***Notebooks 1***

अब Quizwiz के साथ अपने होमवर्क और परीक्षाओं को एस करें!

secondary film unit that does location shooting


type of plane that dropped the atomic bomb

B29 superfortress

Spanish neighborhood


movies of Nicole Kidman

Batman Forever, Moulin ROughe, Virginia Woolf in The Hours, Cold Mountain, RabbitHole,

ship of Darwin


test of a work where at least 2 women have to talk to each other about something other than a

Bechdel test

sang "Back in the USSR"


played Ghandi

Ben Kinsley

Mouthpiece of horses


mascot of West Point

Black Knights

Wesley Snipes

Black actor and martial artist. Played Blade in the Blade trilogy

Insult something religious




stars of Fight Club

Brad Bitt, Edward Norton, Helena Bonham Carter, Meat Loaf Jared Leto

James Cameron

Braveheart, Titanic,

Audrey Hepburn

Breakfast at T's, lMy air Lady

played Data on Star Trek

Bret Spiner

white sauce

Béchamel sauce. made from white roux and milk


C3H8. as at standard temperatures and pressure but compressable to a transportable liquid

thought to be the cause of ozone layer destruction


Jerry Bruckheimer

CIS, US version of Amazing Race, Beverly Hill Cop, Top Gun, Flashdance, Black Hawk Down, Pearl Harbor, Pirates of C, National Treasure

most prolific greenhouse gas


holds record for military certified kills

Chris Kye

leads in American Sniper

Chris and Taya Kyle

Empty chair routine at the republican convention

Clint eastwood

runs through the Grand Canyohn

Colorado River

state religion of china until the 20th century


last king of greece

Constantine 2

beaches of Rio de Janeiro

Copacabana, Ipanema,

Known as white gold


summary of Quantum of Solace

Craig as Bond. Bond persues Quantum, org he believes is responsible for a death. he teams up with a young woman seeking revenge. goes after a corrupt general who plans with Quantum to stage a military cop in Bolivia and hijack one of the world's most precious natural resources

Chocolate liquor

Cream de caco

controls the Coast Guard

D of Homeland securty

played Winnie Cooper

Danica McKeller

stars of tv show "Knight Rider"

David Hasslehoff as Knight. William Daniels as the voice as KITT-the care. uncredited b/c he was in St. Elsewhere at the same time

highest grossing HP film

Deathly Hallows part 2

peninsula of Deleware

Delmarva penninsula

Tammy Duckworth

Democrat Senator from Illnois. lost legs in Iraq in 2004 when her helicopter was shot down


Heavy fabric interwoved with rich raised design

book about the Manson Murders

Helter Skelter

Small and out of the way estblishment

Hole in the wall

marked Hollywood actors as communists

Hollywood Blacklist

name of the head nurse on MASH

Hot Lips

Congress committee that looked into communism

House In-American Activities Committee


Device that blends air and fuel for an internal combustion engine

example of a butte

Devil's tower in NE Wyomming made of igneous rock

lead characters in Notorious

Devlin and Alicia

NFL player whose daughter had cancer

Devon Still daughter Leah had neuroblastoma stage 4. he put his career on hiatus and said sports are not more important than me being there while my daughter is fighting for her life. slept next to daughter for 3 weeks in the hospital despite recent back surgery. she is cancer-free now . Beggals

Person with hidden qualities

Diamond in the rough

Bias in sewing

Direction of the piece of fabric

Type of square dancing

Do si do

Second smartest animals


George W. Bush secretaries of defense

Donald Rumsfeld, Robert m gates

Que Sera Sera

Doris Day in The Man Who Knew Too much

books by Obama

Dreams of my Father, Audacity of Hope

Swam from florida to cuba

Duana nyad

Defeated napoleon

Duke of wellington

wrote 50 shades of gray

EL James

award to athletes

ESPY awards

comorbities of diabetes

ESRD, blineness, heart disease,

Fibbornacci numbers

Each subsequent number is the sum of the previous 2


East Slavic people who became known as members of a democratic, semi-military communities iin Ukraine and Russia

Charitable org that helps disabled

Easter seals

famous radio broadcaster of WWII

Ed Murrow

Nurse jackie actress

Eddie falco

protagonist of Pride and Prejudice

Elisabeth Benette

Came up with treatment for polio

Elizabeth keaney

Etiquette author

Emily post

poem on the Statue of Liberty

Emma Lazarus. give me your tire, your poor


Enola Gay

died in a Staton Island choakhold while getting arrested

Eric Garner


Evangelical Christians of the beliefs that baptism should be only for professing believers, not inants, and baptism should be done by complete submersion-not sprinkling, salvation through faith alone, scripture alone as the rule of fath/practice, autonomy of local congregation

Painted the scream

Evard munch

year of the famous oil spil

Exxon Valdez oil spill of 1mil gallons into Prince William Sound in 89

Michael Moore films

Fahrenheit 9/11, bowling for columbine

mascot of the air force school



Falzely claims to know somethig in order to deceive

film where several actors had early appearences before later becoming stars

Fast Times at Rigemont High. Sean Penn (stonned surfer), Nicolas Cage, Forest Whitaker

Warp speed

Faster than light

Fannie Mae

Federal National Mortgage Association

star of Rogue One

Felicity Jones

Animal that becomes wild after escaping capticity/domestication


Claim to fame of dianna sawyer

First female coorespondent for 60min

9/11 flight that crashed

Flight 93 in Shankesfield, PA

where is Sarasota


world's largest Shakesphere library collection

Folger Shakesphere island in DC

Employees wear referee shirts

Foot locker

The March on Washington...

For jobs and freedom


For profit insurance company

islet at the center of Pearl Harmbor

Ford's Island

Truck with tongs for lifting


Taiwan's old name


books by Ayn Rand

Fountainhead and Atlas Schrugged

where do the Patriots play


Battle of Dunkirk

French battle between Allies and France in WW2


French for "to breath or to puff". baked egg-based dish. sweet or savory

military's maximum security prison

Ft. Leavenworth

Slender tubes made by lightening


Every state has to honor the laws of other stayes per the constitution

Full faith and credit


Gabriel, Michael, Raphael

son of Sir Lancelot


played Radar on MASH

Gary Burghoff

Arch in st louis


plot of Its a Wonderful Life

George Bailey spends his whole life sacrificing his dreams to help others. wanted to travel the world but stayed in Bedford Falls and ran dad's building andloan. looses $8K due to an emloyees forgetfulness.

Jimmy Stwart's character in It's a wonderful life

George bailey

Most visited NM museum

Gepegia okeefe

"I am big, it's the picture that got small"

Gloria Swanson as Norma Desmond in Sunset Boulveard"

Throaty sound


James Bond movies of Pierce Brosman

Goldeneye, Tomorrow Never Dies, The World is not enough, Die Another Day

American jesuit college

Gonzaga in spokanne

Huey long

Gov and senator crom louisana until assasinated. Advkcayed "share our wealth"

Catchphrase of dodge

Grab life bu the horns

played Atticus Fitch

Gregory Peck


Group of 12 dozen

Bay of Rio De Janero

Guanabara bay

Art mueum in nyc


Characters of Grapes of Wrath

Noah joad, jim casey, tose of sharon


Illegimate son of Sir Lancelot and Elaine

tandoori chicken

Indian chicken dish. roasted chicken prepared with ogurt and spices

country that has the largest muslim population


largest nation in the world by population that doen't have nuclear weapons


book about Rock climbing

Into THink Air

country Saddam Hussein invaded


Star of how to succeed in business without really trying

J pierpont finch

creator of Lost

JJ Abrams

where did Joseph Smith say Zion was

Jackson Country Missouri

"Life is Good"

Jacob brothers. parents were in a near death accident and dad lost use of right hand and got frustrated/yelled a lot. mother combated this by having her kids share a story at dinner about something good that had happened

kids plot line in To Kill a Mockingbird

Jem and Scout investigate their neighbors the Radley's

"The Comeback Kid"

Joe Montana

Current chief ofthe supreme court

John roberts jr

records by the Tonight Show hosts

Johnny Carson hosted for 30 yrs starting in the 60s. Jay Leno hosted the most episodes

famous Tonight Show hosts

Johnny carson, jay leno, conan Obrien, jimmy fallon

dictator of Argentina

Juan and Eva Perone

played M in Goldeneye

Judi Dench

malignant vascular tumor in HIV

Kaposi sarcoma

4 female stars of SNL

Kate McKinnon, CecilyStorng, Aidy Bryant, Vanessa Bayer

stars of Knocked Up

Katherine Heigel and Sth Rogan

deadly college protest against the Vietnam War

Kent State. 1970

example of a Confluence in Africa

Khartoum, Sudan. White and Blue Nile

films by Quinton Tarentino

Kill Bill and Pulp Fiction

origin of "the game's afoot"

King Henry 4 part 1. process is active

win one for the gipper

Knute Rockne, All American

largest species of brown bear

Kodiak bear

difference between grizzly bear and Kodiak bear

Kodiak bear 600-1320lb but grizly 254-794

where do the Amish live

Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Ruled by the sugarplum fairy

Land of sweets

nickname of Alaska

Land of the Midnight Sun

"here's looking at you kid"

Humphrey Bogart as Rick in Casablanca

The Big Sleep

Humphry Bogart and Lauren Bacall. about the process of a criminal investigation, not the results

"the stuff that dreams are made of"

Humphry Bogart in Malteze Falcon

leader of the Rat Pack until his death

Humphry Boggart


Legal document issued by a judge

Nuclear option

Lets usa override a rule of prescexent by manority vote (51 as opposed to 60)

who played Schidler in Schindler's List

Liam Neeson

Tied down gulliver


Non sequitor

Logic term. Argument where the conclusion doesnt follow the premise

Location of st paul cathedral


location and court texture of Wimbleton

London. grass

smaller film organizations under Walt Disney Studios

Lucasfilm, Marvel Studios, Pixar, Touchstone Pictures

played Wonder Woman

Lynda Carter

Directed 6th sense

M night s

peninsula of SE Asia

Malay Peninsula

Official chunese language


people of New Zealand


one of the top grossing documentaries in history

March of the Penguins

female anthroplogist

Margaret Meade

wrote the book that inspired The Godfather movies

Mario Puzo

starts of The Godfather

Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, Robert Duvalle, Cames Caan


Meat dried in strips

why do men think its praising to tell a woman that she thinks like a man

Men-decisive, rational, firm, clear Women-fuzzy, indecisive, tentative



NYC art Museum


Lowest balcony in a theatre


mascot of the Naval Academy


star of Austin Powers

Mike Myers

sued Chris Kyle

Minesoda Governor and exSeal Jesse Ventura. defamation lawsuit after they had a bar fight

Where is the mall of america


Little tramp goes to live in the industrial city

Modern times

scale for the hardness

Mohns scale

movie that gave Halle Berry an academy award

Monster's Ball. affair with a prison guard after her husband's execution

Two greatwst comedies

Monty python life of brian, airplane!

One's native language

Mother tongue

Philippeans volcano

Mount Pinatubo

Rio de la plata

Mouth if the parana and uragay rivers, near bueneas aires

St. Elsewhere cast

Mr. Feenie, Howie Mandel, Denzel Wahington

Meat of an adult sheep


Brian Williams

NBC Nightly News

where is Camp Lejune


where are the Pocono Mountains

NE Pennsylvania

7 sisters

NE US historically women colleges. Mount Holyoke, Radcliffe, Smith, Va

location of Devil's Tower

NE Wyomming

borders the Deleware River

NJ and Pensylvania

Carmello Anthony

NY Knicks

who plays at Madison Square Garden

NY Rangers (hockey) and NY Knicks. sits over Pennsylvania Station

song by Meat Loaf

I would do anything for love

Where is vanderbilt college




moon Triton


first state to legalize gay marriage

Netherlands in 2001

"I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore"


studio that did LOTR

New Line Cinema

Author award for kiddie lit


Yr of frost noxon interview


year of the Grease movie


best director academy award win for Martin Scorse

8 best director nominations but won for The Departed.

% of adults who drink coffee


Uses as few words as possoble for a message


wrote The Handmaiden Taile

Margaret Atwood, '85

Chapel Hill

U of NC. specializing in medine and law

supplied Berlin during the Blockade

US, England,, France

tv channel of Duck Dynasty


Group of bullfrogs


movie starring Charlie Chaplin

City Lights

governor of SC

Strom Thurmond

longest senate filibuster

Strom Thurmond. 24 hours 18 min

Surely you can't be serious. I am series...and don't call her shirley



below the usually required level

what are hurricanes

huge low pressure systems

difference between the valey of money and the cost to produce/distribute it


Foolish or clumsy person


Tar Heel state

North Carolina

Female in charge of boy scouts

Den mother

Subtle meaning


coldest possible temperature


first musical to win a pulitzer

Of The I sig

children of Frank Sinatra

Frank Sinatra Jr, Nancy, Tina, Tonan

Charlestown harbor fort

Ft sumtee

year of Saving Private Ryan


Fair Deal


year Detroit declared bankrupcy


when did Mad Dog retire from the Marines

2013 after he fell from favor with the Obama administration over disagreements about Iran

Area code for the whote house


where was the Maseoleum at Halicarnassus


# of military suicides/day


opinion of Amnesty International about capital punishment

"horrifying lottery" in which odds of escaping is detrimental more by politicsl, money, race, and geography

how long does it take to develop a truly detailed climatological profile for a region

30 yrs

parelle in Korea


sweedish pop group

ABBA. first letter of their names

wrote Black Beauty

Anna Sewell

River of NYC

East, hudzon

where is the international court of justice


second New World country to declare independence from Europe

Haiti under Toussaint le oerture


Hallucinations with intoxication

wrote Ugly Duckling

Hans Christian Aderson

oprah's production comany


Band of tom petty


two DC-based conservative think tanks

Heritage Foundation. American Enterprise Institute

Lebanese party of god


park in Manhattan

High Line


High Mobility Mukltlipurpsoe Wheeled Vehilce

home of Odyssus


host of Wheel of Fortune

Pat Sejack

team of Yogi Berra


team Joe DiMaggio played for

Yankees for 13 yrs. known for a 56 game hitting streak...record that still stands

definition miscreants

a person who behaves badly or unlawfully

word for a person's' orders or command


problems of mercuary thermometers

cant measure temps over 357C b/c vaporizes, can't measure below -39C b/c that is mercuary's freezing poin

any entity that serves to create or influence trends


deviate from normal



ability to create an action potential in response to a stimulus

Vietnam war epic film

acopalypse now

belonging to a period other than the one portrayed


cells that form the BBB of the brain


level of leukopenia

below 4300

favorable mindset towards forest animals

bambi complex

measures air pressure


who had 500 hats

barthomeu cubbins

change about graduate degrees

becoming more than just a "nice to have"

export item of Argentina


when are cultures performed

before abx


beginning of a distinct perio in history


behave uncontrollably and disruptively


bad/degrading. person completely without pride of dignity

location of the Dead Sea

between Jordan and Israel

term for all life on earth


comic style that makes light of taboo/serious subjects

black comedy

white brownie



bridge. forms a bridge between the medulla and upper brainstem

advisor to Henry 8

cardinal wolsey

what can gamma rays do

dislodge particles of atoms they strike


defense enrollment eligibility reporting system

cause of lightening

ionization of the air

why is nothing impossible

the word itself says "I'm possible"

Award for off broadway shows


off broadway and off off broadway award

Obie Award

Out of use for the past century


Musicals that won the Pulitzer for Drama -9

Of Thee I sing, South Pacific, Fiorello, HOw to succeed in business, A Chorus LIne, Sunday in the Park with George, Rent, Nex to NOrmal, Hamilton

Sunk by JFK


Mt range between spain and france


mentor to Obi Wan Kenobe

Qui Gon Jin

Abrupt jump in knowledge

Quntum leap

examples of autoimmune disases

RA,lupus, MS, psoriasis, scleroderma

English name of Pocohontas


Military unit of russia prior to ww2

Red army

Nauty district of netherlands

Red light

Fantastic 4

Reed and susan richards, ben grimm, johnny storm

president Diana Sawyer worked for

Regan staff

played Carl Winslow on Family Matters

Reginald VelJohnson

Roxie in Chicago Movie

Renee Zellweger

You had me at hello

Renee Zellweger in Jerry Maguire

stars of Chicago Movie

Renee Zellweger, Catherine ZJ, Richard Gere, Queen Latifa, John C Reilly

Where is lenin entombed

Req square

Promise by harding

Return to normalcy

male lead in Gone with the WInd

Rhett Butler

Billy Flynn in movie Chicago

Richard Gere

Sang la bamba

Richir valenes

shot Bin Laden

Rob O'neil

compared his love to a red red rose

Robert Burns

actor who frequently collaborates with Martin Scorse

Robert Di Nero

"You talkin to me"

Robert Di Niro in Taxi Xriver

founders and yr of Fox News

Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes in 1996

Movie that won ron howard best director


redeeming quality

Saving Grace

movie with the boombox over head

Say Anything

first James Bond actor

Sean Conorry

unusuad chair at the Round Table for the person who will accomplished the quest of the Holy Grail

Seige Perilous. all who sat there died but Sir Galahad survived

Brother of osirus


jewish day of rest

Shabbat or Sabbath

top 2 most frequently quoted writers in the Oxford Dictionarlry of Quotations

Shakesphere, Alexander Pope

cave in Iraq

Shanidar Cave has remains of Nethandrals

NBA record for most missed free throws in one night

Shaq. 0-11

Wife in The Shining

Shelly Duvall

Plane of the pope

Shepard 1

tribe of Sacajawea


Oscar for cuba gooding jr

Show me the money

finnish composer


Violinist from finland


first African American to win best actor

Sidney Pointier for Lillies of the Field

"They call me Mister TIbbs"

Sidney Poitier in The Heat of the Night

Knotch on a gun barrell tht helps you see


Most lusterious material

Silver bc reflects 95% of thr light that hits it

Give someone omething that hasnt been earned

Silver platter

White House Room for breaking developments

WH Situation Room

only great war of the 20th century without a memorial in DC


luxury hotel in Manhattan, NYC known for lavish galas

Waldorf Astoria

Australia's unofficial anthem

Walzing Matilda

news program of SNL

Weekend update

Mares tails

Whispy cirrus clouds

prom for nerds

White House Coorespondaent's Association Dinner

books by JFK

Why England Slept, Profiles in Courage

nickname of Warren Buffett

Wizard of Omaha, Oracle of Omaha

baseball field in Chicago

Wrigley Field

Another name for the abdominal snowman


Element Y


Alaska river


chiaroscuro (key air ro skoo roh)

an effect of contrasted light and shadow created by light falling unevenly or from a particular direction on something

measures wind speed


difficulty or tiring process


what do MRIs look at

arrangement of atoms in a mmolecule

vitamin C

ascorbic acid

first human organ grown in a lab

bladder was transplated into a boy in 2006

support or strengthen


song Hoedown

by Aaron Copeland

song "Our House"

by Madness

how is force measured

by the effect is has on an object with mass

regeneration of nerve cells

can heal if the Schwann cells. CNS doesn't have Schwann cells so spinal cord can't heal but ulner nerve does

what happens if the bag connected to rebreathers is completed deflated

causes CO2 buildup


celebrated with legends

Madam Pompadour

chief mistress of Louis 15. in charge of his schedule. secured titles of nobility for herself and her relatives. frail health and many political enemies but built a network fo suppoters. careful not to alinate the king


computer generated imagry

cone biopsy

cone shaped piece of cervix taken

how to count cricket chrips to find the temperature

count chrips in 15 sec then divide by 40 to get temperature


courge in pain or adversity

restaurant item serves especially for that day

de jour


electrical current

drainage system breaks

end into water

men's magazines

esquire, gentlemen's quartely

May Day

established in aftermath of Chicago's Haymarket Square attack

protusion of organs though a wound


Furries (mythology)

female spirits of justice and vegence

artists who produce film sounds for movies by manipulating materials

foley artists


folklore creature of Americas that attacks and drinks blood of livestock

what do high minimum wage advocates want

fruits of working hard without the blood/sweat/tears of personal success

provokes one into action. upsets the status quo by posing upsetting or novel questions


roles movie set

gaffer, best boy

head electrician on a movie set

gaffer. in charge of lights

to complain pettily


courtries that form the southern border of Mexico

guatamala, belize

half of a joint repleacement


Arthur's illigimate son

illMordred. killed by Arthr,

al fresco

in the open air


incapacity or speechless caused by extreme anger or stroke

polarizing filters

increase color saturation and contrast

why does the height of Mt Everest change

increases 1/2 inch per yr b/c the Indo-Australia and Eurasia plates are colliding

complication of PEEP

increases intrathoracic pressure so decrease blood return to heart, decreases CO

funding for the American Enterprise Institution

independent nonprofit. grants/contributions from foundations, corporations, and individuals

positive TB test

induration over 10mm

when can't arthroplasty be done

infection in the joint

too tiny to measure


cause of asthma

inflammation or air hyperresponsivness


influence or power in politics/business

Mexican turnip


most common composition of kidney stones

kidney stones


lack of belief in reputedly meaningful aspects of life


lack of vitamin D

pale beer


fact about Chesapeake Bay

largest estruary in the US. hundreds of water sources from six states including NY drain into the bay

armor composed of metal rings for flexibility


effect of movies from 20s-50s

major socialization force on American and influenced the way people looked/talked/acted

ate of spring equinox

march 21

movie w/the scene of the statue of liberty's head

Planet of the Apes

Plaza in havanna

Plaza xe la revelution

ACME character who stutterd

Porky PIg

first state to grant same sex relationships

mass in 2004

language of physics


Sing Sing Prison

max security prison in NY

wrote I Know why the Gaged Bird Sings

maya angelu

U shape bend in rivers


all intents and purposes

means under most usual circumstances. in practical situations

what does the Kelvin temperature scale represent

measure of how much heat exists in relation to absolute zero


meat thinned by pounding with a meat tendenizer that is fried in oil or fat

what do you need if you cant' breathe on your own

mechanical ventilation

thyroid storm

medical emergency with high mortality. sudden surge of thyroid hormones so increased metaboism

largest cause of homelessness

mental illness

definition of munitions

military weapons ammunition, equipment, and stores


modus operandi. method of operation. someone's habits


modus operandi. used to describe someon'e's habit of working

what happens when two objects collide

momentum and energy are absorbed

goal of the American Revolution

not to change structure of society or overthrow the ruler, just wanted to stop the abuse of power by the Brits

definition of overtly

observable. not hidden

chest tube comes out of chest

occlusive dressing taped on 3 sides

extremely repulsive


instrument in a car that measures distance


definition of glib

of words or the person speaking them) fluent and voluble but insincere and shallow:

sanctioned gambling on a horse race outside of a race track

off track betting

ending of king kong

oh no, it wasn't the airplanes. it was beauty that killed the beast

Groucho Marx quote

one morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. how he got in my pajamas, I don't know"

burn pit

open air combustion of trash

what causes metal to erode


examples of accidential discoveries

penicillin and xrays

leather shoe with a short square heel

penny loafer

cactus eaten

prickley pear

early signs and symptoms




what is HIV

retrovirus that attacks T cells

projectile's sharp deflection


5 things dialysis does

rid body of excess fluid/electrolytes, achieve acid-base balance, eliminate waste, restore homeostasis

premise of tv show "Knight Rider"

self-made billionaire saves a police detective after a near fatal shot to the face and he gets a new identity. detective selects the billionaire to be a primary field agent in a new police justice organization. also, he drives KITT-a technogically advanced Pontiac car.

definition provost

senior academic advisor


small blood vessel that is a type of capillary similaiar to a fenestrated endothelium


small part like a community

brief intense snowstorms


number that's marked when you play keno


ending of St. Elsewhere

st elsewhere in a snowglobe owned by the autistic kid of a doctor who , in the real world, is in construction

definition rank and file

the ordinary members of an organization as opposed to its leaders

define hypocracy

the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform

here's johnny

the shining

Hasty Pudding

theatre society of Harvard known for burlesque crossdressing usical


theft of personal property

low plt


idom of worshiping someone

throw roses at

cut the mustard

to be able to handle a difficult job

what do hashtags do

track key words


unit of electric resistance

what is a calorie

unit of heat



location Thiland

west of Cambodia

Al Franken quote

what do we want? patience. when do we want it? now

what do nerves look like

white and shinny

snow falls on a bright surface so hard to see


questions about who volunteers for wars

who they are and where their bravery came from


whole especially of the world or the universe. constrasted with a small part

2 famous scenes of Notorious

wide shot overlooking a mansion to track in on Ingrid Bergman with a closeup of a key in her hand, 2.5 minute kiss broken up into 3sec kiss then disengage to circumvent the Production Code's ban on kissing

4 main tennis tournaments

wimbleton, French open, us open, austral open

how cold it feels

wind hill

spelling of grammar

with an a

where does change come from

within. if people don't want it, it is not going to happen

songs of U2

without you, beautiful day, born to run

Who might the man in the iron mask be

Son of louis 14

direction Rio de Janero faces


where are the Black Hills

South Dakota

needs of the many outweights the needs of the few or the one

Spock says it in Wrath of Khan

80s tv shows that did a crossover episode

St Elswhere and Cheers

Cathedral in nyc

St patrick

boston subway system


Star of The Birds

TIPPI hensron

staging cancer

TMN tumor, metasis, nodes

Mind readinf


setting of "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof"


I'll be back


name of Star Wars episodes 1-III

The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith

Ridges on a bolt that a nut screws into


city square in Beijing

Tiananmen Squrare "Gate of Heavenly Peace". northern part and is separate from the Forbidden square. contains "Monument to the People's Heros, Great Hall of People, National Museum of Mao Zeedong,

directed Johnny Depp's Willie Wonka

Tim Burton

Splitting hairs

To make petty distinctions

hosting gigs of Barbara Walters

Today, The View, 20/20, ABC evening news

last words heard from flight 93

Todd Beamer said "okay let's go"

husbands of Nicole Kidman

Tom Cruse-11 yrs, Keith Urban

filmed at Rocketfeller Center

Tonight Show

real name of Iron Man

Tony Stark

I feel the need-the need for speed

Top Gun

played Tevya in the movie


first computer animated feature

Toy Story

test for autoimmune diseases

ANA titer

info broadcast to law enforcement agencies about someone wanted or person of interest


geographic feature in Argentiana


HQ of Walmart


Fanfare for the Common Man

Aaron Copeland

played Harvey Dent

Aaron Eckheart

date of Boston Marathon bombig

April 15, 2013

Date of earth day

April 22

wildlife park in Alaska

Arctic National WildlifeReserve

5 named circles of lattitude

Arctic/An Circle, Tropics, Equator

roman war god


Biblical Lot

Abraham's nephew

Advantage no one else has

Ace up your sleeve

mountains of upstate NY

Adirondak Mountains

Shield of zeus


"say hello to my little friend"

Al Pacino in Scar Fae

group Bin Laden headed


prarrie states of Canada

Alberta, Saskatachewan, Manitoba

parents of Ireland

Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger

directed HP 3

Alfonzo Curon

Some men nust want to watch the world burn

Alfred pennyworth in batman

Butler of batman

Alfres pennyworth

Operation Halyard

Allied Airlift behind enemy lines during WW2.

Cant decide and dont care


first president of the National Rifle Association

Ambrose Burnisde

book by Al Gore

An Inconvenient Truth


An earlier time

parents of Luke and Leia

Anakin Skywaler and Amidala

This day reminds me of a quote by "President Bartlet" on the TV show, "The West Wing": Bartlet: "There's a promise that I ask everyone who works here to make: never doubt that a small group of thoughtful and committed citizens can change the world. You know why?" Will: "It's the only thing that ever has."


top 3 highest grossing film series

1. Marvel Cinema Unierse (highest was Avengers), 2. HP, 3. Star Wars (the force awakens), 4. James Bond (Skyfall), 5. JRR Tolken's Middle Earth

wifes of Frank Sinatra

4. including Mia Farrow ad Ava Gardner

name of the first three Star Wars Films made

A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi

skirt that is fattened at te hips and gradually widents towards the hem

A line

ski resort in colorado


Dam on the nile


site of an English horse race


Highway of germany


legendary island in King Arthur mythology


another name for "mole"

Avogadro's Number

Parents of cupid

Cenus, ares

post WW2 fight for leadership in China

Chang Kai-Shek and Mao Zedong

largest USA river by volume


location of Lake Tahoe

Ca-Nevade border

princess in Swan Lake

Prince Siegfried

speed of roadrunenrs vs coyote

RR-26mph, coyote-40mph

Mom of joseph in bible


Howatd stern

Radio Talk show with shoulder length black curly hair

wrote Invisible Man

Ralph Ellison

involved in Schindler's List

Ralph Fiennes, Liam Neeson, Ben Kinsley, directed by Schindler

Kentucky senator

Rand Paul

50s-60s group of superstar actors

Rat Pack

What is pi

Ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter

journalism phrase where the most important/interesting/attention-grabbing elements of a story appear at the end

"burying the lead"

top AFI movie quote

"frankly my dear, I don't give a darn" -Clark Gable as Rhett Butler in Gone with the Wind

deus ex machina

"god from the machine". from plot device where a seemily unsolvable problem is suddenly and abruptly resolved by a contrived and unepected intervention

quote about expections

"people tend to rise to your level of expectations. If you set them low, you get mediocre performance, just enough to get by:


"shake". key concept wher Arabs legitimize uprising against an oppressor

problem of pretending to be outraged by everything

"the problem with prefabricated outrage is that it crowds out legit greviences'

worst thing to call someone

"the worst thing is to call someone crazy. its dismissive. I don't understand this person so they are crazy"

how is electricity evaluated

"we evaluate electricity electricity not by knowing what is is bt by studying what it does"

costs of headaches each year

$31 billion/yr


(Oscar Award Nominations for Penny Serenade, None but the Lonely Heart), To Catch a Thief, Notorious, North By NW, Arsenic and Old Lace, His Girl Friday, Bringing up Baby, The Philidelphia Story,, I was a male war bride

Bronze Star


Carey Grant films






Van de Graaff generator




banana oil




critic versus racist


cutting off the head of the snake




grammar of the word "bust"




yrs of LOTR


years of Glee


1 watt =

1 joule of eergy expended in 1 second

drawback of blue cheese

1 oz = 100 calories (5% of daily fat intake). small size makes it easy to overeat. each serving = 8.2 grams of fat including 5.3g of saturated fat

length of a nauticle mile

1.15 miles

mass of protons and neutrons (almost the same)

1.67 x 10^-27

mass of the sun

1.989 x 10^30 gkg

reaction time in most humans

1/4 sec



how many nerves

12 pairs of cranial nerves and 31 pairs of spinal nerves

little girl on national geographic cover

12 yo Afghanistan girl

average age of menses onset


Age of universe


"stone" measurement

14 lbs

weight of air 1 in squared up to the trophosphere

15lbs everywhere per square inch

year of Jamestown


when did interracial marriages become legal in all 50 states

17 states outlawed intraracial marriages in 1967 but that changed the year Guess Whose Coming to Dinner came out

year of the Code of Hammurabi


Ferguson shooting

18 yo Michael Brown shot in Ferguson (northern suburb of St Louis). shot by Darren Wilson after robbing a convenience store

when was the world population 1 billion


yearAndrew Jackson elected president


yr the house of Loiuis Vuitton was founded


year of Battle of Little Bighorn


yr of the Chinese Exclusion Act


year of the Spanish American War and who was president

1898, McKInely

century of "the Enlightenmet"

18th c

first Rose Bowl

1902. Michigan bet Stanford

Yr of the bull moose party


year of Titanic


yr Archduke FF was assinated



1920s. unnerving illogical scenes with photographic precision. let the unconsciousness express itself. channeled the unconsciousness to unlock the powers of the imagination. influenced by psychoanalysis. opposite of realism

year of the first Macy's parade


when was the world population 2 billion


Year of the long msrch


nonviolent protest by Ghandi

1930 protest against the salt tax by marching to the Arabian Sea

yr of Snow White


year of the Hindenberg disaser

1937 when drying to dock at a mooring mast in NJ.

year of Pearl Harbor


yr of Casablanca


story of The Godfather

1945-55. family under patriarch Vito Corlenone focusing on the transformation of Michael Corleone (Pacino) from reluctant outsider to ruthless mafia boss

year George Orwell finished 1984


yr of the Cuban Revolution


setting of tv show Mad Men

1960s at the fictional Sterling Cooper advertising agency on Madison Avenue in NYC.

yr of the Sound of Music movie


Bloody Sunday

1965. town in Alabama had a record of consistent resistance to black voting. MLKJr/Southern Christian Leadership Conference protested. a protestor was fatally shot by an ALabama State Trooper. 600 marchers tried to cross a bridge but were blocked by Alabama State Troopers/local police who told them to to turn around. protestors refused and offiers shot teargas/waded into the crown to beat nonviolent protestors with billy clubs-50 were hospitalized. MLK Jr.

when was the world population 4 billion


Tianamen Square Masacre

1989 armed suppresson of a pro-democracy movement in 1989

yrs of Toy Story


when was the Taliban in charge of a government

1996-2001 in Afghanistan. enforced strict interpretation of Sharia law

orgin of the Tigris and Euphrates

1K miles. rises in the Armenian plateau fo f Turkey

Play Glengarry Glen Ross

2 days in the life of 4 desparate chicago real estate agents prepared to lcheat to sell undesirable real estate

Brett Fave

20 yr QB career mostly with the Geen Bay Packers.

Yr of the jackson wardeobe lalfunction


year the eagle was removed from the endangered species list


year of the Great Recession in my lifetime


teams of WIllie Mays

22 yrs career. NY Giants and finished with the MEts

who cares for kids when their moms are in prison

25% by dad, most by grandparents

existence of cockroaches

250 million years

year of the Jazz Singer


kelvin temperature at which water freezes


number of federal employees in 1802


size of NYC Central Park

2x size of Monaco

standard feature film

35mm film

how many world countries are landlocked


distance from Earth's crust to the core


year Socrates died


weight of the brain


Silver Star

3rd highest military decoration for valor in cobat

speed of light

3x10^8 m/sec

1 quart

4 cups or 2 pints

Indian caste system

4 varnas. brahmans, Kshtriyas, Vasishyas, Sundras, untoucnables

candlepin bowling

4.5 in ball witohout finger holes

speed of sound in 68F air

4.7 miles/sec

yr of Bambi


years of COld War


5 things that dictatate islam behavior

5 pillars of islam

ships in Magellan's circumnavigation

5. Magellan commanded the Trinidad. Victoria only one to return

number of times Hitchcock as nominated for an oscar

5. neverwin

calculate calcius

5/9 (F-32)

tax exempt nonprofit organization

501(c) organization

% of violent crimes where the victim knew the attacker


Avogadro's number

6.022 x 10^23

yrs of the counterculture revolution


Yr To Kill a Mockingbird won the oscar


yr John Glen in space

62. orbited earth x3

how much does water weight

62.4lb per ft ^3

year of I have a dream


location of the Artic and Antarctic Circle

66.5 degrees N/S

moons of Jupiter

67. Io, Ganymede, Io, Callisto

accidential decannulation post tracheostomy

72hr is emergency b/c site hasn't matured and reinsertion is difficult. hyperextend neck w/obturator and replace

Supersonic speed

768 mph or over

Mach speed

768mph. Speed of sound at sea level in 69C/15C


80s tv comedy-drama detective show with BRuce Willis. rboke 4th wall and did experimental conceps

calculate fahrenheit

9/5C + 32

distance between the baseball bases

90 ft apart


90% of functioning nephrons are destroyed


9th month of Islam calender. summer. fasting is one of the 5

movies of Kat Hudson

Academy Award nomination for "Almost Famous". in How to Loose a Guy I 10 days, You me and Dupress, Fool's Gold, Bride Wars, Nine, Deepwater Horizons

movies of Goldie Hawn

Academy Award/Golden Globe for best supporting actressin "Cactus Flower" and was in OVerboard"



person of high rank who acts as an assistant to a leader


military service by Rick Perry

Air Force

military service by Lindsay Graham

Air Force, SC Air National Guard, Air Force Reserves.

middle east news source

Al Jazeera

"keep your friends close but your enemies closer'

Al Pacino in Godfather Part ii

Heart of Dixie


star of MASH

Alan Alda played Captain Hawkeye, chief surgon

who was Mother Theresa

Albanian-Indian Roman Catholic nun and missionary. lived in Macedonia for 18 yrs, Ireland, India

planet of Princess Leia


role of MJ Fox on tv

Alex Keaton on Family Ties

"Love means never having to say you're sorry"

Ali MacGraw in Love Story

confluence in Pittsburg

Allegheny and Mongahela join to form the Ohio

daily lunch meetings at a hotel in the 20s of whitty actors and writers

Alqonguian Round Table. Dorthy Parker was a member

presents the Tony Awards

America Theatre Wing

conservative think tank in DC

American Enterprise Institute

Jimmy HOffa

American labor union loeader. President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters union. vanished

On the wall of the lincoln memorial

Angel of truth

played the Star Wars droids

Anthony Daniels and Kenny Baker

played Norman Bates

Anthony Perkins

"a boy's best friend is his mother"

Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates in Psycho

Believed to have killed cattle in egypt plague


2 cities of Belgium

Antwerp, Brussles

Libido enhancer


works by Aaron Copeland

Appalacian Spring, FanFare for the Common Man, simple gifts

Dog of odyssus


work by Sylvia Plath


location of Moument Valley


setting for To Kill a Mokingbird


locaaton of Mammoth Spring Park

Arkansas's largest spring and second largest spring in the Ozark MOuntains

elite military units of each branch

Army Rangers, SEALS, Green Berets

golfer known as "The King"

Arnold palmer

style of the Crystler building

Art Deco

race the Nazi believed was superior


movies of Jack Nickelson

As good as it gets, the shining, something's gotta give, one flew over, departed, Chinatown, a few good men, batmen, terms of endearment

desert in Chile

Atacama Desert

city of Ohio University


Fdr and churchhill hopes for por www world

Atlantic chartee

court plotline of To Kill a Mockingbird

Atticus Fitch defends Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a white woman

Celtic word for river


wrote Atlas Schrugged

Ayn Rand

top quote from Godfather

"I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse". Marlon Brando as Vito Corleone

Sun god of the cannanites


Jew hankerchief


Type of rum


where was Sidney Poitier born


Sea near finland


did Annie Get Your Gun


Robert DiNiro academy award wins

Best Supporting Actor for Godfather part 2, best actor for raging bull

examples of mocumentaries

Best in Show, This Is Spinal Tap (about a almost forgotten British Heavy Metal Band returning to the US after 17 yrs for a concert tour)

"fasten your seatbelts. it's going to be a bumpy night"

Bette Davis in All About Eve

Location of the strait of hormuz

Between gulf of oman and persian gulf

founded Microsoft

Bill Gates

father of bluegrass

Bill MOnroe

Hertz in a gigahertZ


Position of power where the person had the authority to speam out on any issue

Billy pulpit

Seaside wooden strip


Singer from jamica

Bob marley

governor of Louisana

Bobby Jindal

Italian gsme of lawn bowlinf


members of the Rat Pack

Bogart, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr.

plot of Goldfinger

Bond battles a gol magnat who plans to irradiate the gold supply of Fort Knox, making it worthless and increasing the value of his own supply

plot of Thunderball

Bond goes to the Bahamas to stop a billionair playboy and deputy head fo SPECRE from attacting major US city with nuclear weapons

plot of Dr. No

Bond investigates a missing colleage in Jamica and goes to the land of the mysterious Dr. No and discovers a scheme to end the US space program

plot of Diamonds are Forever

Bond traces a diamond smuggling operation to Holland and Las Vegas and then to a SPECTRE plot to build a satellite with lasar beams capable of destroying weapons

lead vocalist of U2


star of U2


where did Hillary Clinton claim to have doged sniper fire


Music style of brazil

Bossa nova

Water near sydney

Botany bay

Word for salty


summary of Diet Another Day

Brosnan as Bond. Bond is released from one year in N. Korean captivity for killing a gender, he tries to discover who betrayed him and teams up with a female american

summary of Tomorrow Never Dies

Brosnan as Bond. investigates a media mogul who aims to start a war between the UK and China so he can be guaranteed exlcusive coverage for his news cable news show

symmary of The World is Not Enough

Brosnan as Bond. protects oil hairess whose father was murdered and discovers she still has a connection/plan to the terrorist to once kidnapped ehr

School in RI


actor known for his deadpan

Buster Keaton

what happens if a person stands up too soon after a lumbar puncture

CSF remoed, brain moves b/c less fluid fills the subarachnoid space. don't get up until replenished

Military beat


Songs by the mamas and the papas

Cali dreaming, monday mondY

only actor Alfred Hitchcock enjoyed working with

Carey Grant

stars of Notorious

Carey Grant, Ingrid Bergman, Claud Rains. 3 people whose lives become entangled in an espionage operation


Caribbean island in the Lesser Antilles. autonomous country within the Kingdom of Netherlands


Caribbean island that forms parts of Haiti

Wrote nancy drew

Carolyn keene

movies of Sissy Spacek

Carrie in Carrie, Loretta Lynn in Cole Miner's DaughterTuck Everlasting

grid by Renee Descartes

Cartesian plane

real name of Whoopi Goldberg

Caryn Johnson

"Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship"


first James Bond book, movie

Casino Royale, Dr. No

Daniel Craig as Bond

Casio Royale, Quantum of Solace, Skyfall, Spectre

Separates azerbajan from turkmenistan

Caspian sea

Seerer of troy


What did jesus do for mary magdalene

Cast the 7 deamons out of her


Celebration of 50 yrs of existence

Federal reserve

Central banking system

river in Boston


airport in France

Charles de Gaulle

star of Planet of the Apes

Charlton Heston

moon close to the size of Pluto


5 moons of Pluto

Charon, Styx, Nix, Keberos, Hydra

location of Hull House


star of Pink Panther

Chief Inspector Clouseau by Peter Sellers


Chords played in sequence one after another rather thn simultaneous

Star of star trek

Chris pine

who did Nero blame for the fire of Rome


BBT mom of LEonard

Christine Baranski`

links France and England

Chunnel. 31 miles and 23 are 150 ft below English channel

"round up the usual suspects"

Claude Rains in Casablanca

CE on calculators

Clear entry

"you gotta ask yourself do I feel lucky? well, do ya, punk"

Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry

George W. Bush S of S

Colin Powell, Condelizza Rice

smaller units under Sony Pictures

Columbia Pictures, Sony

Directors of Harry Potter

Columbus, Alfonzo Curon, Mike NEwell, David Yeats

owns universal films


Lines by the grady twins

Come pmay with us danny

"What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

Cool Hand Luke

Composition of starue of liberty


Egypt Christian denomination

Coptic Christians

summary of Casino Royale

Craig as Bond. First assignment as a 00 agent. attempts to frustrate the schemes of terrorist financer by defeating him in a high-stakes game of Texas hold'em poker at Casino Royale in Montenegro. falls in love with an employee who has an agenda of his own

summary of Skyfall

Craig as Bond. event's in M's past bring into question Bonds loyalty to her. M16 under attack. Bond must find/destroy the source of trouble

summary of Spectre

Craig as Bond. newly appointed M continues to fight political pressures that threaten the future of MI6 and Bond follows a trail that leads to the SPECTRE organization and an enemy from his past

Band of biddy holly


Staff of shepards


disease where you pee a lot versus retain water


Wrote the da vinci code

Dan brown

examples of method actors

Daniel Day-Lewis, Marlon Brando, Rjjobert De Niro, Al Pacino

Wrote robinson cruesoe

Daniel defoe

movies by Christopher Nolan

Dark Knight Trilogy, Inception

Late Night hosts

David Letterman, Conan OBrien, Jimmy Fallonn, Seth Meyer

body double for Darth Vader in original Star Wars

David Prowse (bodybuilder/weightlifter/character actor)

where those buried at sea go

Davy Jon's locker

Parachuted out of an airplane with 200 grand

Db cooper

date of winter solstice

December 22

Former name of memorial day

Decoration day

first country too recognize homosexual relationships

Denmark in 89

Rubs us forests

Dep of agriculture

In charge of the secret service

Dep of homeland security

Once lived in trump's penthouse

Derek jeetee

group who did the small scale attacks on Japan

Doolittle Raiders

Sean Connery James Bond movies

Dr. No, From Russia with Love, Goldfinger, Thunderball, You Only Live Twice (all in the 60s), Diamonds are Forever in the 71

first james bon movie


Harsh law


smaller units undr Universal Pictures


"I'm walking here"

Dustin Hoffman in Midnight Cowboy"

What did Nobel find


wrote Charlott's Web

EB WHite. also steuart little and elements of style

ancient people of northern Italy


Socialist candidate who ran from jail

Eugene v debs

Avant guarde


Newton's Second Law

F =ma

business of Kate Hudson


Girlfriend of bambi


dictator of Philippeans

Ferdinand marcos

space show in the future with a robot that Dad watched

Forbidden Planet. Robby the RObot

director of The Godfather

Francis Coppola

Men linked to mia farrow

Frank sknayra and woody allen

The Wonder Years cast

Fred Savage and Danica McKeller as Winnie Cooper

founders of Marxism

Fredrich Engles and Max Weber

real name of Dr. Seuss


famous male choregrapher

George Balachine. father of American ballet and cofounded the NY Ballet


Goat hair

Asia desert


"after all, tomorrow is another day"

Gone with the wind

sidekick on the Andy Grifths show

Goober Pyle

Nazi military march

Goose step

What was medusa


Twins of the shining


Movie with creepy twins

Grady twins

Chess title

Grand master

divisions of the Caribbean Sea

Greater and Lesser Antillies

wrote Wicked

Gregory Maguire

Atticus fitch actoe

Gregory peck

Roasted and shaved lamb


treatment for HIV


monarchies of Spain

Hapsburg, Borboorn

Marx Brother who never spoke


Used when a car is stationary but in an unsafe spot

Hazard lights

What is burlap made of

Heml or jute

"An Empire of their own"

How Jews invented Hollywood. careers of several prominent Jewiish film producers in the early days of Hollywood

music for LOTR

Howard Shore


Hq of the s of defense

China's sorrow

Huang He

first person

I, me. limits narration to one character's POV

author of James Bond

Ian Flemming

author of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Ian Flemming of James Bond fame

played Gandaf

Ian McKellan

Plot of firebird

Id he waves her feather, she will come

how to understand the middle east

If Arabs were to lay down their weapons, there would be peace. If the jews laid down their weapons...

Location of isle of man

In irish sea between england and n. Ireland

movie about a black police officer who becomes involved in a murder investigation in Mississippi

In the Heat of the Night

first Marvel superhero film

Iron Man

Frank Capra

Italian-American rags-to-riches director. won 3 OScar best director awards - It Happened one Night, You Can't Take it with you, Mr Smith Goes to Washington

created the atomic bomb

J Robert Oppenheimer and the Mahhattan project

director of Avatar

James Cameron

first actor to receive a posthumous Academy Award for acting

James Dean

stars of 50 Shades of Gray

Jamie Dornan, Dakato Johnson

Hanoi Jane

Jane fonda

firzy supreme court justice


stars of leave it to beaver

Jeremy matthers, Barbara billingsworth, hugh Beaumont, tony dow, ken osmond

famous Broadway choregrapher

Jerome Robbins

longest serving governor of California

Jerry Brown

star of American Horror Story

Jessica Lang


Jews from Judea who advocated for the overthrow of ROman Rule

James Dean movies

Jim Stark in Rebel without a cause, Carl Trask in East of Eden, ranch han Jett Rink in Giant

Aaid houston we have a problem

Jim lowell

"Made it Ma! Top of the world!"

Jmes Cagney in White Heat

wrote Pilgrim's Progress

John Buynan

stars of Mad Men

John Hamm as Don Draper and Elisabeth Moss as Peggy Olson and January Jones as Betty, Draper's ex wife

Female star of seinfeld

Julie lou dreyfus

Land that peotudes into the sea


Nickname of Huey Long


Bob Dole in the military

Kansas senator form 69-96. army combat infantry in N Italy invasion of WW2

director of The Hurt Locker

Kathryn Bigelow

host of the Today Show

Katie Couric

college of Hamilton

Kings college now COlumbia

Band of gene simmons


psychologist who looked at moral development


Norse trickster god


gorilla that learned ASL


Wrote slaughterhouse 5

Kurt voirnegurt

Meter of greek poetry


Theft of persobal property


When is memorial day

Last monday in may

played the teacher in October Sky

Laura Dern

related to Shimon Peres

Lauren Becall and Shimon Peres are cousings

Founded red army

Leon trotsky

Father of mozart


SC senator

Lindsay Graham

Chemist who studied bonds

Linus pauling

Katherine Kepburn quote from On Golden Pond

Listen to me mister. you[re my knight in shining armor. don't you forget it. you're going to get back on that horse and i'm going to be right behind you, holding on tight and away w're gonna go go go"

car of James Dan

Little Bastard

work by Steve Carell

Little Miss Sunshine, Evan Almightly, Despicable Me, Little Miss Sunshine

Sang locomotion

Little eve

Upper floor to store hay


famous speech in baseball

Lou Gerig said "Today I consider mysef the luckiest man on the face of earth"

how is the Death Star blown up

Luke uses the force

Band with a few mwmbwrs who died in a plane crash

Lynrd skynnard

James Bond's superior.

M. head of M16

British intelligence agency for the British gov


where is the Cleveland Clinic


compare March of the Penguins and the films nominated for best picture that year

MOTP outgrossed all of the best picture nominees

military meals

MRE. meals ready to eat

road in Manhattan that only carries northbound one way traffic

Madison Avenue

female anthropologist

Margaret Mead

start of Reformation

Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses to the door of the Whittenberg Church

Bbk on hobbit

Martin freeman

author of Frankenstein

Mary Shelley

cross-dresser journalist in Chicago

Mary Sunshine

Only syaye that didnt sign the articles of confederation


events at Tianamen Square

Massacre-armed suppression of a pro-democracy movement in 1989, Mao Zedong proclaimed the founding of the People's Rebublic of China fromo there in 1949.

star characters in Top Gun

Maverick and Goose

date Osama bin laden was killed

May 2 2011

capture of Osama Bin Laden

May 2, 2011. Seal Team 6. in Pakistan

town in the Andy Grifiths show


Daya about data


members of ROlling Stones

Mick Jagger

Hatred of women


charity of Mother Theresa

Missions of Charity

size of Korea

Missisippi + Indiana

HQ of AnheizerBush


River near st louis


example of a confluence in St. Louis

Missouri and Mississippi join

2 famous buttes in Monument Valley

Mittens and Merrick Butte

desert in California


Cali/nevada desert


California/NEvada/Arizona desert

Mojave Desert

fairy in King Arthur stories

Morgan le Fay

"all the news that's fit to print"

NY Times

Fordham University


Major city near mt vesuvious


Bay of rhode iand


Lionsgate tv shows

Nashville Nurse Jackie, House of Payne, Mad Men`

smaller studios under Warner Brothers

New Line Cinema, DC Films, Cartoon NEtwork, HBO films

where is the Coast Guard Academy

New London, CT

smaller units under Paramont Pictures

Nickelodeon, MTV Films, Comedy Central Films,

aging actress in Sunset Boulevard

Norma Desmond

location of the Outer Banks

North Carolina

St olaf college


country in Europe that is storing combat materials for USA in case of crisis in Europe

Norway stores tanks/gear for `15K marines in case of crisis in Europe

girlfriend of Popeye

Olive Oil

"well ehre's another nice mess you've gotten me into"

Oliver Hardy in Sons of the Desert

landing sites for the Battle of Normandy

Omaha, Utah, Gold, Juno, sword


Open space

Ze plane, ze plane

Opening of fantasy islanz

military operation against ISIS including campigns in Iraq and Syria

Operation Inherit Resolve.

operation to kill Bin Laden

Operation Neptune Spear. CIA-led.

name and date of the WW2 beaches attack

Operation Overload or Battle of Normandy. June-August 1944

Kid role of ron howard


Annoney not following rules

Out of order

Hotel in The Shining

Overkook hotel

Hotel on The Shining

Overlook hotel

Golf Tour

PGA-Professional Golfer's Association of America

third person.

POV ouside of everyone

tests for TB

PPD, mantoux

summer concert of Royal Albert Hall


location of the Indus River valley



Palestinian sunni-islamic fundamentalist organization. has a social service wing and a military wing. the governing authority of the Gaza strip since 2007

prominent Mexican general of the Mexican REovlution

Pancho Via

top 3 movie studios in the world

Paramont Pictures, Universal Studios, Warner Brothers


Parchment in a special case with hebrew old trstament verses

where does the Sundance Film Festival take place

Park City, Utah

star of Crocodile Dundee

Paul HOgan

kids of Brad and Angelina

Pax, Zahara, twins Knox and Vivien

where is Valley Forge

Pennsylvania. 25 milies from Philly


People of thr pyrannnez. Between spain and france

Lying under oath


slayed Medusa


Tyrion in Game of Th

Peter Dinklage

director of LOTR

Peter Jackson

played Chewbacca

Peter Mayhew

difference between Philidelphia Story and Philidelphia

Philadelphia Story-romantic comedy with Carey Grant, Katherine Hepburn, Jimmy Steward. about a socialite whose wedding plans are complicated y the simultaneous arrival of her ex-husband and a tabloid magazine journalist Philidelphia: 1993. -Hanks and Dezel Washington. one of the first mainstream films to depict HIV, homosexualty

controversary of Duck Dynasty

Phill Robinson gave an interview to GQ and he was suspended from the show for 9 months due to "anti-gay" remarks

family in Duck Dynasty

Phill, Si, Jae, Willie, Jep -Robinson


Picasso . protesting of the bombing f a Spanish dotw

James Bond in the 90s

Pierce Brosman

summary of Golden Eye

Pierce as BOnd. fights to prevent a syndicate of techno-terrorists from causing a globial financial meltdown through usage of the GoldenEye satellite weapon against London

movies w/Peter Seller

Pink Panther, Lolita, Dr. Strangelove, Casino Royale,,,

Plaza in mexico city

Plaza garabaldi

Poem anabel lee


Large suitcase


Another name for tadpole


excommunicated Luther

Pope Leo with a papal bull. 1521

musical by Gershwin

Porgy and Bess

plot of V for Vendetta

Portman rejects authoritiarian culture and joins an underground regime



museum of Madrid, Spin


Protected augustus caesar

Praetorian guard

Animal limb that can grasp


Happened before written word


Orrin Hatch

Prez Pro Tempore of Senate since Jan 2015. R-UT. in office since 1977. most senior republican senator and is the longest serving republican senator in US hx

Hal Roach

Priduced laurel and hsrdy, our gang

real name of Wonder Woman

Princess Diana. outside of homeland, Diana Prince

animated films

Princess Monokoke, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle

lowest grossing HP film

Prisor of Askaban

NASA's second human spaceflight program in the mid 1960s

Project Gemini

investigative filmmakers and journalists who infiltrated Planned Parenthood

Project Veritas

Public option

Proposal to create a gov-run health insurance agency which would compete with other health insurance agencies


Prostants. use "Book of Order" to regulate common practice and order. orgins in Calvanism

Wife of cupid


Dan Marino

QB for Miami Dolphins. never won super owel but is recognized as one of the greatest QB

Islamic state's self-proclaimed capital


Codeword in The Shining


character Will Ferrell played in Talledaga Nights

Ricky Bobby

work by Wagnar

Ride of the Valkaries

"I love the smell of napalm in the morning"

Robert Duvall in Acoplaypse Now

wrote Wheel of TIme series

Robert Jordan

owner of the Patriots

Robert Kraft

actor involved in the Sundance Festival

Robert Redford

Obama's secretary of defense

Robert gates, leon panetta, chuck hagel, ash carter

longest serving secretary of defense in us history

Robert mcnamara

male lead in Jane Eyre


where is the Mayo Clinic

Rochester Minnesota

Jailed for bribes to fill obama's senate seat

Rod blagojevich

The Thinker sculpture


Funny comedian

Rodney gangerfield

Why cant we all just get along

Rodney king

James Bond of the 70s

Roger Moore

James Bond of the 80s

Roger Moore and Timothy Dalton

plot of Octopussy

Roger Moore as BOnd. Bond goes to India where he allies with cult leader Octopussy against a playboy Afghan prince who is plotting with a Russian to "accidentially" detonate a nuclear device on a US air base in West Germany hoping NATO will disarm and the Soviets can take Europe

plot of A View to Kill

Roger Moore as James Bond. Bond investigates high tech firm head up by a former KGB agent now industralist and uncovers a plot to corner the market on microchips by manufacturing an earthquake that would drown the SIlicon Valy and all of the KGB agent'scompetition

plot of Live and Let Die

Roger Moore as bond teams to fight voodoo priests, herorin smugglers, and a ruthless dictator in NY, New Orleans, and San Monique

Showboat creators

Rogers and Heart

Brand of antacids


director and star of Rosemary's Baby

Roman Polanski and Mia Farrow



star of Office Space

Ron Livingston

sister of JFK

Rosemary had a lobotomy

songs of The Police

Roxanne, every breath you take, don't stand so close to me, every little thing she does is magic

said You're gonna need a bigger boat

Roy Scheider

who does the Heritage Foundation say are the primary threats to the USA

Russia primary threat. Iran, China, Islam terror groups. North Korea downgraded from hostile to aggressive

top post at the Pentagon

S of D

role of Madeline Albright in US government

S of S for Bill Clinton

crime organization in James Bond films


plot of From Russia With Love

SPECTRE hires a young femal soviet agent to act as a fake defector in a plot to assisinate Bames Bond

location of Badlands National Park

SW South Dakaoda

two USA execution cases involving immigrants

Sacco and Vanzetti, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

dictator of Iraq

Saddam Hussein

Wrote the Animals music


progressive liberal website


sea in California

Salton Sea

Humphry Bogart role

Sam Spade in The Maltese Falcon

Bible book where david and goalith met


fault in California

San Andres. strike-slip motion. horizontal. 810miles

team that wears camo uniforms during every Sunday home game as a tribute to the vets of the city

San Diego Padres

British initial officer training center


what does Pan's Labrynth symbolize

Sapin's fascist regime

mom of biblical Issac


moon Titan


butte in Nebraska

Scott's Bluff

James Bond of the 60s

Sean Connerey

a martina shaken not stirred

Sean Connery in Goldfinger

played Harvey Milk in Milk

Sean Penn

Straighy man in a comedy duo

Second banana

Created to combat counterfeiting

Secret service

river in Paris


committee chaired by John McCain

Senate Armed Services

Jodi Ernst

Senator. R-Iowa. army guard lt cournel

Ben Sasse

Senator. R-Nebraska

xgame and Olympian snowboarder and skateborder

Shaun white

Wrote The Giving Tree

Shel Silverstein

wrote Ivanhoe

Sir Walter Scott

Restruant on the space needle

Sky city

highest grossing Bond film

Skyfall. released on the 50th anniversary of the series.

first American space station


launched Saturn V


Where the Big One was held

Smith U in Northhampton

Protects saladbar

Sneeze glass

Elena Kagan

Solicitor general

Location of the caymen islands

South of cuba

Pablo Picasso

Spanish cubist

river in Montreal

St Lawrence River

Founded jesuits

St igntius of loyola

college student prison experiment

Standford Prison Experiment

developed method acting


Director of the shining

Stanley kubrick. Also producer and zcreenplay

did the psychology test to see if people would follow authority figure even if it involved shocking a stranger



Statement taken to be true to serve as a premise or starting point for future arguments

Eric Garner

Staton Island. choakhold during arrest even though NYPD policy prohibits use of choakholds. 2014

herald for the Greeks during the Trojan War. Hera told him to encourage the Greeks to fight. "his voice was as powerful as fifty voices of other men"


author of Twilight

Stephanie Meyer

REd Badge of COurage

Stephen Crane

Michael Scott on The Office

Steve Carell

stars of Little Miss Sunshine

Steve Carell

star of The POlice


star of The Police


star of the Police


military hero who received medal of honor for leading resistance against North Vietnam captors


whose empty seat did Lindsay Graham win after the former person retired

Strom Thurmond

largest independent film festival in the USA

Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah


Sunni Islam fundamentalist movement in Afghanistan.

Stadium in new orleans


Horse racing wager where the better picks the first four winners of a borse race in the correct sequwnce


Type of art by salvador dali


Led guriella raids afainst the brits in the revolution

Swamp fox

Iron man

Swim bike run

famous African American male actor

Sydney Poitier

played Rockey

Sylvester stallone

home of Celtics and Bruins

TD Gardens. North Station

youngest Oscar Award winner

TTatum O'Neil for Paper Moon

brought electricity to rural areas


Coca cola's first diet soda


largest island in French Polynesia


films by Martin Scorsese

Taxi Driver, Goodfellos, Gangs of NY, Wolf of Wall Street, Avitar, the departed

"hasta la vista baby"

Terminator 2: Judgement Day

Tom Hardy book

Tess of D'urbemmrz

post Civil War farming organization

The Grange

first American feature film

The Great Train Robberty

highest grossing films of LionsGate

The Hunger Games, Fahrenheit 9/11

movie about military bomb diffusers

The Hurt Locker

wait a minute, wait a minute. you ain't heard nothing yet

The Jazz Singer

"Que Serra Serra" movie and stars

The Man Who Knew Too Much, James Stewart and Doris Day.

Star Wars films in order

The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, The Force Awakens

Danny Elfman music

The Simpson's Theme, Tim Burton including Nightmare,

Catxhpraise of lexus

The ruthless persuit of perfection

Inspiration for Frozen

The snow queen by hans christian anderson

John Ritter

Three's COmpany

summary of License to Kill

Timothy Dalton as Bond. Bond resigns from the secret service to avenge the attempted murdia of his CIA firend. persues the assissains and is lead to a power COlumbian drug lord and a mysterious woman who wants to bring this drug lord down

Amusement park on copenhagen

Tivoli gardens

ice skating attack

Tonya Harding pled guilty to hinding prosecution following the attack on Nancy Kerigan. usa figure skating associating banned fher for life

difference between Tora Bora and Bora Bora

Tora Bora-cave complex in eastern Afghanistan. was a stronghold for Taliban in the 80s when the were up against USSR. natural cave formed by streams that eroded limestone Bora Bora-island in French Polynesia

Square in london


Real name of Flo Rida

Tramar dillard

17yo shot by a neighood watchman

Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman in 2012

Ended frenxh and indian war

Treaty of paris

College of newton



Troubled Asset Relief Program.

Do-Nothing COngress

Truman's name for the 80th Congress

W element


study that gave black male sharecroppers syphilis

Tuskeegee syphilius

island in Polynesia between Hawaii and Asia. North of Fiji


Lionsgate Films

Twilight, Hunger Games, Divergent, Saw, Fahrenheit 9/11

school at chapel hill

U of NC

synopsis of The Handmaiden's Tale

USA falls, toltarian gov, women are property of the state and are forced into sexual situations to repopulate the state

film about Idi Amin

Uganda Dictator. The Last King of Scotland

nickname of Sophie Tucker

Ukrainian born Armerican singer/comedian/actress. "The Last of the REd Hot Mamas"

Type of sheep meat

Under 1yr-lamb, older than 1yr- hoggart, mutton

Civil War loss by Amrbose Burnside

Union loss at Battle of Fredricksburg

Book by booker t washingtob

Up from slavery

father to King Arthur

Uther Pendragon

vocal dialect of the turtle in Finding Nemo


Flemmish artist

Van dyke

Brothers inynrd Skynnrd

Van zant

novel without a hero

Vanity Faire

Hitchcock film with Jimmy Stewart


owns Paramont Pictures


posh spice

Victoria beckham

time period of Sherlock Holmes

Victorian Era

where were potbelly pigs originally doesticated


star of Gone With the WInd

Viveien Leigh as Scarlett O'Hara

I have always depended on the kidness of strangers

Vivien Leigh as Blanche DuBois in A Streetcar named desire

Alcohol in Bloody Mary


Sweedish car


Wernicke's area versus Broca's are

W-speech comprehension, B-speech formation

Joe Montana

WB for San Francisco 49ers

Big 6 film studios

Walt Disney Pictures, Warner Brothers, 20th century fox, Universal Pictures, Columbia Pictures, Paramont Pictures

studio that did Harry Potter

Warner Bros

film distrubtor division of Time Warner

Warner Brothers

male lead in Bonnie and Clyde

Warren Beatty as Clyde Barrow

chief justice who ended school segreatagion

Warren Burger

played a ewok in Star Wars

Warwick Davis

DC cathedral

Washington national cathedral

Act by houdini

Water torture

Flavor of green life saver


setting of Duck Dynasty

West Monroe, Louisana

location of Royal Prince Albert Hall

Westminister in London

MacBeth qute about oceans

Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood 58 Clean from my hand?

Obama's S of S

William Burns, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry

real name of Mr. Feenie

William Daniels

black baseball player who isn't Jackie Robinson)

Willie Mays.

Wife of fred flintstone


P Meaning of pterodactyl

Winged fingers

Wife of nelson mandela


Eau Claire


eight stages of human development

Wrik Erikson

holds the record for the most World Series wins as a player

Yogi Berra

where did the British surrender during the Revolution


Catchphraze of toyota

You asked for it, you got it

screenplays by Roald Dahl

You only live twice and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

cleans ice rinks


poses "what is the sound of one hand clapping"

Zen Buddhism



lead in Avatar

Zoe Saldana

Music genre of thr creole of louisana


"nut graph" term in journalism

a contraction of "in a nutshell". paragraph that explains the news value of the story

bleeding heart

a person considered to be dangerously softhearted, typically someone considered too liberal in political beliefs

"a bad penny always turns up"

a person/thing which is unpleasant/dishonorable/unwanted tends to appear/reappear at inopportune times

design of the Mormon Taber

a pin dropped in the pulpit can be heard in the back


a right or privilege exclusive to a particicular individual or class

movie shot

a single series of uninterrupted series of shots

WHO definition of health

a state of complete mental, physical, and social well being

definition penchant

a strong or habitual liking for something or tendency to do something


a substance that has a molecular structure consisting chiefly or entirely of a large number of similar units bonded together

purpose of the ozone layer

absorb and thus protect us from UV light

de jure

according to rightful entitlement or claim. often contrasted with de facto.


acetic acid applied to the cervix, cervix inspected by biopsy

main cause of forest destruction

acid rain and deforestaton

fear of heights


precancerous skin lesions

actinic keratoses

latin term for forever

ad infinitum


adopt or support a cause/belief/way of life


adrenal tumor that produces a surge of catecholamines so SNS effects. HTN crisis

I don't want to miss a thing


plot of You Only Live Twice

after faking his own death, Bond goes to Japan to investigage the hijacking of American/Soviet manned spacecraft from orbit, which turns out to be a plan by the megalomanical head of SPECTRE to start WW3

personal assistant of high rank

aide de camp

compressed air

air compressed to give greater than normal pressure

roles of the Lady of the Lake

aka Nimue. Viviane. gave Arthur Excalabur, raised Lancelot, enchanted Merlin, took dying Arthur to Alvelon

form of gypsum used in ancient sculpture


HP screenplays

all but Order of P by Steve Kloves

parietal lobe

all senses except smell, vision, hearing

how is home ownership encouraged

allowing buyers to dedut interest pain on home mortgage from federal income tax


amount of work = 1055 joules. amount of work needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree F

what is Islam

an all encompassing ideology that has its own legal, moral, soecial, military, financial and religious code

what commits US to go to war without congress approval

an attack on one is an attack on all

define pretense

an attempt to make something that is not the case appear true. false claim

Coriolis effect

an effect whereby a mass moving in a rotating system experiences a force acting perpendicular to the direction of the motion and to the axis of rotation. on the earth, the effect tends to deflect moving objects to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern and is important in the formation of cyclonic weather systems


an inclination or natural tendency to behave in a particular way

cult of personality

an individual uses mass media, propaganda, or other methods to create an idealized, heroic, and at times, worshipful image, often through unquestioning flattery and praise. Chariasatic authority

what happens at absolute zero

an't transfer energy to anything b/c no energy to transfer

generalized edema


shows of Dianna Sawyer

anchor of ABC Nightly NEws, co-anchor of Good Morning AMerica

church of england


belief that inanimate objects have life


an addition


highest grade coal

anthracite. almost pure carbon


archipelago composed of 9 islands. autonomous region of Protugal


area that drains a body fof water


artillery piece characterized by a relatizely short barre and use of l and comparatively smell propellant chargest o propel projectiles at relative high trajectories with steep angles of descent

how to set limits with people who are negative

ask how they intend to fix the problem

ABCD of skin cancer

asymmetry, broder, color (not uniform), diameter (over size of eraser)

when does fog usually form

at night when a low layer of moist air is cooled by the group, creating a surface cloud called radiation fog.

what are elements made of


what did Margaret Mead study

attitudes towards sex in south pacific and southeast Asian . influenced the 1960s sexual revolution

orgin of the Sundance film festival

attract filmmakers ot Utah

nature's lights at the poles

aurora borealus,, aurora australiasis


autoimmune inflammation where antibodies baon with healthyt tisu and body produces antibodies that attack the healthy tissue

cause of psoriasis

autoimmune w/excaberations and remissions. cause is overproduction of keratin


autoimmune. WBCs attack synovial tissue and connective tissue

experimental films


what does temperature measure

average kinetic energy

how long do colds last

average of 3-7 days

autonomous regions of portugal

azores and madeira

verb for to bother


divides Idaho and montana


idea of libertarism

based on ideals of liberty and equality

examples of pyrrhic victories

battle of bunker hill, battle of mogadishu

define hypocritical

behaving in a way that suggests one has higher standards or more noble beliefes than is the case


behavior showing high moral standards


belief in the existence of gods, especially belief in onegod as the creator ofhte universe, intervening in it and substaining a personal relation to cratures

level of neutropenia

below 200neutrophils

definitions of blizzards

below freezing, wind over 35mph, visibility less than 500ft

roads that go around a city


diffusion filters

bends the light coming into the lens which blures the image and makes it look not as sharp

assistant to the head electrician on a movie set

best boy assists the gaffer

sent down the river



bladder protrudes through vaginal wall caused by weak pelvic muscles

Hindu legend of describing an elephant

blind men feel an elephant. one feels trunk-says its a snake, one feels leg-says its a tree, one feels solid side. in a small way, they are all right but none able to understand b/c don't understand the whole

what caused NYC to create a subway system

blizzard of 1888 so the city wouldnt' come to a standstill

types of emboli

bone marrow, amniotic, blood

name of the microphone operator on film sets

boom operator

cause of whooping cough

bordello pertusis


border city of mexico just south of california

how many eurons are you born with, loose each day, and lose in lifetime

born-1x10^11, loose 7K/day, lose 0.3% in life

why can't you think clearly if you are hypoglycemic

brain doesn't have nutrients to make ATP to send/receive signals

less developed countries leave their countries for more developed ones

brain drain

what happens in Alzheimer's disease

brain plaque

practice of trying to achieve an adventaous outcome by pushing dangerous events slightly short of active conflict


short stiff hair


what happens in asthma

bronchoconstriction, edema, excess mucous

purpose of colonial georgia

bufferto spanin in Fl

to polish


difference between a mesa and butte

butte has a top narrower than height, mesa has a top wider than its height

shelter at a beach or swimming pool


what makes coral deposits

calcium carbonate

gypsum composition

calcium sulfate

how is slow motion produced for films

camera records image at a speed faster than it is projected so, when projected, at a standard rate, images appeared slowed down

what happens in diabetes

can't make insulin or insulin is ineffective

problem of hypoxia in pilots

can't think or react quickly and LOC

movie Deliverance

canoe trip that turns into a struggle for survival

small container for soldier's water


to solicit votes



capital of Slovenia

only zodiac sign to fall between tow years


topical creams that help with rheumatoid arthritis and OA

capsaicin and aspercream

health effects of lightening

cardiac and respiratory arrest



position of Yogi Berra


"i kid you not"

catchphrase by early Tonight Show

"Go Ahead, make my day"

catchphrase from Sudden Impact spoken by Clint Eastwood

why are hard lights unflattering

cause deep shadows and enhance inperfections

base for early films

cellulose nitrate...flammable s


centar shooting an arrow

position of WIllie Mays

center fielder

main court at Wimbleton

centre court

small part of brain at the back of your head


voluntary motion center of th brain


Doppler Effect

change in wavelength between 2 objects as a result of motion

not having sexual intercourse


blue cheese production

cheese that has been cultivated with penicillian mold. distinct smll and spotted with blue/blue-grey mold

why do people loose hair after chemo

chemo affects life cycle of rapidly proliferating cells

sign of CO poisioning

cherry red skin

food that means "hunter's style"

chicken caccichture. chicken, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes

first cousin once removed

children of first cousins

mare's tails

cirrus cloud


city university of NY

measures the steepness of ascention/desention


what does the Kelvin scale measure

closeness to absolute zero

lives in sea anemones


to come together to form one whole


vitamin B12



coffee and chocolate

pressure without fighting

cold war


collection of nerve bodies outside of th CNS

words and phrases used in informal settings


river that cuts through the Grand Canyon


film sound mixing

combining dialogue, music, sound effects

common sense

common sense often makes sense after the fact

ballast tank

compartment in a boat/ship/floating structure that holds water, used as a ballast to provide stability for a vessel


compound that stops the dangerous effets of reactive substances seeking an electron

carpel tunnel syndrome

compression of the median nerve

cause of carpel tunnel

compression of the median nerve

origin of Pixar Studios

computer graphic division of Lucasfilms

channel for conveing water or to protect electrical fluid


what makes news


where multiple rivers combine


most common sign of pneumonia in elders


expert of taste


refuses to preform military obligations on grounds of freedom of thought/conscious

conscious objector

what did the samuri do hara-kiri or seppuku

considered more honorable than disgrace or execution


consists of 2 parts

CXR in pneumonia


term for alphabet terms in math

constants represent specific quantities

benefits of a soundstage

control weather, noise, unreliable lighting

why does spaghetti in a pot circle even if you don't spin it


photovoltaic cells

converts sunshine to an electrical current

high pressure system

cool dry descending air. drought. atmosphere is pressing down on the earth

blue/green lights in media

cool. relaxing



influences the direction of ocean currents


what do pig farms live near

corn to cut costs

problem of powdered gloves

cornstarch powder makes the allergen airborne

proposition that follows from oen already proved

corollary car ohl larry

cause of common cold


connects the hemispheres of the cerebrum

corpus callosum

borders Panama

costa rica and columbia

Aesop fable examples

country andcity mouse, ant and the grasshopper, fox and the grapes

not openly acknowled or displayed


space in a building you can't stand in

crawl space

movie editing

create meaning through collage, tempo, and timing

flying ace

credited with shooting down enemy aircrafts during aerial combat (at least 5)

cricket chirps

crickets are cold blooded and their metabolism is sensitive to weather. as temp goes up, the rate of chirps increase.

premise of Sons of Anarchy

crime drama following a close-knit outlaw motocycle club in a fictional town in California. lead character is Jax, the VP of the club who questions the club and himself. themes: brotherhood,loyalty, redemption

measure lattitude

cross staff, astrolabe, quadrant

ancient measure used in the bible

cubit. 18-22in

process that makes plastics rigid


broken by Red Sox when they won the world series

curese of the banbino

how did Hercules kill the hydra

cut off each head and Iolaus cauterized the stumps

differentiate between a fat embolism and a PE

cutaneous petechiae

what are the only sure things in life

death and taxes

word for no longer existing


toxic people

defy logic, some are unaware, others get satisfication from creating chaos/pushing other people's buttons. s

separation of wound tissue layers


problem of dieuretics



deliberate and unprovoked cruel/violent action,


deliberty avoid using; abstain from

name for the resident of a locality



depression and lack of energy b/c low light levels during winter b/c shorter days and sun lower on the horizon

cargo at the bottom of the ocean with no hope of being retreived


distilling sea water to remove salt


to treat something sacred with violent disrespect



desert landscape consisting of high, largly barren hard rocky plaines which contain very little sand b/c removed by wind

problem of UV light

destroys tissues

black governor of Mass

deval patrick


development/coexistence of separate racial/ethnic group identities within a society


device that fires projectiles at low velocities and short ranges

what are mathematical grafts

diagrams of functions

Jews spread out after the Babylonian exile


different types of coal

different grades are determined by carbon consistent

soft light

diffused/scattered light to minimize face details and wrinkles


digital optical disc data storage format. designed to superscede the DVD. capable of high definition/ultra high definition. name blu-ray is for the violet laser used to read the disc, which allows information to be stored at a greater density than is possible with the DVD's red laser.

territory of the church under the jurisdiction of a bishop


Oktoberfest outfit


what is Robert Frost's poem "Fire and Ice" about

discusses the end of the world. likens fire with emotion of desire and ice with hate


displaying excessive or prejudiced support for one's own cause, group, sex

problem of flat maps


check given to stockholders


don't change horses in the middle of a stream

do not make major changes to a course of action that is already underway

close range air battle

dog fight

cameras that film while moving on a rolling platform


advice on facing dangerous animals

don't run

symbolizes peace


used to carry Boston athletes in parades



dumpling of unleavened dough with filling


dumpling. spread a square wrapper flat in the palm of one's hands and put a filling in the center

apartments with separate entrances for two households


mr robinson, youre trying to seduce me

dustin Hoffman in the graduate

painful sex



east India. capital of te indian state of West Bengal.

cheerful and full of energy


definition of capitalism

economic system based on private ownership of the means of production in which good resources allowing free market determination of what is produced and people persue self-interests in persuit of profit


electrically charged atom


electrode from which a conventional current leaves a polarized electrical device

can't be broken down any further


shoes with thick insoles to make you seem taller

elevator school

3 goals of THA/TKA

eliminate pain, restore joint movement, improve QOL

Montessori education

emphasis on independence, freedom within limits, respect for the kid's natural psychological/physical

diseases of COPD

emphysema, chronic bronchitis

ingredients in Hollandaise sauce

emulsification of egg yolk, butter, lemon juice, salt, pepper


energy levels of neutrons

what happens when something is heated

energy transfer

mushroom that is long thin strings


goals of a minimum wage job

entrance to workfield, build resume, acquire skills

produce CSF in brain

ependymal cells in the ventricls at the choroid plexus

word of respect to member's of high social rank or lawyers


3 contributors to geometry

euclid, Archimedes, descartes

movement to improve human genetics by passing down good traits and leaving out bad


Newton's Third Law

every action has an equal and opposite reaction

Issac Mizrahi

exactly 10 years younger than mom. director of Xcel Brands. eponymous fashing lines

tubing separates from chest tube

exhale all the way, cough, clean tip and reconnect

benefits of renewable resources

exist in finite amounts

filet minon

expensive boneless cut of meat

statistical significance

extent to which the reults are not due to chance


false front shirt with detachable bottom

definition cosmopolitan

familiar at at east in many different countries

how did the Ducky Dynasty family make money

family operated business-Duck Commander. makes a duck call object called "Duck Commander"

early s/s of hypoxia

fatigue, exhaustion, sleepiness

purpose of the myelin sheath

fatty wraping around axons that speeds up actions potential transmission

definition intrepid




Freddie Mac

federal home loan mortgage corporation

definition woebegon

feeling/showing/expressing deep sorrow/grief/wretchedness


female monsters with snaes as hair who turned anyone who looked at them to stone

stock chacter of mysterious/seducative women who ensnares lovers into compromising/dangerous/deadly situations

femme fatale

uses for gypsum

fertilizer and in many forms of plaster, blackboard chalk, wallboard

hat worn by the schriners


Roald Dahl in WW2

fighter pilot in the british air force

"day for night" filming

filming during the day but using filters/underexposure to make it look like night

how do polarizes lenses work

filter light according to direction

Ernst & Young

financial audit/tax/counsulting/advisory services to companies

4 elements of Aristotle


accomplishments of WEB du Bois

first African American to get a PhD from Harvard, editor of NAACP from "The Crisis"

importance of WWI in US history

first time the USA engaged with the rest of the world and provided the leadership necessary for the world to defend against a common enemy

why aren't fish crustions or mollusks

fish are invertebrates

fleet of ships or boats


floating wreckage of a ship or its carbo


flat land next to rivers that proves to flood

flood plains

symptoms of HIV


divinity (food)

fluffy, creamy candy made with stiffly beaten egg whites

what are renal failure symptoms r/t

fluid volume overload

how to treat excess mucous

fluids to liquefy mucous

accidential good luck


fog near pollution

fog that forms near sources of pollution are thicker b/c it contains more particles


for heroism in combat

what is work

force applied over a distance


formal organization social structure with clearly defned patterns of activities.

George Tenet

former CIA director starting in 1995

roles of Mr. Feenie

former prez of Screen Ators guild. Dustin Hoffman[s dad in The Graduate, Adams in 1776, St Elsewhere


fortified wine flavored with botanicals

Pluto discovery and degraded

found in 1930, downgraded in 2006

Warren Buffett

founded Berkshire Hathaway

accomplishments of Mother Theresa

founded Missionaries of Charity (in 133 countries) which helped HIV/AIDS, Leprosy, TB, soup kitchens, orphanages and schools, an clinics


founded by Oxford students led by John Wesley

complication of osteoprosis



free from microbe contamination

words/actions/habits of Muhammad

from Arabic word "report". Hadith

why do muscle spasms happen when a bone is fractured

from pulling force of bones when not in alignment

how did Hamas emerge

from the Muslim Brother hod in Egypt

what are catalysts of the atmosphere

frontal systems

definition explicitly

fully and clearly expressed. nothing left implied.

islands near the equator


nodes of Ranvier

gaps in the melin sheath

libertarian who runs for presizent

gary johnson

cowboys of south america



general friend of Alex the Great. got Egypt after his death. declared himself king. dynasty from 304bc-30bc with death of Cleopatra


generally considered to be true


german for taking pleasure from other people's pain or misfortune or failure

roles of Peter Sellers in Dr. Strangelove

german scientist Dr. Strangelove, Mandrake-british officer, American President


given to or involved in conspiring to do something immoral, illegal, or harmful

sword lilly flower


coating applied to ceremics before kilm



global positioning system

"as god is my witness, i'll never be hungry again"

gone with the wind

Marry Poppins quote about good luck

good luck will rub off when I shake hands with you

year Jackson lost the presidency

got popular vote but lost to Q Adams

relationsjhip between the Harrison presidents


where was JFK shot

grassy knoll (small sloping hill) inside Dealy Plaza

what keeps air from leaving the atmosphere


Tom Brady as the GOAT

greastest of all time

7 Wonders of the Ancient World

great pyramid of giza, colossus of Rhodes, lighthouse of Alexandra, massum at Halicarnassus, temple of artemis, status of zeus, hanging gardens

definition ethos

greek word meaning "character". used to describe the guiding beliefs/ideals that characterize a community/nation/ideology

character of Rambo

green Beret in Vietnam

Sam I am

green eggs and ham

fracture that doesn't go all the way through the bone


two largest bear species

grizzly bear and polar bear

Louisana seafood soup



habitually associated with someone, typically to the disapproval of others

u shape in road

hairpin turn

bad breath


types of mustache

handlebar, walrus, catepillar

vector in math

has direction and magnitude


head below heart

"plop plop fizz fizz"

heart burn ALka Seltzer

they're here

heather O'Rourke in Poltergeist


heavy substance like rock or water placed in a way so that to improve stability and control

Bowe Bergdahl

held captive by Taliban in Afghanistan/Pakistan from 09-14. circumstances of how he went missing subject to media secrutiny. exchanged for 5 Taliban members held at Guantamino. tried by court marshal on charges of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy

benefit of having a big named star even if they demand a large salary

helps to secure financing

2 types of dialysis

hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis

period of a person or thing's greatest success



high active antiretroviral therapy

early signs of hypoxia

high vitals, pale, respiratory distress symptoms

where are flash floods the most dangerous

hilly mt b/c gravity, little ground over, soil/saturated

memory center of brain


produced by leaches

hirudin. a chemical substance that prevents blood from thickening

likely after a thyroidectomy

hoarse voice


horizontal iron bar upon which logs are placed for burning in open fireplace


horizontally turning the camera while it is fixed to a spot

treatment for severe menpause

hormonate replacement therapy

early job of Bill ORiley

hosted Inside Edition in the Early 90s

symptoms of menopause

hot flash, vaginal dryness, mood swings, decreased REM sleep, decreased tissue density

other name for Dr Strangelove

how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb


how much detail can be screened on an image

problem of forcing people to serve

hurts morale, readiness, and unit cohesion

3 Gorges Dam

hydroelectric dam over the Yangtze river

nuclear activity in the Sun

hydrogen changes to helium

which element has the simpliest form


graves disease

hyper thyoidism. autoimmune autibodies mimic TSH and lead to hypersecretion of thryoid

state of burn victims

hypermetabolic state. need TPN

regulates the pituitary gland


illness caused by medical examination or treatment



identifying image on paper that appears in various forms of lightness/darkness when viewed by transmitted light. discourges counterfittng

what is the reality about the USA's role in world conflicts

if the US doesn't provide leadership in a very troubled world, no one else eill


illegal action or practice of lending money at an unreasonably high rate of interest

how is fast motion created for films

images are recorded at a slowers peed than the speed of the projection

highest form of flattery


African deer



impose a misleading belief upon someone to deceive

another name for erectile dysfunction



in Alberta

Indonesian volcano

in Sunda Strait between islands of Java and Sumatra

fact about the purest substances in nature

in nature, the purest forms of any substance is in the least quality


inflammation that produces excess fluid. triggered by aspirator or microbes


info gathered and activities conducted to identify, declieve, exploit, disrupt, or protect against espionage, sabotage conducted by foreign gov/terrorsit orgs

method actors

inhabit the psychological realities of their characters


inhibits mobilization fo calcium from bones and lowers blood ca


inlet where salt and water mixes


inserted after a quote or passage to show that the quoted matter has been transcribed exactly even though mistakes, archaic spelling, surprising assertations, faculty reasoning, or any other reasons that the reader may thing to be a mistake


intellectual riddicule


intended or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest

hedge fund

investiment vehicle/business structure that pools capital from a number of investors and invests in securitis/other investments. administered by a professional management firm

where is the Sinjar Province


how is steel made

iron ore + coal

how is steel made

iron ore and alloys. impurities are removed and alloys like manganese/nickel/chromium/vanadium are added to produce different grades of stel

why do toxic people drive you crazy

irrational behavior. don'trespond to their emotional chaos

2 types of strokes

ischemic and hemorrhagic

why do Muslims feel like they can do anything

islam is a system given by god so islam has the right to removed obstcles like political system/social


isolated hill with verticle sides an a small flat top. smaller than a mesa and pplateau.

atoms with different numbers of neutrons


different number of neutrons


movies directed by Frank Capra-4

it happened one night, you can't take it with you, mr smith goes to Washington, its a wondful life

first 3movie to win all 5 major Academy Awards (picture, director, actor, actress, screenplay)

it happened one night,, one flew over the cukoo's nest,, the silence of the lamb

Arizona governor

jan brewer

claims to have invented jazz

jelly role morton

part of a ship or carbo or equipment purposefully cast over to light the load in load in a ship in emergency


what do negative people want others to do

join their pity party. people listen b/c they don't want to seem rude but risk getting sucked in. 'if a complainer was smoking, would you sit with them and inhale the smoke or leave"

standard unit of energy



journey on foot undertaken by Australian Aboriginals in order to live in the traditional manner


judge advocate general

date of summer solstice

june 22

middle east checkered patterned headscarf


tagline of Budwiser

king of all bears

male servant who is dishonest


curvature of the spine

kyphosis=concave, lordosis-convex

why can't babies do anything at birth

lack myelination. as its body myelinates, it can move more. last nerves to myelinate are the brain


lacks nucleic acid

cargo at th bottom of the sea which can be retrieved


why do GreatLakes cities geta lot of snow

lake effect snow

to criticize someone harshly


what does a bronchoscope look at

larynx, trachea, bronchi

hosting gigs by David Letterman

late night with DL, Late show with L

Walter White

lead in Breaking Bad and head of NAACP for 20yrs


leave the main subject temporarily


less pure and have more white so appear grety and washed out


less than 1 gram of tobacco

rain in a desert

less than 10in/yr

text for a musical work


lowest quality coal

lignite and peat

part of brain that does survival insticts and moods

limbic system

makes up the core of Earth

liquid and solid Fe

what does the ulnar nerve innervate

little finger and 1/2of ring finger

attempts by special interest groups to influence policy



localized collection of puss in an area

newspaper and girlfriend of superman

lois lane, daily star


long essay on a subject especiallyone written for a doctorate of philsophy

cross-sectional study

looks at a population at a given time

thermal imaging

looks at heat distribution


loose unconcilidated soild/sediments that thave been eroded, reshaped by water, and redpoisted in a non-marine setting


low bone density

drive to breathe for COPD

low oxygen levels

cold fronts

low pressure system. bring violent disturbance as they tunnel under warm air and fored it rapidly up to create sudden atmosphere instability

late signs of hypoxia

low vitals, cyanotic, stupor/confusion


luminious and source of electromagnetic energy

no tidaling in chest tube

lung reexpansion or obstruction within the system

great work

magnum opus


make something bad/unsatisfactory better

what does the brain need a lot of oxygen and glucose

makes a lot of ATP


making certain situations or outcomes likely or possible

worst type of skin cancer

malignant melanoma. from th melanocytes

5 boroughs of NYC

manhattan, Brooklyn, queens, Bronx, staten island

science experiment where rhesus monkeys were induced to shiver or sweat

manipulated a device on their hypothalamus


manufactured sections to enable quick or easy assembly

incorrect to say mass murders are insane

many know that what they are doing is wrong-they just don't care. "they aren't sick, they are sickoos"

define defile

mar or spoil, desecrate something sacred

failed invasion by Napoleon

marchedto Moscow with intent to live off the land

arid and unhospital land with little to no potential for profit.

marginal land. generally used for free-range livestock

rolled stone off of Jesus's grave

mary magdalan

what is momentum

mass x velocity

name for the lines of longitude


importance of thyroid hormones


bleeding between periods



military forces of the region of Iraqi Kurdistan


minimum number of members of an assembly or society that must be present to make a the procedings of the day valid

why are people upset with blackface

ministral tradition. connotation of white supremacy b/c makeup on whites and portrayed blacks as lazy and irrelevant

the staging of a scene

mise en scene (meez ahn sen)

frugal spenderlau


TB test



mobile army surgical hospital

most frequent number in a set


family of Dakota Johnson

mom is Melanine Griffith, grandmother is Tippi Hendron, stepfather was Antonio Banderas

origin of Zero MOstel's name

mom said he would amount to a zero if he continued to do poorly in school


money or means necessary for a particular purpose



stereotypical alter boy

morel and modest


mortal who is an offspring or a god or attains divine status after death

Associated Press

most of the staff are union members represented by the NEwspaper guild which operates under an organization under the AFL-CIO. AP operates 243 news bureaus in 120 countries and a produces radio broadcasts.

fact about Duck Dynasty

most watched nonfiction cable series in history. 11 seasons


motion picture association of america

what was Family Ties about

move from liberalism to conservatism. parents ex hippies and kids were conservatives


mudflow/debris flow composed of a slurry of pyroclastic materials, rocky debris, water

dress than hangs loosly from the shoulders



mural painting on wet lime plaster. water used for the pigment to merge with plaster

when your muscles think they have enough strength to complet and action but the object is lighter/heavier then expected

muscle preset

indian greeting



naval criminal investigative service

bacteri that causes gonarrhea


number #1 maker of baby food

nestle and gerber

important thing about brain tumors

neurons can't undergo mitosis so they aren't cause of brain tumors. helper cells to the neurons can multiply so they are

why do neurons die in 4 minutes

neurons used a lot of ATP so need a good suppl of oxygen and glucose

quote about understanding and believing

never say "I don't understand it so I don't believe it"

vitamin B3


Pew Reserch Center

nonpartisan fact tank in DC.

"you like me, you really like me"

norma ra to sally field


north American aerospace defense command


north atlantic treaty organization

where is Chechnya

north of Gerogia


now part of Tanzania

suitcase that travels with the president

nuclear football. suitcase that holds what the Prez needs to authorize a nuclear attack while away from fixed command centers like the Situation Room

what are real numbers

numbers that can appear on a number line


ob see quee ous. obedient or attententive in an excessive way

Newton's First Law

objects at rest stay at rest unless acted on by an outside force

where does Rebel without a Cause take place


quote from the Hindenberg disaster

oh the humanity

ingredient in mayonaise

oil, egg yolks, vinegar

rule by a small group of self-serving people




snake in the grass

one who feigns a friendship with intent to deceive

idom "snake in the grass"

one who feigns friendship with the intent to deceive

policy between usa and china

open door

triple sec

orange flavored liquor made from orange peels

adherence to the correct or accepted creed


cause of diptheria


question about climate change

our climate is clearly warming but question is to what extent is the human impact


out of lace

wind speed of a category 5 hurricane

over 155mph


overgrowth of endometrial tissue that extends outside the uterus and can block fallopian tubes, causing infertility

Al Jazeera

owned by the government of Qatar and is partly funded by thee ruling party

largest university press in the world

oxford university press

why is there hypoxia at high altitudes

oxygen is spread out

pain in rheumatoid arthritis

pain at rest

pain in osteoarthritis

pain with activity that improves with rest

Rolling Stones songs

paint it black, sympathy for the devil, you can't lways get what you want, I can't get no satisfaction

"this is not a pipe"

painting by Renee Magritte (c'est n'est pas une pipe)

safe area of a building used in care of emergencies

panic room

prefrontal area of brain

part of cerebellum that does reasoning, thing things through, will happen. motivation and personality

another name for atom smashers

particle accelerations

pasta with veggies

pasta primavera

societies that rely on domestication and breeding to satisfy food/other needs

pastoral societies


path that a moving object follows through space as a function of time. suually a curve

pregnant pause

pause that builds up suspense for the listener/viewer for greater dramatic effect of what follows after the pause

often paired with satay

peanut sauce

triangle shaped flage


less dark outer part of a shadow created by an opaque object


how are pov's taken today

people who don't agree with your pov are vilified yet they don't like to be challenged

social aggregate

people who happen to be physical proximity to each other but share little else

brew coffee by continuously cycling the boilding brew through grounds using gravity until the desired strength is reached


plant that lives for more than 2 years


making a movie putting stickers on actors

performance capture technology

brown nose

person who acts in a grossly obsquinous way

fossil fuels

petroleum, coal, gas

breast change in breast cancer

peu d'orange

determines the color of hydrangias

ph of soil

resembles a fish


master gland


makes up an image


economics using pizza and boutiques

pizza- low cost item so must sell a lot to make money so in heavy populated areas, boutiques-intended for upscale so exist where affluent people are rather than just people to general


place of orgin or earliest known history of something

Kepler's laws

planetary motion

John Elway

played college football at Stanford, entire 16 yr pro career as a QB for the Broncos, general manager for the BRoncos. only QB to score rushing touchdowns in 4 different super bowels. most victories by a QB when he retired

why was Sydney Pointier significant

played middle-class well educated upstanding and upwardly mobile black characters


political/social/military predominance or control of state over others. Ancient greek hegemony was polito-military dominance of a city-state over other city-states

style of Elvis hair


"bridge" of the brain


why are gases poor conductors

poor conductors b/cmolecules are too far appart to allow fast exchange of electrons but does conduct if the air is ionized


pounds per square inch

Gulf Stream

powerful warm atlantic ocean current that originates in the Gulf of Mexico and flows along the eastern coast to Newfoundland then crosses the Atlantic

study of the way context contributes to meaning


highest civilian government honor

presidential medal of freedom

Waldorf statement

press release by the president of MPAA following a closed-door meeting by 48 motion picture company executives in response to the contempt of congress against the Hollywood ten. said they did not knowingly employee communists or anyone who wants to overthrow the US government. said they disagreed with the Hollywood 10 who refused to testify before congress

Hosini Mubarak

prez of egypt

proverbs 16:18

pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit befor the fall

differene between probation and parole

probation-supervised release instead of jail time parole-supervised release before full sentence is served


producing components/products abroad for domestic to take advantage of lower productor from foreign labor

group of linked slot machines


name for flat maps



promote a single position without any allowance for competing perspectives

to convert someone from one religion/belief/opinion to another


nephrotic syndrome

proteinuria, hypoalbuminia, edema

role of the grip on movie set

provides support structures to cameras, work with the electrical department to set up lights

critical geography feature for economic activities

proximity to raw materias b/c ability to manufacture

scaley patches on skin



publically traded internet domain registrat

religion of the Pilgrims


infection where microbes ascend into the kidney


victory that has a devastating toll on the victory but the heavy toll on the victor negates any sense of achievement or profit

pyrrhic victory

representing the most perfect or typical example


observation and whity statement


location where stones and minerals are extracted


animal that multiplied in Austrial when it was introduced by the English b/c no natural predators

rabbits multiplied to 1 billion in 100 years

led to the creation of many western usa towns


gold standard of scientific research

random controlled double bl9nd

ascent of believers into heaven


to tease hair to give volume


country rented by USA during WW2


Dada art

reaction to WW1. artists rejected ideas of logic/reason/aesthecism in a modern capital society and, expressed nonsense and irrationality instead to show their discontent w/violence/war/nationalism. politically affiliated with the radical left

left brain



rebellion against an authority

not responding to usual treatment


whereis HerculePoirot from

refugee of WW2 from Belgium


region between Pakistan and India

Sargasso Sea

region f North Atlantic OCean bounded by four currents that, together, form a circulating ocean stream called a gyre


region of Czech republic. a person who has an informal/unconventional social hapits especially as an artist or writer


regulates body temperature

theme of the names of Pluto's moons

relate to the underworld

Beaufort Scale

relates wind speed to observable events


relating to the Christian church or its clergy

definition of littoral

relation to the shore of the sea or lake

family of Goldie Hawn

relationship with Kurt Russell. mom of Kate Hudson


relative to a subject under consideration


removalof inflamed soft tissue

pain of kidney stones

renal colic as the stone moves

problem of dissenting minority faculty in higher education

reserachers are professional rewarded only if they are channeled in certain directions by a politicilzed academic environment. funding/papers/publishing/hiring to prestigious committees/boards/professional recognition. BATTLE OF SCIENTIFIC INTEGRITY v CAREER SUICIDE

partial rebreather

reservoir bag without vlves so rebreathe up to 1/3 of exhaled air with room air.

what do muscle cells respond to

respond to neurotransmitters released at synapses to crate an actin potential ultimately leading to muscle contraction

spell the fine establishment where people go to eat food


part of the brain that has a role in sleep/wake cyce

reticular activating system

vengeful repayment


virus with RNA as its core authority


auto da fe

ritual of public penance of condemmed heretics and apostates that took place when the Inquiaition had decided their punishment followed by the execution by the civil authorities of the sentences imposed

yo adrian


first interracial marriage in america

rolfe and poohontas

office organization tool


to cheat


what are ideologies not bound by

rules of logic

two round system of voting


why is proper fit for uniforms important

safety, harnesses, protective gear. comfort/apparence

cry me at river

said sarcastically to someone whininging/complains fall on unsympathetic ears

Characters in The Maltese Falcon

sam spade, miss wonderly


same pronouncination, different meaning


same spelling, different meaning

garmet of cloth that wraps the body and tucks in


marinated meat grilled on a skewer


first telegraph

sauel moorse said "what hath god wrought"

thin slices of meat made flatter by pounding


thickest nerve in the body



science of applying tactile sensations to computer applications in order to enable users to receive feedback in the form of sensations

music that accompanies a film


what happens in the PAP smear

scrape the cervix

specialists who alter scripts in a particular way (like dialogue)

script doctor

another name for the gulf of california

sea of cortez

La Nina

sea surface temperatures of the Pacific is lower than normal by 3-5C . extensive effect on wather and affects th QAtlantic hurricane sason



forms deltas

sediment deposits at the mouth of rivers

idiom of being hung over

seeing pink elephants

study of earthquakes


dat of fall equinox

sep 23

ritual suicidal disembowlment by a samuri

seppuku and hara-kiri

drug class of zofran

serotonin blaocker

projectile of a weapon


type of wine in Cask of Amontiliado


fugue (music)

short melody or phrase introduced by one part and successively taken up bother others and developed by intertwining the parts


shorten something by cutting off the top or the end. in math, limiting the numbers to the right of the decimal pointq

film wipe

shot A and B are side to side and divided

Japanese star weapon


used to treat burns


give something that hasn't been earned

silver plater

Glen Campbell

singer who also hosted a music and variety tv show

movie that came out the year dad was born

singing in the rain


ski and shoot

types of lupus

skin (butterfly rash) or tissues of organs

SE of radiation

skin changes, hair loss, debilitating fatigue

type of comedy by the 3 stooges


agent in a country and doesn't immediately activate

sleeper agent

electric insulators

slow or no conduction of electrical flow

to hit with force


Simple Gifts

small part of the larger work Appalacian Spring

tobacco chew

smokeless tobacco. chew by putting between cheek /gum and chewing. not ground and must be manually crushed to release flavor. unwanted juice is spit

someone who sells something with fraudulent claims

snake oil salesman

why do Japanese execs share offices

so flow of info is better and they are available of new developments

definition of economy

social institution that determines how a society produces, distributes, and


social riddicult

type of lights that create a romantic feel

soft lights

mince words

soften or weaken words especially for the sake of courtesy

how did John smith get rich

sold new world cod in england

"final girl" of slasher films

sole survivor is a young girl who appears to be unassuming. proves her capability by tapping into primal brutality that

feeling of unity among people with mutual interests


2 movies about male cross-dressing

some like it hot, tootside

Robert Frost poem "Fire and Ice"

some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. from what I've tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate to say that for the destruction ice is also great and would suffice

to lower the volume of one's voice for emphasis

sotto voce


sources of production of production are collectively owned, cradle to grave welfare, no competition/rewards/incentives to improve


south of houston

right brain

spatial relationshipos, music

screenplay that hasn't been commissioned. submitted for consideration

spec script

instrument in cars that measures speed


small points of land that extend out into the water


home where there is a set of stairs running up to bedrooms and one going down to basement

split level home

used to create the sound effect for murder in Psycho

stabbing a melon


standard unit of mechanical force

seiche ("saysh")

standing wave in an enclosed body of water like lake, pool, baoy, harbor, sea. key requirement- body of water must be at least partially bounded, allowing for the formation of a standing wave

plot of the Spy who Loved Me

starred Roger Moore. Bond teams up with a female Russian agent to locate 2 missing nuclear submarines and winds up dealing with a man whose dream ia an udnerseas empire

"inverted pyramid" in journalism

start of story with the most important and vital info at the beginning of the story and more minor details later in the story. makes it easier to end out the bottom for editing.

fugue (psychiatry)

state of loosing awarenesso f identity often with flight from one's usual environment


stated or appears to be true but not necessarily so


statement that, despite apparently sound reasoning from true premises, leads to a self-contradictory or a logically unacceptable conslusions

loud and powerful voice


taken aback bt unexpectedly high prices

sticker shock

term for someone who has taken a copious amount of marijuana


series of drawings that outline a script



storytelling that presents an interior view of the world in which - the story is told via narration as opposed to shown or enacted


strategic arms limiting talk

location of the ozone layer


4 types of cloud

stratus, cumulus, nimbus, cirrus


strength of a hue

Forest of Argonne

strip of mountains/woodland in NE France. site of the Allied offense of WWI

definition culvert

structure that allows water to flow under a road, railroad, trai.. embedded to be surrended by soil. a pipe

where is CSF found

subarachoid space

meaning of Islam



subordination of one group and the assumption of a psotion of authority, power, and dominance

electrical conductor

substance in which electors are highly mobile

unstated meaning that underlies spoken word


area outside the city


written or spoken briefly and clearly



sugar over 300,breakdown of body fat for energy, accumulation of ketones in blood and urine

hyperglycemia hyperosmolar state

sugar over 600, dehydration, no ketones

what drives weather

sun, oceans, rotation, inclination

why is glass special

supercooled liquid and not a slolid. amorphous material -without a fixed shape




surgical removal of a diseased joint and replant with a prosthesis

Rockey and Rambo

sylvesterone stallone

where do jews worship


rheumatoid arthritis

synovial membrane inflammation leads to cartlage destruction

Autonomic Nervous System

system that transmits action potentials from CNS to smooth muscle, heart muscle

fun fact about platypus

tail is a poisionous spear

rock easiest to scratch


relative humidity

temp affects the mount of water vapor the air can hold

core temperature

temp of internal organs

what keeps countires cooperating

temporarily coinciding interests

capable of being stretched


relay station fo the brain


what could and couldn not be shown on tv/movies

the Code

nickname of Joe DiMaggio

the Yankee Clipper

definition of sequestration

the action of taking legal possession of assets until a debt has been paid or other claims have been met. act of making a general cut in government spending. act of forceful possession-confiscation

why is it not racist to criticize Muslims

there are Muslims of every race

important to know about the spy game

there are few true friends

first layer of sun's atmpsphere sunlight hits


vitamin B1


steel cage fighting and euphanism for a contest where the loser suffers harsh consequences


most common reason physicians don't do counseling

time consuming

record a small number of images over a long period of time. later makes everything look fast

time-apse photography


tiny ice pellets

definition esposes

to adopt or support (a cause, belief, or way of life)

"make no bones about"

to be entirely honest about, to show or feel no doubt or hesitation

idiom a snake in your bosom

to befriend/take care of someone who reoves to be traitorous, untrustworthy, deceitful, or ungrateful

definition sorti

to come out from a defensive position to make an attack

how are lights used in film/tv/theatre

to create moods and effects

mission of the American Enterprise Institute

to defend the principles and improve the institutions of American freedom and democratic capitalism -limited government, private enterprise, individual liberty and responsibility, vigilant and effective foreign policies, political accountability and open debate"


to keep or do secrets especially b/ilicit


to promote or make an idea widely known

definition curtailed

to reduce. to restrict

to filibuster

to stonewall

definition of marginalize

to treat as insignificant


toll road

problem of socialism

too many benefits, too few people working to pay for the benefits

training live plants to form a shape


centralized dictatorship government and requires complete subservience to the state


setting of the yeoman of the guard

tower of london

when people insult each other

trade barbs

process where plants give off water



trendsetter. (from the practice for putting a bell around the neck of a ram to lead sheep)

cause of syphilis

treponema pallidum

hottest layer of earth's atmosphere

trophosphere is 2700F but molecules aren't very close

layers of the atmosphere

troposphere statesphere mesosphere thermosphere

lowest level of an atmosphere

troposphere. temp drops every 1000Ft

shovel tool for small plants


short cluster of elongated hair growing together or attached at the base


Joshua tree

type of tree named by the Mormons who crossed the Mojave desert. the tree's unique shape reminded them of the Biblical story of Joshua where he reaches his hands up t o they sky in prayer

found everywhere


urban sprall

uncontrolled expansion of urban areas

when are blood transfusions considered

under 9dl/g

where Buddha was when he reached nirvannah

under a boodhi tree

trademark saying of Pizza hut

under the roof


underground layer of water-bearing permeable rock from which groundwater can be extracted using a water well

leadership roles of Ambrose Burnside

union general, senator, governor of RI, first president of NRA


unit of electrical charge


unit of electrical conduction


unit of electrical current


unit of electrical potential


unit of energy and work equal to 10 joules


unit of luminous intensity


unit of magnetic flux


unit of magnetic flux density


unit of requency


universal law of calm and effect


unknown orgin

cause of pressure ulcers

unrelieved pressure causes ischemia/damage to underlying tissue

how does hail form


greek symbol of ohm

uppercase omega

latin for bear


importance of comic timing

using rhythm/tempo/pausing to enhance humor. pacing in the delivery of a joke can have a strong effect on comedic effect and even alter its meaning

indesciveness. alternate between different opinions or actions


lack of thought of intelligence


showing a lack of thought or intelligence



vaginal approach to shorten and tighten pelvic muscles

ability to measure what it it indended to measure



vaporizing/smoking flavored tobacco or cannabis. vapor/smoke is passed through a water basin before inhalation

open pasture in S. AFrica


fine parchment made of calf skin


prevents blood clots from reaching the lungs

vena cava filter


very attentive to and concerned about accuracy/details/cleanliness

what did Clinon blame the Bengazhi attack on


famous coach of the green bay packers

vince lombardi

rain that vaporizes in the atmosphere


"beware of greeks bearing gifts"

virgil's aneid

having high moral standards


fact about SARS

virus doesn't spread to bloodstream b/c flourishes at temperatures slightly lower than body temperatur

act of spying on someone while they are doing a private activity


presidential line of succession

vp, speaker, pres pro tempore of senate, cabinate-SofS


vulgar and showy to impress or attract notice

money made of shells


low pressure system

warm moist rising air. rainmaker.

red/yellow/orange lights in media

warm. vibrant with enery

El Nino

warmer ocean waters of the Pacific

water and heat

water can absorb a lot of heat before it heats up itself


water completely surrounded by land

recycles water

water cycle

standard unit of power



well known especiall so as to be sterotypical


well known so as to be sterotypical

where is the country of Georgia

west of the Black sea and north of Turkey

independent variable

what changes another

what does an odometer measure

wheel rotation

what happened when the Wonder Years kids kissed

when a man loves a woman

when are opinions tolerable

when they are fair and balanced

Wailing Wall

where the Jews gather to pray and mourn the destruction of the second temple by the Romans in 70AD

theme of the moons of jupiter

wives of Jupiter

movies by Sidney Pointier

won Academy Award for best actor for Lillies of the Field, T Sir with Love, In the Heat of the Night, Guess Whose coming to dinner

quadratic equation

x represents an unknown and a,c,c represents numbers so that A is not 0. only involves one unknown (x)

dry mouth


what is an mammogram

xray of breast

longest river in Asia


religion and morals

you don't need religion to have morals. if you can't determine right from wrong, you lack empathy, not religion

On the Waterfront Quote

you don't understand! I culda had class. I cudda been a contender. I could've been somebody instead of a bum which is what I am

quote by "Company" about marrying

you have to marry someobody, not some body

control of early Hollywood stars

you were under contract with a particular studio and they controlled/crafted the miage

trophy wife

young ajttractive woman regarded as a status symbol for old men

Dawn of the Dead

zombie film. "when there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth". SWAT tam against zombies

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

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