Novice Parliamentary Procedure Questions

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d. All of the above

69-5 The privileged device, raise a question of privilege, is not: a. Amendable b. Debatable c. Seconded d. All of the above

d. All of the above

71-1 A recess may be taken to: a. Count ballots b. Secure information c. Allow for informal consultation d. All of the above

b. Privileged motion

71-2 When a motion to recess is made while another motion is pending it is a (an): a. Incidental motion b. Privileged motion c. Incidental main motion d. Main motion

b. Immediately

71-3 The privileged motion to Recess is a motion that a recess begins: a. After the motion on the floor is disposed of b. Immediately c. When the member who proposed the pending motion grants permission d. Upon a decision of the chair

b. Main motion

71-4 A motion to recess that is made when no business is pending is a: A. Privileged motion b. Main motion c. Incidental motion d. Unclassified motion

d. It is "privileged" only when it is proposed while another question is pending

71-5 Which of the following is true of the privileged motion to recess? a. It may provide to for a recess at a later time b. It requires that the duration of the recess be included in the motion c. The vote may be reconsidered d. It is "privileged" only when it is proposed while another question is pending

B. Introduces a substantive question as a new subject

44-1 An original main motion is a main motion that: a. Amends another motion b. Introduces a substantive question as a new subject c. Is related to the business of the assembly or its past or future action d. Allows the maker of the motion to serve as a chairman if it's referred to a committee.

c. Proposes an action that is defined under parliamentary law and described by a particular parliamentary term

44-2 An incidental main motion: a. Can be made only with the permission of the assembly b. Is in order if an original main motion is the immediate pending question c. Proposes an action that is defined under parliamentary law and described by a particular parliamentary term d. Is the same as a main motion, except it only can be proposed when an incidental motion is pending

b. Can be applied to no other motion

44-6 The main motion is a motion that: a. Takes precedence over everything b. Can be applied to no other motion c. Can be moved at any time d. Always requires a majority vote

a. An original main motion

45-7 All subsidiary motions can be applied to: a. An original main motion b. A point of order c. Themselves d. Third degree amendments

d. Are out of order when another member has the floor

45-8 Main motions: a. Take precedence over all motions b. Are not debatable c. Always require a two-thirds vote to be adopted d. Are out of order when another member has the floor

d. All of the above

46-17 Main motions are not in order which: a. Conflict with national laws b. Conflict with or present the same question as one which has been temporarily but not finally disposed of c. Propose action outside the scope of the organization's bylaws or charter unless authorized by a two-thirds vote d. All of the above

d. The assembly to show that it does not wish to take a position on the main motion.

50-1 The motion to Postpone Indefinitely is used by: a. The chair to place a main motion on the agenda at the next regular meeting b. A member to send a main motion to a standing committee c. Members wish to change the pending main motion d. The assembly to show that it does not wish to take a position on the main motion.

c. It is killed for the duration of the session

50-3 If the motion to Postpone Indefinitely is adopted, what happens to the pending main motion? a. An ad hoc committee studies it and reports back at the next regular meeting b. It is brought back under the heading of Unfinished Business at the next regular meeting c. It is killed for the duration of the session d. It is automatically passed without debate.

c. Nothing except the main question to which it is applied

50-5 The subsidiary motion to Postpone Indefinitely takes precedence over: a. All other subsidiary motions b. A secondary amendment c. Nothing except the main question to which it is applied d. The privileged motion to adjourn.

b. Alter the original main motion

52-1 The primary purpose of using the subsidiary motion to Amend is to a. Eliminate the main purpose of the main motion b. Alter the original main motion c. Lengthen the debate time on the main motion d. Call for an immediate vote on the original main motion

c. Remains pending

52-2 When an amendment to a main motion is adopted, the motion that was amended: a. Is also adopted b. Is voted on immediately c. Remains pending d. Is postponed to the next regular meeting or until the adopted amendment is acted on

b. Worded as it was before the amendment was made

52-3 Rejection of the subsidiary motion to Amend leaves the pending motion: a. Rejection also b. Worded as it was before the amendment was made c. Closed for additional debate d. Postponed to the next regular meeting

c. Is not obligated to vote in any particular way

52-4 If a member votes in favor of the motion to amend when the vote is taken on the which the amendment applies, the member: a. Must also vote in favor of the amended motion b. Must abstain c. Is not obligated to vote in any particular way d. Can withdraw the vote on the amendment

b. Applied to any main motion or any motion with a variable factor

53-6 The subsidiary motion to Amend can be: a. Referred to a committee b. Applied to any main motion or any motion with a variable factor c. Postponed definitely d. Laid on the table

c. Is debatable whenever the motion to which it applies is debatable

53-7 A primary amendment to a main motion: a. Is always debatable but not amendable b. Can be amended but not reconsidered c. Is debatable whenever the motion to which it applies is debatable d. Can introduce an independent question

c. The question may be carefully investigated and put into better condition for the assembly to consider

57-1 The purpose of the motion to Commit or Refer is to send a pending question to a committee so that: a. It may be delayed b. They can amend it and take action without permission from the assembly c. The question may be carefully investigated and put into better condition for the assembly to consider d. They can Lay it on the Table during informal discussions at a committee meeting

d. As many times as they wish

57-2 The chief advantage of committees is that they allow greater freedom of debate on motions. This means: a. Three times on each topic b. Only two times, but as long as they wish c. On motions even after they are adopted d. As many times as they wish

b. Main motions

57-6 The motion to Refer to a Committee can be applied to: a. Points of order b. Main motions c. All secondary motions d. Privileged motions

c. Can be applied to main motions with any amendments that may be pending

57-7 The motion to Commit (or Refer): a. Need not be seconded b. Is not debatable c. Can be applied to main motions with any amendments that may be pending d. May be proposed when another member has the floor provided debate has not begun

c. Can act for the society in specific cases

58-11 A special committee appointed with power means that the committee: a. Must report to the assembly before acting b. Can act for the society in all cases that are similar c. Can act for the society in specific cases d. Must meet until all committee members agree on a solution to their assigned task.

a. The main motion with an amendment is pending

60-2 The motion to Postpone to a Certain time can be made while: a. The main motion with an amendment is pending b. The motion to Lay on the Table is pending c. Another member has the floor d. Another member is debating a main motion

d. Amend

60-3 The subsidiary motion to Postpone to a Certain Time takes precedence over the motion to: a. Adjourn b. Limit Debate c. Lay on the Table d. Amend

b. Postpone to a Certain Time

60-6 Which one of the following subsidiary motions is debatable? a. Lay on the Table b. Postpone to a Certain Time c. Previous Question d. Limit or Extend Limits of Debate

c. When a subsidiary motion, is debatable, amendable and may be reconsidered

60-7 The motion to Postpone to a Certain Time: a. Always includes a clock time b. If adopted, makes the item postponed a special order c. When a subsidiary motion, is debatable, amendable and may be reconsidered d. Is identical to Lay on the Table except for terminology

a. Cannot be postponed beyond the end of the present session

60-8 In an assembly that does not meet as often as quarterly, a question: a. Cannot be postponed beyond the end of the present session b. Cannot be postponed beyond the end of the next session c. Can be postponed beyond the end of the next session d. Cannot be postponed

b. Lay on the Table

63-1 The previous question can be used to close debate immediately and the making of all subsidiary motions except to: a. Commit (Refer) b. Lay on the Table c. Amend d. Postpone indefinitely

c. Previous question

63-2 Which motion below would you use at a meeting to stop debate immediately and vote on a pending question? a. Question of privilege b. Division of the question c. Previous question d. Reconsider the question

b. Debate and the making of amendments on the pending question

64-3 If adopted, the previous question is a motion that stops: a. The making of all subsidiary motions b. Debate and the making of amendments on the pending question c. The making of privileged motions d. The making of undebatable motions

c. The immediately pending question

64-6 The unqualified form of previous question can apply only to: a. All pending amendments b. Debatable motions c. The immediately pending question d. All incidental motions

c. Debate continues on the pending motion as if this motion had not been made

64-8 If a motion for the previous question fails to gain the necessary votes: a. Debate is stopped on it b. The motion to which it was applied is lost c. Debate continues on the pending motion as if this motion had not been made d. Members may not ask the maker of the motion questions directly for the duration of the meeting

a. Temporarily when something else of immediate urgency has arisen

65-1 The motion to Lay on the Table enables an assembly to lay a pending question aside: a. Temporarily when something else of immediate urgency has arisen b. To consider any motion decided upon by the chairman c. So that the assembly may conduct a standing vote d. So that it can be brought up as a general order at the next meeting

d. Sets the pending question aside temporarily and there is no set time for taking up the matter again

65-2 The motion to Lay on the Table: a. Can be debated if the chairman allows the maker of the motion to speak first b. Kills the motion and avoids a direct vote on it c. Can be amended d. Sets the pending question aside temporarily and there is no set time for taking up the matter again

c. All subsidiary motions

66-5 A subsidiary motion to Lay on the table takes precedence over: a. The motion to Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn b. All privileged motions c. All subsidiary motions d. The motion to adjourn

d. None of the above. No subsidiary motion can be applied to the motion to Lay on the Table

66-8 Which one of the following subsidiary motions can be applied to the motion to Lay on the Table? a. Postpone Indefinitely b. Refer to a Committee c. Previous Question d. None of the above. No subsidiary motion can be applied to the motion to Lay on the Table

b. Another member has the floor

66-9 The motion to Lay on the Table is out of order when: a. Both a main motion and an amendment are pending b. Another member has the floor c. A motion has been adopted to extend the limits of debate d. There is another subsidiary motion pending

d. May permit action otherwise not in order

69-1 The motion to Raise a Question of privilege is a device which: a. Is ruled upon by the chair, and the ruling can be reconsidered b. Has a higher precedence than any incidental motion c. Requires a second and is debatable d. May permit action otherwise not in order

b. Requires recognition from the chairman to state the request

69-2 Raising a question of privilege while business is pending: a. Cannot usually interrupt a member speaking b. Requires recognition from the chairman to state the request c. Cannot be made while an amendment is pending d. Requires a two-thirds vote in order to be adopted

d. Recess

69-3 The motion to raise a question of privilege takes precedence over all the motions below except the motion to: a. Amend b. Commit (or refer) c. Limit debate d. Recess

c. Raising a question of privilege

69-4 A member who has been assigned the floor may be interrupted for the purpose of: a. Amending a motion b. Limiting debate c. Raising a question of privilege d. Moving the previous question

c. Obtain the floor and say, "I move to adjourn."

73-1 Which one of the following would be an example of the privileged motion to Adjourn? a. Obtain the floor any say, "I move that we adjourn at 7:30 p.m." b. Rise and without obtaining the floor say, "I move that we adjourn sine die." c. Obtain the floor and say, "I move to adjourn." d. Rise, and without obtaining the floor say, "I move that we now adjourn to meet at 7:30 p.m. on May 15th."

d. All of the above

73-2 The privileged motion to Adjourn is: a. Always moved in an unqualified form b. A motion to close the meeting immediately c. Made when no time for adjourning has been set d. All of the above

c. No time for adjournment has been set (Is unqualified)

73-3 A motion to Adjourn is always privileged when: a. The time for adjournment has been set ahead of time b. It sets a time to adjourn (is qualified) c. No time for adjournment has been set (Is unqualified) d. Another member has the floor

a. Main motion

73-4 If a motion to adjourn is qualified in any way (example: "I move we adjourn in ten minutes"), it is classified as a (an): a. Main motion b. Privileged motion c. Subsidiary motion d. Incidental motion

d. Is always out of order

73-5 A motion to Adjourn at or to a future time while business is pending: a. May be adopted anytime during a recess, without a quorum b. Should be completed prior to debate on the pending motion c. Is permissible if the chair allows it d. Is always out of order

a. Privileged motions

78-2 A Point of Order yields to all: a. Privileged motions b. Secondary motions c. Subsidiary motions d. Main motions

c. Point of order is disposed of first

78-3 If a Point of Order is raised while an amendment is immediately pending, the: a. Point of order is ignored b. Amendment is disposed of first, and the point of order next c. Point of order is disposed of first d. Chair asks for a second on the point of order and then it is ruled on

d. Try to make a ruling on it

78-4 After a member makes a Point of Order, the chair should always: a. Ask for a second b. Determine if the maker wishes to debate it first c. Make certain that the amendments that are applied to it are germane d. Try to make a ruling on it

c. A breach of rules

78-6 The normal grounds for a member to rise to a Point of Order are: a. To ask the maker of the motion a question b. Uncomfortable conditions in the meeting room c. A breach of rules d. To obtain parliamentary information from the parliamentarian

c. If a motion is not seconded, and is debated and then adopted, a point of order is too late

79-8 Which statement below is true regarding a Point of Order? a. Points of order should be called on minor irregularities b. A parliamentary inquiry has the same purpose as a point of order c. If a motion is not seconded, and is debated and then adopted, a point of order is too late d. A member must rise and be recognized by the chair before raising a point of order

b. Rising

86-2 If you call for a division of the assembly at a meeting of seventy members, this means that the vote must be taken again by: a. Voice b. Rising c. Raising of hands d. Paper ballot

d. The chair has stated the question on another motion

86-3 A member can call for a division of the assembly on a motion from the time a voice vote is taken and up until: a. Adjournment b. The chair announces the outcome of the c. Adjournment at the next regular meeting d. The chair has stated the question on another motion

b. Does not require a second

86-4 The motion to call for the division of the assembly: a. Is debatable b. Does not require a second c. Requires a vote d. Is amendable

d. All of the above

87-1 An example of a legal method of voting other than a voice vote is by: a. Ballot b. Roll call c. Conducting a standing vote d. All of the above d. All of the above

d. "Any of the above"

87-6 The Chairman has announced the results of a voice vote on an amendment. The result was close. What could you say from your seat, without obtaining the floor, to demand that the chair take another vote by rising? a. "Division" b. "I call for a division" c. "I doubt the result of the vote" d. "Any of the above"

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