Nutr 100 chapter 11

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What becones infammated in atherosclerosis resulting the damage in endothelial cells?

artery lining


as body becomes increasingly insulin resistant, the pancreas must secrete more and more insulin

insulin resistance

as people gain weight and become less active, their muscles, fat, and liver become less sensitive to effects of insulin

when should u begin to be tested for lipoprotein

at age of 20


blockage of a cerebral artery , an impeded blood supply to some part of the brain resulting in the destruction of brain cells; also called cerebrovascular accident


blood fats that are absorbed from food and manufactured by the body

Why are males more prone to CVD until the age of 65?

becaause women have high estrogen production levels which are highest during the child bearing years protect premenopausal women against CVD

thrombolic stroke

caused by a blood clot that forms in a cerebral or carotid artery that has been narrowed or damaged by atherosclerosis

embolic stroke

caused by an embolus, a wandering blood clot that is carried in the bloodstream and may become wedged in a cerebral artery

ischemic stroke

caused by blockage in a blood vessel

angina pectoris

chest pain, a condition in which the heart muscle does not receive enough blood, causing severe pain in the chest and often in the arm and shoulder

High density lipoproteins

contains relatively little cholesterol that helps transport cholesterol out of the arteries; "good" cholesterol

heart attack

damage to, or death of, heart muscle, resulting from a failure of the coronary arteries to deliver enough blood to the heart

balloon angioplasty

involves threading a catheter with an inflatable balloon tip through a coronary artery until it reaches the area of blockage, the balloon is inflated, flattening the plaque and widening the arterial opening

Out of the two types of strokes which is more common? ischemic or hemorrhagic


What are the two types of strokes?

ischemic and hemorrhagic

why is high blood pressure called the silent killer?

it has no symptoms

cardiovascular diease

leading cause of death in the US, kills more than 25000 americans a day

hemorrhagic stroke

occurs when a blood vessel in the brain burst, spilling blood into the surrounding tissue

sudden cardiac death

often caused by arrhythmia , non traumatic, unexpected death from sudden cardiac arrest, most often due to arrhythmia; in most instances victims have underlying heart disease


proteins-and-lipid substances in the blood that carry fats and cholesterol; classified according to size, density, and chemical composition

C- reactive protein

released into the bloodstrem during the inflammatory reponse

What are the two types of ischemic strokes?

thrombotic, embolic

More than _% of men smoke



a disorder in which the metabolism of glucose is disrupted, causing a buildup of glucose in the bloodstream

The financial burden of CVD, including costs of medical treatment and such exceeds ____ anually

$315 billion

What happens in atherosclerosis?

- arteries become narrowed by deposits of fat, cholesterol, and other substances

What can excessive cholesterol do to you?

- clog arteries - increase the risk of CVD

How does smoking harm the cardiovascular system?

- damages the lining of arteries - reduces the level of high-density lip-proteins or "good" cholesterol - it raises the levels of triglycerides and low density lipoproteins or "bad" cholesterol -nicotine increases blood pressure and heart rate -causes platelets to stick together in the bloodstream, leading to cloting -smoking speeds the development of fatty deposits in the arteries

severe vitamin D definciency has been associated with what?

- heart dysfunction - independent of homocysteine levels

Two types of hemorrhagic strokes

- intracerebral - subarachnoid

What are some symptoms of a heart attack?

- pain/pressure in heart - pain in arm, neck, jaw - difficulty breathing -excessive sweating - nausea - vomiting - loss of consciousness

a stroke may cause ...

- paralysis - walking disability - speech impairment - memory loss - changes in behavior

what are some lifestyle choices that help improve cholesterol levels?

- regular exercise - limit saturated and trans fat intake - choosing a healthy dietary pattern -

What are some symptoms of a stroke?

- sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm, leg - sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding speech - sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes - sudden severe headache w no known cause

what kind of lifestyle changes are recommended for everyone with prehypertension and hypertension?

- weight reduction -regular physical activity - a healthy diet - moderation of alcohol use

When does atherosclerosis begin?

- when endothelial cells become damaged (how? most likely through a combination of factors such as smoking, high blood pressure, high insulin, or glucose)

High blood pressure affects 1 in every _ adults

1 in every 3

the national cholesterol education program recommends lipoprotein testing at least _ every _ years

1 in every 5

healthy blood pressure reading is below _ for systolic and _ for diastolic

120; 80

More than _% of women smoke


About ___ people suffer from a symptomless or "silent" heart attack each year


Among you adults aged 18-24, _ are current smokers


Nearly _ in _ deaths is attributable to smoking


The risk of death from CVD is _ to _ times higher in obese people


the risk of developing heart increases up to _% among people who are exposed to environmental tobacco smoke

30 percent

he AHA estimates that ___ Americans suffer from a recurrent heart attack


about _ % of adults have hypertension and _% have prehypertension.

31 and 30

What percentage of adults in the US population have metabolic syndrome?


An estimated _ to _ million Americans are so sedentary that they are at high risk for developing CVD


Of the 60 million individuals who have CVD how many are younger than 60?

43.7 million

estimates show that about _ _ _ _ _ nonsmokers die from heart disease each year as a result of exposure to second hand smoke


on average how much earlier does heart disease develop in people who dont exercise regularly than in people who do?

6 years

Heart disease kills about _____ people per year?

610,000 people

The AHA estimates that _____ americans have a first heart attack each year


Bout _% of all heart attack victims are age 65 or older


Percentage of individuals that suffer from fatal heart attacks ?


AHA estimates that ___ americans have a stroke a year


how many Americans are affected by high blood pressure

80 million

How many americans have on or more types of CVD?

85.6 million

Ishemic strokes account for what percentage of all strokes?


what is the leading cause of death in America?


subarachnoid hemorrphage

a blood vessel on the brains surface ruptures and bleeds into the space between the brain and the skull

intracerebral hemorrhage

a blood vessel ruptures within the brain


a change in the normal pattern of the heartbeat

congestive heart failure

a condition resulting from the hearts inability to pump out all the blood that returns to it; blood backs up in the veins leading to the heart, cusing an accumulation of fluid in various parts of the body


a fatty, waxlike substance that circulates through the bloodstream and is an important component of cell membranes, sex hormones, vitamin D, the fluid that coats the lungs, and the protective sheaths around nerves.


a form of CVD in which the inner layers of artery walls are made think and irregular by plaque deposits; a disease process that causes arteries to become clogged and narrowed,

ventricular fibrillation

a kind of "quivering" of the ventricle that makes it ineffective in pumping blood (if it continues for several minutes it is usually fatal)

What do high levels of c positive protein indicate?

a substancially elevated risk of heart attack and stroke, crp may also be harmful to the coronary arteries


accumulate on artery walls, the arteries lose their elasticity and their ability to expand and contract, restricting blood flow

which ethnic group is at higher risk for hypertenion, heart disease, and stroke?

african americans

What are the major risks for CVD that CANt be changed?

aging, being male, heredity, ethnicity

what are some factors that may result in elevated triglyceride levels?

excess body fat, physical inactivity, cigarette smoking, type 2 diabetes, excessive alcohol intake, etc.

are women less likely to die of cardiovascular disease than they are to die of breast cancer?

false, 1 in 3 women die of cardiovascular disease and 1 in 34 die of breast cancer

cardiac defibrillation

in which an electrical shock is delivered to the heart can jolt the heart into a more efficient rhythm

Where do u get cholesterol from?

from foods and from your liver since it manufactures it

why are patients that have had heart attack advised to take aspirin?

has an anticlotting effect , discouraging platelets in the blood from sticking to arterial plaques and forming clots

high triglyceride levels may indicate what?

heart disease

coronary heart disease

heart disease caused by artherosclerosis in the arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle

The dash is recommended for those with

high blood pressure

what are the five major risk factors for CVD that can be changed ?

high blood pressure tobacco use poor diet physical inactivity diabetes

what does high blood pressure do to arteries?

scars and hardens arteries, making them less elastic and further increasing blood pressure

low density lipoproteins

shuttle cholesterol from the liver to the organs and tissues that require ot


sustained abnormally high blood pressure, a risk factor for other forms of CVDS including heart attacks and strokes

Is LDL the good or the bad cholesterol?

the bad cholesterol because if there is more than the body can use, the excess is deposited in the blood vessels


thickening and hardening of arteries


when blood glucose levels begin to rise

does cvd kill more women or more men?


do women have smaller hearts and arteries than men?


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