Muscles of facial expression and the facial nerve

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What muscles does the zygomatic branch of VII innervate?

Orbicularis oculi muscle, levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle, levator labii superioris, levator anguli oris and zygomaticus major

What muscles do the temporal branch of VII innervate?

Orbicularis oculi, frontal belly of the epicranial muscle and the corrugated supercilii muscle

What muscles does the buccal branch of VII innervate?

Orbicularis oris muscle, levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle, levator labii superioris, levator anguli oris, risorius, buccinator, zygomaticus minor, zygomaticus major

Name the origin, insertion and innervation of the zygomaticus minor muscle

Origin: zygomatic bone, medial to zygomaticus major Insertion: skin tissue of upper lip, inserts between levator labii superioriis and zygomaticus major muscle Innervation: buccal branch of VII

How many parotid plexus branches does the facial nerve have and what are the names?

5. temporal, sygomatic, buccal, mandibular and cervical

What is the action of the levator anguli oris muscle?

elevates the angle of the mouth for a smile or grimace?

what nerve provides motor impulses to the face?

facial nerve

what are special visceral efferent fibres?

fibres from the motor nucleus that innervate muscles of facial expression, post auricular, stylohyoid, posterior digastric, and stapedius muscles

What muscle closes the eye gently or firmly and aids in the flow of tears?

orbicularis oculi

what are general visceral efferent fibres?

parasympathetic secreto-motor fibres beginning in the superior salivatory nucleus to the parotid, submandibular, sublingual, nasal and lacrimal glands

How many branches does the facial nerve have and what are they?

7. greater petrosal nerve nerve to the stapedius muscle chorda tympani posterior auricular nerve nerve to the posterior belly of digastric muscle nerve to the stylohyoid muscle parotid plexus

Name the origin, insertion and innervation of the Orbicularis oris muscle

Origin: alveolar process of maxilla, lateral to midline of mandible, encircles mouth, other muscle fibres at the angle of the mouth Insertion: skin tissue surrounding the mouth, ridges of philtrum, blends with other muscles Innervation: buccal branch of VII

Name the origin, insertion and innervation of the levator anguli oris muscle

Origin: canine fossa of maxilla, inferior to the infraorbital foramen, deep to zygomaticus minor muscle Insertion: skin tissue at angle of mouth Innervation: zygomatic and buccal branches of VII

Name the origin, insertion and innervation of the frontal belly of the epicranial muscle

Origin: epicranial aponeurosis Insertion: skin tissue of the eyebrow and root of nose Innervation: temporal branch VII

Name the origin, insertion and innervation of the platysma muscle

Origin: fascia of upper chest Insertion: lower border of mandible, merges with muscles surrounding the mouth Innervation: cervical branch of VII

Name the origin, insertion and innervation of the risorius muscle

Origin: fascia overlying the parotid gland Insertion: skin tissue at angle of mouth Innervation: buccal branch of VII

Name the origin, insertion and innervation of the corrugated supercilii muscle

Origin: frontal bone supraorbital region (just above the nose) Insertion: skin tissue medial portion of the eyebrow Innervation: temporal branch of VII

Name the origin, insertion and innervation of the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle

Origin: frontal process of maxilla near bridge of the nose Insertion: skin tissue of ala & skin tissue of upper lip lateral to the midline Innervation: zygomatic and buccal branches of VII

Name the origin, insertion and innervation of the mentalis muscle

Origin: incisive fossa of the mandible Insertion: skin tissue of chin Innervation: mandibular branch of VII

Name the origin, insertion and innervation of the levator labii superioris muscle

Origin: infraorbital rim of maxilla superior to the infraorbital foramen Insertion: skin tissue of the upper lip lateral to the midline Innervation: zygomatic and buccal branches of VII

Name the origin, insertion and innervation of the zygomaticus major muscle

Origin: lateral to zygomaticus minor, anterior to zygomaticotemporal suture Insertion: skin tissue at angle of mouth Innervation: zygomatic and buccal branches of VII

Name the origin, insertion and innervation of the depressor anguli oris muscle

Origin: lower border of mandible (along the area near the external oblique line) Insertion: skin tissue at angle of mouth Innervation: mandibular branch of VII

Name the origin, insertion and innervation of the depressor labii inferioris muscle

Origin: lower border of mandible (between oblique line and mental protuberance) Insertion: skin tissue of lower lip Innervation: mandibular branch of VII

Name the origin, insertion and innervation of the occipital belly of the epicranial muscle

Origin: occipital bone and mastoid process Insertion: epicranial aponeurosis Innervation: posterior auricular branch VII

Name the origin, insertion and innervation of the buccinator muscle

Origin: posterior alveolar processes of maxilla & mandible, pterygomandibular raphe Insertion: skin tissue at angle of mouth, some fibres blend into upper lip and lower lips Innervation: buccal branch of VII

Name the origin, insertion and innervation of the Orbicularis oculi muscle

Origin: rim of orbit, nasal process of frontal bone, frontal process of maxilla, medial palpebral ligament, lacrimal bone Insertion: skin tissue encircling the eye Innervation: temporal and zygomatic branches of VII

The corda tympani is

a branch of the facial nerve that is responsible for the taste sensation of the anterior 2/3 of the tongue

what are general visceral afferent fibres?

afferent fibres begin in the various receptors of the skin of the external ear and tympanic membrane

What is the cause of Bell's Palsy? and what are some implications?

cause unknown. Abrupt onset, unilateral, decreased excitability of facial nerve, all or just some branches may be affected, may be transient or chronic

What muscle draws the eyebrows medially and inferiorly?

corrugator supercilli

Which muscle depresses angle of the mouth and antagonises the levator anguli oris?

depressor anguli oris

What muscle depresses the lower lip?

depressor labii inferioris

What is the action of the mentalist muscle?

it protrudes the lower lip

What is the action of the platysma muscle?

it raises the skin of the chin and pulls down the corners of the mouth

What is the action of the buccinator?

it shortens the cheeks, keeps the bolis between the cheeks and teeth during mastication, expels air th create a sucking action

What muscles elevate the upper lip?

levator labii superioris, levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle and zygomaticus minor

Pouting is brought about by the action of?

mentalis, depressor anguli oris and depressor labii inferioris

What is the action of the epicranial muscle?

raises eyebrows and scalp

What muscle moves the angle of the mouth laterally and makes dimples?


what are special visceral afferent fibres?

sensory fibres (taste) from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue via the chords tympani and taste fibres from the soft palate via the greater petrosal nerve

Which muscle can make the patients oral vestibule shallow, thereby making dental work difficult?

the platysma muscle

Where does the facial nerve exit?

the stylomastoid foramen

What nerve provides sensory to the face?


What muscle elevates angle of the upper lip and pulls it laterally?

zygomaticus major

What muscles contribute to the smile?

zygomaticus major, zygomaticus minor, levetor anguli oris, risorius, levator labii superioris alaeque nasi, levator labii superioris

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