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How much energy is required to raise the temperature of one kilogram (liter of water) C


What is the AMDR for fat?


A diet provides a total of 2200 kcalories of which 40% of the ENERGY in from fat and 20% from protein. How many grams of carbs are contained in the diet


what is the DRI for fiber for a person consuming 2500 kcalories

35 g

What is the upper range of fat intake in the AMDR


according to most dietary guidelines, what percentage of the day's total energy intake should be furnished by carbs


How many carbon atoms are found in the most common dietary monosaccaride


what is the normal range (mg/dL) for blood glucose?


Which of the following is an anthropmetric measure?

Body weight

Gram for gram which of the following provides the most energy


which of the following is not a feature of high fiber foods?

Provide more energy per gram than processed foods

which of the following is best known to result from regular ingestion of sugar

dental caries

an empty kcalorie food is one that contains

energy and little or no protein, vitamins, and minerals

When you are under physical stress, what hormone is released quickly to stimulate an increase in blood glucose concentation


Recommended dietary allowances are based on the

estimated average requirments

what are cellulose, pectin, hemicellulose, and lignin


Which of the following enzymes does NOT act on simple sugars


What is the sweetest tasting simple carb in the diet


which of the following is known as fruit sugar or levulose


Recommended Dietary Allowances may be used to

assess dietary nutrient adequacy for individuals

when blood glucose concentration falls, what pancreatic hormone is secreted to stimulate release of stord glucose


which of the following is a component of all 3 dietary disaccharides


what term describes how quickly glucose is absorbed after indegestion how high blood glucose rises as a result, and how quickly blood glucose returns to

glycemic response

what is the name of the animal polysaccharide composed of glucose units


a person eating lots of white bread, white rice, and ready to eat cereals would have a diet with a glycemic index that is


which of the following is know to correlate most strongly with reduced risk of deaths from heart disease

high fiber intake

what is the predominant sweetener used in formulating beverages?

high fructose corn syrup

Which of the following plays a major role in the breakdown of certain types of dietary fiber in the large intestine


which of the following is a typical response of the body to changes in the blood glucose

blook glucose levels that fall too low signal the release of glucogen

if you were to exercise continuosly, about how long would glycogen stores last?

a few hours

the diet planning principle that provides all the nutrients, fiber, and energy in amount sufficient to maintain health is called


Which of the following fibers is water insoluble


which of the following is an example of the difference between in chemical bonds in starch and those in cellulose

cellulose bonds are NOT hydrolyzed by human enzymes

What is the benefit of using a large sample size in an experiment

chance variation is ruled out

What type of nutrient is starch?

complex carb

What is the reaction that links two monosaccharides together


which of the following would most likely lead to primary nutrient deficiency

inadequate nutrient intake

which of the following cannot add fat to the body

inorganic nutrients

Features of a chronic disease include all of the following except

it produces sharp pains

characteristics of an actute disease include all of the following EXCEPT

it progresses slowly

Food energy is commonly expressed in kcalorie and in


which of the following sugars is NOT found in plants


An essential nutrient is one that cannot be

made in sufficient quantities by the body

providing enough but not an excess of food is called


Enzymatic digestion of starches takes place in the small intestine and also in the


glycogen is stored mainly in which of the following tissues?

muscle and liver

a diet planning principle that provides all the nutrients. fibers, sufficent to maintain health is


protein sparing in the body is best achieved when a person ingests

adequate levels of carbs and fats

what is the fate of excess dietary protein

after absorption the extra amino acids will be rapidly degraded

all of the following are contained in an amino acid except

an aldehyde group

what is "limiting amino acid in protein

an essential amino acid present in insufficient quantity for body protein synthesis t otake place

what is zymogen

an inactive enzyme precursor

the body's usual response to detection of antigens is to synthesize


marasmus occurs most commonly in children of ages

1-5 months

what is the range of daily protein intake in g/kg recommended for athletes


a solution with a pH of 7 is how many more alkaline than one with a pH of 6


What is the AMDR for protein


A normal half cup vegetable serving weighs approximately how many grams


according to the american dieteic association what is the daily value for fiber when expressed in g per 1000 kcal


How many vitamins are know to be required in the diet of a human being


How many minerals are known to be required in the diet of human beings


kwashiorkor develops in children

2 1/2-5

how many different kinds of amino acids make up proteins


which of the following would be classified as a polypeptide

20 amino acids bonded together

population groups such as sedentary older men, sedentary younger women, and active older women have a daily energy need (kcal) of approximately


approximately how many grams are in an ounce?


approximately how many milliliters constitufe a fluid ounce?


approximately how many different proteins are present in the human body


what is the RDA for protein for a 48 kg woman

38 g

appromimatly how many kcalores more per day are need by an average college student who is active compared with her inactive counter part


approximately what minimum percentage of all grains consumed by a person should be whole grains


what is the min daily amount of dietary carbs necessary to spare body protein from excessive breakdown

50-100 g

approximately what percentage of a persons genes are similar to that of an unrelated person?


the primary treatment for ulcer caused by the presence of H. pulori is


Among the following population groups, which shows the highest prevalence of lactose intolerance

African American

food labels express the nutrient content in relation to a set of standard values known as

Daily Values

dietary restiriction of phenylaline combined with adequate tyrosine is the treatment with people born with?


which of the following is NOT descriptive of MyPyramid

a broad based figure that conveys the message that grains should be abundant form the foundation of a healthy diet

which of the following describes the antamony of the GI tract

a flexible muscular tube

what is opsin

a light sensitive protein

what is a ribosome

a structure upon which proteins are assembled

what is reflux

backward flow of chyme

the intestinal flora are comprised primarily of


which of the following is not a component of pancreatic juice


the most highly fortified foods on the market are

breakfast cereals

according to nutrition labeling laws, what two minerals MUST be listed on the package label as percent Daily Value

calcium and iron

which of the following foods provides discretionary kcalories for the person on a weights reduction diet

canned pears in syrup

exchange of oxygen, nutrients, and waste materials takes place across the walls of small vessels called


the presence of fat in the intestines stimulates cells of the intestinal wall to release


which of the following compounds does not contain nitrogen


what is the chief function of pepsin

cleaves proteins into smaller polypeptide

what protein is intimately involved in the formation of scar tissue in would healing


what type of reaction is required to bring 2 molecules of glycine together and release a molecule of water


what is a function of hydrochloric acid in the stomach

creates an optimum acidity

what is the process by which heat or acidity disrupts the normal shape of protein chain


a person with a fasting blood glucose concentration of 129 mg/dL would be classified as


which of the following is an assumption made in the formulation of the RDA for protein

dietary carbs and fat intakes are adequate

which of the following is a feature of diabetes

dietary management should focus on total carb intake rather than the type of carbs consumed

when two amino acids are chemicall joined together the resulting structure is called a


into what region of the intestinal tract does the stomach empty


which of the following is a feature of malnutrition?

dysentary is common and leads to diarrhea and nutrient depletion

all of the following are commnon causes of heartburn EXCEPT

eating too slowly

tissue swelling that results from water accumulating between cells is known as


which of the following describes a relationship between protein/amino acids and heart disease

elevated blood homocysteine levels are associated with smoking and drinking

the process by which bile acts on fat so enzymes can attack the fat is known as


what is the function of bile

emulsifies fats

refinded grain products contain only the

endo sperm

an empty kcalor is one that contains

energy and little or no protein vitaminsor minerals

which of the following is a result of the metabolism of energy nutrients

energy is released

which of the following are found on the microvilli and function to break apart small nutreints into the final products of digestion


the study of how environemental factos influence the expression of genes without altering DNA is known ad


what structure functions to prevents entrance of foods into the trachea


what primary factor governs the quality of a food protein

essential amino acid content

all of the following are known to raise hemocysteine levels EXCEPT

excess arginine intake

all of the following describes associations between protein nutrition and body' water balance except

excessive protein losses by the kidney may lead to dehydration

in the metabolism of amino acids for energy, what is the fate of the amino group

excreted as urea

which of the following products of digestion is not normally released directly into the bloodstream


which of the following would NOT be acted upon by pancreatic juice secreted into the intestinal tract?


which of the following is involved in the clotting of blood


All of the following are sources of dietary carbs EXCEPT


which of the following is an enrichment nutrient for grains


the addition of calcium to some organe juice products by food manufactureres is most properly termed nutrient


The "More Matters" food campaign promotes increased consumption of

fruits and vegtables

which of the following regulated the pH of the stomach


which of the following substances functions to control the release of hyrochloric acid to prevent excessive acidity


the process by which an amino acid is used to make glucose is termed


what is the simplest amino acid


a person who is starving is losing

glycogen, protein, and fat

excess amounts of homocysteine in the blood are thought to increase the risk of

heart disease

what function does a buffer perform?

helps maintain a constant pH

what is the primary role of the normal, thriving intestinal bacterial population

helps prevent infectious bacteria from attacking the system

what vessel carries blood from the liver to the heart

hepatic vein

the maintenance of thebody's constant internal conditions is guided by the principle known as


A clinical trial must involve

human beings as subjects

whole grain flour contains all parts of the grain with excpetion of the


what is the fate of any enzymes that a present in the foods we eat?

hydrolyzed in the GI tract

In the scientific method, a tentative solution to a problem is called the


what structure controls the passage of materials from the small intestine to the large intestine

ileocecal valve

what is the most likely explanation for the fatty liver that develops protein deficency

inability of the liver to synthesize lipoproteins for fat export

which of the following would you not expect to see in a person with kwashiorkor

increased physical activity

which of the following is the most likely side effect of a high-protein, low-carb diet

increased thirst

in general which of the following is associated with the fewest adverse effects from the treatment of constimpation in adults

ingestion of prunes

what are lacteals

intestinal lymphatic vessel

in vegetarians the RDA is higher for


a meat described as "prime cut" meants that

is is higher in fat than other cuts of meat

important functions of hydrochloric acid in digestion/absorption include all the following EXCEPT

it activates pancreatic lipase

which of the following a a feature of whey protein

it as waste produce of cheese production

which of the following is a feature of the lymphatic system

it carries fats away from the intestines

which of the following is a feature of peristalsis

it consits of wavelike muscular contrations resulting from alternate ightening and relazing of cicular muscles and lonitudianl muscles

which of the following is a feature of hemoglobin

it is constructed of 4 polypeptide chains

which of the following is a feature of an essential amino acid

it must be supplied by the diet

which of the following is a characteristic of the appendix

it stores lymph cells

All of the following are features of stomach acid except

its potentially destructive action on stomach cells is prevented by the presence of bile

which of the following foods kcalories would be considered as part of ones discretionary kcaloie allowance


when amino acids are deaminated the immediate products are ammonia and often a

keto acid

what organ is affected by colitis

large intestine

when nutrients are transported from intestinal epithelial cells to the vascular system what organ is first to receive them


which of the following body organs does not secrete digestive enzymes


acute protein energy malnutrition in children is characterized by

low weight for height

all of the following are documented benefits for people following a vegetarian diet EXCEPT

lower rates of anemia

which of the following is a feature of diabetes

many people with type 2 diabetes are obese

all of the following components are part of the chemical structure of aspartame except

menthanol group

which of the following is a characteristic of protein synthesis

messenger RNA is constructed from DNA template to carry instructions

which of the following are allowed in the diet of a lactovegitarian

milk products and plant foods only

providing enough but no an excess of a food is a diet plannin principle known as


A child who developed a strong dislike of noodle soup after consuming some when she was sick with flu is an example of a food-related

negative association

With the few exceptions all of the following characteristics are shaed by water-soluble and water-insouble fibers EXCEPT

neither has an appreciable effect on glucose absorption

What is the meaning of a double-blind experiment

neither the subjects nor researchers know which subjects are in the control or experimental group

what two systems coordinate all digestive/absorption processes

nervous and endocrine

what element is found in proteins but not in carbs and fats


which of the following may be used to determine protein utilization?

nitrogen balance

a prominent result of transamination reactions is the synthesis of

nonessential amino acids

which of the following is the most calcium dense

nonfat milk

which of the following is a feature of US laws governing information on food labels

nutrition labeling is NOT required on foods produced by small businesses or products produced and sold in the same establishment

what is meant by the amino acid sequence of a protein

order of amino acids in the peptide chain

All of the following are results of making poor food choices EXCEPT

over the long term, they will not affect lifespan in some people

Which of the following is an organic nutrient


what digestive enzyme would be most affected in people who are unable to produce hydrochloric acid


what is the name of the inactive form of the protein-splitting enzyme in the stomach


what is the bolus

portion of food swallowed at one time

all of the following are legumes except


what is teh function of the pyloric sphincter

prevents the contents of the small intestine from backing up into the stomach

protein-hydrolyzing enzymes are commonly known as


what type of enzymes are responsible for hydrolyzing the protiens of food


what is the function of mucus in the stomach

protects stomach cells from gastric juices

if the diet is lacking an essential amino acid, what will be the course of action

protein synthesis will be limited

nutrient dense refers to foods that

provide more nutrients relative to kcalorie

nutrient dense refers to food s that

provide more nutrients relative to kcalories

The types of atoms found in glucose molecule include all the following BUT


which of the following is the most calcium dense?

nonfat milk

The study of how a person's genes interact with nutrients is termed

nutritional genomics

What is the composition of sucrose

one glucose and one fructose unit

what is the composition of lactose

one glucose and one galactose unit

what is the first organ to respond to an increase in blood glucose concentration


Inspection of hair, eyes, skin and posture is part of the nutrition assesment componenet know saw

physcial examination

Nonnutrient substances found in plant foods that show biological activity in the body are commonly known as


In which of the following are ample amounts of carbs almost always found?

plant foods

A parent who offers a child a favorite snack as a reward for good behavior is displaying a food behavior know as

positive association

overeating and gaining body weight is an example of a

positive correlation

what type of deficiency is caused by inadequate absorption of a nutrient?


a perori diganosed with milk allergy would be sensitive to the milk's


The smallest amount of a nutrient that is consumed over a prolonged period that maintains a specific function is called the nutrient


Which of the following has the LEAST amount of fiber


What is the primary absorption site for digestible carbs

small intestine

the purpose of bicarbonate in digestive process is to

raise the pH of chyme

according to food labeling laws acceptbale synonyms for nonfat milk include all of the following except

reduced- fat milk

which of the following terms is used to describe a cut of meat havin a low fat content


why is there little or no digestion of starch in the stomach

salivary enzumes do not work in an acid enviornment

which of the following stimulates the pancreas to release bicarbonate-rich juice


the consumption of 200 kcalories per day is sufficient to meet the needs of

sedentary women

which of the following is a feature of the muscular actions of digestion

segmentation in the intestines allows periodic squeezing alon its length resulting in momentary reversal of the movement of intestinal contents

the enzumes that digest dietary sugars are produced by the

small intestine

what is the primary organ that converts fructose to glucose following absorption

small intestine

which of the following is a feature of the minerals are nutrients

some become dissolved in body fluids

textured vegetable protein is usually made from


what nutrient makes up most of the endosperm section of grains such as wheat and rice


which of the following is not a typical component of stools


afte a hamburger is eaten in what organ is the hydrolysis of its proteins initiated


after swallowing in what order does food pass through the regions of the GI tract?

stomach duodenum jejunum ileum colon

what is the function of the gallbladder

stores bile

according to US food labeling regulations, clear and convincing evidence has been found for all of the following health claims regarding nutrition and disease EXCEPT

sugar and diabetes

which of the following elements is found in certain amino acid


what is the primary cause for belching

swallowing air

what is meant by the term motility in reference to the GI tract

the ability of the GI tract muscles to move

which of the following describes a processing protein synthesis

the code to make a protein is carried by a strand messenger RNA

what is the lumen of the GI tract?

the inner space

which of the following is the primary factor that differentiates one amino acid from another

the side group

which of the following defines protein turnover

the sum of protein synthesis and degradation

which of the following is a feature of vitamin B (12) nutrition in vegetarian?

the vitamin B(12) in fermented soy prodcuts may be present in inactive form

which of the following is a feature of the FDA's regulations of food label health claims?

there are four grades of health claim quality: A, B, C and D

how does sodium a potassium travel into and out of cells?

there are transport proteins within the cell membrane that pick up and release the minerals across the membrane

general features of legumes include al of the following except

they are high in fat

which of the following statement is not characteristic of enzymes

they are involved in synthesis reactions

which of the following is a feature of the daily values found on food labels

they assist people in determining whether a food contains little or a lot of a nutrient

legumes are used as meat alternatives for all the following except

they can be graded prime choice and select

which of the following is a characteristic of enriched grain products

they have all of the added nutrients listed on the label

which of the following represents the highest level of significant scientific agreement

this product contains whole gains which have been proven to reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers

where is the epiglottis located?


which of the following ingredients found on food label is a source of protein


choking occurs when a piece of food become firmly lodged in the


the process whereby messenger RNA is made from a DAN template is called


absorption of nutrients by intestinal cells occurs by all of the following mechanisms except


which of the following is a function of the intestinal microvilli

transport of nutrient molecules

the chief functions of cholecystokinin include all of the following except

triggering release of gastrin

what amnio acid is used to synthesize the neurotransmitter serotonn and vitamin niacin


What is the compostition of maltose

two glucose units

what is the name of the projections on the inner surface of the small intestine


according to nutrition labeling laws, the amounts of what two vitamins MUST be listed on the package label as percent Daily Values

vitamin A and C

when consumed in excess, whic of the following is most likely to cause runny poo


for the most part all of the following are advantages of vegetarian diet except

vitamin B(12) intake is higher

Which of the following is an example of a micronutrient

vitamin C

which of the following is known to be produced by small intestinal bacteria


what two major nutrients are supplies by the fruit and vegtables

vitmanins A and C

which of the following breads has the highest fiber content?

whole grain

pepsinogen is also know an a


which of the following is not associated with the regular consumption of sugary beverages?

the fructose stimulates excessive release of insulin which suppresses appetite

of the ten leading causes of illness and death how many are associate directly with nutrition?

the more risk factors for a disease, the greater the chance of developing the disease

which of the following is a characteristic of dietary fibers?

they are classified according to solubility in water

which of the following is a characteristic of the sugar alcohols?

they provide kcalories

which of the following is a typical response in people following a low carb diet

total weight loss over the year is the same as people on conventional diets

the most commnon causes of death today in the US include all the following except


which of the following is a byproduct of condensation of two molecules of monosaccarides


All of the following sets of values are included in the Dietary Reference Intake except


for most of the world's population, what is the effect of aging on the activity of lactase

declines by 90-95%

What is the benefit of using controls in an experiment

the subjects are similar in all respects except for the treatment being tested

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