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More tips for cold contacts

*be sincerely interested in the other person *assume he or she is helpful and friendly *be clear and specific about your intent. Be able to verbalize the type of job you are seeking and the type of help you need( a referral) *be grateful for whatever anyone can do. Send a thank-you note to follow up. Gratitude, as you will learn later, is one of the most potent success principles *be truthful

Information interview

*best approaches to networking is setting up a meeting to gather information *organizing your contacts -by specific company -save them electronically in a word document or spreadsheet •allows you to update the information quickly -keep information such as •names, titles, company names,addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses, dates of contact, and notes regarding follow up -ongoing process

Application Guidelines

*follow all directions -read the entire application before you begin *neatness counts -print clearly *take you own pen-or take two! -good idea to use usable pen *use black pen -dark blue is ok *dont use a pencil

Where companies look for employees

*internally *outsourcing agencies *want ads and job boards -most individuals look for a job in the opposite manner •the internet makes all sorts of new and exciting ways to network and job search available to you

application guidelines

*less is more -especially when you're asked about a criminal history *petty offense vs felony -be as brief as possible, dont give unnecessary negative details *add value -extra details are ok if it is going to add value to your application .GPA>3.0 with your H.S or college info .supervisor next to your job title if it applies *target your qualifications to the job -concise statements .use the skills formula, quantify your skills

Warm and cold contacts

*meeting -dress the oart -treat this as an information review •ask as many questions as you can •listen more than you speak, take notes -your goal is to make a connection •ask for referrals •FOLLOW-UP! Be politely persistent

application guidelines

*spell correctly -have a pocket dictonary or look up the proper spelling of words on your phone -spell check any electronic applications *list your best references -only list people that will make you shine *be truthful -you will sign this, its a legal document *fill in every question -dont leave blank spaces, if it doent apply to you write "N/A" or a dash "-", when appropriate: "will discuss"


-"your sincerely", "sincerely", "respectfully"(recommended for writing to law firms) -leave room for your signature and don't forget to sign in! •only black or dark blue ink •if electronic, option to use script font or insert image of your signature -contact information either after closing or in the heading -write "enclosure" at the bottom •indicates you're including your resume

Chapter 4: Synergy

-The enhanced results when two or more people combine efforts or energy By becoming conscious of these often overlooked opportunities, you can leverage the time and energy spent job searching

Professional Cover Letters

-a cover letter is more than an introduction to your resume -put in the time and effort to create a valuable cover letter, it can be a turn-off to your resume -it is your opportunity to show the employer how you can add value to their organization

Quantifying/quantified skills

-are those that include specifics measurable amounts(s) in numerical form •readers eyes in naturally drawn to numbers

Challenging questions

-be prepared to explain temporary/seasonal work, laid off, stay-at home parent,relocation, growth opportunity, academic endeavors,military service ,career changing, health •health questions -some health questions are illegal, they can ask if you have a disability that can affect your performance •salary questions -don't give an exact amount, unless required -"open" or "negotiable" -be honest about previous salary when asked

More topics for cold contacts

-be sincerely interested in the other person -assume he or she is helpful or friendly -be clear and specific about you intent. Be able to verbalize the type of job you are seeking and the type of help you need ( a referral) -be grateful for whatever anyone can do. Send a thank-you note to follow up. Gratitude, as you will later learn, is one of the most potent success principles -be truthful

A professional handshake

-do not forget to shake hands or offer a very weak handshake which can give the wrong impression -how to work a room *use your professional handshake,30-second commercial, and give your news NBC to news contacts *remember to ask for his/her business card *send follow-up cards after the event or meeting to the new contacts you meet

Imagine having an opportunity to meet one of the people from one of your networking lists. Now imagine meeting that person but not being able to speak. This might be what it feels like when an opportunity arises, but you are not in a position to market yourself. Instead, prepare yourself for opportunity. Many students think they cannot have personal business cards because they do not ah e professional jobs. That is incorrect think f. You ar won't only permitted, but it is essential if you intend to market yourself as a profesional. How will you use your NBC? The ways are endless. Here are a few of the ways students use their NBCS:

-give to a new professional contact -hand out at conference and job fair -attach your resumes and cover letters -enclose one with thank-you notes

Additional tools for cover letters

-limit abbreviations -follow the resume style -don't restate resume -focus on the company -business format -accurate -one page -attitude -contact information -bullets

The components of professional cover letters •body of the letter

-paragraph 2:market your skills and target them to this position Focus on you accomplishments, skils, and experience -limit soft skills •quantify the skills you are highlighting -limit the use of "T" •option to have 2 columns the requirements on the left and your qualifications on the right (ex.pg. 172, 177,178)

The components of professional cover letters •body of the letter

-paragraph one:states the purpose of your letter and the position you're applying for •grad their attention with TVs first sentence. It should set you apart from other candidates -mention a contact/referral in the first sentence(ex pa 171) -may mention where you saw the advertisement -highlight you qualifications Ex of good opening/first senescence:•seven years as a certified Network Administrator with experience in LAN design, implementation, and support is what I bring to the open Senior Network Administrator position •Kevin Beck suggested I contact you directly regarding the open (position you are applying for) position with (company name) with over 10 years in the (industry field and proven experience with (specific skill), (specific skill), and (specific skill), will add value to your organizations •please accept this letter and attach resume as my application for the open (position you are applying for) position.

Be sure you cover letter stands out

-personalize you cover letter -reference the title of the position -use the hiring agents name, along with Mr. Mrs. or Dr to greet, -target your skills to the position -avoid using soft skills unless you provide specific examples -use an action paragraph to close -use varied sentences

Skills formula

-uses bullets, power words, and keyword skills to create quantified outcomes for your professional resume •bullet+powerpoint(verb) * keyword skill(noun)=outcome(quantified results)

Part 2:

-write clearly and concisely -use the same fonts, paper and headings that are on your resume -include your contact information -use business letter format -end your letter with sincerely, yours sincerely, or respectfully (the last is most appropriate when applying to attorney office/law firms)

More in NBCs(essay question)

-your name -your degree(use the words "in progress" if you are still working on your degree) -your skills- a few that are essential to your field -professional email address and phone number -a visual related to your field -make it professional and easy to read

Case study:utilizing social media Pg:93 "If your Facebook posts are public, It makes me not want to hire you" Nathan felt well equipped to land his dream job as he prepared to graduate with his degree in information technology, but he did not think about how social networking might play into the equation. Nathan did not want to relocate his family from his home town in the Midwest, so he spent a great deal of tile scouting online job boards for positions in his area. While Nathan had a Facebook account, he did not have a LinkedIn or any other social media site. He also felt Facebook was not really for him and spent little tome using it. One day his wife, jolene, took it upon herself to update her status announcing and congratulating her husband's accomplishments and what he hoped to do. Here is what jolene posted: Congrats to my hubby, Nathan for graduating with his IT Degtee!!! now he needs a great paying job lol. FB me if you know of anyone hiring in the area- we don't want to move. While several people liked her posed, no one contacted Nathan regarding the position.

1. It was not appropriate because she used informal slangs and abbreviations such as "hubby" and "lol" and she sounded a little unprofessional such as "!!!" And "we don't want to move" 2.congrats to my hubby Nathan for graduation with his IT Degree. And tell them her expression about his achievements, not a job posting on Facebook. Also Nathan should be looking for the job himself not his peers. 3.linkedin 4.no. It would make sense to find a job for that person. He's the one to give all the personal info and his info that only him has. If someone asks then it won't be specific enough. 5. Make sure it's professional and nobody is posting unprofessional Facebook job postings for you.

Types of resumes

1.chronilogical 2.functional or skills 3.combination, hybrid, or custom 4.scabbable, plain text, or online

The 8 best ways to find you next job

1.tap your network 2.connect with alumni 3.attend events 4.use linkedin and other social media site to maximum effect 5.check job Boards 6.contact headhunters 7.craigslist 8.indeed.com

Fonts for all resumes(essay for chap 5)

1.use one of the sand serif fonts of time new Roman 2.keep font size 10-14 for scannable resumes (12-14 for name and headings; 10-12 for the rest of the information depending on the font style) 3.avoid italic, underlining or shading 4.bold sparingly 5.sending your hard copies if you can as a back up. Fonts: Ariel(contemporary look; if you choose Ariel use a smaller size font such as 10 or 11 or the resume can look less professional) Book an old style(traditional look) Bodoni MT (traditional look) Courier new(traditional look) Franklin gothic book(contemporary look) Garamond(traditional look) Helvetica(contemporary look) Palatine linotype(traditional look) Times new roman(traditional look) Tahoma (contemporary look) Verdana(contemporary look)

Hidden job market

A network that consists of real people you will associate with in your career search, and while climbing the career ladder, also known as a hidden network.

chronological order

A resume that lists specific skills under each position held

Chronological resume

A resume that lists specific skills under each position held -works best when the candidate has recently education and/or work experience directly related to the position -Education first vs work experience first •education(regardless of where it's listed) -most current degree first & rest in reverse chronological order -In college: list current education pursuit & denote with "in progress" or "anticipated graduation date May 20XX"

Plain text resume

A resume with simplified formatting, in order to prevent errors when sending it electronically


An experienced person who helps and guides another -great aspect to networking -find a mentor who will push you to share your details -essential to reaching your career goals and dreams -someone you look up to and help you keep your commitments -help propel you to your career faster, and with less work

Water rises to its own level

Career coach 4.1 *who are you attracting into your life? *you are influenced by those you spend time with whether or not you want to be or think you are and vice versa *negative people have powerful frequencies-give them space! *think of the 5 people you spend most of your time with are who they currently are or who they're becoming aligned with your values and where you want to go? *spend time with your supporters and people that have achieved what you would like to achieve. "Be the change you wish to see in the world"

Resume formats

Chronological resume:this type states work experience in reverse order, and lists skills under positions. It focuses on career growth and development. Advantages:- traditional formal that is familiar to employers, easy to write and emphasizes steady work history. Disadvantages: it emphasizes gaps in employment, job-hopping or career changing. Functional or skills resume: this type focuses on strengths, experience, and skills. It should be used when first entering the job market, changing careers, or for freelance work Advantages:focuses on skills and not your work history; disguises gaps in work history Disadvantages: it may lack depth and is not as familiar to employers. You may need education to back up your skills Combination resume: this type combines both the chronological and functional resume types. It offers a complete picture of skils and work history Advantages: it presents relevant skills, abilities, and employment record Disadvantages: it may become repetitious and long

Cold contact

Contacting a person you don't know but you are going to call or connect with regardless •there are successful ways to approach each type of contact while your searching for a job •never ask directly for a job, you are looking to make a connection, get a lead, and see what information you can gather

Social media

Digital technology, websites, and other online means of communication that are used by large groups of people to share information and to develops social and professional contacts

Challenging questions

How can you be sure employers will want to meet you, rather than be cautious of you? -be discrete yet honest answering questions on the application concerning: •criminal record -state the facts,what it was, how you've changed •fires or down-sized -state of diplomatically, don't criticize •gaps in works history -use seasons instead of dates -they're aware there are legitimate reasons for gaps

Career coach 4.5 pg. 98 persistence

If you make new connections that fail to produce interviews, don't sweat it. This is expected. You might be wondering why you need to wet and contact so many people. Why can't yogi find the perfect job without much effort? After all, you are a great candidate! There are many layers to the answer. For one, you need to remember that you are working with visible marketing schemes and invisible energy systems. Second, you need to understand that this is not a linear process. Most of us neither need, nor want, the les of gravity spelled out in order to appreciate their validity. Integrate these tools into your job search method. "Stir the energy pot". Hammer away at the rock. More than likely, you will never know for sure which blow caused the rock to shatter, but it will shatter. Keep at it. " not hiring" can mean "not hiring at this moment". Winners win, not because they hammer longer, but because they hammer smarter. They created their own good luck, and so can you!

Pg.88 leverage your efforts

Learning how to make a nurture contacts is a skill that can be learned. Leverage allows you to do a lot with a little. There are many ways to leverage in business. In job hunting and promoting your z ca steer, leveraging time, people and the invisible network all pay off. Leverage equals speed. Some examples of leverage include investing, where your money begins to work for you. Another example is royakiyies. This is where your screenplay, book, or idea 💡 is bought, produced, and sold to the masses, creating income and subsequently leverage, in networking, the efforts of connecting our off by securing and/or advancing your career. It's always who you know. You can also move your offline contacts online, to leverage your social and professional network. There are many ways to do this. One is by setting up a profile on an online networking site, such as lines kin, you can also join professional groups in social media such as Facebook and Twitter.

master application

Master application -an application you fill out and take with you to interviews or places for employment, so all of your information is in one place and easy to transfer to the application you will turn in •simply transfer the information on the master application to the application your potential employer wants you to fill out

Career coach 4.4 ask!

Not many people like making cold contacts or calls. In the job search game, those who make connections and use them win. Asking is a skill: it is also a success principle. Ask and you shall receive is even biblical. People do not like making cold contacts for many reasons. Some are afraid of rejection while others are afraid that they will look foolish. Most of the time, people are simply not hungry enough. They want desperately to break out of their familiar ruts, but often not desperately enough. They lack the tools and belief in themselves to break out. Life is a whole lot fun when you let yourself play the game. By using these tools, you will not only get in the game, but you will also eventually claim your personal career victories. Asking is one of the poweful tools you can use in your career journey to success. Cold contacts (or cold calls ) in the job search is not the same as cold calling people to sell them something. Your goal in these cold calls is to make a concoction, get a lead and see if you can meet the hiring authority for an informational interview or find out any piece of information that would help you in your job search. While many companies will not allow anyone from the outside to submit a resume, many small to median sized firms (remember where the jobs are) will. I know of individuals who dressed like they were going to an interview, walked into the companies they wanted to work for, presented their resume, and not only did they get an interview, but they also landed a job. Presentation and prwrsisyence matter. Consider the following student's perservance and professionalism:

Pg 89 use professional organizations for leverage

Professional organizations are one of the best ways to network in your field. If your not sure how to find the professional organizations in your field, ask your advisor or one of your professions or simply search online for the name of your field and "professional organization". Most professional organizations have student memberships at a discounted rate and many have special programs and events for students. Once you find a professional organization that's a good for for your career goals join and become active. Volunteer for committed and get involved. If there is a student version of the professional organization at your schools join that as well, it's another opportunity to network. Although it may seem like you do not have tome to do these types of activity, the time spent will leverage your networking for your career. In the long run, your time will be well spent. Not into will you grow professionally and provide service to your field, you will also gain long-lasting networking connections. Adding services to your field is great for your resume as well.

Power words and keywords together(essay)

Solicited and developed new clientele for both the staffing and Human Resources product line Billed over $50k in direct hire revenue in the first three months Established processes and procedures for the administration of sales, recruitment, payroll, benefits, and training Managed all human resource related issues for 250+ employees Guided office from start-up to over $500k in sales(projected in one calendar year) with highlights of more than 1,100 contract hours assigns in one week and over $20k in direct hire revenue generated in one month Sources and interviewed candidates daily from C-Level executives to entry-level positions Provides security services for over 200 concerts

Career coach 6.1:how to handle the salary requirement

Some employment ads will ask you to list your salary requirements on your resume, cover letter or application. It is crucial that you are diplomatic and careful in how you word this information. You don't want to be eliminated from the candidate pool for not answering this question and you don't want to be eliminated for staying a salary requirement, then you are better off giving one. One way to handle this is to know what the job is worth and used a desired range, such as $45,000-$55,000. You can use an online salary calculator such as www.salary.com or www.payscale.com, to find salary ranges in specific geographic locations. However, if you can avoid a specific number, do so. State instead that salary is negotiable or that you would like to know more about the specifics of the job to properly discuss the salary. Be aware that if you state a number, the employer may try to hold you to it. It will not leave much room, if any, for negotiation. Some students have reported posting their resumes on job boards online and stating their desired salaries. Later they were held to that salary range when offered the position-much like a contract. For this reason, leave salary information off job boards as well. Use the terms negotiable or open instead when referring to your desired salary.

personal reference

Someone other than an employer who can make statements about your ethics, trustworthiness, and personality

Professional reference

Someone who knows your work, such as an employer or co-worker

Warm contact

Someone you are comfortable contacting

Essay(cover letter) Identify and describe parts cover letter Ex:para 1, 2, 3

Specific with what each paragraph is (appropriate greeting paragraph, outside address, action paragraph, apportioned closeting, enclosure part.)

Sometimes I would hand-deliver my resume to different doctors offices. That is how I found my current job. I wore scrubs because I was w medical assistant, and delivered my resume to each office. When I arrived at my current workplace to give them my resume, I did not know that I was giving it to the office manager! She said what she liked almost about me was hat I had a smile on my face when I walked into the office, and that I used correct grammar and spoke well when she asked me questions-Marcia biggers, student, Virginia college online

Staking a claim on the career you seek requires stepping outside your comfort zone. It might also require wandering in a state of confusion, at least for a short time. Take things one step at a time and use your support system.


Terms related to specific skills or qualifications that employers search for in electronic resumes Ex: accountant, cost reduction, CPA, Finacial analyst, healthcare, JAVA, MBA, medical, paralegal, project management, recruiter

comfort zone

The environment, situations, or people that make you feel the most safe and normal Break out of you comfort zone •apply to jobs you want and risk rejection

Position power

The power that a title brings to an individual


The power to do more with lesson

Networking business card (NBC)-(from nook and for essay) (components and when to use it)

Think about how many times you have gone to an event or convention and met new people, and wised you could have handed them a mini resume if yourself as a way to let them know your skills. Handing out your business card is nice, but if you are looking to land a different job, you need a networking business card(NBC). A networking business card is a personal business car that includes your name, contact information, desired field of employemtn, and a brief description of your skills or qualifications. A business card usually means "I have a job. Give me a call if I can be of service". Your NBC introduces you by saying, "I am capable and professional. You want me on your team." Furthermore, if you are changing fields or not working, your NBC can demonstrate your current ability and desire to be gainfully employed. In order to leverage your networking effort, it will help you immensely to know how to make a NBC. Beyond your resume and cover letter, the NBC is a tool that you can immediately use to leverage your abilities and help you land your ideal job. When put on the spot, inner security can show up for those who do not have a business card. A logical step to thwart this feeling is to prepare for the inevitable by creating a business card how's believe it or not, there comes a time when your purpose in life will be clear. It will be so clear that the world will come to you without the need to market yourself. Until you reach that point, use these tools to your advantage. The winning combination is to use the university principles and marking techniques previously discussed.


Using contacts for purposes beyond the reason for the initial contact, especially in business and career searches

Power words(essay)

Verbs in your resume that best describe and emphasize what actions you did in the position Ex:solicited and developed, billed, established, managed, guided, sources and interviewed, provided.

Career coach 4.1 pg 80-81: water rises to its own level

Water rises to its own level is a principle that works for water as much as it works for you, we will expand in what we learned about this principle in earlier chapters to maximize using it in networking. First if you do not like the people you are attracting, you need to change you "internal water level". Essentially, you attract what is in you. John C Maxwedl, the author of The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership, said it best "if you think the people you attract could be better, then it's time for you to improve yourself. Who you are is who you attract." If you find that you are always attracting employers who do not see your true abilities, or people who do not fully appreciate you, then you need to make some changes from the inside out. Next it is important to realize that you pisses properties that are somewhat magnetic. You align with people and things subconsciously, the people you hang around influence your. Some people are very negative and this can rub off on you if you are not diligent about repelling that energy.

First cut

When employers sort through a pool of applicants and accept or reject them based on their applications or resume materials

Invisible network-

an imaginary network that can be as powerful as your hidden network *should try it out for at least 30 days -be open to the results and thinking confidentially, *Allows you to gain confidence -puts you a step ahead of the rest as you take charge of your career

Be part of the 2 %-

going for your dreams,confidence, exploring new things,liking change, living without limit, etc


wk exp rev.order Skills under positions *focuses on career growth+development •traditional easy to read/write emphasizes steady wk hx •emphazies gaps inemployement job hopping or career changing

The importance of a professional resume

•"even your marketing pieces carry your energy."-Dr. Joe Vitale •There are hundreds of ways to create a winning resume -find the style that appeals to you and learn what key elements you should use to make your skills shine •employers usually look at a resume for 30 second or less!

Chronological Resume

•Benefits -traditional -most employers are familiar/comfortable with this format •considerations -focuses on positions and degrees -May not adequately display skills you have developed or highlight your transferrable skills

Functional or skills resume

•Functional resume -a resume that organizes skills and accomplishments into grouping that support accomplishments into grouping that support the position objective; also known as a skills resume •works well for candidates changing career fields or who are seeking job not related to their majors

The components of professional cover letters

•Return address -your address w/phone number and email •date -day the letter is sent •inside address -the company's address and the name of the person you're sending the application to •greeting/salutation -address to the individual receiving it, therefore you may need to find out who this is if it's not posted Ex:dear members of the search committee or dead sir or madam

Professional recruiters

•also known as a headhunter •many recruiters charge their clients a fee, the most reputable employment agencies charge the companies the placement fee.

Completing an error-free application

•applications, like resumes, receive only a few seconds of the hiring persons tome before he or she makes a decision to continue reading or place in the "no" pile •think of the application as the first "job" the employer gives you -don't rush, plan to spend up to 2 hours on an online application.

Combination, hybrid, or custom resume

•combination resume (example pg.123) -a resume that combines both the chronological and functional resume types: also known as a custom or hybrid resume •list skills in grouping under the positions which are similar in nature rather than repeating yourself for each job

Writing an effective cover letter

•cover letters are essential marketing tool •demonstrating that you can write in complete sentences, construct paragraphs, organize your thoughts and make strong statements -examples of:174-178 -excercises 6.1 pg 179-180

Social media in your job search

•digital technology •LinkedIn -200 countries -300 million registered users -profile works like an online resume -recommendations -endorsements

Resume dos

•do use power words/verbs to highlight your skills •do quantify your skills. In other words, use numbers. For example: billed over 50k in direct hire revenue in the first three months •do use bullet points •do emphasizes transferable skills •do tailor your resume to the job opportunity •do use correct tenses •do include leadership roles and volunteer work •do keep your resume looking sharp and focused

Chapt 5:Resume don't s

•don't use senternces •don't use font under 10 or larger than 13 •don't lie! This is cause for termination •don't add unnecessary word •don't provide personal info including martial status, race,religion, health, height, weight, family, and so on. •don't use first person:no, I, me, my, and so on •don't right justify, (align margins) -only left justify

Target the position

•each resume should target the company and the position That you are seeking •target your resume to a specific company,position, and person who will make the decision, the better!

The first cut

•first cut -when employer sort through a pool of applicants, and accept or reject them based on their applications or resume •having a profesional resume says volumes about who you are •details matter

Resume challenges

•gaps in work history •held many positions in one company •fires, down-sized or quit •short-term, summer, or temporary positions •overqualified •breaking into a new field

Networking opportunities

•goal is to wake up the network that is around you in your everyday life -examine contacts in new ways •idenitify, and then expand your network •always ask those in your network for possible contact names *networking wheel

Functional resume organization

•header •summary or objective •targeted skills headings with billeted skills •chronological work experience with company names, dates of employemnt, and title (don't include skills in this section) •education(you can place this earlier in the resume if it is relevant to the position you seek) •other optional sections

Skills formula example2:

•instituted changes in drug and alcohol screenings, reducing company costs by 38% Keywords: drug and alcohol screenings Power word:instituted Quantified outcome: reducing company costs by 38%

Leverage you career

•leverage -the power to do more with less •who you know matters •position power -is the power that a title brings to an individual •leverage your efforts -networking -move offline contacts online •use professional organizations for leverage -join and become active -looks great on your resume

Your social media presence

•multiple social networks -LinkedIn -Facebook -Twitter -Instagram -tumblr Warning :post that appear unprofessional or inappropriate may cost you a chance at getting hired!

Enhance networking results

•need networking tools to give you an edge over competition Tools include: -networking business card -professional handshake -working a room -informational interviews -organizing your contacts

Formatting scannable, online, or plain text resume

•open your resume in word •go to resave your resume with a different name. You might save it as "online resume" or "scannable resume" •before you click "save" go to the "save as type": at the bottom of the save box. Select either "plain text" or "text only." You will see if added ".txt" to your file name •now save the file with the "txt" •stay in word and reopen your plain text document to edit a few thing •your resume will look different •change any bold words to all capital letters •notice your tabs are gone, so use the space keys for indents •change any bullets to other symbols such as +, *, or -. •fix any indent problems or line problems •save and close our word problems •there are many ways to save and send resume in the cloud if needed

Networking Business Card (NBC)(essay question)

•personal business card that includes your name, contact information, desired field of employment, and a brief description of your skills or qualifications •prepare yourself for opportunity •basically a mini resume -perhaps include an image or icon associated with your career intent

Paragraph 3 is the action paragraph •the final paragraph in a cover letter that takes action by asking for the interview and stating when you will call the employer to follow up on the application

•politely directly ask for the interview -confident can conceited •using assumptive language in the final sentence is ok -"I look forward for the next step" "I look foward to discussing the position further" -state when you'll follow up

Portfolios: putting it all together

•portfolio is to enhance your marketability -great for teachers, graphic artists, artists and journalist, but anyone can create a portfolio,regardless of your profession or program of study •traditional portfolios include the following: -cover page, table of contents with clear divisions; career components and evidence of skills Career components-(Networking business card, cover letter, resume, reference list, letters of recommendation) Evidence of skills<job related, transferrable, and adaptive> (Achievements and awards, projects, presentations, transcripts, certificates and liscense, assignment/samples of your best work, volunteer/community service, conference and workshops:a list of those you attended and/or presented at videos/DVDS.

Scannable, plain text, electronic or blind resume

•scannable resume -formatting removed, which would change when sending the resume electronically -should always have a resume that is ready in the scannable format so that it retains its profesional qualities •plain text resume -a resume with simplified formatting, in order to prevent errors when sending it electronically (AKA scannable, electronic or online resume) see pg 124 for instructions

Functional skills

•transferrable skills •downplaying job changes/career change

Skills formula example 1:

•upgraded company retirement plan from 403-B to 401k, increasing enrollment by 14% and decreasing costs by 10% Keywords:company retirement plan 403-B 401k Power word:upgraded Quantified outcome: increasing enrollment by 14%; decreasing costs by 10%

Resume overview font...

•work experience or list of positions -lists in reverse chronological order, from the most recent to the least •other optional sections -honors or rewards -activities or community/civic involvement/ clubs, sports, volunteer work -professional affirmations:those relevant to this position -publications •references -should not be included on the resume

Delivering your resume:

•you can: -mail it to the company, respond to an ad, apply online, have a networked inside contact pass it on, or present it yourself •anytime you can present the resume t the person who does the hiring, do it. •remember to dress appropriately for this face-to-face meeting as well

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Algebra 1: Modeling with Quadratic Functions

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(15) PSY452 - Chapter 12: Decision Making

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Chapter 4 - Profitability Analysis

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