Network Basics and Setup & Chapter 8
Peer- to- peer networking
- Every computer on the network is part server and part client - File sharing software uses this approach - How a home network is setup
1 bit =
0 or 1
1 bps =
1 bit per second
1bps*1000 *1000*1000 =
1,000,000,000bps = 1 gigabit per second = 1 Gbps
1bps*1000*1000 =
1,000,000bps = 1 megabit per second = 1 Mbps
1 byte * 1024 * 1024 =
1,048,576 bytes = 1 Megabyte
1 byte * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 =
1,073,741,824 bytes = 1 Gigabyte
1 byte * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 =
1,099,511,627,776 bytes = 1 Terabyte
Three main types of nodes:
1. Peripheral Devices 2. Computers 3. Network Equipment
If you go wireless
1. Security usually is off by default 2. Password Protect Router Change default password of router 3. Turn on wireless encryption and create very long password WEP = Not quite as bad as nothing WPA = Better WPA2 = Best 4. Think about MAC address filtering and other options. Ready wireless router manual
Networks Love Bits and a Factor of ____.
1bps*1000 =
1000bps = 1 kilobit per second = 1 kbps
Up to now we have been using bytes as our main unit of measurement with a factor of ____.
1 byte * 1024 =
1024 bytes = 1 Kilobyte
This generation of mobile telecommunications started in the 2000s providing services capable of effective connectivity to the Internet and marked the beginning of smartphones.
Telecommunications in which providers use WiMax and LTE connections to provide faster transmission speeds.
1 bit * 8 =
8 bits = one byte
Home network connection options: wireless
802.11 either b, a, g, n, ac
Agree upon way to do things; TCP/IP = Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
Local Area Network =
All the equipment is in the same physical area
Peripheral Devices
Anything on the network that is not a computer or a network device Printer , scanner, etc
The measurement of the width or capacity of a communication channel is known as ______________:
A short-range radio communication standard that transmits data over short distances of up to approximately 30 feet.
The bandwidth typically used for DSL, cable, and satellite connections to the Internet.
Home Network Software
Built into the operating system since everyone wants to network related things with their computer Windows = Control Panels > Network and Internet Macintosh = Apple menu > System Preferences > Network
A high-frequency transmission cable that delivers television signals as well as connects computers in a network.
Electronic systems that transmit data from one location to another.
Communication systems
Computers on the network dedicated to running some part of the network
Workstation ( Client ) =
Computers that are part of the network that are not servers
The concept related to using computer networks to link people and resources.
What is a network?
Devices connected together so that they can exchange information
A specialized server that manages resources, such as user accounts, for an entire network.
Directory Server
Dumb device that takes a message in one port and sends a copy out of all other ports
Ethernet cables
Fast ethernet 10Mbps/100Mbps Gigabit ethernet 10Mbps/100Mbps/1000Mbps
Security hardware and software that control access to a company's intranet and other internal networks is called a(n):
Fat client =
Fully equipped computer that can function without the network
Home Network Protocols
Handled by the networking software
Thin client =
Has some computer parts such as processor and RAM but is missing others such as a hard drive. Cannot function without using the network.
Typically using Wi-Fi technology, these wireless access points are available from public places such as coffee shops, libraries, bookstores, colleges, and universities.
Every computer on the Internet has a unique numeric address called a(n):
IP Address
Network Software
Instructions to move information between devices; Standalone software or built into most operating systems
A private network within an organization that resembles the Internet.
Dumb client =
Just a screen and a keyboard. All functions done by a computer somewhere else on the network
Networks with nodes that are in close physical proximity, usually less than a mile.
What do you have when you have setup your home network?
Metropolitan Area Network =
LAN's hooked together in the same city
A NIC has a ____
MAC address
This type of network spans up to 100 miles and is often used to connect office buildings that are located throughout a city.
What do you have when you hookup some LAN's in the same city?
A NIC has a MAC address:
Media Access Control address
This wireless technology is sometimes referred to as line-of-sight communication because the light waves can only travel in a straight line.
Uses high-frequency radio waves.
The name of the process of converting from digital to analog.
Sometimes referred to as a LAN adapter, these expansion cards connect a computer to a network.
To have a connection you need a ___.
Operating systems that control and coordinate the activities of all computers and other devices on a network.
A network needs 3 things
Netowork Software, Protocols, Connection
A computer specialist responsible for efficient network operations and implementation of new networks.
Network Administrator
A device that allows one LAN to be linked to other LANs or to larger networks.
Network Gateway
Network Interface Card
Any device that is connected to a network.
In this network, nodes have equal authority and can act as both clients and servers.
Rules for exchanging data between computers.
Smart device that takes a message in one port and only sends it out the port that is connected to the device that is suppose to get the message
Smart device that takes a message in one port and only sends it out the port that is connected to the device that is suppose to get the message. It also allows information to travel between two different networks
The network topology in which each device is connected directly to a central network switch.
Central node that coordinates the flow of data by sending messages directly between sender and receiver nodes.
A widely used Internet protocol.
The standard protocol for the Internet is____.
Bus, ring, star, tree, and mesh are types of network:
The speed with which a modem transmits data is called its:
Transfer Rate
Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol; About 100 protocols; Example = http = Hyper Text Transfer Protocol to move web pages around in an agreed upon way
This network, also known as a hierarchical network, is often used to share corporate-wide data.
Media Access Control address
Unique address for each item on a network; Can be found in System Information under Network Adapter
What do you have when you hookup some LAN's in different cities?
A wireless local area network is typically referred to as _______.
Way to move information between devices; Wired or Wireless
Most home or business wireless networks are based on this technology, which uses high-frequency radio signals.
The range of Wi-Fi networks is being extended over greater distances using microwave connections.
Usually a small plug-in USB or ExpressCard device that provides very portable high-speed connectivity from virtually anywhere.
Wireless modem
Signals that are continuous electronic waves.
Movement is measured in
bits per second (bps)
Type of network topology in which each device is connected to a common cable called a backbone.
For instance storage measured in ____.
A node that requests and uses resources available from other nodes.
Since everyone wants their computer to be able to _______ with everyone else's computer we all want to use the same protocols
A NIC allows a device like a computer, printer, scanner, etc, to ____ __ __ _____.
connect to a network
Printer server =
controls print jobs from the network heading to networked printers
Types of workstation (or clients)
dumb client, thin client, fat client
Home network connection options: wired
ethernet cables, power nine networking (electrical system) , phone line networking (phone system)
Email server =
handles email accounts and emails on a network
bps =
how may bits go by a point in one second, also called data transmission rate
Work with firewalls to protect an organization's
intrusion detection system
Everything on a network is called a
There is a new network approach
peer- to- peer networking
Each device on the wireless network needs a wireless NIC card to ______ _____ _____ ______.
receive and send signals.
Computers on a network fall into two categories:
servers and workstation
File server =
serves files to other computers on the network
Web server =
serves web pages to other computers on the network
A ____ ____ radios the information to devices on the network.
wireless router