Muscular Strength and Endurance

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-A condition marked by progressive loss of bone tissue and a reduction in bone density

Hypertrophy in depth

-A person is born with a number of muscle fibers that will never change -Muscle growth occurs when individual msucle fibers thicken -When muscles are not used, muscle fibers become smaller or atrophy

Lower back pain

-Affects 85% of americans -Can be prevented by strengthening the abdomen hips, lower backs, and legs.

What also causes muscles to become slower

-Aging -Inactivity

Benefits of Muscular Fitness

-Athletic performance -Injury prevention -body composition -Self image -lIfetime muscle and bone health -Chronic disease prevention

Muscles impact

-Body composition -Metabolism

Men's Strengh training

-Build larger, stronger muscles

Women's Strength training

-Builds strength -Improves definition

Types of Muscles

-Cardiac muscles -Smooth muscles -Skeletal muscles

Components of health related fitness

-Cardiorespiratory fitness -Body composition -Muscular strength -Flexibility -Muscular endurance

Improved body composition prevents

-Cardiovascular disease

Three types of contraction

-Concentric contraction -Eccentric contraction -Isometric contraction

Well-developed muscles help a person perform --

-Daily tasks with ease -Protect the body from injury -Enhance well-being

Muscle growth occurs

-During growth spurts -Weight training

Type Two

-Fast-twitch muscle fibers

Factors that influence muscle growth

-Genetic potential -Consistent training habits -Current strength level -Training intensity

Two competing theories

-Hypertrophy -Hyperplasia

Type 2A Muscle FIbers

-INTERMEDIATE Fast twitch -Fast to contract -Intermediate resistance to fatigue -Receive energy aerobically and anaerobically

High levels of muscular fitness leads to

-Increased enjoyment -Perform at a higher skill level -Improved cardiorespiratory fitness

Every skeletal muscle contains --

-Muscle fibers -Connective tissue -Nerves -Blood vessels

Hyperplasia in depth

-Muscle fibers are able to split and create additional fibers -Additional fibers account for increased muscle size -Can be proven in some animals

A fitness program can emphasize

-Muscular strength -Muscular endurance -Both -Improvement in one area leads to improvement in the other

How many skeletal muscles

-Over 430

Activities for muscular endurance

-Pitching an entire baseball game -Long distance running -Lifting weights with high repetitions -Hurdles

What is the biggest factor in muscle loss


Muscular strength depends on

-Size of muscle cells -Ability of nerves to activate muscles

Muscular endurance depends on:

-Size of muscular cells -Ability of muscles to store fuel -Blood supply to muscles

Slow twitch muscle fibers are

-Slow to contract -Have high resistance to fatigue -Receive energy aerobically -Important for endurance activities

Type One

-Slow-twitch muscle fibers

Injury Prevention

-Strength training

Body Composition

-Strength training improves body composition by increasing muscle mass -Strength training also increases muscle mass and metabolic rate

Chronic Disease Prevention

-Strength training improves glucose metabolism -Strength training lessens bone loss -Strength training improves body composition


-Strength training leads to -Improved body image -Improved confidence and self-esteem

Over time, motor nerves become disconnected from the muscles

-Strength training prevets muscle and nerve degeneration

Strength training makes --

-Tendons, ligaments, and cartilage cells stronger

Muscular endurance

-The ability of a muscle or muscle group to remain contracted or to contract repeatedly over a period of time

Strength training helps --

-The body maintain good posture and proper body mechanics


-The natural decline in muscle mass due to aging after age 30


-The process by which muscles diminish in size and strength

Activities for muscular strength

-Throwing a fast ball -Sprints -Power lifting -High jump

Low levels of muscular fitness lead to

-Tiring more easily -less effective

Two categories of muscle fibers

-Type one -Type 2

Type 2B

-Very fast to contract -Low resistance to fatigue -Receive energy anaerobically

Muscles make up more than _____ of a person's body mass.


Muscles make up more than --- of a person's body mass


Fitness Programs

A well rounded fitness program addresses all compnents of health-related fitness


An increase in size and strength in muscle

Describe four ways in which improving your muscular fitness would have a positive affect on your life.

Answers will vary but should relate to any four of the following: athletic performance, injury prevention, body composition, self-image, lifetime muscle and bone health, and chronic disease prevention.

Jackie noticed an increase in appetite after she started weight training. Since she did not change her eating habits, her body fat began to drop. Why did this happen?

As muscle mass increases, so does metabolism. A higher metabolism burns more fat.

A skeletal muscle contracting forces --

Bones and joints to move

Describe the components of health-related fitness.

Cardiorespiratory fitness is the fitness level of the heart and lungs. Body composition is the ratio in the body of muscle to fat. Muscular strength is the force muscles can produce in a single maximum effort. Muscular endurance is the ability of muscles to remain contracted or to contract repeatedly over a period of time. Flexibility is the range of motion a body has.

A skeletal muscle's job is to --


If you increased the amount of muscle mass in your body, what other changes would occur?

More muscle mass would speed up metabolism, reduce the amount of body fat, and help protect an individual from injury.

Lessened bone loss prevents


High levels of muscular fitness can also lead to reduced risk for chronic diseases.


Strength training lessens bone loss.


Strength training makes ligaments, tendons, and cartilage stronger.


Type II B fast-twitch muscle fibers are those used in a short sprint.


Muscular strength

The amount of force a muscle or muscle group can produce in a single effort

Improved glucose metabolism prevents

Type 2 Diabetes


Type 2A Type 2B

An individual picks up a cup and drinks from it. This is an example of __________.

a concentric contraction because muscles cause the elbow joint and arm to move

With age, muscles can become weaker. This is due to __________.

disconnections between motor nerves and muscle fibers

Muscle growth is still not --

fully understood

In this theory of muscle growth, muscle fibers are able to split and create new fibers.


If an individual started running 10 miles three times a week, there would most likely be an __________.

increase in muscular endurance

If you wanted to increase your muscular endurance, it would be important to participate in activities that __________.

increase the size of the muscle cells and the amount of blood that is delivered to the muscle

Muscles are necessary for ---


An individual has sarcopenia. In order to prevent this condition from becoming any worse, what action should be taken?

participate in more activities like weight training

Which statement BEST describes the factors that affect muscular endurance?

size of the muscle cells, ability to store fuel, and blood supply to the muscles

Weight training has the biggest effect on __________.

skeletal muscles

If you were running a marathon, which type of muscle fibers would be most useful to you?


When comparing an individual with low muscular fitness to an individual with high muscular fitness, we would very likely find that __________.

the individual with high muscular fitness would also have a lower chance of becoming injured

A mother sprints across the yard to grab her small child before he enters the street. The mother is using her __________.

type II B fast-twitch muscle fibers that respond quickly and provide her with speed and strength

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