of the flexor carpi unlaris muscle

common carotid

lies medial to the jugular vein

Brachial artery

lies posterior to the medial border of the belly of the biceps muscle

axillary artery

lies posterior to the medial border of the coracobrachialis muscle

supplies blood to the tongue

lingual artery

the __ supplies blood the to tongue

lingual artery

right hypochondriac

liver, part of right kidney

anatomical guide of the axillary

located just behind the medial borderof the coracobrachialis muscle

left lumbar

lower part of left kidney, descending colon

arteries extending to the muscles of the skin and abdominal wall

lumbar arteries

just below gonadal arteries are the

lumbar arteries

What is The Double Intradermal or Double Subcutaneous Suture?

made in the same manner as the single intradermal stitch, except that a suturing needle is used on each end of the ligature, two suturing needles, and the ligatures are crossed at each stitch, using crisscross motion just like tying shoes. This suture gives more protection against leakage in comparison with the single intradermal stitch

What is the The Single Intradermal, Subcutaneous Suture, or Hidden Stitch?

made with a single suturing needle with a non-cutting edge and is used on exposed areas of the body, particularly in plastic surgery operations. The suturing needle is inserted deep into the tissue at one end of the incision, one end of the ligature is anchored there. The suturing needle is brought to the surface and directed through the subcutaneous tissue only--not through the skin itself. The threaded suturing needle is then directed back and forth from one side of the incision to the other until the end of the incision is reached . The suturing needle is now pushed through the tissue for an inch or two and brought out through the skin. The ligature is then pulled to close the incision and the ligature is cut off close to the skin.Because it is a subcutaneous suture, nothing should show on the surface of the skin. There aren't any ridges on the surface of the skin as there are in other suturing methods. Very thin ligature and a small suturing needle should be used. The larger the suturing needle, the larger the puncture holes will be, making the incision more noticeable. The sutures may not hold very well if the suturing is performed through fatty tissue.

What is the The Lock Stitch, Half Stitch or Blanket Suture

makes a tight, leakproof closure, but creates an unsightly ridge on the surface of the incision. To make this stitch use a large, full curved suturing needle strung with strong ligature. Anchor or tie the ligature at one end of the incision, then pull up the ligature which is anchored. This will pull the tissue up so the suturing needle can pass through both sides of the incision from the outside. Always keep the ligature tight in the hand that is not holding the suturing needle. After the suturing needle has passed through the tissue, lock the stitch by looping it through the ligature, which is being held, releasing the ligature long enough to complete the loop; then catch the ligature and pull it tight again. This is repeated until the incision is closed. The suturing needle insertion is always made from the same side

How do desiccation marks adversely affect the positioning of the body?

may occur in the area of the right common carotid artery caused by instruments at this injection site

at ankle, posterior tibial branches into the __ and __

medial and lateral plantar arteries

at ankle, posterior tibial divides into

medial and lateral plantar arteries

from the plantar venous arch, blood flows into the

medial and lateral plantar veins

musculature suture

method of mouth closure in which a suture is passed the septum of the nose and through the mentalis muscle of the chin

Coliform organisms

microorganisms (colon bacillus) found normally in the colon

the __ artery extends to sacrum and coccyx

middle sacral

artery extending to sacrum and coccyx

middle sacral A

aka bicuspid valve

mitral valve

arterial solution

mixture arterial fluid and water; may contain supplemental fluids

congestion of arterial fluid in capillaries producing a cauliflower effect


most prominent feature in death


oral cavity

mouth and vestibule or opening to the throat


movement away from each other

Define rotation

movement of a bone around its longitudinal axis

Define Supination

movement of the palm from a backward or downward, to a forward or upward position

Define Pronation

movement of the palm from forward or upward, to a backward or downward position

Define abduction

moving a body part away from the median plane

Define adduction

moving a body part toward the median plane


mucous membrane that lines the eyelid and covers the white portion of the eye

the lumbar arteries feed the

muscles of the skin and abdominal wall, lumbar vertebrae, and spinal cord

reliable mouth closures

muscular suture, mandibular suture, needle injector, wire through bones

5 items on impermeable tag

name, ssn, dob, dod, optional: name of funeral home

external carotids supply

neck, face, mouth, jaws, scalp

What are the three aka for smooth muscle

non-striated, involuntary, and visceral

facultative anaerobe

normally an aerobe but can live in an anaerobic environment

facultative aerobe

normally an anaerobe but can live in an aerobic environment



the __ supplies blood to scalp

occipital artery

Passive capillary congestion

occurs when venous drainage from an area is decreased


opening of a vessel

artery carrying blood to the eye

opthalmic (first branch of internal carotid a)

What are important temperatures for bacteria?

optimum is 100, maximum is 120, and minimum is 32

these gases are exchanged at the surfaces of alveoli

oxygen and carbon dioxide

all arteries carry ___________ blood; except _____________.

oxygenated; pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated blood

splenic artery provides blood to

pancreas, spleen, and parts of stomach

blood supply to the walls surrounding the cavities

parietal branches of descending aorta


part of skull that encloses brain


part of the large intestine extending from the cecum to the rectum

anatomical guide of femoral

passes through the center of the femoral triangle and is bounded laterally by the medial border of the sartorius muscle and medially by the adductor longus muscle

posterior tibial extends and gives off a branch;

peroneal artery

the posterior tibial A gives off a branch just below the knee

peroneal artery


physiological formation of new channels in a tissue

the medial and lateral plantar arteries form the

plantar arch

medial and later plantar arteries form the

plantar arch (which also receives blood from the anterior tibial)

from dorsalis pedis, blood flows to the

plantar arch of the foot

aside from the dorsal venous arch, there is another deep arch where blood may flow

plantar venous arch

what blood is made of

plasma and formed elements, blood cells, or corpuscles

Capri garment

plastic protective garment designed to cover the legs, buttocks, and abdomen. A combination of pants and stockings



anatomical limit

points of origin and points of termination in relation to adjacent structure; used to designate the boundaries of arteries

Anatomical limits

points of origin and points of termination in relation to adjacent structures; used to designate the boundaries of arteries

basilar branches into right and left

posterior cerebral A's

posterior communicating arteries lead to corresponding

posterior cerebral arteries

as the internal carotids reach brain, they form branches, right and left

posterior communicating arteries

from the tissues fed by the branches of external carotid, the blood returns via the __ and __

posterior facial and posterior auricular veins

medial and lateral plantar veins empty into the

posterior tibial vein

tissue gas

postmortem condition resulting from gas gangrene

hose holder

prep room equip used to hold tubing in place on the embalming table

hypodermic needle and syringe

prep room instrument used to inject embalming chemicals and tissue builder into the body tissues

embalming table

preparation room equipment on which human remains are placed for the embalming procedure

Pneumatic collar

preparation room equipment used to reduce neck swelling by variable air pressure

dressing table

preparation room equipment which is specifically designed for the dressing of the deceased

combination table

preparation room equipmpent which may serve for both embalming and dressing human remains

The ingredient found in arterial fluids that inactivates saprophytic bacteria and arrests decomposition is:


engineering controls

procedures that isolate or remove the Bloodborne pathogen hazards from the workplace such as sharps disposal container and self sheathing needles

cadaveric spasm

prolonged last violent contraction of the muscles into the rigidity of death; aka instantaneous rigor mortis


protrudes lower lip

from right ventricle, blood goes to __ artery

pulmonary artery (carries deoxygenated blood to lungs)

blood comes back to the heart from the lungs via the __ __

pulmonary veins

the brachial A divides into the __ and __ just below elbow

radial A and ulnar A

the deep volar venous arches empty into the __ and __

radial and ulnar veins

Levator anguli oris

raises angle of mouth


raises eyebrows of nose area

Levator palpebra superioris

raises upper eyelid

Levator labii superioris

raises upper lip


red blood cells


refers to the union of distal ends of two arteries

LEFT spermatic and ovarian veins empty into the

renal vein first!


resist changes in pH

branches off ASCENDING aorta

right and left coronary arteries

two small branches of ascending aorta that supply blood to the heart muscle

right and left coronary arteries

pair of arteries arising from a point below the renal arteries

right and left gonadal (spermatic or ovarian depending on sex) arteries

Where is the center of venous drainage?

right atrium of the heart, at the juncture of the superior and inferior vena cava

hepatic artery supplies blood to liver, but also has three branches; the

right gastric artery, gastroduodenal artery, and cystic artery

9 regions of 9 region plane

right hypochondriac, epigastric, left hypochondriac right lumbar, umbilical, left lumbar right inguinal (iliac), hypogastric, left inguinal (iliac)

What site near the right atrium is often the site of drainage?

right internal jugular


rotates and flexes head


rotates lower leg

What types of gloves should not be worn?


Bulb syringe

self-contained, soft rubber and manual pump designed to create pressure to deliver fluid as it passes through one-way valves located within the bulb. It is used only to deliver fluids; it cannot be used for aspiration.

bulb syringe

self-contained, soft rubber and manual pump designed to create pressure to deliver fluid as it passes through one-way valves located within the bulb. It is used only to deliver fluids; it cannot be used for aspiration.

from the ventricles, blood passes through the __ __

semilunar valves

blunt dissection

separation of and pushing aside superficial fascia and fascia around blood vessels using manual techniques and rounded instruments that separate rather than cut

mandibular suture

septum and around mandible; mouth closure


severe generalized edema


severe generalized edema

What happens to muscles during rigor?

shortened, stiffened, acid in reaction, and loss of sensory stimnuli

left inguinal (iliac)

sigmoid flexure of colon, part of descending colon

3 advantages in using common carotid artery?

size, accompanied by a large vein for drainage, rarely sclerotic, close to heart

What are the 3 basic categories of muscle tissue

skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle

superficially, blood flows from dorsal venous arch into the

small saphenous vein (along back of leg) or the greath saphenous vein (medial)

dorsal venous arch empties into the

small saphenous vein (superficially) or great saphenous vein

What type of cells are tunica media?

smooth muscle?

death throe

spasm of death


specialized type of dense connective tissue attached to the ends of bones and forming parts of structures

left hypochondriac


blood flows from inferior mesenteric vein into the

splenic vein first!

inferior mesenteric vein empties into the

splenic vein, then to portal vein, then to vena cava

Define constriction and dilation

squeezing closed or widening/opening an orifice


sterilization apparatus using steam pressure; usually at 250F or 120C

What is aspirated?

stomach, cecum, ascending, transverse, and descending colon, small intestine, urinary bladder, right atrium and ventricle, inferior and superior vena cava, aorta, lungs, throat via trachea, liver, and re-aspirate thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic cavities


stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, duodenum

the superior sagittal sinus connects with the

straight sinus

Define Extension

straightening out a body part, or increasing the angle between two bones


study of the heart


study of vessels of the body

external jugular vein empties into the

subclavian vein


substances which upon being dissolved, give color to solution. dyes are classified by ability to impart color to body

the radial and ulnar A's extend into the palm where they subdivide into the

superficial and deep volar arches

artery leading to face AND scalp from external carotid

superficial temporal artery AND internal maxillary

all veins have valves; excepts the __________

superior and inferior vena cava does not have valves


superior lateral part of forearm

after celiac artery the next branch is the

superior mesenteric artery; supplying blood to first half large intestines and small intestines

3rd branch of abdominal aorta

superior mesenteric; which feeds small intestines and first half of large intestines

the uppermost venous sinus

superior sagittal sinus

the __ supplies bood to the thyroid

superior thyroid artery

azygos vein empties into the

superior vena cava

the azygos vein empties into the

superior vena cava

from the venules at the digits, blood flows into the

supervicial and deep volar venous arches

inferior mesenteric artery

supplies blood to second half large intestines

injector needle

supply; specialized spike for mouth closure using needle injector

Incision types used to raise common carotid artery

supraclavicular, anterior vertical, posterior vertical, anterior horizontal, semilunar, strap line


tendency of blood to leave arteries and go to capillaries at moment of death

Ideal injection pressure

that pressure which just overcomes the vascular resistance in the body and causes the arterial solution to enter the body at a moderate and uniform rate

the inferior mesenteric feeds

the 2nd half large intestines


the act of continuing or going on


the act or instance of forcing a fluid into the vascular system or directly into the tissues

How does cachexia adversely affect the positioning of the body?

the area of the femoral may be inaccessible as an injection site

Base of the axillary space

the armpit

Autolytic Enzyme

the body's own digestive enzymes that are capable of destroying body cells AKA autolytic decomposition

nasal cavity

the cavity behind the nose and above the roof of the mouth that filters air and moves mucous and inhaled contaminants outward and away form the lungs.

only fixed factor in case analysis

the concentrated fluid

Where do all major trunk arteries arise or originate

the descending aorta

in the foot, blood flows from venules to

the dorsal venous arch

What are non-suture methods to close an incision?

the embalmer may use a liquid adhesive, spray sealing compound, or cream sealing compound

Give an example of how certain atomical structures may hinder good drainage

the external iliac vein as it becomes the femoral vein when is passes through the ilium bone


the injection of a specialized chemical in conjunction with the routine arterial chemical


the injection of a specialized chemical in conjunction with the routine arterial chemical

How does the anatomical limit of the left and right common carotid artery differ?

the left common carotid artery is longer than the right

the celiac artery branches to form

the left gastric artery, hepatic artery, and splenic artery


the light-sensitive inner surface of the eye, containing the receptor rods and cones plus layers of neurons that begin the processing of visual information


the liquid portion of blood

splenic artery supplies blood to

the pancreas, spleen, parts of stomach

extrinsic factors

atmospheric conditions, thermal influences, microbial influences, vermin and insects, humidity, postmortem interval, embalmer

blood passes through the _ _ as it flows from right atrium to right ventricle

tricuspid valve

arteries carry blood

away from the heart

at the outer border of the first rib, the subclavian artery becomes the


What is the accompanying vein of the axillary artery?

axillary vein, medial and superficial to the axillary artery: therefore, the axillary artery will lie lateral and deep to the axillary vein.

bronchial veins and intercostal veins empty into the

azygos vein

the bronchial veins and intercostal veins empty into the

azygos vein

drain tube

tubular instrument of varying diameter and shape, preferably with a plunger, that is inserted into a vein in drainage of blood and to restrict the exit of vascular embalming fluid

three layers of vessels

tunica intima (interna), tunica media, tunica adventicia (externa)

three layers of vessels

tunica intima, tunica media, tunica adventicia

Define circumduction

turning or swinging a body part in a circular motion

hydraulic apparatus

type of air pressure apparatus which is a fluid-power driven machine working by the force of a moving liquid


upper arm area

veins carry blood

back to the heart; exception: the hepatic portal vein

veins carry blood

back to the heart; exception: the hepatic portal vein (takes blood to liver)


bacterial inhabitants of the colon

right and left vertebrals unite at base of brain, forming the

basilar A

the __ vein extends upward to form the brachial vein, and then the axillary vein


the __ vein extends superficially from the DVN along the little finger side

basilic vein

anatomical limit of right common carotid

begins at the level of the right sternoclavicular articulation and extends to the superior border of the thyroid cartilage

anatomical limit of left common carotid

begins at the level of the second costal cartilage and extends to the superios border of the thyroud cartilage

What are the anatomical limits of the left common carotid artery?

begins at the level of the second costal cartilage and terminates at the superior border of the thyroid cartilage

What are the anatomical limits of the right common carotid artery?

begins at the level of the sternoclavicular articulation and terminates at the level of the superior border of the thyroid cartilage

Define Flexion

bending a body part, or decreasing the angle between two bones


between cells

as blood moves from left atrium to left ventricle it passes through the

bicuspid (mitral) valve


biological agent or condition that poses a hazard to humans


bladder in children, uterus during pregnancy


blood in sputum


blood in urine


blood in vomit


blood settling to dependent portions of the body; ante or postmortem

What is vasa vasorum?

blood vessels supplying nutrients to the larger arteries and veins. These tiny blood vessels are distributed to the walls of the larger veins and arteries throughout the vascular system.

congestion of blood in capillaries as a result of nervous or emotional tension


anatomical position

body erect; palms forward

Human remains

body of a deceased person, including cremated remains

after the axillary A passes the armpit, it is called the

brachial A

internal carotids supply

brain, eyes, forehead, nose

visceral arteries of the thoracic aorta are the:

bronchial arteries, the esophageal arteries, and the pericardial arteries

visceral arteries of the thoracic aorta

bronchial, esophageal, and pericardial

cauterizing agent

capable of drying tissues by searing; caustic

from the heart muscle capillaries, blood returns via ___ into the __, finally returning to the R atrium

cardiac veins; coronary sinus

intrinsic factors

cause and manner of death, pathological conditions, microbial influence, moisture content, thermal influences, nitrogenous waste, gas in tissues or cavities, presence of discolorations, postmortem chemical and physical change, pharmaceutical agents, age, gender, weight


causing visible distruction of living tissue at point of contact

right inguinal (iliac)

cecum, vermiform appendix, part of ascending colon

2nd branch abdominal aorta

celiac artery

2nd branch of abdominal aorta is the

celiac artery

the superficial volar venous arches empty into the __ and __

cephalic and basilic veins

the __ vein empties into the axillary vein

cephalic vein

the __ vein extends superficially from the DVN along the thumb side

cephalic vein

from the dorsal venous network, two veins emerge

cephalic vein, basilic vein

from brain, blood empties into

cerebral veins

Postmortem physical changes

change in the form or state of matter without any change in chemical composition

hardening compound

chemical in powder form; absorb and disinfect

Preservative powder

chemical in powder form; typically used for surface embalming of the remains


chemicals having the capability of displacing unpleasant odor

unreliable mouth closures

chin rest, dental tie, hypodermic injection of masseters, tack and thread, drywall adhesive

Blood vascular system

circulatory network composed of the heart, arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins

Orbicularis oculi

closes eyes


closes jaw


closes jaw

Orbicularis oris aka kissing muscle

closes lips

cardinal signs of decomp COPSA*

color, odor, purge, skin slip aka desquamation,accumulated gases, *only true positive sign of death is decomp.


compound of C H O; sugars, starches, glycogen

Buccinator aka trumpeters muscle

compresses cheeks

External obliques

compresses the abdomen

Internal obliques

compresses the abdomen


compresses the abdomen

arterial fluid

concentrated preservative embalming chemical; will be diluted with water to form embalming solution

apparent death

condition in which manifestations of life are feebly maintained


condition in which the vital signs are feebly maintained AND there is a waxy rigidity of the body

cold stiffening

condition which occurs in dead bodies when exposed to temperatures near or below the freezing point, thus causing the tissues to become firm and rigid

What type of cells are tunica adventica?

connective tissue

work practice controls

controls that reduce the likelihood of exposure by altering the manner in which a task is performed (e.g. prohibiting recapping of needles, and not allowing blood splatter or Aerosolization of blood while draining during the embalming process.

What is the shape of the superior lip?

cupids bow

anatomical guide

using anatomical structures which are known

Describe aspiration of the right side of the heart

dark venous blood; Direct trocar point along a line from the left anterior superiod illiac spine to the lobe of the right ear; keep point up against cavity wall until it has pierced diaphragm, then dip it downward and insert into the right atrium of the heart. The Anterior Superior Iliac Spine is a bony protuberance , that can be palpated topographically, found on the ilium, the superior, broad portion of the hipbone; the origin of the inguinal ligament and the sartorius muscle

How does the lumen of a vessel change as they distance themselves from the aorta and vena cava

decreases in diametric size

small saphenous vein empties into the

deep popliteal vein

chemical evaporation

dehydration caused by using too harsh of an arterial solution to embalm

all veins carry ___________ blood; except _____________.

deoxegenated; pulmonary vein carries oxygenated blood


depresses hyoid


depresses madible and lip

internal intercostals

depresses ribs in breating

What artery is used on an infant?

descending abdominal aorta

anatomical guide

descriptive references for locating arteries and veins by means of the anatomical structures that are known

greatest single problem encountered


largest to smallest (veins)

veins, venules, capillaries

exception to valves

vena cava does not have valves

right suprarenal vein empties directly into

vena cava; however left empties into renal vein first!!

from cerebral veins blood flows to

venous sinuses

What branches off of each subclavian artery?

vertebral, internal mammary, costocervicular, and thyrocervical

buccal cavity

vestibule of the oral cavity; space between lips gums and teeth

blood supply to the viscera

visceral branches of descending aorta

the superficial and deep volar arches extend into the

digital A's

right gonadal vein empty into the

directly into vena cava

right spermatic or ovarian vein empties

directly into vena cava! see the common theme here?

the right suprarenal vein empties into the

directly to vena cava!

blood discoloration

discolorations resulting from changes in blood composition content or location; IV or EV

What function does phenol serve?

disinfectant, bleaching agent, drying agent, and cauterizes

subcutaneous emphysema

distention of the tissues beneath the skin by gas or air; an antemortem condition brought about by a surgical procedure or trauma

What is the midsagittal plane

divides the body through the midaxis into right and left halves

non-cosmetic fluid

does not contain active dye, cannot color tissues

blood returning from foot empties into the

dorsal venous arch

from the superficial and deep volar venous arches, blood flows into a network of superficial veins, the

dorsal venous network (of the hand)

from deep, blood flows from dorsal venous arch into the

dorsalis pedis vein

linear guide of the axillary artery

draw or visualize a line of the surface of the skin from a point over or through the center of the base of the axillary space

linear guide of common carotid

draw or visualize a line of the surface of the skin from a point over the anterior surface of the base of the respective earlobes

linear guide of brachial

draw or visualize a line on the surface of the skin from a point over the center of the lateral border of the base of the axillary space to a point approximately 1 inch below and in front of the elbow

linear guide of ulnar

draw or visualize a line on the surface of the skin from the center of the antecubital fossa on the forearm to a point between the 4th and 5th digits

linear guide of radial

draw or visualize a line on the surface of the skin of the forearm from the center of the antecubital fossa to the center of the base of the index finger

linear guide of femoral

draw or visualize a line on the surface of the skin of the thigh from the center of the inguinal ligament to the center of the medial prominence of the knee

Risorius aka false smiling muscle

draws angle of mouth backward

Depressor anguli oris

draws angle of mouth down


draws eyebrows down and in

Depressor labii inferioris

draws lower lip down


draws scalp back


draws skin of forehead down

Zygomaticus aka smiling muscle

draws upper lip back and up

solid edema

drug induced edema; abnormal fluid retention within the cell; no noticeable depression upon palpation

active dyes

dyes which aid in restoring a life-like surface pigmentation to a body and also stain the body tissue cells

pitting edema

edema in which skin remains depressed


edema of peritoneal cavity


edema of scrotum


edema of thorax


elevates hyoid

external intercostals

elevates ribs in breathing

Cavity fluid

embalming chemicals which are injected into the cavities of the body following the aspiration in the cavity embalming; cavity fluid can also be used as the chemical in hypodermic and surface embalming

poze injector

embalming equipment used to inject substance into mouth to fill it out

cavity injector

embalming instrument that is connected to a bottle of cavity fluid

hypo valve trocar aka parietal needle

embalming instrument used to hypodermically inject areas of the body with embalming chemicals

centrifugal force machine

embalming machine that uses an electrical pump to create pressure either pulsating or non-pulsating

Occipitofrontalis aka epicranium

entire structure that covers the top of the head

What types of cells are tunica intima?


three kinds of blood cells

erythocytes, leukocytes, thrombocytes

lateral boundary

established by drawing a line which connects the two points where the pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi muscles blend into the arm

medial boundary

established by drawing a line which connects the two points where the pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi muscles blend into the chest wall

How do you releave rigor in fingers?

extend all fingers at once

Latissimus dorsi

extends and adducts arm


extends foot


extends foot

anatomical limit of radial

extends from a point approximately 1 inch below an in front of the bend of the elbow to a point over the base of the thumb

anatomical limit of ulnar

extends from a point approximately 1 inch below and in front of the bend of the elbow to a point over the pisiform bone

anatomical limit of brachial

extends from a point beginning at the inferior border of the tendon of the teres major muscle and extends to a point inferior to teh antecubital fossa

anatomical limit of axillary

extends from a point beginning at the lateral border of the first rib and extends to the inferior border of the tendon of the teres major muscle

anatomical limit of femoral

extends from a point behind the center of the inguinal ligament to the opening in the adductor magnus muscle


extends head, raises the scapula

Triceps brachii

extends lower arm

Rectus femoris

extends lower leg

vastus latteralis, medialis, and intermedius

extends lower leg

Gluteus maximus

extends thigh

at the upper border of the thyroid the common carotids divide into the __ and __

external and internal carotid A's

the posterior facial and posterior auricular veins combine to form the

external jugular vein

the __ supplies blood to face

external maxillary artery

most prominent feature in life


great saphenous vein empties into the

femoral vein

the great saphenous vein empties directly into the

femoral veins

What are two aka's for skeletal muscle

voluntary or striated muscle

Flexor carpi radialis and ulnaris

flex the wrist

What is the order of methods to break rigor?

flex, extend, rotate, massage

Pectoralis major

flexes and adducts arm


flexes and rotates leg

Tibialis anterior

flexes foot

Biceps brachii

flexes lower arm at elbow


flexes lower arm at elbow


flexes lower leg


flexes lower leg

biceps femoris

flexes lower leg

Psoas major

flexes thigh

Rectus abdominus

flexes trunk

preinjection fluid

fluid injected primarily to prepare the vascular system and body tissues for the injection of the preservative vascular (arterial) solution; this solution is injected before the preservative vascular solution is injected

removal blood drainage from vascular system or even livor mortis but not postmortem stain



formation of cavities in organs or tissue

Define protraction and retraction

forward and backward movement of a body part


free-floating object in the bloodstream

When is the artery deep and vein superficial?

from the bottom of the descending aorta and up, the artery is deep and the vein is superficial

anatomical guide of common carotid

the right and left common carotid arteries are located posterior to the medial border of the SCM on their respective sides of the neck

dry gangrene

gangrene caused by arterial blockage


general deterioration of the body; malnutrition/wasting; wasting syndrome

cutis anserina

goosebumps; erector pilli muscles cause skin puckering

Erector spinae

group of muscles in the back that run vertically from the lower back up to the more superior vertebrae and ribs

Death Struggle

the semi-convulsive twitches which often occur before death

death struggle

the semi-convulsive twitches which often occur before death

rigor mortis

the stiffening of the body after death


white blood cells


the study of blood


the study of veins in the body


having relatively large patches of color somewhat different from the remainder of the coloring

Lateral pterygoid

helps in mastication

Medial pterygoid

helps in mastication

What is in the right hypocondriac?

hepatic flexure of the colon; gallbladder

hand pump

historical instrument resembling a large hypodermic syringe attached to a bottle apparatus; used to create either pressure for injection or vacuum for aspiration

What shape is the mouth?


supplemental embalming

hypodermic and surface, hypodermic is better

Another name for the internal iliac artery

hypogastric artery

aka internal iliac artery

hypogastric artery


imparts moisture; internal tissue builder


withdrawal of gas, liquids, and semisolids from the viscera using aspirator and trocar


within cells


in liquids, muddy with particles of extraneous matter, not clear or transparent.

anatomical limits

in relation to adjacent structures; boundaries of arteries

Agonal fever

increase in body temperature immediately before death


increases chest capacity for breathing

Describe aspiration of the urinary bladder

yellow bubbles; Direct trocar toward intersection of median line and pubic bone, the symphysis pubis, keeping it well up toward abdominal wall until it touches the bone; then withdraw about one-half inch, dip the point slightly and insert into bladder. The Pubic Symphysis is the fibrocartilage that joins the two pubic bones in the median plane

yellow cast vs. golden yellow

yellow cast is dehydration, golden yellow is jaundice

the __ sagittal sinus connects with straight sinus as well


What is the line of eye closure?

inferior 1/3

where in eye closure suppose to occur within the thirds of the eye?

inferior 2/3

1st branch of abdominal aorta are the

inferior phrenic arteries

first branch of arteries from abdominal aorta

inferior phrenics

anticoagulant fluid

ingredient of embalming fluids that retards the natural postmortem tendency of blood to become more viscous or prevents adverse reactions between blood and other embalming chemicals

in event vein is not readily recognizable?

inject until the vein is able to be recognized

hypodermic embalming

injection of embalming chemicals directly into the tissues through the use of a syringe and needle or trocar

first branch off of ARCH of aorta

inonimate/brachiocephalic artery

groove director

instrument used to guide vein tubes into vessels


insufficient intake of O2 aka apnea

The blood flows from the muscles and skin of the chest wall through the

intercostal Veins

parietal arteries of the thoracic aorta are the

intercostal and superior phrenic A's

parietal arteries of the thoracic aorta are the:

intercostal arteries and the superior phrenic arteries


(1452-1519) Italian sculptor and painter produced anatomical plates; injected the arterial system for preservation of anatomical specimens.


(1578-1657) An influential person in medical embalming who discovered the circulation of blood in 1628 [British]


(1628-1694) An influential person in medical embalming who was the first to note capillary circulation and was later known as the "Father of Microscopic Anatomy." "Father of Histology." [Italian]


(1632-1723) "Father of Bacteriology." He made his own microscopes which were superior to any of that time He gave the first complete account of the red blood cell He demonstrated the capillary connections between arteries and veins "Father of Microbiology." [Dutch]


(1665-1717) An influential person in medical embalming who is known as the "Father of Embalming." [Dutch]


(1718-1783) An influential person in medical embalming who is acknowledged as the first person to successfully adopt a method of arterial injection to preserve [Scottish]


(1728-1793) An influential person in medical embalming for whom Hunter's Canal is named [Scottish]


(1791-1882) An influential person in medical embalming who was the first to make embalming available to the public and who also wrote the first embalming text (first printing in French) [French]


(1796-1843) An influential person in medical embalming who translated Gannal's text into English and promoted embalming for sanitary purposes [American]


(1817-1900) An influential person in medical embalming who is regarded as the "Father of Modern Embalming," and "Father of Embalming in the United States." [American]


(1828-1866) One of the discoverers of formaldehyde [Russian]

Worm suture

(Inversion, draw stitch) a method of sewing an incision along the edges without entering the opening whereby the suture becomes invisible and the line of suture becomes depressed, which lends its ease of concealment by waxing.


(Late 17th C.) An influential person in medical embalming who published a book about a method of embalming without evisceration [German]

moist gangrene

(wet gangrene) necrotic tissue that is wet as a result of inadequate venous drainage; may be accompanied by the invasion of saprophytic bacteria.

















remember the muscles and what regions they are from


the axillary vein receives blood from both the cephalic and the basilic vein


How much pressure per foot high?

.43 or .413 pounds of pressure

action level

0.5 ppm formaldehyde; AL; minimize compliance burdens for employers that have employees that are exposed below the 8 hr PEL

What are characteristics of nerves?

1 . Solid and Striated; 2. Glistening White - shiny; 3. No lumen - solid; 4. Inelastic; 5. No Vasa Vasorum; 6. Often mistaken for an artery

How do you formulate the proper chemical solution?

1) Gather necessary chemicals: arterial restorative co-injection, cosmetic dye, water softener - can use Calgon from grocery store; 2) Learn the working of your embalming machine; always run solution through machine; 3) Pressure - rate of flow - pulsator; 4) Do not mix more than three gallons of solution at one time; in life there are only six quarts - 5.5 liters of blood; 5) Determine your solution by sex, age, weight, time lapse since death, cause of death, time until burial.

What are 6 points regarding the aortic veins?

1) Main drainage vein in the body; 2) Lies to the right of the spine; 3) All veins have valves except the superior and inferior vena cava; 4) All veins will eventually drain into the superior and inferior vena cava; 5) Right atrium of the heart is formed by the juncture of the superior and inferior vena cava; 6) Right atrium of the heart is the center of venous drainage during embalming

Describe methods of mouth closure

1) Needle injector method; 2) Suturing the frenulum of the lower lip to the septum of the nose - muscular suture; 3) Suturing through the septum of the nose and around the mandible - mandibular tie; 4) Wire through the bone in special situations

Summarize medical examiner autopsies, aka medico-legal, aka forensic autopsy

1) cause of death; 2) does not need permission; 3) Manner of death is a concern - natural, accident, suicide, homicide, or unknown

Summarize hospital autopsies

1) cause of death; 2) needs permission

What is the proper order to relieve rigor?

1) mouth; 2) neck; 3) arms; 4) hands; 5) legs

What brings about post-mortem changes

1) stoppage of blood circulation - gravitation of blood to dependent body parts and surface evaporation; 2) blood remains liquid - hypostasis to hemolysis is rapid; appear embalmed but it is cold stiffening and rib discoloration resembling active dye; slows onset of rigor mortis and hinders bacteria growth therefore decomposition; increases algor mortis; freezer burn similar to desiccation marks during extended refrigeration

What are the disadvantages of the gravity method? (3 items)

1. Affords limited pressure range due to the limited height you can achieve from the mobile stand 2. There is a small unit of volume, usually no more than one gallon. 3. It is inconvenient to fill the percolator

What factors govern selection of arteries to be used for injection

1. Age; 2. Sex; 3. weight; 4. fat distribution; 5. disfigurations; 6. disease; 7 edema; 8. location obstruction; 9. trauma; 10. medico-legal requirements; 11. cause of death; 12. manner of death

List the characteristics of a non-thinking anacephalic -robot embalmer: (4 items)

1. All remains receive the same chemical formulation [type and volume] including cavity treatment regardless of condition of the body 2. All remains receive the same injection and drainage sity- same artery and vein 3. All remains receive the same mouth closure method 4. All embalmed remains receive the same cosmetics- no variation whatsoever

What are precautions relative to drain tubes?

1. Avoid the use of veins which require the abrupt turning of a curve by the drain tube, as the rupturing of the vein may result. 2. Be sure the tube is well lubricated to insure easy insertion and prevent the rupture of the vessel wall. Oiling the inside of the drain tube will help prevent blood coagulation within the tube. 3. Always use the largest tube the vein will accommodate. This insures the most copious flow of both liquid blood and clots.

6 Cardinal signs of decomposition: (HINT: COPSA*)

1. Color 2. Odor 3. Purge 4. Desquamation (skin slip) 5. Accumulated gas 6. *Only positive sign of death is decomposition

6 Cardinal signs of decomposition: (HINT: COPSAD)

1. Color 2. Odor 3. Purge 4. Desquamation (skin slip) 5. Accumulated gas 6. Decomposition

What are the advantages of the bulb syringe method? (4 items)

1. Convenient and easy to use 2. Inexpensive to purchase and operate 3. Will develop some variation in the pressure range 4. Requires no electricity

What are the advantages of the manual injection, hand pump and jug method? (4 items)

1. Creates a wide pressure range 2. Can be used as a method of both injection and aspiration. Will create a vaccum for aspiration 3. It is sensitive to the internal vascular pressures. Increased resistance in the vascular system can be detected in the operators thumb. 4. Requires no electricity

Purpose and Importance of drainage: (5 items)

1. Diminish secondary dilution 2. Remove intravascular discolorations 3. Prevent distension 4. Permit disinfection and preservation 5. Retard post-embalming decomposition

What are the characteristics of an ideal (recommended) injection pressure? (5 items)

1. Dislodge congested drainage 2. Stimulate capillary filtration 3. Minimize fluid loss due to excessive drainage 4. Saturate capillary bed without causing ruptures 5. Penetrate surface tissue and not cause feature swelling

What are the 6 causes of the puffed or swollen eye?

1. Edema 2. Trauma 3. A poor eye closure procedure 4. Too great a rate of flow or injection pressure 5. Poorly done eye enucleation by eye bank 6. Poorly done eye enucleation restoration by embalmer

List 4 Major factors embalmers must consider in making pre-embalming analysis:

1. General condition of the body after death 2. Effects produced by disease processes 3. Effects produced by drugs or surgical procedures 4. Effects that occur during postmortem interval [from death to embalming]

What are the disadvantages of the manual injection, hand pump and jug method? (5 items)

1. Inconvenient when refilling the container 2. Requires the constant use of one hand, often two, like the bulb syringe method 3. Has no pressure gauge or regulator, thus a great irregularity of pressure with an unknown maximum 4. Because this system produces a terrific amount of pressure, swelling of the neck and facial features is common 5. There is the danger of implosion or explosion

Methods of stimulating drainage: (5 items)

1. Increase pressure and pulsating pressure. Increase rate of flow 2. Creating backpressure by opening and closing drain tubes 3. Massage of the body, especially arms and legs; always toward heart; elevation of appendages 4. Instruments- drain hoses, trocar, drain tube, drain forceps, vibrating embalming table 5. Chemicals- co-injection, pre-injection- dilates and lubricates lumen of vessels and prevents further clotting

Predisposing conditions leading to purge: (4 items)

1. Intestinal flora (i.e. E. coli) 2. Certain pathological conditions (diseases) (liver disease, lung cancer) 3. General decomp 4. Environmental conditions (heat)

What are the advantages of the gravity method? (4 items)

1. It creates a constant flow of arterial fluid solution 2. The low cost of equipment 3. Requires no mechanical apparatus 4. Requires no electricity

What are the advantages of the motorized centrifugal forced pump machine? (5 items)

1. It is the most reliable method of injection used today [it is the modern day embalming machine] 2. No subordinate equipment is necessary; it is a self- contained unit 3. It has a high pressure range- some as high as 200lbs. 4. It has a large volume, eliminating the need to constantly refill the machine. Some have as large as a four-gallon tank. 5. It will maintain a constant rate of flow and pressure

Advantages of pulsation: (4 items)

1. More even distribution of fluid solution 2. Less swelling of facial features 3. Minimizes post-embalming dehydration 4. Improvement of preservation

What are the disadvantages of the motorized centrifugal forced pump machine: 1(a-f) and 2(a-c(i, ii))

1. Needs frequent servicing, such as: a. Broken belts b. Leaky base plate gaskets c. Corroded or oxidized base plates d. The motor burns up e. The pump burns up f. The glass tank breaks when carried improperly 2. It requires the constant attention of the embalmer due to: a. Feature swelling b. If allowed to run when the tank is empty, the motor and the pump will b urn up c. Never leave the tank dry, when you are finished injecting, run at least 2-3 tanks of clean water through the machine and leave at least 12 quart of water in the tank to: i. Prevent oxidation of the base plate ii. Keep the base plate gasket moist in order to prevent dry rotting and leaky conditions

List the advantages of the immediate method: (3 items)

1. Only practical method in high volume funeral homes 2. Eliminates the chance of gas build-up in the thoracic cavity which may cause feature swelling, particularly in the neck 3. Eliminates the chance of post embalming purge; thereby, you avoid having to redo the features

Conditions needing treatment for a swollen neck, can occur before or during embalming: (4 items)

1. Pressure and flow too high on injector 2. Obese - bodies create low resistance areas in the face and neck 3. Clotted drainage in left and right internal jugular veins 4. Thoracic and abdominal gas (i.e. tissue gas and subcutaneous

Maryland requires that identification tags be attached to a long bone after embalming. List what information goes on the tag: (4+1 optional; 5 items)

1. Print name 2. Social Security # 3. Date of birth 4. Date of death 5. Recommended but not required: Name of funeral home *tag must be laminated

List the three primary purposes of cavity aspiration

1. Remove as much of the liquid and semi-solid contents of the viscera as possible and thus reduce the germicidal obligation of the cavity fluid 2. Remove gases and liquids and thus relieve pressure against the blood vessels and other organs. Prevent purge 3. Remove blood from the heart and major trunk veins by direct aspiration so the blood is not forced by gravity or gas pressure into the superficial capillaries of the neck, ears, or face to cause a visible stain

What are the disadvantages of the bulb syringe method? (3 items)

1. Rubber deteriorates rapidly and valves fall 2. Requires the constant use of one's hand which hinders the embalmers activity. 3. Creates a variable pressure with an unknown maximum

What are the advantages of the air pressure machines? (4 items)

1. The mechanical and the hydraulic machines can both inject and aspirate. The mechanical air pressure machine was the forerunner of the electric aspirator and the hydraulic machine has a hydro-aspirator type attachment 2. They are convenient because they free the embalmers hands to do more important tasks. [ CO2 canister or cylinder cannot aspirate; cannot create a vaccum] 3. They developed a wide pressure range to overcome vascular obstructions 4. They have the ability to maintain a constant pressure and they have pressure gauges and regulators for safety reasons

What are the disadvantages of the air pressure machines? (6 +1*)

1. They are extremely dangerous because many employ glass fluid containers which may explode during injection and implode during aspiration. It is highly recommended that a metal bottle guard or rubber trash can be used with these machines 2. They usually have small unit injection volumes, seldom more than one gallon 3. They are inconvenient to refill 4. They require frequent servicing 5. They may cause the features to swell if any air is forced into the vascular system [subcutaneous emphysema] 6. They are very noisy *7. requires electricity

What are the characteristics of veins?

1. Three thin coats; 2. Usually have valves; 3. May be superficial; 4. Blue in color when engorged with blood; 5. Collapse when cut; 6. May be arteries and vein in common sheath; 7. Thin at the edges; 8. No noticeable vasa vasorum; 9. Large lumen

Name the 9 abdominal quadrants

1. Upper row - right hypochondriac, epigastric with transpyloric line, and left hypochondriac; 2. Middle row - Right lumbar aka lateral, umbilical with transtubercular line, and left lumbar aka lateral; 3 Lower row - right inguinal aka iliac, hypogastric, and left inguinal aka iliac

Frictional resistance: (indicates the drag of fluid solution or of the blood against the interior of the blood vessels or lumen. It is determined by: (4 items)

1. Viscosity of blood 2. Amount of inner surface presented 3. Nature of inner surface 4. Age (frictional resistance is less in young and noticeable in the elderly)

List the advantages of the deterred method: (4 items)

1. Will allow sufficient time to get the best results from arterial injection 2. The organs in the viscera will be firm, allowing easy entrance for the trocar 3. Liquids and juices will have time to settle to the bottom of the cavities, thus making for easier aspiration 4. Usually only one bottle of cavity fluid will be sufficient, rather than the two or three bottles used in the immediate method

precautions of femoral

1. arteriosclerosis, 2. obese bodies may be deep, 3. no control over solution distribution going into the head

What are considerations regarding accessibility of arteries and veins?

1. artery and vein deep or superficial?; 2. what is the relationship to the surrounding structures?; 3. the presence or absence of branches of vessels which might be disturbed or blocked.; 4. all incisions should be no more than 3 inches

What are 3 possible disfigurations?

1. arthritis; 2. tumors; 3. cachexia

Signs of Fluid Diffusion: See Book page 257 (7 items)

1. dye in tissues 2. Firming of tissues 3. loss of skin elasticity 4. drying of tissues 5. rounding of fingertips, lips, toes 6. mottling of tissues 7. fluorescent dye observed using black light

Signs of Fluid Distribution: See Book pages 257 (5 items)

1. fluid dye (color) 2. distension of superficial blood vessels 3. blood drainage 4. leakage from intravenous punctures 5. clearing of intravascular blood discolorations

precautions of common carotid

1. incision may be visible, 2. arterial tube may leave mark on face, 3. face may be over injected

considerations of femoral

1. large in size, 2. incision is not visible, 3. both sides of head receive even fluid distribution, 4. accompanied by large vein which is good for drainage

What are the 3 traumas relative to artery selection?

1. mutilation; 2. accident; 3. surgery

What is proper technique for raising vessels

1. shave area; 2. select instruments and prepare ligature; 3. locate place of incision using linear guide; 4. make proper incision through skin, superficial and deep fascia; 5. blunt dissection of superficial fascia, fat, and deep fascia; 6. find vessels using anatomical guide and positions of vein; 7. clean off by blunt dissection and ligate vein loosley; 8. clean off and ligate artery loosely; make incision

considerations of carotid

1. very large in diameter, 2. rarely sclerotic, 3. supplies fluid directly to the head, 4. close to the heart, 5. very elastic, 6. accompanied by a large vein which is good for drainage

Determine the strength of the arterial solution when 7 ounces of a 25 index fluid and one gallon of water are used:


You have 8 ounches of a 25 index arterial fluid and you want to create a 2% solution. How many ounces of water would you need to add?

100 ounces

How much cavity fluid per 50 pounds?

16 ounces

Rigor mortis is first observed in the average body how many hours after death?


What are characteristics of arteries?

3 heavy coats and thick walled; no valves; deep and well protected; cream colored in youth; white brittle with vasa vasorem with aged; stand open when cut; Usually accompanied by vein and nerves in a common sheath; Thick at the edges; Noticeable elasticity except in the aged; Small lumen

Number of arcs in the line of lip closure


blood volume in human body

6 quarts

The normal pH of living human tissue is:


How does pH change, assuming a starting pH of 7.4?

7.4 to 7.0 during primary flaccidity; 7.0 to 6.0 and then 6.0 to 7.0 during rigor; 7.0 to 7.4 during secondary flaccidity; 8.0 microbes go nuts

Approximate percent of body moisture in infants


circle of willis

9 arteries: R/L internal carotids Anterior communicating artery, R/L anterior cerebral arteries, R/L posterior cerebral arteries, R/L posterior communicating arteries, Basilar artery (Sometimes considered)

circle of willis

9 arteries: R/L internal carotids, Anterior communicating, R/L anterior cerebral arteries, R/L posterior cerebral arteries, R/L posterior communicating arteries, basilar artery


A ______ atmospheric humidity may reduce dehydration but it will favor early decomposition because heat and moisture are favorable for rapid bacterial growth


A ______ atmospheric humidity will extract moisture from the boy causing early dehydration (and may lead to mummification) but it will deter decomposition. It will, however, cause problems with cosmetics due to discolored surface tissues

Current/Jelly Clot

A blood clot which contains all of the blood elements coagulated in a an evenly mixed mass

Chicken fat clot

A blood clot which contains all of the blood elements with red and white blood cells separated into distinct layers.

Hepatitis G (HGV)

A bloodborne virus

Hepatitis D (HDV)

A bloodborne virus, it can only exist in combination with the hepatitis B virus. HBV vaccine will offer protection against HDV.


A brown to black band of discolored sclera of the eye. Created by the postmortem drying of the sclera by the air.

Tache Noire

A brown to black band of discolored sclera of the eye. created by the postmortem drying of the sclera by the air


A buzzing or ringing in the ears.


A buzzing or ringing of the ears


A cancer-causing chemical or material

Hypothetical normal case

A case having no mutilations, no blood coagulation, no antemortem or postmortem discoloration, no communicable disease(s), no blockages or breaks in the blood vascular system, no excessive rigidity, no cardinal signs of decomposition (COPSA), and minimal postmortem chemical and physical changes, can be called what?

Sequestering Agent

A chemical agent that can "fence off" or "tie up" metal ions so they cannot react with other chemicals

Radioactive isotope

A chemical element that is similar in chemical properties to another element, but differs in atomic weight and electric charge and emits radiation.


A chemical element that is similar in chemical properties to another element, but differs in the atomic weight and electric charge and emits radiation; an atom that disintegrates by emission of electromagnetic radiation


A chronic or acute disease of unregulated clonal proliferation of the stem cells of the blood form tissues; resident cells eventually replaced by tumor cells


A clean cut made with a shark instrument; in emblaming, a cute made with a scalpel to raise arteries and veins.

Cafe coronary

A collapse of a person who is eating, caused by asphyxiation that results from obstruction of the glottis by food bolus. Because the signs are similar to those of a heart attack, such episodes are frequently mistaken for coronary occlusions


A compound consisting of iodine combine with a carrier, such as polyvinlpyrrolidine, often used as preoperative skin disinfectant


A compound of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen; sugars, starches, and glycogen


A condition in which the muscles become rigidly fixed, the body becomes pale and cold, pulse and respiration are feeble.

Death Trance

A condition in which the muscles become rigidly fixed, the body becomes pale and cold, pulse and respiration are feeble.


A condition in which the vital signs of life are feebly maintained and there is a waxy rigidity of the body.

Cutis Anserina

A condition of skin puckering caused by the contraction of the erector pili.


A condition resulting from the use of an embalming solution containing an insufficient amount of preservative to meet the preservation demand of the tissues; the interstitial spaces are overly filled, engorged with water.

Secondary Flaccidity

A condition, which occurs after rigor mortis has left the body where the muscles of the body return to a state of limpness and flaccidity.

Drywall adhesive

A controversial method deemed unprofessional by many embalmers, but effective as a mouth closure method; is the application of the adhesive to top or bottom teeth. The mandible is positioned, the adhesive sets in fifteen minutes and the mouth is permanently closed. The method is useless if the deceased had no teeth. Same problem as the dental tie. Applied with a caulking gun in conjunction with replaceable adhesive tubes

Opaque cosmetic

A cosmetic medium able to cover or hide skin discolorations


A decrease in erythrocytes or hemoglobin.


A dehydrated body will yield ___ pounds of water per 100 pounds of body weight

Plug cutter

A device attached to an electric drill which is placed on the mastoid bone centered over the external auditory canal. The entire temporal bone is removed by twisting after dissection

Surface Discoloration

A discoloration due to the deposit of matter on the skin surface; these discolorations may occur antemortem, during, or after embalming of the body; ex. adhesive tape, ink, iodine, paint, tobacco stains.


A disease or disorder of the skin

Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci (VRE)

A drug resisnt bacterium found in feces and open wounds. It also can be found associated with nasaogastric tubes often in patients who have had long hospitalization


A fine growth of downy hair which is sometimes found on the face of a baby.


A fluid with a high content of protein and cellular debris that has escaped from blood vessels and has been deposited in tissues or on tissue surfaces, usually as a result of inflammation


A fold of mucous membrane that connects the gums to the inner lining of the lip


A foreign substance that stimulates the formation of antibodies that react specifically with it


A form of arteriosclerosis marked by the deposition of lipids in the inner layer of arterial walls


A glycoprotein substance developed by the body in response to, and interacting speciffically with, an antigen. AKA IMMUNOGLOBULIN

Occupational safety and health administration

A governmental agency with the responsibility for regulation and enforcement agency with the responsibility for regulation and enforcement agency may supercede the u.s. health matters for the most united states employees;


A kind of ignis fatuus (glow) supposed to forebode death.


A liquid holding another substance in solution


A list of dead to be prayed for.


A localized abnormal dilation of outpocketing of a blood vessel resulting from a congenital defect or a weakness of the vessel wall


A luminous appearance like a candle flame, superstitiously thought to prestage death.

Neoplastic agent

A material capable of causing an abnormal growth of tissue


A material which can cause inherirable generic changes in offspring

Needle injector

A mechanical device used to impel specially designed metal pins into bone

Combination gravity method and bulb syringe

A method of creating injection pressure in which a bulb syringe is built into the tubing of the gravity percolator

Air pressure apparatus

A method of creating injection pressure with air forced under pressure into a fluid chamber that displaces the arterial solution by pushing it into the arterial system of the body

air pressure apparatus

A method of creating injection pressure with air forced under pressure into a fluid chamber that displaces the arterial solution by pushing it into the arterial system of the body.

Microbe (Microorganism)

A minute one celled form of life not distinguishable as to vegetable or animal tissue

Vermiform Appendix

A narrow, wom -shapped tube connected to the cecum


A non-toxic disinfectant suitable for the use on animal tissue.


A normal body will yield ___ pounds of water per 100 pounds of body weight

Primary flaccidity

A period immediately following death and before rigor mortis occurs, where the muscles of the body are limp and flaccid.


A plastic garment covering the entire foot and to the hip to prevent leakage and odor


A plastic garment which fits tightly around the waist and thighs of the deceased to guard against leakage and to avoid stains and odors.


A plastic or rubber garment which covers the arm to the area of the wrist to guard or protect against leakage

Inner ear

A plug cutter is used to remove what kind of tissue from the body?

What is the linear guide of the common carotid artery?

A point from the sternoclavicular articulation to the anterior surface of the lobe of the ear

Injector needle

A preparation aid used in mouth closure. It is inserted into a needle injector and forced into the mandible and maxilla


A process to promote and establish conditions which minimize or eliminate boihazards

Agonal bacterial migration

A process which is the result of capillary permability changes, where the bacteria from the intestinal area of the body migrate to the blood vascular system and is spread throughout the body


A process which is the result of capillary permeability changes, where the bacteria from the intestinal area of the body migrate to the blood vascular system and is spread throughout the body.

Fatty acids

A product of decomposition of fats


A relation or ratio of the number of deaths, for a given period, to the total population.

Musculature suture

A reliable method of mouth closure; you suture the mentalis muscle of the chin to the septum of the nose, as follows: (reversed for left-handed people) Use a half-moon needle and a single, fine strand of suture Pass the needle through the mentalis muscle just inferior to the frenulum in a wide arc as close to the gum as possible [one inch] Needle goes through both nostrils via the septum and back down towards the mouth. Tied.

Legionnaires Disease

A severe, often fatal bacterial disease characterized by pneumonia, dry cough and sometimes gastrointestinal symptoms


A severe, often fatal bacterial disease characterized by pneumonia, dry cough and sometimes gastrointestinal symptoms.


A small weight, such as a penny, laid on the eyelids to keep them closed.

Hypertonic solution

A solution having abnormally high tension or viscosity and an osmotic pressure higher than that in an isotonic solution (too thick for arterial solution) - Topical jelly

Hypotonic solution

A solution having abnormally low tension or viscosity and an osmotic pressure lower than an isotonic solution (better for arterial fluids)


A solution-like system in which the size of the solute particle is beween 1 and 100 nanometers. Particles of solute pass through filters but not membranes.

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome/aids

A specific group of diseases or conditions which are indicative of severe immunosuppression related to infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (MV); persons dead having had AIDS may exhibit conditions such has wasting syndrome, extrapulmonary tuberculosis, and Kaposi's syndrome


A substance that is dissolved in a solution.


A substance thinned or reduced in concentration; a cosmetic lessened in brillance

Flow meter

A supplemental piece of equipment attached to the embalming machine which measures the flow of fluids in both galls per hour and ounces per minute

Purse string suture

A suture made around the circumference of a circular opening or puncture to close it or to hold the margins in position


A swelling or mass of clotted blood confined to an organ or space caused by ruptured blood vessel

Tracer Dye test

A test for fluid distribution and diffusion Adding any of the commercial active dyes to the arterial fluid solution. This will be detected in the surface tissues. This is the most common method. Always inject from the femoral artery so it enters the head evenly; for highly concentrated dye, two capfuls to a tankful

Fluorescent dye test

A test for fluid distribution and diffusion Detected only under ultraviolet black light, viso-balm co-injection

Puncture test

A test for fluid distribution and diffusion (Not used) Slightly puncture tissues with a needle, then squeeze to detect fluid at the legs/toes, arms/fingers, and head (behind ear)


A thin vesicle on the skin containing liquid matter.


A toxic condition caused by retention in the blood of waste products normally excreted in the urine

Hydraulic Apparatus

A type of air pressure apparatus which is a fluid power driven machine working by the force of a moving liquid


A type of suture used to close incisions in such a manner. that the ligature remains entirely under the epidermis.

Longitudinal incision

A vascualr incision that is made lenthwise on a vessel

What is a T Shaped incision?

A vascular incision created by making a short transverse incision at a right angle to the long axis of the vessel; then with the point of the scissors inserted into the original opening, a second incision is made parallel to the long axis of the vessel

T-shaped incision

A vascular incision created by making a short transverse incision at a right angle to the long axis of the vessel; then with the point of the scissors inserted into the original opening, a second incision is made parallel to the long axis of the vessel.

What is a diaganol incision?

A vascular incision made on vessels by cutting in an oblique or slanting direction

What is a longitudinal incision?

A vascular incision that is made length-wise on a vessel

What is a triangular wedge incision?

A vascular incision which is made by cutting a small triangular wedge from the wall of the vessel

What is the mid axillary line of the axillary artery?

A vertical line drawn from the center of the medial border of the base of the axillary space.


A wasting, decrease in size of an organ or tissue.


A yellow case to the tissue due to dehydration is NOT the same as ________

American congress of Government Industrial Hygienists AKA

ACGIH: An organization of professional personnel in government agencies or educational institutions who are employed in occupational safety and health programs


AKA APNEA: Insufficient intake of oxygen resulting from numerous causes

Surface Evaporation

AKA Air Swipe: Dehydration resulting from the passage of air or air currents over the surface of the body

Post mortem aspirator

AKA Autopsy Aspirator: an embalming instrument for aspirating liquid materials from thje trunk cavity of autopsied cases


AKA BCME A carcinogen potential produced when formaldehyde and sodium hypochlorite come into contact with each other. normally occurs only in a controlled settinga and requires a catalyst


AKA Boil: An abcess or pyogenic infection of a sweat gland or hair follicle

Center for disease control and prevention

AKA CDC: A major agency of the deparment of health and human services, with headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, concerned with all phases of control of communicable , vector-borne, and occupational diseases

Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease

AKA CJD: A disease of the central nervous system with unknown Etiology assumed to be a slow virus; because of unknown etiology, care givers using invasive precedures use extreme caution

Compressed Air/Gas

AKA CO2 apparatus: A type of air pressure apparatus where air or CO2 is pumped from tanks into a fluid chamber to create pressure

Instantaneous Rigor mortis

AKA Cadaveric spasm: The immediate stiffening of the muscles of a dead human body

Cavity embalming

AKA Cavity treatment: Direct treatment, other than vascular (arterial) injection, of the contents of the body cavities and the lumina of the hollow viscera; usually accomplished by aspiration and injection.

Liquid adhesive

AKA Collodions/Solution: Type of sealing compounds used to brush over incisions, cavities, raw surfaces and areas where any pinpoint leakage may occur

Basket weave suture

AKA Cross stitch: A network of stitches which cross the borders of a cavity or excision to anchor fillers and to sustain tissues in their proper position

Ischemic necrosis

AKA Dry Gangrene: Condition that results when the body part that dies had little blood and remains aseptic and occurs when the arteries but not the veins are obstructed

Ethylenediamine Tetracetic Acid

AKA EDTA: Is found in products as either the tetrasodium or disodium salt. They rect chemically to "bind" calcium, which inhibits the blood clotting mechanism. It is a skin irritant, causing dryness and cracking


AKA EEG: Record of the electricity of the brain.


AKA Ecchymosis AKA Contusion: An injury caused by a blow without laceration; a contusion

Federal Trade commision

AKA FTC: Agency or federal government created in 1914 to promote free and fair competition by prevention of trade restraints, price fixing, false advertising and other unfair methods of competition

Preservative Demand

AKA Formaldehyde Demand: Amount of preservative (formaldehyde) required to effectively preserve and disinfect remains; depends on the condition of the tissues as determined in the embalming analysis


AKA Furuncle: Acute, deep-seated inflammation in the skin which usually begins as a subcutaneous swelling in the hair follicle

Clostridium perfringens

AKA Gas Bacillius: Anaerobic, saphrophytic, spore-forming bacterium, responsible for tissue gas; referred to as a gas bacillus

Gravity Percolator

AKA Gravity Bottle: A method of creating injection pressure which consists of a gravity bottle with tubing attatched, that is suspended at a desired distance above the point of injection

Instant tissue fixation

AKA Head Freeze: Injection of very strong arterial fluid (often waterless) under relatively high pressure into head and face through both common carotid arteries to effect preservation and disinfection while minimizing swelling

Restorative Fluid

AKA Humectant: Supplemental fluid, used with regular arteril solution whos purpose is to retain body moisure and retard dehydration


AKA Inactivator: Substances which temporarily or permanently inhibits and enzyme's action.

Biohazard waste

AKA Infectious Waste: Bloodborne pathogens, blood or body fluids exposure, any potentially infective, contaminated waste associated with the preparation of human remains that constitutes a hazard to humans in the workplace

Post mortem stain

AKA Laking: Extravascular color change that occurs when heme, released by hemolysis of red blood cells, seeps through the vessel walls and into the body tissues

Methicillin Resistant staphylococcus aureus

AKA MRSA Pathogenic bacterial Staphylococcus aureus, resistant to most drugs. A causative agent of bedsores, surgical wound infections, skin and nose infections, and pneumonia.

Mechanical Apparatus

AKA Mechanical Air pressure machine: An electrical appliance which forces air into a machine resulting in pressure

Non-cosmetic fluid

AKA Passive dye:

Razor Burn

AKA Razor Abbrasion: Mark of desiccation


AKA Selective Diffusion Separation of substances in solution by the difference in their rates of diffusion through a semipermermeable membrane


AKA Suggillation/Bruise/Contusion: Extravasation of blood into a tissue

Pack application

AKA Surface Application:

Osmotic embalming

AKA Surface embalming: preservation of the body's surface (to dry and harden lesions), of excisions and cavities, or of areas that received inadequate arterial preservative. Materials used in osmotic embalming include surface packs, embalming powders, and autopsy gels


AKA Surface tension reducer; wetting penetrating; surface active agent: Chemical that reduces the molecular cohesion of a liquid so it can flow through smaller apertures

Bridge suture

AKA Temporary interrupted suture: Individual stitch knotted at the tissue edge; may be applied prior to embalming to align tissues


AKA Tumor: The abnormal, excessive and uncontrolled multiplication of cells the formation of a mass or new growth of tissue


AKA Wasting syndrome: General deterioration of the body; a state of ill health, malnutrition, and wasting. It may occure in many chronic diseases as certain malignancies and advanced pulmonary tuberculosis

Triangular incision

AKA Wedge incision: A vascular incision made by cutting a small triangular wedge from the wall of the vessel.

Tough dry clots

AKA White Fibrin Clot: Blood clots which form when blood plasma passes through the capillary walls and leaves the blood cells behind.

Rigor Mortis

AKa Cadaveric rigidity: Postmortem stiffening of the body muscles by natural body processes

Describe aspiration of the cecum

yellow fecal matter; Direct the trocar point toward a point 1/4 of the distance from the right anterior-superior iliac spine to the pubic symphysis keep point of trocar well up near abdominal wall until within 4 inches of right anterior superior iliac spine; then dip point 2" and insert it forward into colon.

After the subclavian passes the first rib, it is called the

Aaxillary Artery

Below the diaphragm, the blood enters the

Abdominal Aorta


Abnormal accumilation of cerebrospinal fluids in the ventricles of the brain


Abnormal accumulation of fluids in a saclike structure, especially the scrotal sac.


Abnormal constriction or narrowing of a structure


Abnormal growth or tumor


Absorbing moisture readily.


Absorption of the fluid portion of blood by the tissues after death resulting in postmortem edema.


Accelerates embalming time Less swelling of facial features Improved preservation Minimizes post-embalming dehydration Even distribution of arterial fluid

A group of chemicals used in addition to vascular and cavity embalming fluids where most are applied to the body surface are considered:

Accessory Chemicals


Accredit mortuary science schools and write their curriculum


Accumulation of serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity


Act of cutting apart. Distend. To expand or swell.


Action of a force against an opposing force (a force applied or acting against resistance)

What is the medial boundary of the femoral triangle?

Adductor longus muscle


Administer the NBE

The Suprarenal arteries lead to the Suprarenal glands, also known as

Adrenal Glands


After embalming and aspiration of a mother who died during pregnancy, return the fetus, still in the viscera bag, to the _______ or place it in the foot of the casket


After embalming, be sure the legs are straight and close together; if necessary, tie them together and the ______immediately


After embalming, the head may be tilted NO MORE THAN how many degrees to the right?

When do you start embalming?

After features are posed

How do you close an incision?

After the operation has been completed, the vessels are tightly ligated and the free ends of the ligatures are cut off with utility scissors. The incision is then dried with cotton and filled with powdered incision sealer to inhibit subsequent leakage - cauterize with phenol. As the final step, the incision is sutured with stitches, which should be taken close together and close to the edge of the incision and pulled tight to form a neat closure . In most cases the so-called baseball stitch will be employed. Staples are not waterproof

Bacteriostatic agent

Agent that has the ability to inhibit or retard bacterial growth. No destruction of viability of the microorganism is implied.

Hermetic seal

Airtight seal; associated with Ziegler cases or soldered containers.

Livor Mortis

Aka Cadaverielividity AKA postmortem lividity: Post mortem, intravascular, red-blue discoloration resulting from hypstasis of blood can usually be cleared via arterial injection and drainage


Aka Dropsy: Abnormal accumulation of fluids in tissue or body cavities

Embalming Analysis

Aka case analysis

Drywall adhesive

Aka liquid nail


Aka selective diffusion

Braciocephalic artery

Aka the innominate artery The first branch off the arch of the aorta

What postmortem change is not speeded by a warm environment?

Algor mortis


All arteries carry oxygenated blood except for what single artery?

From the cerebral arteries, the blood flows to

All parts of the brain


All veins carry blood back to the heart except for what single vein?


All veins carry deoxygenated blood except for what single vein?

Superior and inferior vena cava

All veins have valves except for the _____________________

What is the place of incision for the femoral artery?

Along any portion of the superior two-thirds of the linear guide

What is the place of incisions of the external facial artery, aka the maxillary artery?

Along the anatomical guide, not more than one inch in length, directly over the mandibular notch

What is the place of incision of the axillary artery?

Along the anterior margin of the hairline of the axilla aka arm pit

Where is the small saphenous vein located

Along the back of the leg

What is the place of incision of the subclavian artery?

Along the inferior border of the lateral one-third of the clavicle bone, exposing the vessel near its point of termination

What is the anatomical guide of the external facial artery, aka the maxillary artery?

Along the inferior border of the mandible just anterior to the angle of the mandible

What is the place of incision for the anterior tibial artery?

Along the lateral margin of the inferior one-third of the crest of tibia bone

What is the place of incision of the brachial artery?

Along the linear guide

What is the anatomical guide of the external iliac artery

Along the medial border of psoas major muscle

Where is the great saphenous vein located

Along the medial side of the leg

Where is the place of incision for the dorsalis pedis artery?

Along the superior one-third of the linear guide - superficial


Alternate method (inject and drainage one at a time) Intermittent method (continuous injection with intermittent drainage (drain tube only) Continuous method (continually inject and drainage) Discontinuous method (inject and drain at intervals)

The capillaries in the lungs are in direct contact with many tiny air sacs called


What is the order of aspiration?

Always aspirate from high to low; Clear your trocar often so that it doesn't back up and reverse itself.

How do you handle a spinal autopsy?

Always sew the dorsal/posterior incision before you inject any part of the body. If possible, have an assistant hold the body on its side while you sew this incision either with a baseball stitch or glover stitch, aka roll stitch. Be careful not to distort facial features. If you are alone, roll body over, put chin on head block to keep face from hitting the table, then sew incision.

Injection pressure

Amount of pressure produced by an injection device to overcome initial resistance within or on the vascular system

Surface pack

An absorbent material, compress, saturated with an embalming chemical and placed in direct contact with the tissue


An acute infectious disease characterized by the formation of a flase membrane on any mucous surface


An agent employed in the preparation of tissues for the purpose of maintaining the existing form of the structure. Many agents are used, the most important one being formalin.

Hazardous material

An agent or material exposing one to risk


An agent which can cause non-inheritable mutations in offspring


An agent, usually chemical, applied to inanimate objects/surfaces to destroy disease causing microbial agents, but usually not bacterial spores


An agonal or postmortem redistribution of host microflora on a hostwide basis.


An agonal or postmortem redistrubution of host microflor on a host wide basis

Resinous substance

An amorphous, nonvolatile solid or soft side substance, a natural exudation from plants; any of a class of solid or soft organic compounds of natural or synthetic origin.

Phenol (Also Carbolic Acid)

An antiseptic/disinfectant employed to dry moist tissues and to bleach.


An edemous body will yield ___ pounds of water per 100 pounds of body weight

What is a cavity injector?

An embalming instrument which is connected to a bottle of cavity fluid to aid in injecting the cavity fluid into the various cavities of the body.


An evaluation of exposures that are time-weighted over an established period It allows the exposure levels to be averaged generally over an eight-hour time period.

Where does the dorsalis pedis artery originate

An extension of the anterior tibial artery


An immediate and temporary disturbance of brain function

What is important regarding injection of infants?

An incision from the xiphoid process of the sternum to the umbilicus is made to the left of the midline to raise the descending abdominal aorta as an injection site. The drainage site would be the same only to the right of the spine, the inferior vena cava.

Describe the place of incision for the common carotid artery using a parallel incision

An incision is made along the posterior border of the inferior one-third of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. The incision is thus parallel to the muscle and vessel itself.

Half Moon Incision

An incision on the surface of the skin used when raising the common carotid arteries. It is made from the center of one clavicle by a curve to the center of the other clavicle aka semi-lunar incision


An infection that is acquired in a hospital setting


An inflammatory skin disease marked by small vesicles in clusters, usually restricted to diseases

Hunter, Dr. Willam

An influenctial person in medical embalming who is acknowledged as the first person to successfully adopt a method of arterial injection preserve

Malpighi, Marcello

An influenctial person in medical embalming who was the first to note capillary circulation and was later known as the "Father of Microscopic Anatomy" Father of Histology

Hunter, John

An influential person in medical embalming for whom Hunter's canal is named

Clauderus, Gabrial

An influential person in medical embalming who published a book about a method of embalming without evisceration (German)

Gannal, Jean

An influential person in medical embalming who was the first to make embalming available to the public and who also wrote the first embalming text (First printing in French)

Harlan, Richard

An influential person in medical embalming, who translated Gannal's text into English and promoted embalming for sanitary purposes

Harvey, Dr. William

An influential person is medical embalming who discovered the circulation of blood in 1628


An instrument used for peeling off very thin layers of skin, approximately 1/15,000th of an inch thick and approximately 3 inches wide

Agonal Intussusception

An invagination of an upper segment of intestine within a lower segment


An invagination of an upper segment of intestine within a lower segment.

Agonal Intussusception

An invagination of an upper segment of intestine within a lower segment.


An involuntary, rapid movement of the eyeball, usually from side to side.


An involuntary, rapid movemnt of the eyeball, usually from side to side


An open sore or lesion of skin or mucous membrane accompanied by sloughing of inflamed necrotic tissue

Dental tie method

An outdated form of mouth closure; most elderly people have no teeth, making the method useless from the start. This method consists of fastening a strong ligature or fishing line around one of the upper incisors and allowing the free end to hang loose. A similar ligature is placed around the corresponding lower incisor and then both loose ends of the ligature are tied together. The biggest fault is that most people have an overbite

Chin Rest Method

An outdated form of mouth closure; the mouth is closed and a head block, bottle, or a nose-chin clamp is positioned. Both carotids are raised and the head is over-embalmed. These positioning devices are left in place until the facial tissue and muscles are firm, they they are removed. The theory is that the tissue is fixed and firm so that the mouth won't open, but this method seldom works and the devices leave marks on the face

Agonal exudation

An outpouring of lymph into the peritoneal cavity

Sodium Hypochlortite

An unstable salt usually produced in an aqueous solution and used as a bleaching and disinfecting agent

Generalized edema

Anasarca is aka?

What is the figure eight suture?

Anchor surface ligature around pins. This is considered as a temporary suture. Its suggested use is to bring and hold the lips of the incision together before and during the embalming operation until a more permanent closure and repair is made. Also, a suggested use of this suture is to assist in a permanent closure by bringing and holding the lips of the incision together when an adhesive or sealer is used inside the incision to seal it permanently. This suture is normally used only on exposed areas.


Antemortem Injuries resulting from friction of the skin against a firm object resulting in the removal of the epidermis


Antemortem and or postmortem settling of blood and/or other fluids to dependent portions of the body.

Pathological discoloration

Antemortem discoloration that occurs during the course of certain diseases; gangrene and jaundice.


Antemortem, pinpoint, extravascular blood discoloration visible as purpleish hemorrhages of the skin

The right and left anterior cerebral arteries are connected by means of the

Anterior Communicating Artery

From the dorsalis pedis vein, the blood flows into the

Anterior Tibial Vein

Just below the knee, the popliteal artery subdivides into the

Anterior and Posterior Tibial arteries

What is the lateral boundary of the anterior cervical triangle?

Anterior border of the sternocleidomastoideus

After giving off its first branch, the internal carotid artery subdivides into two parts, the

Anterior cerebral artery and Middle Cerebral artery

Sodium Citrate would be considered which type of modifying agent?


This modifying agent retards the tendency of the blood to become more viscous:


Operative corrections

Any and all techniques to treat a problem area, excision, incision, wicking.


Any change in structure produced during the course of a disease or injury


Any deviation from or interruption of the normal structure or function of a body part, organ, or system


Any malignant neoplasm marked by uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells

Local congestion

Any obstruction in the vascular system causing an increase in injection pressure demand


Any one of a group of nitrogenous organic compounds formed by the action of putrefactive bacteria on proteins; indole, skatole, cadaverine, and putrescine

Vacuum breaker

Apparatus that prevents the back-siphoning of contaminated liquids into potable water supply lines or plumbing cross-connections within the preparation room.

As the aorta leaves the heart, the curved part is called the

Arch of the aorta

Dessication marks

Areas of embalmed tissue where excessive dehydration has occurred

What are the anatomical limits of the left subclavian artery?

Arises directly from the arch of the aorta as the third branch: begins at the level of the second costal cartilage and terminates at the lateral border of the first rib.

What is the origin of the ascending aorta?

Arises from the left ventrical of the heart

What are the anatomical limits of the right subclavian artery?

Arises from the right brachiocephalic artery, aka innominate artery: begins at the sternoclavicular articulation and terminates at the lateral border of the first rib

Concentrated fluids that are diluted with water to be injected into the vascular system are considered:

Arterial Fluids


Arteries have a blood vessel capacity of _____%


Arteries to __________ to capillaries


Arteries to arterioles to ___________

From the digital arteries the blood flows into

Arterioles and Capillaries

The blood flows from the thoracic aorta through the visceral and parietal arteries, through the

Arterioles and capillaries

The pulmonary __________ carry blood to the lungs


What is Phenol most often used for in embalming?

As a cavity preservative fluid


As you fill the aorta, the pressure needle will not move. Once the aorta is _______, the pressure needle should bob

Will not

As you fill the aorta, the pressure needle will or will not move?

The aorta arises from the left ventricle and arches backward, descending to the left. For descriptive purposes it may be considered as being subdivided into

Ascending Aorta, Arch of the Aorta, Thoracic Aorta, Abdominal Aorta

As the aorta leaves the heart, the upward part is called the

Ascending aorta

As the blood leaves the heart it flows into the

Ascending aorta and then the arch of the aorta

What is in the right lumbar aka lateral?

Ascending colon.


Assimilation of gas, vapor, or dissolved matter by the surface of a solid or liquid.

The pulmonary veins carry blood

Away from the lungs

At the outer border of the first rib the subclavian artery becomes the

Axillary Artery

The Brachial vein extends upwards into the

Axillary Vein

The basilic vein extends superficially upward and then joins the brachial vein to form the

Axillary Vein

The cephalic vein extends upward to empty into the

Axillary Vein

The blood flows from the bronchial veins and from the intercostal veins through the

Azygos Vein


Bacterial decomposition of carbohydrates

The right and left vertebral arteries extend upwards to the base of the brain where they unite to form the

Basilar Artery

This extends superficially upward along the little finger side of the arm

Basilic Vein

What is the accompanying vein for drainage of the brachial artery?

Basilic vein, relative location - medial and superficial to the brachial artery : therefore, the brachial artery will lie lateral and deep to the basilic vein.


Because the liquid aspect of the arterial solution is simply a vector for the gas, the formaldehyde _____ is what actually effects and fixes the tissue cell protoplasm

How do you suture the head?

Begin on the right and end on the left

What is the anatomical limit of the femoral artery?

Begins at a point posterior to the center of the inguinal ligament, aka pouparts ligament, and terminates at the opening in the adductor magnus muscle

What are the anatomical limits of the brachial artery?

Begins at the inferior border of the tendon of the teres major muscle and terminates at a point just inferior to the antercubital fossa, aka the elbow

What are the amatomical limits of the axillary artery?

Begins at the lateral border of the first rib and terminates at the inferior border of the tendon of the teres major muscle

What is the anatomical limit of the popliteal artery?

Begins at the opening of adductor magnus muscle and terminates at the inferior border of popliteus muscle


Beneath the skin

From the left atrium the blood passes through the

Bicuspid valve


Biological agent or condition that constitutes a hazard to humans.

What is in the hypogastric?

Bladder in children in adults if distended. Uterus during pregnancy.


Blister-like elevation of skin of containg serious fluid


Blood in sputum


Blood present in vomitus, vomiting of blood from the stomach.

Where do the accompanying veins of the aorta, the superior and inferior vena cava empty?

Both empty into the right atrium of the heart

After the axillary passes the axilla, it is called the

Brachial Artery

The radial and ulnar veins combine just below the elbow to form the

Brachial Vein

The internal carotid arteries supply blood to the

Brain, eyes, forehead, and nose

Describe the external facial artery aka maxillary artery

Branch of the external carotid artery that supplies blood to the cheeks and lips

What is the anatomical guide of the internal iliac artery?

Branches off approximately half way down psoas major muscle toward the pubic viscera. Carries blood to organs in the pubic cavity. This artery is usually severed in autopsied cases.

Individual temporary sutures that are used to align tissues:

Bridge sutures

The visceral arteries (3) branching from the thoracic aorta are the

Bronchial Arteries, Esophageal Arteries, and Pericardial Arteries

The blood flows from the bronchi through the

Bronchial Veins

The blood flows to the bronchi through the

Bronchial arteries

Describe aspiration of the stomach

Brown coffee ground consistency with acrid odor - sour smell; Direct trocar point toward the intersection of the fifth intercostal space and the left mid-axillary line; continue until the trocar enters the stomach on the left side

Borates, carbonates, and EDTA are all what?


These chemicals effect the stabilization of the acid-base balance within embalming solutions and embalmed tissues:


livor mortis

Cadaveric Lividity; postmortem, intravascular, red-blue discoloration resulting from hypostasis of blood; the change that occurs in the latter parts of the death process; can be cleared


Can you embalm a fetus through the deceased mother's arterial system?


Capable of causing disease.


Capable of inducing growth of a tumor

In the lungs the pulmonary artery subdivides into many tiny branches called


The coronary arteries divide into many tiny branches called



Capillaries have a blood vessel capacity of _____%

The scientific name for Phenol is:

Carbolic Acid

As the blood flows around the alveoli, it gives off

Carbon Dioxide

From the capillaries the hearts blood supply flows into the

Cardiac Veins


Cases showing little or no discolorations can ________ be injected safely at higher rates of pressure and flow

Manner of death

Cause of death is not as important as ______________


Causing an allergic reaction after repeated exposure.

When you direct the trocar to a point one fourth the distance on a line from the right anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic symphysis, you are entering:

Cecum of the large intestine

After the inferior phrenic arteries, the next artery extending from the abdominal aorta is the

Celiac Artery

The second branch of the abdominal aorta are the

Celiac Artery

Arch of the aorta

Center of embalming circulation is the _____________

Right atrium

Center of venous drainage is the juncture of the superior and inferior vena cava at the ________

This extends superficially from the dorsal venous network along the thumb side of the arm

Cephalic Vein

From the dorsal venous network, two large veins extend superficially upward, returning the blood towards the heart, known as the

Cephalic and Basilic Veins

The superficial volar venous arches branch into the

Cephalic vein and Basilic Vein

The axillary vein also receives the blood flowing from the

Cephalic vein and Basilic vein (once joined with the brachial vein)

From the brain, blood flows into the

Cerebral Veins

Physical post mortem changes

Changes that are not primarily responsible for alterations in the chemical compositions and properties of the body substances.

Pustular lesion

Charateristic pus-fileld structure of a disease, such as smallpox, syphillis, and acne

Hardening compound

Chemical in powder form that has the ability to absorb and to disinfect. Often used in cavity treatment of autopsied cases.

Modifying agents

Chemicals added to the embalming solution to deal with varying Demands predicated upon the type of embalming, the environment and the embalming fluid to be used.


Chemicals which kill or render incapable of reproducing disease causing microorganisms


Circumscribed inflammation of the skin and deeper tissues that ends in suppuraction and is accompanied by systemic symptoms, such as fever and leukocytosis; Several communicating boils of the skin and subcutaneous tissue with the production and discharge of pus and dead tissue

Describe aspiration of the brain

Clear Fluid; may contain small specks of tissue with no odor. May be creamy white; Enter cranial trocar, well lubricated, into the left nostril until it touches the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone. Exert pressure until trocar penetrates the cranial cavity and enters the brain.

Short circuit purge

Clear fluid purge False purge ____________ All synonymous; actually arterial fluid solution that has escaped the blood vascular system and is exiting the mouth and nose

False purge

Clear fluid purge ___________ Short circuit purge All synonymous; actually arterial fluid solution that has escaped the blood vascular system and is exiting the mouth and nose

Describe aspiration of the right and left lung

Clear or red foam or frothy white; no odor; Direct the trocar point along an imaginary line first high and then low toward the center of both the right and left clavicle bones


Clear, volatiles liquid used as a wax solvent or to remove grease, oil, and adhessive tape stains

Surface compress

Cloth, wet or dry, folded and applied firmly to a body part


Colloidal solution dispensed as a mist


Combination of iodine and a solubilizing agent or carrier that liberates free iodne in solution; a chemical disinfectant

The brain is supplied with blood by means of the

Common Carotid arteries and the vertebral arteries

These arteries extend upward and supply blood to the head and neck

Common Carotids and Vertebral

The femoral vein empties into the external iliac vein which in turn empties into the

Common Iliac Vein


Common carotid; internal / external carotids Brachial; ulnar / radial Base of the descending abdominal aorta; right / left common iliacs Popliteal; anterior / posterior tibia arteries

Where might sutures be visible?

Common carotids, ulnars, and radials

What is the accompanying vein of the common iliac artery

Common iliac vein lies directly inferior to the common iliac artery; therefore, the common iliac artery lies directly superior to the common iliac vein

The hypogastric veins empty into the

Common iliac veins


Composition of two or more substances that are not chemically bound to each other


Concerning an entrance to an organ, especially through which the blood is carried to the liver.


Concurrent method (a method of drainage in relation to injection) is aka?


Condition characterized by the multiplication of bacteria in blood.

Pitting edema

Condition in which interstitial spaces contain such excessive amounts of fluid that the skin remains depressed after palpation.

Apparent death

Condition in which the manifestations of life are feebly maintained.

Dry Gangrene

Condition that results when the body part that dies had little blood and remains aseptic and occurs when the arteries but not the veins are obstructed.

Dry gangrene

Condition that results when the body part that dies had little blood and remains aseptic and occurs when the arteries but not the veins are obstructed.

What is the origin of the femoral artery?

Continuation of the external iliac artery

What is the origin of the arch of the aorta?

Continues from the ascending aorta and is the center of embalming circulation

Define isotonic

Contractions which we normally think of when muscle undergo their normal movement

Define Isometric

Contractions with a constant tension on the muscle, but little or no movement occurs


Copious drainage will do what to the arterial injection pressure requirements?

From the cardiac veins, the heart's blood supply flows into the

Coronary Sinus

From the cerebral veins the blood flows into the various

Cranial Venous Sinuses

Somatic Death

Death of the organism as a whole


Decompsition of fats

What is catabolism?

Decrease in body temp post mortem from 99.6 to 98.6

Agonal algor

Decrease in body temperature

The small saphenous vein empties into the

Deep Popliteal Vein

The internal maxillary artery leads towards the

Deep structures of the face, towards the covering of the brain, and towards the teeth and jaws

Chemical evaporation

Dehydration caused by using too harsh of an arterial solution to embalm a dead human body.

What is in the left lumbar aka lateral?

Descending colon.


Destruction of bacteria by action of certain chemical substances.

Third degree burns

Destruction of cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues; seared, charred


Destruction of red blood cells that liberates hemoglobin

Bactericidal agent

Destructive to bacteria


Deviations from the normal

The thoracic aorta extends down to the


Where is the diaphragm of phrenic muscle?

Diaphragm, also called phrenic muscle, divides the descending aorta, aka descending thoracic aorta, from the descending abdominal aorta, left side of the spine

Differential pressure

Difference between actual pressure and potential pressure


Difficult or painful breathing

The superficial and deep volar arches extend into the

Digital Arteries


Diminish secondary dilution Remove intravascular dilution Retard decomposition Prevent tissue distention Permit disinfection and temporary preservation

Embalming surface

Direct contact of internal or external body tissues with embalming chemicals

Cavity embalming

Direct treatment, other than vascular (arterial) injection, of the contents of the body cavities and the lumina of the hollow viscera; usually accomplished by aspiration and injection of undiluted cavity fluid

Blood discoloration

Discolorations resulting from changes in blood composition, content, or location either intravascularly or extravasculary

Exanthematous Disease

Disease characterized by a rash, for example, measles

Addison ' s disease

Disease resulting from a deficiency in the secretion of adrenocortical hormones, with "bronze" discoloration of the skin and electrolyte imbalances

Contagious disease

Disease that may be transmitted between individuals, with reference to the organism that causes a disease

Communicable disease

Disease that may be transmitted either directly or indirectly between individuals by an infectious agent

Pathological condition

Disease; due to a disease

Infectious disease

Diseases caused by the growth of pathogenic microorganisms within the body


Disfigured by a loss of natural part because of the application of force.


Dislodge congested drainage Stimulate capillary filtration Minimize fluid loss Saturate the capillary bed Penetrate surface tissue

Subcutaneous Emphysema

Distension of the tissues beneath the skin by gas or air; an antemortem condition brought about by a surgical procedure or trauma.


Distention is aka?


Distention of the pelvis and calyces of one or both kidneys with urine as a result of obstruction.

The blood returning from the foot flows into the venules of the foot and then the

Dorsal Venous Arch

The blood from the superficial volar venous arches flows into a network of superficial veins, known as the

Dorsal Venous Network of the hand

The anterior tibial artery continues along the anterior part of the leg to the ankle joint where it becomes the

Dorsalis Pedis Artery

The medial and lateral plantar arteries form the plantar arch which also receives blood from the

Dosalis Pedis

Define depression

Downward movement, or lowering a body part

Closed system drainage

Drainage procedure that limits the exposure of the embalmer to the drainage. Tubing is attached to a drain tube allowing drainage to flow directly from a vein into a sanitary disposal system; tubing may also be attached to a trocar and aspirator allowing drainage to be taken from the right atrium of the heart to the sanitary disposal system.


Drainage sites above the heart can ______ the chances of swelling in the face (increase or decrease?)


Drawing together, or a contraction, of gels which results in the giving off of water.


Drawn or pulled out.

Liquid nail

Drywall adhesive is aka ____________

Arch of the aorta

During life, the heart is the center of blood circulation, but in death, the ____________ becomes the center of the arterial embalming process

Counter staining compound

Dye that helps cover initial discoloration such as jaundice.

Eosin, ponceau, and erythrosine are all examples of:



EKG AKA ECG: Record of the electrical activity of the heart

Mechanical machine

Eckel's embalming machine was aka?

Skeletal Edema

Edema in the body appendages, trunk, and/or head as contrasted with edema of the body cavities


Edematous fluids are _________; they draw out the moisture from the body tissues


Effect occuring at sites remote from the route of entry


Effected through unbroken skin

What do you do after turning on the machine and checking the rate of flow and pressure?

Elevate legs and massage towards the heart; Flex and extend arms and massage towards the heart; After you are sure fluid has penetrated arms, reposition them; Be sure fingernails are cleaned and trimmed; After you are certain that fluid has penetrated the legs and arms, massage the body trunk

Poze injectior

Embalming equiopment used to inject a substance into the mourth, giving the deceased a more life-like appearance by filling out the mouth

Poze injector

Embalming equipment used to inject a substance into the mouth, giving the deceased a more life-like appearance bu filling out the mouth [controversial]

Cosmetic Fluid

Embalming fluid that contains dyes and coloring agents intended to restore a more natural skin tone through the embalming process


Embalming fluids with a high formaldehyde content used on extremely difficult cases in which the embalmer may encounter or on cases in which the embalmer desires a great degree of rigidity generally 30 - 36 + index.

What is a parietal needle, aka hypo valve trocar?

Embalming instrument used to hypodermically inject areas of the body with embalming chemicals.

Embalming pack

Embalming where an absorbent material is saturated with an embalming chemical and placed in direct contact with the tissue.

What is the baseball or sail stitch?

the type of stitch used on baseball covers and was the type of incisions used by the Egyptians. Usually an "s" curved suturing needle with a cutting edge and a rather heavy ligature are employed. The stitch is made from beneath, up through the skin and the needle is crossed from side to side with each stitch. This makes for a strong closure, but pulls the tissues adjacent to the incision upward into a ridge. For the best results, be sure to keep the ligature taut after each suture.


Enzymes which function outside of the bacterial cell wall

Agonal edema

Escape of blood serum from an intravascular to an extra vascular location immediately before death

The blood flows from the esophagus through the

Esophageal Veins

Posterior boundary

Established by drawing a line along the fold of skin which envelops the lateral border of the latissimus dorsi muscle.

Posterior Boundary (Axillary space)

Established by drawing a line along the fold of the skin which envelops the lateral border of the latissimus dorsi muscle

Anterior Boundary (Axillary space)

Established by drawing a line along the fold of the skin which envelops the lateral border of the pectoralis major muscle

Medial Boundary (Axillary space)

Established by drawing a line which connects the two points where the pectoralis major and latissmus dorsi muscles belnd into the chest wall

Lateral Boundary (Axillary space)

Established by drawing line which connects the two points where the pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi muscle blend into the arm

When aspirating the brain, an infant trocar is passed through the left or right nostril through the cribiform plate of the:

Ethmoid bone


Excessive leaniness; a wasted condition resulting in sunken surfaces of the face

Facies Hippocratica

Expression or appearance of the facial features after death. The look of death

The femoral vein empties into the

External Iliac Vein

The common iliac artery divides into these

External Iliac and Hypogastric Arteries

The third branch off the external carotid artery is the

External Maxillary Artery

The right and left common carotid arteries extend upwards along the trachea until the reach the upper border of the thyroid cartilage where they subdivide into the

External and Internal Carotid Arteries

At the upper border of the thyroid cartilage, the common carotids divide into the

External carotid and Internal Carotid Arteries

The right and left common iliac arteries divide into the

External iliac and hypogastric arteries

Each common iliac artery subdivides into the

External iliac and hypogastric artery

The posterior facial vein and the posterior auricular vein combine to form the

External jugular vein


Extreme sensitivity to light.

The ophthalmic artery carries blood to the


The external Maxillary Artery leads toward the


The greater the surface tension, the faster the rate of penetration by the arterial solution: T/F


Proper angle of head is "16 DEGREES" to the right

False, 15 DEGREES

If an ARTERY is collapsed you may inject until is it able to be seen

False, VEIN


Fatty degeneration or thickening of the walls of the larger arteries occuring in atherosclerosis

Water logging

Feature swelling and distortion due to pre-injection of fluids causing an accumulation in the tissues and vessels; if offers greater resistance to the entrance of more solution


Feces escaping from the rectum is what kind of purge?

The external iliac artery extends towards the thigh where it is called the

Femoral Artery

Femoral artery lies lateral and superficial to?

Femoral vein

What is the accompanying vein of the femoral artery?

Femoral vein, relative position - medial at the inguinal ligament progressing to immediately posterior at the apex of the femoral triangle, aka Scarpa' s Triangle; The femoral vein will lie medial and deep to the femoral artery; therefore, the femoral artery will lie lateral and superficial to the femoral vein.

What is the origin of the Brachiocephalic Artery, aka Innominate Artery?

First branch off the aortic arch: Approximately two to three inches in length; Right side only

How do you position remains

Flex 1) the facial muscles; 2) cheeks, jaw, and neck; 3) arm at shoulder, elbow, wrist, and finger; 4) leg at hip, knee, foot; Alleviate by flexing as much rigor mortis as possible; Position the body the way you want it to appear in the casket

The passage of some elements of the injected arterial solution from within the capillary to the tissue spaces is the definition of:

Fluid Diffusion

The passage of embalming solution from the point of injection throughout the arterial system and into the capillaries is:

Fluid Distribution

Interstitial fluid

Fluid in the supporting connective tissues surrounding body cells (about one-fifth the body weight)

Supplemental Fluid

Fluid injected for purposes other than preservation and disinfection.

Preinjection Fluid

Fluid injected primarily to prepare the vascular system and body tissues for the injection of the preservative vascular (arterial) solution. This solution is injected before the preservative vascular solution is injected.

Intracellular fluid

Fluid inside cells of the body (constituing about one-half of the body weight)

From the plantar arch, the blood flows to all parts of the ____ through small arterteries, arterioles, and capillaries


Common iliac

For a mother who died during advanced pregnancy (rare), embalm through the left _____________ artery and establish drainage from the inferior vena cava through the right common iliac vein

Inferior vena cava

For a mother who died during advanced pregnancy (rare), embalm through the left common iliac artery and establish drainage from the _____________ through the right common iliac vein


For the gravity method of embalming, for each 1 foot of elevation of the percolator, the pressure of injection increases by how many pounds?

1 foot

For the gravity method of embalming, for each ______ of elevation of the percolator, the pressure of injection increases by .434 pounds

Hot water embalming

Form of embalming that should only be used in desperation and in cases of decomposition. It has a rapid liberation of formaldehyde gas.

Hypodermically injecting the masseter muscles

Form of mouth closure; injection of high index cavity fluid, via small syringe into the masseter muscles (chewing muscles located at the rear of the mouth behind the teeth.) The mandible is then put in a closed position until the muscles firm. A problem that may arise is a circular burn mark in the cheek from the cavity fluid. Method seldom works.

Hepatitis A (HAV)

Formally called Infectious hepatitis. It is caused by the enterically transmitted (oral-fecal route).


Formation of new channels in a tissue.

Where does the plantars arch originate?

Formed at the base of the digits toes anteriorly by the dorsalis pedis artery and posteriorly by the posterior tibial artery

Describe the volvar arch, aka deep and superficial palmar

Formed in the palm of the hand just inferior to the fingers by the juncture as well as the branches of the radial and ulnar arteries. Referring to the correct anatomical position, the volar arch is superior to the fingers.


Free floating object in the blood stream


Freedom from infection and from any form of life; sterility

What is the linear guide of the brachial artery?

From center of the base of the axillary space to the center of forearm just below bend of elbow

Postmortem interval

From death to embalming

Trace the flow of blood from the heart to the esophagus and return

From heart to ascending aorta to arch of aorta to thoracic aorta to esophageal arteries to esophagus to esophageal veins to left innominate vein to superior vena cava to heart

What is the linear guide of the posterior tibial artery?

From the center of popliteal space to a point midway between medial malleolus and the calcaneus bone

Where is the linear guide for the dorsalis pedis artery?

From the center of the anterior surface of the ankle joint to a point between the first and second digits

Trace the path of the blood as it flows to nourish the heart

From the heart, to ascending aorta, to right and left coronary arteries, to heart capillaries, to cardiac veins, to coronary sinus, to right atrium.

What is the linear guide of the anterior tibial artery

From the lateral border of the patella to the anterior surface of the ankle joint


Gas formation in the cavities and organs can be removed by aspiration: A. Prior to injection B. During injection C. After injection D. All of the above E. A and B F. B and C

This artery carries the blood from the hepatic artery to the stomach and duodenum


From the stomach and duodenum, the blood flows into the

Gastroduodenal ein


General inflammation of the skin


General term used to denote any prolonged inhalation of mineral dust


Generalized edema

This component of the arterial fluid is designed to kill microorganisms:


What is in the epigastric?

Greater part of the stomach including cardiac and pyloric orifices. The greater part of the pancreas.

What is the most dangerous but neatest needle?

Half moon


Harvesting is slang for what term?

Highly toxic

Having a relatively low lethal dose.

Trace the path of the blood from the heart to the capillaries of the left hand

Heart, to ascending aorta, to arch of the aorta, to left subclavian artery, to axillary artery, to brachial artery, to radial and ulnar arteries, to superficial and deep volar arches, to digital arteries to arterioles to capillaries.

From the liver, the blood flows into the

Hepatic Veins

Arterial fluids that have an index between 30-35 are considered:

High Index Fluids

Bodies embalmed during and after rigor mortis need what index of arterial fluid?

High index

If senile purpura is in evidence over the hands and arms of the body, how would you embalm?

High index and slow rate of flow


High pressure High rate of flow Obese cases Clotted drainage Thoracic and abdominal gas


Hindered diffusion is aka?

Hand pump

Historical instrument resembling a large hypodermic syringe attached to a bottle apparatus; used to create either pressure for injection or vacuum for aspiration.

True solution

Homogeneous mixture of two or more substances able to pass through a semi-permeable membrane. The size of the solute particles is less than one nanometer

Head freeze

Hook "y" into both common carotid arteries, aiming upward One 16 0z. bottle of 30 index or better fluid One bottle full of hot water (act as a catalyst to embalming fluid) Use a wet towel over machine to seal it; turn off pressure, minimize flow Up both carotids, try to get all 32 oz. in head unless you see swelling. This is used when you see bulging eyeballs, indicating the possibility of decomposition in the cranial cavity What is this called?


How many arteries make up the circle of Willis?


How many kinds of blood cells are there?


How many layers are there to vessels?


How many points of injection are you likely to have for someone with pitting edema?


How many quarts of blood does the body have in life?

Glycerin, sorbitol, and lanolin are examples of which type of modifying agent?


First Degree Burn

Hyperemia: An injury caused by heat which produces redness of the skin.

When a solution has a greater concentration of dissolved solute than the solution with which it is compared is said to be:


Treatment of small localized areas or large areas such as the trunk walls of the autopsied body but subcutaneous injection of a suitable chemical:

Hypodermic embalming

What supplies blood to the pelvis?

Hypogastric Artery

In the 9 region plan for dividing the abdominal cavity, the urinary bladder would be in the:

Hypogastric region

Gravitational settling of the blood to the dependent portions of the body


A solution having a lesser concentration of dissolved solute that the solution with which it is compared is said to be:



If you are turning off the embalming machine, creating another point of drainage, preferably one point above the heart and one below, you are most likely trying to correct what?


If you experience scanty and clotted drainage during embalming, it could be because the body had some sort of __________ influence


In a dying state; in the agonal period

Picture frame

In a perfection half couch casket, the body should be centered utilizing the head panel - the roll [cove or puffing] acting as a ____________


In embalming, is the congestion of arterial fluid solution in the superficial capillaries during the embalming process. It is a cauliflower effect on the tissue, usually with staining as a result of arterial dye. ___________ can be induced by clamping off the corresponding vein, creating backpressure


In extreme cases, what thermal influence will alter the growth of bacteria?


In its broadest sense, refers to the moistening, and softening, of any tissue decomposing in a liquid medium.


In life, is the congestion of blood in the superficial capillaries of the face and neck because of nervous or emotional tension


In life, is the congestion of blood within the superficial capillaries of the immediate area of an infection or irritation

Blood circulation

In life, the heart is the center of _________


In liquids, muddy with particles of extraneous matter, not clear on transport


In osmosis, a solvent or a solute passes through a semipermeable membrane from a dilute to a concentrated solution?

Agonal coagulation

In reference to blood, a change from a fluid into a thickened mass


Inactivation or removal of microbial toxins, as well as living microbial pathogens themselves.

Parallel Incision

Incision made parallel to the artery

Parallel Incision

Incision on the surface of the skin to raise the common carotid arteries; it is made along the posterior border of the inferior one-third of the sternocleidomastoid muscle

What is anabolism?

Increase in body temp post mortem from 98.6 to 99.6; caused by oxidation of food products and cessation of cooling methods - respiration, circulation, and perspiration; bacteria just prior to death cause energy and heat buildup in tissues, causing excessive muscle activity

Agonal fever

Increase in body temperature immediately before death


Increase in number of leukocytes (above 10,000 per cumm) in blood, generally caused by infection and usually transient


Increase pressure, pulsating pressure and rate of flow Creating back pressure (by opening and closing tube) Massage of the body Instruments Chemicals

What is used to reference the amount of absolute formaldehyde gas by volume present in the arterial fluid?


Frictional resistance

Indicates the drag of the fluid solution or of the blood against the interior of the blood vessels or lumina. It is determined by four factors: -Viscosity of blood -Amount of the inner surface presented -Nature of the inner surface -Age - ___________ is less in the young, most noticeable in the elderly

What is the Bridge Suture or Temporary Interrupted Suture?

Individual stitch knotted at the tissue edge. This suture is normally used as a temporary stitch. It may be applied prior to embalming to align tissues

The common iliac veins empty into the

Inerior Vena Cava

The first group of arteries extending from the abdominal aorta are the

Inferior Arteries

The first branches of the abdominal aorta are the

Inferior Phrenic Arteries

Leading into the straight sinus is the

Inferior Sagittal Sinus

From the hepatic veins, the blood flows into the

Inferior Vena Cava

From the left renal vein the blood flows into the

Inferior Vena Cava

The blood flowing from the right spermatic vein or the right ovarian vein flows directly into the

Inferior Vena Cava

The blood flows from the inferior phrenic veins to the

Inferior Vena Cava

The blood flows from the left renal vein into the

Inferior Vena Cava

The common iliac veins empty into the

Inferior Vena Cava

The lumbar veins empty into the

Inferior Vena Cava

The renal veins empty into the

Inferior Vena Cava

What is the superior boundary of the anterior cervical triangle?

Inferior margin of the mandible

The vein receiving the blood flowing from the inferior mesenteric artery is the

Inferior mesenteric Vein

The right suprarenal vein empties directly into the

Inferior vena Cava

From the middle sacral vein, the blood flows into th

Inferior vena cava


Inflammation of a kidney.


Inflammation of the liver. It may be caused by a veriety of agents, including viral infections, bacterial invasion, and physical or chemical agents. It is usually accompanied by fever, jaundice, and an enlarged liver


Inflammation of the meninges

What is the superior boundary of the femoral triangle?

Inguinal ligament

How do you inject the head?

Inject the head from the left and then right common carotid arteries. Never inject the head simultaneously. Inject the left side first. Never inject the head with more than the minimum amount of pressure or rate of flow. Before posing features, thoroughly cream the forehead; open cranial incision; remove calvarium; have two small hemostats ready to clamp off the severed ends of the internal carotid arteries. • Start injection of the head only after features are posed. After you see fluid and only fluid leaking from the severed ends of the internal carotid arteries, clamp them off with small hemostats. These severed ends are found in the area designated as the circle of willis in the center and at the base of the cranial cavity. Remain alert for leakage in the neck along the channel of the carotid arteries. Have hemostats ready to clamp off any leakage from the severed branches of the carotid arteries. Because the descending aorta is so often removed, it becomes necessary to hypodermically preserve the sidewalls and flaps of both the thoracic and abdominal cavity. Mix one to two gallons of strong solution in your embalming machine. Proportionally keep your pressure higher than your rate of flow ; make these adjustments before injection. Connect a parietal needle or small trocar to pliable rubber embalming machine hose; be sure your instrument is sharp. Have assistant work machine "on" and "off' switch or bend pliable rubber hose to control fluid with an O.S.H.A. approved hose. Inject all areas that did not receive fluid from arterial injection. Do not forget to inject shoulder area, back side walls, front flaps, and reproductive organs. After injection, clean machine by running 6 gallons of water through it; clean all instruments and put them away. Leave water in the machine. Aspirate or sponge out all cavities.

Waterless embalming

Injection of an arterial solution compressed of a preservative embalming fluid which is diluted with supplemental chemicals such as humectants, water conditioners, and co-injectors

Embalming Hypodermic

Injection of embalming chemicals directly into the tissues through the use of a syringe and needle or a trocar

The amount of pressure produced by an injection device to overcome initial resistance within the vascular system:

Injection pressure

The arch of the aorta contains three branches. The first and largest branch is called the

Innominate Artery

What are the three branches of the aortic arch, in order?

Innominate Artery, Left Common Carotid Artery, Left Subclavian Artery

From the first artery in the arch of the aorta is the

Innominate artery

The right common carotid artery arises from the

Innominate artery; the left common carotid artery arises from the arch of the aorta.


Instrument, equipment, or supply? Injector needle


Instrument, equipment, or supply? Needle injector

The parietal arteries branching from the thoracic aorta are the

Intercostal Arteries and Superior Phrenic arteries

The blood flows to the muscles and skin of the chest wall through the

Intercostal arteries

Suture that creates a tight, leakproof closure but produces an unsightly ridge:

Interlocking (lock)

The Circle of Willis is formed by the anterior cerebral arteries, which are branches of the

Internal Carotid Arteries

When you are embalming the head of a cranial autopsy, what vessels must be clamped?

Internal carotid arteries


International Agency for research on cancer

Hidden stitch:

Intradermal suture


Intravascular blood discoloration that occurs when arterial solution enters an area (such as the face), but due to blockage, blood and embalming solution are unable to drain from the area.


Intravascular; the increase of viscosity of the blood brought about by the clumping of particulate formed elements in the blood vessels which is a specific type of congealing

This type of suture is used to gather in and turn under excess tissue:

Inversion (worm)


Irreversible cessation of all vital functions (nonlegal definitions)

Biological death

Irreversible somatic death, where life can not be restored

What is the axillary artery origin?

Is a continuation of the subclavian artery and terminates by becoming the brachial artery

Where is the external iliac artery?

Is an extension of the common iliac artery


Is postmortem stain a discoloration?


Is tissue gas is in life or death?

This solution has a concentration of dissolved solute equal to that of a standard of reference:


Describe the popliteal artery

It is extension of the femoral artery

Explain why the subclavian arteries must be injected for autopsy cases

It is imperative that the left and right subclavian arteries be injected on autopsied cases so that these eight arteries carry arterial fluid to the shoulders and back of the head. Of the 8 arteries, the left and right vertebrals are of primary importance

What is the Whip Stitch, Continuous Glover Suture or Roll Stitch?

It is used by passing the ligature through both sides of the incision from the outside going from one side to the other as the incision is sutured.

Where does the medial border of the psoas major run

It runs along the external iliac artery and vein, so the muscle serves as an antomical guide in locating these important vessels

What is the middle of the road needle relative to safety and closure product?

J Single curve

Improper positioning of the head could inhibit drainage of what vein?


What is the anatomical guide of the radial artery?

Just lateral to the tendon of flexor carpi radialis muscle

The Renal arteries carry the blood to the


hepatic artery provides blood to ___; also gives off three branches, the

LIVER; right gastric, gastroduodenal, cystic

Using the four quadrant division of the abdomen, the cecum is located in the:


The second artery in the arch of the aorta is the

Left Common Carotid

Which common carotid is longer?

Left Common Carotid

The second branch of the aortic arch is called the

Left Common carotid Artery

The three branches of the celiac artery are the

Left Gastric Artery, Hepatic Artery, Splenic Artery

The left subclavian vein empties into the

Left Innominate Vein

From the superior phrenic veins, the blood flows into the

Left Innominate vein

Both the left spermatic vein and the left ovarian vein empty into the

Left Renal Vein

From the left suprarenal vein, the blood flows into the

Left Renal Vein

The third artery in the arch of the aorta is the

Left Subclavian

The left vertebral artery comes from the

Left Subclavian Artery

The third branch of the aortic arch is called the

Left Subclavian Artery

The left external jugular vein empties into the

Left Subclavian Veins

From the lungs, the blood flows through the pulmonary veins to the left atrium, then flows through the bicuspid valve into the

Left Ventricle

On which sides is the innominate vein?

Left and right side

The pulmonary veins carry the blood to the

Left atrium of the heart

During the embalming of an autopsied case, which artery would be injected first when embalming the head?

Left common carotid

second branch off of arch of aorta

Left common carotid

Both the esophageal veins and the pericardial veins empty into the

Left innominate Vein

What side of the cranial autopsied head do you inject first?

Left side first

What is the origin of the descending aorta, aka descending thoracic aorta?

Left side of the spine

During the embalming of an autopsied case, which of the following arteries would be used to inject the upper left extremity?

Left subclavian

Trace the path of the blood from the heart to the left hand and return

Left ventricle of heart, ascending aorta, left subclavian artery from arch of aorta, axillary artery, brachial artery, radial and ulnar arteries, superficial and deep volar arches, digital arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, superficial and deep volar arches, from superficial to dorsal venous network, to cephalic vein to axillary vein and from basilic vein to brachial vein to axillary vein, from depp volar to radial and ulnar veins, to brachial vein, to axillary vein, left subclavian vein, left innominate vein, superior vena cava, Right Atrium of the heart

In the autopsied infant body, which part is embalmed first?


What are less successful methods to close the cranium?

Less successful methods are plaster of Paris, needle injector, and cotton and scaler. After the calvarium is firmly secured, place thin incision sealer/putty over the line of bone separation. Return the skin flaps to normal position. - With a small 1/2 moon needle and thin double strand ligature cord start to sew flaps together. - Always start from the right ear and sew with a baseball stitch toward the left ear.

What is the anatomical guide of the ulnar artery?

Lies lateral to the tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle, lies between tendons of flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor digitorum superficialis

What is the anatomical guide for the brachial artery?

Lies posterior to the medial border of the belly of the biceps brachii muscle

Define elevation

Lifting up a body part

Linear Guide

Line drawn or visualized on the surface of the skin to represent the approximate location of some deeper lying structure

What is the place of incision of the radial artery?

Linear guide at the wrist. Make incision two inches above the wrist

What is the place of incision of the ulnar artery?

Linear guide at the wrist. Make incision two inches above the wrist.

The second principal branch of the external carotid artery is the

Lingual Artery


Liquid product of inflammation containing various proteins and leukocytes


Liquids that serve as a solvent for the numerous ingredients that are incorporated into embalming fluids

Remains, operator, instruments and equipment

List the variable factors involved in case analysis in order of importance

The hepatic artery supplies blood directly to the


The portal vein carries blood to the



Loss of blood to the point where life can no longer be sustained.

Agonal dehydration

Loss of moisture from the living body during the agonal state

The external iliac arteries extend to the

Lower extremeties

Just below the spermatic or ovarian arteries on the abdominal aorta are the

Lumbar arteries

The pulmonary artery carries blood to the



Lying at right angles of the long axis of the body

Transverse incision

Lying at right angles to the long axis of the body

What is a transverse incision?

Lying at right angles to the long axis of the body


Made up of plasma and formed elements, blood cells, or corpuscles


Making an incision, using a piece of cotton as a wick to draw fluid out of the body (for edema)

Sign of death

Manifestation of death in the body.


Massage cream on the lips will act as a barrier for what?

At the ankle the posterior tibial artery divides into the

Medial and lateral plantar arteries

Inner canthus

Medial corners of the eye


Medication, drugs and other therapeutic agents are considered what types of factors in relation to the body?

What arterial fluid should be used to embalm the body of a 4-12 year old?

Medium index 18-25

Passive transport system

Method by which solutes and/or solvents cross through a membrane with no energy provided by the cells of the membrane. In embalming, examples include pressure filtration, dialysis, diffusion, and osmosis


Method by which solutes and/or solvents cross through a membrane with no energy provided by the cells of the membrane. In embalming, examples include pressure filtration, dialysis, diffusion, and osmosis.

Passive transport system

Method by which solutes and/or solvents cross through a membrane with no energy provided by the cells of the membrane. In embalming, examples include pressure filtration, dialysis, diffusion, and osmosis.

Concurrent drainage

Method of drainage in which drainage occurs continuously during vascular (arterial) injection.

Intermittent drainage

Method of drainage in which the drainage is stopped at intervals while the injection continues.

Alternate drainage

Method of injection-drainage in which embalming solution is injected and then injection is stopped while drainage is open which is a type of restricted drainage.

Just above the end of the abdominal aorta is the

Middle Sacral Artery

This receives blood flowing from the sacrum and coccyx

Middle Sacral Vein

What is the medial boundary of the anterior cervical triangle?

Midline of the neck

What is the place of incision for the posterior tibial artery?

Midway between the medial malleolus and the calcaneus tendon, aka Achilles tendon


Minute petechial hemorrhages caused by the rupture of minute vessels as blood settles into the dependent areas of organs and tissues; it is accompanied by livor mortis. A postmortem, extravascular blood discoloration. Most common in asphyxial or slow deaths.

Tardieu Spots

Minute petechial hemorrhages caused by the rupture of minute vessels as blood settles into the dependent areas of organs and tissues; it is accompanied by livor mortis. A postmortem, extravascular blood discoloration. Most common in asphyxial or slow deaths.


Molecules of a compound in which the atoms gave a slightly different configuration

Which of the following would be considered a sign of diffusion when discussing the embalming operation?

Mottling (bleaching) of the tissues

The lumbar arteries extend to the

Muscles of the skin and abdominal wall, lumbar vertebra, and the spinal cord

Anasarca and pitting edema

Name two types of liquid accumulations

Time and temperature

Name two unreliable indicators of pressure requirements (hint: both start with "T")

The external carotid arteries supply blood to the

Neck, face, mouth, jaws, and scalp


Necrosis, death of tissues of part of the body usually due to dificient or absent blood supply

Moist (wet) gangrene

Necrotic tissue that is wet as a result of onadequate venous drainage; may be accompanied by bacterial infection.

acronym for remembering order of branching of E.C.A.

thy l e o st im = THY LEO STIM

After skin recovery, when should arterial solution with lanolin/humectants be used?


In death by accident, if the organs are to be donated, who has to give permission?

Next of kin and coroner


Noise made by a moribund person caused by air passing through a residue of mucous in the trachea and posterior oral cavity.


Nothched on the edge like a saw, as seen with forceps

Hazard communication standard/Rule

OSHA regulation that deals with identifying & limiting exposure to occupational hazards

The fourth principal branch of the External Carotid Artery is the

Occipital Artery

What is the linear guide of the ulnar artery?

On surface of forearm from center of antecubital fossa to a point between fourth and fifth digits

What is the linear guide of the radial artery?

On surface of the forearm from center of the antecubital fossa to center of base of the second digit

What is the linear guide of the femoral artery?

On the surface of the thigh from center of inguinal ligament to center point on the medial condyle of the femur bone.


One liable to death, a mortal.


One liable to death, a mortal.

Butlerov, Alexander M

One of the discoverers of formaldehyde (Russian)


One of the two types of branches from the descending aorta It supplies blood the the visceral branches


One of the two types of branches from the descending aorta It supplies blood to the walls surrounding the cavities

What is protocol for autopsies?

Open thoracic abdominal and cranial cavities; Remove any gauze packings or any foreign material from the three cavities; Remove viscera and put in viscera bucket; Open viscera with long scissors or long bladed knife, aka bistoury knife; Pour carefully any liquid from viscera into aspiration sink; Pour 1 to 3 bottles of cavity fluid over viscera. Be sure lo mix fluid and viscera thoroughly; then cover bucket; if the brain is left in the body, then it should be included with the viscera for treatment; Aspirate all three cavities and wash remains with warm soapy water; Prepare solution in machine and connect "Y" connection with two cannula tubes. Inject the lower extremities first. Locate the bifurcation of the external iliacs just to the left of the lowerspine at the termination of the aorta; Put a cannula from each branch of the "Y" into the right and left external iliacs; After observing a substantial amount of fluid in the drainage, clamp or the tie off the vein; this will allow penetration of fluid into the surface tissue. Create back pressure. Aspirate cavity after you are sure legs are thoroughly embalmed. Pose features at the same time you inject the lower extremities; If possible, inject the arms from inside the thoracic cavity either from the arch of the aorta if intact or the subclavian arteries. Be sure you extend the arms outward and open the hands and flex the fingers to stimulate circulation. Encourage drainage by massage. After observing a substantial amount of fluid in the drainage, clamp or tie off the axillary or subclavian vein . This will allow penetration fluid into the surface tissue, aka mottling

The first major branch of the internal carotid artery is the

Ophthalmic Artery


Organic compound containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen; chemically, a triglyceride ester, composed of glyceral and fatty acids

Describe the internal and external carotid arteries

Originate at the bifurcation of the left and right common carotid arteries at the superior border of the thyroid cartilage. The bifurcation will occur front to back not side to side.

Where does the anterior tibial artery originate?

Originates at the bifurcation at the popliteal artery

Where does the posterior tibial artery originate?

Originates at the bifurcation at the popliteal artery

What is the origin of the radial artery?

Originates at the bifurcation of the brachial artery

What is the origin of the ulnar artery?

Originates at the bifurcation of the brachial artery. It is larger than the radial artery.

Where is the origin of the common iliac artery

Originates at the descending abdominal aorta bifurcates in to right and left common iliac arteries

Where is the origin of the interal iliac artery

Originates from the common iliac artery

Where do the right and left vertebral arteries terminate and what do they form?

Originates from the left and right subclavian arteries and terminates by forming the basilar artery in the foramen magnum.

Hindered Diffusion

Osmosis is aka?

Concurrent method (continuous)

Out of the techniques of drainage related to injection, which method is the fastest way to embalm?

Alternate method

Out of the techniques of drainage related to injection, which method will get the maximum amount of drainage?

Concurrent method

Out of the techniques of drainage related to injection, which method will give the least uniform backpressure?

As the blood flows around the alveoli, it picks up


permissible exposure limit

PEL; maximum legal limit based on exposures that are time weighted over an 8hr period = .75 ppm

The splenic artery extends to the

Pancreas, spleen, and parts of the stomach

What is the chief ingredient in embalming powder?


What is the place of incision for the popliteal artery?

Parallel incision on the posterior medial aspect of the thigh just superior to popliteal space

These supply the blood to the walls of the chest cavity

Parietal Arteries

Pressure filtration

Passage of embalming solution through the capillary wall to diffuse with the interstitial fluids by application of positive intravascular pressure. Embalming solution passes from an intravascular to an extravascular position

Diffusion solution

Passage of some components of the injected embalming solution from an intravascular to an extravascular location; movements of the embalming solutions from the capillaries into the interstitial fluids.


Pathological state, resulting from the presence of microorganisms or their products in the blood or other tissues

The hypogastric Artery supplies blood to the


Agonal period

Period immediately before somatic death

Agonal state

Period immediately preceding or prior to death


Period that begings after somatic death

The posterior tibial artery extends along the back of the leg to the ankle. Just below the knee, it gives off one large branch, the

Peroneal Artery


Piercing,mucous membranes or the skin barrier through such events s needlesticks, human bites, and cuts and abrasions

From the dorsalis pedis artery, the blood flows to the

Plantar Arch of the foot

The hardening agent in hardening compounds is:

Plaster of Paris


Plastic garment designed to cover the entire body from the neck down to and including the feet.


Poor drainage will increase or decrease pressure requirements?

At the back of the knee, the femoral artery becomes the

Popliteal Artery

The blood flowing from the digestive organs flows into the

Portal Veins

All of the blood coming from the celiac artery, except for the branch from the hepatic artery, flows to the indicated parts of the digestive system through the proper arteries and from there through the corresponding veins and then empties into the

Portal vein

Describe methods of lip closure

Position lip with thin layer of cotton in side mouth between gum and lip; Wet cotton strips outside mouth; Stay cream - Mix 2/3 talcum powder with 1/3 vaseline; Sew with hidden stitch if badly dehydrated ; use tissue builder; Cement lip - Be sure teeth and lips are dry; use lip lock or Japanese glue Use straight pins into gums and set lips on head of pins or pin lips to gum and remove after tissue firms

Pressure Filtration

Positive intravascular pressure causing passage of embalming fluid through the capillary wall to diffuse with the interstitial fluids; causing passage of embalming fluid from an intravascular to an extravascular position

Physicochemical postmortem change

Postdeath alteration in the body that comprises a physical and a chemical change, for example, rigor mortis, wherein there is a change in pH of the tissues and a stiffening of the muscles.

The posterior communicating arteries lead to the corresponding

Posterior Cerebral Arteries

When the right and left internal carotid arteries reach the base of the brain they divide into several branches. The first branches are the

Posterior Communicating Arteries

The medial and lateral plantar veins empty into the

Posterior Tibial Vein

The blood flows through all of these arteries into arterioles, into capillaries, into venules, and then finally two large veins, the

Posterior facial and posterior Auricular Vein

What is the anatomical guide of the axillary artery?

Posterior to the medial border of the coracobrachialis muscle

Tissue Gas

Postmortem accumulation of gas in tissues or cavities brought about by an anaerobic gas forming bacillus, Clostridium perfringens

Rise in temperature after death:

Postmortem caloricity


Postmortem caloricity indicates the remains to be _______ deceased


Postmortem clots almost always form in what?

What is algor mortis?

Postmortem cooling after catabolism

Tissue gas

Postmortem emphysema is aka what?


Postmortem stain indicates that the remains are entering ____________; low pressure, multiple points of injection and drainage, strong solution, induced backpressure, moderate flow, etc.


Postmortem stain is aka?

Rubber Water collar

Preparation room equipment applied to the neck creating external pressure to reduce swelling of the neck.

Lip sealer (lip cement)

Preparation room materials used on cases where the lips and/or eyelids are difficult to close properly

How do you suture the abdominal and thoracic cavity?

Prepare "S" shaped autopsy needle with double strand ligature cord to suture abdominal and thoracic cavity. Liberally sprinkle hardening compound throughout the thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavity. Fill cavities with batting cotton or saw dust or return preserved viscera to cavity. Sew sternum back on rib cage; again sprinkle hardening compound over the entire area. Sew three flaps together and then sew abdomen downward using a baseball stitch. After the abdomen has been sewn downward with a baseball stitch, sew thoracic across from shoulder to shoulder with baseball stitch. Be sure that cotton and hardening compound is put in place of the trachea if it has been removed. If this is not done, the result will be a flat neck.

How do you suture the cranium?

Prepare 1/2 moon needle with thin double strand ligature cord. Dry out interior of cranium, cover base of skull with quick drying incision sealer. Put hardening compound and cotton in cranial cavity; then replace calvarium after it has been saturated with hardening compound. Be sure foramen magnum is tightly packed. Methods of attaching Calvarium: 1) Wire it after drilling a series of holes or use metal calvarium claps. 2) Anchor the ligature cord behind both ears and the center of posterior flap.


Presence of bacteria in the blood

Passage of embalming solution through the capillary wall to diffuse with the interstitial fluids by application of positive intravascular pressure is:

Pressure Filtration

Intravascular pressure

Pressure developed as the flow of embalming solution is established and the elastic arterial walls expand and then contract, resulting in filling of the capillary beds and development of pressure filtration

Blood pressure

Pressure exerted by the blood on the vessel walls measured in millimeters of mercury

Potential pressure

Pressure indicated by the injector gauge needle when the injector motor is running and the arterial tubing is clamped off

What does the internal carotid artery, the posterior branch, supply?

Primary blood supply to the brain

What does the external carotid artery, the anterior branch, supply?

Primary blood supply to the face

Dilution attained as the embalming solution is mixed in the embalming machine is known as the:

Primary dilution

Which stage of embalming is the best for embalming?

Primary flaccidity


Process that renders a substance free of all microorganisms


Projection of the jaw or jaws that may cause problems with mouth closure and alignment of the teeth

cavity injector

is attached to a cavity fluid bottle, connected to a length of rubber tubing and a trocar to inject the fluid into the ventral cavity of the deceased

After passing through the semilunar valves, the blood enters the

Pulmonary Artery

The blood flows through the capillaries, around the alveoli, and then enters the

Pulmonary Veins

Any postmortem evacuation of any substance from a body is:



Purge that is frothy white, foamy, usually no odor is from the ________


Purge that is liquid, coffee ground color, sour odor is from the ________


Purge which is creamy white, having no odor or color is from the ________


Purge with color and consistency similar to arterial fluid solution

branches off of the R and L subclavian arteries that extend upward towards the head

R and L vertebral arteries

The deep volar venous arches branch into the

Radial and Ulnar Veins

Just below the elbow, the brachial artery divides into two branches, called the

Radial and ulnar arteries


Radial and ulnar arteries originate at the bifurcation of the ___________ artery


Reaction in which water is one of the reactants and compounds are often broken down. In the hydrolysis of proteins, the addition of water accompanied by action of enzymes results in the breakdown of protein into amino acids

Exposure Occupational

Reasonably anticipated skin, eye, mucous membrane, or parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that may result from the performance of an employee's duties


Reduction in arterial blood supply


Refers to the union of distal ends of two arteries

Embalming an infant, how?

Regular arterial fluid with strength only slightly reduced from that of an adult


Removal of particles (liquid or solid) from a solution, as it passes through a membrane or other partial barrier


Remove as much of the bodily fluid and semi-solid contents of the viscera as possible Remove gasses and liquids to prevent pressure on blood vessels and organs Remove blood from the heart and major trunk veins so the blood is not forced into superficial capillaries


Rendered throughly dry, exhausted or moisture.

Methyl salicylate and benzaldehyde are considered to be:


Chemicals that have the ability to displace an unpleasant odor or convert an unpleasant odor in a more pleasant one are called:

Reodorants/perfuming agents


Restorative treatment usually accompanied by aspiration, gravitation, or external pressure to remove gases or excess liquids from tissues; passages are made through tissues with a scalpel, hypodermic needle or trocar

You are preparing to embalm a human where the eyes have been enucleated; inject using the:

Restricted cervical method

Blood entering the heart flows into the

Right Atrium

From the vena cava, the blood enters this to begin the cycle again

Right Atrium

The superior vena cava extends into the

Right Atrium of the Heart

The superior vena cava leads into the

Right Atrium of the heart

The innominate artery divides into two branches. The branch going upward is called the

Right Common Carotid Artery

The innominate artery subdivides into the

Right Common Carotid and Right Subclavian

The second branch of the innominate artery extends toward the right arm, called the

Right Subclavian

The right vertebral artery comes from the

Right Subclavian Artery

On the right side the axillary vein extends into the

Right Subclavian Vein

The right external jugular vein empties into the

Right Subclavian Veins

The blood flows through the tricuspid valve into the

Right Ventricle

At its lower end, the abdominal aorta divides into two branches

Right and Left Common Iliac Arteries

At its terminal end, the abdominal aorta divide into the

Right and left common iliac arteries

The ascending aorta has two small brances, which supply blood to the heart muscle

Right and left coronary arteries

The right and left subclavian veins empty into the

Right and left innominate veins

Circle of Willis

Right and left internal carotids, anterior communicating artery which serves to link the right and left anterior cerebral arteries, the right and left posterior cerebral arteries, right and left posterior communicating arteries and some consider the basilar artery as part This all makes up what?

The basilar artery branches into the

Right and left posterior Cerebral Arteries

Along the abdominal aorta, just below the superior mesenteric artery, there are two branches

Right and left renal arteries

From the coronary sinus the blood enters the

Right atrium

Center of drainage is:

Right atrium of the heart

During the cavity embalming, if the embalmer moves the trocar along a line from the left anterior-superior iliac spine to the lobe of the right ear and passing through the diaphragm, you are entering what organ?

Right atrium of the heart

Describe the circulation of the blood through the heart, beginning with the right atrium

Right atrium, through the tricuspid valve to right ventricle, through semilunar valves to pulmonary artery to lungs to capillaries, around alveoli to pick up oxygen and give off carbon dioxide, to pulmonary veins to left atrium through bicuspid valve to left ventricle through semilunar valves to aorta to all parts of the body to vena cava and return to right atrium

What is the accompanying vein of the Brachiocephalic Artery, aka Innominate Artery?

Right brachiocephalic vein will lie lateral and superficial to the right brachiocephalic artery; therefore, the right brachiocephalic artery will lie medial and deep to the right brachiocephalic vein.

What artery would be used to inject the right leg of an autopsy leg?

Right external iliac

The hepatic artery gives off three branches

Right gastric artery, Gastroduodenal artery, Cystic artery

Utilizing the nine region abdominal plan, the cecum of the large intestine is located in the:

Right inguinal

On which sides is the innominate artery?

Right side only

The postmortem stiffening of the muscles of the body is called:

Rigor mortis


Rigor mortis does/does not affect pressure requirements

Postmortem caloricity

Rise in temperature after death due to continued cellular metabolism

What are the necessary instruments?

Rubber gloves and apron, rubber head block, arterial tubes, aneurysm hooks, hemostat, nasal aspirator, needle injector, brass wire, needles, scalpel, scissors, curved and straight forceps, spatula, ligature thread, and vein tube drains.


Rubber stopper containing two tubes, one to create vacuum or pressure and the other to deliver fluid or achieve aspiration. Possibly used in conjunction with a hand pump.


Rubber stopper containing two tubes, one to create vacuum or pressure and the other to deliver fluid or achieve aspiration; possibly used in conjunction with a hand pump.

What is the safest but most unsightly needle?

S Double Curve

The Middle Sacral Artery extends to the

Sacrumand coccyx

What are the considerations of the brachial artery?

Same as those of the axillary artery

What are the precautions of the brachial artery?

Same as those of the axillary artery

What is the lateral boundary of the femoral cervical triangle?

Sartorius muscle

The occipital artery leads toward the


When the dilution of the embalming fluid is further diluted by the fluids in the body, this is:

Secondary dilution


Self-destruction of cells; decomposition of all tissues by enzymes of their own formation without microbial assistance.

From the right ventricle the blood passes through the

Semilunar Valves

From the left ventricle, the blood passes through another set of

Semilunar valves


Separation of substances in solution by the difference in their rates of diffusion through a semipermeable, membrane (aka selective diffusion)


Set of signs and symptoms associated with a particular disease (Ex: Down's Syndrome)

Hepatitis B (HBV)

Severe infectious bloodborne virus

What is in the left inguinal aka iliac?

Sigmoid flexure of colon


Signal of approaching death.

Death token

Signal of approaching death.


Signs of arterial solution distribution or diffusion? -Dye in the tissues -Firming of the tissues -Loss of skin elasticity -Drying of the tissues -Rounding of fingertips, lips, and toes -Mottling of the tissues (bleaching) -Fluorescent dye observed using "black light"


Signs of arterial solution distribution or diffusion? -Fluid dye -Distension of superficial blood vessels -Blood drainage -Clearing of intravascular blood discolorations

The intercostal arteries lead to the

Skin and Muscles of the chest wall

The preservative action of embalming fluid works best when the pH of the body is in what range?

Slightly alkaline


Small elevation of the skin with an inflamed base, containing pus

The superior mesenteric artery leads to the

Small intestine and half of the large intestine

The blood flows from the venules into the dorsal venous arch and then, superficially, into the

Small saphenous or great saphenous vein

Paraformaldehyde is formaldehyde in:

Solid form

Isotonic solution

Solution having equal tension on both sides of the capillary wall (same osmotic pressure); example: salt solution and blood (0.9 saline solution)


Spasm of death.

Death throe

Spasm of death.

High preservation demand fluids

Special vascular (arterial) fluid with a high HCHO content.

Valentine Tube

Specially designed tubing which attaches to the outlet of a gravity percolator

Exposure Incident

Specific eye, mouth, other mucous membrane, non-intact skin, or parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that results from the performance of an employees duties.

Rate of flow

Speed at which fluid is injected; measured in ounces per minute

Another part of the arteries arising form the abdominal aorta at a point below the renal arteries are the

Spermatic or Ovarian Arteries

From the inferior mesenteric vein, the blood flows into the

Splenic Vein

Hepatitis C (HCV)

Spread by contaiminated blood or body fluids

Active Dyes AKA

Staining dyes AKA cosmetic dyes: Dyes which aid in restoring life-like surface pigmentation to a body and also stain the body tissue cells

Vancomycin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (VRSA)

Staphylyoccus aureuspathogens that have become resistent to the drugs methicillin and vancomycin


Stimulates fluid penetration

By directing the trocar point toward the intersection of the fifth intercostal space and the mid-axillary line, you will be entering:


The left gastric artery leads to parts of the

Stomach and esophagus


Stomach purge (coffee grinds, acidic/sour odor) Lung purge (frothy white, foamy, usually no odor) Brain purge (creamy white , no odor or color) Rectal purge (feces escaping from the rectum / intestinal tract) Vascular / false purge (arterial fluid solution escaping from the vascular system)

The superior Sagittal sinus connects with the

Straight Sinus


Stroke or tolling of a death bell.

The right and left vertebral arteries arise from the corresponding

Subclavian Arteries

The external jugular veins empty into the

Subclavian veins


Substances which increase the activity of enzymes

Dye/Coloring agent

Substances which will, upond being dissolved, impart a definite color to the embalming solution. Dyes are classified as to their capacity to permanently impart color to the tissue of the body into which they are injected.

Cyanide gas

Super glue + batting cotton = ____________

Both the radial and the ulnar arteries extend into the palm of the hand where they subdivide into the

Superficial and Deep Volar Arches

The blood from the venules enters the

Superficial and deep volar venous arches

The venules then carry the blood to the

Superficial and deep volar venous arches

From the dorsal venous arch the blood flows either through

Superficial or deep set of veins

After the occipital branch, the external carotid artery subdivides into two main branches

Superficial temporal and Internal Maxillary Arteries

From the upper surface of the diaphragm the blood flows into the

Superior Phrenic Veins

The uppermost of the cranial venous sinuses is the

Superior Sagittal Sinus

The first principal branch of the external carotid artery is the

Superior Thyroid Artery

From the azygos vein, the blood flows into the

Superior Vena Cava

The right and left innominate veins combine to form the

Superior Vena Cava

The right and left innominate veins empty into the

Superior Vena Cava

What are the primary trunk veins related to the aorta?

Superior and inferior vena cava

After the celiac artery, the next branch of the abdominal aorta is the

Superior mesenteric artery

There are some fluids that are injected for purposes other than preservation and disinfection. Some are injected before the preservative solution, others are injected with it. These are:

Supplemental Fluids

Just above the renal arteries are the

Suprarenal Arteries

This modifying agent is designed to promote the diffusion of the preservative elements through the capillary walls to saturate the tissues uniformly:


Wetting agents, surface tension reducers, and penetrating agents are all which type of modifying agent?



Surfactants decrease the _______ of a liquid

Define tetanic contractions

Sustained contraction, where muscle fibers are unable to relax between stimuli occuring at a more rapid rate

When embalming a body, what is the most common problem encountered in treatment of the encucleated eye?


time weighted average

TWA; evaluation of exposures that are timeweighted over an established period; it allows the exposure levels to be averaged over an 8hr period

Suspended Animation

Temporary condition of apparent death

National institute for occupational safety health niosh

Tests and certifies respiratory protective devices and air sampling detector tubes, recommends occupational exposure limits for various substances, and assists OSHA inoccupational safety and health investigations and research.


That amount of radioactive material in which 37 million disintergrate each second. DISINTEGRATE EACH SECOND.

Actual pressure

That pressure indicated by the injector gauge needle when the arterial tube is open and the arterial solution is flowing into the body

Ideal (recommended) injection pressure

That pressure which will overcome vascular resistance and cause a moderate, uniform movement of arterial solution from the injector into the vascular system and ultimately into the tissue cells

From the semilunar valves, the blood flows into the main artery

The Aorta

This extends from the abdominal aorta to the other half of the large intestine

The Inferior Mesenteric Artery

Hydraulic machine

The Moore embalming machine was aka?

Axillary artery

The National Board and school say to inject what artery to preserve someone's arm?


The ______ the temperature, the more rapid the liberation of formaldehyde gas

Define contactility

The ability of muscles to contract and cause movement


The act of making tissue rigid. The solidification of a compound

Millicurie (MC Atoms)

The amount of radioactive mertial in which 37 million disintergrate each second.

Popliteal artery

The anterior and posterior tibial arteries originate at what artery?


The application of chemical reagents in the treatment of disease in humans, causing an elevated preservation demand


The average capillary has a diameter of only _________ of an inch


The basic foundation in establishing drainage is what?


The basic foundation in establishing drainage. It consists of injecting fluid solution into the arterial system and allowing it to push the blood ahead of itself into the venous system and out through the drain tube

Mitral valve

The bicuspid valve is also known as?

Hepatic failure

The body tissues could have a golden yellow discoloration; associated with ___________ causing jaundice

Contact pressure

The capillaries of the dorsal (posterior) surface of the body will be compressed by external surface pressure from the embalming tables, cots, morgue trays, bandages, tight clothing, casts, etc. This is known as....?

What is in the right inguinal, aka iliac?

The cecum and veriform appendix

Postmortem blood coagulation

The changing of the blood from a liquid to a semi-solid or from a semi-solid to a solid


The cold will deter early decomposition, but extreme cold will cause tissue to ______

Define motor unit

The combination of a motor neuron and the group of muscles it stimulates

Descending abdominal aorta

The common iliac arteries originate at the bifurcation of the ___________________

Metallic cylinder

The compressed air canister/CO2 canister was aka?

Arterial (VASCULAR) fluid

The concentrated, preservative, embalming chemical that will be diluted with water to form the arterial system during vascular embalming. The purpose is for inactivating saprophytic bacteria and rendering the body tissues less susceptible to decomposition.


The destruction and/or inhibition of most pathogenic organisms and their products in or on the body.

Surface Embalming

The direct contact of body tissues with embalming chemicals

Cavity treatment

The direct treatment, other than by arterial injection, of the contents of the body cavities and the lumina of the hollow viscera


The double chin is aka?

Define insertion

The end of the muscle attached to the more movable bone

Define origin

The end of the muscle that is attached to the less movable or fixed bone


The enlargement of an organ or part due to the increase in size of cells compsing it

Stored and organized

The entire case analysis should be documented in report form and properly _____________

What is the external iliac accompanying vein?

The external iliac vein lies medial and deep to the external iliac artery: therefore, the external iliac artery will lie lateral and superficial to the external iliac vein


The facial feature and expression that is most prominent in death


The facial feature and expression that is most prominent in life

How do you raise a vessel - part 1 of 2

The fat and deep fascia are separated by blunt dissection, using aneurysm hooks or fingertips, to expose vessels and nerves. The student must be careful not to rupture any vessels especially when using aneurysm hooks. Separate the artery from the accompanying veins, nerves, and fascia/ Use aneurysm hooks to clean excess tissue from the vessels. After you raise the artery and/or the vein from a clear and open incision, place the handle of the aneurysm hook under the vessel. Make ligature by cutting a piece of suture into an eight inch length. By using curved forceps, insert under the artery and/or the vein two ligatures superior and inferior approximately one inch apart.


The fetus should ______ be aspirated or mutilated in any way (in a mother who died during pregnancy)

Pubic symphysis

The fibrocartilage that joins the two public bones in the median plan

Ounces per minute

The flow meter will usually display the flow of fluids in what measurement?


The force required to distribute an embalming fluid solution through the body


The formation of an area of necrosis in a tissue caused by obstruction in the artery supplying the area


The formation of cavities in an organ or tissue; frequently seen in some forms of tuberculosis.


The formation or presence of an attached blood clot

What is in the left hypocondriac?

The fundus of stomach. The spleen. The tail of the pancreas. The splenic flexure of the colon.


The grafting of living tissue from its normal position to another site, or of an organ or tissue from one person to another.


The greatest single problem encountered in operative embalming is ___________

Describe how the heart is involved in embalming circulation

The heart is excluded from embalming circulation because at death the tricuspid valve between the right atrium and right ventricle as well as the bicuspid or mitral valve between the left atrium and left ventricle shut down

Moore embalming machine

The hydraulic machine was aka?

Internal iliac artery

The hypogastric artery is aka?


The increase size of an organ or part due to the excessive but regulated increase in the number of its cells

The amount of formaldehyde dissolved in 100 mL of water indicates:

The index


The internal and external carotids originate at the bifurcation of the left and right common carotid arteries at the ________ border of the thyroid cartilage

Thyroid cartilage

The internal and external carotids originate at the bifurcation of the left and right common carotid arteries at the superior border of the _________

Hypogastric artery

The internal iliac artery is aka?

What is the accompanying vein to the carotid arteries?

The internal jugular vein will lie lateral and superficial to the common carotid artery. Therefore the common carotid artery will lie medial and deep to the internal jugular vein.

Gravity filtration

The intravascular (which eventually becomes extravascular) settling of fluid by gravitational force. It is the eventual downward passage of fluid solution into adjacent tissues under the influence of gravity

Which is longer, the right or left subclavian artery?

The left subclavian artery is longer than the right subclavian artery

What is the origin of the aorta?

The left ventricle of the heart; The aorta is divided into 4 parts: 1) ascending aorta , 2) arch of the aorta, 3) descending aorta aka descending thoracic, 4) descending abdominal aorta


The main trunk artery is the _______

Inferior and superior vena cava

The main trunk vein(s) is the ________________

Circle of transmission

The means by which a pathogen is passed from host to host.

Eckel's embalming machine

The mechanical machine was aka?

Bicuspid valve

The mitral valve is aka?

Arterial Solution

The mixture of arterial (vascular) fluid and water which is used for the arterial injection and may include supplemental fluids.


The movement of arterial fluid solution from the point of injection throughout the arterial, capillary and venous portions of the blood vascular system. Signs Observation of active dye Distension of superficial blood vessels Blood Drainage Leakage from I.V. punctures Clearing of Intravascular Blood Discolorations


The movement of blood from the heart and arteries into the capillaries and veins, which occurs at the moment of death.

Distribution solution

The movement of embalming solutions from the point of Injection throughout the arterial system and into the capillaries.


The movement of molecules or other particles in solution from an area of greater concentration to an area of lesser concentration until uniform concentration is reached

Fluid Distribution

The movement of the arterial solution from the point of injection through the blood vascular system.

Fluid Diffusion

The movement of the arterial solution through the capillaries into the intercellular spaces, from an intravascular to an extravascular position

Sectional injection

The multi-point injection is aka?

Define prime mover aka agonist

The muscle largely responsible for the desired movement

Define antagonist

The muscle that haves the opposite effect of the prime mover, aka agonist


The passage of a solvent through a semi-permeable membrane from a dilute to a concentrated solution (fluid). When two solutions of unequal concentration are separated by a semipermeable membrane, such as a capillary wall, the solvent molecules will move in the greatest number from the area of lower solute concentration to the area of higher solute concentration

Fluid diffusion

The passage of some elements of the injected arterial fluid solution from an intravascular to an extravascular position


The passage of some elements of the injected arterial fluid solution from an intravascular to an extravascular position. Signs Loss of skin elasticity Firming of the deep tissues Drying of the tissues Rounding of the fingertips, lips, and toes Mottling (uneven colors) & Bleaching of the tissues

Pressure filtration

The passage through the capillary walls of arterial fluid solution because of positive intravascular pressure exerted by a pump, compressor or gravity against the fluid, forcing the liquid out through the tiny intercellular spaces in the capillary bed; in other words, putting fluid into the body via an embalming machine

Is not

The point of injection, be it femoral, carotid or axillary, (is/is not) as significant as the point or points of drainage

List the arteries involved in the Circle of Willis

The posterior cerebral arteries, the posterior communicating arteries, the anterior cerebral arteries, and the anterior communicating artery.


The presence or the reasonably anticipated presence of blood or other potentially infectious materials


The prevention of inhibiting of the growth of causative microorganisms

How do you raise a vessel - part 2 of 2

The primary objective is to make the incision large enough to easily admit a cannula tube in the artery or a drain tube in the vein. Make an incision with a sharp scalpel transverse or diagonal but never more than half way across the vessel, at right angle to the long axis of the vessel. With scissors cut a triangular wedge from the wall of the vessel. This type if incision is used most frequently in cases of arteriosclerosis and the only time scissors are permitted. Insert cannula tube into artery. Be sure cannula tube is smaller than the lumen. NEVER force a cannula tube into the artery. Always grease cannula with liquid soap before inserting it into the artery. After you have successfully inserted cannula into artery tighten ligature. Insert drain tube. Cut vein with scalpel. Insert with the greatest of care, narrow stemmed forceps. Grease drain tube, spread incision with forceps, and insert drain tube. Always keep pump rod closed when inserting drain tube into vein. Tie ligature tightly so drain tube isn't forced out. Inject about one quart of fluid before pumping drain tube rod. Massage the dependent parts of the body in a motion toward the heart. Be sure massage is vigorous. Always watch for drainage and always encourage drainage. After injection of about one quart of fluid, stop the machine, open drain tube to be sure you have drainage.


The process of converting soluble protein to insoluble protein by heating or contact with a chemical such as an alcohol or an aldehyde. The solidification of a sol into a gelatinous mass Agglutination is a specific form of coagulation.

Define coagulation

The process of converting soluble protein to insoluble protein by heating or contact with a chemical such as an alcohol or an aldehyde. The solidification of a solution into a gelatinous mass. Coagulation is a specific form of agglutination


The process of seepage or diffusion into tissue of substances that are not orginarily present


The property of certain cells of becoming fluid when shaken, and then becoming solid again.

Venous drainage

The removal of at least 1/2 of the blood volume from the vascular system as a result of pressure and rate of flow induced by injection of the arterial fluid solution


The removal of blood drainage from the vascular system or even livor mortis, but not postmortem stain

Describe the common carotid artery

The right common carotid artery is the terminal branch of the brachiocephalic artery, aka innominate artery. The brachiocephalic artery is the first branch off the arch of the aorta. The left common carotid artery is the second branch off the arch of the aorta

Left common carotid

The second branch off the arch of the aorta

Multi-point injection

The sectional injection is aka?


The semi-convulsive twitches which often occur before death.


The separation of differing substances in solution because of their differing diffusibility through semi-permeable membranes. It is the process of separating crystalloids and colloids in solution by the difference in their rates of diffusion through a semi-permeable membrane

Tissue coagulation

The solidification of a sol into a gelatinous mass; agglutination is a specific form of coagulation.


The state or condition in which the body or a part of it is invaded by a pathogenic agent that, under favorable conisitons, multiples and produces injurious effects


The state or condition of being thrust forward or projecting.


The study of blood


The study of the heart


The study of veins in the body


The study of vessels of the body


The term is applied to a number of pathological conditions causing a thickening, hardening, and loss of elasticity of the the walls of the arteries.

Left subclavian

The third branch off the arch of the aorta


The true metabolic enzymes of bacterium, produced within the bacterial cell wall.

One of the disadvantages of using the drainage tube would be:

The tube can block other veins

Embalming vascular

The use of the vascular systems of the body for preservation disinfection and restoration; usually accomplished through injection of embalming solutions into the arteries and drainage from the veins

Where does the vascular system twist?

The vascular system twists at the base of the spine reversing the relationship arteries have to veins.

The component of the arterial fluid that serves as a solvent is:

The vehicle

Case analysis

The very foundation of professional embalming is ____________


The warmer the temperature, the more _______ the liberation of formaldehyde gas


There are two types of eye enucleation: -Entire globe -Corneal sclero button excision only Both should be excised before or after embalming?

Anterior and posterior tibial arteries

These arteries originate at the bifurcation at the popliteal artery

Radial and ulnar arteries

These arteries originate at the bifurcation of the brachial artery

Common iliac arteries

These arteries originate at the bifurcation of the descending abdominal aorta


These decrease the cohesion of a liquid --> therefore, assist in better preservation (better diffusion)


These levels are established to ensure adequate protection of employees at exposures below the OSHA limits, but to minimize the compliance burdens for employers whose employees have exposures below the 8 hour permissible exposure limit (PEL) The AL for formaldehyde is 0.5 ppm.

Describe the restricted cervical method incision for the common carotid artery

This method involves the utilization of both common carotids and both internal jugular veins. This method is recommended for difficult cases. Method of injection wherein both common carotid arteries are raised. The half moon or flap incision is made from the center of one clavicle bone in a half moon curve to the center of the other clavicle bone. The surface skin is dissected from the rib cage until the four vessels become accessible. Most embalmers consider the flap or half moon incision to be outdated and prefer two separate three-inch supraclavicular incisions for the restricted cervical method.

Rigor mortis

This postmortem physiochemical change exerts an extravascular pressure, a compression of the vascular system

As the aorta leaves the heart, the descending part, down to the diaphragm, is called the

Thoracic Aorta

From the arch of the aorta blood flows into the

Thoracic aorta

Pathological conditions

Those conditions in which there has been damage to the tissue due to disease

Second degree burn

Those resulting in acute inflammation of the skin and blisters.


Those sealing compounds which are used within vascular incisions, wounds, ulcerations, and other moist areas of the body

The Celiac artery subdivides into

Three branches

What is the linear guide of the axillary artery?

Through center of the base of axillary space and parallel to long axis of the upper extremity when abducted

What is the linear guide of the popliteal artery?

Through the center of popliteal space parallel to the long axis of lower extremity

What is the anatomical guide of the femoral artery?

Through the center of the femoral, aka scarpa's, triangle bounded laterally by the sartorius muscle and medially by the adductor longus muscle

The Superior Thyroid Artery supplies blood to the

Thyroid Gland

The common carotid arteries extend upward along the trachea until they reach the upper border of the

Thyroid cartilage

Postmortem emphysema

Tissue gas is aka what?

Freezer burn

Tissue will be dark, discolored and crusty due to extreme cold


To cut or tear into irregular sements


To disperse as an aerosol; minute particles of blood and water become atomized and suspended in air when water under under pressure meets the blood drainage or when flushing an uncovered flush sink


To force a fluid through (an organ or tissue), especially by way of the blood vessels; injection during vascular (arterial) embalming


To remove as by cutting out; the area from which something has been cut out.


To remove by cutting out

Other than the ophthalmic artery, where do the branches off the internal carotid artery go?

To the Brain

The lingual artery leads to the


Fourth degree burn

Total evacuation (absence) of tissue


Toxins in the blood

Hepatitis E (HEY)

Transmitted by contaiminated water and human waste

The superior sagittal sinus connects with the straight sinus to form the paired

Transverse Sinuses

What is in the umbilical?

Transverse colon. The trocar is inserted two inches to the left and two inches above the navel

What are the 6 treatments of the puffed or swollen eye?

Treatments: 1. The use of cold water packs during and after injection 2. The use of a cavity fluid pack- if the eye is swollen and discolored, use a bleaching fluid 3. The use of eye weights 4. The use of an electric spatula or a tissue reducer 5. Using a narrow hypodermic needle- aspirate the liquid from the swollen area 6. Dip eyecaps into preservative topical jelly prior to insertion

What are the 6 treatments of the puffed or swollen eye?

Treatments: 1. The use of cold water packs during and after injection- leave the packs on for 12-24 hours 2. The use of a cavity fluid pack- if the eye is swollen and discolored, use a bleaching fluid 3. The use of eye weights, which is rare- lead eye weights or little sand bags made from baby socks are placed on the eyes to reduce the swelling 4. The use of an electric spatula or a tissue reducer- use a large amount of massage cream or cooking grease to avoid burning the tissue. (Never lay an electric spatula on un protected tissue and be sure the eyecap is out. Use quick strokes on the area until it is reduced to its normal size. 5. Using a narrow hypodermic needle- aspirate the liquid from the swollen area making numerous channels, then apply cold water packs. 6. Dip eyecaps into preservative topical jelly prior to insertion

From the right atrium, the blood passes through a valve known as the

Tricuspid Valve

How do you aspirate?

Trocar is sharp and aspiration systems is in good working order; use an O.S.H.A. approved temperature sensitive clear, rigid plastic or rubber hose, NOT flexible gum rubber hose because they collapse and vacuum is lost; Insert trocar into umbilical region 2" above and 2" to the left of the navel.


Trocar/ channeling - aspirating the neck to create channel for the fluid to drain into the thoracic cavity Restricted cervical method - obese cases will create low resistance areas in the neck thus the neck will be predisposed to swelling during injection Aiir or water collar - the pressure from the collar will force the fluid to drain into the thoracic cavity Turkish towel or water pack - the weight of the water will force the fluid in the neck into the thoracic cavity

Active Dyes in arterial fluids will impart not only color to the fluid, but will also bring back color to embalmed tissue. T/F



True or false A HIGH atmospheric humidity will extract moisture from the boy causing early dehydration


True or false A LOW atmospheric humidity may reduce dehydration but it will favor early decomposition because heat and moisture are favorable for rapid bacterial growth


True or false A LOW atmospheric humidity will extract moisture from the boy causing early dehydration


True or false All arteries carry blood away from the heart


True or false Colloids are large solutes in a solution


True or false The water in the embalming tank dilutes the arterial fluid and therefore weakens the index


True or false Colloids are small solutes in a solution


True or false Crystalloids are large solutes in a solution


True or false Crystalloids are small solutes in a solution


True or false Gas formation is a form of extravascular resistance


True or false Postmortem stain is a form a discoloration


True or false Postmortem stain is not a form of discoloration


True or false? Insoluble compound called ALBUMIN is resistant to bacteria


True or false? Insoluble compound called ALBUMINOID is resistant to bacteria

When utilizing surfactants in the arterial solution, if the surfactant molecule does not ionize, then it is nonionic. T/F



Tuberculosis of the skin; patches ulcerate and leave scars on healing.

Lupus vulgaris

Tuberculosis of the skin; patches ulcerate and leave scars on healing.

What 1 layer do capillaries have?

Tunica intima, the inner layer

What 2 layers do arterioles have?

Tunica intima, the inner layer; Tunica adventica, the outer layer

What are the 3 layers that make up arteries?

Tunica intima, the inner layer; Tunica media, the middle layer; Tunica adventica, the outer layer

The brachial artery bifurcates into what two arteries?

Ulnar and Radial


Unchecked putrefaction eventually results in a complete breakdown and disappearance of all body structures, except the bones.

The inferior Phrenic Arteries lead to the

Under Surface of the Diaphragm


Underdevelopment of a tissue, organ or the body

Tack and thread method

Unprofessional form of mouth closure; this method is the predecessor of the needle injector method. One carpet/upholsterer's tack is driven with a light tack hammer into the mandible between the roots of the teeth. The second tack is driven into the maxilla between the roots of the teeth, the mandible is positioned and a fine suture, the two tacks are tied together. After ligation, the tack heads are counter-sunk with a punch

The left subclavian arteries supply blood to the

Upper Extremities

The Superior phrenic arteries lead to the

Upper Surface of the Diaphragm

Keeping the trocar up near the abdominal wall and directing it to the median line of the symphysis pubis until the point touches the pubic bone. Retract the trocar slightly and depress the point, you should be entering which organ?

Urinary bladder

Describe cavity treatment

Use from one to three bottles of cavity fluid. Screw cavity injector into bottle. Hold bottle high and control rate of flow with "thumb-hole." Inject the cavity fluid liberally in a fast sweeping motion from high to low. Inject the thoracic cavity first. Put more fluid in the thoracic cavity because much of it will gravitate downwards into the abdomen. Using a button driver, insert trocar button into hole after forcing out pressure before inserting button. Clean trocar and cavity injector by filling bottle with hot soapy water and running it through. Clean machine by running about 6 gallons of clear clean water through machine. Always leave H2O in the bottom of the machine to prevent the base plate from oxidizing.

How do you sanitize remains?

Use germicidal soap; Use lukewarm not hot water because hot water damages tissue; Shave the face of both men and women - may require permission from the P.R.D.; Wash and aspirate the inner mouth and nose; Wash hair, check for lice; Remove and clean dentures


Vascular resistance rises progressively _________ injection


Veins have a blood vessel capacity of _____%


Veins to ________ to capillaries


Veins to venules to ___________

From the aorta the blood goes to all parts of the body, eventually flowing into this

Vena Cava

What is the accompanying vein of the radial artery?

Venae comitantes - two small veins that lie on either side of the radial artery - thumb side

What is the accompanying vein of the ulnar artery?

Venae comitantes - two small veins that lie on either side of the ulnar artery - little finger side

From the capillaries, the blood flows into the


The blood flows from the thoracic aorta through the visceral and parietal arteries, through the arterioles and capillaries to the body parts and then into the

Venules and veins

Branching off both the right and left subclavian arteries and extending upward towards the head are the

Vertebral Arteries

Each of the subclavian artery has an upward branch, called the

Vertebral Artery

When there has been a long delay between death and embalming, how should the non-autopsied body should be injected?

Very slow rate of flow

These supply the blood to the viscera of the chest

Visceral Arteries

The blood flows from the thoracic aorta through the

Visceral and parietal arteries

The thoracic aorta has many small branches which may be divided into two main groups,

Visceral and parietal arteries


Viscosity of blood Amount of the inner surface present Nature of the inner surface Age

The chief vehicle used in the formulation of arterial fluids is:


Peripheral Neuropathy

Weakness in the extremities due to damage or degeneration of the peripheral nerves


What are you causing when you restrict drainage to overcome vascular resistance and loosen clots?


What artery will some funeral homes not allow an embalmer to raise on a woman?

Abdominal cavity

What cavity in the body is the most troublesome in gas formation therefore causing extravascular resistance to fluid distribution

Hypotonic edematous fluids

What could you also use instead of a strong solution for a high edema case?

Mandibular sututre

What form of mouth closure starts off with an "S" needle and ends with a half-moon needle?

Dental tie method

What is the best (out of the poor, outdated methods) method of mouth closure?

Mandibular suture

What is the best method of mouth closure for false teeth [dentures] because it helps hold teeth in place when you tie bottom plate to gum?

Right and left coronary arteries

What is the branch to the ascending aorta?

Reverence for the dead

What is the keystone to funeral service?

Uniformity of fluid distribution

What is the most important influence when it comes to liquid blood?

Dehydrated body

What kind of body will yield 65 pounds of water per 100 pounds of body weight?

Normal body

What kind of body will yield 75 pounds of water per 100 pounds of body weight?

Edemous body

What kind of body will yield 85 pounds of water per 100 pounds of body weight?

Strong solution

What kind of solution would you use in a high edema case?

Weak solution

What kind of solution would you use in the case of dehydration?

Hardening compound

What should you line the mother's uterus with after aspiration? (keep in mind the fetus should have been removed after getting permission from the P.R.D.)


What thermal influence will hasten decomposition?

Type 2

What type of diabetes can't balance the insulin made?

Type 1

What type of diabetes makes no insulin?

Microbial influences

What types of influences can be considered both intrinsic AND extrinsic factors effecting a dead human body


What year did Dr. William Harvey discover the circulation of blood?


When a solution having a relatively high surface tension is injected quite rapidly, it has a tendency to enter _____ resistance areas only

Hand to the throw

When casketing remains, the distance from the __________ should be equal to that from the head to the casket flange

Casket Flange

When casketing remains, the distance from the hand to the throw should be equal to that from the head to the ______________


When discussing an arterial tube (cannula), if the diameter is decreased (smaller), the pressure does what?


When it comes to a fetus, what should you try to find out for the family if they want to know?


When using a humectant in a fluid for an emaciated case, you inject what artery? (You would inject here because it gets both sides of the face well. This is also true not only for humectants but active dyes as well)


When using the musculature suture as the method of mouth closure, how many inches should you keep the needle from the gum?

Cavity fluid

When you remove a fetus and placenta (after getting permission from the P.R.D.) and place them in a viscera bag, you would pour a solution of 50% _______ and 50% water


When you remove a fetus and placenta (after getting permission from the P.R.D.) and place them in a viscera bag, you would pour a solution of 50% cavity fluid and 50% ________


Where would you be most likely to find a thrombosis?


Where would you be most likely to find an embolism?


Which from of purge (stomach, lung, brain, rectal, vascular) is not a true purge?

Dr. William Harvey

Who discovered the circulation of blood?

Note the profunda artery relative to the femoral triangle

Will bifurcate from the anterior aspect of the femoral artery within scarpa's triangle and descend downward along the lateral aspect of the thigh and terminate at the knee

Postmortem interval

With all things being equal, what is the most important variable factor in case analysis?


Wound characterized by irregular tearing of tissue

Clear fluid purge

_____________ False purge Short circuit purge All synonymous; actually arterial fluid solution that has escaped the blood vascular system and is exiting the mouth and nose

The blood flows from the pericardium through the

`Pericardial Veins

Chemical postmortem change

a change in the body's chemical composition that occurs after death such as hemolysis

Cauterizing agent

a chemical capable of drying tissues by searing; caustic.

Bleaching agent

a chemical which lightens a skin discoloration


a chemical which lightens or bleaches skin discolorations.


a common dye used to test for blood circulation

death trance

a condition in which the muscles become rigidly fixed, the body becomes pale and cold, pulse and respiration are feeble

Where is the origin of the brachial artery?

a continuation of the axillary artery and terminates at the elbow where it bifurcates to become the ulnar and radial arteries

Anatomical guide

a descriptive reference for locating arteries and veins by means of anatomical structures which are known


a diminished, or lowered, coagulability of blood


a division into two branches, such as a blood vessel, or a tooth that has two roots.


a division of the main portion of a structure

Coinjection fluid

a fluid used primarily to supplement and enhance the action of vascular (arterial) solutions

linear guide

a line drawn or visualized on the surface of the skin to represent the approximate location of some deeper lying structure

Linear guide

a line drawn or visualized on the surface of the skin to represent the approximate location of some deeper-lying structure

combination gravity method bulb syringe

a method of creating injection pressure in which a bulb syringe is built into the tubing of the gravity percolator (injector)

gravity percolator / gravity bottle

a method of creating injection pressure which consists of a gravity bottle with tubing attached that is suspended at a desired distance above the point of injection

WORM SUTURE (inversion, draw stitch)

a method of sewing an incision along the edges without entering the opening whereby the suture becomes invisible and the line of suture becomes depressed, which lends it ease of concealment by waxing.

pressure embalming machine

a motorized injector used to create positive pressure as required in vascular embalming


a part that is prominent beyond a surface, like a knob.

Clinical death

a phase of somatic death lasting from 5-6 minutes during which life may be restored


a red fluorescent dye resulting from the action of bromine on fluorescein

Loop stitch

a single, noose-like suture, not pulled taut before knotting, which stands from the skin and which anchors restorative materials.

concentrated solution

a solution containing a relatively large amount of solute

What is a purse string suture?

a suture used to close small punctures or holes. A series of small stitches are made through the skin around the circumference of the opening. The ends of the thread are then knotted.

compressed air or gas, CO2 apparatus

a type of air pressure apparatus where air or co2 is pumped from tanks into a fluid chamber to create pressure


a variation from the common or established.

Diagonal incision

a vascular incision made on vessels by cutting in an oblique or slanting direction

What are precautions regarding the axillary artery?

a) Danger of over-injecting face, particularly if there is any obstruction present in the other trunk arteries of the body; b) Anomalies of both artery and vein are common; c) If the arm is not treated properly, it does not appear natural when body is placed in the casket; d) Numerous branches

What are considerations regarding the common carotid artery?

a) Direct distribution to the face; b) Close to centers of venous drainage and embalming circulation, c) Face possibly can be embalmed by using a restricted cervical injection with a mild solution, while remaining portion of body can be injected with a stronger solution - fluid will enter the head from vertebral arteries; d) Has no branches except its terminal branches

What are precautions regarding the common carotid artery?

a) Incision may be visible after dressing; b) Tubes may leave mark on face; c) Face may be over-injected on the left side when utilizing the right common carotid as an injection site and vice versa.

What are considerations of the femoral artery?

a) Large in diametric size; b) Lower portion of body can be embalmed without concern of distention of face; c) Even fluid distribution to both sides of the face when injecting upward

What are the precautions of the femoral artery

a) Vessels are deep-seated in obese cases; b) Drainage is sometimes difficult to establish and maintain

What are considerations regarding the axillary artery?

a) close to the face; b) Close to center of circulation; c) Close to center of venous drainage; d) Vessels are relatively superficial

artery tree of leg

abdominal aorta -> r/l common iliacs -> r/l internal iliacs + r/l external iliacs r/l external iliacs -> femoral A -> popliteal A -> anterior + posterior tibial A's Anterior tibial A -> dorsalis pedis A -> plantar arch of foot

capillary permeability

ability of substances to diffuse through the capillary wall into the tissue spaces

Calcaneal tendon

achilles tendon

Adductor longus

adducts thigh

Adductor magnus

adducts thigh

hermetic seal

airtight seal associated with soldered cases

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