MUL Part II Ch. 1-2

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Which of the following is not a part of the mass ordinary? - Kyrie - Credo - Ave Maria - Gloria

- Ave Maria

Josquin Desprez was a contemporary of - Giovanni Pierluigi de Palestria - Perotin - Christopher Columbus - Henry VIII of England

- Christopher Columbus

The foremost composer of fourteenth-century France was - Perotin - Charles V - Peronne d'Armentieres - Guillaume de Machaut

- Guillaume de Machaut

The Renaissance madrigal began around 1520 in - France - England - Italy - Flanders

- Italy

The leading English composer of lute songs was - Luca Marenzio - Carlo Gesualdo - John Dowland - Thomas Weelkes

- John Dowland

Which of the following statements is not true? - Josquin's Ave Maria ... Virgo serena uses polyphonic imitation, a technique typical of the period - Josquin spent most of his life in the province of Hainaut, today a part of Belgium - Josquin's compositions include masses, motets, and secular vocal pieces. - Josquin's compositions strongly influenced other composers, and were praised enthusiastically by music lovers.

- Josquin spent most of his life in the province of Hainaut, today a part of Belgium

The center of polyphonic music in Europe after 1150 was - London - Paris - Reims - Rome

- Paris

The madrigal anthology The Triumphes of Oriana was written in honor of - King Henry VIII - Queen Anne - the goddess Diana - Queen Elizabeth I

- Queen Elizabeth I

Palestrina's career centered in - Rome - Naples - the Netherlands - Florence

- Rome

The wandering minstrels, or jongleurs, of the Middle Ages - lived on the highest level of society - performed music and acrobatics in castles, taverns, and town squares - played instrumental dances on the drums - always had steady work

- performed music and acrobatics in castles, taverns, and town squares

The development of the English madrigal can be traced to 1588 and considered a result - of the writings of Shakespeare - of the Spanish armada - of the publication in London of a volume of translated Italian madrigals - of a decree by Queen Elizabeth

- of the publication in London of a volume of translated Italian madrigals

A versatile plucked string instrument with a body shaped like half a pear, popular during the Renaissance, was the - lute - viol - shawm - recorder

- lute

Medieval music that consists of Gregorian chant and one or more additional melodic lines is called - organum - cantus firmus - alleluia - ars nova

- organum

The first steps toward the development of polyphony were taken sometime between 700 and 900, when - monks in monastery choirs began to add a second melodic line to Gregorian chant - all of the answers are correct - the French nobles began to sing hunting songs together - musicians composed new music to accompany dancing

- monks in monastery choirs began to add a second melodic line to Gregorian chant

The ________________ is a stately dance in duple meter similar to the pavanne. - galliard - passamezzo - saltarello - minuet

- passamezzo

The ars nova, or new art, of the fourteenth century differed from older music in that - the subjects were all secular - a new system of notation permitted composers to specify almost any rhythmic pattern - the music emphasized homophonic texture - there was no syncopation

- a new system of notation permitted composers to specify almost any rhythmic pattern

Leonin and Perotin are notable because they - are the first important composers known by name - indicated definite time values and a clearly defined meter in their music - all of the answers are correct - were the leaders of the school of Notre Dame

- all of the answers are correct

In the recording of the medieval estampie, the melody line is played on a rebec, a - bowed string instrument - medieval drum - plucked string instrument - tubular wind instrument

- bowed string instrument

A chant that is used as the basis for polyphony is known as - cantus firmus - alleluia - basso ostinato - organum

- cantus firmus

Much of the instrumental music composed during the Renaissance was intended for - dancing - the piano - the concert hall - religious worship

- dancing

An attempt was made to purify Catholic church music as a result of the - music of Palestrina - founding of the Jesuit order in 1540 - deliberations of the Council of Trent - complaints of Desiderius Erasmus

- deliberations of the Council of Trent

One or more long, sustained notes that accompany a melody is known as a - phrase - drone - binary form - sequence

- drone

The dominant intellectual movement of the Renaissance was called - paganism - humanism - feudalism - classicism

- humanism

Secular music in the fourteenth century - was very similar to music of earlier centuries - included drinking songs and pieces in which bird calls, dog barks, and hunting shouts were imitated - was less important that sacred music - was based on Gregorian chant

- included drinking songs and pieces in which bird calls, dog barks, and hunting shouts were imitated

Gregorian chant - is polyphonic in texture - is homophonic in texture - is monophonic in texture - has no texture

- is monophonic in texture

Palestrina's Pope Marcellus Mass sounds fuller than Josquin's Ave Maria because - Palestrina was a better composer - it is set for six voices instead of four - all of the answers are correct - the recording engineer adjusted the levels differently

- it is set for six voices instead of four

The church modes are - completely different from any other form of scale - different from the major and minor scales in that they consist of only five different tones - like the major and minor scales in that they consist of seven tones and an eighth tone that duplicates the first an octave higher - different from the major and minor scales in that they consist of only six different tones

- like the major and minor scales in that they consist of seven tones and an eighth tone that duplicates the first an octave higher

Most of the French secular songs of the Middle Ages dealt with - the Crusades - spinning - love - dancing

- love

During the Renaissance every educated person was expected to - play an instrument, dance, and read musical notation - be a composer - all of the answers are correct - sing Gregorian chant

- play an instrument, dance, and read musical notation

The texture of Renaissance music is chiefly - monophonic - homophonic - polyphonic - heterophonic

- polyphonic

The notation of the secular songs of the Middle Ages does not indicate - dynamics - duration - pitch - rhythm

- rhythm

The Notre Dame Mass by Guillaume de Machaut was - the first polyphonic treatment of the mass ordinary by a known composer - all of the answers are correct - written for three voices without instrumental accompaniment - written for the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris

- the first polyphonic treatment of the mass ordinary by a known composer

Renaissance melodies are usually easy to sing because - the melody usually moves along a scale with few large leaps - the level of musicianship in the Renaissance was not very high - the music was mostly homophonic, so that one could sign it with a group - there was a sharply defined beat, which kept the performers together

- the melody usually moves along a scale with a few large leaps

The first large body of secular songs that survives in decipherable notation was composed during - the fourteenth century by Guillaume de Machaut and his contemporaries - the twelfth and thirteenth centuries by French nobles called troubadours and trouveres - the ninth century by monks for church services - the fifteenth century by wandering minstrels called jongleurs

- the twelfth and thirteenth centuries by French nobles called troubadours and trouveres

The reason Renaissance music sounds fuller than Medieval music sounds fuller than Medieval music is because - there is more dissonance - there is not much emotion - there is more emphasis on the bass line - it is sung a cappella

- there is more emphasis on the bass line

A capella refers to - any form of music appropriate for church use - unaccompanied choral music - men taking their hats off in church - singing in a hushed manner because one is in church

- unaccompanied choral music

Gregorian chant is named after Pope Gregory I, who - had his name put on the first printed edition - composed all the chants presently in use - wrote the texts for the chants - was credited by medieval legend with having created it, even though it evolved over many centuries

- was credited by medieval legend with having created it, even though it evolved over many centuries

Hildegard of Bingen - wrote only poetry - all the answers are correct - was the first woman composer to leave a large number of works that have survived - was a troubadour in Rupertsberg, Germany

- was the first woman composer to leave a large number of works that have survived

The musical representation of specific poetic images was known as - madrigal - motet - ballet - word painting

- word painting

Thomas Weelkes's As Vesta Was Descending is notable for its - word painting - completely homophonic texture - monophonic texture - instrumental accompaniment

- word painting

The melody of ___ _______________ is preserved only in ___ ______________ _____ __________ (The King's Manuscript), collected by Charles of Anjou, brother of Louis IX, king of France from 1226 to 1270.

A Chantar, Le Manuscrit du Roi

Renaissance choral music did not need instrumental accompaniment. For this reason, the period is sometimes called the "golden age" of unaccompanied -- ____ ________________--- choral music.

A capella

An elaborate and jubilant Gregorian chant is the Alleluia from the Mass for Epiphany. The word ______________ is a Latinized form of the Hebrew hallelujah.


A _____________, is the only song by a female troubadour with its melody preserved in music notation.


The haunting, highly ornamental melody of A _____________ moves mostly by step, within the pitch range of an octave, and has one to three tones on each syllable of the text.


A ____________ is about Beatriz's love for a man who has betrayed her, even though she is beautiful, intelligent, and of high rank.


The "otherworldly" sound of Gregorian chant results partly from the unfamiliar scales used. These scales are called _____________ ____________ (or sometimes simply _____________).

Church modes; modes

For example, the sea chantey What Shall We Do with the Drunken Sailor? is in a mode called ________________.


A _____________ consists of one or more long, sustained tones accompanying a melody.


In the manuscript for this _____________, a single melodic line is notated and, as usual, no instrument is specified.


The ____________, a medieval dance, is one of the earliest surviving forms of instrumental music.


__________ _____ ____________ expresses the intense melancholy of someone whose happiness has been abruptly shattered.

Flow my tears

For over 1,000 years, the official music of the Roman Catholic Church was _______________ ____________, which consists of melody set to sacred Latin texts and sung without accompaniment.

Gregorian chant

Jaufre Rudel is the subject of Kaija Saariaho's opera, __________ __ ______ (Love from afar), studied in Part VI, "The Twentieth and Beyond."

L'amour de loin

In contrast to much Renaissance music, ___________ ____________ are mostly homophonic in texture.

Lute songs

The Renaissance __________ is a polyphonic choral composition made up of five sections: Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei.


The ____________, the highlight of the liturgical day, was a ritual reenactment of the Last Supper.


The _________ _______________ consists of texts that remain the same form day to day throughout the church year.

Mass ordinary

But the music of Leonin and Perotin used _________ _____________, with definite time values and clearly defined meter.

Measured rhythm

Changes in musical style in the fourteenth entiru were so profound that music theorists referred to Italian and French music as the _________ _____________ (_______ ________ in Latin).

New art; ars nova

Machaut's ___________ __________ Mass, one of the finest compositions known from the Middle Ages, is also of great historical importance: it is the first polyphonic treatment of the mass ordinary by a known composer.

Notre Dame

The ________ __________ Mass is written for four voice parts.

Notre Dame

The __________ _________ Mass was probably composed in the early 1360s for performance at the cathedral of Reims.

Notre Dame

In ______ _______________, two simultaneous sustained notes at the interval of a fifth are played on a fiddle, a medieval bowed string instrument.

O successores

The chant ____ __________________ was composed to be sung by the nuns in Hildegard's convent.

O successores

____ ____________________ seems more speechlike than _______________: ___________ ___________, where many tones are sung to single syllables of text.

O successores; Alleluia: Vidimus stellam

A late, highly expressive example of Gregorian chant is _____ ___________________ (You successors) by the nun Hildegard of Bingen, abbess of Rupertsberg in Germany.

O successors

The climactic tone (on the important word _________, _________) is reserved for the concluding phrase, which gently descends by step (on the word __________, ______________) to the original low register.

Officio, Service; agni, lamb

Hildegard also wrote poetry and music; treatises on theology, science, and medicine; and a musical drama, ____________ ______________(Play of the Virtues), which is the earliest known morality play.

Ordo virtutum

Medieval music that consists of Gregorian chant and one or more additional melodic lines is called _______________.


Because medieval minstrels probably improvised modest accompaniments to dance tunes, the performers have added a drone -- two simultaneous, repeated notes at the interval of a fifth, played on a ________________ (a plucked or struck string instrument). The estampie is in triple meter and has a strong, fast beat.


In our recording, the melody is played on a __________ (a bowed string instrument) and a __________ (a tubular wind instrument).

Rebec; Pipe

Puis qu'en oubli sui de vous is a ______________, one of the main poetic and musical forms in fourteenth- and fifteenth-century France.


Renaissance musicians distinguished between loud, outdoor instruments like the trumpet and the _______ (a double-reed ancestor of the oboe), and soft, indoor instruments like the lute and the __________________(an early flute).

Shawm, recorder

However, beginning with the word ___________ there are several ascents to high notes and wide upward leaps of a fifth (on the words ___, ____, _____, and __________).

Sicut; Et, vos, qui, and semper

In our recording, the singer is introduced and then accompanied by a ____________, a medieval bowed string instrument somewhat larger than a modern violin.


Renaissance composers often used __________ _____________, a musical depiction of specific words.

Word painting

The vocal soloist sings in a free rhythm, without any clear beat. In phrase d, the singer embellishes the melody to emphasize the words _______________ and ____________.

Wronged, betrayed

For example, the word ___________ might be set to a high note, and the word _____________ might be heard with a series of notes that form the curved shape of an arch.

high, arch

The long series of tones on ____________ is a wordless expression of joy and religious ecstasy.


Beatriz, Countess of Dia - a _______________ from the town of Dia in southern France --- wrote love songs that have survived.


During the Middle Ages, wandering _________ (or ___________-- ________ comes from this French word) entertained in castles, taverns, and town squares.

minstrels; jongleurs, juggler

The Renaissance ______________ is a polyphonic choral work set to a sacred Latin text other than the ordinary of the mass.


Court dances were often performed in pairs. A favorite pair was the stately _______, or __________________, in duple meter, and the lively _________________, in triple meter.

pavane, passamezzo, galliard

There were women troubadours, called ______________, and trouveres, who addressed their songs to men.


Two successive choirmasters of Notre Dame, Leonin and Perotin, are among the first notable composers known by name. They and their followers are referred to as the ____________ _______ ___________ _____________.

school of Notre Dame

The terms _________________ and _____________ come from words meaning "to invent" or "to find."

troubadour, trouvere

A large and highly important body of secular songs was created by poet-composers who were called __________________ and _______________, active in courts of the nobility and in towns during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.

troubadours, trouveres

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