Ocean System

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Nutrient availability and light availability are not particularly important limiting factors for primary productivity.


One cubic meter of cold air at sea level can hold more water vapor than one cub ic meter of warm air at sea level.


P-waves cannot travel in the outer core.


Phoenician and Greek sailors were skilled enough that they ventured beyond the sight of land for trade on a regular basis.


Phytoplankton are heterotrophs which depend on autotrophs for nutrition.


Primary production in hydrothermal vent communities is accomplished by photosynthesis.


Red light wavelengths penetrate deeper than any other color wavelength.


Restoring forces are the forces that return the water surface to flatness after a wave has formed. The restoring force for capillary waves is gravity.


The 9.3 magnitude earthquake off the coast of Sumatra in December of 2004 generated a tsunami that caused the most deaths in recorded history.


The Earth is an oblate spheroid. Its' polar radius is less than its' equatorial radius.


The Earth's early atmosphere contained high concentrations of water and carbon dioxide, with traces of methane and ammonia. It had no appreciable free oxygen.


The Meteorological Equator changes its position seasonally.


The Meteorological equator is different than the geographic equator.


The Northern Hemisphere contains considerably less ocean surface than the Southern Hemisphere. Landmasses have lower specific heat than the ocean. Therefore, atmospheric circulation between the two hemispheres is centered about the meteorological equator, not the geographic equator.


The aphotic pelagic oceanic (bathypelagic) zone supports a relatively low (compared to other parts of the ocean) population of life forms.


The dissolved solids in seawater are mainly sourced from terrestrial weathering and outgassing of the mantle.


The forces generating the tides (tractive foces) are inversely proportional to the cube of the distance between two bodies, with masses m1 and m2.


Seismic Sea Waves are a type of:


Plankton are sampled using:

Conical, fine mesh nets. Filtering seawater through porcelain filters. Centrifuges

Water of the oceans and water vapor in the atmosphere transfer great quantities of heat from the tropics to the poles. Atmospheric circulation accounts for ___ of the transfer. while ocean circulation accounts for ___.

(2/3, 1/3)

If Earth was a "black body" (no atmosphere, but entirely black in color) its' average temperature at the surface would be about __ degrees C.


What is the freezing point of water (in Celsius)?


How long ago was the start of the Pleistoscene?

1.8 million years ago

About ___ percent of the world ocean is moving under the influence of the global system of surface currents.


How many of Christopher Columbus's ships could have fit on the main deck of Zheng He's treasure ship?

10, Christopher Columbus's ships were smaller

A 1 kg tuna steak (5th level of the trophic pyramid) requires ___ kg of primary producers (e.g., phytoplankton), while a 1 kg beef steak (2nd level of the trophic pyramid) requires ___ kg of primary producers (e.g., grass).


How many centimeters are in a meter?


As waves approach the shore from the deep sea, a wave train composed of waves with a wavelength of 200 feet will just start to "feel" (interact with) the seafloor when the water depth is about:

100 feet

A shallow water wave is passing over the deep Pacific Ocean (water depth = 5 km). What is the minimum possible wavelength of this wave?

100 km

A 10 ton orca whale (5th level of the trophic pyramid) has consumed primary consumers that ate about ___ tons of primary producers.


A 10 ton baleen whale (3rd level of the trophic pyramid) has consumed primary consumers that ate about ___ tons of primary producers.


The depth to which the Ekman spiral moves the water is about:


To be called a hurricane or a typhoon, a tropical cyclone has to have winds speeds that are at least:

119 km/hr (74 miles/hr).

A deep water wave is passing over the deepest portion of Lake Michigan (water depth = 250 m). What is the maximum possible wavelength of this wave?

125 m

How long would it take the research vessels of the Earth to map the entire ocean with echo-sounding?

125 years.

How long ago did the Big Bang occur?

13.7 billion years ago

Earth's average temperature at the surface is about _____ degrees C.


How many degrees does Earth spin on its axis in an hour?


Tidal ranges in the eastern part of the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia on the Atlantic coast of Canada are some of the world's largest. They reach maximum spring tidal ranges of _____

15 meters

How many degrees of longitude equals one hour of time?


Calculation. Determine the wave speed when the wavelength of the wave is 200 meters and the period is 11 seconds. Use the equation for wave speed (or celerity).

18.2 meters/second

How old are the oldest sediments preserved in the Pacific Ocean basin?

180 million years

Models of future climates based on various scenarios of greenhouse gas emission predict a global temperature rise (compared to pre-industrial Earth) of about __ by 2100.

2 degrees C to 6 degrees C

If you have a zicron crystal with a ratio of 25% uranium(235) to 75% lead(207), how many half lives has the crystal existed?

2 half lives

On average, how much of the asthenosphere is molten?


How much of Earth's surface water is fresh water?


The density of average continental crust is?

2.7 g/cm cubed

The density of average ocean crust is:

2.9 g/cm cubed

The density of average ocean crust is?

2.9 g/cm cubed

Most maps are distorted because the distance between:

20 and 10 degrees of longitude are much greater than the distance between 50 and 60 degrees of longitude.

How old is the oldest lithosphere forming the sea floor on Earth?

200 million years

Please calculate the wave velocity C with the following equation for a deep-water wave. Both g and TT are constants. C=✓(gl/2rr) which simplifies to C=1.249✓L The following information may be useful: the wavelength is 300 meters, the wave period is 13.9 seconds.

21.6 m/sec

If the half life of uranium(235) to lead(207) is 700 million years, and a crystal has existed for 3 half lives, how old is the crystal?

2100 million years old

How much of Earth's surface is exposed land?


Plates on the surface if a sphere can move in _____ different directions relative to each other.


GEOSAT's measurements of the oceans surface are accurate to about _____?

3 centimeters

The density of average asthenosphere is?

3.2 g/cm cubed

The density of average lithospheric mantle is?

3.3 g/cm cubed

At the time of the vernal equinox, Ferrel Cells are found between _____ latitude.

30° and 60°.

Earth's average temperature at the surface is about __ degrees C higher than it would be if it was a a "black body" (no atmosphere, but entirely black in color).


Average seawater has a salinity of:


How many degrees are in a circle?


What is the average depth of the ocean?

3682 meters

The Earth's atmosphere is composed of mainly two conservative gasses. It also contains as much as __ water vapor.


What is the age of the Earth?

4.5 billion years

The dissolved nitrogen gas of average seawater is _____ in comparison with other dissolved gases.


What is the average temperature of the ocean?


How many amphidromic points are observed in the Pacific Ocean?


If a H20 molecule is hit by energy of the wavelength indicated by the arrow labeled D there is a _% chance that it will get excited.


Phytoplankton account for about ___ . or slightly less. of the world's primary production.


In general, human attempts to stabilize beach erosion have been quite successful.


Pure water (without any dissolved solids) has a pH of:


The approximate amount of plastic that settles to the sea floor - where it can smother, or be eaten by benthic organisms.


The deep zone lies below the pycnocline at depths below about 1,000 meters in the mid-latitudes (40°S to 40°N). This deep zone contains about __ % of all ocean water.


In theory, the net (average) direction of Ekman transport is _____ to the ____ of the wind direction in the Northern Hemisphere

90°, right

Which two climate belts are characterized by light, variable winds (so that they were a hazard to early (wind-powered) shipping)?

@ Doldrums and Horse Latitudes

The latent heat of fusion is the heat removed from a liquid during freezing (or added during thawing) that produces:

A change of state but not a change in temperature.

A climax community is defined as:

A community that is stable and long-established.

What prevented explorers like Christopher Columbus from finding precise longitude?

A durable and precise clock.

Red tides are dangerous (harmful algal blooms) when the phytoplankton that generate them release _____ .

A neurotoxin that kills fish and may cause people to get sick as well.

Manganese nodules are:

A potentially valuable form of hydrogenous sediment

Local newspapers in coastal communities print tidal charts. This is an example of:

A practical use of scientific inference.

Which of the following is the best definition of a wave-cut platform:

A smooth, nearly level sea floor just seaward of a sea cliff.

Vascular plants need all of the following except:

A way to create nitrous oxide (laughing) gas.

Which of the following best describes a berm?

An accumulation of sediment that marks the normal landward limit of sand deposition by wave action.

Nitrogen gas does not need to be fixed before most organisms can use it.


_______ is a large body of air with nearly uniform temperature, humidity, and therefore, density throughout. Air pausing over water or land will tend to take on the characteristics of the surface below.

An airmass

Terrigenous sediments are composed of mainly (select all that apply):

Clays. Silicate minerals

What is the average depth of the ocean?

About 4,000 meters

_____ are the flattest places on earth.

Abysmal plains

Many marine autotrophs use ____ to obtain energy from light that penetrates deeper into the photic zone than red light (used by chlorophyll).

Accessory pigments

An _____ releases a hydrogen ion into an aqueous solution.


The Western coast of North America is an:

Active margin

The tendency of water to stick to other materials is known as ______


Where did organized, applied marine science begin in the Western hemisphere?

Alexandria, Egypt

The "High Seas" are defined by the 1982 United Nation Draft Convention on Law of the Sea as:

All Ocean areas outside the exclusive economic zones EEZs.

Which of the following are important forces that control changes in eustatic sea level? [select all that are true]

All of the above

The law of Superposition states:

All things being equal, rocks on top are younger than rocks on the bottom.

A scientific hypothesis is defined as which of the following?

An explanation for scientific data that can be tested and has not been proven false

Temperature is:

An object's response to addition (or subtraction) of heat.

From the perspective of salinity, what is a steady state ocean?

An ocean in which the rate of ions added to seawater is balanced by the rate of removal of ions

A niche is defined as:

An organism's "occupation" within a habitat.

What scientific data can be used to determine if the average direction of the longshore drift is from north to south along the coast of New Jersey?

Analyze many years of satellite and areal photos to determine which side of groins have accumulated more sediment.

_____ is the most commonly harvested type of fish.


How did the moon form?

Another planet collided with Earth.

_________ is a scientific fact.

Anything that you can observe or measure that is verifiable by multiple people and/or observations.

Of the following marine habitats which is most devoid of life?

Aphotic pelagic (bathypelagic) zone

The North Atlantic Deepwater actually forms in the:

Arctic Ocean


Are composed of electrons, protons and neutrons. Are elements, which are substances composed of identical particles. Are characterized by the atomic number and atomic mass. React with other atoms to form molecules.

Polar molecules:

Are molecules in which one end of the molecule is more positively charged and the other end more negatively charged.

Polar molecules:

Are molecules in which one end of the molecule is somewhat positively charged and the other end is somewhat negatively charged.

The Northwest Passage is a(n):

Area north of Canada. Area that is now ice-free most of the time. Trade route that was actively searched for in the early European exploration of North America. Trade route that is now open due to climate change.

Fetch is the:

Area of water over which wind blows consistently.

Which is hotter, Lithosphere or Asthenosphere?


Tides caused by inertial and gravitational forces of the Sun and Moon are called:

Astronomical tides

Over the 20th century, the human population grew by 400%. Over that same period, there has been an average 4.5-fold increase in the economic activity of each person. The result has been: [Select all that apply].

At least a 4-fold increase in use of fisheries resources. At least a 8-fold increase in the use of natural resources, such as oil, coal and natural gas.

Calcareous and Siliceous oozes are _____ sediments.


Which type of sediment covers the greatest area of the ocean basin:


Almost all of oceanic lithosphere is recycled in subduction zones.


The Chicxulub Crater off Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula is evidence of an asteroid impact that created mass extinctions:

At the end of the Mesozoic Era

Where are the measurements of Chlorophyll the highest in the surface waters of the modern oceanic zones?

At upwelling zones

When we compare atmospheric carbon dioxide with temperature we only see a correlation of about 0.9. This is probably because:

Atmospheric carbon dioxide is not the only greenhouse gas in Earth's atmosphere and the climate system is complex.

Which of the following is not a type of estuary?


_____ is not one of the top five countries in annual harvesting of marine organisms (measured in tonnes).


What is the predicted final outcome for the Sun?

It will swell into a red giant and then turn into a white dwarf.

What mistakes convinced Columbus that he might be able to find a shortcut to the Orient by sailing west?

Basing his calculations on Ptolemy's mistaken estimate of the radius of the Earth.

Why is there no set 'scientific method'?

Because scientists are all individuals trying to answer questions in their own way.

In shallow water, the motion of water particles:

Becomes a back-and-forth motion near the bottom generating elliptical orbits.

How old are Earth's oldest known fossils of life? That is, those found and dated by scientists.

Between 3.4 and 3.6 billion years old

Sand size sediment range in size from:

Between 62.5 micrometers and 2 millimeters

Dinoflagellates are responsible for two specific marine phenomena:

Bioluminescence and Red Tides.

The level of synthetic organic chemicals in seawater is usually very low, but some organisms at higher levels in the food chain end up with substantial concentrations of these toxic substances in their flesh. This form of _____ is especially hazardous to top carnivores in a food chain.


The Galapagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador is the site of Charles Darwin's famous observations and study of ______ , which helped him develop a revolutionary theory of evolution.

Birds and reptiles

Some coral reef communities have experienced episodes of coral ______ (expelling of symbiotic zooxanthellae ). This action may be linked to global warming. Other coral reefs are damaged by being "harvested" for building materials or fished beyond recovery.


Intensities being equal, which color of light penetrates deepest into seawater?


Heat energy at Earth's surface is is transported by:

Both oceanic and atmospheric circulation.

Estuarine organisms need to tolerate _____ water, which is composed of _____

Brackish / mix of seawater and freshwater

Eastern Boundary currents are characterized by:

Broad, shallow, cold currents

Which of the following is not a western boundary current?

California Current

The center of Gyres are where:

Calm conditions prevail. Accumulations of human trash like plastic and styrofoam collect. Accumulations of floating seaweed like Sargassum collect. Primary productivity is relatively low.

Heat capacity is measured in what units?

Calories per unit mass per °C

Energy is the ____ .

Capacity to do work

Surface tension of the water tends to limit the size of:

Capillary Waves

Place the following waves in order of increasing wavelength (1 =shortest wavelength).

Capillary Waves. Wind-Waves. Seiche. Seismic Sea Waves (Tsunami). Tide

The first tiny waves to form when wind blows over the ocean surface are called:

Capillary waves

The shelter and high productivity of a kelp forest can help provide a near-ideal environment for animals. For example, sea urchins in a kelp bed can ingest _____ that leak from algae, they also gnaw on the stipes and hold fasts with their "teeth". Too many urchins can destroy a kelp forest by breaking the kelp from their holdfasts.


Which of the following elements is least likely to be a limiting factor in the production of living tissue?


Which of the following are important gases dissolved in seawater? (That is, they comprise 95% or more of all gases in seawater; [select all that apply]:

Carbon Dioxide CO2. Oxygen 02. Nitrogen N2

Place the following greenhouse gases in order from lowest (1) global warming potential (GWP) to highest (4) GWP. Also shown is the approximate current concentrations of each gas.

Carbon dioxide (CO2). Methane (CH4). Nitrous Oxide (N2O). Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)

Which chemical compounds are important buffers of seawater pH? [select all that apply):

Carbonate CO3-2. Carbonic Acid H2C03. Carbon dioxide CO2

Atmospheric circulation:

Carries two-thirds of Earth's heat energy from the equator to the poles.

What was not the goal of Admiral Zheng He's explorations?

Conquer people in distant places.

At 0° C, water:

Changes state to a solid, and also becomes less dense than liquid water.

What process maintains the average pH of seawater (7 .8 to 8.3) at a roughly constant level?:

Chemical buffering.

Bioluminescence is a process by which a compound called luciferin is activated by an enzyme called luciferase. What is the result of the activation?

Chemical energy is converted to light energy and the organism gives off a blue-green colored light.

For seabed communities in the aphotic zone, the primary producers must be capable of ____ in order to produce carbohydrates.


For seabed communities in the aphotic zone, the primary producers must be capable of _____ in order to produce carbohydrates.


Which of the following are processes that organisms use to convert inorganic substances to organic substances? [select all that apply]:

Chemosynthesis. Photosynthesis

_____ is example of a drowned river mouth estuary.

Chesapeake Bay

Who was responsible for most of the progress in science and math during the "dark ages" after the fall of Rome?

Chinese and Arabs

What is the pigment used in photosynthesis?


With remote sensing techniques. Oceanographers map the distribution of a specific compound in the ocean surface waters and use it as a proxy for primary productivity. Which compound are they mapping?


___ is the major pigment used in photosynthesis by cyanobacteria, protists and plants?


Satellite remote sensing data can measure surface productivity. What proxy is used in this analysis?


Which of these was not invented by the Chinese to facilitate their ocean voyages?


Geological oceanographers use ____ to obtain as much as 1 km length of relatively continuous samples of ocean sediments for study.

Clamshell samplers. Piston corers . Drill ships

The four major grain size classes are:

Clay, Silt, Sand, Gravel

Place the following sediment size classes in order of size from smallest particle (1) to largest particle ( 4 ):

Clay. Silt. Sand. Gravel

The White Cliffs of Dover are constructed mainly of _____ tests/( shells).


The name Cretaceous is derived from a Latin word for chalk. due to the massive deposits of chalk composed mainly of the tiny skeletons of this type of organism:


____ are single-celled autotrophs that cover themselves in calcium carbonate plates.


Winds blowing steadily from the north in Michigan result in _____ at the beach in Benton Harbor.

Cold water, due to Ekman transport.

The pH scale measures the:

Concentration of hydrogen (H+) in solution.

Traditionally, (e.g., on the Meteor), plankton were sampled using:

Conical, fine mesh nets

An active continental margin tends to have a very narrow continental shelf.


When the wave crests and troughs of multiple wave trains are passing through the same point on the ocean and they align, the wave heights of the resulting waves exceeds the size of each participating wave. This is called:

Constructive interference

What tectonic regime produces the tallest mountains?

Continent-continent convergence

Why does continent-continent convergence produced the highest mountains?

Continental crust can't subduct because its density is too low. The convergence thickens the crust enough to support high mountains.

The _____ is underlying by the thickest sediment deposits

Continental rise

What are some of the names of ocean features?

Continental shelves, continental rises, continental slopes, abyssal plains.

Oxygen levels are slightly elevated in ____ as a result of the water derived from the surface at high latitudes.

Cool deep water

You are performing a study to determine the impact of climate change on the rocky intertidal community. You decide to collect data by:

Counting the number of individuals of each species within a square meter of rock in the balanus (barnacle) zone once a month for 10 years.

A study of the impact of dredging manganese nodules on biologic communities might include collecting the following data:

Counting the number of organisms in the plume of sediment generated by dredging

Which of the following are important types of chemical bonds that hold atoms together, that is, they are the bonds that form molecules [select all that apply]?

Covalent bonds. Ionic bonds.

Which if these are layers within Earth?

Crust, lithosphere, asthenosphere, mantle.

Arrange the layers of the Earth in order of density.

Crust, mantle, core

Which of the following is a type of picoplankton?


Internal waves form between ocean layers that have differences in:


The pycnocline is the name for a zone in the upper part of the ocean in which _____ changes rapidly with a corresponding change in depth.


An active margin experiences many earthquakes.


Which two men independently developed the theory of evolution in the 1850s?

Darwin and Wallace

What is the general trend in the salinity of the surface zone as a function of latitude (from about 30°N to go• N (the north pole) or from 30° S towards 90° S (the south pole)?

Decreasing salinity towards the poles.

Seawater's density decreases with:

Decreasing salinity, decreasing pressure, and increasing temperature.

Place the following communities in order from those whose members need have only narrow tolerance limits (1) to those which must have the widest tolerance limits (4):

Deep benthic oceanic zone community. Coral reef community. Esturine community. Rocky littoral community

The _________ is the name for the layer composed of a relatively dense aggregate of fishes, squid, and other animals that migrate up and down in synchrony with daylight.

Deep scattering layer (DSL)

Old ocean plates float _____ than younger ocean plates.


In a rocky intertidal community, what factor causes faunal zonation to develop with zones running parallel to the shoreline?


What was the first echo sounder invented to do?

Detect icebergs.

Corals have a symbiotic relationship with a type of plankton that we described back in chapter 14. Which type of plankton is found as endosymbionts (lives within the tissue) of coral?


In the ocean _____ are most likely to produce bioluminescence.


At the Calcium Carbonate Compensation Depth, there is complete:

Dissolution of calcareous biogenous sediment like foraminifer or coccolithophorid tests

What are the types of plate boundaries?

Divergent, convergent, transform

A fjord is a:

Drowned U-shaped valley that had been carved into a U-shape by glaciers.

Eutrophication is the set of processes by which one species reproduces at exponential rates due to the increase in the supply of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous. What secondary impact do they have on the other species living in the area?

During the night, photosynthetic algae that make up the algal bloom use up much of the oxygen in the water column - this causes other organisms to suffocate.

The Earth's radius at the poles is shorter than its radius at the equator. This is consistent with the geological hypothesis that:

Earth is composed of internal layers that include layers that are liquid and layers that elastic-plastic.

The lntertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) is a location where:

Earth's tropical rain forests are located. Abundant rainfall occurs. Winds from the two Hadley cells converge.

What's planetary bodies in the Solar System do we think have liquid water today?

Earth, Europa, Ganymede, and Enceladus.

Water rushing out of a basin due to a fall in sea level as the tidal trough approaches is called:

Ebb Current

What was the most important motivation driving the European age of discovery?


____ are generated by loops in surface currents breaking off of the main current flow. This phenomenon is most associated with western boundary currents.


The method used to measure salinity and total dissolved solids by measuring how well a current of electrons moves through the solution is called _______ {Hint: it is measured with a salinometer).

Electrical conductivity

Ions are:

Electrically charged atoms or molecules.

An S-shaped population curve develops due to:

Environmental Resistance

In nature very few populations reproduce at their maximum possible rate because limiting factors in the environment slow the rate of population growth. The sum of the effects of these limiting factors in the environment is called:

Environmental resistance

Which librarian in the Library of Alexandria is responsible for the development of the longitude and latitude system?


Place the following zones in order from shallow (1) to deep (3):

Euphotic zone. Disphotic zone. Aphotic zone

It is easy to detect tsunami far from shore. Ships in the deep sea have been observing them and warning coastal cities for many 10s of years.


Kelp forests are the Earth's most uniform environment allowing this community to flourish.


Krill are not a particularly important zooplankton species in the Antarctic ecosystem.


What law allowed at the Library of Alexandria to amass a large collection of scrolls and books?

Every ship or caravan that passed through Alexandria had to turn over all books and scrolls for copying.

The following type of pollution is best described as having low toxicity, high quantity and low persistance:

Excess sediment

What does voyaging offer people?

Expansion of trade, increased availability of food, and mobility of residence.

Lines of longitude run parallel to the equator.


Lionfish are native species of the Caribbean Sea that have prospered in the tropical part of the Inda-Pacific region after being released from aquaria.


Manganese nodules are currently an economic resource and are actively mined.


Mankind's need for electrical power can be generated from Tidal motion. All we need to do is to construct turbines to capture the energy.


Methane Hydrates freeze when they are brought to the surface, forming a solid composed of methane-laced ice.


An autotroph makes its own food.


Which of the following is not a resource extracted from the ocean?

Extraterrestrial Resources

The two types of cyclonic storms? [select all that apply]:

Extratropical Cyclones. Tropical Cyclones

53% of the ocean's total biomass is concentrated in the upper 500 meters of the water column.


A heterotroph makes its own food.


All greenhouse gases respond to all the wavelengths of energy that Earth emits.


All mid-ocean ridges spread at the same rate.


Although we continue to produce increasing amounts of plastics each year, recycling efforts are catching up so that the amount that enters the environment as pollution is negligible.


Amphidromic points are characterized by extreme tidal ranges.


An acid is a substance that combines with hydrogen in solution.


An estuary is a body of water partially surrounded by land where fresh water from a river mixes with ocean water. Estuaries are classified into two distinct types depending on their origins, 1) drowned river mouths and 2) tectonically-formed estuaries.


Biodegradation refers to the damage done to organisms influenced by pollution.


Biodiversity is a measure of the number of individual organisms per unit area.


Biogenous sediments are the dominant sediment type in terms of volume of sediment in the ocean basins.


Carrying capacity is the total number of species in a habitat.


Celerity is a kind of vegetable.


Cold water flows to higher latitudes where heat is transferred to it, then it flows back to low latitudes and releases its heat before the cycle repeats.


Corals that form coral reefs have endosymbionts. These endosymbionts limit corals to the aphotic zone.


Crust is created at transform faults.


Deltas are classified based on the processes dominate and shape them: wave-dominated, river-dominated and storm-dominated.


Diatoms are one of the major generators of calcareous oozes.


Diurnal Tides exhibit two high tides and two low tides per day.


Earthquakes are more likely to occur along a fracture zone than on a transform fault.


Extratropical cyclones form at the boundary between the Hadley and Ferrel cells.


Fractures zones are plate boundaries.


Global warming describes the natural response of Earth's climate system to natural greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.


Greenhouse gases are gases that are excited by radiation that is coming from the sun.


Heat is a synonymous concept to temperature.


Holoplankton spend only part of their lives (usually their juvenile stages) as plankton. Meroplankton spend their whole life cycle in the plankton community.


Ice is denser than liquid water, that's why ice floats.


In a mutualist symbiotic relationship, only the symbiont benefits.


Sea islands are narrow, exposed sandbars that are parallel to, but separated from the land. Unlike sea islands, barrier islands contain a firm central core that was once part of the mainland when sea level was lower.


Seawater has an average pH of 4.


Sensors on the deep seafloor must observe subtle, long wavelength variations in pressure in order to distinguish tsunami from the chaos of wind waves that affect the ocean surface.


Sound waves are the same kind of waves as S-waves.


Storm Surges are a type of free wave.


The Amphidromic point is a location that experiences extreme tides.


The Deep Zone is characterized by increasing temperature as a function of depth.


The Deepwater Horizon accident occurred in 2010 and contaminated most of the North Sea.


The Earth's magnetic field has remained steady throughout time.


The Earth-Moon System's center of mass is at the Center of the Earth, and the Moon orbits this center of mass.


The Geographic Equator and the Meteorological Equator are the same thing.


The Gulf Stream is an example of transverse Current.


The Kingdom is the highest level in our modem application of Linnean hierarchical taxonomy.


The Lunar day is shorter than the solar day.


The Sun is the dominant factor in influencing the Earth's tides due to its distance from the Earth.


The atoms and basic molecules that compose life are fundamentally different from the molecules in non living things.


The big Bang theory has been proven true by thousands of astrophysical experiments.


The compensation depth occurs above the euphotic zone.


The entire volume of the ocean cycles through the mid-ocean ridge systems every 5 million years.


The greenhouse effect and global warming are the same thing.


The largest fetch on Earth is the Noth Pacific ocean in a storm.


The largest marine protected area in the U.S. is off the coast of Puerto Rico.


The littoral zone is a benthic zone that describes the sea bed from the continental slopes down to the greatest ocean depths.


The most highly evolved and the most common symbiotic relationship is mutualism.


The net motion of water in response to wind, down to about 1 kilometer (1,000 meters), after allowance for the summed effects of Ekman spiral, is known as Ekman transport (or Ekman flow).


The ocean depths measured using satellites (like GEOSAT) are an example of scientific data.


The oldest continental crust is only about 2:00 million years old.


The photic zone is the portion of the ocean in which light does not penetrate.


The poles are characterized by a surplus of heat.


The rate at which humans are adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere has begun to decline over the last 10 years.


The scientific method is used to find irrefutable, absolute truth in nature.


The theory of plate tectonics is just the hypothesis of plate tectonics which, despite looking at lots of scientific data, has not yet been proven incorrect.


The various hypotheses about what happened before the big Bang are subject to the scientific method.


Thermohaline currents are driven entirely by the wind.


Tsunami move at speeds up to 750 kilometers (470miles) per hour and are generally deep-water waves.


Turtle Excluder Devices are used to capture just marine turtles as a way to harvest enough turtles to make lots of turtle soup.


Wave steepness generally is a ratio of 1 :3 .


When scientists figured out how to date rocks using radioactive decay, geologists had to completely change the Geologic Time Scale.


When we correlated atmospheric carbon dioxide to temperature change the correlation coefficient was only about 0.9. This is good evidence that both the greenhouse effect and global warming are not real.


Zooplankton are a type of primary producer that feeds the animals in the oceanic zoo.


A supernova is the only natural way to create elements heavier than _______?

Fe (Iron)

Biotourism is an important nonextractive resource.


A pair of air circulation cells which exists between 30°N and 60°N latitude, and 30°S and 60°S are known as

Ferrel cells

Which one of the following marine pollutants actually encourages growth of autotrophs, ultimately choking the waterway and sapping it of available oxygen.


The smallest plankton are sampled using:

Filtering seawater through porcelain filters

Neap tides occur during which two phases of the Moon?

First Quarter and Third Quarter

Plants use sunlight as a source of energy to ____ carbon as they convert nonliving compounds into usable chemical forms of living tissue.


Which one the following describes an estuary that is characterized by a steep, glacially-eroded, Ushaped trough?


Water moving into an enclosed basin due to an increase in sea level as a tidal crest approaches is called a:

Flood Current

A Gyre is defined as:

Flow of surface currents around the periphery of an ocean basin.

A _____ is a group of organisms linked by complex feeding relationships in which the flow of energy can be followed from primary producers through consumers.

Food web

This principle states that the total amount of dissolved solids may change from location to location across the world ocean, however the ratio of major salts remains constant at all of these locations.

Forchhammer's Principle.

Tidal power is the only marine energy source that has been successfully exploited on a large scale. The first major tidal power station was opened in 1966 in _____


Why did Viking bands start exploring West for conquest and glory?

French, British, and Irish defenses became more effective.

Of the following reservoirs of water on Earth, the smallest is:

Freshwater lakes and rivers

Diatoms secrete a siliceous shell called a:


Spring tides occur during which two phases of the Moon?

Full Moon and New Moon

Of the following, which one can over time facilitate the creation of new species?

Geographic barriers.

In general the concentration of chlorophyll (measured by satellites} increases as you: [select all that are true]

Get closer to shorelines where runoff provides nutrients. Get closer to upwelling zones. where cold, nutrient rich water is brought to the ocean surface waters.

The Pacific Ocean basin is _____.

Getting smaller.

One of the unique organisms found at deep sea vents is:

Giant tube worms

Turbidites are:

Graded layers of terrigenous particles

What is the average composition of continental crust?


Which of the following are important forces that combined act to generate tides {In the Equilibrium Theory of the Tides) [Select all that apply)

Gravitational Forces. Inertia

Select the best definition of Geostrophic Gyres:

Gyres in balance with pressure gradients and the Coriolis effect. Gyres constrained by both patterns of driving winds and the configuration of the continents.

The impact of bottom trawling for benthic fish (e.g., orange roughy or shrimp) includes:

Habitat destruction. Resuspension of sediment. Extensive bycatch

There are six atmospheric circulation cells. Three on each side of the Equator. What are their names?

Hadley, Ferrel, Polar

Which U.S. President expanded the limits of the nation's control over marine territory from the traditional 5 kilometer limit to the area encompassing the coastal shelf?

Harry Truman

A fishery scientist is studying the maximum sustainable yield for Anchovies off the coast of Peru. In order to test his hypothesis on the impact of external forces on the maximum sustainable yield he needs to collect data. But he does not have a budget to go out and sample. What can he do?

He could use the tonnes of anchovy reported by the ship captains to the local fishery authorities.

Energy produced by the random vibration of atoms or molecules is called:


The amount of energy produced by the random vibration of atoms or molecules is called:


A measure of the heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram (0.035 ounce) of a substance by 1 •c (1.8°F) is ____.

Heat capacity

Based on the Miller-Urey Experiment, and its followups, what seems to be the critical requirements for life to have started on Earth?

Heat, time, lightning, and an oxygen-free atmosphere.

The following type of pollution is best described as having high toxicity, low quantity and high persistance:

Heavy metals

Coral reefs tend to develop in tropical settings with _____ wave and or current energy, which provides a constant supply of nutrients to the corals.


Why was Wegener's Hypothesis of Continental Drift rejected?

His mechanism was too wacky

If you were to use Linnean classification to classify yourself, what would be your scientific name?

Homo sapiens

Which of the following are climatic belts that are distributed latitudinally, i.e. we only find them at certain latitudes? [select all that apply]:

Horse latitudes. Trade winds. Polar easterlies. Doldrums

The most abundant type of detectable matter in the universe is?

Hydrogen (H)

A glass of pure water (liquid) contains the following bonds: [select all that apply]

Hydrogen. Covalent

Ammonia has a higher heat capacity than water. A glass of pure ammonia (liquid NH3) contains the following bonds: [select all that apply)

Hydrogen. Covalent.

Place the following substances in order of increasing density (1 is lowest, 4 is highest):

Ice (solid water). Pure water. Average seawater. Very cold, very salty seawater.

The only place on Earth where a mid-ocean ridge appears above the ocean surface is:


What was one of the most important questions that the HMS challenger expedition set out to answer?

If there was life below 549 meters.

The following type of pollution is best described as having low toxicity, high quantity and high persistance:

Invasive species

The highest surface seawater temperatures are found:

In tropical latitudes.

Match the scientific or technical advance on the left with the societal or economic result on the right. (Use each answer only once.)

In-depth study of a fishery, including productivity, mortality, age of maturity for males and females, habitat impacts. - Ability to determine maximum sustainable yield of a fishery. Increased size of trawling nets and shift to nylon nets. - Disturbance of seafloor marine communities. Real-time satellite chlorophyl images of the sea surface. - Enhanced fishing of near-surface nekton.

One hypothesis that we can consider as a result of human addition of CO2 to the atmosphere and its' impact on pH is:

Increased atmospheric CO2 lowers the pH of seawater. This is bad for coccolithophores which make their shells out of CaC03. Thus, it results in less marine photosynthesis and a reduction in life in the oceans.

The general trend in grain size of particles on a beach _____ with ______ slope angle.

Increases / increasing

The speed of sound in the ocean increases with _____ pressure and ____ _ temperature.

Increasing / increasing

Earth's surface temperature is about 288°K. As a result it emits radiation at the following wavelengths: [select all that apply]


The sun's surface temperature is about 6000°K. As a result it emits radiation at the following wavelengths: [select all that apply]

Infrared. Visible. Ultraviolet

When satellites are used to measure primary productivity of the surface oceans, the scientific data that they are gathering is:

Intensity of energy in the wavelength of green light

Human activities generated background sound in the oceans that may be heard over large distances. This is being studied by the:

International Quiet Ocean Experiment

Which one of the following types of molecular bond is characterized by electrostatic attraction that exists between ions having opposite charges?

Ionic bonds

The Equilibrium theory assumes that the Earth:

Is completely covered by a uniform layer of water.

Scientific data is defined as which of the following?

Is verifiable observation or measurement.

_____ are only associated with ocean-ocean convergence.

Island arcs

The Gulf Stream forms in the equatorial belt and is a narrow, deep, warm water surface current. What influence does it have on climate?

It causes Western Europe to be warmer than it would be without the current. It causes Western Europe to be wetter than it would be without the current during the winter.

Which of the following is not true of algin?

It is an important product in the mariculture industry.

Why does the older oceanic plate always subduct in ocean-ocean convergence?

It is more dense

Why does older ocean lithosphere (and crust) float lower (deeper) than younger ocean lithosphere (and crust)?

It is more dense.

When a scientific hypothesis is inconsistent with a scientific fact:

It is necessary to revise or reject the scientific hypothesis.

Seawater is more dense than pure water because:

It is only 96.5% water

Why is the Pacific Ocean basin getting smaller?

It is surrounded by subduction zones.

Life is said to have a originated in the ocean. What are some of the characteristics of water that suggested this?

It moderates temperatures, and it dissolves many chemicals.

During a Northern Hemisphere Winter, how is the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth oriented?

It tilts away from the Sun.

Where did all of the hydrogen in the universe come from?

It was made shortly after the big Bang.

If a species was brought into a new environment where there were no environmental limits on its reproduction, what would the curve of number of individuals as a function of time look like?


What are the two drilling ships operated exclusively, and currently by the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP)?

JODES Resolution, and Chikyu

Sea Otters and Sea Urchins are found in which community?

Kelp Forests

Spills of crude oil are generally larger in volume and more frequent than spills of refined oil. Most components of crude oil do not dissolve easily in water. In what way do spills of crude oil harm life in the ocean?

Killing larvae. Preventing free diffusion of gases. Decreasing the sunlight available for photosynthesis. Clogging adult organisms' feeding strategy

Which of the following scientific inferences were needed to generate the hypothesis that tropical cyclones are influenced by ENSO conditions? [select all that apply]:

Latent heat of condensation is one of the primary drivers of tropical cyclones. El Nino conditions include increased surface water temperatures in the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean. Tropical cyclones require surface waters of 26C or higher to maintain or grow in size and strength.

Place these materials in order from most dense to least at dense:

Lead, granite, water, air

Ice is _____________ than liquid water.

Less dense

In comparison to other gases, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is _____________ that of the CO2 concentration in seawater.

Less than

The glass in a greenhouse is transparent to ____ but opaque to (does not transmit) ___.

Light / heat

At the same time that scientists sample plankton. they also collect data on ____ to help them understand their samples.

Light intensity. Dissolved oxygen. PH

Who invented the form of taxonomy still in use today?


Arrange the layers of the Earth in order.

Lithosphere, asthenosphere, mesosphere, outer core, inner core.

Mangroves are usually found in what environment?

Littora. Tropical to subtropical Latitudes.

Which of the following is not a type of eustatic change?

Local changes like tectonic motions, isotostatic adjustments or local current and wave patterns (e.g., seiches, storm surges, wind waves, etc.).

The ____ of Argo floats at any moment in time is scientific data used to understand deep ocean currents.


Which of the following describes a conservative (not a non-conservative) constituent of seawater?

Long residence times

Tide-dominated deltas tend to exhibit the following features:

Long, linear islands oriented parallel to river flow.

We can see into the deep past (13 billion years ago) by:

Looking at stars and galaxys that are so far away that it takes billions of years for the light to reach Earth.

Older ocean crust floats _____ than younger ocean crust.

Lower (deeper)

Place the following substances in order of increasing acidity (least acid is #1 ):

Lye. Seawater. Purewater. Coffee. Stomach acid

Evidence that ocean crust forms at mid ocean ridges was obtained by using a technology generated to detect submarines and World War II, the:


___ is/are a type of vascular plant found in tropical to subtropical estuaries that binds sediment with its roots.


The asthenosphere is part of the following Earth layer?


Sea level has experienced natural changes in Earth's past.


NOAA and, earlier, the US Coastal Survey have been collecting tidal data in many locations along the coast. This data is scientific data because:

Many many data points over time have been combined to learn about the tides.

The concepts eventually utilized, in part, by the Law of the Sea were first described in a 1609 publication by Hugo Grotius called ______

Mare Liberum

The following are nonextractive resources except:


Mariculture is the growth and farming of _____ organisms for commercial purposes, such as food and pearls.


Who is the first person to identify the global pattern of currents and winds?

Matthew Maury

Wave height is the distance:

Measured vertically from crest to trough.

Seiches are generally found in confined basins.


____ spend only part of their lives (usually their juvenile stages) as plankton?


Which one of the following terms is used to describe weather-related alterations to predicted tidal cycles, such as those associated with storm surge caused by tropical cyclones?

Meteorological Tides

Which of the following is not a major gas dissolved in seawater (that is, it is less than 1 % of the gases dissolved in seawater)?

Methane CH4

At present, ____ is not being utilized as a natural resource even though it is more abundant than other extractive energy resources.

Methane hydrate

Sometimes cosmogenous sediments include translucent oblong particles of glass called:


The English word Galaxy comes from the Greek word 'galaktos', which means __________.


Some mariculture projects actually produce oysters that make jewelry-quality pearls.


In the oceanic pelagic realm there are both zooplankton and phytoplankton. In general the mass of zooplankton is ____ compared to the mass of phytoplankton and the numbers of zooplankton are ___ compared to phytoplankton.


Water particles in a deep-water wave:

Move in circular orbits.

In fresh water, a marine animal would respond osmotically to its new surroundings. The fresh water would ___ the marine animal through its cell membranes.

Move into

Diffusion is the process by which materials __________.

Move randomly through a solution.

During the last ice age, the continental shelf off of the Eastern US was:

Much narrower

The relationship between sea anemones and anemone fish is one of:


A tom bolo is a(n ):

Narrow strip of land or sand that connects a sea island to the mainland

____ occur when the Moon, the Earth, and the Sun form a right angle.

Neap tides

In continent-continent convergence, which plate subducts?

Neither plate subducts, they crash into each other

One of the most common and successful animal parasites in the modern oceans is/are:


Kelp are usually found in what environment

Neritic Temperate to Subpolar Latitudes.

Most oil platforms are located in the ___ zone.


Which of the following is/are form(s) of nitrogen that all plants can use? [select all that apply]

Nitrate (No3-). Nitrite (NO2-). Ammonium (NH4+)

Which of the following is an important goal of science?

None of the above

Let's consider the following scenario (which could happen in the future): Scientists & engineers discover an inexpensive technology which would allow them to extract metals from manganese nodules, making direct harvesting from the seafloor economically viable (that is, the harvester can make a lot of money). Select the statement below that you feel is most true:

None of the above are true.

Which publication is considered the foundation of oceanography?

None of these

Which of the following following regional names are not appropriate for tropical cyclones that occur there?

Nor'easter, Northern Atlantic Ocean.

Storm Surges are bulges of water associated with tropical cyclones. When it hits the east coast of the U.S. (e.g., South Carolina) the most damage occurrs:

North of the eye of the storm.

The marine pollutant that can best be described as highly toxic, highly persistent and very low quantity is:

Nuclear waste

Some planktonic organisms can swim weakly, but they can't make significant headway against the currents in which they drift.


The shapes of the gyres shown in the figure is controlled by:

Ocean basin configuration due to the distribution of land masses. Wind Circulation Patterns. The Coriolis Effect. Ekman Transport

The hydrologic cycle describes the transport of water through which three systems?

Oceans, Land, and Atmosphere

Which of the following are examples of physical marine resources [select all that apply]:

Oil and natural gas. Manganese nodules. Sand and gravel. Salts

Which of the following are important economic resources derived from marine sediments? [select all that apply]

Oil. Evaporites like Salt or Gypsum. Natural Gas

Evidence of global warming indicates about a 1 °C average temperature rise since 1800. The temperature rise is greatest:

On the continents and in high northern hemisphere latitudes

Ionic bonds are bonds in which:

One ion with a deficit of electrons is attracted to ions with excess electrons.

Pelagic deposits are deposited in deep marine settings. They are dominated by biogenous sediments. What kinds of sediments would you expect to find in deep marine settings?

Oozes and some hemipelagic clays

The largest source of oil pollution is:

Operational discharge from large ships

In which of these zones do environmental factors favor large numbers of organisms from a species?

Optimal range

Heterotrophs are _____?

Organisms that consume primary producers and other consumers.

Bycatch is defined as:

Organisms that were unintentionally killed while collecting desirable organisms.

Which of the following is not used as a type of desalination process?


Which of the following are sources of CO2 to the atmosphere? [select all that apply]:

Outgassing of crustal and mantle CO2. Aerobic respiration of animals. Anthropogenic sources (i.e. industrial burning of fossil fuels)

Which seismic wave travels fastest?


Which of the following our body waves?

P-waves, S-waves

___ is not a dangerous heavy metal being introduced to the ocean.


Which of the following are types of symbiotic relationships? {select all that apply}:

Parasitism. Mutualism. Commensalism

Sediment is defined as:

Particles of organic or inorganic matter that accumulate in a loose, unconsolidated manner.

_____ are the relics of ancient continental divergance.

Passive margins

The largest mass extinction in the Earth's geologic history occurred at the end of the ____ period.


If the Earth's orbital axis was oriented perpendicular to its spin axis (as is the case during the spring and autumn equinoxes), at the equator, light would hit the Earth's surface at what angle?

Perpendicular to the Surface (90 degrees)

The thin film of sun-lit water at the top of the ocean surface is called the _____.

Photic zone

Which one of the following is the source of the ocean's dissolved oxygen?

Photosynthetic activity of plants. Photosynthetic activity of phytoplankton. The diffusion of oxygen from the atmosphere.

Macro algae are: [select all that apply):

Photosynthetic. Classified based on their color. Nonvascular

Which of the following are types of marine resources? [select all that apply]:

Physical resources. Marine energy resources. Nonextractive resources. Biological resources

____ are responsible for 90-95% of the ocean's surface water primary productivity?


Which of the following are size classes of plankters? [select all that apply]:

Picoplankton. Mesoplankton. Femtoplankton.

Which of the following people developed the Dynamic Theory of Tides?

Pierre-Simon Laplace

Which of the following is not a type of reef defined by Charles Darwin in 1842?

Pinnacle reefs

Geological oceanographers use ____ _ to obtain as much as 1 km length of relatively continuous samples of ocean sediments for study.

Piston corers

Some pollutants come from both natural and human-related sources. But humans are always involved.


Biogenous sediments form through

Precipitation by organisms as part of their skeletons

Hydrogenous sediments form through:

Precipitation directly from seawater

Hydrogenous (or authigenic) sediments form through:

Precipitation of minerals from seawater

Sometimes the best solution to cleaning up a spill of crude oil is to do nothing.


In general, the amount of carbon 'fixed' in a unit area per unit time; specifically, the number of grams of elemental carbon bound into organic material per square meter per year is known as:

Primary productivity

What is the largest change to the chemistry of the ocean and atmosphere?

Production of oxygen from photosynthesis.

Plankton productivity as measured by amount of chlorophyll in the surface waters. Off of the coast of Peru during El Nilio years:

Productivity decreases due to strengthening of the thermocline.

When satellites are used to measure primary productivity of the surface oceans, the scientific data that they are gathering is:

Productivity in g/cm2tyear

Biological construction follows a specific pattern around a subsiding volcano (as observed around many islands in the Tropical Pacific Ocean), what is the observed pattern?

Progression from fringing reefs, to barrier reefs to atolls, as corals grow to maintain themselves near/at sea level.

Forchhammer's principle of constant proportions states that the _______ of dissolved salts (compared to each other) in ocean water is nearly constant, even though the _______ may change.

Proportion, amount

Multicellular algae are best described as ______ ?


Which of the following are parameters accurately describes water [select all that apply):

Pure water has one of the highest latent heat of vaporization of any known substance. Pure water boils at 100°C. Pure water freezes at 0°C. The temperature which water freezes decreases with increasing salinity.

____ is NOT a type of macro algae found in modern oceans.

Purpurophyta (purple algae)

The ______ is defined as the zone in which the density change per unit change in depth is largest.


Which of the following are layers of the oceans as defined for discussion of density stratification? [select all that apply]

Pycnocline. Surface zone. Deep zone

The thermocline is a zone of rapid temperature change that generally corresponds to the:

Pynocline and Halocline.

In reference to tides, the MLLW or Mean Lower Low Water serves as a(n):

Reference tidal datum (zero point)

As waves approach the shore they:

Refract and the wave crests become nearly parallel to the shore.

As incoming waves bend around a headland (a protrusion in the shoreline) they change direction. This is called wave:


The human population growth curve is a plot of scientific data if:

Reports of counts of births and deaths are compiled to generate these exact numbers.

In conventional hydrocarbon exploitation, oil collects in ______ , (zones of porous rock in the subsurface), which are overlain by ____ (zones of impermeable rock).

Reservoirs / Seals

Organisms liberate and utilize stored energy by disassembling carbohydrates in a process known as _______ .


Which of the following are the three types of marine deltas? [Select all that apply]

River-dominated. Wave-dominated. Tide-dominated

Which of the following is not a colligative property of a solution?


When determining primary productivity based on satellites (remote sensing) what scientific data is required? [select all that apply]:

Sampling of phytoplankton using plankton nets at many of the locations which the satellites focused on. Measurement of the intensity of wavelengths of light reaching the satellite.

Which of the following would be useful in testing the hypothesis that the compensation depth is deeper for diatoms than it is for coccolithophores? [select all that apply):

Sampling of plankton using plankton nets at a series of depths in the same location. Controlled laboratory experiments with either coccolithophores or diatoms in paired light/dark bottles at a series of depths with radioactive bicarbonate.

Over the 20th century, the human population grew by 400%. Over that same period, there has been an average 4.5-fold increase in the economic activity of each person. How is this possible? [Select all that apply].

Science allowed improved understanding of resources and how to harvest them. New political systems resulted in improvements for the 'common man', eliminating wars and famine. Improved technology allowed people to be more productive. New religious ideas swept across the world, resulting in global unity of purpose.

Our textbook shows a map of surface seawater pH change between the 1770's and the 1990's. This map is provided as a support for the ____ that human-induced atmospheric changes have caused a change in the pH of the oceans.

Scientific hypothesis

The human population growth curve is a plot based on scientific hypotheses if:

Scientific models of birth and death rates are based on estimates derived from reports of counts of births and deaths in various countries and regions.

Which of the following statements is most true about using satellites to measure waves:

Scientists use satellite data to measure the height of waves and combine lots of wave heights to gel a measure of the roughness of the sea.

The list represents the progression of landforms created through the erosion of a headland.

Sea Caves, Sea Arches, Sea Stacks

Which of the following are types of marine vascular plants? [select all that apply]:

Sea Grasses like Thalasia. Mangroves

Increased greenhouse gases and global warming could be expected to cause:

Sea-level rise

Sound increases in velocity as it enters water from the atmosphere, while light decreases in velocity as it passes into water.


The period of wind waves is usually expressed in units of?

Seconds or hours

These observations support the theory of plate tectonics: [select all that apply]

Sediments are generally thicker near the edges of the oceans than they are near the center of the oceans. In the deep Pacific ocean, sediments accumulating at the surface are generally red clay but drilling shows that just above the basement rock is a thick accumulation of carbonate ooze. Abyssal plains tend to be present adjacent to passive margins. At the shallowest portion of mid-ocean ridges, there tends to be very little calcium carbonate deposited. In the deep Atlantic ocean, sediments accumulating at the surface are generally turbidites but drilling shows that just above the basement rock is a thick accumulation of carbonate ooze. In the Paclfic Ocean turbidite deposition is generally limited to the trenches.

Extreme tides in some restricted basins can cause resonance of water movement in the basin. What is the type of wave called?


Which of the following are never deep-water waves? [Select all that apply]

Seismic Sea Waves. Tides. Seiche. Tsunami

The solid nature of the inner core was determined by seismologists in 1935, some 30 years after they found that the outer core was liquid. The delay was because:

Seismic receivers were more sensitive in 1935.

Cape Cod, Massachusetts experiences what types of tides?


The Gulf Stream is a(n):

Shallow ocean current that carries warm, less dense water.

Tides are a type of _____, as their wavelengths are half the circumference of the Earth, and so they never develop in oceans deep enough to exhibit circular orbits. They are also a type of _____, because they are always under the influence of the force that forms them.

Shallow-water waves / forced waves

Summer monsoons generate an astonishing amount of precipitation because these warm winds are very moist.


Which part of the oceans is really more like the continents?


___ is the influential book that Rachel Carson published in 1962.

Silent Spring

Diatoms are photosynthetic plankton, what mineral do they make their tests (shells) out of?


Terrigenous sediments are composed of:

Silicate minerals including clay that were derived from above sea level.

The frustules of diatom phytoplankton are composed mainly of _____ .

Silicon dioxide or silica

Which of the following are particle size classes (select all that apply):

Silt. Sand. Gravel. C1ay

Which of the following people developed the Equilibrium Theory of Tides?

Sir Isaac Newton

Some modern tools used to study water masses and ocean circulation include the:

Slocum glider

Which of the following are states of matter found on the Earth [select all that apply):

Solid. Liquid. Gas

The _____ , usually a liquid, is always the more abundant constituent; the _____, often a dissolved salt or gas, is the less abundant.

Solvent, solute

As astrophysicists develop new tools to look into space it is likely that:

Some of the details of the condensation theory will need to be revised, a better understanding of the condensation theory will result, and we will image many examples of the condensation theory in various stages.

Which of the following is not a type of electromagnetic radiation?


Choose the techniques that have been used to measure the oceans water depth.

Sounding weights and lines, satellite measurements of the ocean's surface, echo-sounders.

Mixed tides are characterized by:

Successive high or low tides through the day are of significantly different heights.

Which of the following can be types of deep-water waves? [select all that apply):

Standing Waves. Wind waves. Capillary waves. And one more

_____ do not move laterally through the water, but appear as alternating crests and troughs in a fixed position.

Standing waves

An example of a fjord in the continental U.S. is the

Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington

Which of the following are layers of the atmosphere? (select all that apply]

Stratosphere. Mesosphere. Troposphere

Cyanobacteria are thought to be responsible for a specific type of sedimentary structure called:


During a Norther Hemisphere Winter, what season are people who live in the Southern Hemisphere experiencing?


Capillary waves have wavelengths less than 1.73 centimeters. What is the dominant restoring force on capillary waves?

Surface Tension

Place the following water masses in order of increasing depth (from shallowest = 1, to deepest= 5).

Surface water, central water, intermediate water, deep water, bottom water.

San Francisco Bay is an example of a:

Tectonic Estuary

The Dynamic Theory of the Tides was developed because:

The Equilibrium Theory of the Tides is not consistent with the conditions that exist for the oceans on Earth.

Nerltic deposits are deposited near shore on the continental margin. What is the main type of sediment that you would expect to be deposited there?


What are the two most abundant and widespread types of marine sediments (select the two that apply)?

Terrigenous. Biogenous

Habitat is defined as _____.

The "address" or "location" that an organism lives at within a community.

Why is the Pacific sea floor bumpier than the Atlantic?

The Atlantic has a slower spreading rate, so the bumps get spread out.

Why is the mid-ocean ridge more obvious in the Atlantic than it is in the Pacific?

The Atlantic spreading rate is slower, so the ridge is narrower, making it easier to identify. the Pacific's spreading rate is faster, so the ridge is wider, making it harder to identify.

How was the moon formed?

The Earth collided with a planet the size of Mars.

An example of a scientific hypothesis in this lesson is:

The Earth is round (really spherical) in early Egypt.

What property (or properties) of the Earth allow(s) paleo magnetics to identify the age of the sea floor?

The Earth's magnetic field reverses every so often. Ocean crust contains small amounts of magnetic materials which lock in the Earth's magnetic field when they cool. Ocean crust is continuously being created at the apex mid-ocean ridges.

Which one of the following is a not an eastern boundary current?

The East Australian Current

Which mid-ocean ridge is spreading faster?

The East Pacific rise

What is the deepest point in the ocean?

The Marianas Trench

What probably caused the Scandinavian raiders known as Vikings to start traveling Europe to explore, conquer, pillage, and loot?

The Medieval Warm Period allowed for populations to explode to unsustainable levels.

The position and proximity of _______ is the biggest factor causing the tides.

The Moon

Why is the East Pacific rise spreading faster than any other mid-ocean ridge on Earth?

The Pacific is surrounded by subduction zones

Why is the divergent plate boundary in the Pacific spreading faster than the divergent plate boundary in the Atlantic?

The Pacific is surrounded by subduction zones

What is the most likely reason why the path of islands and seamounts suddenly changing between 43.8 and 43.1 (those numbers are actually millions of years)?

The Pacific plate changed direction

The greatest explorers of the ancient world were:

The Polynesians

Which of the following is based on scientific inference?

The age of the Earth is approximately 4.6 billion years.

An example of scientific data in this lesson is:

The angle of the Sun at noon in Alexandria on the longest day of the year.

What is the part of the Earth that the plates of plate tectonics float on?

The asthenosphere

What is the shallowest point in the ocean?

The beach

What is the definition of refraction?

The bending of waves as the velocity of the medium changes

Which of the following is a scientific hypothesis about the impact of plastics on marine organisms:

The benthic oceanic community is adversely impacted by plastics pollution.

____ is (approximately) in thermal equilibrium. [select all that apply]

The black body Earth in the astrophysicist's calculation of average Earth temperatures without greenhouse gases. Earth one million years ago, with greenhouse gases and no human impact on the atmosphere. Venus with 96.5% of it's atmosphere composed of carbon dioxide and a surface temperature of about 730°K (about S00°C).

_____________ was the longest continuous scientific oceanographic expedition.

The challenger expedition.

_________ is an example of a scientific fact.

The chemical composition of a diamond.

Oceanographers now measure water temperature by measuring the electrical conductivity of the a wire, immersed in the water. The conductivity of the wire as a function of temperature has been established in the laboratory through observations. When oceanographers collect temperature vs. depth data by lowering a thermistor on a wire:

The conductivities are the scientific data.

Why is the continental shelf below water today?

The continental crust is thinner there, so it floats lower (deeper). Sea-level is high because we are not in an ice age.

Where do hotspots originate?

The core-mantle boundary

What does the Miller-Urey experiment provide evidence for?

The creation of the building blocks of life on Earth.

What pieces of information did Eratosthenes use to calculate the size of the Earth?

The distance between Alexandria and Syene, the lack of shadow at noon on the longest day in Syene in a vertical well, and the shadow cast at noon on the longest day in Alexandria.

What invention revolutionized determining the oceans depths in the 1920s?

The echo sounder

When sediments are used to understand Earth history one type of scientific hypothesis that is used is:

The evolution of the foraminlfera present in the sample of carbonate ooze

Apogee is:

The farthest approach that the Moon makes to the Earth.

What plays the biggest role in deciding the ultimate fate of a star?

The initial mass of the star.

What event marks the transition from protostar to star?

The initiation of nuclear fusion.

Why can S-waves travel through the inner core, but not the outer core?

The inner core is a solid, and S-waves can travel in a solid. The outer core is a liquid, and S-waves cannot travel in a liquid.

The big industry that you would most expect to find lobbying the US Congress in favor of regulations on greenhouse gases is:

The insurance industry

Which of the following is a scientific inference?

The internal structure of the Earth.

Wave frequency is measured as:

The number of waves passing a fixed point per second.

Which of the following are scientific hypotheses (inferences) that support the theory of plate tectonics?

The location and depths of the subducted lithosphere as indicated by earthquake locations. The explanation for the age and locations of islands in the Emperor - Hawaii seamount chains in the Pacific Ocean. The structure of the Earth's interior, especially the lithosphere and asthenosphere. The presence of plant fossils of the same age on opposite sides of the Atlantic ocean.

A community is defined as:

The many populations of organisms that interact at a particular location.

Population density is defined as:

The number of individuals of a species per unit area (or volume).

A scientist wishes to test the hypothesis that tropical storms are influenced by human induced global change using data collected by the U.S. national oceanographic and atmospheric administration over the last 50 years. Which of the following are scientific data that the scientist might collect in order to test this hypothesis.

The number of named Atlantic hurricanes each year. I The number of days per year in which hurricanes were present with maximum sustained wind speeds of 210 kph (category 4 on the Saphir-Simpson scale). The number of days per year in which named North Atlantic hurricanes were present each year.

In ocean-continent convergence, which plate subducts?

The oceanic plate

Why was the continental shelf much narrower during the last ice age?

The oceans were lower because lots of water was frozen as ice on land.

In ocean-ocean convergence, which ocean plate subducts?

The older plate

It's there is an age difference across a fracture zone, how does that make the fracture zone so identifiable.

The older side is more dense, so it floats lower (deeper).

In ocean-ocean convergence, which oceanic plate subducts?

The one that is older.

A single-celled marine organism is placed in a solution with a salinity of 70%0, what will happen (Hint, what is the average salinity of the ocean?):

The organism will shrink.

On a sandy beach, the foreshore is characterized as:

The part of the beach between the berm and the low-tide mark.

What does a hypsometric curve represent?

The percentage of the planet above a certain elevation (or depth).

The two photos are of the Muir glacier in Alaska. Which statement below is most correct?

The photo on the left was taken in the late 1800s and the one on the right was taken in the early 2000's.

The poles are colder than the equator because:

The poles are hit at a steep angle by sunlight while at the equator sunlight is nearly perpendicular to the surface.

The tidal datum is defined as the:

The reference level to which tidal height is compared.

Two distinct water masses with ____ density, but ____ temperature and salinities will combine at a convergence to produce a new water mass of greater density. This mixing-and-sinking process is called caballing.

The same, different

When a scientific hypothesis is inconsistent with an established scientific fact:

The scientific hypothesis is rejected and/or revised

What prompted the development of the first echo sounder?

The sinking of the Titanic.

Absolute dating of rocks did not occur until scientists understood the nature of radioactive decay and were able to measure the concentrations of both the parent and the daughter materials in a mineral.


When sediments are used to understand earth history one type of scientific data that is used is:

The species of foraminifera present in a sample of carbonate ooze

Group velocity is:

The speed at which the wave train travels. Half the speed of the individual waves in a wave train

During El Nino years, the trade winds are diminished. Th is causes changes in atmospheric pressure distribution and causes changes in oceanic circulation. Off the northwest coast of South America what happens?

The thermocline moves down in the water column and upwelling is shut down.

Which of the following are parameters that describe seawater? [select all that apply]:

The total quantity of dissolved solids in seawater is called its salinity. It is a solution. It contains dissolved salts.

What makes the Pacific ring of fire so tectonically active (many earthquakes and volcanoes)?

The volcanoes that ring in the Pacific are associated with convergent plate boundaries.

Admiral Zheng He sailed with a fleet containing at least 317 ships and 27,500 men.


Why is a fracture zone so identifiable if it is not a plate boundary?

There is an age difference across the fracture zone.

The euphotic zone is the zone where:

There is enough sunlight for photosynthes is to occur.

Which one of the following is NOT true about Copepods?

They are a type of phytoplankton.

As we will learn in Chapter 7, oceanographers now measure salinity with a salinometer which measures the electrical conductivity of the water. Salinity is now defined by the ratio of this measurement to the conductivity of a standard sample with a known salinity at the same temperature. When oceanographers collect conductivity vs. depth data by lowering a salinometer on a wire:

They are collecting scientific data.

Why do oceanic plates subduct into the mantle?

They are more dense than the asthenosphere

Why do oceanic plates subduct?

They are more dense than the asthenosphere

How do satellites like GEOSAT measure the surface of the ocean with such accuracy?

They average thousands of measurements to remove the effects of waves and tides.

Why did The Vikings abandon their settlement in Iceland?

They didn't abandon Iceland.

How have a geologists generated a crustal age map of the entire ocean?

They have drilled and dated a few selected parts of the ocean crust. They have used the paleo-magnetic pattern of reversals recorded in the ocean crust.

All flat maps of Earth are distorted because it is impossible to accurately project a sphere onto a flat surface.


What did the polynesians use to determine if an island was near, but could not be seen?

This smell of the water, the change in the rhythmic set of waves against the hull, the types of marine life clustering near the boat, the temperature and salinity of the water, and the flight tracks of birds at dusk.

What is generally considered the most successful scientific expedition in history?

Thompson and Murray's Challenger Expedition

A ____ is a steep wave that moves rapidly upstream. It is generated by the action of the tide in a broad opening of a river mouth.

Tidal bore.

The Ganges-Brahmaputra system is an example of what kind of delta?

Tide-dominated delta

Place the following waves in order of decreasing wavelength. (1 =largest)

Tide. Seismic sea wave (tsunami). Seiche. Wind Wave. Capillary wave

Sandy beaches tend to be lower in diversity than rocky intertidal settings. What factor( s) might explain this?

Tides and the problem of exposure and desiccation. Abrasive sand particles. Wave energy that moves particles around

Volcanic arcs are found next to _____?


Place the following classes of tropical cyclone in order of maximum windspeed (from lowest (1) to highest (3)).

Tropical Depression, Tropical Storm, Tropical Cyclone (Hurricane or Typhoon)

Ooids form under these conditions:

Tropical shallow marine settings with warm, slightly basic seawater

Coral bleaching has been seen to occur when:

Tropical surface waters stay hotter than normal high temperatures

(9/5)*(°C) + 32 = °F is the formula one would use to convert Celsius temperatures to Fahrenheit.


A Sverdrup, symbolized by sv, is a measure of the volume of seawater flow in ocean currents.


A phytoplankter makes its own food.


A population is a group of organisms of the same species.


Chemosynthesis does not require light to synthesize carbohydrates, but instead releases the energy held by chemical bonds in various molecules of simple hydrogen-and sulfur-containing compounds in order to construct glucose from carbon dioxide.


Chondrites are a primitive type of asteroid that helps us understand the composition of the nebula that the Solar System formed from.


Cold seeps are characterized by bacterial mats (chemosynthsizers) coating the sea floor.


Common features of erosional coasts include sea cliffs, sea caves, and wave-cut platforms just offshore.


Cosmogenous sediments are derived from extraterrestrial sources


Deep sea sensors have been deployed to detect tsunami in the deep sea and warn coastal communities of impending disaster.


Diffraction occurs when waves pass between islands.


Each greenhouse gas responds to some of the energy within the spectrum that Earth emits.


Electrical Power can be generated from Tidal motion.


Eutrophication is a set of physical, chemical, and biological changes that take place when excessive nutrients are released into the water. The most visible manifestations of eutrophication are the red tides, yellow forms, and thick green slimes of vigorous plankton blooms.


Halite (salt} forms after 90% of the seawater is evaporated.


Hatteras island on the coast of North Carolina is an example of a barrier island.


Healthy coral reefs exhibit both construction and destruction.


Hipparchus developed our present grid system of longitude and latitude (although his zero latitude line was Alexandria, Egypt).


Iceland is above a hot spot.


In order to attain a fully developed sea for a specific wind velocity, there must be sufficient duration and fetch.


Increasing salinity causes a decrease in the freezing point of seawater.


Just considering the temperature of the Troposphere: In the absence of the greenhouse effect, life as we know it would not exist.


Lakes like Lake Michigan experience small tides.


Langmuir circulation affects only the shallow part of the surface waters up to a maximum depth of 20 meters.


Latitude can be found using a sextant and the North polar star.


Many marine organisms are heavily influenced by the tides.


Marine sediments are important archives of paleoclimatic data.


Mixed tides can be generated in the equilibrium theory of the tides, because the moon's orbit is at an angle relative to Earth's spin axis.


Most fisheries are currently being harvested at or beyond the maximum sustainable yield.


Neap tides are an example of destructive wave interference.


Nitrogen is often a limiting element in marine systems.


Ocean water circulates through the young crust of mid-ocean ridge systems.


Oil and Natural Gas are significant resources derived in part from marine sediments.


On average, of the energy that strikes and excites greenhouse gases about half of it is retransmitted back to Earth, heating up the planet.


On some coasts mangroves act as sediment trappers and binders.


On the Gulf of Mexico coast, the bycatch of shrimping is about 4 lbs. to every 1 lb. of shrimp caught.


One type of movement of coastal sediments driven by wave action is referred to as longshore drift.


Ooids are an ingredient of Portland Cement.


Organisms that ingest plastic may experience intestinal blockages and may eventually die.


Other than hydrogen and oxygen, the most abundant elements/compounds in seawater are chloride, sodium, sulfate, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and bicarbonate ions.


Photosynthetic organisms are much more abundant in the photic zone than elsewhere in the ocean.


Photosynthetic organisms are one of the generators of dissolved oxygen in seawater.


Pollution influences entire habitats, especially the most complex and biologically sensitive shallowwater habitats, such as bays and estuaries.


Renewable resources are naturally replaced by either biological or natural physical processes and are replenished at rates that are shorter than a person's life span.


S-waves can travel in the inner core.


Salinity is a measure of the total quantity of inorganic solids dissolved in the solution.


Scientists use mathematical models of Earth's climate system to predict the impact of greenhouse gases on our future climate. The models are tested by comparing modeled climate with observed climate over the last 100 years.


The increasing depths of earthquakes in subduction zones is not a scientific fact. Determining those depths requires the application of many scientific hypotheses.


The ions of sodium and chloride in NaCl are held together by an electrostatic attraction that exists between ions that have opposite charge.


The latent heat of vaporization of water is one of the highest of any known substance.


The lower atmosphere, the Troposphere is identified by the fact that temperature decreases upwards, resulting in a fairly turbulent layer.


The melting of some of the material descending with the subducting slab is the reason why volcanoes are present above subduction zones.


The oceans actually exhibit topography - for example, sea water piles up in western portions of the gyres in the Northern Hemisphere.


The oxygen in today's atmosphere has been provided by photosynthetic plants and plant like organisms, such as algae.


The reference level to which all tidal heights are ultimately compared is called the tidal datum. On coasts with mixed tides, the zero tide level is the average level of the lower of the two daily low tides (mean lower low water or MLLW}. On coasts with diurnal and semidiurnal tides, the zero tide level is the average level of all low tides (mean low water or MLW}.


The time that it takes for sound to go to the sea floor and returned to the ship (used to measure ocean depths using an echo-sounder) is an example of scientific data.


The total quantity (or concentration) of dissolved inorganic solids in water is its salinity. The ocean's salinity varies from about 3.3% to 3. 7%.


There are 3 ways plates can move relative to each other.


There are isopods (small arthropods) that essentially replace the tongues of fish as an example of a parasitic relationship.


Tides are always shallow-water waves even though their crests pass directly over the deepest parts of the ocean.


Tsunami are not particularly dangerous for ships that are traveling in the deep ocean (water depth of 3000+ meters).


Two masses of water can have different temperature and salinity values and still have the same density.


Wave shock is the force of crashing waves.


Wegener's hypothesis of Continental Drift was rejected because his mechanism was unrealistic and easily disproven.


When societies face a choice between increased economic growth and short-term gains over longterm preservation of the environment, usually short-term gains and economic growth prevails.


With the exclusion of Japan, Norway and a few other countries, most of the world has stopped harvesting large whales.


On the deep ocean floor sediments that accumulate are dependent on their sedimentation rates. Which of the following deep sea sediment has the highest sedimentation rate?


Place the following sediment size classes in order of their accumulation rates from the fastest rate (1) to the slowest rate (4):

Turbidites. Carbonate ooze. Silicate ooze. Clay

A slurry of sediment and water that travels down the continental slope is called a(n):

Turbidity current

Which of the following is not required for evolution?

Two offspring for each mating pair

Barrier islands are mainly composed of:

Unconsolidated Sand.

Current projections suggest that hydrocarbon (oil, natural gas, coal) demand will go _____ in the next 20 years.


Place the following communities in order from those whose members need have the widest tolerance limits (1) to those which have the narrowest tolerance limits (4):

Uppermost rocky littoral zone community. Mussel and gooseneck barnacle community of the rocky littoral zone. Anemone and sea star community of the rocky littoral zone. Lower tide pool community within the rocky littoral zone

The lesson suggests that passive margins would be more likely to be the sites of deltas than active margins. How might a scientist test this hypothesis?

Use satellite remote sensing images to identify and measure the size of all deltas. Use aerial images to verify the size of many deltas obtained from satellites. Identify all active and all passive margins based on plate tectonic criteria.

Mid-ocean and deep ocean currents are drive by thermohaline circulation rather than by wind friction. That is, this type of circulation is powered by:

Variations in water density

According to the principal of wave refraction, when light from the atmosphere enters a medium of greater density, like water, at an oblique angle its _____.

Velocity slows down and angle changes

Femtoplankton mostly consist of tiny {less than 0.2 micrometers in diameter) organisms like:


Tsunami are generated by:

Volcanic Eruptions. Asteroid impacts. Landslides. Earthquakes.

You are performing a study to determine the impact of climate change on the rocky intertidal community. The hypothesis that you are testing is:

Warming water and increased carbon dioxide concentrations favors the growth of alga over invertebrates in the balanus layer.

DOC is _______ ?

Waste organic carbon dissolved in seawater.

In the dynamic theory of the tides, which two forces/effects are considered that are not included in the equilibrium theory of the tides?

Water Depth and the Coriolis Effect

What were the major components of Earth's early atmosphere?

Water vapor and carbon dioxide

The atmospheric gases that absorb heat energy include:

Water vapor. Carbon dioxide. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

Waves travel in groups called:

Wave Trains

In the context of marine ecology, the powerful force of crashing waves is called:

Wave shock

Waves with longer wavelengths travel faster from the area of their formation than short wavelength waves, separating themselves into groups having similar wavelengths and speeds. These groups of free waves are called:

Wave trains

The Nile River Delta is an example of what kind of delta?

Wave-dominated delta

The distance measured from crest of one wave to the crest of the next wave is the:


The value of the acceleration due to gravity is g = 9.8 meters per second squared and the value of pi (TT) is 3.14159. Both g and pi are constants. Therefore, the following equation tells us that wave velocity C is a function of_ for deep water waves. C=✓(gU(2TT)

Wavelength (L)

When we compared atmospheric carbon dioxide in Hawaii with global temperature over the past several decades we found a correlation of about 0.9. If we do the same comparison in many many regions all around the globe and there is always a strong correlation then:

We will have supported the scientific theory of Global Warming.

Which of the following is not a temperature scale in use today?


Eddies are strongest in the vicinity of:

Western Boundary Currents.

Which of the following was discussed as a deep sea benthic community?

Whale-fall community

Which of the following is a factor that limits the formation of a fully developed sea?

Wind strength. Wind duration. Fetch

How close was Eratosthenes's estimate of the Earth's circumference to the modern measured value?

Within 8%

How can you test the hypothesis that deep sea benthos are detrimentally impacted by pollution?

You would have to collect data from portions of the deep sea where pollution would be quite high and compare it to a similar environment where you would expect human pollution to be quite low.

Which of the following is not one of the four major elements used by organisms?


The Outer Banks of North Carolina are an example of ____ .

a barrier island

The shape of Earth is best described as:

an oblate spheroid

The Moon's greatest distance from Earth is called ____ , and its closest approach is called ___.

apogee, perigee

The climate is particularly dry:

at the Polar Front

Humans have increased the amount of ____ gas in the atmosphere as a result of their demand for quick energy to fuel industrial growth.

carbon dioxide

The greenhouse gas that humans influence and responds to a wide range of the spectrum that Earth emits a great deal of is:

carbon dioxide

The greenhouse gas that responds to a very narrow range of the spectrum that Earth emits a great deal of is:

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

Global warming is the process by which humans have increased the carbon dioxide concentrations of the Troposphere sufficiently to generate increased Tropospheric warmth. We would not know of the human-generated, huge increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide if scientists had not:

collected data on atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases on remote islands and collected and analyzed data on atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases over the last 300,000 years in ice cores.

In addition to being affected by land masses, the motion of ocean surface currents mirrors the major atmospheric circulation. Therefore, the northern and southern equatorial currents of both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceanic gyres, along with the intervening equatorial counter-current:

converge north of the equator

A _______ is huge rotating masses of low-pressure air in which winds converge and ascend. A _____ is a much smaller funnel of fast-spinning air associated with severe thunderstorms.

cyclone, tornado

As waves approach the shore their wave heights:

decrease (they get shorter) and the water motion becomes vertical ovals instead of circles.

Global warming is the process by which humans have increased the carbon dioxide concentrations of the Troposphere sufficiently to generate increased Tropospheric warmth. The huge increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide would not have occured if scientists had not:

developed an understanding of how oil and gas are generated over time in deeply buried marine sediments.

Global warming is the process by which humans have increased the carbon dioxide concentrations of the Troposphere sufficiently to generate increased Tropospheric warmth. The resulting sea level rise would still be controversial if engineers had not:

developed satellites that measure the height of the ocean surface with great precision over a global scale

Global warming is the process by which humans have increased the carbon dioxide concentrations of the Troposphere sufficiently to generate increased Tropospheric warmth. The huge increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide would not have occured if engineers had not:

developed technologies used to map the subsurface, and technologies allowing us to tap oil and gas resources.

A disturbing force is a force that:

disturbs the surface of the water and generates waves.

A ____ coast is one where the dominant process is the removal of sediment. A ____ coast is one where the dominant process is the accumulation of sediment.

erosional, depositional

Which of the following are factors that cause damage to human infrastructure as a result of tropical cyclones? [select all that apply]:

flooding rain. tropical heat. wind. storm surge. tsunami

ExtratropicaI Cyclones form:

from two air masses.

Primary productivity is measured with what units?


The atmosphere is composed of:

gases, water vapor, and airborne particles

Recent innovations in hydrocarbon exploitation, allows industry to extract oil and gas from ______ using a method called ______

impermeable shales / hydrofracturing

Addition of carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere has resulted in _____ CO2 concentrations in the oceans and has _____ the pH of the oceans.

increased / lowered

The height of the tides _____ with distance from an amphidromic point.



is the tendency for a moving object to continue moving in a straight line.

A _______ is a pattern of wind circulation that changes significantly with the seasons. Areas subject to these seasonal winds (most pronounced in Asia and India) generally have wet summers and dry winters.


The lower atmosphere is a nearly homogeneous mixture of gasses, the most plentiful is ____ at 78.1% followed by _____ at 20.9 %.

nitrogen, oxygen

The plot above shows the relationship between the number of days that cyclones are present in the Northeast Pacific Ocean plotted against the ENSO index for that year. Does this prove that ENSO impacts the strength of tropical cyclones?

no because you can never prove anything absolutely true with the scientific method

A southeasterly wind blows towards the:


Global warming is decreasing the permanent sea ice in the Artie Ocean. This is good for _____ and bad for _____

oil exploration and transportation I polar wildlife

Evidence of global warming indicates about a 1 °C average temperature rise since 1800. The temperature rise is greatest:

on the continents and in high northern hemisphere latitudes

Moderately-sized wind waves in the open ocean have a maximum wave height to length ratio of approximately ______ just before they break.

one to seven

The Argo floats collect scientific data including ____ to help scientists understand deep ocean currents.

pressure. salinity. location. temperature

All of the surface currents occur in about 10% of the water in the world ocean. Most surface currents move water above the _______ , the zone of maximum density change per unit depth.


If a molecule is excited by energy of a specific wavelength, it next:

re-transmits that energy and returns to normal

Of the features found at erosional coasts, ______ are usually accessible only at low tides.

sea caves

The place where ocean meets land is called _____ and the term _____ refers to the larger zone affected by processes that occur at this boundary.

shore / coast

Martha's Vineyard near the peninsula of Cape Cod, Massachusetts is composed of primarily of

terminal moraine deposits

The Dynamic Theory of the Tides is based on:

the equilibrium theory of the tides, combined with friction and the Coriolis Effect

Considering the many disturbing forces that generate waves and wave interference, the best way for scientists to study waves is:

to study them in wave tanks where wave interference is minimal

The Coriolis Effect causes objects in the Northern Hemisphere to veer off course ___ , while in the Southern Hemisphere objects veer off course _____.

to the right, to the left

An airplane traveling due west from Washington D.C. to Los Angeles California is being deflected ___ by the Coriolis Effect.

towards the north

Which of the following does not contribute to eustatic (global) change in sea level?

trade wind and current intensity

The Kuroshio Current (a western boundary current) is _____ while the corresponding eastern boundary current (California Current) is _____.

warm and deep / cool and shallow

During an El Nino year, the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean waters are _____ than usual and as a result hurricanes tend to be _____ abundant than usual.

warmer / more

Shallow-water wave velocity is a function of

water depth

The state of the atmosphere at a specific time is referred to as the _____ ; whereas, the long-term average of the weather in a specific region is called _______

weather, climate

Which of these lists of wave types is arranged in order from smallest wavelength to longest wavelength?

wind waves, seiches, tsunami, tides.

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