Motor Control, LVL 2. Lesson 6: Special Purpose Starters
Wye-delta starters
? are best suited for applications where low starting torque and minimal line current are required.
Autotransformer starters
? are constructed with two or three wye-connected single-winding autotransformers connected to timer-controlled contactors.
Autotransformer starters
? are one of the best options when maximum starting torque and minimum starting current are required for a particular application.
Wye-delta starters
? are one of the least expensive options for large horsepower motors.
Soft-start starter
? controllers are commonly used in applications requiring smooth starting and stopping of motors and driven machinery.
Soft-start starter
? controllers are electronic devices that offer greater control during the starting and stopping of a motor.
Soft-start starter
? controllers offer adjustable ramp-up time by gradually increasing the voltage and current supplied to the motor and ramp-down control that reduces motor voltage and current for deceleration.
? interlocks operate through auxiliary contacts on the contactors that disable the coil of a second contactor when the first contactor is closed or disable the first contactor when the second contactor is closed.
? interlocks prevent both the forward and the reverse contactors from closing at the same time using a cam to prevent the simultaneous closing of the two armatures.
Primary resistor starting
? is a reduced voltage starting technique that connects a resistor in series with each phase supplying the motor.
Autotransformer starting
? is one of the most efficient and effective reduced voltage starting techniques.
Autotransformer starters
? offer more reduction of line current than any other reduced voltage starting method.
Solid-state reduced voltage starters
? provide the smoothest acceleration and greatest control of current and torque for squirrel cage motors than any other starting technique.
Part-winding starting
? requires no special equipment and is inexpensive to purchase, install, and maintain.
? starters are used in industrial processes that require the motor to run both forward and backward.
A forward/reverse starter requires two overload relay assemblies.
dual voltage
A part-winding starter is only used with a ? motor capable of part-winding starting.
A part-winding starter requires ? motor starter(s) and one timing relay.
Wye-delta starting
A special six-lead or twelve-lead motor that can be connected in either a wye or delta configuration must be used in which type of starting method?
A(n) ? is composed of a cathode, anode, and gate.
Pushbutton Interlocking
Although the combination of mechanical and electrical interlocks provides a high level of protection in reversing circuits, ? is sometimes used when an additional form of interlocking is required.
Squirrel cage
Autotransformer starters are best suited for what types of motors?
Low / higher
Autotransformer starters function by maintaining a relatively ? primary current, but allows a ? secondary current to start the motor.
Solid-state reduced voltage starting
By triggering the SCR on and off at specific intervals during each cycle of the sine wave, this starting method controls the voltage and current delivered to the motor windings while the motor is accelerating.
open transition
Cost and ? conditions are the two biggest disadvantages of an autotransformer starter with an autotransformer in each leg of the 3-phase supply.
II. Part-winding starting VI. Wye-delta starting
Current reductions are achieved by temporarily modifying the wiring configurations to the motor in which types of starting?
Part-winding starting
Full voltage is applied to the motor at all times through acceleration and up to normal speed in what type of starting method?
primary resistor starting
Heat is the biggest disadvantage of ? .
If faster acceleration is required, additional resistors should be added in parallel to the existing resistors and controlled by additional timers and contactors to a primary resistor starter.
Solid-state reduced voltage starting
In ? , a silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR) controls the voltage and current to the motor during acceleration.
autotransformer starter
In applications that require frequent starting or long acceleration periods, a(n) ? would work very well.
Control Power
In troubleshooting a control circuit, the first step is to verify that ? are (is) present.
Most power distribution systems are designed for huge current fluctuations on their power grid.
Motor feed conductors can be sized based upon current measurements made in the field.
Part-winding starting is not suitable for long startup times or high inertia loads.
lowers / lessens
Reduced voltage starting ? inrush currents and ? the impact on the distribution systems.
Reduced voltage starting techniques for DC motors have replaced DC motor drives in many DC motor applications.
Reversing motor starters are normally factory wired for electrical interlocking.
Reversing starters consist of ? contactor(s) and ? overload relay assembly (assemblies).
Since part-winding starters are connected to only one set of coils at startup and both sets of coils in parallel when the motor is up to speed, the motor must operate at the ? voltage reading.
Full Voltage
Smaller 3-phase motors are normally controlled using ? across the line starters.
Swapping any two power phase leads will reverse the direction of a three-phase motor.
The ? the gate has a signal, the ? the SCR remains on, and the greater the voltage and current is supplied to the motor.
Primary resistor starting
The addition of resistance in series with each phase produces a voltage drop across the resistor, resulting in a reduced voltage and current to the motor while starting. Once the motor accelerates to the proper speed, a contactor controlled by a timer closes contacts that are wired in parallel with the resistors, effectively shunting the resistors in each phase and connecting the motor directly to full line voltage.This explains what starter operation?
The basic wye-delta starter configuration is designed for ? transition starting, although ? transition starters are available at an extra cost.
series /parallel
The coils of a dual voltage motor are connected in ? for higher voltage and in ? for lower voltage.
Mechanical Interlocks
The dotted lines in the diagram identify ?
The high inrush currents for large horsepower AC motors can cause interference on the power distribution system.
L1 (phase A) and L3 (phase C)
The industry standard for reversing a three-phase motor is to switch which two power leads?
The two motor starters of a part winding starter can be sized for one-half of the FLC of the motor since neither starter will conduct more than one-half of the motor current except at startup.
The windings of dual voltage motors have ? set(s) of coils in each winding.
50% / 65% / 80%
The windings of the autotransformers are typically tapped at ? , ? , or ? of the line voltage.
The wye winding is used in the ? configuration, and the delta winding is used in the ? configuration.
Ladder Diagram
Troubleshooting control circuits involves using a ? to analyze the control logic.
primary resistor starters
Typically, ? drop the voltage and current values to approximately 80% of the normal line readings.
Part-winding starting
What motor starting technique applies power to part of the motor windings at startup and then connects the remaining coils for normal speed?
When a signal is applied to the ? , it acts as a "trigger" that turns the SCR on and off.
primary resistor starting
When applications require modest reductions in line current and torque while providing smooth acceleration, ? would be best suited.
primary resistor starting
When operations require a slow and constant start, ? should be used.
Equal to
When troubleshooting reduced voltage starters, the voltage during the running stage should be ? the line voltage.
Closed transition
Which type of autotransformer starter only has autotransformers in two legs of the three-phase supply?