MSIS 2103 Exam 2- Notes

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Ethical Acts

Conform to what an individual believes to be the right thing to do

Legal Acts

Conforming to the law

Frequent Defamation Lawsuits

Considered a form of censorship and seeks to stop unwanted speech or writings.

Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act

Consumers can request and obtain free credit report.

Key-Value NoSQL Databases

Two columns ("key" and "value").

Section 230 of the CDA

Ruled constitutional and provides immunity to an internet service provider.

Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)

Rules for children's websites collecting any personal information from children under 13, offers comprehensive privacy policies, notifies parents about data collection practices, and requires parental consent for collected data.

Communications Decency Act (CDA)

Section of the 1996 Telecommunications act and protects children from pornography

Fair Information Practices

Set a guidelines governing the collection and use of personal data

General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR)

Set of data privacy requirements that apply across the EU and some non-EU organizations that process European individuals information


Special-purpose programming language that is used for accessing and manipulating relational database data.

Data Item

Specific value of a data attribute.

Privacy Notice Elements: Security

State how any data that is collected is stored/protected

Professional Code of Ethics

States the principles and core values that an organization wishes to develop in its leaders and members

Time Series Analysis

Uses statistical methods; Analyzes time series data; Extracts meaningful statistics and characteristics.

Word Clous

Visual depiction of a set of words where words are grouped together based on the frequency of their occurrence.

Big Data Key Characteristics

Volume, Velocity, Value, Variety, and Veracity

Graph NoSQL Databases

Well-suited for analyzing interconnections.

Privacy Notice Elements: Redress

What customers can do if privacy policies are not met

Process of building software for safety-critical systems to high-quality systems

1) Takes Much Longer 2) Is much more expensive 3) Can cause ethical dilemmas

Primary Intent of a Professional Code of Ethics

To define the desired employee behavior

Allocate Scare Resources

To minimize costs or maximize profits.

Online Transaction Processing(OLTP) Systems

Traditionally used to capture data and do not support data analysis required today.

Step 3 Ethical Decision Making

Choose Alternative: Defensible, Consistent, Consider the impact on Others

Problem Statement

Clear, concise description of the issue being addressed


Collection of attributes about a specific entity.


Collection of entities.

Data Definition Language (DDL)

Collection of instructions and commands that defines and describes data and relationships in a specific database.

Data Manipulation: Joining

Combining two or more tables through common data attributes to create a new table.

Right to Financial Privacy Act

Protects the records of financial institutions' customers from unauthorized scrutiny by the federal government.

Fourth Amendment

Protects us from illegal searches and seizures


Range of allowable values for a data attribute.

Fair Credit Reporting Act

Regulates credit-reporting bureaus regarding their collection, storage, and use of credit information.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

Requires health care providers to obtain written consent from patients prior to disclosing any medical information and requires certain standardizations when it comes to digitized medical and health data.

Concurrency Control

Addresses situation where two or more users or applications access the same record at the same time.

Data Warehouses and Data Marts

Allow organizations to access OLTP data and support decision making more effectively.


An absolute defense against a defamation charge

Software Defect

Any error, that if not removed could, 1) Cause software system to fail to meet users' needs 2) Provide an open door for a cyberattack.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Assigns certain rights to parents regarding their children's educational records.

Date Mining Techniques

Association Analysis, Neural Computing, and Case-Based Reasoning.

ACID Properties

Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability

Foreign Key

Attribute in one table that refers to the primary key in another table.

Primary Key

Attribute or set of attributes that uniquely identifies the record.

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Title XIII

Bans the sale of health information, promotes audits and encryptions, provides rights of access for patients, and includes strong privacy provisions for electronic health records.

Internet Filtering

Blocks access to certain web sites containing material deemed inappropriate or offensive, but may block to much


Characteristic of an entity.

Data Mining

DI Analytics tool; explores large Amounts or data for hidden patterns; Predicts future trends and behaviors; Used in decision making.

Data Management Ensures

Data accessibility, reliability, and timeliness meet the data users' needs.

Data Governance Ensures

Data can be trusted and used by the entire organization and that people identified and in place who are responsible for fixing and preventing issues with data.

Database as a Service (DaaS)

Database stored on a service provider's servers; Database accessed by service subscriber over the Internet; Database administration handled by the service provider.

Data Governance

Defines roles, responsibilities, and processes.

Data Scientists

Deliver real improvements in decision making, are highly inquisitive people, undergo rigorous educational requirements, and have an extremely bright job outlooks.

Privacy Notice Elements: Choice

Describe options customers have

Privacy Notice Elements: Notice

Describe personal information being collected


Description defining the database's logical and physical structure, identifies the tables and attributes in each table, and identifies the relationships between attributes and tables.

Date Dictionary

Detailed description of data stored in the database.

Regression Analysis

Determines the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables; Produces a regression equation where coefficients represent a relationship between each independent variable and the dependent variable; Used to make predictions.

Step 1 Ethical Decision Making

Develop Problem Statement: Don't make assumptions, Verify "facts"

Distributed File System(HDFS)

Distributed file system, used for data storage, divides the data into subset, and distributes the subsets onto different servers for processing.

Just because something is legal

Does not mean it is ethical

High Quality Software Systems

Easy to learn and use; Perform quickly; Meet users' needs; Operate safely and reliably so that system downtime is kept to a minimum.

DaaS Advantage

Eliminated the installation, maintenance, and monitoring of in-house databases.

Data Manipulation: Data Normalization

Eliminates data redundancy.

Data Manipulation: Projecting

Eliminating columns in a table.

Data Manipulation: Selecting

Eliminating rows according to certain criteria.

Genetic Algorithm

Employs a natural selection-like process that finds approximate solutions to optimization and search problems.

Big Data

Enormous(terabytes or more), Complex(Sensor data to social media data), Traditional processes incapable of dealing with them.

Step 5 Ethical Decision Making

Evaluate Results: Poor Alternative? Bas Implementation?

Extract Transform Load (ETL) Process

Extracts data from a variety of sources, edits and transforms data into a data warehouse format, and loads data into the warehouse.

Fake News

False story presented as being factually accurate and appears to be news and is usually created to advance political views or agendas.

Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA)

Federal financed schools and libraries must use technological protection to block computer access to obscene material, pornography, and anything else considered harmful to minors.

Conversion Funnel

Graphical Representaion: EX- Summary of steps a consumer takes in making the decision to buy a product and become a customer.

Database Management System (DBMS)

Group of programs provided by the supplier; Programs used to access and manage a database; Provides an interface between the database an its users and other application programs.

SQL ACID Properties...

Guarantee the database transactions are processed reliably and ensures the integrity of data in the database.

Privacy Notice Elements: Access

How a customer can see data collected and change/correct it if necessary

Step 2 Ethical Decision Making

Identify Alternatives: Enlist the help of others

Step 4 Ethical Decision Making

Implement Decision: Transition Plan

Four Key Professional Code of Ethics Benefits

Improve decision making, set high standards of practice and behavior, engender trust and respect, and provide and evaluation benchmark

Social Media Networks

Increasingly coming under pressure to remove hate speech.

Data Management

Integrated set of functions that defines the processes by which data is obtained, certified fit for use, stored, secured, and processed.

DBMS Function

Interface between application program and database

Data Warehouse

Large database that holds business information from many sources in the enterprise and covers all aspects of the company's processes, products, and customers.

First Amendment

Protects Americans' rights to freedom of religion, freedom of expression, and freedom to assemble peaceably.

Database Approach to Data Management

Multiple information systems share a pool of related data.


Open-source software framework that includes several software modules and stores and processes extremely large data sets.

Hate Speech

Persistent or malicious harassment aimed at a specific person.


Person, place, or thing (object) for which data is collected, stored, and maintained.

Descriptive Analysis

Preliminary data processing stage, identifies data patterns, answers questions(who, what, where, when, and to what extent), and has two type; visual analytics and regression analysis.

Visual Analytics

Presentation of data pictorially or graphically.

Internet Pornography Censoring

Protected by the first amendment, child advocates concerned children might be exposed to child pornography, and the key question is deciding what internet material is obscene.

Column NoSQL Databases

Store data in columns.

Document NoSQL Databases

Store, retrieve, and manage document-oriented information.

Data Scientist Skills

Strong business acumen, deep understanding of analytics, and healthy appreciation of data, tools, and techniques' limitations.

Data Mart

Subset of a data warehouse used by small and medium-sized businesses and departments within large companies; also supports decision making.


System of rules that defines what we can and cannot do.

Safety-Critical System

System whose failure may cause human injury or death

Data Lake

Takes a "store everything" approach to big data and saves all data in its raw and unaltered form.

Predictive Analytics

Techniques to analyze current data; Identifies future probabilities and trends; Makes predictions about the future.

Anonymous Expression

The expression of opinions by people who do not reveal their identity.


The making of either an oral(slander) or a written(libel) statements of alleged fact that is false and that harms another person; harm is often of a financial nature.

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