NL310 6 WEEK
T/F More person looks acts dresses talks like, narrower band of acceptable behavior
T/F self fulfilling prophecy refers to the explanations we develop for behaviors to which we attend
T/F people prefer to explain others' behavior on the basis of personal attributions even when obvious situational factors may fully accont for the behavior
T/F workers who share leader goal and values, and feel intrinsically rewarded for good performance, might be more likely to work extra on a time critical project than those motivation is for money
T/F: Research on how men and women describe their leadership experiences shows that men use transactional terms while women choose transformational terms.
explanations we develop for the behaviors of actions we attend to are called
Leaders who try not so much to avoid doing "wrong things' but always do "right things" are known as
authentic leaders
which type of thinking is associated with the golden rule
care based
the notion of 'do what you want others to do to you' refers to which type of thinking?
which is true of in-groups?
commitment to leaders is relatively high among leaders of in group
Whcih type of bias is present when an individual encourages client to puchase produc that may not be right, but would earn him hefty sales commission?
conflict of interest
researcher asks subordinates to spectulate whether they think manager would be likely to act unethically is using a _____________ reputation approach to measuring leader integrity
which type of approach should subordinates use when assessing managerial integrity
dubious reputation
Which is a myth
effective leadership is all common sense.
Hume and smith argued that _______ are central to moral judgment
values that refer to modes of behavior are called _______ values
values that refer to modes of behavior are called _________ values
ohio state questionairre on leader behavior
leader behavior questionairre
which type of leader is most likely to get complete and timely info?
leader with calm disposition who doesnt attack for bad news
decision by San Fran postmaster following 1906 disaster to allow letters sent without stamps is example of which type of response to natural disaster?
leadership initiative
all of the following except which are characteristics most often associated with servant leadership
which is not a part of the concept of moral potency?
moral efficiency
perceptual set
notion that we are selective in what we attend to and what we perceive
how we interpret our observations takes place in the __________ of AOR
Rodney challeged the status quo and guided adaptation, best described as a
eden and shani that individuals placed in a high potential group were perceived to have higher potential than those placed in an unknown or regular potential group even though potential was never actually assessed reflects
self fullfilling prophecy
tendecy to make external attributions for your own failures yet make internal attributions for your success refers to
self serving bias
a leaders who's primary motivation is to help others can best be described as _____________ leaders
not a benefit of reflection
using self-serving bias to better position oneself in organization
constructs represent generalized behaviors or states of affairs that are considered by the individual to be important are known as
which is not one of the four qualities of leadership identified by bennis and goldman
which behaviors are concerend with clarifying roles, acquiring and allocating resources and reconciling organizational conflicts
work facilitation
Fred F's contigency model of the leadership process included all except
(situation, leader, follower) Strategy
which of the following were the findings of a classic study of sex roles by schein?
-high correlation between ways both male and female respondents perceive males and managers -no correlation between females and managers
which is not a myth
-leaders develop, whereas managers maintain
leaders have to earn their positions, which generation
Gen Xers
all of the following except _______ are part of the followers component of the interactional framework
all of the following are true of theory y except
people are not naturally industrious
which of the following are true about ideal leaders?
-weigh rational and emotional consequences -use rational techniques and emotional appeals to influence followers
The first researcher to formally recognize the leader, follower and situation in the leadership process was
Fred Fiedler
group of workers identified by zemke as entrepeneurial individuals who embrace change and take a free agency approach to their jobs are the
Gen Xers
Which is not an example of an emotional leader
all above are emotional leaders
leaders who show they understand and see world as we see and experience it show ________
thinking that is characterized as 'do what's best for the greatest number of people' is referred to as ________ thinking
ends based
which of the following does not help explain the shift towards more women leaders?
geography has changed others:(organization practices, women, leadership roles have changed)
individual who takes credit for successes but blames the situation for failures
has self serving bias
the _______ theory represented the dominant way of conceptualizing leadership for long time, now discredited
a manager who chooses a job applicant who is more like herself rather than another aplicant who is not like her is demonstrating _________ _________
in-group favoritism
whether you should tell authorities that your spouse has contagious and dangerous disease or protect privacy is example of which ethical dilemma?
individual vs community
Reinterpreting otherwise immoral behavior in terms of a higher purpose refers to __________ ___________
moral justification
___________ ___________ refers to process leader use to make decisions about ethical and unethical behaviors
moral reasoning
The fact that people watching an action are more likely than the individual to make a fundament attrivution error can be attributed to
the actor/observor differerence
whcih of the following does not describe a servant leader?
the leader's primary role is to communicate to others
T/F: Accoring to avillio, as long as leaders are ethical, their management methods should not be questioned
the less one looks like, acts like, dresses like, and talks like other leaders in the organization, the ______
narrower the band of the acceptable behavior
leaders primary motivation is to help others can be best described as __________ leaders
which type of leadership can be best described as literally involving serving others?
Companies from around the world lose about ___________ billion each year as a result of fraudulent activity
T/F: B/c of their vast knowledge of the field, leadership scholars are always good leaders
T/F: servant leadership has been hailed across board as most promising style for large companies
studies show that predictions of ethical behavior are generally consistent with actual behavior
T/F Differences between leader and follower: leader administers and manager innovates
False, opposite
which does not describe a simple situation?
when we overestimate the quality of our own work and contributions to our team, we are showing which type of bias?
overclaiming credit
which is criticism of servant leadership
serving otheres is an end itself rather than a means to other goals
T/F: Research shows that while women recieve mor on the job monitoring than men, womens' mentors tend to have less clout than mens' mentors
T/F: although most people purport to judge others by their merits, research shows that implicit prejudice distorts judgements
T?F; essential to consider both context and followers when determining leadership effectiveness
principles of right conduct or a system of moral values are referred to as ___________
an individual who uses cosmentic words to difuse or disguise the offensivesness of their behavior is demonstrating ____________ __________
euphemistic labeling
research shows that the relationship b/t how we think we should act and our actual behavior
often inconsistent
susie lacks entusiasm, requires constant direction, and relies on leader to do all her thinking. Susie can be described as a ____ follower
plato and kant believed mature moral judgment was ____________ process
when learners seek relatively little feedback that confronts theri fundamental ideas or actions they are using
single loop learning
which of the following is not an example of reserchers definition of leadership
success and failure of organization