Oceanography Ch. 1 - Combined

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The separation of the Earth into layers was the result of

differing densities of the rock and mineral materials

The separation of the Earth into layers was the result of the:

differing densities of the rock and mineral materials.

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is an example of a

divergent boundary

Hydrothermal Vents

divergent plate boundary


dominated Mediterranean Sea in Middle Ages. Traded with East Africa, India, and Southeast Asia. Learned to use Indian Ocean monsoon winds for travel.

Water flowing out of an enclosed basin due to tides is called a/an

ebb current

Which of the following pairs doesn't belong together?

emerging shorelines; drowned beaches

John Cabot

englishman who arrived in northeast North America in 1497

The euphotic zone iss confined to the

epipelagic zone


established temporary settlement in North America

An organism that tolerates a wide range of salinities is referred to as


Which one of the following INCREASES the salinity of seawater

evaporation of seawater


evolved later. Manufacture own food supply.

All of the following are parts of Earth's climate system except the


Christopher Columbus

financed by the Spanish to find new trade routes to Asia.


first European explorer of the Pacific Ocean


first determination of Earth's circumerence

which gas was not abundant in earths early atmosphere


Which ocean is the deepest on Earth?

pacific ocean

The seafloor magnetic pattern is best described as

parallel to and symettric about ocean ridges

Wentworth scale

particle size classification

Fossils of ancient polar plants are currently found near the equator because the

plants lived near the poles, but land masses have drifted to current locations

The most important limiting factor in rocky intertidal communities is


All of the following are baleen whales except

sperm whales

Radiometric age dating

spontaneous change/decay. Half-life.

The mass of a population of fish present at a given time is called its

standing stock

Ninety percent of people who die in hurricanes are killed by

storm surge

All of the following are hydrogenous sediments except


The asthenosphere is very hot and contains areas of partially molten rock


The deepest point in the ocean is deeper than Mount Everest is high


The deepest spot in the ocean is deeper than Mount Everest is high.


continental crust is less dense than oceanic crust


the origin of earths oceans and atmosphere are a result of density stratification


Underwater avalanches of muddy water mixed with rocks and debris are called

turbidity currents

Spring tide occurs about

twice per month

Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. A. Aleutian Islands B. Canary Islands C. Galapagos Islands D. Hawaiian Islands E. Iceland

A. Aleutian Islands

The percentage of biomass regulary decomposed within the euphotic zone is about


Of the following statements regarding continental and oceanic crust is TRUE?

Continental crust is thicker and less dense than oceanic crust

The oceanic crust

Continental crust is thicker and less dense than oceanic crust.



maganese nodules


metal sulfides




Atlantic Ocean

Half the size of the Pacific Ocean. Shallower than the Pacific Ocean. Separates Old World from New World.

which of the following terms describes a rapid change in salinity with depth?


The Physical property of the asthenosphere is best described as


the oldest time unit?


The early Earth that was much larger than the present day earth was called the


mapped world with Roman knowledge showing latitude and longitude


The Earth's crust solidified around 4.5 billion years ago


When the Earth cooled, the layers of the earth separated based on density differences


Each hydrogen atom shares its single electrons in the oxygen atom. Which type of bond is this?

covalent bond

Which of the following landforms shows the least amoun tof erosion along US coasts?

crystalline bedrock of New England

Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern.

deep focus earthquake

Passive continental margins are characterized by all of the following except

deep sea trenches

Mariana Trench

deepest ocean trench at 11,022 meters

Large deposits of sediment at the mouths of rivers are called


Earth is a layered sphere based on the property of



depth at which carbonate begins to dissolve

The process of purifying seawater by removing most of its dissolved substances is called



determined Earth's circumference fairly accurately

The GPS system is a tool used for

determining surface location


developed by complex autotrophs that allowed use of the sun for photosynthesis.

Important marine autotrophs that have silica incoporated into their cell walls are


If 10,000 kcal of energy were contained in the primary producers (trophic level 1), on average how many kcal of energy would you except to be transferred to second-order consumers (trophic level 3)

100 kcal

Great Oxidation Event

2.45 billion years ago. Increased oxygen and ozone eliminated the anaerobic food supply. Cyanobacteria adapted and thrived.

The Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) extends

200 nautical miles from the coast

The Oceans are believed to have been formed about

4 billion years ago

The oceans are believed to have formed about

4 billion years ago.

The most widely accepted age of Earth is

4.6 billion years old.

The area on a rocky shore inhabited by organisms adapted to withstand wave energy for the majority of the tidal cycle is indicated by the number


Approx. what percentage of the earth is covered by oceans


Approximately what percentage of the surface of Earth is covered by oceans?


Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. A. hydrothermal vents B. island arc C. mountains D. oceanic trench E. volcanoes

A. hydrothermal vents

Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. A. siliceous ooze B. quartz sand C. rock fragments D. clay E. volcanic ash

A. siliceous ooze

Which of the following is not an important control on oceanic sediment accumulation?

All of the above

This wetland coastal areas occurs

All of the conditions control the distribution of this type of coastal wetland

Reasons for the loss of coastal wetlands include all of the following except

All of these

Which of the following affect the ability of species to capture food

All of these affect the ability of pelagic organisms to capture food

All of the following are challenges to managing fisheries except

All of these are correct

Which of the following is designed to prevent or retard shoreline erosion?

All of these are used to try to prevent or retard shoreline erosion

A small size is advantageous for marine organisms becasue it

All of these statements are advantageous to marine organisms

4000-5000 BC

Archaeological evidence suggests island occupation by New Guinea people as early as this

The four principle oceans of the Earth are the

Atlantic, Arctic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans

The "Age of Discovery" began with

Christopher Columbus's discovery of the "New World"

Southern Ocean/ Antarctic Ocean

Circumnavigates Antarctica. Is really part of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans that lie south of 50 degree S latitude.

Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. A. Gondwanaland B. Panamerica C. Pangaea D. Panthalassia E. Tethys Sea

B. Panamerica



diatomaceous ooze


silaceous ooze




first European explorer to Pacific Ocean




During the age of discovery these events occurred

Captain James Cook explored the pacific, Magellan circumnavigated the earth, Columbus discovered the new world

composed of iron and nickel, liquid outer layer and solid inner layer


outermost portion of the Earth, basalt and granite


Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. A. turbidity currents B. graded bedding C. turbidite deposits D. abyssal plains E. deep-sea fans

D. abyssal plains

Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. A. Coccolithopores B. Diatoms C. Foraminiferans D. Oolites E. Radiolarians

D. oolites

Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern.


What determines the Order of earths layers


Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. A. halite and other salts B. manganese nodules C. metal sulfides D. phosphates E. tektites

E. Tektites

Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. A. divergent plate boundary B. oceanic-continental convergence C. oceanic-oceanic convergence D. transform plate boundary E. hot spot

E. hot spot

Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern. A. continental margin B. active margin C. convergent active margin D. transform active margin E. rift valley

E. rift valley

first determination of Earth's circumference



Explored North Atlantic Ocean in Middle Ages.

Density stratification has caused our earth to be homogenous throughout


Christopher Columbus established trade routes from Europe around Africa to India.


Early Polynesians only traveled within sight of land


Free oxygen was present in the Earth's primordial atmosphere


Heterotrophic organisms can make their own food from inorganic carbon sources


Production of the first free oxygen in the atmosphere caused organisms living at that time to flourish


Significant oceanographic knowledge was acquired during the Middle Ages


The mantle could not have produced enough water to fill the oceans


The salinity of the oceans has been steadily increasing


Vikings led by Thor Heyerdahl established temporary colonies in North America


The first known circumnavigation of Earth was by the vessel, Victoria, the voyage of which was led by whom?

Ferdinand Magellan

Who circumnavigated the earth in the victoria

Ferdinand Magellan

Milky Way



How many billion years old is Earth


How many records exist of Pacific human history before 16th century

Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern.


The deepest part of the ocean

Is called the Mariana Trench The bottom of the trench was visited by Piccard and Walsh in the Trieste in 1960 is located in a trench off the coast of Japan The depth of the trench exceeds the height of Mount Everest

Cruisers are thought to have relatively high body temperature because

It increases the power output of muscle tissue

Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern.


The chronometer developed by John Harrison was valuable because it made possible the determination of

Longitude at sea

led voyage that first circumnavigated the globe


rich in ferromagnesian minerals, between crust and core


gaseous and dusty space cloud


The cosmological model for the formation of the sun and the rest of our solar system is called the

Nebular Hypothesis

Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern.

Oceanic trench

An _____ occurs where two plates of the same composition converge, resulting in the older, denser, plate being subducted

Oceanic-oceanic convergence

Stanley Miller's Experiment

Organic materials formed by ultraviolet light, electrical spark (lightning), and a mixture of water, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, methane and ammonia

What is the deepest ocean on earth


In which ocean do most tsnuamis occur?

Pacific Ocean

The largest ocean in the world is the

Pacific Ocean

The free oxygen in our present atmosphere is thought to have been produced through the process of


Name the Seven Seas

Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Persian Gulf, Black Sea, Adriatic Sea, Caspian Sea, Indian Ocean

Arctic Ocean

Seven percent the size of the Pacific Ocean. Shallowest world ocean. Permanent layer of sea ice a few meters thick.

The Seven Seas

Smaller and shallower than oceans. Salt water. Usually enclosed by land. Directly connected to the ocean.

Indian Ocean

Smaller than the Atlantic Ocean. Similar in depth as the Atlantic Ocean. Primarily in the Southern Hemisphere.

Spanish Armada

Spain's maritime dominance ended when England defeated this

Ferdinand Magellan

Spaniard who circumnavigated the globe.

abyssal clay



The world's oceans cover this much percent of Earth

Which of the following is NOT true concerning density stratification?

This has caused our Earth to be homogeneous throughout.

Carbon dating is used to determine the absolute age of a rock or fossil.


Earth developed the first ocean by about 4 billion years ago.


In general, the chemical composition of ocean water has remained constant through geologic time


established temporary settlement in North America


The group of Europeans known as the

Vikings were the first Europeans known to have traveled to North America

Pacific Ocean

World's largest ocean. Accounts more than half of the Earth's ocean space. World's deepest ocean. Earth's largest geographic feature. Named in 1520 by Ferdinand Magellan.

The density of seawater increases with ____ in temperature and an _____ in salinity

a decrease; increase


a depth at which all carbonate is in solution

Sediments that are poorly sorted and made of a variety of minerals could have been deposited by

a glacier

One distinction between an "ocean" and a "sea" is that a sea:

a. Contains more shallow water. b. Is composed of salt water. c. Is smaller than an ocean. d. May be enclosed by either land or ocean currents.

Radioactive isotopes can sometimes be used to determine the

absolute age of the rock

The world's oceans play a role in reducing global warming by

absorbing surplus heat energy

The most likely place to find abudant manganese nodules is on the

abyssal plain far from a continent

Charles darwin suggested that the changes organisms display through time were the result of

adaptations to different environmental conditions

The nebular hypothesis suggest that:

all bodies in the solar system formed from an enormous gas cloud

Nebular hypothesis

all bodies in the solar system formed from nebula

Hazards associated with sea level rise include all of the following except:

all of the above

Sewage discharge and fertilizer runoff is deterimental to coral growth because it increases the

amount of inorganic nutrients in the water that stimulates excessive algal growth

The center of an open ocean tidal system is called a/an

amphidromic point

During photosynthesis or respiration

an exothermic reaction is a chemical reaction that releases heat energy.

On major problem associated with the Chesapeake Bay due to increased human pressure is

an increase in nutrients resulting in more frequent kills of bottom dwelling or benthic animals

Which of the following is a characteristic of oceanic-contintenal convergent plate boundaries?

andesitic volcanoes

When compared to their warmer counterparts, cold-water plankton oftne

are larger in size

Winter beachers:

are narrower than summer beaches due to high energy waves during the winter


associated with deep sea fans

ice rafting

associateed with glacial deposits

Lagoons that form behind barrier islands are examples of

bar built estuaries

Oceanic crust is primarily


Organisms with small bodies, extrmeley large mouths, and shapre teeth are likely to be found in the

bathypelagic zone

When diving, rapid ascent from great depth can cause the

bends,a painful illness that may cause death

Most marine species are found in the

benthic environment

science supports the explanation of the natural world that

best explains all available observations

Based on the scientific method, science supports the explanation of the natural world that

best explains all available observations.


both convergent plate & divergent plate boundary

The toxicity of marine pollutants is evaluated through bioassays by

calculating the concentration at which 50% of the test organisms die

Free oxygen in our atmosphere is important to the development and maintence of life on Earth because Oxygen

can form ozone and block some UV radiation

Earth's primordial atmosphere most likely included

carbon dioxide, water vapor, sulfur dioxide, and methane

Secondary sewage treatment is distinguished form primary sewage treatment by the

chlorination of the liquid effluent

Which of the following atmospheric constituents has the greatest ability to absorb heat on a per-mole basis?

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)


cloud of gases and space dust. Mainly hydrogen and helium

The most biologically devastating oil spills in the marine environment are usually a result of

collision and/or sinking of oil tankers

The depth at which the cellular respiration rate equals the photosynethic rate is reffered to as the

compensation depth

Juan Sebastian del Cano

completed the circumnavigation started by Ferdinand Magellan.

A _____ occurs where two plates of the same composition converge, resulting in neither plate being subducted

continental-continental convergence

Island Arc

convergent plate boundary

Oceanic Trench

convergent plate boundary


cool, rigid shell. Includes crust and mantle. About 100 km thick

Sediments with an extraterrestrial origin are called



first from Western Hemisphere to develop navigation arts.Navigated circa 2000 BC. Explored Mediterranean Sea, Red Seam and Indian Ocean. First circumnavigation of Africa. Reached British isles.

Which of the following contains calcium carbonate (CaC03)


All of the following are considered apart of the continental margin except the

fracture zone

The correct arrangement of astronomical bodies from oldest to youngest is:

galaxy, solar system, planet.

Organisms that breakdown organic molecules to release energy are called

heterotrophic organisms.

Density stratification

high density= heavy for its size


high-density, mainly iron and nickel

sonar, robotics, computers, satellites

high-tech tools used in oceanography today (4)

Organisms such as a mackeral sharks and tunas that can maintain a relatively constant body temperature are referred to as



humans require 02. Early Earth had little of this. Lack of ozone may have helped originate life.

The direction of motion along a seafloor transform fault is

in the same direction of plate movement

Of the following factors, all increase the amount of energy in waves except:

increasing water vapor content

Minamata disease is associated with

ingestion of methyl mercury-contaminated fish and shellfish

This marine mammal (sea otter)

is a small mammal with dense fur and lack an insulating blubber layer

Free oxygen in our atmosphere is important to the development and maintenance of life on Earth because 4 oxygen

is necessary for photosynthesis to occur

The vertical movement of crust to accommodate additional weight or removal or weight is called

isostatic adjustment

Pick the pair which does not fit the pattern


In relation to ocean circulation, a gyre is a

large circular moving loop of surface water


larger than Earth today. Homogenous composition. Bombarded by meteorites. Moon formed from collision with large asteroid.

Climate distribution on Earth is primarily controlled by



led voyage that first circumnavigated the globe

Productivity in polar oceans is

light limited

Sediments derived from preexisting rocks are called


The GPS system is a tool used for determining ocean


The loss of color (coral bleaching) in coral reef organisms can be a result of

loss of zooxanthellae

Eroded material is carried along coastlines from high wave-energy areas to

low wave energy areas


low- density, mainly silicate minerals

Hurricanes are assoicated with ____ atmospheric pressure and spin ______ in the Northern Hemispher

low; counerclockwise

An example of an organism that might be apart of the infauna is a/an

lug worm

The caudal fin of fast cruising fish such as a tuna



mainly iron and magnesium silicate minerals


mapped wordl with Roman knowledge showing latitude and longitude

All of the following are typically characteristic of depositonal shores except

marine terraces

Planktonic organisms that spend part of their life in planktonic form, and the rest of their life as either benthos or nekton are called


Domestic cattle production and rice agriculture release relatively large amounts of which gas into the atmosphere

methane CH4

The cosmological model for the formation of the sun and the rest of our solar system is the

nebular hypothesis

An increase in cloud cover and corresponding decrease in absorption of solar radiation is an example of a

negative-feedback loop

The seasonal temperature in deep oceans is usually


Sediments found on continental margins are called


What is the most abudant gas in the atmopshere?


Nor'easters affect which area of the US coastline during the fall and winter months

northern Atlantic coast


occurred during density stratification. Water vapor. Carbon dioxide. Hydrogen. Other gases

An ______ occurs where two plates converge, and the denser plate is subducted

oceanic-continental converenge

An area the experiences diurnal tides will have

one high and one low tide daily

Stanley Miller's 1952 experiment demonstrated that

organic molecules could be created from the materials contained in Earth's early atmosphere and ocean.

Stanley Millers 1952 experiment demonstrated

organic molecules could be created from the materials contained in earths early atmosphere and oceans

The early oceans and atmosphere are thought to have come from inside Earth and were formed by a process called


The early oceans and atmosphere are thought to have come from inside the earth from the process


The relative productivity in the worlds oceans from most produtive to least productive to least productive is

polar waters, temperate waters, tropical waters

The distribution of benthic biomass is related to

primary productivity

In general, the rate at which energy is stored by organisms through the formation of organic matter

primary productivty


produced fairly accurate world map around 150 BC.


produced inaccurate world map around 450 BC

A layer of rapid change of ocean denisty with depth is called a


the most accurate scientific estimation of earths age is based on

radiometric dating on rocks

The most accurate scientific estimation of the age of Earth is based on

radiometric methods of detemining the age of meteorites and moon rocks

Concerned individuals can reduce their personal contribution to greenhouse gas emissions by doing all of the following except

reducing the area covered by pavement or structures (houses, garages, pools, decks, etc) in urban and suburban areas


relatively hot, plastic. Flows with high viscosity. Base of lithosphere to about 700 km

Catches above the maximum sustainable yield

result in overfishing

The difference between centripetal forces and gravitational forces is called the

resultant force

Isostatic rebound

rising of crust formerly weighed down by glacier ice

Greek Pytheas

sailed northward using a simple method to determine latitude in 325 BC. Navigated using North Star.

Thor Heyerdahl

sailed on a balsa raft (KON TIKI) to demonstrate migration of South Americans to Pacific Ocean islands

Scientific method

scientists discover processes and make predictions

All of the following are alternatives to hard stabilization except


First autotrophs

similar to modern anaerobic bacteria

The two relatively flat areas on the hypsographic curve represent

some interior continental areas/coastal plains iand abyssal plains

Prince Henry the Navigator

sought trade routes around Africa.

Surface ocean currents are caused by ____, whereas deep currents are the result of ______

surface wind belts; density differences

A common body shape the streamlines an organism in the marine environment is a flattened body that

tapers at the back end

The Age of Discovery is the time period in ocean exploration history when

the Western European world realized the vastness of Earth's water-covered surface

What is wave refraction?

the bending of waves as they approach a coastline

In primary production

there is a net gain in organic carbon by organisms

The function of a swim bladder is

to allow a fish to change position in the water column

The principal goal of science

to explain the causes and effects of observable natural phenomena

All of the continents could fit into the space occupied by the Pacific Ocean.


All of the continents could fit into the space occupied by the pacific ocean


Continental crust is made of rock that is relatively light in color


Earth is layered based on density , with the highest density material located the deepest


Earths internal layers can be described by their composition or by their physical properties


Molten Material will rise if it is less dense than the surrounding material


Molten material will sink if it is more dense than the surrounding material


The asthenosphere is a plastic layer that extends from the base of the lithosphere toa depth of about 700 km


Captain James Cook

undertook three scientific voyages. Mapped many islands in the Pacific. Systematically measured ocean characteristics. Marine Chronograph (longitude)

Isostatic Adjustment

vertical movement of Earth's crust. Buoyancy of lithosphere on asthenosphere.


very earliest life. Require external food supply.

The Bay of Fundy is well known for which tidal characterstic

very high tidal range

The Gulf Stream is a ____ current that flows _____

warm; north

Bioluminescence is employed by deep-sea animals for all of the folowing reasons except

warning coloration

The atmospheric component that naturally contributes to the majority of greenhouse warming on Earth is


Based on the equations for determining the speed of shallow water-waves, which one of the following variables is necessary to determine the speed of shallow water waves?

water depth

The subdivisions of the geological timescale

were initially based on fossil evidence, extinctions and boundaries of sedimentary rock units

The subdivisions of the geologic time scale

were initially based on fossil evidence, extinctions, and boundaries of sedimentary rock units.

The age of discovery was the time period in ocean exploration history when

western europeans realized the vastness of the earths oceans


what concentrates material at center of cloud


what form from smaller concentrations of matter (eddies)?

A tidal current can produce a rapidly spinning body of water called a vortex or


The muscle tissue of a "lunger" is predominatly


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