NAEMT All Hazards Disaster Response - BIF

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How are chemical agents characterized by?

*Characterized by the effects they would have on the human body. -have rapid onset


*Measures taken to reduce the harmful effects of a disaster.* -Attempts to limit the impact on health, community function, and economic infrastructure. EX: building a nursing home NOT easy in flood area


*Stabilizing and returning the community to normal.* May take several years. Rebuilding and relocating certain populations.

Examples of chemical agents:


Characteristics of man-made disasters:

-(intentional) -Little to no warning. -Inflict panic and fear in the population. -Can have devastating effects for years to come.

Role of Public Health Nurse in a Disaster:

-Assess the needs of the community. -Conduct surveillance with State or local health department. -Assure safety of self and others. -Maintain Communication. -Operate Points of Distribution (PODS) medication and treatment to the community. -->large venues of vaccines/medications places to stop and get that during disaster

What do natural disasters do?

-Destroy property, economic infrastructure. -Harm the environment. -Can be predictable based on geographic location. We know that certain areas in the US are prone to certain types of natural disasters. -We may or may not have warning on an impending natural disaster.

Actions to Reduce the Effects of a Biological Event:

-Get your flu shot -Report unusual illnesses -Practice good hygiene-standard/ universal precautions & infection control -Shelter at home (esp. when ill)

Implications for All Nurses r/t Disaster:

-Nurses must be trained in emergency preparedness competencies. -Know your agency's disaster plan and your role. -Develop a family emergency plan and kit with supplies. -Report any unusual conditions and stay informed.

Basic Principles of Disaster Management:

-Preparedness -Mitigation -Response -Recovery -Evaluation


-Proactive Planning Efforts -Developing Emergency Plans -Outreach and Education

Name examples of Category A biological agents:

-Q-Fever -Ricin -Smallpox -Tularemia -Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers -Anthrax -Botulism -Brucellosis -Glanders -Plague

Name 2 Emerging Infectious Diseases:

-SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) -Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)

Radiation protection principles:

-Time -Distance -Shielding EX: lead apron at dentist -Quantity

Basic Principles of Personal Preparedness:

-We should be able to survive comfortably on our own for at least 3 days following an incident -Prepare before an incident occurs. -Develop an emergency kit. -Open discussion with family members and friends in advance.

What are forms of biological agents?

-bacteria -toxins -viruses

Examples of chemical weapons:

-dispersed as small droplets (aerosol) when detonated -some as gas or vapors -absorbed through skin, mucous membranes, or inhaled -effects vary depending upon the physical properties of the agent and the pharmacological effects of the agent

Universal precautions protect against what?

AIDS, Hepatitis B, and some other infectious diseases -followed with ALL people you come in contact with (b/c unsure who is infected!)

Anthrax, Plague, Brucelliosis & Tularemia are examples of what biological agents? what symptoms are seen?

BACTERIA S/S: flu-like (fever, chills, diarrhea)

Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment (START) System:

Bases on a person's respirations, perfusion, and mental status (RPM).

An adult kneels at the side of the road, shaking his head. He says he's too dizzy to walk R 20/min P CR < 2 sec. M Obeys commands What are they?

Delayed (yellow) (b/c he cannot walk)

An adult has his lower body trapped under a seat inside the bus. R Apneic (not breathing) Still apneic after opening airway P No pulse M Unresponsive What are they??

Expectant/Deceased (black)

True/False: During a disaster, it is OK to separate children from family.

FALSE DO NOT separate children from family

True/False: CPR is done during a mass casualty event.


What is the goal of a mass casualty incident (MCI) triage?

Greatest Good for the Greatest Number

Natural Disaster Exs:

Hurricanes Floods Tornadoes Earthquakes Wildfires Winter/Ice Storms


Implementation of disaster plan. Activities include: saving lives, providing first aid, providing care and basic life requirements (food, water, and shelter).

When was the first IED introduced?

Improvised Explosive Device *April 19th, 1995 in Oklahoma City

Chemical weapons are usually of what form?


level A of PPE

Level A: Highest level of protection. Fully encapsulated: protects skin, respiratory, and mucus membranes with a SCBA (self-contained breathing apparatus).

A woman is carrying a crying infant. She is able to walk. R 20/min P CR < 2 secs M Obeys commands What are they?

Minor (green)


Often receives the least amount of attention. Determines what worked and what didn't work. Vital for improving future disaster plans.

Expectant (Black):

R=not breathing Lowest priority

What is the first goal following a disaster?

REESTABLISH sanitary needs THEN meet physiological needs

Urgent (Yellow):

RR= <30 P= <2sec. M= Obeys commands Transport: After red cases

Immediate (RED):

RR= >30 P= Capillary Refill >2sec. M= Doesn't obey commands Transport: Immediate

Level C PPE:

Same skin and eye protection as Level B, but uses an air-purifying respirator. Used only when the chemical contaminant is known and criteria for air-purifying respirator are met.

Level D PPE:

Standard work protection and no respiratory and minimal skin protection is required.

Botulinum & Ricin are examples of what biological agent? symptoms?

TOXINS S/S: dizziness, dry throat & mouth, blurred vision, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, cramps **CONTAGIOUS

Highest priority (Category A) agents :

Those organisms that pose a risk to National security and humans because: 1. Are easily transmitted or disseminated from person to person 2. Can cause high mortality, major public health impact 3. May cause public panic and disruption. 4. Require special actions for public preparedness. -Classified by CDC as MOST harmful

Which types of diseases will appear first?

Those with shorter incubation times EX: diarrheal disease, measles, respiratory infection

True/False: Delaware Public Health is state & local public health agency


True/False: A triage tag should be attached to an arm or leg.

True. Should be easy to write on, visible on client DO NOT attach to clothes!

Level B PPE:

Used when the highest level of respiratory protection is needed, but less skin protection. Includes a SCBA (self contained breathing appartus).

Small pox is an example of what biological agent? and what s/s are seen?

VIRUS S/S; fever, headaches, rigors (chills), pustules (blister on skin containing pus)

Decrease the # of pathogens by:

Washing hands#1 • Wearing gloves • Using masks and eye protection • Wearing a gown

Radiological Dispersion Device:

aka Dirty bomb -makes explosive with radioactive material inside, so when explodes, population surrounding becomes radiated by material

What do standard precautions apply to?

blood, all body fluids, non-intact skin, and mucous membranes. -that help prevent the spread of infectious diseases in health-care facilities.

Toxin examples:

botulism animal marine life fungus

Mass casualty event:

occurs when the destructive effect of natural or manmade forces overwhelm a community's ability to allocate existing resources. EX: bus accident, large explosion, train derailment

Delayed (Green):

walking & Wounded transport: after red & yellow

Does a person get re-triaged at the hospital?

yes! Their status can change, even if they start as one

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