Napoleon Bonaparte History Test

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Battle of Trafalgar (1805)

- A naval battle at the coast of Spain - Nelson had his ships attack with a close together formation instead of a spread out formation - This ensured British naval supremacy - French change their plans for invading Britain

Concert of Europe

- Addresses problems in Europe - Maintained Europe for over a century

Klemens von Metternich

- Represented Austria in the Concert of Europe

Russian Invasion

- Biggest mistake Napoleon will ever make - He thought it would only take 20 days - The Russians used the Scorched Earth Policy - This led the French deeper into Russia and further from France - They finally fight at Bordino on Sept. 17, 1812 - When Napoleon enters Moscow it is on fire - When he tries to return to France the Russians force him to go back on the scorched path

Napoleon's Defeat

- Britain, Russia, Prussia, Sweden and Austria march all they way to Paris - Napoleon is forced to abdicate the thrown - The Bourbons came back in power - Napoleon was exiled to the island of Elba

Third Coalition (1805)

- English on Russia, Austria, and Britain - They were worried that France would have too much power

Napoleonic Code

- Equality before the law - Freedom of religion - Abolished serfdom - Women can inherit property

Economic Reforms

- First he creates the National Bank of France to solve the French economy - It was a success because people were putting money in it so loans could be given and businesses could be made

Napoleon's Battle Against the British

- Goes to Egypt to fight the British - Nelson takes down a lot of Napoleon's ships - Napoleon only told France about his successes and not his defeats

Napoleon in Power

- He gets a treaty for peace from every single country in Europe - The French people have a "fair" vote to give him real power - This was to make it seem like he didn't just take the power - Now he had official power.

Principle of Legitimacy

- If you lost power because of Napoleon then you get your power back

Cons of Napoleonic Code

- It was almost impossible for a woman to get a divorce - They could not buy or sell land - Brought back slavery

Austerlitz Battle

- Know as Napoleon's greatest military victory - France against Austria and Russia - After battle the Arc de Triumph was built

Lord Nelson

- Leader of the British army - Big rival of Napoleon

Guerrilla Warfare

- Loosely organized fighting force that uses surprise attacks on their enemies

100 Days

- Louis XVII takes the throne and the French aren't very excited - March 1, 1815, Napoleon (with help) sneaks off Elba - Louis tries to arrest Napoleon but his soldiers join him - Duke of Wellington (Great Britain) brings back the coalition and fights the French at Waterloo - Napoleon is eventually defeated - He was then sent to St. Helena - This period of time was 100 days

1804 - Notre Dame

- Napoleon crowns himself king - Painted by Jacques Louis David

Concordat (Religion Reforms)

- Napoleon has meetings with the Pope and eventually they sign a peace agreement - Pope says that he will give up land and in return all of the Catholic churches will be open again - Catholicism becomes the "main" religion but others are still practiced - Goes back to the Christian/Gregorian calendar

Blockade Runners

- People who smuggled goods to Great Britain during the Continental System blockade

Congress of Vienna

- Place in Austria - Prussia, Austria, Russia, Great Britain and eventually France met - Their goal was to restore the balance of power - They redraw the map of Europe - They agree on the Principle of Legitimacy

Peninsular War

- Portugal still wanted to trade with Great Britain - The Spanish were mad that the old king was replaced with Napoleon's brother Joseph - They fought against the French with Guerrilla Warfare - Spain takes out a huge portion if soldiers - Big loss for Napoleon

Napoleon in the Military

- Started at 14 - Quickly rose through the ranks - A lot of officers were emigres (people who fled France) so he was very beneficial - Specialty was artillery (cannons) - He shot cannons at a crowd of Royalists rebels which ended things quickly - He quickly gained fame and was moved to Italy to fight the Austrians

The Directory

- Starts to lose control - Napoleon gets his soldiers together and starts a rebellion against the Directory - Napoleon became the First Consul - This was a coup d'etat: A sudden seizure of power

Saint Domingue (Haiti)

- Sugarcane was grown and sold here - Slaves were used to grow these - Toissant L' Overture led the slave rebellion on Haiti - Napoleon sends over troops but they were not ready for the climate and got sick and died - Haiti declares independence and Napoleon gives up on the Americas

Louis XVII

- The first Bourbon king after Napoleon's rule

Continental System

- The goal was to destroy Great Britain's industrial and commercial economy - The French used a blockade to close as many parts as possible and prevent British cargo from coming in - Major failure

Czar Alexander I

- The leader of the Russians

Battle of Waterloo

- This was the battle that Napoleon lost after his return from Elba that ended his reign as French ruler - He was at St. Helena for 6 years and then died from possible stomach cancer

Scorched Earth Policy

- This was the tactic of burning crops so that the enemy can't live off the land and then retreating

Louisiana Purchase

- Thomas Jefferson negotiates with France to buy New Orleans - France offers to buy more land for $15,000,000 and Jefferson says yes - This made sure that America did not go back ti Great Britain


- Used to belong to Italy, but was taken over by France - Place where Napoleon was born

Napoleon's Height

- Was actually 5'7 - Was listed in the military as 5'2

- Downfall of the Russian Invasion

- When Napoleon and the French army heads back they get randomly attacked by other countries as they passed through them - The army went from 420,000 to less than 10,000

Lycees (School) Reforms

- You could go into the workforce at an early age or you could go for a long time then work in government or military

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