nonverbal communication final

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What is the more moderate (and widely accepted) estimate of how much nonverbal communication accounts for all meaning gathered?


According to Snoop, What did the change in the new PhD grad student's email signature quotation indicate?

A change from undergraduate to graduate work

(Review from Proxemics) Crowding is...?

A perception of having too many people crammed in around you

(Review from Proxemics) Labels are an example of...?

A territorial defense

According to the text, soft voices do what?

Draw people closer together proxemically as people lean near one another to hear.

Patients were much more at ease when their doctor sat behind a desk during their visit.


Propinquity is the tendency people have to interact more with people they find more attractive.


Servers in restaurants get bigger tips when they touch the people they are serving.


It is highly likely that the appearance of the experimenter (wearing a lab coat) directly contributed to the continued choice of participants to electrically shock the "innocent learners" in the Yale study.


In the Tedtalk we watched by Mark Bowden, we judge others (sometimes in 1/50th of a second) as a friend, enemy, potential sexual partner, or indifferent.


In the US, 90% angles are common in almost every fixed-feature aspect of our built environment.


In the early 1900's a person's truthfulness was judged by the physical characteristics of their body.


In the text, nonverbal accents were described by a study where participants could differentiate between American and Australian faces when people were smiling.


Infants display their first social smiles between 6-10 weeks. Smiles before that are usually due to relief feelings involved with bodily excretions.


How long does a micro expression last?

1/25th of a second

In general, both married and unmarried men tend to perceive touch as more sexual than women do.


(Review from Proxemics) How much distance is there between people in the casual/personal territory zone?

18 inches - 4 feet

(Review) How much more likely are females and gay males (as opposed to straight males) to touch another during casual conversation?


The Halo effect refers to:

Affiliating a high level of attractiveness with other positive attributes

According to the text, " _____ involves making careful choices about what to wear. This person likes to dress-up, spends a considerable amount of money on clothes (relative to their income), and thinks it is important to be 'in-style'."

clothing consciousness

From the Implicit Bias presentation in class during week 12: Unlike implicit bias, explicit bias is:


When children encounter a mixed message (where positive facial cues are paired with negative vocal cues), they are most likely to ______.

Assume that the vocal cues (negative) are true.

Name the type of power: the ability to administer punishment if another does not comply with a request.


In the video we watched in class, where an experimenter was "falling asleep" on strangers in the subway, what gesture did one of the victims display that indicated they felt very uncomfortable and vulnerable?

Covering her neck with her hand `

Why is it more common for men to show affection to other men in Arab countries, than here in the U.S.?

Due to strict segregation of the sexes, men spend a lot more time together.

Koinophilia refers to:

Easily recognizable features

A naturally occurring study happened on an on island where deer were suffering from overcrowding. What "killed" them?

Enlarged adrenal glands (crowding stress)

Generally, men are better than women at which nonverbal skill?

Expressing anger and controlling emotions.

What does the term anchoring mean, as it is used in Snoop?

First information encountered has the biggest influence on what follows.

The Affection Exchange Theory claims what?

It feels good to express affection.

As discussed in class, this is a common female vocalic pattern that often reduces affiliated notions of power.

Lilting the voice upward at the end of statements, which makes them sound like questions.

When you feel crowded, you are more likely to _______.

Look straight ahead and pretend you don't feel crowded.

From the Implicit Bias presentation in class during week 12: Schemas are __________, while heuristics are ________.

Mental templates; mental shortcuts

Where are you most likely to sit if you are interviewing someone for a job in a small, friendly company.

Next to the person, at the nearest corner

Female waist-to-hip ratio of .70, is a nearly universal sign of attractiveness.


The four stages of greeting from a distance are:

Sighting, distant salutation, approach, close salutation

According to Cuddy (TedTalk viewed in class), before a job interview you should:

Stand in powerful poses to induce hormonal changes

In the Tedtalk we watched by Mark Bowden, what does he say is our reaction to incomplete facial expressions?

We classify them as a potential enemy.

According to The Science of Sex Appeal, who danced more "attractively?"

Women in a steady relationship who were ovulating.

The matching hypothesis supports which of the following?

You will tend to search for partners who are within the same range of your level of attractiveness.

What was the element in Fernando's bedroom didn't fit with the rest of his image of a "conventional, responsible, smart student?"

a bong

According to Snoop, "There are two primary choices in life: to accept the conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them" was an signature email quote from whom?

a police officer

According to the text, when choosing your next gynecologist, you are more likely to rate their credibility the highest if they are wearing ____.

a white lab coat over hospital scrubs

Lip licking/biting, shifting gaze, eye blinks, and toe tapping are coded as which?


Burping, sniffling, and annoyed sighing are all examples of vocalic ______.


Which is perceived about tattooed people?

all of the above

Which are the most confusing emotions to decode?

anger, fear and disgust

As discussed in class, poise and self-assurance, are earned with which grouping of the following nonverbal behaviors?

asymmetrical body, sideways leaning, open arms, expressiveness, fluent speech, eye contact

Koinophilia refers to what?

average features (easiest to recognize and process)

____ are behaviors the listener uses to communicate a variety of messages to the speaker without gaining access to the conversation floor.


What gesture was used during a medal ceremony at the Olympics to express nonverbally something that the athletes would otherwise be prohibited from communicating?

black power

Kinesics refers to the study of what?

body movement

How were the snoopers able to figure out how attractive the room owners were, even though they couldn't see any pictures of them?

by viewing the pictures of their romantic partners

Fixed-features of the environment as elements such as:

ceiling height and square footage

In an average female's lifespan, she initiates the most touch in her 40's.


According to the The Science of Sex Appeal, what is the chemical that works in tandem with testosterone that often make humans addicted to ecstasy (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.?


Which of the following terms refers to facial attractiveness of baby-like features?

facial neoteny

(Review) Your role is the process (performance) of establishing social identity.


A 2006 TripAdvisor study found that airline travelers would rather pay for better food and luxuries than larger seats and more leg room.


According to a study of University of Pittsburgh's MBA program graduates, men who were 20% or more overweight made half as much than their thinner coworkers.


According to the evolutionary perspective on human deception, tricksters and manipulators often die off before passing on their genes.


According to the text egocentrism is the same as being selfish. People are concerned only with their own needs and desires.


According to the text, having green eyes is considered an intentional message.


An example of a type of an "Idealization" front would be attempting to make an action look as if it is taking place, for example: "looking busy," "looking asleep," "acting drunk."


As we learned in lecture, three main ways we use olfactics as nonverbal communication are: sexual attraction, family bonding, and hierarchy ranking.


Average turn in social conversation lasts about 15 seconds.


Because American society is generally more patriarchal than matriarchal, mothers have been observed to touch male infants more than female infants.


Computer Mediated Communication hinders self-disclosure, due to the lack of nonverbals experienced during the exchange.


Employers are often looking to hire bearded men into business positions, because of their strong display of masculine fortitude.


Facial cues are the most likely to leak information about deception.


Hearing aids usually solve hearing problems, both encoding and decoding, by amplifying all noises.


Humans are more likely to pick a happy face out of a crowd than an angry one.


In an average male's lifespan, he initiates the most touch from age 45-60.


Legitimate power is the type of power earned by affiliating with a powerful person.


Low context cultures rely very heavily on the environment to accurately decipher another's communication.


Males use higher amounts of eye contact than females when speaking and listening.


Most of the time, high-ranking individuals have offices on the first floor of an office building, indicating their primacy in the hierarchy.


Negative emotions are generally more openly shown in collectivist cultures than individualist cultures.


On average, people are very accurate in judging whether someone is telling the truth or lying. Statistics put an estimate around 80% accurate.


People living in cooler climates are more apt to touch each other more. This makes evolutionary sense, as people use their own body heat to warm others.


Powerful and effective leaders have low testosterone and high cortisol


Pretending to be happy (by displaying a smile) doesn't actually trigger the same processes in the body, as compared to truly being happy.


Spatial crowding expresses the number of people and interactions that take place in a particular environment.


Students who watched longer (30 seconds) videos of college professors could more accurately form impressions of them, than students who watched shorter (6 seconds).


The Snoop author asserts that there are exact correlations between clues and their meanings. For example: a messy desk does equal a cluttered mind.


The facts are clear. Study after study has shown that women interrupt men more than men interrupt women.


Threats are usually spoken in a quiet and low-pitched voice.


When a student symmetrically stacks her books in the absolute center of her desk, it is a nonverbal signal that she is ready to begin class.


When analyzing deception on the face, "falsifying" is the act of holding a facial expression too long.


When heterosexual males smell the female copulance hormone, a spike in testosterone occurs, which also causes a consequential spike in their intellectual capabilities.


When referring to Cultural Display Rules, simulation means acting like you don't feel any emotion when you really do.


When we meet and get to know people our perceptions of them are often influenced more heavily by information that is positive, as opposed to negative or neutral.


Within an environment, a lack of orderliness generally causes people to rate tasks more favorably.


Your Body Territory, refers to a space you use everyday, such as your room, car, or bathroom.


In general, cluttered and disorderly environments promote creative thinking.


Studies showed that the strength of a male's immune system was the strongest predictor of whether their female pattern would achieve orgasm during intercourse.

false (body symmetry)

Which is an example of and Indirect Affectionate Behavior?

giving flowers

Which emotion is the easiest to decode accurately?


Review: Perceived similarity in appearance, background, attitudes, and values is known as?


The MHC [major histocompatibility complex] is a set of genes involved in the human _____ system. If your genes are similar to anothers', they will likely smell bad to you, averting a procreative disaster.


In the Tedtalk we watched by Mark Bowden, he challenges humanity to counteract their innate behavior to treat others _____


Studies show that women are more contact-oriented in nearly every country except for which one?


Olfactics are hardwired into which of our body's systems?

limbic system

Who are better liars?


Who usually initiates touch more?


Japan is one of the least contact-oriented cultures of all, except in terms of what?

mothers and their children

In the Four Factor Theory of Deception, which of the following factors is described here: Deception triggers guilt, as our society teaches us that lying is wrong

negatve effect

How do you accurately and correctly label the name of this course?


What body shape does an endomorph have?


Which flirting style is the hardest to decode?


Cool colors, such as blue, green, and purple, have what type of effects on people?


Choose which type of territory fits this description best: a space not exclusively under the "owner's" control but considered territory due to frequency of use.

secondary territory

According to the text, when doctors display this curious immediacy cue, they are rated as warmer and more expressive.


A picture on the wall is example of which feature?

semi-fixed feature

If I were to re-paint my bedroom walls to a new color, which environmental element would I be changing?

semi-fixed feature

U.S. Armed forces studied _____ so that if one of Saddam Hussein's doubles were found, the imposter could be revealed.

speech patterns

"Shh" used to hush someone, is an example of a vocal emblem.


25% of people with olfactory disorders lose interest in sexual intimacy.


A set of nonverbal behaviors called immediacy cues helps people communication intimacy and liking to one another.


A week-old infant will recognize the smell of its own mother and will choose her breast pad over a stranger's.


According to the text, students report rates of lying in up to 77 out of every 100 interactions.


According to the text, the courtship stage is complete when the couple has sexual intercourse.


Although the average size of the American family (quantity) has decreased in the last 40 years, the average home size has increased.


Although there are timeless standards of human beauty, such as the attraction to symmetry, preferences do differ over time. One example of this is the degree of tanness (coloring) of our skin.


As discussed in lecture, a recent study published in Psychological Science, found that subjects who worked in a clean room were more likely to make charitable donations and eat healthy foods than those who worked in a messy room.


As discussed in lecture, studies showed that high status people should not self-touch, because self touch is associated with anxiety and discomfort.


Asian, African, and some Native American perceive direct eye contact as disrespectful.


Asymmetrical leg and arm positions are a sign of relaxation and composure.


Because large pupil's make you look more attractive to others, women in earlier centuries would use the toxic herb called belladonna to dilate their pupils.


Both deaf and blind children produce laughter despite never having heard or seen it before.


Civil inattention is usually regulated by the lack of eye contact.


Compared to heterosexual adults, gay, lesbian, and bisexual adults articulated vowel sounds more distinctly, particularly "e," "i," and "u."


Dressing in a provocative manner is often counterproductive when trying to attract a long-term relational partner.


Emotional tears are very different (chemically) than the tears you shed when cutting up an onion.


Evidence indicates the people follow a norm of reciprocity by treating others as they treat us and returning good for good.


Evidence shows that personality (which is in some ways innate) can be shaped by the expectations that others have on the basis of one's body type.


Facial neoteny highly influences other's judgments of honesty.


Leaders are more apt to look at people when speaking instead of looking at people when listening. This is universally a male trait, when often results in the term "bitch" being assigned to powerful females who utilize this visual tactic to establish their credibility.


Looking at certain shades of pink may actually decrease muscle strength.


Men are not judged on their clothing to the extent that women are, mostly because they have many less options.


Men have a lower pitched voice than women because their larynx is longer.


Men have a lower pitched voice than women because women are trained to smile more, which shortens the vocal cords.


Nonverbal sensitivity is the ability to accurately decode the expressions of others.


Objective power is expressed when people own or control certain resources.


Overweight individuals receive less casual touch, such as handshakes and pats on the arm, than to non-overweight individuals.


People who suffered from tactile deprivation during early childhood have brains that are about 20% smaller than children who have received normal levels of touch.


Research shows that facial expressions are more closely linked to social motives than to the actual emotions people are experiencing.


Research suggests that salespeople are rated as more competent when their style of dress is similar to the buyer's, as opposed to having a style of dress that is more formal than the buyer's.


Review: According to the text, the courtship stage is complete when couple has sexual intercourse.


Review: Quasi-courtship behaviors involve some sort of signal that let's others know that the behaviors are not to be taken as courtship.


Slow Facial Cues are ones that gradually change over time, such as wrinkles and skin texture.


Smiling can be decoded as both dominant and submissive.


Studies have shown that our physiological reactions to cool colors is an ancient/primitive one, rather than a culturally learned behavior.


Studies have shown that people who work in clean and orderly environments were more likely to make charitable donations and eat healthy foods than those who worked in a disorderly room.


Studies show that people who dress unconventionally were perceived to have politically liberal positions on controversial issues.


The Expectancy Violations Theory challenges claims made by the Self-presentation Theory that successful performances require conformity to social norms and expectations.


The Science of Sex Appeal explains that we walk in ways that greater exemplify our gender when we know people are looking.


The Science of Sex Appeal legitimizes why women might actually be more biologically predisposed than men to participate in affairs.


The Science of Sex Appeal video "Attractive Man Funk," asserts that women were attracted to men with MHC genes that were very different than their own.


The eyebrow flash (a quick raising of the eyebrows held for about 1/6th of a second) is part of greetings in cultures world wide. Much support claims it is a universal greeting behavior.


The fist bump is one of the few gestures that is considered equalizing among participants.


The more vibrations a voice produces per second, the higher its pitch. The more varied those vibrations are, the more animated a person sounds.


The text just comes right out and says it . . .women ARE more skilled at nonverbal communication than men.


When deceiving another more adaptors and fewer illustrators are used.


While density refers to the number of people in a particular area (per square miles), crowding is much more of a perceptual judgment.


What is the most likely to leak information about deception?


Do blind people express the same frightened expressions that a seeing person does?


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7th Grade Social Studies - Canada

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