OB final 7-14

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C) functional

A manufacturing manager who organizes the plant by separating engineering, accounting, manufacturing, personnel, and purchasing into departments is practicing which type of departmentalization? A) customer B) product C) functional D) geographic E) process

6. Allocating weights to the decision criteria is unnecessary if a. all criteria are relevant. b. all criteria are equally relevant. c. there are only two. d. there are three or more criteria. e. a team is not making the decision.


25. Todd has a tendency to rely too much on the initial information at his disposal about any given issue; he fails to integrate and give weight to new information being given to him. This is known as a. anchoring bias. b. confirmation bias. c. performance bias. d. overconfidence bias. e. availability bias.


58. The ability to produce novel and useful ideas called a. creativity. b. talent. c. decision making. d. lateral thinking. e. problem structuring.


50. Which type of decision-making group is most committed to the group solution? a. interacting b. brainstorming c. nominal d. electronic e. computer-assisted


51. Which technique has the greatest potential for interpersonal conflict? a. interacting b. nominal group c. brainstorming d. meeting e. computer-assisted


49. Which of the following is likely to generate the lowest number of ideas? a. interacting groups b. brainstorming c. computer-assisted group d. nominal group technique e. electronic meetings


16. What is the process of organizing and distributing an organization's collective wisdom so the right information gets to the right people at the right time called? a. knowledge management b. institutional memory c. knowledge building d. institutional management e. knowledge model


13. Which of the following describes the tendency for people to be too optimistic about their abilities? a. overconfidence bias b. availability bias c. escalation of commitment d. heuristical fallacy e. bounded discretion


5. The first phase of the rational decision-making model is a. problem definition. b. solution. c. conflict. d. perceptual distortion. e. managers only.


9. Of the following, which best characterizes the satisficing decision-making process? a. seeking an acceptable solution b. following bounded rationality c. using the decision confirmation process d. searching for consistency e. one which seeks optimization


40. Compared to group decision-making, individual decision-making outperforms on the criteria of a. speed b. diversity of perspectives c. acceptance of solution d. higher quality decision e. more complete information


74. People who lack a ________ sense are much less likely to make unethical decisions if the organizational environment ignores ethical behaviours. a. strong moral b. strong intuitive c. weak behaviour d. strong judgmental e. moderate extroverted


47. The most recent approach to group decision making blends the nominal group technique with computer technology. It is known as a. the electronic meeting. b. electronic mail. c. computerized decision making. d. electronic participation. e. electronic database handling.


82. The proposition that individual creativity requires expertise, creative thinking skills, and intrinsic task motivation is called the a. three component model of creativity. b. utilitarian approach. c. leader-participation model. d. heuristic model. e. he groupshift approach.


63. Which of the following are criteria for making ethical choices? a. utilitarianism, justice, rights, care b. utilitarianism, care, justice, satisficing c. heuristics, utilitarianism, justice, rights d. satisficing, justice, rights, heuristics e. care, utilitarianism, heuristics, rights


B) span of control.

After a recent reorganization, Steve's boss is wondering whether he has too many people reporting to him. His boss is concerned about his A) delegation. B) span of control. C) command and control. D) motivation. E) decentralization.

B) customer

An office supply firm that has three departments to service retail, wholesale, and government customers is practicing which type of departmentalization? A) functional B) customer C) process D) geographic E) product

A) matrix.

An organizational design that combines functional and product departmentalization is known as A) matrix. B) organic. C) mechanistic. D) hybrid. E) bureaucratic

12. The tendency for people to base their judgments on information that is readily available but may not be accurate is called a. representative bias. b. availability bias. c. escalation of commitment. d. heuristical fallacy. e. bounded discretion.


21. After reflecting on his staff's decision-making abilities, James reaches the conclusion there are limitations on a person's ability to interpret, process and act on information. His opinion reflects a. groupthink. b. bounded rationality. c. satisficing. d. anchoring. e. confirming.


3. Rationality assumes a. high intelligence. b. consistency c. maturity. d. unlimited choices. e. unlimited power and influence.


44. Groupshift most often means decisions a. are made by groups rather than individuals. b. contain greater risk. c. are made more quickly. d. prove less effective. e. are more conservative.


59. Jerry has fostered a spirit of competition among his staff members that produces winners and losers. This approach is very likely to stifle a. groupthink. b. creativity. c. consensus decision making. d. perceptual bias. e. randomness error.


27. Ted decided to discontinue a product line a year ago; since then, it is clear this was the wrong decision. Nevertheless, Ted insists that he will be proven correct in time and he has no plans to change his mind. This is an example of a. delusional behaviour. b. escalation of commitment. c. randomness error. d. winner's curse. e. hindsight bias.


61. Utilitarianism is when decisions are made to provide the a. least good for the least number. b. greatest good for the greatest number. c. greatest good for the decision makers. d. greatest good for the least privileged. e. greatest good for the best performers.


76. Which of the following questions helps determine whether a decision is ethical? a. Does this decision cost more than the benefits received? b. Is the decision fair and equitable? c. How long will the solution take to complete? d. When can the results be expected? e. What minimum outcome is expected?


31. As a practice, we should assume our most of our decisions are _________, and evaluate them with a critical process. a. values b. judgments c. behaviours d. perceptions e. thoughts


39. A group decision-making method in which each individual team member preplans their ideas and solutions for the problem and brings these ideas to the group, is known as a. groupshift. b. nominal group technique. c. groupthink. d. brainstorming. e. consistency bias.


81. When ethical behaviour and consequences vary depending on national culture, this presents a. solutions for changing individual behaviour. b. problems for those doing business in other countries. c. opportunities for domestic decision making. d. challenges to overcome conflict. e. some concern over group behaviours conflicting


8. When a manager immediately hires the person he/she feels is ―good enough,‖ they are employing what decisionmaking process? a. intuitive decision making b. satisficing c. heuristics d. bounded-rationals e. reflexivity decision-making


77. Norma always tries to make decisions that will result in the greatest good for the greatest number of people. This approach is known as a. ethical decision making. b. utilitarianism. c. groupthink. d. morality. e. whistle blowing.


C) function.

Bob works for a manufacturer that has separate departments for engineering, accounting, manufacturing, purchasing, and human resources. This is reflective of departmentalization by A) product. B) osmosis. C) function. D) service. E) process.

46. Brainstorming is a. used to build group cohesiveness. b. a technique that tends to restrict independent thinking. c. a process for generating ideas. d. used mainly when group members cannot agree on a solution. e. used when no other method is available.


26. Gill has been criticized for making decisions superficially without digging for the information that he really needs. This is known as a. anchoring bias. b. confirmation bias. c. availability bias. d. overconfidence bias. e. performance bias.


75. What can happen to righteous individuals when the organizational environment permits or encourages unethical practices? a. change their values b. see a new perspective c. become corrupted d. allow others to influence them e. have less productivity


38. Freda's best skill as a group leader is to be able to get the group to generate a large number of alternatives while encouraging everyone to withhold criticism of any of the proposed alternatives. This technique is known as a. groupthink. b. groupshift. c. brainstorming. d. nominal grouping. e. consensus decision making


83. Dick is very environmentally conscious, so he was pleased to discover his employer held a similar view and acted accordingly. His company is therefore exhibiting a. utilitarianism. b. morality. c. corporate social responsibility. d. groupthink. e. groupshift.


78. The study of moral values or principles that guide our behaviour and inform us whether actions are right or wrong is known as a. morality. b. values. c. ethics. d. rational decision making. e. heuristics.


43. Sammy has noticed a tendency of his staff to become overconfident when working in a group, leading them to take more risks than they normally would on their own. This is a symptom of a. bounded rationality. b. groupshift. c. groupthink. d. perceptual bias. e. randomness error


22. Liam makes a lot of decisions simply by ―gut feel,‖ and more often than not he makes the right one. This is known as ________ decision making. a. pensive b. rational c. intuitive d. impulsive e. cautious


17. As Baby Boomers begin to leave the workforce, there is an increasing awareness that they represent a wealth of knowledge that will be lost if there are no attempts to capture it. This has elevated the importance of a. heredity. b. decision making. c. knowledge management. d. randomness error. e. escalation of commitment


42. What Don doesn't like about working in groups is that it takes much more time than it would take him to do things on his own. Thus, in terms of usage of time, his view is that groups are a. less effective than individuals. b. more effective than individuals. c. less efficient than individuals. d. more efficient than individuals. e. as efficient as individuals.


48. Which of the following is a disadvantage of electronic meetings? a. honesty b. speed c. member satisfaction d. anonymity e. task orientation


28. Fred is a great decision maker, but he is superstitious, so he steadfastly maintains that he will not make any big decisions on Friday the 13th. This is known as a. perceptual bias. b. availability bias. c. randomness error. d. winner's curse. e. escalation of commitment.


2. Tom consistently makes chooses the value-maximized alternative within his specified constraints. This is known as ________ decision making. a. pensive b. cautious c. rational d. impulsive e. erratic


29. If someone settles on an alternative that is ―good enough‖ because it meets the minimum requirements of the situation, this is known as a. rational decision making. b. framing. c. satisficing. d. heuristics. e. intuition.


14. When managers predict that sales for next year will be the same as last year, despite a weakening economy, they are a. using framing. b. using regression to the mean. c. using confirmation bias. d. ignoring the base rate. e. escalating commitment.


62. In which of the following examples is utilitarianism absent? a. laying off a small number of employees so that the larger number of workers can continue to work full-time jobs b. moving production operations to other countries, so that the company remains competitive c. using impartial means to equitably distribute benefits and costs d. discontinuing products with questionable effects on health e. raising prices to increase profitability


10. Which of the following conditions would probably not lead to intuitive decision making? a. when time is limited b. when facts don't clearly point the way to go c. when a high level of certainty exists d. when facts are limited e. when there is pressure to come up with the right decision


79. The question, ―Is the decision fair and equitable?‖ helps determine which of the following? a. whether to go ahead with the cost investment b. whether an idea has merit or not c. whether the decision is ethical d. whether a product should be introduced or not e. how to go about investing in your people


1. A choice made between alternatives is defined as a. a decision. b. a criterion. c. an attribution. d. a problem. e. a judgment.


30. The tendency for people to base their judgments on information that is readily available to them rather than complete data is known as a. framing. b. bounded rationality. c. intuition. d. availability bias. e. regression.


36. Ben has noticed that after his team discusses any issue, the conservative people become even more cautious and the aggressive people get even bolder. This phenomenon is known as a. groupthink. b. perceptual bias. c. randomness error. d. groupshift. e. consistency bias.


45. When group members become more exaggerated in their opinions and positions as group discussions go on, the group has experienced a. group process. b. groupthink. c. group demography. d. groupshift. e. group rationalization.


64. Individuals who have progressed to higher levels of moral development will place increased value on the rights of others. These individuals are a. strongly influenced by their peers to conform. b. likely to follow an organization's rules and procedures. c. likely to value the majority opinion. d. likely to challenge organizational practices that they feel or believe are wrong. e. predisposed to use their influence to disregard the organization's value system


4. The rational decision making model would best be described as an exercise in a. establishing goals. b. evaluating people. c. evaluating alternatives. d. maximizing a specific outcome. e. focusing on corporate culture.


41. Corry has always believed that in order to generate new and creative ideas, a group setting is the best. Thus, in terms of creativity, he considers groups to be a. more efficient than individuals. b. less effective than individuals. c. less efficient than individuals d. more effective than individuals. e. as effective as individuals.


23. Hari has a long history of success, but more recently his judgment has come into question in some decisions that he has made. Some believe that he is too optimistic about his own performance, and that affects his judgment. Hari may be committing a. performance bias. b. perceptual bias. c. semantic bias. d. overconfidence bias. e. anchoring bias.


11. One shortcut in judgment that may weaken the decision-making process is in a specific situation is a. optimalities. b. escalations. c. hindsight bias. d. randomness error. e. synectics.


15. Trying to cover up a wrongdoing and risking public trial and expensive court costs, instead of admitting a mistake, is an example of a. representative heuristic. b. availability heuristic. c. escalation of commitment. d. risk aversion. e. risk hindsight.


7. Looking for a solution that is satisfactory and sufficient is called a. suboptimizing. b. seeking an implicit favourite. c. simplifying. d. satisficing. e. optimizing.


80. It is important to note that what is considered unethical in one country may not be viewed similarly in another country. This is because a. cultural differences are extreme in Asia. b. North Americans have homogeneous values. c. Western culture encourages individuality while Eastern culture supports group behaviour. d. there are no global ethical standards. e. perspective is subjective


D) centralization.

Daniella is frustrated after working for her new company for a few weeks. It is clear to her that, unlike her past employer, upper management makes the decisions affecting her work. This is an example of A) specialization. B) chain of command. C) authority. D) centralization. E) decentralization.

Zelda began speaking to various people in the organization just to find out what they think about a range of issues. This is known as the _________ step of appreciative inquiry.


D) customer.

Donna works in sales for an office supplies firm that has separate retail, wholesale, and government departments. This is known as departmentalization by A) geography. B) service. C) process. D) customer. E) function.

24. Terry has been accused of being quite selective when researching an issue by only taking into consideration information that confirms his initial point of view and ignoring information to the contrary. This is known as a. availability bias. b. performance bias. c. anchoring bias. d. overconfidence bias. e. confirmation bias.


35. Omar has noticed that a chronic problem facing the team that he is on at work is the is pressure to conform; when the team is discussing a situation, it seems there is pressure to move quickly to agreeing on a decision, which means that the group does not usually adequately consider other alternatives that are less popular and less well known. This phenomenon is known as a. groupshift. b. perceptual bias. c. randomness error. d. availability bias. e. groupthink.


37. Carol has designated Kevin to be the group's ―Devil's Advocate.‖ His job is to challenge the majority opinion on each issue and to offer divergent perspectives. Which group decision-making problem is Carol attempting to avoid? a. perceptual bias. b. consistency bias. c. randomness error. d. groupshift. e. groupthink.


B) product.

Estee Lauder has a separate department for Clinique, Origins, and MAC such that each is operated as a separate company. This is known as departmentalization by A) osmosis. B) product. C) function. D) process. E) service.

D) reduced job satisfaction.

Evidence indicates that work specialization contributes to higher employee productivity at the price of A) reduced job coordination. B) increased job complexity. C) increased job satisfaction. D) reduced job satisfaction. E) reduced creativity.

A) organizational structure.

How job tasks are formally divided, grouped and coordinated is termed A) organizational structure. B) organizational behaviour. C) formalization. D) span of control. E) work specialization.

C) high employee job discretion.

If a job is highly formalized, it would NOT include A) clearly defined procedures on work processes. B) an explicit job description. C) high employee job discretion. D) a large number of organizational rules. E) consistent and uniform output.

Which of the following is NOT true with regard to the politics of change?

Impetus for change is more likely to come from long-term managers within an organization.

C) top managers make all the decisions-lower-level managers merely carry out directions.

In an organization that has high centralization A) the corporate headquarters is located centrally to branch offices. B) all top level officials are located within the same geographic area. C) top managers make all the decisions-lower-level managers merely carry out directions. D) decision discretion is widely dispersed throughout the organization. E) problems can be quickly and efficiently solved.


Kim thinks that she is going to love working for her new company, as it is very informal with a lot of cross functional teams with members from different departments. This is an example of what kind of structure?

Who developed a three-step model for change that included unfreezing, movement, and refreezing?

Kurt Lewin

C) matrix

Luigi works for an advertising agency and the organizational structure is such that he has two bosses; his direct boss is the manager of the department he is assigned to and his other boss is the manager responsible for the new product that is his main focus. This is an example of what kind of structure? A) organic B) simple C) matrix D) bureaucratic E) hybrid

D) departmentalization.

Now that Terri's tasks have been divided up to create separate jobs, the next step that her organization took was to group these jobs together so that common tasks could be coordinated. This is an example of A) infrastructure. B) decentralization. C) centralization. D) departmentalization. E) chain of command.

D) delegation.

One of the best attributes of Francois in the eyes of his employees is that he gives them the authority to carry out specific duties; this allows the employees to make some decisions on their own. This is known as A) passing the buck. B) chain of command. C) giving orders. D) delegation. E) groupthink.

Ted's organization was undergoing massive change, starting with the fundamentlas of clarifying its mission. Thus, the target for change is the organization's


C) chain of command.

Raghib just started working for a new organization, and he asked the person training him "To whom do I go if I have a problem?" Raghib wants to understand the company's A) peer pressure. B) organizational structure. C) chain of command. D) departmentalization. E) centralization.

Khalid is aware that the best way to stabilize his change efforts is to successfully balance driving and restraining forces. This is know as:


Which of the following correctly identifies the five reasons why individuals may resist change?

Self interest, lack of trust, different assessments, low tolerance for change, cynicism

D) product.

Sun Petroleum Products departmentalizes by fuels, lubricants, and waxes and chemicals. This is an example of departmentalization by A) functions. B) process. C) customer. D) product. E) job design.

D) process.

Ted works for an aluminum tubing manufacturer that has separate departments for casting, press, tubing, inspecting, and shipping. This is known as departmentalization by A) osmosis. B) product. C) function. D) process. E) service.

A) work specialization.

Terri is upset because tasks that previously were part of her job are now subdivided into separate jobs as a result of recent reorganization. This is an example of A) work specialization. B) departmentalization. C) infrastructure. D) chain of command. E) decentralization.

D) delegation.

The assignment of authority to another person to carry out specific duties and make the decisions required to successfully complete those duties is known as A) chain of command. B) departmentalization. C) work specialization. D) delegation. E) centralization.

B) Decision making is concentrated at a single point in the organization.

The best definition for centralization is A) Decision discretion is pushed down to lower-level employees. B) Decision making is concentrated at a single point in the organization. C) Decision making depends on the situation. D) Decision making is done in each department and then sent to the president for the final decision. E) Decision making is largely concentrated within teams.


The component of structure which considers where decision-making authority lies.

B) decentralization.

The degree to which decision making is distributed to lower-level employees is termed A) centralization. B) decentralization. C) departmentalization. D) work specialization. E) task specialization.

B) formalization.

The degree to which rules and regulations are used to direct employees and managers in their work is termed A) chain of command. B) formalization. C) span of control. D) departmentalization. E) division of labour.

C) work specialization.

The degree to which tasks are subdivided into separate jobs is termed A) departmentalization. B) formalization. C) work specialization. D) span of control. E) task structure.

B) functional and product structures.

The matrix structure combines the A) functional and simple structures. B) functional and product structures. C) simple and product structures. D) organic and mechanistic structures. E) bureaucracy and mechanistic structures.

C) matrix structure.

The structure that creates dual lines of authority and combines functional and product departmentalization is the A) simple structure. B) bureaucracy. C) matrix structure. D) virtual organization. E) organic structure.

A) matrix structure

The structure that is used in hospitals, universities and entertainment companies is the A) matrix structure. B) simple structure. C) bureaucracy. D) team structure. E) modular structure.

A) chain of command.

The unbroken line of authority that extends from the top of the organization to the lowest echelon and clarifies who reports to whom is termed A) chain of command. B) authority. C) power. D) unity of command. E) power and authority structure.

A) product

What sort of departmentalization sees companies create separate work groups based on different types of goods? A) product B) process C) geographic D) functional E) customer

A) explicit job descriptions.

Where there is high formalization, there is (are) A) explicit job descriptions. B) few rules and regulations. C) a variety of tasks in progress. D) few personnel policies. E) job flexibility and freedom.

C) simple structure

Which of the following is characterized by a low degree of departmentalization, wide spans of control, authority centralized in a single person, and little formalization? A) bureaucracy B) matrix organization C) simple structure D) team structure E) mechanistic structure

A) high centralization

Which of the following is consistent with a simple structure? A) high centralization B) high horizontal differentiation C) high formalization D) high departmentalization E) high vertical differentiation

2) Rigid departmentalization

Which of the following is inconsistent with the organic model?

A) To what degree are tasks subdivided into separate jobs?

Which of the following questions relates to work specialization? A) To what degree are tasks subdivided into separate jobs? B) On what basis will jobs be grouped together? C) To whom do individuals and groups report? D) How many individuals can a manager efficiently and effectively direct? E) Where does decision-making authority lie?

A) span of control

Which of the following refers to the number of subordinates a manager can efficiently and effectively direct? A) span of control B) unity of command C) chain of command D) organizational chart E) structure of command


Which term refers to how an organization transfers its inputs to outputs?

D) product

Which type of departmentalization results in increased accountability for merchandise performance? A) geographic B) customer C) process D) product E) market

1) Mechanistic

Williams feels very comfortable working for an organization that has a clear chain of command, a lot of departmentalization, and a narrow span of control, as this suits his personality. This is an example of what kind of structure?

C) geographic departmentalization.

You are organizing into West Coast, Prairie/Northern, Ontario, Quebec, and Atlantic regions. This is termed A) process departmentalization. B) customer departmentalization. C) geographic departmentalization. D) functional departmentalization. E) technical departmentalization

A) departmentalization.

You suggest that one of the questions to be answered is "On what basis should jobs be grouped together?" The answer to this question is provided by A) departmentalization. B) work specialization. C) centralization. D) formalization. E) decentralization.

B) work specialization.

You suggest that one of the questions to be answered is "To what degree should tasks be subdivided into separate jobs?" The answer to this question is provided by A) formalization. B) work specialization. C) span of control. D) chain of command. E) work diversity.

One way to move the company toward a continuous capacity to adapt and to change would be to create:

a learning organization

81. Asia Lee is from China, and she is clearly uncomfortable with conflict as is typical of people from her country. Asia Lee is from which of the following types of cultures? a. Activist. b. Collectivist. c. Distributive. d. Compliant. e. Assertive.


21. If an organization's core values are shared and acted upon by the majority of its members, the organization exhibits what type of culture? a. Dominant. b. Ritualistic. c. Artifact. d. Materialistic. e. Mercenary.


32. Antonio is clearly the boss, and no one would ever dispute that since he is very accomplished; he deserves his position. He is particularly good at using his power to get people both within and outside of his department to do what he wants and needs. Antonio is exhibiting a. Influence b. Dependency c. Empowerment d. Reference e. Harassment


79. The theory that says that it's the leaders job to assist followers in attaining their goals and to ensure that these individual goals are compatible with the overall goals of the organization is called the a. Path-Goal Theory. b. Behavioural Model. c. Inspirational Leadership Model. d. Situational Leadership Model. e. Fiedler Contingency Model.

a.Path-Goal Theory.

77. SCENARIO 10-5 The Young Woman's Club of Williams has been operating for seventy-five years as an organization which supports women who stay at home. This group has always held classes in cooking, sewing, and child rearing. The group has always been comprised of upper middle-class women from the small town of Williams. As the area has grown, many people have moved to Williams and commute to Capital City, just fifteen miles away. There is a possibility that the culture of the Young Woman's Club of Williams will be a. a barrier to forthcoming change. b. helpful for meeting the needs of a diverse society. c. embraced by all the newcomers. d. strengthened by the newcomers. e. supportive of the changing demographic environment.

a.a barrier to forthcoming change.

62. There are situations when charismatic leadership would be beneficial. Which of the following would be an example of such a situation? a. a business facing the introduction of a radically new product b. a business facing no life-threatening crisis c. during a time of peace d. during a time of political stability e. a seasonal business closing down temporarily

a.a business facing the introduction of a radically new product

42. According to the path-goal theory, a leader who sets challenging goals and seeks improvements in performance is referred to as a. achievement-oriented. b. participative. c. institutional. d. charismatic. e. directive.


17. Which type of conflict is aimed at a person rather than an issue? a. affective b. selective c. cognitive d. sequential e. allowable


48. SCENARIO 9-1 Doors Unlimited is a manufacturer of doors, frames and related hardware and structures for the residential and construction industry. The North Shore plant is the oldest and largest of a series of plants that Doors Unlimited operates. In many cases, they manufacture subassemblies and parts for other plants that are unable to meet a specific customer order. Operations objectives are specifically defined for each of the two departments in this plant. However, production and marketing always seem to have some form of conflict related to issues ranging from manufacturing and design to satisfying customer orders. Communication appears to be a major problem. Frequently, the correct information and data is not provided and a state of confusion exists, creating situations where each department blames the other for problems encountered. The ―it's not our problem‖ attitude is healthy at the North Shore plant! Production always seems to be behind schedule or short of products needed for a shipment. Marketing somehow manages to increase order quantity and variety midway through a production run and is constantly adjusting the orders and shipping dates. These shortcuts and alterations clearly violate established procedure and policy regarding plant operation and how customers are to be served. Production, in turn, responds by altering their own schedules and attempting to force customers into receiving product ahead of schedule. As the problems intensified, each department ―dug in‖ to protect its turf. Eventually an agreement between the two departments was established in an attempt to resolve the problems and smooth out the operations. However, the outcome was that marketing placed even more orders that production was unable to meet. Marketing began to use pressure tactics to get production to ―toe the line.‖ The situation was causing customers to be inconvenienced. Conflict in terms of blame, delays and lack of communication was becoming standard practice. The atmosphere was negative and the departments were blaming each other. Norman Seers, vice president of human resources for Doors Unlimited, is attempting to resolve the problems in the North Shore plant. He realizes that conflict, in this case, is highly dysfunctional and is beginning to negatively impact customer service. Norman, however, also believes that some level of conflict is good in that it a. allows employees to openly question and disagree with each other's ideas. b. discourages expression of personal beliefs and opinions. c. keeps employees quiet, removed and distant. d. disrupts the relationships in the office so they don't waste time talking on the job. e. causes people to disengage and leave the firm.

a.allows employees to openly question and disagree with each other's ideas.

69. The more an organization ________, the greater the likelihood that an employee can get away with politicking. a. allows politics b. appraises an individual immediately following performance c. mistreats employees d. emphasizes an overall performance measure e. sets specific standards for performance

a.allows politics

73. Khalid's company was recently acquired by another that appeared to have a very strong organizational culture compared to that of his own. The best approach to merging the cultures would be a. assimilation. b. separation. c. integration. d. groupthink. e. community.


27. A consistent conflict among members of John's staff is the lack of resources; John's staff believe other departments have more and newer technology to complete their work, so they grumble and complain to and about each others use of technology and compare themselves to the other departments. Because he knows it isn't true that other departments have newer and better equipment, John could manage this conflict effectively by a. authoritative command. b. altering the human variable. c. altering the structural variables. d. expansion of resources. e. avoidance,

a.authoritative command.

22. Ron was struck by the fact that everyone in his new organization seemed to clearly understand how objects and ideas of interest fit together for the organization. The organization's culture is exhibited through its a. beliefs. b. assumptions. c. artifacts. d. values. e. stability.


64. The lowest value acceptable to you for a negotiated agreement is determined by your a. best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA). b. margin of error. c. bid price. d. asking price. e. negotiating stance.

a.best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA).

85. Peter consistently comments on Jake's appearance, sarcastically commenting on his clothes and haircut, insisting on sitting beside him in the lunchroom and complaining about the odors from his food. He makes up stories about Jake, and then laughs and tells everyone Jake is his best friend. Peter's behaviour is a. bullying. b. ingratiating. c. legitimate. d. condescending. e. self-promotion.


1. Power is a. capacity to influence others. b. dependency upon others. c. equal to sexual harassment. d. being rewarded by others. e. independence.

a.capacity to influence others.

4. When working on a team, Angela is effective, even though she often expresses disagreement with the perspectives and judgments of her peers regarding various tasks that they are discussing. This is an example of a. cognitive conflict. b. functional conflict. c. affective conflict. d. destructive conflict. e. forcing conflict.

a.cognitive conflict.

10. Which of the following falls outside the general definition of conflict? a. commonly accepted organizational practices b. difference over interpretations of facts c. miscommunication of information d. disagreement on behavioural expectations e. incompatibility of goals

a.commonly accepted organizational practices

36. SCENARIO 11-2 Your supervisor has been studying leadership and has described so many theories to you that you are really confused. You ask her to explain the similarities of the many theories so that you can understand the relationship between them. What other terms might be used to describe the concept of "people" in behavioural and contingency leadership theories? a. consideration, employee-oriented, and participating b. directive leadership, production-oriented, and supportive c. supportive, directive leadership, and relationship-oriented d. consideration, relationship-oriented, and initiating structure e. goal-setting, planning, and supportive

a.consideration, employee-oriented, and participating

15. According to the Ohio State studies, the extent to which a leader shares mutual trust and respect for his or her employees is referred to as a. consideration. b. task-oriented behaviour. c. initiating structure. d. concern for production. e. employee-oriented behaviour.


43. Sophia, your co-worker, gets others involved to support her idea for the new marketing strategy; she explains her ideas, shows people documents and concept plans and asks directly for their help at the meeting when the decision is made. Sophia is using what type of influence tactic? a. consultation tactics. b. personal appeal. c. inspirational appeal. d. pressure tactics. e. ingratiation tactics.

a.consultation tactics.

66. Which of the following terms is least synonymous with the definition of political behaviour? a. cooperation b. power c. decision making d. informal behaviour e. influencing decision making


31. SCENARIO 10-2 Masterson College is a small liberal arts women's college in North Carolina. The founders of the college were Baptist and were committed to the idea that a liberal arts education was the best preparation for life-long learning. Within the last two decades, the business department has become one of the larger departments on campus. The faculty of the business department are committed to liberal arts education but are also committed to finding employment for their graduates. The business department holds some unique values in addition to the ________ of the dominant culture. a. core values b. weak values c. formalization d. holistic values e. social values

a.core values

44. According to the path-goal theory, a(n) ________ leader lets followers know what is expected of them and gives them specific guidance. a. directive b. indirective c. supportive d. participative e. achievement-oriented


73. Tim lets his staff know exactly what is expected of them, and gives them specific guidance as to how to accomplish their tasks. According to Path-Goal Theory, he is a ________ leader. a. directive b. supportive c. participative d. charismatic e. achievement-oriented


28. Path-goal theory identifies which leader as necessary for situations where the employees have ambiguous tasks? a. directive leader b. supportive leader c. task leader d. participative leader e. achievement-oriented leader

a.directive leader

60. Which type of negotiation seeks to divide a ―fixed pie‖? a. distributive bargaining b. integrative bargaining c. unethical bargaining d. resistance bargaining e. cost-effective bargaining

a.distributive bargaining

26. Which of the following expresses the core values shared by a majority of the organization's members? a. dominant culture b. subculture c. strong culture d. personal morality e. ethics

a.dominant culture

74. Which of the following is an example of an impression management? a. dressing to match the company dress code b. mirroring the behaviours of an interviewer c. finding areas of disagreement d. asking favours of others e. associating with your friends

a.dressing to match the company dress code

13. Affective conflict is a. emotional and aimed at a person rather that an issue. b. impersonal and based on issues rather that a personality. c. related to differences in perspectives. d. a consequence of the requirements of the job. e. a divergent hierarchy of goals.

a.emotional and aimed at a person rather that an issue.

17. The University of Michigan studies identify leaders who emphasize interpersonal relations as a. employee-oriented. b. initiating-oriented. c. production-oriented. d. relationship-oriented. e. contingency-oriented.


51. The time when a new employee sees what the organization is really like and realizes that expectations and reality may diverge is called a. encounter stage. b. exploration stage. c. establishment stage d. metamorphosis stage. e. smoothing stage.

a.encounter stage.

43. How does ―top management‖ impact an organization's culture? a. establishing norms that filter down through the organization b. ensuring a proper match of personal and organizational values c. socializing the applicant d. providing appropriate training e. maintaining traditions of past practices

a.establishing norms that filter down through the organization

75. ―I've got two tickets to the game tonight that I can't use. Take them. Consider it a 'thank you' for taking the time to talk with me.‖ This is an example of which influence tactic? a. exchange b. flattery c. accounts d. conformity e. collaboration


76. Emphasizing favourable events to someone in order to maximize the desirable implications for that person, is an example of which influence tactic? a. exchange b. rational persuasion c. coalitions d. favours e. conformity


83. Which personality types are less effective at distributive bargaining? a. extroverts. b. introverts. c. Machiavellians. d. risk-takers e. Type A.


58. SCENARIO 10-3 Jester Corporation has a training program for all new managers. They spend three weeks in a formal classroom setting with other new managers and are then assigned a mentor. Only MBA's are hired for management jobs, since this is believed to be the level of qualification necessary for job success. The new managers are on a(n) ________ time schedule. a. fixed b. variable c. random d. individual e. collective


40. Making positional commitments in a conflict would illustrate which of the following conflict-handling strategies? a. forcing b. avoiding c. yielding d. problem solving e. compromising


22. Within the five identified conflict management strategies, imposing one's will is termed a. forcing. b. problem solving. c. avoiding. d. yielding. e. compromising.


53. The more a new employee is segregated from the ongoing work setting and differentiated in some way to make explicit his newcomer's role, the more ________ socialization is. a. formal b. informal c. individual d. fixed e. variable


20. Leaders who are high in task orientation a. have higher productivity. b. rank their employees higher on performance appraisals. c. show no difference in job satisfaction. d. are more motivated. e. show no difference in motivation.

a.have higher productivity.

15. If a team leader decides to utilize an information base of power they would be most apt to a. have the data or knowledge that you need. b. have the right to expect you to comply with legitimate requests. c. make things difficult for people. d. give special benefits or rewards to people. e. have the experience and knowledge to earn your respect.

a.have the data or knowledge that you need.

28. The study of scarcity helps explain a. how low-ranking members in an organization, who have important information, gain power. b. where power comes from within an organization. c. how employee behaviour is manipulated by management. d. how leaders are forced to act in order to achieve goals. e. how decisions are made throughout an organization.

a.how low-ranking members in an organization, who have important information, gain power.

72. The process by which individuals attempt to control the impressions others form of them is referred to as a. impression management. b. misdirection. c. defensive behaviour. d. perception management. e. value management.

a.impression management.

83. SCENARIO 8-4 General Insurance Corporation (GIC) handles a wide variety of comprehensive and specifically oriented insurance coverage. GIC handles and brokers a variety of plans aimed at general business coverage, small business, consumer and personal property insurance. Peter Bond is a well-liked manager in one of the business divisions. He is a survivor and a visionary in a business known for its cutthroat competitiveness, questionable loyalty, and high employee mobility to other divisions or competitors. The forty brokers or account representatives who report to Peter deal with a variety of insurance agents and business customers. All have been with GIC for some time and seem to have developed loyalty to the company. All of them have established clients with a high degree of loyalty. Bond supports his brokers and readily provides training, fair rewards and equitable compensation for their accomplishments. He demands superior performance and is known to administer punishment from time to time when performance is not up to standard. Despite this characteristic, Peter is flexible and accommodating because he believes that personal and private lives do impact an individual's performance. Les Green joined GIC about a year after Peter did, in a position somewhat lower than Peter's. Peter has just learned that Les is being made a vice president of a newly created division, which will provide financial services in addition to specialized insurance coverage. Green is aggressive and very competitive in his position. It is evident that he is very much interested in moving up the corporate hierarchy. Sometimes, his performance was not that good and his division certainly has not been as successful as Peter's. Peter began to wonder why Les received the promotion. Did he know the right people? He was puzzled as to why Les was promoted when his actual performance was questionable. Peter was envious. Peter must be more cognizant of how others perceive him and, more particularly, how his immediate boss is evaluating him. Peter needs to be aware of the impressions senior management have of his capability and potential for promotion. He also needs to make some decisions with respect to his own goals of moving upward. This aspect of managing one's image and how others perceive that image is known as a. impression management. b. empire building. c. alliance building. d. coalition management. e. sponsorship.

a.impression management.

65. SCENARIO 11-4 For the past twenty years you have been working for a large corporation and have recently lost your job because the corporation reduced its workforce. You have just been hired by Acme Inc. Your new supervisor is a woman who has been at Acme for seven years. One of your colleagues has said, "Oh, she's typical of women leaders." You have never worked for a woman before. Your supervisor will probably demonstrate which leadership style? a. inclusive b. autocratic c. directive d. formal e. informal


85. Tom has found that when his project managers have to work in large teams, conflict seems to a. increase. b. decrease. c. be goal-oriented. d. be easier to resolve. e. be avoided.


36. How do individuals translate their bases of power into specific, desired action? a. influence tactics b. pressure tactics c. winning friends d. implementation tactics e. empowerment tactics

a.influence tactics

35. Pina is very charming, and she puts her charm to her advantage by using flattery prior to asking someone to do something for her, and it works most of the time. This influence tactic is known as a. ingratiation. b. personal appeals. c. inspirational appeals. d. pressure. e. rational persuasion.


62. James' ―claim to fame‖ is that, in any negotiation process that he is involved with, he has the ability to work towards a solution that can create a win-win situation for all participants. James is thus adept at a. integrative bargaining. b. collective bargaining. c. distributive bargaining. d. barter bargaining. e. wholistic bargaining.

a.integrative bargaining.

56. Which type of socialization assumes the newcomer's qualities and qualifications are the necessary ingredients for job success? a. investiture b. fixed c. formal d. serial e. divestiture


9. The most compelling way that employees learn organizational culture is through a. material symbols. b. role models. c. colleagues. d. mentors. e. adjustment.

a.material symbols.

31. Rawana is very skilled at bringing conflicting parties to a negotiated solution by suggesting alternatives and by using reasoning and persuasion. Rawana is known as a(n) a. mediator. b. arbitrator. c. facilitator. d. ombudsperson. e. peer review.


73. In third-party negotiations, a neutral third party who facilitates a negotiated solution by using reasoning, persuasion, and suggestions is known as a(n) a. mediator. b. arbitrator. c. conciliator. d. consultant. e. counselor.


75. SCENARIO 9-4 Janet and Phillip are partners in a law firm. Their firm has grown considerably and they are unable to service all of their clients. They do not want to invite other attorneys to join them and must decide which clients to keep and which to send to other law firms. They have reached an impasse in their discussions regarding which clients they will keep and have decided to bring in outside help in their negotiations. Since their problems are moderate and not severely rooted in personalities or their law practice, Janet and Phillip have decided to bring in a neutral third party to facilitate a negotiated solution. This person is referred to as a(n) a. mediator. b. arbitrator. c. conciliator. d. consultant. e. liaison.


68. SCENARIO 9-2 Labour and management at DJ Trucking cannot agree upon a contract for the truck drivers. Each side contends that they are bargaining fairly, but no agreement appears to be possible. Another term for bargaining is a. negotiating. b. compromising. c. collusion. d. good faith gesture. e. resistance.


53. A process in which two or more parties exchange goods or services and attempt to agree upon the exchange rate for them is a. negotiation. b. conflict management. c. economics. d. supply side economics. e. resource allocation.


61. Political behaviour is a. outside one's specified job requirements. b. part of each job requirement. c. seen only in large organizations. d. counterproductive to individual goals. e. not related to power.

a.outside one's specified job requirements.

38. The leadership model that integrates the expectancy model of motivation with the Ohio State University leadership research is a. path-goal. b. Fiedler's. c. leader-participation. d. autocratic-democratic. e. leader-member exchange.


22. Research findings indicate that when an employee has a clear understanding of how to perform a task and reach a goal a ________ leader will increase employee satisfaction. a. people-oriented b. production-oriented c. technical-oriented d. goal-oriented e. task-oriented


62. Ron is very adept at trying to influence employees in other departments on various matters to gain an advantage for himself or for his department. This is known as a. political behaviour. b. abuse of power. c. harassment. d. referent power. e. dependency.

a.political behaviour.

55. Most studies confirm that the concept of ________ is central to understanding sexual harassment. a. power b. sex c. politics d. locus of control e. common sense


58. SCENARIO 8-2 Your supervisor embarrasses you by constantly telling sexual jokes and making sexual comments. Although he has never directly asked you to sleep with him, you feel threatened and are uncomfortable; it is difficult for you to do your job. Studies show that this situation is probably more about ________ than about sex. a. power b. coercion c. politics d. impressing you e. influence


37. Rohit thought he would really fit in with his new organization since everyone seemed to be individualistic like him. He could hardly wait for Monday, his first day on the job. Rohit is likely in which stage of the socialization process? a. prearrival. b. encounter. c. metamorphosis. d. osmosis. e. disappointment


39. Diane's four years as a student studying business had included a co-op experience at a local oil company that was four months long. Diane didn't get paid during her co-op term, but she did hope that other employees would value it when she began job hunting. Diane is in which stage of the socialization process? a. prearrival. b. encounter. c. metamorphosis. d. osmosis. e. disappointment


46. The stage in socialization that encompasses all the learning that occurs before a new member joins the organization is called a. prearrival. b. encounter. c. metamorphosis. d. orientation. e. job training.


53. Unwelcome advances, requests for sexual favours, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature is a. sexual harassment. b. not illegal. c. ethical-power usage. d. flattering. e. welcoming.

a.sexual harassment.

57. SCENARIO 8-2 Your supervisor embarrasses you by constantly telling sexual jokes and making sexual comments. Although he has never directly asked you to sleep with him, you feel threatened and are uncomfortable; it is difficult for you to do your job. Your supervisor is guilty of all of a. sexual harassment. b. abusing his influence. c. creating an equitable work environment. d. exercising common sense. e. showing respect.

a.sexual harassment.

29. What theory proposes effective leaders adapt their leadership style according to how willing and able a follower is to perform tasks? a. situational leadership model b. contingency model c. certainty model d. path-goal theory e. task-structure model

a.situational leadership model

67. Andrew exhibits ethical conduct at all times, and exhibits values that are focused on others rather than on himself. He is thus exhibiting a. socialized charismatic leadership. b. authentic leadership. c. charismatic leadership. d. transactional leadership. e. transformational leadership.

a.socialized charismatic leadership.

16. SCENARIO 10-1 Nunya is a computer software company that employs highly intelligent but somewhat unusual people. Every Friday, free lollipops are given out to encourage employees to remember how creative they were when they were children. At the beginning of each quarterly executive meeting, employees are reminded that the founders were three young people who ―got lucky‖ and sold a video game that they invented. Employees are allowed to dress in blue jeans and can set their own working hours. By retelling how the company got started at each quarterly meeting, the company is using which kind of artifact? a. stories b. material symbols c. language d. handbooks e. rituals


7. Which of the following is not consistent with the definition of a ritual? a. stories b. sequence of activities c. repetition d. key values e. identifies important people


30. SCENARIO 10-2 Masterson College is a small liberal arts women's college in North Carolina. The founders of the college were Baptist and were committed to the idea that a liberal arts education was the best preparation for life-long learning. Within the last two decades, the business department has become one of the larger departments on campus. The faculty of the business department are committed to liberal arts education but are also committed to finding employment for their graduates. The commitment to finding employment for graduates is part of the a. subculture of the business department. b. weak culture. c. dominant culture. d. mission statement. e. instructional plan.

a.subculture of the business department.

24. Tonya was amazed that the people in her new company identified much more with their own department than they did with the organization as a whole. This would mean each department likely has its own a. subculture. b. artifacts. c. assumptions. d. bargaining zone. e. socialization.


18. Conflict is functional if it a. supports the objectives of the group. b. is satisfying to the individual members of the group. c. causes group members to argue. d. causes turnover. e. supports the objectives of management.

a.supports the objectives of the group.

46. A situation where leadership may not be important is when a. there are explicit formalized procedures. b. employees are inexperienced. c. employees lack training. d. employees lack professionalism. e. employees are indifferent towards organizational rewards.

a.there are explicit formalized procedures.

71. Xavier is considered a good leader. His view of leadership is that it is social, intellectual and physical traits distinguish leaders from non-leaders. This is known as a. trait theories of leadership. b. behavioural theories of leadership. c. contingency theories of leadership. d. path-goal theory of leadership. e. situational leadership theory.

a.trait theories of leadership.

47. The type of leaders who guide or motivate their followers in the direction of established goals by clarifying role and task requirements are a. transactional leaders. b. charismatic leaders. c. transformational leaders. d. employee-oriented leaders. e. process-oriented leaders.

a.transactional leaders.

83. Lianne does a great job of helping teams work more effectively by asking penetrating questions and by helping the team discuss problems. Her role is thus that of a a. troubleshooter. b. troublemaker. c. conflict manager. d. coach. e. mentor.


45. When Ang, your desk partner, offers to give you tickets to a concert in return for your support of his marketing strategy, he is a. using exchange tactics. b. making a personal appeal. c. making an inspirational appeal. d. using coalition tactics. e. using pressure tactics.

a.using exchange tactics.

67. Your boss does not seem to care about you career and professional aspirations; he treats you as a tool or unit in the organization. His practices will not create an organizational culture of a. vitality and growth. b. role models. c. metamorphosis. d. serial and investiture. e. collective and divestiture.

a.vitality and growth.

37. Forcing, as a conflict management strategy, usually creates which of the following solutions? a. win-lose b. lose-lose c. tie-win d. win-win e. tie-lose


39. Yielding, as a conflict management strategy, usually creates which of the following solutions? a. win-lose b. lose-lose c. tie-win d. win-win e. tie-lose


24. Tina is known as a bit of a ―softie‖ among her coworkers, because when someone challenges one of her ideas, she backs right off even when her idea is a very good one. This conflict management strategy is known as a. yielding. b. compromising. c. avoiding. d. problem solving. e. forcing.


Tony's approach to instituting change is to systematically collect data, analyze the data, and then select a change action based on it. This approach to change is known as:

action research.

Within the action research process, which step follows viewing the patterns of problems, or diagnosis.


You call employees to a meeting and ask them, in groups, to discuss times they felt the organization worked best. This process is called:

appreciative inquiry

The first thing that John, an organizational change consultant, did when he arrives was attempt to identify the unique qualities and special strengths of the organization in order to build on them to improve performance. This is known as:

appreciative inquiry.

80. Rory, a senior executive, has taken Sam, a new employee, "under his wing" to help him to develop his skills. What is Rory to Sam? a. A good leader b. A mentor c. A good manager d. A supportive friend. e. A sounding board

b.A mentor

55. A leadership theory that states that followers make attributions of heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities when they observe certain behaviours is known as a. Path-Goal Theory. b. Charismatic Leadership Theory. c. Trait Leadership Theory. d. Behavioural Leadership Theory e. Contingency Leadership Theory.

b.Charismatic Leadership Theory.

11. Which of the following statements is inconsistent with successful leadership behaviour patterns? a. Pioneering work in this area was done at the University of Michigan and the Ohio State University. b. Effective leaders are more concerned with the people they lead than about getting the job done. c. An individual scoring high on one dimension of leader behaviour will not necessarily score low on the other dimension. d. The two major dimensions of leader behaviour focus on people and tasks. e. Two dimensions of leader behaviour have been labelled as initiating structure and consideration.

b.Effective leaders are more concerned with the people they lead than about getting the job done.

65. Jose is well aware of the negative effect that office politics can have on employees. Which of the following principles will help him to improve the climate of the organization? a. Nobody wins unless everybody wins b. Just ask for opinions - don't change them c. Some employees expect to paid back d. Success never creates opposition e. Nothing succeeds like success.

b.Just ask for opinions - don't change them

11. Nicole is abrasive, but she is the boss and employees know she works hard and has earned her management position. When she asks you to do something, you agree to do it because you know she has the right to. What type of power does Nicole possess? a. Reward b. Legitimate c. Expert d. Coercive e. Referent


45. Sometimes leadership may not be important. ________ make(s) it impossible for leader behaviour to make any difference to subordinate outcomes. a. Externalities b. Neutralizers c. Situational variables d. Participation e. Task structure


43. Why are individual attitudes toward conflict so important? a. The individual is the smallest unit of measurement. b. These attitudes define the set of possible settlements. c. These attitudes do not change. d. These attitudes define the structural elements in conflict. e. These attitudes are variable and inconsequential.

b.These attitudes define the set of possible settlements.

59. Conrad is optimistic that the issues between the union and management will be resolved since there appears to be some overlap between their aspirations. This overlap is known as a. a hope for a settlement. b. a bargaining zone. c. collective bargaining. d. groupthink. e. rubber stamping.

b.a bargaining zone.

3. Power is a. alienation between two parties. b. a function of relationship dependency. c. corruption of ethical behaviour. d. intermittent between management. e. only possible if you have legitimate authority.

b.a function of relationship dependency.

24. The degree of dependency a person feels is inversely proportional to a. power. b. alternative sources of supply. c. knowledge. d. financial resources. e. leadership influence.

b.alternative sources of supply.

74. In third-party negotiations, a third party with the authority to dictate an agreement is known as a(n) a. mediator. b. arbitrator. c. conciliator. d. consultant. e. counselor.


76. SCENARIO 9-4 Janet and Phillip are partners in a law firm. Their firm has grown considerably and they are unable to service all of their clients. They do not want to invite other attorneys to join them and must decide which clients to keep and which to send to other law firms. They have reached an impasse in their discussions regarding which clients they will keep and have decided to bring in outside help in their negotiations. Since they have decided not to have a settlement imposed, they will not seek the services of a(n) a. mediator. b. arbitrator. c. conciliator. d. consultant. e. counselor.


48. Which of the following qualities is not necessary for a person to be an effective follower? a. commitment to a purpose outside of themselves b. aspirations of leadership c. courage, honesty and credibility d. build confidence and focus efforts e. manage themselves well

b.aspirations of leadership

20. Tom's organizational culture was very strong in terms of the taken-for-granted notions of how things should be. The culture is exhibited through its a. beliefs. b. assumptions. c. artifacts. d. values. e. stability.


66. Gianni knows who he is, what he believes in and values, and he acts on those values and beliefs openly and candidly. He is thus exhibiting a. moral leadership. b. authentic leadership. c. charismatic leadership. d. transactional leadership. e. transformational leadership.

b.authentic leadership.

34. Todd is great at influencing other people. He is particularly skilled at getting the support of other people to back him up when he asks for something from the boss. This influence tactic is known as a. pressure. b. coalition tactics. c. legitimating tactics. d. exchange. e. rational persuasion.

b.coalition tactics.

14. People comply with ________ power because they fear negative outcomes if they don't comply. a. knowledge b. coercive c. influence d. persuasive e. legitimate


21. SCENARIO 8-1 Your colleagues at work are constantly talking about the vice president in your area. He is feared throughout the organization as a ruthless man who is not to be ―messed with‖. It is necessary for you to bring him a report and you are very nervous about having to deal with him. The vice president's major base of power seems to be a. reward. b. coercive. c. referent. d. expert. e. position.


12. Conflict that is task-oriented and related to differences in perspective and judgments is a. affective conflict. b. cognitive conflict. c. dysfunctional conflict. d. structural conflict. e. functional conflict.

b.cognitive conflict.

54. An identical set of socialization experiences for all employees, the boot camp experience, is an example of which type of socialization? a. individual b. collective c. informal d. random e. formal


25. Timmy is very popular among his coworkers because he tries to balance the needs of others with those of his own to reach solutions when a conflict arises between them. This conflict management strategy is known as a. forcing. b. compromising. c. problem solving. d. yielding. e. avoiding.


33. To achieve expedient solutions under time pressure, the best conflict resolution strategy is a. yielding. b. compromising. c. forcing. d. avoiding. e. problem solving.


26. What theories propose leadership effectiveness is dependent on the situation? a. behavioural theories b. contingency theories c. phenomenal theories d. dependency theories e. normative theories

b.contingency theories

76. Don is a good leader who believes that leaders should choose their style based on their perceptions of situational factors. This is known as a. trait theory. b. contingency theory. c. path-goal theory. d. behavioural theory. e. management theory.

b.contingency theory.

66. SCENARIO 9-2 Labour and management at DJ Trucking cannot agree upon a contract for the truck drivers. Each side contends that they are bargaining fairly, but no agreement appears to be possible. Both sides have agreed that resources are limited. Each feels that whatever one side wins, the other side loses. They believe they are engaged in a. integrative bargaining. b. distributive bargaining. c. mediation. d. best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA). e. dispute resolution.

b.distributive bargaining.

49. What employees love about Abdul is that he doesn't micromanage; they are free to choose how to do their work. His employees are enjoying a. a sense of competence. b. empowerment. c. a sense of pride. d. a sense of impact. e. a sense of meaning.


48. When the employee compares his or her expectations to organizational reality, which stage of socialization is he or she experiencing? a. prearrival b. encounter c. metamorphosis d. orientation e. reality check


34. After working for her new company for a few weeks, Sheila was disillusioned because what she was told at the outset about the company did not seem to match with reality. She was at which stage of the socialization process? a. prearrival. b. encounter. c. metamorphosis d. osmosis. e. disappointment.


41. The selection process helps sustain the organization's culture by a. establishing norms. b. ensuring a proper match of personal and organizational values. c. socializing the applicant. d. providing training and career development guidelines. e. establishing a comprehensive orientation program.

b.ensuring a proper match of personal and organizational values.

52. Leslie is of the opinion that conflict isn't always bad. His feeling is that it can assist in avoiding one of the biggest problems that groups face known as a. negotiation. b. groupthink. c. arbitration. d. mediation. e. peer reviews.


78. Research has found that some cultures prefer ____________ relations and may not react well to the confrontational dynamics more common among North Americans. a. functional. b. harmonious. c. professional. d. dysfunctional. e. team.


52. Research shows using self-promotion ____________ job interview outcomes and __________ performance evaluation outcomes. a. decreases, decreases. b. increases, decreases. c. decreases, increases. d. increases, increases. e. decreases, has no impact on.

b.increases, decreases.

31. Li is a worker who did favours for two co-workers who supported her project proposal in a recent meeting. This is an example of a. coercive practice. b. influence tactics. c. power play. d. deceptive practices. e. empowerment play.

b.influence tactics.

77. SCENARIO 8-3 Jerod is new to Xenon Corporation and wants to make a good impression on his coworkers and supervisor. He is on a three-month probationary status, and he knows that all of the office staff have a say in whether he is permanently hired. He agrees with the supervisor's opinion most of the time and is always doing nice things for him. Jerod makes sure that he associates with the ―right‖ people and is constantly complimenting others about their good work. Jerod is using a. politics. b. influence tactics. c. defensive behaviour. d. his power base. e. influence association.

b.influence tactics.

35. SCENARIO 11-2 Your supervisor has been studying leadership and has described so many theories to you that you are really confused. You ask her to explain the similarities of the many theories so that you can understand the relationship between them. What other term might be used to describe the concept of "task" in behavioural and contingency leadership theories? a. supportive b. initiating structure c. consideration d. relationship-oriented e. employee-oriented

b.initiating structure

14. According to the Ohio State studies, the extent to which a leader's behaviour is directed toward getting the job done is called a. consideration. b. initiating structure. c. employee-oriented. d. contingency theory. e. job structure.

b.initiating structure.

63. The negotiating strategy that emphasizes win-win solutions is called a. positive negotiation. b. integrative bargaining. c. distributive bargaining. d. equal bargaining. e. all-solutions bargaining.

b.integrative bargaining.

79. SCENARIO 10-5 The Young Woman's Club of Williams has been operating for seventy-five years as an organization which supports women who stay at home. This group has always held classes in cooking, sewing, and child rearing. The group has always been comprised of upper middle-class women from the small town of Williams. As the area has grown, many people have moved to Williams and commute to Capital City, just fifteen miles away. The culture of the Young Woman's Club will be a liability if a. newcomers embrace it. b. it does not further the organization's effectiveness. c. it reduces ambiguity. d. it enhances social-system stability. e. it diversifies services.

b.it does not further the organization's effectiveness.

5. The most important aspect of power is a. it is needed to get things done in an organization. b. it is a function of dependency. c. it tends to corrupt people. d. it is counterproductive. e. it is productive.

b.it is a function of dependency.

3. Ron always seems to be challenging the status quo and looks to create change whenever he feels that it is needed, and that is often. Ron is exhibiting a. supervision. b. leadership. c. management. d. transformation. e. charisma.


84. Diane is a boss who seems to be obsessed with control, as every decision that is made in the department has to be approved by her. Diane is exercising a. referent power. b. legitimate power. c. personal power. d. coercive power. e. reward power.

b.legitimate power.

54. Geo is considered to be a fiercely ambitious and driven person whose ambition is directed at the company rather than at himself. He is thus known as a ________ leader. a. directive b. level 5 c. charismatic d. participative e. supportive

b.level 5

6. Emery's best skills revolve around day-to-day caretaker activities that involve maintaining and allocating resources. He is exhibiting a. supervision. b. management. c. leadership. d. transformation. e. charisma.


64. One of the most unpleasant characteristics of Stephan, a new employee, is that he regularly attempts to take credit for the positive accomplishments of others. This is known as a. building coalitions. b. managing impressions. c. blaming others. d. being political. e. abuse of power.

b.managing impressions.

28. Ismal is a well-respected employee from another department who has been brought in to try to resolve a conflict between two employees in another department. His advice to them is to attempt to resolve their main issue first, and he has provided them with some new information that expands their understanding of the issue. Ismal's role is that of a a. compromiser. b. mediator. c. arbitrator. d. negotiator. e. enforcer.


68. When employees see their work environment as political, the effect on work attitude and behaviour is usually a. positive. b. negative. c. compliance. d. cooperation. e. ambiguous.


84. Terri is an expert at email correspondence. She is particularly adept at conveying the exact emotion that she wishes to convey, judging whether her message should be formal or informal, as well as being consistent with the verbal style of the sender. Thus, she is exhibiting a. situational leadership. b. online leadership. c. charismatic leadership. d. transformational leadership. e. transactional leadership.

b.online leadership.

1. What is the pattern of shared meaning within an organization? a. the organizational chart b. organizational culture c. dominant culture d. stories e. a belief system

b.organizational culture

8. Which of the following is not a requirement of conflict? a. must be perceived b. overt acts c. incompatibility d. opposition e. separation

b.overt acts

31. SCENARIO 11-1 You have discovered that the area managers in your organization seem to be very different in their managerial styles. In an effort to understand their styles, you decide to analyze their styles using Hersey and Blanchard's Situational Leadership. Jack is 66 years old, has been with the company since he was 24, and plans to retire at the end of the year. His employees are all experienced and productive employees in their jobs, and so he seems to "leave them alone" most of the time. Jack is generally not able to work well with Jill, who is a recent addition at the company, has an MBA and five years of industry experience at one of your main competitors. Jill's attitude is upbeat and she is always encouraging her employees that they need to work together because they have a "common stake" in the organization. Her employees are also experienced and productive employees and seem a bit frustrated with all the meetings and planning sessions Jill holds. Doug is a former military sergeant. Doug doesn't trust his employees to complete all of the job tasks at all times, and so he supervises them closely. He has told you before that his employees don't complete all of components of the job properly; when productivity has to be pushed, health and safety tasks get ignored and accident numbers go up; when there is no pressure to get a product run completed, often the quality control checks are dropped from the work routine, as the employees just don't seem to care. Doug sees it as his job to redirect the workers when they ignore or forget to complete these tasks correctly. Jill's approach would be described by Situational Leadership as a. task b. participating c. people orientation d. directing e. delegating


41. According to the path-goal theory, a leader who consults with employees and uses their suggestions before making a decision is referred to as a. supportive. b. participative. c. institutional. d. charismatic. e. directive.


21. Research findings indicate that when a task is satisfying to an employee there is less need for a leader to be ________. a. production-oriented b. people-oriented c. initiating-oriented d. goal-oriented e. task-oriented


60. Activities that influence the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within the organization are a. human resources. b. political behaviour. c. tactical planning activities. d. strategic planning activities. e. power brokering activities.

b.political behaviour.

84. When Edith joined her new organization, she was thrilled to discover that not only did it emphasize organizational effectiveness, but the growth of the individual as well. This is a characteristic of a a. normative culture. b. positive culture. c. unrealistic culture. d. communal culture. e. vainglorious culture.

b.positive culture.

61. SCENARIO 10-4 You are new to an organization and do not really know what to expect about the socialization process. You are a recent MBA and have an undergraduate degree in computer science. Your new firm is a software development company with an emphasis on the health care industry. Prior to entry to the organization your business attitudes and behaviours were formed in your educational experiences. This stage of socialization is termed a. education stage. b. prearrival stage. c. encounter stage. d. metamorphosis stage. e. alignment stage.

b.prearrival stage.

39. According to research the favoured power tactic utilized by all individuals is a. inspirational appeals. b. rational persuasion. c. consultation tactics. d. legitimating tactics. e. coalition tactics.

b.rational persuasion.

15. Conflict is dysfunctional when it a. provides a medium to release tension. b. reduces group cohesiveness. c. fosters an environment of self-evaluation and change. d. enhances flexibility. e. increases productivity.

b.reduces group cohesiveness.

20. What type of power base allows celebrities to demand millions of dollars to endorse products? a. coercive b. referent c. expert d. reward e. status


23. SCENARIO 8-1 Your colleagues at work are constantly talking about the vice president in your area. He is feared throughout the organization as a ruthless man who is not to be ―messed with‖. It is necessary for you to bring him a report and you are very nervous about having to deal with him. The base of power the vice president does not seem to have is a. reward. b. referent. c. expert. d. legitimate. e. connection.


64. SCENARIO 11-4 For the past twenty years you have been working for a large corporation and have recently lost your job because the corporation reduced its workforce. You have just been hired by Acme Inc. Your new supervisor is a woman who has been at Acme for seven years. One of your colleagues has said, "Oh, she's typical of women leaders." You have never worked for a woman before. You might remind your new colleague that a. genetics is the reason women can't lead like men. b. regardless of gender, those in leadership positions are more alike than different. c. regardless of gender, those in leadership positions are more different than alike. d. research shows no difference in leadership styles between men and women. e. men are more successful than women in leadership positions.

b.regardless of gender, those in leadership positions are more alike than different.

13. Lisa works in the Human Resources Department, and everyone tries to do favours for her because she has the ability to give special benefits to employees like free corporate tickets to hockey games. Lisa possesses a. coercive power. b. reward power. c. referent power. d. legitimate power. e. information power.

b.reward power.

66. Positive organizational cultures include the following characteristics a. networks rather than bureaucracies b. rewards rather than punishments c. stability rather than growth d. solidarity rather than individualism e. communal rather than individualistic

b.rewards rather than punishments

85. An organization's culture is most likely to have high ethical standards if it is high in a. aggressiveness. b. risk tolerance. c. ethical training. d. protective mechanisms. e. role models.

b.risk tolerance.

17. SCENARIO 10-1 Nunya is a computer software company that employs highly intelligent but somewhat unusual people. Every Friday, free lollipops are given out to encourage employees to remember how creative they were when they were children. At the beginning of each quarterly executive meeting, employees are reminded that the founders were three young people who ―got lucky‖ and sold a video game that they invented. Employees are allowed to dress in blue jeans and can set their own working hours. Lollipop day is an example of a a. story. b. ritual. c. material symbol. d. symbolic food. e. conformance to tradition.


8. Repetitive sequences of activities that express and reinforce the key values of the organization, identify important goals and people are referred to as a. stories. b. rituals. c. material symbols. d. cultural typologies. e. perceptions and values.


65. Four distinct strategies that managers can use to create an ethical culture are provide a. audits, role models, rewards and training. b. role models, training rewards and proactive mechanisms. c. assimilation, audits, rewards and training. d. culture, rituals, rewards and proactive mechanisms. e. artifacts, rewards, proactive mechanisms and role models.

b.role models, training rewards and proactive mechanisms.

27. Jacques is the only employee in the department who has been with the company for more than one year. As a result, he is the only one who knows what to do when unforeseen things happen. The other employees depend on him because the knowledge that he has is a. powerful. b. scarce. c. timely. d. political. e. hearsay.


26. The ________ relationship can be seen in the power of occupational categories. In occupations where supply is low relative to demand, compensation is more attractive. a. substitutability b. scarcity-dependency c. referent power d. importance-dependency e. referent dependency


10. If trait research had been successful, we would ________, whereas if behavioural studies were correct, we would ________. a. teach people certain traits; teach people certain behaviours b. select the right person for the job; train leaders c. change jobs to suit people; change people to suit jobs d. hire only women; hire either men or women e. teach people managerial principles; teach people certain behaviours

b.select the right person for the job; train leaders

32. SCENARIO 11-1 You have discovered that the area managers in your organization seem to be very different in their managerial styles. In an effort to understand their styles, you decide to analyze their styles using Hersey and Blanchard's Situational Leadership. Jack is 66 years old, has been with the company since he was 24, and plans to retire at the end of the year. His employees are all experienced and productive employees in their jobs, and so he seems to "leave them alone" most of the time. Jack is generally not able to work well with Jill, who is a recent addition at the company, has an MBA and five years of industry experience at one of your main competitors. Jill's attitude is upbeat and she is always encouraging her employees that they need to work together because they have a "common stake" in the organization. Her employees are also experienced and productive employees and seem a bit frustrated with all the meetings and planning sessions Jill holds. Doug is a former military sergeant. Doug doesn't trust his employees to complete all of the job tasks at all times, and so he supervises them closely. He has told you before that his employees don't complete all of components of the job properly; when productivity has to be pushed, health and safety tasks get ignored and accident numbers go up; when there is no pressure to get a product run completed, often the quality control checks are dropped from the work routine, as the employees just don't seem to care. Doug sees it as his job to redirect the workers when they ignore or forget to complete these tasks correctly. The ________ style appears to be Doug's situational leadership style. a. task b. selling c. participating d. directing e. delegating


75. Ted's company recently merged with another company. There is little overlap in the industries in which the two companies operate. The best approach to merging the cultures would be a. assimilation. b. separation. c. integration. d. groupthink. e. community.


26. Will is very adept at resolving conflicts among his staff by playing down the differences with respect to a given issue while emphasizing the common interests of both parties. This conflict management strategy is called a. avoidance. b. smoothing. c. compromising. d. problem solving. e. developing subordinate goals.


1. John Kotter, of Harvard Business School argues "managers promote ________ while leaders press for ________." a. change; stability b. stability; change c. peace; harmony d. management; leadership e. change; supervision

b.stability; change

14. The organizational culture of the Ordnon Corporation is totally ingrained with a high degree of intensity; the climate of the company thus is one of high behavioural control. Ordnon's culture is a a. dominant culture. b. strong culture. c. subculture. d. management-based culture. e. value-added culture.

b.strong culture.

11. Ambiguity about responsibilities and accountabilities describes which category of conflict sources? a. affective b. structural c. cognitive d. cultural e. communication


69. Culture is most likely to be a liability when a. it increases consistency of behaviour. b. the environment is dynamic. c. management is incompetent. d. ethical behaviour is a focus. e. culture is never a liability.

b.the environment is dynamic.

7. The potential for conflict to become actual conflict if a. group members are homogeneous. b. there is an incompatibility of goals. c. group members are diverse. d. there are differences of opinion. e. there is disagreement with established company policy.

b.there is an incompatibility of goals.

59. SCENARIO 8-2 Your supervisor embarrasses you by constantly telling sexual jokes and making sexual comments. Although he has never directly asked you to sleep with him, you feel threatened and are uncomfortable; it is difficult for you to do your job. A basic problem in this situation is that a. your clothes are probably too suggestive. b. there is an unequal power relationship between your supervisor and you. c. your perception of the situation is the same as your supervisor's. d. this is not clearly sexual harassment, since he has not requested that you give him sexual favours. e. your supervisor probably has nothing better to do.

b.there is an unequal power relationship between your supervisor and you.

50. SCENARIO 11-3 The two leaders in your department are very different. John believes that he should guide and motivate by clarification of the roles and tasks of his subordinates. Alan feels that his role should be to provide individualized consideration and intellectual stimulation. Most of the workers believe that both leaders are well trained, but Alan has a special "spark" that employees feel when they work with him. John is which type of leader? a. transformational b. transactional c. charismatic d. team e. laissez-faire


56. Lilly does a great job of inspiring her employees to go beyond their own self-interests for the good of the organization. She thus is known as a ________ leader. a. transactional b. transformational c. supportive d. participative e. competent


59. The type of leader who inspires followers to transcend their own self-interest for the good of the organization and who is capable of having a profound effect on his or her followers is a(n) a. transcendent leader. b. transformational leader. c. transactional leader. d. employee-oriented. e. situational leader.

b.transformational leader.

44. When Jing, your co-worker, demands and threatens that you must support his ideas on the marketing strategy, he is a. making a personal appeal. b. using pressure tactics. c. using coalition tactics. d. using exchange tactics. e. making an inspirational appeal.

b.using pressure tactics.

10. Which of the following terms is not typically associated with a strong organizational culture? a. core values b. vacillating beliefs c. widely shared values d. intensely held values e. highly influential

b.vacillating beliefs

54. Sheila is a very demanding boss who regularly requires employees to work overtime without pay ―or else.‖ This is an example of a. harassment. b. workplace bullying. c. intimidation. d. political behaviour. e. reward power.

b.workplace bullying.

50. Alison is very happy with her job primarily because she has total decision-making power with respect to both the content and context of her job. When she makes a mistake, her supervisor discusses it with her. For Alison to be empowered, what steps must a manager ensure? a. Alison is demoted if she makes a mistake. b. Alison is encouraged to blame others for mistakes. c. Alison is given relevant training to try to prevent such mistakes. d. Alison discusses her mistake with a committee to ensure she doesn't repeat it. e. Alison's mistake is discussed in the company newsletter.

c.Alison is given relevant training to try to prevent such mistakes.

85. National culture affects leadership style. Participative leadership would be the most effective leadership style in a country like a. Honduras. b. Saudi Arabia. c. Brazil. d. Iraq. e. China.


2. Mohammed was a very good report writer, but a terrible speller, so he had to rely on Kelly, one of his coworkers, to help him with this aspect of his reports. What type of relationship did Mohammed have with Kelly? a. Cordial b. Collaborative c. Dependency d. Powerful e. Enduring


56. Which of the following is true of sexual harassment? a. It includes a single request for a date when a person. b. Sexual harassment is accepted in western business cultures. c. Higher-ranking women can sexually harass junior male colleagues. d. It cannot occur between co-workers. e. A man cannot be sexually harassed by a woman.

c.Higher-ranking women can sexually harass junior male colleagues.

70. SCENARIO 9-3 Playbill Inc. is a company that hires culturally diverse people to perform Shakespearean plays for high school students. They employ actors and actresses from all over the world. These actors and actresses have joined together to request higher salaries for their services. Which of the following statements about cultural differences in negotiations is false? a. The Chinese draw out negotiations. b. The French like conflict. c. The Russians are quick to make concessions. d. The Americans are impatient and want to be liked. e. The Japanese adapt their behaviours to the situation.

c.The Russians are quick to make concessions.

9. Which of the following did the Ohio State studies identify as the dimensions by which managers can be characterized? a. The dimensions found were achievement orientation and participation. b. Middle-of-the-road management produces satisfactory results. c. The dimensions found were consideration and initiating structure. d. Laissez-faire leadership was most effective. e. Leaders cannot effectively perform both dimensions of leadership.

c.The dimensions found were consideration and initiating structure.

72. Examining differences in vision, values , structure, management practices, and behaviour before a merger takes place is known as a. groupthink. b. due diligence. c. a bicultural audit. d. a cultural barrier. e. a diversity check.

c.a bicultural audit.

70. Consistency of behaviour is an asset to an organization when it faces a. a dynamic environment. b. an unknown environment. c. a stable environment. d. massive changes. e. major organizational restructuring.

c.a stable environment.

6. When Antonio gets into a disagreement with co-workers, he often intimidates them with physical gestures and by pushing them. On the conflict intensity continuum, Antonio's behaviour would be closest to a. functional conflict. b. affective conflict. c. annihilatory conflict. d. personality conflict. e. task conflict.

c.annihilatory conflict.

30. Kerri Anne has been brought in to resolve the stalemate between the union and management regarding the issues of wage increases. She has indicated that if the two parties cannot resolve this issue themselves, she will have to impose a decision herself. Kerri Anne is known as a(n) a. facilitator. b. ombudsperson. c. arbitrator. d. mediator. e. conciliator.


19. Jobba just joined an organization, and was impressed that the organizational culture was consistent - what he saw, heard and felt when in the office was all the same. Jobba was reading the culture through its a. beliefs. b. assumptions. c. artifacts. d. values. e. stability.


82. Chinese managers are more likely than US managers to a. force and compromise. b. compromise and yield. c. avoid and yield. d. force and problem-solve. e. compromise and problem-solve.

c.avoid and yield.

23. Since his work group has a lot of temperamental people in it, when a conflict arises among the group, Francois tends to deal with it by minimizing the importance of the issue that caused the conflict and telling everyone to ―just get back to work‖. This conflict management strategy is known as a. yielding b. compromising c. avoiding. d. problem solving. e. forcing.


42. Which of the following characteristics would be inconsistent with an individual using a problem solving style? a. views conflict as natural and helpful b. demonstrates trust and candidness with others c. believes that each party must give up something to reach a satisfactory solution d. views everyone as having an equal role in resolving the conflict e. attempts to reach a satisfactory and acceptable conclusion

c.believes that each party must give up something to reach a satisfactory solution

51. SCENARIO 11-3 The two leaders in your department are very different. John believes that he should guide and motivate by clarification of the roles and tasks of his subordinates. Alan feels that his role should be to provide individualized consideration and intellectual stimulation. Most of the workers believe that both leaders are well trained, but Alan has a special "spark" that employees feel when they work with him. That special "spark" that people notice when they work with Alan may be termed a. transactional. b. laissez-faire. c. charisma. d. structure. e. transcendent.


38. The influence tactic that gets the support of other people to back a request is a. exchange tactics. b. inspirational appeals. c. coalition tactics. d. consultation tactics. e. legitimating tactics.

c.coalition tactics.

51. Bob welcomes a certain degree of conflict and disagreement among his staff, since he has been concerned that they have approved proposals in the past based on weak assumptions and without exploring other alternatives. Bob is promoting a type of conflict known as a. mediation. b. affective. c. cognitive. d. collaboration. e. dysfunctional.


67. Political behaviour includes activities such as a. bypassing chain of common. b. forming coalitions. c. compliance. d. enforcing organizational policies . e. social responsibility.


77. SCENARIO 9-4 Janet and Phillip are partners in a law firm. Their firm has grown considerably and they are unable to service all of their clients. They do not want to invite other attorneys to join them and must decide which clients to keep and which to send to other law firms. They have reached an impasse in their discussions regarding which clients they will keep and have decided to bring in outside help in their negotiations. They have asked Jillian, a trusted colleague and associate, to engage in fact-finding, interpretation, and persuasion to develop some agreements with them. Jillian's role is that of a(n) a. mediator. b. arbitrator. c. conciliator. d. consultant. e. facilitator.


49. When it comes to conflict and productivity, research has strongly suggested a. conflict should be avoided at all costs. b. conflict costs almost double productivity input. c. conflict can be functional and improve productivity. d. people have an aversion to productivity. e. conflict and counter-productivity are predictable.

c.conflict can be functional and improve productivity.

72. Waddy is a leader whose work relationships with his staff are characterized by mutual trust, respect for their ideas, and regard for their feelings. According to behavioural theories, this is known as a. hyperbole. b. initiating structure. c. consideration. d. emotional intelligence. e. key traits.


38. The dual concern theory identifies which of the following two primary dimensions of conflict-handling intentions? a. awareness and assertiveness b. reliability and awareness c. cooperativeness and assertiveness d. independence and interdependence e. accommodation and collaboration

c.cooperativeness and assertiveness

25. Integrity, fairness and harmony are the three most important concepts that stand above all others at Yanni's organization. These are known as its a. beliefs. b. mission. c. core values. d. subcultures. e. dominant culture.

c.core values.

58. Labour-management negotiations over wages exemplifies a. integrative bargaining. b. cost-effective bargaining. c. distributive bargaining. d. third-party bargaining. e. organizational bargaining.

c.distributive bargaining.

29. SCENARIO 10-2 Masterson College is a small liberal arts women's college in North Carolina. The founders of the college were Baptist and were committed to the idea that a liberal arts education was the best preparation for life-long learning. Within the last two decades, the business department has become one of the larger departments on campus. The faculty of the business department are committed to liberal arts education but are also committed to finding employment for their graduates. The belief in a liberal arts education is part of the a. subculture of the business department. b. weak culture. c. dominant culture. d. mission statement. e. business plan of the business department.

c.dominant culture.

18. The University of Michigan studies define which leader as one who takes personal interest in the needs of his or her subordinates? a. personal b. country club c. employee-oriented d. humanistic e. achievement-oriented


46. When employees have power, they are likely to satisfied with their jobs, which can lead to higher productivity. This is known as what type of employee power? a. task-setting b. self-management c. empowerment d. participatory e. mission-defining


47. One of the greatest things about working for Francois is that he lets his staff make decisions and commitments without always having to check with him first. Francois is practicing a. dependency. b. power. c. empowerment. d. class. e. political behaviour.


48. Roy's product development committee has authority to make decisions about both tasks and procedures relating to the new product; the committee operates independently, based on company's values and mission. This is an example of a. job context. b. job content. c. empowerment. d. dependency. e. referent power.


49. If there is a basic conflict between the individual's expectations and the organization's expectations, the employee is most likely to be disillusioned and quit during which stage? a. prearrival b. anxiety c. encounter d. metamorphosis e. adjustment


63. SCENARIO 10-4 You are new to an organization and do not really know what to expect about the socialization process. You are a recent MBA and have an undergraduate degree in computer science. Your new firm is a software development company with an emphasis on the health care industry. You quickly find you are comfortable with the expectations of your co-workers, boss and the organization in general; your expectations are affirmed. Your stage of socialization is called a. social facilitation stage. b. prearrival stage. c. encounter stage. d. metamorphosis stage. e. replacement stage.

c.encounter stage.

2. Terry is known the provoke arguments, and while some people don't like her for that reason, most would admit that her confrontational style improves the performance of the group. This is an example of a. dysfunctional conflict. b. destructive conflict. c. functional conflict. d. negotiation conflict. e. forcing conflict.

c.functional conflict.

13. According to the Ohio State studies, the extent to which a leader is likely to define and structure his or her role and those of subordinates in the search for goal attainment is called a. structured coercion. b. dominance. c. initiating structure. d. employee orientation. e. consideration.

c.initiating structure.

76. Raghib's company just merged with another, and it was clear that both organizational cultures needed improvement. The best approach to merging the cultures would be a. assimilation. b. separation. c. integration. d. groupthink. e. community.


71. Political behaviour can negatively impact a. internal locus of control. b. high self-monitoring. c. job performance. d. role ambiguity. e. role conflict.

c.job performance.

4. Acts that activate change in others congruent with the long-term objectives of the organization are known as a. charisma. b. management. c. leadership. d. social responsibility. e. transformation.


8. Steve is greatly admired in his organization, as he is an innovative thinker in the way he approaches problems he encounters in his role; Steve always asks the questions "how does this align with our goals and how can we get there?" He rarely concerns himself with "how do we usually handle a problem like this?" He is exhibiting a. supervision. b. management. c. leadership. d. transformation. e. charisma.


70. SCENARIO 11-5 A recent phenomenon facing organizations is that of downsizing. This has a tremendous impact on the organization's function and presents a major challenge for leadership. Many individuals charged with taking an organization to higher levels of profitability, or even just surviving, are aware that they must somehow continue to provide meaningful work and facilitate pride and satisfaction on the part of employees. These individuals must be willing to take risks and develop effective people orientation skills. Speed of innovation and the focus on people, talent and skills is paramount. The biggest challenge is to survive in a rapidly changing environment and somehow keep the best people from leaving. In some areas, the workforce is aging and requires replacement. Many "hands-on," detail-oriented managers appear to be successful. Performance orientation, the ability to make the right decisions quickly, and changing an organization's structure to respond effectively are also major challenges. The fundamental questions raised by many are--What type of leadership is needed? What leadership styles are best suited? How does a leader change and adapt? Although much research has taken place in an attempt to describe leadership and differentiate it in terms of how it is practiced in a variety of situations, the conclusions don't always appear to be satisfactory. Which of the following is a managerial trait, rather than a leadership trait? a. plans strategy b. questions standard practice c. maintains and allocates resources d. uses empowering strategies e. reforms the system

c.maintains and allocates resources

7. If a person decides to employ a coercive base of power, he or she would be most apt to a. give special benefits or rewards to people. b. have the experience and knowledge to earn your respect. c. make things difficult for people. d. have the data or knowledge that you need. e. have the right to expect you to comply with legitimate requests.

c.make things difficult for people.

3. Which of the following is outside the typical characteristics of organizational culture? a. attention to detail b. innovation c. management orientation d. team orientation e. people orientation

c.management orientation

2. John is very effective at acting within the established culture of the organization, and gets a lot done with this approach. John is exhibiting a. supervision. b. leadership. c. management. d. transformation. e. charisma.


25. Leadership incompetence in organizations may be because a. leadership cannot be learned on the job b. leadership is hard to describe in a job description, so it is hard to hire leaders c. many managers are promoted from jobs that didn't have a leadership role, to a job that has a leadership role. d. leaders are born, and there are too few to supply all the needs of organizations e. most organizations don't value leadership, so don't hire for it

c.many managers are promoted from jobs that didn't have a leadership role, to a job that has a leadership role.

18. SCENARIO 10-1 Nunya is a computer software company that employs highly intelligent but somewhat unusual people. Every Friday, free lollipops are given out to encourage employees to remember how creative they were when they were children. At the beginning of each quarterly executive meeting, employees are reminded that the founders were three young people who ―got lucky‖ and sold a video game that they invented. Employees are allowed to dress in blue jeans and can set their own working hours. Dressing down is an example of a a. story. b. ritual. c. material symbol. d. symbolic act. e. fashion statement.

c.material symbol.

35. Slowly but surely, Kevin is adjusting to his new work group's values and norms. Kevin is at which stage of the socialization process? a. prearrival b. encounter c. metamorphosis d. osmosis e. disappointment


36. Zelda was struck by just how fiercely goal-focused her new work group was and how intent it was on destroying the competition. Zelda is unsure whether she can agree with these beliefs and attitudes. Zelda is likely in which stage of the socialization process? a. prearrival. b. encounter. c. metamorphosis. d. osmosis. e. disappointment


38. Cam was happy with his promotion, but sad to be leaving his work group; his current work group gets along well and had a strong focus on goal achievement in the time he has worked with them. Cam is likely in which stage of the socialization process in the job he is leaving? a. prearrival. b. encounter. c. metamorphosis. d. osmosis. e. disappointment


1. If no one is aware of conflict, it is generally agreed that a. employee-employer relations will be good. b. conflict is subversive. c. no conflict exists. d. conflict is inevitable. e. management practices are highly effective.

c.no conflict exists.

70. Which of the following factors is most likely to contribute to political behaviour? a. authoritarian personalities b. employees' high need for power c. organizational culture d. age of the organization e. management's high need for power

c.organizational culture

74. Fred is facing a decision in which it is critical that his staff internalize the goals and carry through on the actions independently. According to the Path-Goal Theory, the best leadership style for him would be a. directive. b. supportive. c. participative. d. charismatic. e. achievement-oriented.


43. Which of the following theories assumes subordinates will react favourably to a leader who helps them progress toward their desired goals? a. behavioural approach b. attribution theory c. path-goal theory d. situational leadership model e. leader match approach

c.path-goal theory

29. Dependency upon you is decreased when the resource you control is a. important. b. scarce. c. plentiful. d. in demand. e. insufficient.


33. Kayla is considered to be a ―political animal‖; one of her redeeming qualities is that she is adept at influencing others in such a way that it enhances THEIR own objectives. This is known as a. political behaviour. b. influence. c. political skill. d. dependency. e. harassment.

c.political skill.

60. A leader would not be called transactional when he or she a. gives rewards in exchange for good work. b. intervenes if standards aren't met. c. provides vision and a sense of mission. d. recognizes accomplishments. e. takes corrective action.

c.provides vision and a sense of mission.

37. When Rico, from accounting, presents a large amount of data to make a logical argument for his budgeting proposal, the influence tactic he is utilizing a. inspirational appeals. b. consultation tactics. c. rational persuasion. d. legitimating tactics. e. personal appeal.

c.rational persuasion.

19. Mai grants power to a colleague whom she admires and aspires to be like; the power Mai has granted is a. coercive. b. legitimate. c. referent. d. expert. e. political.


2. In its simplest sense, organizational culture a. determines what computer systems are to be employed. b. determines the best customers to be selected for the company. c. represents the core beliefs and values of managers and employees. d. represents the basis on which physical facilitates are changed. e. represents and focuses upon the shareholders.

c.represents the core beliefs and values of managers and employees.

17. Your manager offers you a raise if you will complete additional work beyond the requirements of your job; he or she is exercising a. legitimate power. b. coercive power. c. reward power. d. expert power. e. referent power.

c.reward power.

11. It is obvious to Betty what goals are important, which people are important, and which people are expendable from the repetitive sequences of activities that are visible to all. She is observing the company's a. artifacts. b. beliefs. c. rituals. d. material symbols. e. stories.


61. Which of the following is characteristic of a charismatic leader? a. little regard for employees b. no commitment to company c. self-confidence d. team management e. conformance to established norms


55. Use of role models to train and encourage newcomers is characteristic of which entry socialization option? a. investiture b. fixed c. serial d. random e. divestiture


57. SCENARIO 10-3 Jester Corporation has a training program for all new managers. They spend three weeks in a formal classroom setting with other new managers and are then assigned a mentor. Only MBA's are hired for management jobs, since this is believed to be the level of qualification necessary for job success. Jester's Corporation's socialization program appears to be a. informal. b. individualized. c. serial. d. divestiture. e. formal.


33. Rava was going through an orientation process whose goal was to ensure that she adapted to her new organization's culture. This process is known as a. osmosis. b. assimilation. c. socialization. d. indoctrination. e. brainwashing.


44. The process that adapts employees to the organization's culture is called a. indoctrination. b. orientation. c. socialization. d. confirmation. e. formalization.


13. Cultures where the core values are intensely held and widely shared are termed a. fortresses. b. subcultures. c. strong cultures. d. institutionalized. e. formalized.

c.strong cultures.

77. Jing is an effective leader who is friendly with his staff and always shows concern for their needs. According to Path-Goal Theory, he is a ________ leader. a. directive b. participative c. supportive d. achievement-oriented e. charismatic


39. The leadership behaviours identified by the path-goal theory are a. participative, goal-oriented, supportive. b. achievement-oriented, humanistic. c. supportive, directive, participative, achievement-oriented. d. participative, directive. e. supportive, achievement-oriented.

c.supportive, directive, participative, achievement-oriented.

28. The dominant culture is a. the sum of the subcultures. b. the culture of the industry leader. c. synonymous with the organization's culture. d. the degree of sharedness. e. management's perception about the organization.

c.synonymous with the organization's culture.

23. According to research, in which situation will task-oriented leadership style give the best employee performance? a. subordinate is pressured because of deadlines b. subordinate is pressured because of unclear tasks c. task is interesting to the employee d. task is uninteresting to the employee e. subordinate has clear understanding of task

c.task is interesting to the employee

24. According to research, in which situation will people-oriented leadership style give the best employee satisfaction? a. subordinate is unskilled in tasks b. subordinate is unclear about tasks c. task is interesting to the employee d. task is uninteresting to the employee e. subordinate is highly introvert

c.task is interesting to the employee

80. SCENARIO 10-6 Security in electronic transactions in the banking, communications and data exchange industry is still a major problem despite new technological advances. Many transactions are subject to misuse, and the Internet has certainly suffered more than its fair share of abuse and eavesdropping. Jennifer Barr, CEO of cTech Group, is in the business of developing hardware and software aimed directly at improving computer security. The company is based in eastern Canada with a few branches in the U.S. Part of Barr's biggest problem is convincing people that their systems are secure. It is difficult to establish a confidence level within existing and potential customers that transmission of highly sensitive data can actually be very secure; customers like to have consistency of project managers and customer service personnel and this seems to be helpful in boosting customer confidence. The company manufactures hardware in the form of stand-alone devices and plug-in boards, depending upon the application and type of computers being used. Corresponding software is custom-designed for mainstream clients such as banks, financial institutions, the Internet and others who deal with data transmission and receiving. cTech is about eight years old and has achieved its reputation through hard work and dedicated effort. Jennifer's position is that the company should make substantial profits while maintaining a strong social presence in the business community. Openness, ethical business practices, empowerment, environmental concern and planned giving programs are hallmarks of the company. Despite this, the company is experiencing some stress in hiring and turnover. Some of the practices that are contributing to people leaving and new people not accepting jobs include: (1) The stringent work ethic expecting employees to routinely work a 12-hour day. (2) The achievement orientation of the organizations has become a ―survival of the fittest‖ attitude, and for new employees there is little opportunity for training and mentoring. (3) Personal and social life is not supported by work practices. (4) The need to balance family life with the work situation is not recognized. There is a serious shortage of individuals who are both qualified and available to take a job in the company. Potential employees are careful in selecting a company to work for and they have many opportunities as their skills are in demand. In what way is cTech's organizational culture a liability? a. the business and cultural background the founders established is no longer relevant b. the formal rules and regulations around the workplace are not flexible c. the culture is entrenched and is no longer appropriate to a changing environment d. the culture is not supportive to mergers and acquisitions e. the kind of benefits that employees receive at cTech are not legal

c.the culture is entrenched and is no longer appropriate to a changing environment

14. The demarcation between functional and dysfunctional conflict is a. neither clear nor precise. b. individual perception. c. the effect on group performance. d. measured on the conflict intensity scale. e. determined by the group's leader.

c.the effect on group performance.

55. Distributive bargaining involves a. varying amounts of resources. b. the long term. c. the short term. d. a limited amount of resources. e. both parties as winners.

c.the short term.

19. When determining the functionality of conflict, research strongly suggests that the most significant factor is a. the frequency of starting conflict. b. the amount of interpersonal conflict. c. the source of conflict. d. the recipient's attitude towards conflict. e. the general attitude of both parties toward conflict.

c.the source of conflict.

80. Recent research studies in gender differences in negotiating styles and effectiveness show that a. there are many reliable conclusions. b. women are better negotiators. c. there are few reliable conclusions. d. women are more confident. e. no differences exist.

c.there are few reliable conclusions.

52. SCENARIO 11-3 The two leaders in your department are very different. John believes that he should guide and motivate by clarification of the roles and tasks of his subordinates. Alan feels that his role should be to provide individualized consideration and intellectual stimulation. Most of the workers believe that both leaders are well trained, but Alan has a special "spark" that employees feel when they work with him. Alan is which type of leader? a. transactional b. Theory X c. transformational d. laissez-faire e. situational


15. A strong culture will have the greatest impact on which of the following? a. productivity b. absence c. turnover d. satisfaction e. goal achievement


64. Good selection processes sustain organizational culture by identifying and hiring individuals who have the knowledge, skills, abilities and a. flexibility. b. sociability. c. values. d. adaptability. e. demographics.


6. Bases of power refers to a. power characteristics. b. whether the power position has a good foundation. c. what the power holder has that gives him or her power. d. the elements of power. e. leadership characteristics.

c.what the power holder has that gives him or her power.

20. Within the five identified conflict management strategies, only incorporating the will of the other party is termed a. forcing. b. compromising. c. yielding. d. avoiding. e. problem solving.


6. Observing the physical surroundings, characterizing the style of those working, and examining the degree of formalization of rules and regulations are all ways to a. get a job at an organization. b. change the culture of an organization. c. ―read‖ the culture of an organization. d. reduce barriers to change. e. increase barriers to change.

c.―read‖ the culture of an organization.

The application of direct threats or force upon resistance is called:


You have threatened to elimiate positions and even to close down the company is your employees don't change their attitudes. You are using:


Employees seem unfocused and disengaged; many groups seem to be gossiping and discussing the weekend sports events. You wonder is you should have used a change approach that would have started with you sharing the latest financial data on the company, showing it has very low cash flow and high debt. This approach, Kotter's 8 step plan, would have create urgency and:

compelling reasons for change

Which of the following is a force for change in organizations?


Which of the following is NOT a tactic a change agent could use for dealing with resistance?


For a long time, Karen's organization has been suffering from a lack of common beliefs and values. To change this, Karen's organization must target organizational


Scenario: Your supervisor has restructured the jobs within your division and some of your colleagues are not pleased. Don is concerned that he will not be able to perform the new tasks. Since his is paid by the amount her produces, his pay might be reduced. Tony is afraid that this job may be in jeopardy and he may be laid off. Doug feels he had no say in the change and has developed a negative attitude. The source of DOUG's resistance is:


Two years later, you have made numerous changes to the company structure and culture, and slowly the company is becoming competitive; you are not yet content and want to progress further, but when you ask your executive team to identify ways to increase cost efficiency, one manager groans and says here we go Fagin. This resistance to change is likely;


50. When it comes to personality conflicts in the workplace, research suggests managers can spend between ______ of their time managing them. a. 20-25% b. 6-8% c. 16-18% d. 12-20% e. 50-60%


73. Which of the following is false, concerning impression management techniques? a. Applicants using impression management techniques did better in interviews. b. Applicants using a self-promotion during an interview were rated higher. c. Impression management techniques tend to be used more in highly uncertain, ambiguous situations. d. Applicants using a submissive style were preferred because this demonstrated respect. e. Applicants ingratiation and self-promotion to reflect confidence.

d.Applicants using a submissive style were preferred because this demonstrated respect.

8. Keisha is considered to be an intimidating boss. It is well known throughout the organization that if you do something wrong in her view, she will get angry and make things difficult for you. What type of power is Keisha exhibiting? a. Reward b. Legitimate c. Expert d. Coercive e. Referent


79. Liking conflict and not being concerned about whether they are liked or disliked by the opposing party in the negotiations is common for the a. Arabs. b. Russians. c. North Americans. d. French. e. Japanese.


57. Which of the following is not true of a charismatic leader? a. They have a vision and the ability to articulate that vision. b. They have behaviour that is out of the ordinary. c. They are assertive and self-confident. d. They are perceived as managers of the status quo. e. They are perceived as being a change agent.

d.They are perceived as managers of the status quo.

69. SCENARIO 9-3 Playbill Inc. is a company that hires culturally diverse people to perform Shakespearean plays for high school students. They employ actors and actresses from all over the world. These actors and actresses have joined together to request higher salaries for their services. Which of the following statements is false concerning gender differences in negotiations? a. Women are neither worse nor better negotiators than men. b. Women's attitudes toward negotiation and negotiating skills appear to be quite different from men's. c. Low-power managers, regardless of gender, attempt to placate their opponents. d. Women are always more cooperative and pleasant in negotiations than men. e. Men are more likely to use dialogue to persuade others.

d.Women are always more cooperative and pleasant in negotiations than men.

7. Which of the following is characteristic of a manager? a. innovates for the entire organization b. asks "what" and "why" to change standard practices c. is a status quo challenger d. administers subsystems within an organization e. uses empowering strategies to make followers internalize values

d.administers subsystems within an organization

3. Raffi is a good worker, but in a group setting, he often resorts to personal attacks on other workers who disagree with his point of view on a given issue. This is an example of a. functional conflict. b. cognitive conflict. c. destructive conflict. d. affective conflict. e. forcing conflict.

d.affective conflict.

19. The followers of leaders who are high in people orientation a. are higher in productivity. b. rank their employees higher on performance appraisals. c. show no difference in job satisfaction. d. are more motivated. e. show no difference in motivation.

d.are more motivated.

35. Within the five identified conflict management strategies, ignoring the issue is termed a. forcing. b. yielding. c. compromising. d. avoiding. e. problem solving.


74. Mike has observed that the shared values of his work group are good, but they do not seem to agree with those that would further the organization's effectiveness. In this case, culture is a barrier to a. diversity. b. mergers. c. acquisitions. d. change. e. promotion.


53. Mei is a leader who has a clear vision of what her unit needs to accomplish, she is willing to take personal risks to achieve that vision, and she is sensitive to the needs of those who follow her. She is thus known as a ________ leader. a. directive b. supportive c. participative d. charismatic e. achievement-oriented


44. ―Splitting the difference‖ would be used by which of the following conflict management strategies? a. avoiding b. problem solving c. yielding d. compromising e. forcing


29. Fred has been brought in to resolve the negotiation impasse between the union and management. He is very good at encouraging open communication, and is also very good at fact-finding and interpreting messages of the participants. Fred is known as a(n) a. facilitator. b. arbitrator. c. manager. d. conciliator. e. ombudsperson.


71. In third-party negotiations, a third party who provides an informal communication link between the negotiator and the opponent is known as a(n) a. mediator. b. arbitrator. c. consultant. d. conciliator. e. liaison.


9. A process that begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected, or is about to negatively affect, something that the first party cares about is called a. politics. b. consideration. c. power. d. conflict. e. negotiation.


4. Which of the following is most important in the definition of power? a. persuasion b. potential c. discretion d. dependency e. capacity


61. The first step in the negotiation process should be a. defining ground rules. b. clarification. c. justification. d. developing a strategy. e. bargaining.

d.developing a strategy.

65. Stephen's experience in labour-management relations is that one of the groups always seems to win at the expense of the other. This is known as a. integrative bargaining. b. groupthink. c. the bargaining zone. d. distributive bargaining e. collective bargaining.

d.distributive bargaining

56. The bargaining strategy that operates under zero-sum conditions is called a. win-win. b. unethical. c. integrative. d. distributive. e. win-lose.


16. The University of Michigan studies identified which characteristic with effective performance as a leader? a. consideration b. interpersonal relations c. nonverbal relations d. employee orientation e. leadership contingency

d.employee orientation

25. In which instance will there be no dependency? a. having something that somebody wants b. being uncertain of selling one's product c. possessing specialized knowledge d. empowering and sharing power e. having a resource with no viable substitute

d.empowering and sharing power

51. Gina has been given the authority to decide for herself how the tasks and procedures relating to a new project will be executed, but how the project fits into the organization's mission and objectives has been set for her. Thus, for this project, Gina has a. impact. b. pressure. c. dependency. d. empowerment. e. influence.


49. Path-goal theory proposes two types of contingencies; these are a. environmental and leadership. b. transformational and transactional. c. task and people. d. environmental and subordinate. e. situational and leadership.

d.environmental and subordinate.

78. SCENARIO 10-5 The Young Woman's Club of Williams has been operating for seventy-five years as an organization which supports women who stay at home. This group has always held classes in cooking, sewing, and child rearing. The group has always been comprised of upper middle-class women from the small town of Williams. As the area has grown, many people have moved to Williams and commute to Capital City, just fifteen miles away. The culture of the Young Woman's Club does not appear to be a. strong and influential. b. helpful in reducing ambiguity for current members. c. a liability to change. d. equipped to accommodate newcomers with a different social orientation. e. supporting traditional values.

d.equipped to accommodate newcomers with a different social orientation.

54. What is negotiation? a. win-lose situation b. best alternative to a situation c. resistance point d. exchange process e. creative conflict

d.exchange process

16. The statement ―That person has experience and knowledge that I can respect,‖ describes a person with what type of power? a. referent b. reward c. legitimate d. expert e. illegitimate


18. Your physician has advised you to take a series of medications. You comply because of his or her ________ power. a. coercive b. legitimate c. reward d. expert e. referent


10. Yanni has been with the organization for 25 years; even though he hasn't been promoted, he is held in high regard by co-workers who ask for his ideas when trying to solve problems. It is agreed amongst his coworkers that ―Yanni knows everything and everything around here!‖ Yanni possesses a. no power. b. referent power. c. information power. d. expert power. e. legitimate power.

d.expert power.

81. Leaders of teams often find the role is one of a. autocrat. b. follower. c. high power. d. facilitator. e. director.


45. To achieve compromise, one needs to a. avoid overt disagreement. b. value openness and trust. c. dominate the other conflicting party. d. give up something of value. e. give in to the conflicting party.

d.give up something of value.

16. The most important criterion in determining whether conflict is functional or dysfunctional is a. overall morale. b. turnover rates. c. absenteeism levels. d. group performance. e. individual performance.

d.group performance.

30. Power tactics explain a. how to influence others in an organization. b. how things motivate people to seek power. c. how to organize power functions. d. how to translate power bases into specific actions. e. how to use power for organizational benefit.

d.how to translate power bases into specific actions.

32. Most Americans expect conflict to be dealt with directly and openly; most Mexicans expect conflict to be dealt with a. immediately . b. through compromise. c. through authoritative command. d. in private. e. in public.

d.in private.

47. SCENARIO 9-1 Doors Unlimited is a manufacturer of doors, frames and related hardware and structures for the residential and construction industry. The North Shore plant is the oldest and largest of a series of plants that Doors Unlimited operates. In many cases, they manufacture subassemblies and parts for other plants that are unable to meet a specific customer order. Operations objectives are specifically defined for each of the two departments in this plant. However, production and marketing always seem to have some form of conflict related to issues ranging from manufacturing and design to satisfying customer orders. Communication appears to be a major problem. Frequently, the correct information and data is not provided and a state of confusion exists, creating situations where each department blames the other for problems encountered. The ―it's not our problem‖ attitude is healthy at the North Shore plant! Production always seems to be behind schedule or short of products needed for a shipment. Marketing somehow manages to increase order quantity and variety midway through a production run and is constantly adjusting the orders and shipping dates. These shortcuts and alterations clearly violate established procedure and policy regarding plant operation and how customers are to be served. Production, in turn, responds by altering their own schedules and attempting to force customers into receiving product ahead of schedule. As the problems intensified, each department ―dug in‖ to protect its turf. Eventually an agreement between the two departments was established in an attempt to resolve the problems and smooth out the operations. However, the outcome was that marketing placed even more orders that production was unable to meet. Marketing began to use pressure tactics to get production to ―toe the line.‖ The situation was causing customers to be inconvenienced. Conflict in terms of blame, delays and lack of communication was becoming standard practice. The atmosphere was negative and the departments were blaming each other. Charles Strong, director of operations and production at the North Shore plant, discussed with Norman, vice president of human resources for Doors Unlimited, some approaches to resolve at least some of the conflicts in order to put the plant back into effective operation. Charles noted in a recent discussion that the size and specialization of the plant and the composition of its departments have stimulated conflict. Which of the following is also a potential source of the conflict? a. where group or department members are older b. lower turnover that does not affect group performance c. specific direction/definition of responsibility for actions d. interdependence of groups e. structural conflict is not a possible issue.

d.interdependence of groups

71. Culture is a liability in all of the following except when a. shared values will not further the organization's effectiveness. b. hiring diverse employees. c. it creates a barrier to a merger. d. it increases the acceptable range of values and styles. e. it makes an acquisition decision difficult.

d.it increases the acceptable range of values and styles.

32. The ultimate source of an organization's culture is a. top management. b. the selection process. c. the country in which it operates. d. its founders. e. the business planning process.

d.its founders.

12. If leadership behavioural theories are correct, then a. leadership trait theories are incorrect. b. leaders are born with leadership behaviours. c. leader behaviour should be altered. d. leadership can be learned. e. attribution theory has no validity.

d.leadership can be learned.

22. SCENARIO 8-1 Your colleagues at work are constantly talking about the vice president in your area. He is feared throughout the organization as a ruthless man who is not to be ―messed with‖. It is necessary for you to bring him a report and you are very nervous about having to deal with him. You know that the vice president has the authority to accept or reject your report. This is part of his ________ power. a. reward b. coercive c. expert d. legitimate e. connection


41. When Ingmar appeals to your loyalty and friendship when asking you to edit his major paper for him, he is a. making an inspirational appeal. b. using consultation tactics. c. using legitimating tactics. d. making a personal appeal. e. using ingratiation tactics.

d.making a personal appeal.

5. A person who relies on control strategies to get things done by subordinates is called a a. leader. b. director. c. mentor. d. manager. e. peer.


12. It was clear to Quinn the his new company made a clear distinction between executives and employees; executives had large corner offices and quite a number of special perks, including an executive dining room. He is making an observation about the company's a. stories. b. artifacts. c. rituals. d. material symbols. e. language.

d.material symbols.

62. SCENARIO 10-4 You are new to an organization and do not really know what to expect about the socialization process. You are a recent MBA and have an undergraduate degree in computer science. Your new firm is a software development company with an emphasis on the health care industry. The stage in which you have become comfortable with the organization and are ready to question and change some of the organizational practices is termed a. education stage. b. prearrival stage. c. encounter stage. d. metamorphosis stage. e. dismantling stage.

d.metamorphosis stage.

50. The key socialization stage in changing employee attitudes and behaviour takes place during a. prearrival. b. anxiety. c. encounter. d. metamorphosis. e. reality check.


60. According to the socialization model, the stage when a new employee adjusts to his or her work group's values and norms is called a. commitment. b. encounter. c. prearrival. d. metamorphosis. e. consensus.


4. Which of the following is one of the seven characteristics that make up an organization's culture? a. department formalization b. institutionalization c. reward complexity d. outcome orientation e. beliefs and values

d.outcome orientation

27. Path-goal theory identifies which leader as necessary for situations where the employees must "buy-in" and internalize the decision in order to be motivated in the task? a. directive leader b. supportive leader c. task leader d. participative leader e. achievement-oriented leader

d.participative leader

67. SCENARIO 9-2 Labour and management at DJ Trucking cannot agree upon a contract for the truck drivers. Each side contends that they are bargaining fairly, but no agreement appears to be possible. Which of the following is a characteristic of distributive bargaining? a. I win; you win. b. long-term focus c. convergent or congruent interests d. parties' interests are opposed to each other e. sensitivity to each other's needs

d.parties' interests are opposed to each other

5. The key characteristic of organizational culture that addresses the degree to which management decisions consider the effect of outcomes on people within the organization is termed a. innovation. b. attention to detail. c. outcome orientation. d. people orientation. e. stability.

d.people orientation.

78. SCENARIO 8-3 Jerod is new to Xenon Corporation and wants to make a good impression on his coworkers and supervisor. He is on a three-month probationary status, and he knows that all of the office staff have a say in whether he is permanently hired. He agrees with the supervisor's opinion most of the time and is always doing nice things for him. Jerod makes sure that he associates with the ―right‖ people and is constantly complimenting others about their good work. Research on influence tactics would suggest Jerod should use ―softer‖ tactics first. Softer tactics rely on a. coercion b. impression management c. legitimate power d. personal power e. favours

d.personal power

47. The correct order for the stages of the socialization process is a. prearrival, metamorphosis, encounter. b. encounter, prearrival, metamorphosis. c. metamorphosis, encounter, prearrival. d. prearrival, encounter, metamorphosis. e. metamorphosis, prearrival, encounter.

d.prearrival, encounter, metamorphosis.

41. Which of the following conflict-handling methods is best described as win-win? a. avoiding b. accommodating c. compromising d. problem solving e. competing

d.problem solving

21. Candice is great at resolving conflict among her staff members. Her usual approach is to try to reach an agreement that completely satisfies the aspirations of both people who are involved in the conflict. This is an example of a. forcing. b. avoiding. c. compromising. d. problem solving. e. yielding.

d.problem solving.

34. Within the five identified conflict management strategies, trying to reach mutually satisfactory results is termed a. avoiding. b. forcing. c. yielding. d. problem solving. e. compromising.

d.problem solving.

81. SCENARIO 8-4 General Insurance Corporation (GIC) handles a wide variety of comprehensive and specifically oriented insurance coverage. GIC handles and brokers a variety of plans aimed at general business coverage, small business, consumer and personal property insurance. Peter Bond is a well-liked manager in one of the business divisions. He is a survivor and a visionary in a business known for its cutthroat competitiveness, questionable loyalty, and high employee mobility to other divisions or competitors. The forty brokers or account representatives who report to Peter deal with a variety of insurance agents and business customers. All have been with GIC for some time and seem to have developed loyalty to the company. All of them have established clients with a high degree of loyalty. Bond supports his brokers and readily provides training, fair rewards and equitable compensation for their accomplishments. He demands superior performance and is known to administer punishment from time to time when performance is not up to standard. Despite this characteristic, Peter is flexible and accommodating because he believes that personal and private lives do impact an individual's performance. Les Green joined GIC about a year after Peter did, in a position somewhat lower than Peter's. Peter has just learned that Les is being made a vice president of a newly created division, which will provide financial services in addition to specialized insurance coverage. Green is aggressive and very competitive in his position. It is evident that he is very much interested in moving up the corporate hierarchy. Sometimes, his performance was not that good and his division certainly has not been as successful as Peter's. Peter began to wonder why Les received the promotion. Did he know the right people? He was puzzled as to why Les was promoted when his actual performance was questionable. Peter was envious. Peter needs to be aware that various factors contribute to political behaviour at GIC. He needs to recognize that these influences were probably the cause of his not being promoted to the vice president position. Although Peter doesn't appear to be much interested in the politics at GIC, he should understand that certain behaviours build influence. Which of the following is not one of those factors? a. coalitions b. ingratiation c. legitimacy d. role ambiguity e. exchange

d.role ambiguity

82. Ellen always looks to create opportunities for herself, and she is always quick to share credit with others when something goes well. She is thus exhibiting a. self-motivation. b. self-control. c. self-respect. d. self-leadership. e. self-esteem.


42. The selection process helps candidates learn about the organization, and if they perceive an incompatibility between their values and those of the organization, they can a. wait until they are hired to change the organization. b. express their concerns at the time of the interview. c. enlighten the organization as to appropriate changes. d. self-select themselves out of the applicant pool. e. inform the organization about its incongruent value system.

d.self-select themselves out of the applicant pool.

52. Which of the following socialization processes is best matched with apprenticeships? a. collective b. informal c. divestiture d. serial e. random


59. SCENARIO 10-3 Jester Corporation has a training program for all new managers. They spend three weeks in a formal classroom setting with other new managers and are then assigned a mentor. Only MBA's are hired for management jobs, since this is believed to be the level of qualification necessary for job success. When a mentor is assigned, the socialization process is a. formal. b. collective. c. investiture. d. serial. e. individual.


83. The organizational culture at Ed's organization is in need of improvement, as no one seems able to agree on what values are most important. The first step in changing the organizational culture should be to a. create new rituals. b. fire individuals who are part of current subcultures. c. change the reward system. d. set the tone through management behaviour. e. create new material symbols and stories.

d.set the tone through management behaviour.

27. The frustrating aspect to Peter about his new organization was the degree to which it emphasized maintaining the status quo. Which of the following characteristics of organizational culture does this reflect? a. outcome orientation. b. aggressiveness. c. people orientation. d. stability. e. team orientation.


82. Which of the following would not facilitate a change in culture? a. young organization b. small organization c. dramatic crisis d. strong culture e. weak culture

d.strong culture

5. The production department at RLM Inc. is always in conflict with the sales department because the former accuses the latter of promising delivery dates to customers that are unrealistic. The source of conflict in this example is a. communication. b. personalities. c. tasks. d. structure. e. management.


57. Integrative bargaining involves a. limited resources. b. the short term. c. resistance to bargaining. d. the long term. e. winning at any cost.

d.the long term.

37. SCENARIO 11-2 Your supervisor has been studying leadership and has described so many theories to you that you are really confused. You ask her to explain the similarities of the many theories so that you can understand the relationship between them. Leadership theorists seem to agree that a. a leader's style is fixed. b. a leader's style is flexible c. traits are always important. d. there appear to be two dimensions of leadership—task and people. e. good leadership guarantees good results.

d.there appear to be two dimensions of leadership—task and people.

63. SCENARIO 11-4 For the past twenty years you have been working for a large corporation and have recently lost your job because the corporation reduced its workforce. You have just been hired by Acme Inc. Your new supervisor is a woman who has been at Acme for seven years. One of your colleagues has said, "Oh, she's typical of women leaders." You have never worked for a woman before. You should expect your supervisor to do all of the following except a. be more democratic than you are accustomed to. b. lead through inclusion. c. attempt to enhance your self-worth. d. use a directive style of control. e. encourage participation and share power.

d.use a directive style of control.

40. When your organizational behaviour professor employs flattery prior to making a request she/he is a. making a personal appeal. b. making an inspirational appeal. c. using consultation tactics. d. using ingratiation tactics. e. using legitimating tactics.

d.using ingratiation tactics.

23. It was obvious to Sharon when she arrived for her first day of work that the company knew what it stood for and what was important to it. The company mission clearly stated ―integrity was paramount in all relationships, including relationships with the environment and the community‖. The organization's culture is exhibited through its a. beliefs. b. assumptions. c. artifacts. d. values. e. stability.


Ry's organization is currently developing a common vision of how the organization will look and a common view of its unique qualities based on the articulation of its 'dreams'. This is known as the _________ step of appreciative inquiry.


Regis requested his staff members write down action plans and implementation strategies relating to their change efforts. This is known as the _______ step of appreciative inquiry.


It is well known that Ed's employees trust and believe in him. Ed's charisma and high energy give the unit a fun atmosphere and an outward focus. When Ed introduces change, his employees embrace it. This strategy for overcoming resistance to change is called:

developing positive relationships

In the early stages of his effort to change his department to make it more effective, Sammy notices that his staff responds to his suggestions for change by offering opposite or different views to each of Sammy's reasons. This is an example of individual resistance due to:

different assessments

Individual resistance to change can arise from many factors. Which of the following is NOT one of these factors.

discomfort with the status quo

Which step in appreciative inquiry sees employees explore the strengths of its organization?


Which of the following correctly identifies the four steps of appreciative inquiry?

discovery, dreaming, design, destiny

when you manager suggests manipulation as a method to reduce resistance to change he means:

distort the facts

Change can occur quickly in organization that have

double loop learning

The changes that Aisha has introduced to his department has gone easily because whenever the department encounters a problem, the department gathers and reviews objectives, policies and standard routines in order to learn. This process is known as:

double-loop learing

Modifying the companies objectives, policies and routines in response to errors is an example of:

double-loop learning.

Once Andy completed the discovery step of his appreciative inquiry initiative, he began to use the information to speculate as to possible futures for the organization. This is known as the _________ step of appreciative inquiry.


Which step in appreciative inquiry sees employees explore the common visions of the future of the organization?


Steve is unable to direct his employee's behavior away from the status quo in his effort to institute real and lasting change. Steve is attempting to manage:

driving forces

To direct behavior away from the status quo, one can increase the use of:

driving forces.

80. SCENARIO 8-4 General Insurance Corporation (GIC) handles a wide variety of comprehensive and specifically oriented insurance coverage. GIC handles and brokers a variety of plans aimed at general business coverage, small business, consumer and personal property insurance. Peter Bond is a well-liked manager in one of the business divisions. He is a survivor and a visionary in a business known for its cutthroat competitiveness, questionable loyalty, and high employee mobility to other divisions or competitors. The forty brokers or account representatives who report to Peter deal with a variety of insurance agents and business customers. All have been with GIC for some time and seem to have developed loyalty to the company. All of them have established clients with a high degree of loyalty. Bond supports his brokers and readily provides training, fair rewards and equitable compensation for their accomplishments. He demands superior performance and is known to administer punishment from time to time when performance is not up to standard. Despite this characteristic, Peter is flexible and accommodating because he believes that personal and private lives do impact an individual's performance. Les Green joined GIC about a year after Peter did, in a position somewhat lower than Peter's. Peter has just learned that Les is being made a vice president of a newly created division, which will provide financial services in addition to specialized insurance coverage. Green is aggressive and very competitive in his position. It is evident that he is very much interested in moving up the corporate hierarchy. Sometimes, his performance was not that good and his division certainly has not been as successful as Peter's. Peter began to wonder why Les received the promotion. Did he know the right people? He was puzzled as to why Les was promoted when his actual performance was questionable. Peter was envious. The reality of the situation is probably related to company politics. Peter was not overly concerned with politics; he pays careful attention to the running of his department and kept his people motivated to produce satisfactory results. In fact, Peter appeared to be quite oblivious to what led up to Les's promotion. Which of the following factors would assist Peter to improve his political effectiveness? a. Peter should make himself appear to be indispensable to GIC. b. Peter should develop powerful allies with potentially influential people. c. Peter needs to support his boss more frequently. d. Developing the right image to ―fit‖ into GIC might be beneficial. e. All of the actions listed here would help Peter create a more influential presence at GIC.

e.All of the actions listed here would help Peter create a more influential presence at GIC.

78. A theory that proposes effective group performance depends upon the proper match between the leader's style and the degree to which the situation gives control to the leader is called the a. Path-Goal Theory. b. Behavioural Model. c. Inspirational Leadership Model. d. Situational Leadership Theory. e. Fiedler Contingency Model

e.Fiedler Contingency Model

12. Whenever someone in the department has to write a report about how to market a new product, they typically have to get input from Jim. Because Jim deals with customers on a daily basis he knows what their concerns are and what they want from company services. What is Jim's dominant type of power? a. Coercive b. Reward c. Legitimate d. Referent e. Information


69. SCENARIO 11-5 A recent phenomenon facing organizations is that of downsizing. This has a tremendous impact on the organization's function and presents a major challenge for leadership. Many individuals charged with taking an organization to higher levels of profitability, or even just surviving, are aware that they must somehow continue to provide meaningful work and facilitate pride and satisfaction on the part of employees. These individuals must be willing to take risks and develop effective people orientation skills. Speed of innovation and the focus on people, talent and skills is paramount. The biggest challenge is to survive in a rapidly changing environment and somehow keep the best people from leaving. In some areas, the workforce is aging and requires replacement. Many "hands-on," detail-oriented managers appear to be successful. Performance orientation, the ability to make the right decisions quickly, and changing an organization's structure to respond effectively are also major challenges. The fundamental questions raised by many are--What type of leadership is needed? What leadership styles are best suited? How does a leader change and adapt? Although organizations require a combination of strong leadership and strong management, the process of leadership does have specific characteristics. Which of the following best describes the role of leadership? a. Leaders have no vision—managers do that. b. Leaders let managers deal with change. c. Leaders let individuals deal with their own personal hurdles by leaving them on their own. d. Leaders are micromanagers. e. Leaders innovate for the entire organization.

e.Leaders innovate for the entire organization.

68. SCENARIO 11-5 A recent phenomenon facing organizations is that of downsizing. This has a tremendous impact on the organization's function and presents a major challenge for leadership. Many individuals charged with taking an organization to higher levels of profitability, or even just surviving, are aware that they must somehow continue to provide meaningful work and facilitate pride and satisfaction on the part of employees. These individuals must be willing to take risks and develop effective people orientation skills. Speed of innovation and the focus on people, talent and skills is paramount. The biggest challenge is to survive in a rapidly changing environment and somehow keep the best people from leaving. In some areas, the workforce is aging and requires replacement. Many "hands-on," detail-oriented managers appear to be successful. Performance orientation, the ability to make the right decisions quickly, and changing an organization's structure to respond effectively are also major challenges. The fundamental questions raised by many are--What type of leadership is needed? What leadership styles are best suited? How does a leader change and adapt? The differences between management and leadership is still a topic of discussion and debate. Although we seem to understand the differences somewhat better, there still is significant disagreement. Which of the following best describes the role of managers? a. Managers tend to prefer solitary activity. b. Managers make decisions on their own. c. Managers let others establish strategies to assist in decision making. d. Management doesn't have to cope with complexity. e. Managers are status quo stabilizers.

e.Managers are status quo stabilizers.

9. Gino is a very popular boss and his staff will ―walk through walls‖ for him. What type of power does Gino possess? a. Reward b. Legitimate c. Expert d. Coercive e. Referent


75. Cora has a highly motivated staff that enjoys challenges. According to Path-Goal Theory, the best leadership style for her would be a. directive. b. supportive. c. charismatic. d. participative. e. achievement-oriented.


46. Mediation is a strategy that a. brings people together formally to talk about personalities. b. brings a panel of peers together to adjudicate and solve the problem. c. brings people together with a third party to solve the problem. d. brings an impartial third party to dictate the solution. e. brings an impartial third party to help negotiate a solution.

e.brings an impartial third party to help negotiate a solution.

36. Within the five identified conflict management strategies, balancing concerns to reach a solution is termed a. avoiding. b. forcing. c. yielding. d. problem solving. e. compromising.


63. Norma is notorious for doing favours for her co-workers so that they will ―owe‖ her favours later on when she really needs them. Norma is a. influencing people. b. using information. c. building coalitions. d. managing impressions. e. creating obligations.

e.creating obligations.

30. SCENARIO 11-1 You have discovered that the area managers in your organization seem to be very different in their managerial styles. In an effort to understand their styles, you decide to analyze their styles using Hersey and Blanchard's Situational Leadership. Jack is 66 years old, has been with the company since he was 24, and plans to retire at the end of the year. His employees are all experienced and productive employees in their jobs, and so he seems to "leave them alone" most of the time. Jack is generally not able to work well with Jill, who is a recent addition at the company, has an MBA and five years of industry experience at one of your main competitors. Jill's attitude is upbeat and she is always encouraging her employees that they need to work together because they have a "common stake" in the organization. Her employees are also experienced and productive employees and seem a bit frustrated with all the meetings and planning sessions Jill holds. Doug is a former military sergeant. Doug doesn't trust his employees to complete all of the job tasks at all times, and so he supervises them closely. He has told you before that his employees don't complete all of components of the job properly; when productivity has to be pushed, health and safety tasks get ignored and accident numbers go up; when there is no pressure to get a product run completed, often the quality control checks are dropped from the work routine, as the employees just don't seem to care. Doug sees it as his job to redirect the workers when they ignore or forget to complete these tasks correctly. Jack's style would be described in Situational Leadership as a. telling b. selling c. participating d. directing e. delegating


33. SCENARIO 11-1 You have discovered that the area managers in your organization seem to be very different in their managerial styles. In an effort to understand their styles, you decide to analyze their styles using Hersey and Blanchard's Situational Leadership. Jack is 66 years old, has been with the company since he was 24, and plans to retire at the end of the year. His employees are all experienced and productive employees in their jobs, and so he seems to "leave them alone" most of the time. Jack is generally not able to work well with Jill, who is a recent addition at the company, has an MBA and five years of industry experience at one of your main competitors. Jill's attitude is upbeat and she is always encouraging her employees that they need to work together because they have a "common stake" in the organization. Her employees are also experienced and productive employees and seem a bit frustrated with all the meetings and planning sessions Jill holds. Doug is a former military sergeant. Doug doesn't trust his employees to complete all of the job tasks at all times, and so he supervises them closely. He has told you before that his employees don't complete all of components of the job properly; when productivity has to be pushed, health and safety tasks get ignored and accident numbers go up; when there is no pressure to get a product run completed, often the quality control checks are dropped from the work routine, as the employees just don't seem to care. Doug sees it as his job to redirect the workers when they ignore or forget to complete these tasks correctly. The situational leadership style that Jill should use is a. telling b. selling c. participating d. directing e. delegating


34. SCENARIO 11-1 You have discovered that the area managers in your organization seem to be very different in their managerial styles. In an effort to understand their styles, you decide to analyze their styles using Hersey and Blanchard's Situational Leadership. Jack is 66 years old, has been with the company since he was 24, and plans to retire at the end of the year. His employees are all experienced and productive employees in their jobs, and so he seems to "leave them alone" most of the time. Jack is generally not able to work well with Jill, who is a recent addition at the company, has an MBA and five years of industry experience at one of your main competitors. Jill's attitude is upbeat and she is always encouraging her employees that they need to work together because they have a "common stake" in the organization. Her employees are also experienced and productive employees and seem a bit frustrated with all the meetings and planning sessions Jill holds. Doug is a former military sergeant. Doug doesn't trust his employees to complete all of the job tasks at all times, and so he supervises them closely. He has told you before that his employees don't complete all of components of the job properly; when productivity has to be pushed, health and safety tasks get ignored and accident numbers go up; when there is no pressure to get a product run completed, often the quality control checks are dropped from the work routine, as the employees just don't seem to care. Doug sees it as his job to redirect the workers when they ignore or forget to complete these tasks correctly. According to situational leadership, if Doug's employees accept all parts of the job and add health and safety routines and quality control checks to their jobs at all times, then Doug will be able to lead with belief that employees should interact as little as possible to achieve efficiency can be characterized, according to the managerial grid, as a. telling b. selling c. participating d. directing e. delegating


72. Which of the following would fall outside the general role of a mediator? a. suggest b. reason c. persuade d. facilitate e. dictate


40. According to the path-goal theory, an approach focused on providing specific guidance and establishing work schedules and rules is referred to as a. supportive. b. participative. c. institutional. d. charismatic. e. directive.


68. Which of the following is inconsistent with creating an ethical culture? a. ethical role models b. ethical expectations c. punish unethical behaviour d. ethical training e. ignore ethical behaviour

e.ignore ethical behaviour

84. Conflict meets the criteria of constructive conflict when it a. improves the quality of decisions. b. encourages interest and curiosity of members. c. increases tensions to stimulate creativity. d. increases tensions to stimulate creativity and improves the quality of decisions. e. improves the quality of decisions and encourages interest and curiosity of members.

e.improves the quality of decisions and encourages interest and curiosity of members.

82. SCENARIO 8-4 General Insurance Corporation (GIC) handles a wide variety of comprehensive and specifically oriented insurance coverage. GIC handles and brokers a variety of plans aimed at general business coverage, small business, consumer and personal property insurance. Peter Bond is a well-liked manager in one of the business divisions. He is a survivor and a visionary in a business known for its cutthroat competitiveness, questionable loyalty, and high employee mobility to other divisions or competitors. The forty brokers or account representatives who report to Peter deal with a variety of insurance agents and business customers. All have been with GIC for some time and seem to have developed loyalty to the company. All of them have established clients with a high degree of loyalty. Bond supports his brokers and readily provides training, fair rewards and equitable compensation for their accomplishments. He demands superior performance and is known to administer punishment from time to time when performance is not up to standard. Despite this characteristic, Peter is flexible and accommodating because he believes that personal and private lives do impact an individual's performance. Les Green joined GIC about a year after Peter did, in a position somewhat lower than Peter's. Peter has just learned that Les is being made a vice president of a newly created division, which will provide financial services in addition to specialized insurance coverage. Green is aggressive and very competitive in his position. It is evident that he is very much interested in moving up the corporate hierarchy. Sometimes, his performance was not that good and his division certainly has not been as successful as Peter's. Peter began to wonder why Les received the promotion. Did he know the right people? He was puzzled as to why Les was promoted when his actual performance was questionable. Peter was envious. Perhaps the problem is not entirely due to Peter's lack of political activity and interest. Despite his high position in the company, Peter was unaware that the Human Resources department was actively choosing an manager for the new department. Les knew, and had actively discussed his ideas for how the new department should run with HR and other senior managers. Compared to Les, Peter has low a. referent power. b. evaluation power. c. high-performance power. d. legitimate power. e. information power.

e.information power.

58. A leader would not be called transformational when he or she a. pays attention to the concerns and developmental needs of individual followers. b. changes followers' awareness of issues. c. is able to excite, arouse, and inspire followers to give forth more effort. d. is charismatic in nature. e. intervenes only if standards aren't met.

e.intervenes only if standards aren't met.

45. Which of the following is inconsistent with the process of socialization? a. learning that occurs before joining the organization b. gauging the personalities in your department c. learning skills required for the job d. learning role behaviour e. making new employees change their previously held personal value systems

e.making new employees change their previously held personal value systems

79. SCENARIO 8-3 Jerod is new to Xenon Corporation and wants to make a good impression on his coworkers and supervisor. He is on a three-month probationary status, and he knows that all of the office staff have a say in whether he is permanently hired. He agrees with the supervisor's opinion most of the time and is always doing nice things for him. Jerod makes sure that he associates with the ―right‖ people and is constantly complimenting others about their good work. Jerod was hired to a permanent position, and continues to be popular in the company. Jerod has a. persuasive personality. b. ingratiation. c. effective resources. d. political empowerment. e. political skill.

e.political skill.

40. Which of the following is not identified as a force that sustains organizational culture? a. training of employees and management b. actions of senior executives c. career development activities d. performance evaluation criteria e. stakeholder equity

e.stakeholder equity

42. When Akira, the team leader, says he has the authority and right to take extra supplies for his unit, he is a. making a personal appeal. b. making an inspirational appeal. c. using consultation tactics. d. using ingratiation tactics. e. using legitimacy tactics.

e.using legitimacy tactics.

81. SCENARIO 10-6 Security in electronic transactions in the banking, communications and data exchange industry is still a major problem despite new technological advances. Many transactions are subject to misuse, and the Internet has certainly suffered more than its fair share of abuse and eavesdropping. Jennifer Barr, CEO of cTech Group, is in the business of developing hardware and software aimed directly at improving computer security. The company is based in eastern Canada with a few branches in the U.S. Part of Barr's biggest problem is convincing people that their systems are secure. It is difficult to establish a confidence level within existing and potential customers that transmission of highly sensitive data can actually be very secure; customers like to have consistency of project managers and customer service personnel and this seems to be helpful in boosting customer confidence. The company manufactures hardware in the form of stand-alone devices and plug-in boards, depending upon the application and type of computers being used. Corresponding software is custom-designed for mainstream clients such as banks, financial institutions, the Internet and others who deal with data transmission and receiving. cTech is about eight years old and has achieved its reputation through hard work and dedicated effort. Jennifer's position is that the company should make substantial profits while maintaining a strong social presence in the business community. Openness, ethical business practices, empowerment, environmental concern and planned giving programs are hallmarks of the company. Despite this, the company is experiencing some stress in hiring and turnover. Some of the practices that are contributing to people leaving and new people not accepting jobs include: (1) The stringent work ethic expecting employees to routinely work a 12-hour day. (2) The achievement orientation of the organizations has become a ―survival of the fittest‖ attitude, and for new employees there is little opportunity for training and mentoring. (3) Personal and social life is not supported by work practices. (4) The need to balance family life with the work situation is not recognized. cTech's high turnover rate indicates the organizational culture is a. strong and therefore difficult to change b. formal and therefore difficult to change c. flexible and therefore easier to change d. assimilated and therefore deeply held by each individual who stays at cTech e. weak and therefore easier to change.

e.weak and therefore easier to change.

Yanni has notices that one of the main reasons why his staff is resisting the changes that he wants to implement is that they lack information of they believe other information that is inaccurate. The best approach that he can adopt to overcome this resistance it:

education and communication

You have brought ina local marketing expert to explain demographics and the changing nature of the area in which you live. This is overcoming resistance through the use of:

education and communication

because of resistance to change, your management team decides to create a blog in which the executive team will discuss, on a weekly basis, one change initiative the company is taking and why it is important. This tactic of change agents is called:

education and communication

John Kotter developed a(n) ______ step sequential process.


Which of the following is NOT a source of individual resistance to change?

fear of the unknown

You meet with the production department and discuss the need for change; it is apparent that some individuals want to change, but the group norm seems to be just do your job and go home. This type of organizational resistance to change is called:

group inertia

Which of the following is a source of organizational resistance to change?

group interia

How are internal change agents at a disadvantage when managing change activities?

have less objectivity

A characteristic of innovative organizations is

high interunit communication

How are outside consultants at a disadvantage when hired as change agents?

inadequate understanding of the organization's culture and history

To move from the status quo, you need to do all of the following EXCEPT:

increase restraining forces

After years of development, William's organization has introduced a new product that has capabilities that no other product on the market can approximate. This new product is an example of a specific change known as:


An example of individual resistance to change is:

lack of trust

The group is so far ahead of the rest of the organization in the change vision that you feel you have to rein them in and ask them to be more conservative in their ideas. This type of organizational resistance is called:

limited focus of change.

Which of the following resistances explain an employee who worries they do not have the skills and behaviors required of the new situation?

low tolerance for change

Scenario: Your supervisor has restructured the jobs within your division and some of your colleagues are not pleased. Don is concerned that he will not be able to perform the new tasks. Since his is paid by the amount her produces, his pay might be reduced. Tony is afraid that this job may be in jeopardy and he may be laid off. Doug feels he had no say in the change and has developed a negative attitude. The source of DON's resistance is:

low tolerance to change

Which of the following is NOT a component of the change process?

maintaining a state of equilibrium

Change agents are responsible for:

managing change activities

Distorting facts to overcome resistance to change is called:


Exchanging something of value for a lessening of resistance to change is best defined by which of the following tactics?

manipulation and co-optation

Harry has tried everything to get his staff to accept the changes that he wants to put in place. His last resort to overcome thier resistance is:

manipulation and co-optation

The re-engineering process requires reorganization around horizontal processes; the executive team knows this announcement will create resistance to change and stress in the organization. Because this change does not have to be announced for another few months, it is agreed the weekly blog will not report on this matter. This strategy for overcoming resistance to change is called:

manipulation and co-optation

Steve is unable to get his employees' to discuss and plan the move to new offices; the staff are looking forward to the move, but say they are too busy and Steve should 'look after it'. Steve's staff is NOT engaging in:


Which of the following is a benefit to hiring an outside consultant as a change agent?

objective perspective

George has recently been given a new set of performance targets that are very specific and quite different from what they were before. The target of change in this case is the organization's


Because the whole department seems to share this view, you are facing:

organizational resistance.

It is easiest for management to deal with resistance when it is:


If individuals resisting change are included in making change decisions and given true involvement, this attempt to gain their support is called:


You have decided to involve the sales personnel in planning for the change and in stocking appropriate new items. This method for overcoming resistance is referred to as:


Jamal's company seems to be more selective these days regarding who it hires; the organization is placing much more emphasis on training new hires, as this has been considered to be a real weakness of the organization in the past. The target of change in this case is the organization's


Balancing driving and restraining forces to stabilize a change intervention is termed:


You are counselling each employee individually and attempting to lessen his or her fears. This is an example of

removing restraining forces

Scenario: Your supervisor has restructured the jobs within your division and some of your colleagues are not pleased. Don is concerned that he will not be able to perform the new tasks. Since his is paid by the amount her produces, his pay might be reduced. Tony is afraid that this job may be in jeopardy and he may be laid off. Doug feels he had no say in the change and has developed a negative attitude. The source of TONY's resistance is:


You have heard that the department is going to reorganize. You are opposed to the reorganization because you fear you may lose your job. Your reason for resistance is:


Carrie is resistant to changes taking place in the organization. Her boss suspects that she is doing this because she thinks that she will lose her job is the changes take place. This is know as individual resistance based on:


Which of the following best describes feedback in the action research process?

sharing diagnosis and analysis with employees

whenever an error is detected in Mike\s department, the tendency is to correct it by referring to past routines or present policies. This is known as:

single loop learning

Altering authority relations in an organizational setting is:

structural change

Anna believes the biggest impediment to change in her organization is the built in mechanisms that produce stability. These mechanisms are known as:

structural inertia

The built-in mechanisms that an organization has to produce stability are referred to as:

structural inertia

Which of the following is NOT a way to overcome resistance to change?


Everyone in Denise's company has had their jobs redesigned to some degree as a result of a recent change initiative. The target of change in this case is the organizations


Everyone in Denise's company has had their jobs redesigned to some degree as a result of a recent, massive change initiative. The target of change in this case is the organization's


The creation of online music sharing illustrates what force for change?


Your employer improves the equipment at your facilities; he is targeting which of the following for change?


When the production department workers say no one else can run these machines and no one else know how to make the product like us, the type of organizational resistance is:

threat to expertise

at recent meeting you notice increased tension and behaviors that show a lack of cooperation between manager, but also directly to the outside consultant; this used to be a stable and supportive group. The organizational resistance to change is:

threat to power

One proposed change is to take training dollars away from the sales group for a year and give money to the engineering group to fund technology changes. Organizational resistance to this change would be called:

threat to resource allocation

When a group will lose half of their usual budget allocation as a result of change, they will resist change because of:

threat to resources.

Scenario: Mintz Motor Repair is moving its location 100 miles to a larger community. Mintz would like its mechanics to move with the company but realizes there will be some hardships associated with the move. Mintz has decided to use Lewin's three step model in order to facilitate the change. Mintz is offering a $2000 moving bonus for any employee who will go to the new location. In Lewin's terms you are attempting to:

unfreeze the status quo

Change efforts to overcome the pressures of both individual resistance and group conformity is called:


Tina has been put in charge of a major change effort in her department, and the biggest challenge she is facing is individual resistance and group conformity. Her change efforts should be focused on:



which of the following is uncharacteristic of a mechanistic structure?

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