OCN Chapters 1-3

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____ margins include shelf, slope, and rise that extends toward the deep ocean basins


____ ocean has simplest and most symmetrical pattern

passive margins

_____ are formed by sea floor spreading and rifting of continental landmasses


_____ ocean has least symmetrical pattern because many subduction zones around it

coral reef

a calcareous organic reef composed of solid coral and coral sand

convection cell

a circular moving loop of matter involved in convective movement (circular movement of rock material in the mantle)

magnetic field

a condition found in the region around a magnet or an electric current, characterized by existence of a detectable magnetic force at every point in the region and by the existence of magnetic poles


a conical volcanic feature on the ocean floor resembling a seamount except that is has had its top truncated to a relatively flat surface

active margins

a continental margin marked by a high degree of tectonic activity, such as those typical of pacific rim

passive margins

a continental margin that lacks a plate boundary and is marked by a low degree of tectonic activity, such as those typical in the Atlantic ocean -embedded into lithospheric plates and lack major tectonic activity

barrier reef

a coral reef separated from nearby landmass by open water

rift valley

a deep fracture or break extending along the crest of a mid ocean ridge


a device used for measuring the magnetic field of earth


a distinct geological fragment of crustal material broken off from one tectonic plate and accreted or sutured onto another plate

magnetic anomaly

a distortion of the regular pattern of earth's magnetic field resulting from the various magnetic properties of local concentrations of ferromagnetic minerals in earth's crust

spreading center

a divergent plate boundary

east pacific rise

a fast spreading divergent plate boundary extending from gulf of california to south pacific ocean

transform faults

a fault with side to side motion that offsets segments of a mid ocean ridge -give mid ocean ridge its zigzag appearance

continental shelf

a gently sloping depositional surface extending from the low water line to the depth of a marked increase in slope around the margin of a continent or island


a linear chain of islands and/or seamounts that are progressively older in one direction created by passage of lithospheric plate over a hotspot

mid ocean ridge

a linear volcanic mountain range that extends through all major oceans; source of new oceanic crustal material

mid ocean rigde

a linear, volcanic mountain range that extends through all major oceans


a measured depth of water beneath a ship


a method that uses sound to determine distance of objects in the ocean

wilson cycle

a model that uses plate tectonic processes to show the distinctive life cycle of ocean basins during their formation, growth, and destruction

oceanic rises

a portion of the global mid ocean ridge system that is characterized by fast spreading and gentle slopes

oceanic ridges

a portion of the global mid ocean ridge system that is characterized by slow spreading and steep slopes

seismic reflection profile

a profile view of the structure beneath the sea floor produced by energy generated from explosions or air guns

fringing reefs

a reef directly attached to a shore of an island or continent


a ring shaped coral reef growing upward from a submerged volcanic peak

mantle plume

a rising column of molten magma from earth's mantle

seismic movement magnitude

a scale used for measuring earthquake intensity based on energy released in creating very long seismic waves


a sharp high pitched sound emitted from echo sounder

mid atlantic ridge

a slow spreading divergent plate boundary running north south and bisecting the atlantic ocean


a unit of depth in the ocean; equal to 1.83 meters


amount of energy released by earthquakes on divergent plate boundaries is closely related to ____ rate


an ancient supercontinent of geological past that contained all of earth's continents

volcanic arc

an arc shaped row of active volcanoes directly above subduction zone

continental arc

an arc shaped row of active volcanoes produced by subduction that occurs along convergent active continental margins

island arc

an arc shaped row of volcanic islands

precision depth recorder

an early type of sonar device that uses high frequency sound beams to a depth of 1 meter -maps produced by this method confirm ideas of sea floor spreading and plate tectonics


an individual volcanic peak extending over 1000 meters above ocean floor

intraplate features

any feature that occurs within a tectonic plate and not along a plate boundary

transform boundary

are found where lithospheric plates slowly grind past one another

deep ocean basins

areas of ocean floor that have deep water, are far from land, and are underlain by basaltic crust

Vine and Matthews

combined unrelated pattern of magnetic sea floor stripes with process of sea floor spreading to explain magnetic stripes on the sea floor


deep areas (trenches) correspond to ____ gravitational attraction

echo sounder

device that transmits sound from a ship's hull to the ocean floor where it is reflected back to receivers -depth determined by travel time of sound signal

continental transform fault

fault that cuts across a continent


first multibeam echo sounder -emits multiple beams of sound that are reflected off the ocean floor


fluid magma coming from opening in earth's surface


fluid rock material from which igneous rock is derived through solidification

igneous rocks

form from solidification of molten or partly molten material (magma)

divergent boundary

found along ocean ridges where new lithosphere being added

convergent boundary

found where plates where moving together and one plate subducts against another

slab pull

generated by pull of weight of a plate as it sinks underneath an overlying plate and pulls rest of plate behind it

alfred wegener

german meteorologist and geophysicist was first to advance idea of mobile continents

plate tectonics

global dynamics having to do with movement of semirigid sections of Earth's crust

continental accretion

growth or increase in size of a continent by gradual external addition of crustal material


heat moves to surface with magma in ____ motion


intrinsic polar separation, alignment, or orientation, especially of a physical property


large, ancient ocean surrounding pangaea

subduction zone

long, narrow region beneath earth's surface in which subduction takes place

atlantic pacific

major outcome of plate tectonic events has been creation of ____ ocean continuing to grow and ___ ocean shrinks b/c of subduction

oceanic transform fault

most common types, occurs wholly on ocean floor


most large earthquakes occur along ocean _____ this reflects energy released during subduction


naturally magnetic iron mineral (nearly all igneous rocks contain this)


ocean floor being destroyed at ocean ________

san andreas fault

one of the best studied faults in the world; continental transform fault that cuts through california

continental margins

one of the main provicences of the ocean floor that is shallow and close to land

deep ocean basins

one of the main provinces of ocean floor that contains deeper areas further from land

mid ocean ridge

one of the main provinces of ocean floor that contains tall volcanic mountain range

mid ocean ridge

other earthquakes occur along _____ this reflects energy released during sea floor spreading


outer layer of Earth's structure (crust and upper mantle)


plastic layer in upper mantle that may allow lateral movement of lithospheric plates and isostatic adjustments

transform faulting

process by which a transform fault moves with side to side motion -produces shallow but often strong earthquakes in lithosphere

sea floor spreading

process that moves ocean floor away from ridge axes


regardless the type of ____ fault, always occur between two segments of a mid ocean ridge

sedimentary rock

rock resulting from consolidation of loose sediment

continental drift

sea floor spreading is the best evidence to support _____ ______

slab suction

subducting plate pulls mantle flow towards subduction zone


sudden releases of energy caused by fault movement or volcanic eruptions

continental drift

term applied to early theories supporting idea that continents move across earth's surface through time

magnetic dip

the degree to which a magnetic particle points into earth (directly related to latitude)


the measurement of ocean depth and charting of the shape of the ocean floor -involves measuring vertical distance from ocean surface down to the sea floor


the movement of two plates in opposite directions such as along a divergent boundary

mid ocean ridges

the ocean floor is youngest here and increase in age as they move away from here


the process by which one lithospheric plate descends beneath another as they converge

heat flow

the quantity of heat flow to earth's surface per unit of time


the relatively stationary surface expression of a persistent column of molten mantle material rising to the surface

fast slow

the slope of ___ spreading segments is less steep than slope of ____ spreading segments


the study of earth's ancient magnetic field


the study of historical changes of shapes and positions of the continents and oceans

continental margins

the submerged area next to a continent comprising the continental shelf, continental slope, and continental rise


to sink to a low or lower level


volcanic rock characteristic of ocean crust (comprises ocean crust)


when an oceanic plate and continental plate converge, denser _____ plate is subducted


when two continental plates converge _____ plate subducts b/c both too low in density instead create a tall mountain range


when two oceanic plates converge, the denser ____ plate is subducted

plate boundaries

where plates interact with each other

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