Nutrition CH 20

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allows students to receive free or milk of a reduced price with meals

Special Milk Program

By giving vitamin A supplements _______ a year to children who live in areas with high rates of vitamin A deficiency, mortality rates can be reduced by 23% and childhood ___________ by 70%

twice a year; childhood blindness

Undernutrition is commonly seen in older adults, and may partly be the result of _______________ changes that occur as people age, including impaired digestion and absorption, diminished ability to taste, and decreased muscle mass.


The country with the highest under-5 mortality rate is _________ _________.

Sierra Leone

Rates of newborns with a LBW are highest in ______ ______, with one in four newborns weighing less than 5.5 lbs at birth.

South Asia

provides financial support to qualifying facilities that serve meals and snacks to students during the summer

Summer Food Service Program

formerly known as the food stamp program; the largest food assistance program in the United States; aids an estimated 44 million people per year

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

Regular ___________ consumption in children who are undernourished is positively associated with academic performance.


Studies show that diet ___________ improves as income rates increase and families are able to buy more nutrient-dense fruits, vegetables, and animal sources of food.


Having a healthy weight is usually necessary for a woman's ___________.


nonprofit organizations that act as distribution centers for surplus foods

food banks

The only micronutrient deficiency that is common in developed countries is...


Children who are chronically undernourished often perform poorly in school, particularly if they are....

iron deficient

a cooperative initiative designed to increase the accessibility of healthy foods and employment rates in areas that have been identified as food deserts; launched in 2010 as a part of "Let's Move"

Healthy Food Financing Initiative (HFFI)

________, the physiological need for food, usually accompanies undernutrition.


The country with the lowest under-5 mortality rate is _________.


a national organization empowering the next generation of leaders in the fight against hunger

The Campus Kitchens Project (CKP)

T/F: Because many newborns in developing countries are not weighed at birth, the percentage of LBW babies may actually be much higher.


T/F: One bowl of Golden Rice provides 60% of the recommended vitamin A for children 6 to 8 years.


T/F: Regardless of age, a diet that lacks iron can interrupt normal cognitive functioning and reduce physical activity levels.


Undernutrition among older adults increases the risk for...

acute illness, longer hospitalizations, and death

Different forms of biotechnology used in agriculture include... a) crop rotation b) cross breeding of plants c) genetic engineering d) progressive irrigation

b and c

involves the use of living things- plants, animals, and microbes- to manufacture new products


Undernutrition occurs in all countries; however, ____________ countries have much higher rates of it.


Chronic undernutrition, especially when it occurs ________ in life, can result in ___________ negative health effects such as decreased cognitive ability, reduced adult size (stunting), and compromised reproductive functioning.

early; permanent

The USDA defines ______ ________ as areas where numerous low-income people living farther than 0.5 miles away from grocery stores in urban areas or farther than 10 miles away from grocery stores in rural areas.

food deserts

areas in which a large proportion of residents experience difficulty in obtaining nutritious foods

food deserts

A person who is ______ __________ does not have access to enough nourishing food at all times to lead a healthy, active life.

food insecure

To combat hunger and food insecurity among their students, many colleges and universities have established _______ _________ on campus.

food pantries

involves altering a plant or animal's genetic material in an effort to create a new plant or animal with different traits

genetic modification (GM); sometimes called genetic engineering

Plant and animal products that have been genetically altered are referred to as _____________ ___________ _____________ (GMOs)

genetically modified organisms

Because the aging process weakens the _________ system, older adults have a greater risk of developing the physiological consequences of chronic undernutrition than younger adults.


Adequate dietary stimulates ___________, prevents ________ in children, and contributes to normal sexual __________ in adolescents.

immunity; stunting; maturation

Ways to reduce undernutrition among older adults include...

improving nutrition education that targets older adults and their caregivers, enhancing government assistance programs, and providing nutrition supplementation.

Most food assistance programs use _______ to determine eligibility for obtaining assistance.


Not all countries fortify salt at this time for reasons such as...

increased cost to producers, lack of technology for adding iodine to salt in developing countries, and negative perceptions among the population regarding the safety of the iodized salt.

Worldwide, the leading cause of micronutrient deficiencies is.....

lack of nutrient-dense foods and variety in the diet

individuals who experience reduced nutritional quality due to the lack of nutrient-dense food in their diet have...

low food security

iron deficiency anemia and stunting in pregnant women who have a history of chronic undernutrition account for ____-_____ of maternal deaths worldwide.


The costs of childhood undernutrition contribute to decreased ____________ in adulthood, which contributes to the cycle of poverty and undernutrition for generations.


Undernutrition can be very harmful, especially when it occurs during periods of rapid _________ and elevated __________ needs, such as pregnancy, infancy, and childhood.

rapid growth and elevated nutrient needs

reduced adult size


Worldwide, one in every four children is __________ and about one in every five children is ____________ as a result of undernutrition.

stunted; underweight

involves farming methods that meet the demand for more food without depleting natural resources and harming the environment

sustainable agriculture

The _______-___ mortality rate is frequently used to evaluate the health of infants and young children from a global perspective.

under-5 mortality rate

Globally, four micronutrients are identified as top public health concerns: vitamin ___, _____, _________, and _____.

vitamin A, iron, iodine, and zinc

Across the globe, 780 million people do not have access to clean ________, and almost 2.5 billion do not have access to adequate ___________.

water; sanitation

Vitamin A deficiencies result in a ____________ _________ system, which results in inability to combat infectious diseases effectively, especially for children who are not vaccinated.

weakened immune

A recent study found that ____% of undergraduate students at the University of California's nine campuses reported skipping meals to save money.


Approximately _____ million preschool children around the world do not consume enough vitamin A, and as many as __________ children develop blindness each year as a result.

250 million; 500,000

Each year, malnutrition costs $______ trillion to the global economy.

3.5 trillion

As of 2017, nearly _____ colleges and universities in the United States were part of the College and University Food Bank Alliance (CUFBA)


In 2015, 13% of Americans were food insecure, with approximately ___% living in low food security and ___% living in very low food security.

8% ; 5%

Approximately ______ million adults and children worldwide suffer from an inadequate food intake.

870 million

The prevalence of undernutrition is highest in sub-Saharan __________ and southern and eastern parts of _______.

Africa; Asia

T/F: More people in the world experience undernutrition than over-nutrition.


_________ food shortages can result from traditional dietary practices, crop failures, local warfare, and political instability and corruption.


The average IQ score is as much as ____ points higher in countries with populations that have adequate dietary iodine status.

13 points higher

Each year, _____% of deaths in children under 5 years of age, or 3.5 million children, are related to maternal or child undernutrition.


Similar research at the City University of New York found that ____% of students experienced food insecurity in the past year.


In the United States, over ____ million people live in food-insecure households, including 29 million adults and 13 million children.

42 million

T/F: Individuals experiencing marginal food security have a reduction in both the quantity and nutritional quality of the foods they consume.


__________ is the leading risk factor for undernutrition both in developed and developing countries.


T/F: Studies suggest that productivity rates would significantly increase on a global scale if iron deficiency anemia were eliminated, and increased productivity would lead to reduced number of people living in poverty.


T/F: The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program enables low-income Americans to purchase foods as well as certain seeds for their gardens.


occurs when long-term energy and nutrient intakes are insufficient to meet an individual's needs

chronic undernutrition

For the OAA Nutrition Program, meals can either be _________ meals or delivered to participants' homes.


Iodine deficiency during pregnancy could lead to intellectual disability in the developing fetus, otherwise known as...


Many developing nations owe large sums of money to wealthy countries, and these high national debts often cause government leaders to...

cut off or eliminate basic services that would reduce undernutrition and poverty

Annually, nearly ______ a million deaths of children throughout the world who are under 5 years of age are associated with zinc deficiency.

half a million

provides packaged nutritious foods for low-income students to take home with them over the weekend, when they do not have access to free school breakfasts or lunches.

The Backpack Program

provides financial assistance for nonprofit programs that provide free meals to adults 60 years of age and older, regardless of their income

The Older Americans Act (OAA) Nutrition Program

T/F: Stunting is a consequence of chronic undernutrition in infants and children.


Lack of vitamin A is the leading cause of childhood ___________ or _________________.

blindness or xerophthalmia

Stunting in a pregnant woman can increase the need for a ___________ delivery because the fetus' head may be too large to pass through the pelvis.


Chronic undernutrition depresses the body's immune system, increasing the risk of....

infectious diseases

individuals who experience some worry or anxiety regarding food but experience little change in the quality of quantity of their food intake have...

marginal food security

According to Feeding America, the nation's largest food distribution program, ________ food pantries in the United States distribute more than 8 million pounds of food per year.


Although significant reductions in the rates of chronically undernourished have been made in recent years, one in ______ people is not able to access enough food to meet their daily nutritional needs.


Although zinc is found in many grains, a food group that forms the majority of many diets in the developing countries, grains also contain _________ acid, which inhibits the absorption of zinc from the gastrointestinal tract.

phytic acid

Which factors can contribute to undernutrition throughout the world?

social, environmental, economic, political, and other factors

When undernourished children are able to survive, they often have _________ growth, __________, and/or impaired ____________ development as a result of having experienced serious nutrient deficiencies.

stunted growth, blindness, and/or impaired intellectual development

More than 750 million people live on the equivalent of less than $______ per day, making it difficult for those living in chronic poverty to obtain enough food or meet their nutrition needs.


One report estimates that every $1 spent on vitamin A and zinc supplementation in developing countries could generate $____ in benefits from reduced health care costs and improved income.


_________ meals enable older adults to enjoy the company of other people who are their age.


SNAP-ed provides....

nutrition education to those who qualify

Americans who are __________, work in low-paying jobs, or have excessive __________ and __________ expenses often experience food insecurity.

unemployed; medical and housing

individuals who experience reductions in both the quality and quantity of their diet due to an inability to purchase enough food have...

very low food security

In malnourished children, _______ supplements appear to lessen the severity of diarrhea.


Americans who are more likely to be food insecure include:

-households with children, especially with single mothers -households that live at 185% of the poverty threshold -hispanic families -black families -households living in metropolitan areas -households in the southern and western regions of the country

By 2050, the world's population of people who are 60 years of age and older is expected to be at least ____ billion, with about ______-________ of these older persons living in low-income countries.

1 billion; three-fourths

To solve the problems created by conventional agriculture methods, an international team developed the following five points for establishing a universal policy:

1) Stop expanding agricultural activity, especially into tropical forests and grasslands 2) Find ways to improve crop yields on existing farms, such as biotechnology 3) Find ways to use natural resources and pesticides more efficiently 4) Eat less meat 5) Reduce food waste

It is estimated that more than _____ billion people in the world are either overweight or obese.

1.9 billion

Worldwide, between ___-___% of pregnant women are underweight.


_________ supports existing and emerging campus food banks, allowing member institutions to connect, ask questions, and share best practices.


T/F: In children, diets that are iron deficient can lead to blindness.


___________ ___________ is the nation's largest network of food banks with over 200 food banks and 60,000 food pantries across the country that serve more than 46 million people each year.

Feeding America

______ provides financial aid to grocery stores, farmers' markets, and similar food sources that experience difficulty obtaining and marketing nutritious items in food deserts.


The rate of pregnant women who are underweight is even higher in the highly populated parts of the world, such as _________, where 42% of pregnant women have BMI's below 18.5.


A 2016 study published by the USDA revealed that for $_____ to _____ a day, Americans can consume their recommended number of fruits and vegetables a day.


Across the world, _____% of newborns have LBW.


Over ____ million people in the world suffer from micronutrient deficiencies.


According to various international health agencies, the first ____ years of an infant's life are the critical time period for avoiding undernutrition.

2 years

Eliminating both vitamin _____ and ______ deficiencies may be the single most effective intervention for reducing complications of undernutrition on a global scale.

vitamin A and zinc

The under-5 mortality rate is expressed as the number of newborns in a population, per ________ live births, who are likely to die before they reach 5 years of age.

1000 live births

In developing countries, many new mothers (do/do not) exclusively breastfeed their babies for more than a few weeks.

do not

single-dose packages of powdered micronutrients, such as iron, vitamin A, and zinc; must be added to foods before they are consumed

Micronutrient powders

energy-dense pastes that are enriched with micronutrients; often distributed to families by clinic workers and doctors

Ready-to-use Therapeutic Foods (RUTFs)

individuals who experience no concerns or problems purchasing enough food have....

high food security

_______ provides financial incentives such as tax credits, grants, and low-cost loans to retailers that offer nutritious foods in these areas.


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