nutrition chapter 6

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Symptoms of this include: Headache, fatigue Reduced physical and cognitive performance Nausea, confusion, disorientation Can be fatal in extreme conditions

peptide bond

The bond between amino acids in which the acid group of one amino acid is connected to the amine group of another amino acid


The copy of the DNA code for protein to be synthesized: messenger RNA (mRNA)tr occurs in nucleus of cell


The molecule that reads and brings the amino acid to ribosome to make protein: Transfer RNA (tRNA) Translation in _________


The process of adding nutrients back to foods that have lost nutrients due to processing is


The process of adding nutrients to foods that are not generally found in that food is: ________________________ Government mandated and voluntary Prevents deficiencies leading to diseases but may also cause toxicity


Too much folic acid masks vitamin B___ deficiency anemia


Toxicity from too much: Not from food; supplementation a risk. Symptoms include flushing, nausea, tingling of extremities: liver damage UL is 35 mg/day Prescribed in high doses by physicians Decrease LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, increase HDL


Vitamin B complex Non-vitamin, essential nutrient

anemia, nerve

Vitamin B12 deficiency: Macrocrytic ______ _____ damage


___________ are either: Inorganic ions Coenzymes


___________ protein needs for: Pregnancy and lactation injury and lactation competitive athletes

protein-energy malnutrition

a term that covers a range of protein and/or energy deficiency conditions.

phenylalanine, valine, threonine,tryptophan,isoleucine,methionine, histidine,lysine, leucine

essential amino acids: use acronym Pvt. Tim Hall (omit A)


fat soluble vitamins

pernicious anemia

A type of anemia that occurs from inability to absorb vitamin B12 is due to lack of intrinsic factor is _________ ______

plant based proteins

High in fiber, phytochemicals, and unsaturated fat Low in saturated fat, no cholesterol

neural tube birth defects

Inadequate intake of folate/folic acid before and during pregnancy can result in: ______________________________ Examples: Incomplete development of brain, spinal cord and/or spine spinal bifida Incomplete development of brain, skull, scalp Anencephaly


Kidneys and hormones help control _________ levels Smaller amounts lost in stool and sweat


May interfere with absorption of certain minerals, such as zinc, iron, magnesium


Minerals required in the diet in amounts greater than 100 mg per day are ______ minerals

major minerals

Sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur


Some vitamins are consumed and absorbed in inactive or vitamin precursor forms that must be converted into active forms by the body:

protein functions

Speed up chemical reactions (ex: enzymes) Structures Some chemical signals (ex: hormones) Transportation of substances Movement of muscles Immunity (example: antibodies) Blood clotting Fluid balance

amino acid

Structurally, each has: Acid group(-COOH) Amine group (-NH2) Unique side chain

vitamin B6

3 forms: pyridoxal, pyridoxine, pyridoxamine Active coenzyme: pyridoxal phosphate

protein quality

: ability to provide essential amino acids

heart disease

High homocysteine levels associated with increased risk of _____ _______.


Ability to absorb naturally occurring B12 from foods ______ with age


Acts as universal solvent Metabolic processes in the body occur in water Transport system for substances throughout the body Cushion for brain, organs, fetus Lubricates and protects: joints and eyes; is part of mucus and saliva Maintain body temperature

Vitamin B12

Also called cobalamine because it contains the element cobalt only water soluble vitamin stored in the body in significant amounts Important for: ATP production from certain fatty acids Amino acid and protein metabolism Homocysteine to methionine conversion high homocystein linked to heart disease myelin coating of nerve cells


Amino acids with similar ________ use the same transport system

vitamin C

Antioxidant Connective tissue

Celiac Disease

Autoimmune condition due to allergic reaction to protein in wheat, rye, barley:


Can be synthesized in the body from other amino acids or by adding nitrogen to C-containing structures Some amino acids are conditionally essential amino acids: Cannot be made in body in adequate amounts under certain conditions


Celiac Disease condition results in the lumen of small intestine to ____________.

functions of minerals

Cofactors Regulate the body's processes (metabolism) Fluid regulation Bone health Blood pressure regulation Muscle contraction Nerve transmission


Compounds that destroy or neutralize reactive oxygen molecules: __________________ vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium

cell nucleus

DNA here that contains instructions for protein synthesis.


DNA segment that codes for a specific protein

wernicke-korsakoff syndrome

Deficiency condition associated with alcohol abuse: Progressively damaging brain disorder


Deficiency of niacin: __________(the four D's) dermatitis, diarhea, dementia, death Once common in South, due to corn-based diet

amino acids

Elemental component of proteins are


Elevated ___________ intakes over long periods of time can result in: Hydration and kidney function issues increased calcium loss in urine effects on bone health questionable Increased risk for: heart disease, cancer, kidney stones Can displace other nutrient- and fiber-rich foods associated with a reduced risk of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer: Whole grains, fruits, vegetables

Folate foods

Enriched grains (rice, pasta, breads, cereals) Legumes Broccoli Asparagus Green leafy vegetables

vitamin B6

Excess amounts through supplements may result in nerve damage UL is 100 mg/day to prevent nerve damage Deficiency symptoms: Poor growth, skin lesions, poor immune response, numbness or tingling in extremities Because of its role with red blood cell synthesis: microcytic anemia


Fat-soluble vitamins require _______ in the diet to be absorbed.


First B vitamin discovered Deficiency condition in Asia related to diet change from brown rice to polished rice ****Coenzyme needed for breakdown of glucose to provide energy Needed for metabolism of other sugars, certain amino acids and synthesis of ribose (in RNA) Important for nerve function because: Glucose is nerve cell energy source Needed for synthesis of neurotransmitters (chemical signals from neurons)


Food allergies are triggered when a ____________from the diet is absorbed without being completely digested.


Forms two active coenzymes in reactions that produce ATP from: carbohydrate, fat, protein Converts a number of vitamins to their active forms: folate, niacin, vitamin B6 and vitamin K

vitamin B6

Functions as coenzyme for over 100 enzymes in: protein metabolism To create nonessential amino acids Create hemoglobin in red blood cells Conversion of tryptophan to niacin To break down of glycogen for glucose


Functions as coenzyme for: Glucose synthesis Metabolism of fatty acids and amino acids Sources: Cooked eggs, liver, yogurt, nuts bacteria in GI Deficiency: Nausea, thin hair, rash on skin, depression, lethargy Raw eggs contain avidin: binds biotin, resulting in deficiency


Functions: ***coenzye for energy metabolism Glucose and fat ***Synthesis of cholesterol Maintaining health of skin cells and digestive system Daily needs: men: 16 mg/day; women: 14 mg/day


Nutrients needed by the body in small amounts for health and maintenance.


Organic non-protein molecules Examples: B vitamins Bind to enzymes to promote their activity Carriers of electrons, atoms, or chemical groups that participate in the reactions

pantothenic acid

Part of coenzyme A (CoA) needed for: carbohydrate, fatty acid, and amino acid breakdown modification of proteins synthesis of neurotransmitters, steroid hormones, and hemoglobin Needed to form a molecule essential for cholesterol and fatty acid synthesis Sources: widely distributed in foods, abundant in meat, eggs, whole grains, legumes (lesser amounts in milk, vegetables, fruits)

complimentary protein

Plant proteins "upgraded" or made complete by adding:

complete dietary protein

Proteins that contain all of the essential amino acids with some nonessential ones: ___________ _______ _____ Examples: animal proteins, soy protein, possibly quinoa

animal based proteins

Provide B-vitamins and some absorbable minerals high in saturated fat and cholesterol


Pure protein deficiency: ________________ Characterized by edema, especially in the belly

free radicals

Reactive oxygen molecules: Cause oxidative damage by stealing electrons from other compounds, causing changes in their structure and function


Severe energy and protein deficiency: ___________ Characterized by wasting


Sodium, Potassium, Chloride Major role in fluid regulation


alteration of a protein's three-dimensional structure,Due to exposure to heat, acids, bases or salts ex: Cooking meat or eggs and marinating meat will denature the protein

Gene mutation

can result in errors in protein synthesis. Example: sickle-cell anemia


coenzymes for energy metabolism from macronutrients


contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and a unique element: nitrogen


deficiency of this can lead to formation of abnormally large, immature red blood cells present; this is called: macrocytic anemia


may impaired kidney function calcium deposits in body Risk of calcium stones Constipation May interfere with absorption of certain minerals, such as zinc, iron, magnesium


naturally occuring form in foods Functions: Amino acids metabolism coenzyme for DNA synthesis Particularly important for rapidly dividing cells


organic compounds essential in the diet to promote growth and maintenance


protein requirements RDA for people over 19

Limiting amino acid

proteins that are low in one or more essential amino acids: Incomplete Proteins __________________________ Example: Plant proteins


release of hormones nerve transmission muscle contraction

Folic acid

synthetic form of folate Fortified to foods and found in supplements absorbed more easily than folate

beri beri

thiamin deficiency leads to _____ _____. Symptoms include fatigue, weakness Also, depression, poor coordination, paralysis

amino acid pool

used for energy production, synthesis of glucose or fatty acids, and synthesis of nonprotein molecules that contain nitrogen

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