NT Exam 2
Lex talionis
"Law of retaliation;" an eye for an eye
"Magnifies." Mary's hymn of praise
Nunc Dimittis
"Now dismiss." Simeon's praise of God
The two phrases that frequently modify 'the kingdom'.
"Of God" and "Of heaven"
"Oracles." Refers to the Gospel
Via Dolorosa
"The way of sorow." When Simon takes up Jesus's cross and a large group follows him, all being led by Jesus
"Wealth." Your heart follows your wealth. Shouldn't stock up earthly wealth, but rather invest in heavenly wealth
"Word." Jesus is the Word of God who reveals truth
"proclamation" and "preaching." Summarizing the gospel in just a couple points.
Sitz im Liben
"situation in life." Christians invented stories to meet the needs that arose, which makes people learn more about the early church than Jesus in the Gospels
"unwritten." Sayings that differ from Jesus's sayings, but are quoted by early Christian authors.
Features of Mark's Gospel
-"Gospel of Action and Suffering" -Focuses on what Jesus did and not really what He said -Paratactic style: run-on sentences -Historic present tense -Focuses on Jesus's passion (last events of His life) -Disciple means suffering
Features of John's Gospel
-"The Spiritual Gospel" -Last written, most reflective -More interpretation than description -Uses simple Greek -Inclusion of Jewish feasts: wants audience to recognize Jesus as the fulfillment of all of these feasts -"I am" sayings -97% unique -No exorcisms -Focuses more on eternal life and not the kingdom of God -Cuts to the chase and says that Jesus is the Messiah
Imperative statements in the letters of Paul
-A command. Ethical/moral teaching. -"You should act a certain way" or "avoid a certain thing"
Hellenistic age
-An oral culture -Only the wealthy had books
Paul's education
-Born into a Pharisaic family -Emphasis on Torah law -Sent to Jerusalem: rabbi Gamaliel (grandson of Hillel) -Has a background that enables him to become one of the most significant theologians
The Gospels as a source for Jesus
-Center of Controversy -No books suffered as much when it came to interp. -Trying to "tame" Jesus: distort the Gospels
Philip and the Eunuch
-Common for men who have power to be groomed for these positions from a young age -Even though the eunuch is Jewish, he wouldn't have been allowed in the court of Israel because of his "condition" -Philip baptizes him
-Descendants of Israelites who remained in the land and intermarried -Seen as not fully Jewish
Jesus's reps of Grace
-Eats with sinners -Crucifixion -Contact with the unclean
Paul's organizational strategies
-Establishes house churches -Maintains communication with each of them
Jerusalem Leadership
-Jealous of Jesus: Jesus is adored by Jews and church leaders want His fame -Turns to anger and eventually murder -Threats -> beatings-> death -> Stephen
Significance of the blood and water that flowed from Jesus's side
-Jesus offers to give the living water of the Holy Spirit -The outflow of Jesus's blood makes him a Passover sacrifice
Paul's theological policies
-Jew first, Gentile second -To not build on the foundation of anyone else -To be all things to all people so that he might win some
Contents of Jesus's teaching
-Main topic is the kingdom of God -Reign of God -Bless and serve rather than dominate and control -Through Jesus, God's rule is now present -Grace and judgment go hand in hand
Features of Luke's Gospel
-Only NT Gentile author -Gives most attention to the Holy Spirit -Story of universal salvation: focuses on non-Jews and women -Apologetic reason: wants to set the record straight with the beginnings of the Christian movement
Features of Matthew's Gospel
-Provides royal genealogy of the line of David -"The Gospel of Teaching and Fulfillment" -Most Jewish Gospel
Paul's methods of communication
-Visit -Apostolic delegates (coworkers) -Letters
The Hallel
A hymn of Psalms 113-118 that brings the Passover to an end
The two meanings carried by the term "kingdom"
A sphere of rule The activity of ruling -Includes the delivering of its subjects from oppression and bringing blessing to them, as well as exercising authority
Place in Acts when Luke switches from "Saul" to "Paul"
Acts 13:9 switcharoo Acts 9:1-31 Saul's conversion
Jesus tradition
All Jesus said, all Jesus did, everything that happened to Jesus
Being sent to act with the sender's own authority
Pentateuchal pattern
Embeds five major teaching blocks (Like the Gospel of Matthew)
Know what is meant by the command to take one's cross.
Exposing oneself to abuse by open discipleship
Formal word for "editing"
Meaning of "fishers of human beings"
Having the disciples get people to repent, heal the sick, and cast out demons.
Holy Spirit
Ignation Way
I-90 of the 1st century world
Jesus contrasts his teachings with that of the OT, but not in a way that denies the OT, but in a way of escalating it. How thoughts and actions escalate to an even higher level. "The command to love your neighbor and hate your enemy escalates to a command to love your enemies and pray for your persecutors."
Messianic secret
Jesus wasn't vocal about him being the Messiah because people had preconceived ideas of who the Messiah should/would be
Jewish believers who believe that Gentile believers must "live like a Jew"
Acts vs. Luke
Luke: what Jesus began to do and teach Acts: what the ascended Jesus continues to do and teach through followers
Mark's anointing of the community of the disciples
Mark's favorite adverb; Mechanism Mark uses to keep things moving
The Mark-Q documentary hypothesis.
Matthew and Luke based most of their narratives on Mark's writings. They drew from a lost document designated Q.
Why is Matt 11:25-27 considered the "Johannine thunderbolt?"
Matthew's expression sounds like John's statements concerning the relation of Jesus to God.
The Three Synoptic Gospels
Matthew, Mark, and Luke
The principle from the Mosaic law regarding sufficient testimony
Needs at least two witnesses
The mission of Jesus according to Mark's Gospel
Not to be served but to serve and give his life as a ransom
Significance of the Gospel of Thomas
Only gospel that doesn't have a "narrative thread" and Thomas didn't write it.
Meaning of the mystery of the Kingdom
Open secret that before God imposes His rule when Jesus comes back, Christians enjoy its future blessings in advance
Symbolic Actions as Messiah
Pointers to Messiahship: -Miracles and riding into Jerus. on donkey Pointers to restoring Israel: -Calling of 12 disciples -Simon to Peter ("rock"); new community on Peter Pointers of Judgment -Cursing of fig tree: Jesus disappointed in lack of "fruit" Israel (fig tree) has provided -Temple action: rebuking temple leaders
The Ascension
Presence of Jesus in his absence
Structure of John
Prologue: in the beginning was the Word Ch 1-12: public ministry and miracles Ch 13-17: private audience with disciples; prepares them for his departure (Upper Room Discourse) Ch 18-21: transforms Jesus's death into triumph
Purpose of the Beatitudes
Promise compensation at the Last Judgment for Christians who are mournful who long for divine vindication in the face of persecution
Q- Quelle (Source)
Refers to about 250 verses that Matthew and Luke have in common
Significance of the "we" sections of Acts
Shows the authorship of Luke and shows Luke's journey with Paul
Symbolic meaning of the sending of the seventy-two
Since ancient Jews counted the number of nations in the world at seventy-two, Jesus sent out seventy-two messengers ahead of him to symbolize the worldwide evangelistic mission of the church.
Reason for Jerusalem Council
So the Gentile Christians know they shouldn't eat leftover meat from sacrifices, not marry close relatives, not eat meat from a strangled animal, and not eat meat that still has an animal's blood so they can socialize with Jewish believers
Indicative statements in the letters of Paul
Statement of fact. Truths and realities
Peter's Vision
Taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth by expanding to the Gentile world. Everyone has an opportunity to be a Christian
Know the names of the women who appear in Jesus' genealogy
Tamar, Bathsheba, Rahab, Ruth, and Mary
The four authors who wrote down the narrative accounts of Jesus
Pauline cities
The major centers in the world of the time
Know the apologetic emphasis of Mark's Gospel
To counteract the shame of the manner of Jesus's death. Mark stresses Jesus's power to do miracles, to teach, to attract crowds.
Know the two reasons why Jesus spoke in parables
To obscure the truth judgmentally from outsiders who haven't responded in faith. b. To clarify the truth for insiders who have responded faithfully to his plain speech.
Messianic task
To restore Israel back into covenant with God and take God's salvation to the ends of the earth
Paul's mission strategy
Urban: target major cities -Important trade routes Port cities: wants to remain in continual communication
Know meaning of the sign of Jonah
When Jesus spent three days and three nights in a tomb just as Jonah spent the same amount of time in the belly of a whale. The limit of three implies the resurrection.
Meaning of calling Paul a "Task Theologian"
Writes theology to deal with specific issues in the church
Ethical monotheism
a belief in one God of love and righteousness who acts redemptively and judgmentally in history according to his relations with humans
Seven Last Words of Jesus
a. "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing" b. "I tell you truly, today you will be with me in paradise" c. "Woman, look—your son!... Look—your mother!" d. "I am thirsty" e. "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" f. "They are finished" g. "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit"
The various ways that "the Way" can be understood
a. First name used for Christianity b. Reference to the way of: -The Lord prepared by John the Baptist -The cross -Righteousness -Salvation
The Seven "I am" sayings of John's Gospel
a. I am the bread of life b. I am the light of the world c. I am the gate d. I am the good shepherd e. I am the resurrection and the life f. I am the way and the truth and the life g. I am the true vineyard
The Treasury
refers to a hall in the temple where such gifts are deposited in 13 receptacles shaped like trumpets
the city council that licenses teachers