NMT exam symptoms: Sciatica, low back pain, knee pain, plantar fasciitis, hip pain, ankle pain
Vastus Medialis
"Buckling Knee." TPs in distal muscle belly, refer to medial knee and up medial thigh.
Gluteus Medius
"Lumbago." TP1: Most posterior, closest to sacrum: Low back pain just above posterior iliac crest, down into sacrum, across buttock(s). Other possible patterns: TP3: In buttocks with spillover to thigh. TP4: Most lateral. Posterior sacrum with spillover to posterior iliac crest. Often tightens concurrently w piriformis and QL
Gluteus Minimus
"Pseudo Sciatica" Hip pain, may have limp. Difficulty getting up from sitting. Can be constant and excruciating. TPs along anterior fibers can refer to lower buttocks, lateral thigh, knee, and lower leg. TPs along origin (posterior ilium) can refer to lower buttock, posterior thigh and lower leg, w spillover to TP area.
Tibialis Posterior
ACHILLES TENDON pain, spillover to heel. Common complaint of Achilles' tendonitis. Excessive pronation TP usually in extreme proximal muscle belly. Difficult to access. Muscle stripping deep posterior compartment will affect tib posterior, flex dig longus and flex hallucis longus
Peroneus Longus
ANKLE pain surrounding lateral malleolus. Inversion sprain Prolonged immobility due to cast Chronic tension and active TPs in tib a and/or tib p Tight sock band TP usually at very superior aspect (below head of fibula, watch out for peroneal nerve.) Tension in longus often coincides w/ weak tibialis posterior and exaggerated PRONATED GAIT
Peroneus tertius
Anterior ANKLE and proximal dorsum of foot, spillover to heel. Inversion sprain Prolonged immobility due to cast Chronic tension and active TPs in tib a and/or tib p Tight sock band TPs in muscle belly, just superior to ankle. Side-lying is best to access.
Rectus Femoris
Anterior KNEE pain. Knee weak when walking down stairs. TP in extreme proximal muscle belly refers to knee and up medial thigh.
Tibialis anterior
Anteromedial ANKLE pain and big toe pain. Dragging of toes, ankle weakness, tripping on stairs. ANKLE SPRAIN can activate TPs. Associated w/ weak ankles and BUNION pain. Shin splints, hyperpronation. TPs usually in superior half of muscle belly. Use myofascial lengthening and gradually deepening effleurage.
Semitendinosus and Semimembranosis
Buttock pain, but some people will call this their HIP. Pain walking and getting up. Often caused by shortened quads and overstretched hamstrings from sitting. TPs usually in inferior half of belly, medial posterior thigh. Refer to inferior buttocks and superior posterior thigh.
Quadratus Lumborum
Common low back pain culprit. TPs in superficial and deep muscle belly near lowest rib, transverse processes of lumbar spine, and just above iliac crest. Referrals can be extensive. Usu lateral and anterior iliac crest (glute medius area,) greater trochanter. Spillover to lateral sacrum, lower buttocks, lower lateral abdomen above Iliac crest.
Extensor Digitorum Longus
Dorsal FOOT pain with spillover to ANKLE. Driving long distances Foot immobilization due to cast TPs in muscle belly, more proximal than distal.
Vastus Lateralis
HIP pain and lateral THIGH pain. Can refer to just below iliac crest and down to lateral knee. Pain can be mid-thigh, or in proximal belly of muscle just below greater trochanter
Hip and butt pain. May progress to bilateral pain. Lower thoracic area at T10 or T11. Refers to lower back, just under posterior iliac crest, and/or lower buttock. Difficulty getting up from chair or climbing stairs.
Gluteus Maximus
Hip pain, butt pain. Pain and restlessness while sitting. TP1: lower sacrum, refers to lateral border of sacrum and coccyx and over ischial tuberosity. TP2: over ischial tuberosity, refers to itself, posterior sacrum, and lateral ilium (anterior gluteus medius area)
Iliocostalis Lumborum
Hip pain. TP located about T11 may refer to a spot lower and lateral to TP, as well as above and across scapula, and down below iliac crest to mid-buttock.
Hyperpronation occurs when the ankle bone turns inward and the rest of the foot turns outward, and too much body weight is placed on the inside of the foot when walking or running. This happens when a person's arch is flattened as weight is applied to the foot.
Adductor Brevis and Longus
KNEE and HIP pain. May cause stiffness in knee. Common causs of groin pain. TPs can refer to area over greater trochanter, as well as superior knee area (over medius and rec femoris) TPs in muscle bellies- use Sartorius and Gracilis as landmarks
LOW BACK pain, HEEL pain TP1 in lower medial muscle belly near musculotendinous junction refers to HEEL and up achilles' tendon. TP3 in lower lateral muscle belly can refer to SI joint of same side. Pincer compression is good for ischemia. Slight dorsiflexion allows better access- rest client's prone foot against therapist abdomen while muscle stripping from distal to proximal.
Rectus abdominis
Low back pain, horizontal, at level of sacrum across entire hip area to gluteus medius area
Low back pain. Vertical, along lumbar spine from lowest rib to just above iliac crest.
Plantar fasciitis. Entire HEEL and up Achilles' Tendon (Posterior ANKLE) SI joint LOWER BACK pain TP1 at distal end of muscle belly refers to entire heel and Achilles' tendon. Common to runners. TP2 just distal to head of fibula refers to middle calf area. TP3 in lower lateral muscle belly refers to SI joint same side.
Plantar fasciitis. KNEE and plantar FOOT pain 1 TP in medial head at its midpoint (top of belly) refers down to plantar surface of foot, as well as lower post thigh and Achille's tendon. 2 TPs in lateral and medial head refer to area around them as anterior knee pain. 1 TP in lateral belly refers around itself.
Biceps Femoris
Posterior KNEE pain. TPs usually inferior muscle belly, refer strongly to posterior knee area and up posterolateral thigh.
TPs occur along length of muscle belly. TP1: inferior border of sacrum TP2: Posterior hip w/ spillover to thigh ******** syndrome: Pain and paresthesia (numbness and tingling) in low back, groin, perineum, buttock, hip, posterior thigh and leg, foot, even rectum during pooping