Mythology Unit 2

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Other Names for Egyptian Afterlife

"Field of Offerings" and "Rushes".


(Greek legend) a king in ancient Greece who offended Zeus and whose punishment was to roll a huge boulder to the top of a steep hill


(Greek mythology) 4th river in Hades. River of forgetfulness.

Hyades and Pleiades (Dove and Constellations)

(Greek mythology) 7 daughters of Atlas and half-sisters of the Hyades


(Greek mythology) Greek god of darkness who dwelt in the underworld

Orion (Constellation)

(Greek mythology) a giant Boeotian hunter who pursued the Pleiades and was eventually slain by Artemis


(Greek mythology) a river in Hades across which Charon carried dead souls. river of oaths

Hypnos (Somnus)

(Greek mythology) the Greek god of sleep

Thanatos (Mors)

(Greek mythology) the Greek personification of death.

Elysium Feilds

(Greek mythology) the abode of the blessed after death


(Greek mythology) the ferryman who brought the souls of the dead across the river Styx or the river Acheron to Hades


(Greek mythology) the goddess of divine retribution and vengeance

Zodiac Signs

(astrology) a circular diagram representing the 12 zodiacal constellations and showing their signs


1st river in Hades


2nd river in Hades. River of lamentation.

Adonis (Rose or Anemone)

Aphrodite was enamored by a beautiful baby, Adonis. But is not the mothering type, so she asked Persephone to raise her...but then didnt want to give her back, so Zeus made the decision to split up the custody with 1/3 with each goddess, and 1/3 for Adonis to choose, and he chose Aphrodite. Artemis got involved somehow, and a wild boar kills Adonis because of jealousy.

Aurora and Typhonus (Grasshopper)

Aurora wanted to be with Typhonus, but he was mortal and she was a Goddess. She asked Zeus to turn him immortal, but forgot to ask for immortal youth. So he became eternally she turned him into a grasshopper.

Ceyx and Alcyone

Ceyx goes to the sea and dies, morpheus appears to alcyone as her husband and tells her to go to the sea to find ceyx. Alcyone goes to thfind him, when she sees his dead body, they both turn into Halcyon birds and fly away the halcyon days are when the ocean lies completely still.


Closest to the sun. Revolves around the sun at a fast clip, 88 days to a year. Mercury is the messenger God known for speed.


Coin that was put in a dead persons mouth to be used for passage into the Hades.

Cupid and Psyche

Cupid is the Roman god of love. He is known for his acute handsomeness and for his mischievousness. Always depicted with with wings and a bow and quiver of arrows (gold for love, silver for hate). Psyche is the daughter of a king and queen whose beauty is so incredible that Venus (the goddess of beauty) was found to have empty altars and temples. When Venus finds her temples empty, she is very angry. She sends her son to punish Psyche. Cupid messes up (It doesn't work!). Her parents consult the oracle to discover that Psyche will never marry a mortal man. On top of a mountain, Psyche finds a wonderful palace. Her "husband" came only in the night and would never let her see him- who could this husband be? Her sisters come to visit and make Psyche suspicious. Psyche decides to find out who her husband is: it's Cupid! He wakes up and flies away... Psyche is sad. She seeks out Venus to try to get Cupid to return, and ends up going through a series of tasks. Cupid still loves Psyche and so he comes up with a plan to reunite them. At long last they are reunited and live happily ever after.


Daughters of Danaus - fifty daughters that were to marry the fifty sons of his twin brother Aegyptus; Danaus ordered daughters to kill husbands on first night of their wedding; forced to carry a jug to fill a bathtub without a bottom (or with a leak) to wash their sins off because the water was always leaking they would forever try to fill the tub


Egyptian term for the concept of divinely created and maintained order in the universe. Reflecting the ancient Egyptians' belief in an essentially beneficent world, the divine ruler was the earthly guarantor of this order.

Ursa Major and Ursa Minor

Great bear and little bear, alternative names for big dipper and little dipper root: Zeus had a lover named Callisto and they had a son named Arcas. Hera was looking for them, so to protect them, Zeus turned them into bears, then took them by their tails, through them into the sky, streching their tails as they flew, making big and little dipper.


Greenish in color, it has 2 moons like the prongs of a trident, Neptune is the God of the sea.

Roman Underworld


Persephone and Hades

Hades, Lord of the Underworld, fell in love and kidnapped Persephone. Hades convinced Persephone to eat the food of the underworld, the seeds of the pomegranate. Once done, she could never fully leave the underworld. In some accounts, she stayed with Hades of her own free will. Persephones dad is Demeter

Glaucus and Scylla

He becomes sea god, he sees her bathing, she runs, he asks Circe for love potion, Circe fall in love with him, Circe changes her into monster who is bonded to a rock, who also destroys anyone that comes her way

Idas and Marpessa

She falls in love with a mortal. Apollo falls in love with her. She chooses the mortal in fear Apollo wouldn't be faithful.

Hyacinth (Flower)

Hyacinth was a beautiful youth loved by Apollo and West Wind Zeypher. Apollo and Hycinth were throwing the discus, and it hit Hycinth, killing him (possibly the Zeypher being jealous, blew the wind to kill him) Apollo made the flower out of his blood.

Grove of Persephone

In Greek myth, before the pure souls could enter the Elysium Fields, they would first come to a grove of black The Groves of Persephone.Added by Greyhem poplars and sterile willows. This was the Grove of Persephone. Here, the souls would meet with Hades and his wife Persephone.


Ixion and the Cloud, birth of the Centaurs, Ixion had a romantic love for Hera, so when Ixion is asleep Zeus sends a cloud of Hera to him and Ixion gets excited and ejaculates into the cloud and then the Centaurs (half human half savage) are conceived 9 months later. Punished by being placed on the wheel

Egyptian Soul Parts

Ka Ba Ahk


Kerberos was his Greek Myth name. Three headed gaurd dog of hades He prevent ghosts of the dead from leaving the underworld.

Orpheus and Eurydice

Known as great musician and people thought he was the son of Apollo b/c he plays the lyre. He loves Eurydice and they are engaged. On the day of their marriage she is killed by a snake bite. Orpheus decided to perform a katabasis to get to the underworld. He gets past Charon, Cerberus, and Hades. He asks Hades and Persephone for his wife back and they agree saying "don't look back at her" as she follows you out. He glances back to make sure she is still behind him and she fades away again into the underworld. He swears not to date another woman and was said to have created mystery cults for men only. Women love him and he is very liked. He is eventually attacked by the Maenads (women that like to rip things apart with their bare hands). They threw his head into a river and the head continued to sing.

Hero and Leander

Leander swam across every night to meet Hero, guided by a light. One stormy night, the light was blown out by the wind, and Leander perished. Hero killed herself upon finding his body.

Arachne (Spider)

Lydian woman who was turned into a spider when she bragged she was a better weaver than Athena

Narcissus and Echo (Flower and Sound Reverberations)

Narcissus denied the love of Echo, she simply wastes away into nothing but a voice to hear by all. Narcissus took a drink from the pond, saw his reflection, fell madly in love with his reflection, and wasted away into a flower.

Aquarius (1/21-2/18)

Often referred to a Ganyaed, the boy who became the cup-bearer of the Gods.

Pomona and Vertumnus

Pomona was a nymph that had no interest in men and protected her garden. Vertumnus was in love with her and disguised himself as an old women trying to convince her to marry him. He told her of a story about a girl who rejected a boys true love until he killed himself and then she turned to stone when seeing his funeral. After that, she married him.

Creation of the Horse

Poseidon was in love with Demeter, and she callenged him to make the most beautiful animal. So he worked very hard, and made other animals in the process, and then finally made the horse...but by that time his passion for Demeter had cooled.

Alpheus and Arethusa

RIVER GOD AND NYMPH. River god Alpheus fell in love with the nymph Arethusa, who fled from him in the fright to Ortygia, and island near Syracuse, where Arthemis changed her into a fountain. Alpheus flowed under the sea to unite with his beloved. Shelly wrote a poem title Arethusa.

Cancer (6/21-7/22)

Sometimes connected with the crab which attacked Hercules at Hera's command.

Libra (9/23-10/22)

Sometimes referred to as the scales of justice. Which weigh the souls of the dead, sometimes connected to the scorpius.

Capricorn (12/22-1/20)

Sometimes said to be the nurse of the infant Zeus, but often connected witht the goat god, Pan.


Son of Jupiter and Europa, brother of Minos, and the lawgiver who, after dispensing justice in Crete, presides in the underworld. (Judges Asia)


Suffered the fate of never being able to satisfy his thirst or hunger, though he is trapped in water and there is a tree with fruit hanging in arms reach that recedes whenever he tries to eat from it. He was punished because he had excessive pride (Hubris). schemed to trick the gods into doing something wrong to prove he is as good as them. Took his child (Pelops), chops him up, cooks him into a stew, and invites all the gods to his house for dinner and serves them the stew. The gods are not allowed to eat human flesh, and if he knows something that god didn't know (that they're eating human flesh) then he would be "worthy" of being on Olympus. None of the gods fall for the trick instead of the goddess Demeter.

Daphne and Apollo

Tells of a god chasing a girl through the forest and the girl calls upon her father to help. She is turned into a Laurel Tree.

Philomela and Procne

Tereus cheated on Procne with her sister Philomena, so she fed them the skin of her son.

Pisces (2/19-3/20)

The 2 fishes are supposed to be Cupid and Venus who changed themselves into this form to escape Typhon.

Sagittarius (11/23-12/21)

The archer centuar. Chiron who was reputed to be the teacher of such men as Achilles, Aneas, Jason, or Crotus. Centuar son of Pan. Guards the door of the dead in babylonian mythology.


The beggining of Hades.


The largest planet, has own circiling moons. Cheif of all gods, lovers are commemeraded in the moons.

Virgo (8/23-9/22)

The virgin godess, sometimes referred to as Persephone, but usually Dyke of Justice.


Third river of Hell; boiling river of blood; travel throughout Circle 7 and 8, freezes in 9

Where the Souls go in the Egyptian Afterlife

Those souls whose scales of good had outweighed their scales of bad would be granted permission to enter the blissful afterlife. On the other hand those whose scales of bad deeds were heavy would be handed over to the Devourer of the Dead, which was the Egyptian equivalent of hell.

Circle 9 Treachery, Caina, Antenora, Ptolomca and Judecca

Traitors, distinguished from the "merely" fraudulent, in that their acts involve knowingly and deliberately betraying others, are frozen in a lake of ice. Each group of traitors is encased in ice to a different height, ranging from only the waist down to complete immersion. This is divided into four concentric zones:

Hall Of 2 Truths

Upon death the soul would enter the underworld where he would have to pass certain tests and then reach his judgment day. This would take place in the Hall of Two Truths. Anubis was a jackal headed deity considered to be the god of the dead. He would be the judge along with forty two other deities and judges that would judge each soul.

Io (Appearence of Peacock)

Zeus cheated on Hera with Io, turned her into cow to protect her. Io was given to Hera as a present. Zeus could not free Io. Hermes distracted Io while she escaped, but she was pregnant. When it was time to give birth, Hera had to help her. Slain guy with many eyes (that distracted her with Hermes) did not want to waste eyes, so made peacock feathers about them.

Circle 8 Fraud, Pimping, Seducing, Flattery, Simony, Sorcery, Political Corruption, Hypocrissy, More Fraud, Theft, Fraudulent Rhetoric, Divisiveness and Falsification

a person who makes deceitful pretenses, a manager of prostitutes, enticing someone astray from right behavior, excessive or insincere praise, the selling of official positions in the medieval roman catholic church, the act of determining that something is false.


a place where the wicked are punished after death

Circle 6: Heresy

an opinion different from accepted belief; the denial of an idea that is generally held sacred

Pyramus and Thisbe

are fictional young lovers created by the poet Ovid. They communicated through a wall seperating their parents' properties, and died for love because of a misunderstanding (basis for Romeo and Juliet).

Circle 3: Gluttony

eating to excess. personified as one of the deadly sins.

Circle 4: Avarice and Prodigality

extravagant wastefulness; profuse generosity; extreme abundance; lavishness. Extreme need for lavish life.

Circle 7: Blasphemy, Violence, Suicide, Sodomy, Usury

going against the common religion, violent acts, killing oneself, same sex relations, similar to heresy.


grandfather of Achilles ,father of Peleus, son of Zeus and Aegina (Judges Europe)

Baucis and Philemon

hospitible to Zeus and Hermes dressed as beggars; became preists of Zues' temple; died together - became trees(oak and linden)


in Greek mythology, the god of dreams and of the forms that dreaming sleepers see.

Cirlce 1: Limbo

in Roman Catholicism, the place of unbaptized but innocent or righteous souls such as infants and virtuous individuals.

Clytie (sunflower)

in love with Phoebus (sun god); she spent her life staring at him throughout the day and turned into an heliotrope (sunflower)

Circle 5: Sulleness and Wrath

intense anger (usually on an epic scale), gloominess


king of Crete; promised peace with Athens if they sacrificed 7 young men and 7 maidens to him every nine years to feed to the Minotaur. (Judges difficult cases)


outermost planet, furthest away from the sun, god of the underworld.


queen of the witches; directs the supernatural happenings and appreances of the mystical apparitions,. Queen of the dead and goddess of magic.


raced Epaphus, boasted and lied, swore by river styx, died from riding in his chariot too close to the sun.

Aries (3/21-4/19)

ram with the golden fleece. which rescued aa young boy and his sister from death

Daphne (Laurel Tree)

ran away from apollo (who was struck by eros, and fell madly in love), had father turn her into a Laurel tree, Apollo wears Laurel leaves in mourning of his loss.


recent discovery, next in line to Saturn, Uranus was the father of Saturn, and the Grandfather of Jupiter.


second largest planet. 2 ancient astronomers is the furthest. Saturn was pushed out by his son, Jupiter

Circle 2: Lust

self-indulgent sexual desire. personified as one of the deadly sins.


small chamber that collects sound vibrations that enter the internal ear. located in the central section of the inner ear senses body position


the 4th planet from the sun, (Roman mythology) Roman god of war and agriculture. Red planet, associated with blood of war.

Endymion and Selene

the goddess of the moon cast a sleep spell on her lover so he would never die but remain young and handsome forever.

Scorpio (10/23-11/22)

the scorpion which attacked Orion or Phaeton.


the second nearest planet to the sun. Brightest, bluest, most beautiful. Venus is goddess of beauty. Surrounded by a lovely color.

Gemini (5/21-6/20)

the twins. Castor and Pollux. in sky

Taurus (4/20-5/20)

the white bull. Zeus in disguise, which kidnapped Europa


three goddesses that controlled the destiny of mortals their life and death.


three terrible spirits who punish those whose crimes have not been avenged

Leo (7/22-8/22)

traditionally the Nemean lion that Hercules Killed

Egyptian Afterlife

was a journey by boat,if they had lived right they had an afterlife of pleasure (eating and drinking) ... they had to take their clothes with them.

Pygmalion and Galatea

was a sculptor who never wanted to marry, for he hated women. Made the perfect woman statue to show men the flaws of women. He fell in love with the statue, kissed it, dressed it, like a girl's doll. Knew he was being foolish for it would always be a statue. He prayed to Aphrodite, Aphrodite turned the statue human, she came to live as the sculptor kissed her. They got married and lived happily ever after.

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