Reading Quiz 15.3

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reforms affecting tariffs, the banking system, trusts, and workers' rights

Wilson demonstrated his executive power as he crafted:

Federal Farm Loan Act

Wilson supported the ___ ___ ___ ___, which helped provide low-interest loans to farmers.

unfair trade practices that limited competition

Wilson supported the creation of the Federal Trade Commission, or FTC, in order to prevent companies from engaging in ________.

435, 42

Wilson won the Electoral College with ___ votes. He won the election even though he received less than ___ percent of the popular vote.

introduced the direct primary, established utility regulatory boards, and allowed cities to adopt the commissioner form of government

Woodrow Wilson pushed through many progressive reforms, such as:


tended to support Roosevelt


tended to support Taft

Princeton University

After a university teaching career that culminated in his becoming the president of ____ ____, Woodrow Wilson entered politics as a firm progressive

New Jersey

As the governor of ___ ___, Woodrow Wilson pushed through many progressive reforms. In less than two years, ___ ___ became a model of progressive reform.

Woodrow Wilson

Because Taft had alienated so many groups, the election of 1912 became a contest between two progressives: Roosevelt and the Democratic candidate ___ ___

Federal Trade Commission

Congress created the ___ ___ ___ to monitor American business

fit as a bull moose

Declaring himself "________," Roosevelt became the presidential candidate for the newly formed Progressive Party, which quickly became known as the Bull Moose Party.

voting rights

Du Bois and other African American leaders believed that ___ ___ were essential to end lynching and racial discrimination.

Wilson believed monopolies should be destroyed while Roosevelt favored regulation

How did Roosevelt and Wilson differ in their beliefs about how the government should handle monopolies?

He lowered the tariff on imported goods by 30 percent

How did Wilson attempt to prompt American businesses to become more efficient and competitive in the global market?

He enacted many progressive reforms as governor of New Jersey

How did Woodrow Wilson gain a solid reputation as a progressive?

Niagara Movement

In 1905 W.E.B. Du Bois and 28 other African American leaders met at Niagara Falls to demand full rights for African Americans. There they launched what became known as the ___ ___.

W.E.B. Du Bois

In 1905 ___ ___ ___ and 28 other African American leaders met at Niagara Falls to demand full rights for African Americans

Mary White Ovington

In 1908 race riots in Springfield, Illinois, shocked many people, including ___ ___ ___, a settlement house worker. She had been studying African Americans in New York, determined to do something to improve their situation.

Underwood Tariff

In 1913 Congress passed the ___ ___, which reduced the average tariff on imported goods to about 30 percent of the value of the goods and provided for levying the first federal graduated income tax

Leo Frank

In 1913 __ ___, a Jew being tried in Atlanta for a murder that the facts proved he did not commit, was sentenced to death. Although his sentence was changed to life imprisonment, a mob lynched him two years later.

Federal Reserve

In order to provide security for bank customers and oversight of U.S. banks, Wilson supported the creation of the __________.

Sigmund Livingston

Lawyer ___ ___ started the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to combat stereotypes and discrimination.

the institution of an income tax on individual earnings

One important provision in the Underwood Tariff Act of 1913 that affected individuals directly was _______

Jane Addams, Ida Wells-Barnett, and Lincoln Steffans

Other progressives, including __ ___ of Hull House and muckrakers ___ ____ and ___ ___, joined Ovington in calling for change.

New Nationalism

Roosevelt called his program the ___ ___ that accepted large trusts as a fact of life and set out to create proposals to increase regulation, favored laws to protect women and children in the labor force and supported workers' compensation for those injured on the job

set national interest rates and regulate the circulation of currency

The Board of Governors of the regional banks had the power to _______

unfair trade practices

The FTC had the power to investigate companies and issue "cease and desist" orders against those it found to be engaging in ___ ___ ___, or practices that hurt competition.

Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914

Unsatisfied by Wilson's approach, progressives in Congress responded by passing the ___ ____ ___. The act outlawed certain practices that restricted competition such as price discrimination, or charging different customers different prices

Americans expected government to regulate the economy and deal with social issues directly

What was one effect progressivism had on the American public's opinion of government?

It failed to address racial, ethnic, and religious discrimination in the country

What was one of the great failures of progressivism as a social and political movement?


When it became clear that Taft's delegates controlled the nomination, Roosevelt decided to leave the party and campaign as an ____

Samuel Gompers

When the bill became law, ___ ___, the head of the American Federation of Labor, called the act the workers' "Magna Carta" because it gave unions the right to exist

Adamson Act

Wilson also supported the ___ ___, which established the eight-hour workday for railroad workers

gave the government too much power over the economy

Wilson believed that the result of Roosevelt's policies toward trusts _______.

New Freedom

Wilson countered Roosevelt with what he called the ___ ___. Wilson argued that Roosevelt's approach gave the federal government too much power in the economy and did nothing to restore competition. Wilson believed that freedom outweighed efficiency.

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913

created the regional reserve banks, supervised by a Board of Governors appointed by the president, became one of the most significant pieces of legislation in American history

Keating-Owen Child Labor Act

prohibited the employment of children under the age of 14 in factories producing goods for interstate commerce

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